BEDROCK DEMOCRAT, P U B L IS H E D E V E R T* R A T E S OF A D V E R T IS IN G i vocìi WEDNESDAY, BY J. M. SHEPHERD. O ffic e in P i e r c e ’s H a ll. T erms or S ubscription : Que year..................................................... ?4 00 M onths,............................................... 2 50 VOL. BAKER CITY, BAKER COUNTY, OREGON, OCTOBER 22, 1873. 4. !N ew Drug Store. NO. 24. One square or less, one insertion,......... 53 00 Laoli aiMiBernal insertion,. . i . . . 1 00 Oue square three months, A ...................10 00 Business Advertisements by the m onth— Quarter colum n....................................... 510 00 Half co lu m n ,............................................. 15 00 One colu m n ,.................................. .20 00 Ten percent, additional on advertisements to which a special position is guaranteed. — C j^ T h e »¡race o f ot»o Inch, up and down the column, constitutes a square. N. B.—All debts duo this office are payable I in Coin, unless otherwise eapreaaly agreed. BEDROCK DEMOCRAT. California this year produces 1,000 LATE \ E W S. bales of cotton. C it v o r M exico , Oct.2. Two priests J. P A t w o o d ., M . D . It is estimated that tho Stockton of the church of St. Loretto have ex- B o IE i r M H i O X SecondL E d it io n . (Graduate o f the Medical Department ol Opposite Odd Fellows’ Hall, Main Street, aud \ isalia road—175 miles long — commuuicatcd all who recognize the the Willamette University,) For the benefit of subscribers in will cost 81,973,166; or an average Constitution and reforms instituted B A K E R C IT Y , OREGON , Would respectfully inform the public that certain localities, we issue a second PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, by the Government. The Jesuit» he has recently received a well se­ eJition of the D em ocrat on every of 811,223,75 per mile. A western j have been ordered to leave tho coun­ n23] barer c m , oregos . [tf lected and fresh Stock of 8 . M . P E T T E X e i h L A CO., 10 S ta te Monday morning, which contains all line surveyed makes the distance try at their first opportunity. Drops, Street, Bo-aon, 37 Park How, New Y ork , the news of importance received at eleven miles less, and the aggregate j Tho President issued a decree oa ana ml Chestnut, Street, fliU a delp h la, are Chemicals, this city up to Saturday noon. ou r Agent» lor procuring advertisem ent» the day following the publication of cost less by 8100,000. • Paints, Oils, tor the B kdil . ck D em ocrat , in tlieu u ove Perfumeries, c *J*cs, and are authorued to contract for On the 16th iust. the Emperor of j the reforms and additions to the Con­ E L E C T IO N R E T U R N S . stitution, proclaimed on the 25th ult., advertising at ou r lowest rules. naif Patent Medicines, Germany will visit the Emperor of ! commanding all functionaries and Soaps, Nesmith’s Majority 2,000! Austria at Vienua. Government employes to utlirui with­ JOB W O R K - Wines, out reservation the reforms, and to A railway from Bombay to Madras j Brandies, We are now prepared to do all kinds of Ohio Democratic! guard and cause to be guarded all in India, is just completed. JOB NS UKK on short notice aud at reasona­ Whiskies and additions, under penalty of a for­ ble rates. Cordials, Pennsylvania Republican! The report of a Carlist victory feiture of their positions in Congress, N. B.—All Job W ork MUST BE PAID For Medicinal purposes. Family Medi­ | over the Republicans at Cirauqui, is j and decreed the following: Church EOH Oh DELIVERY. cines carefully prepared. Prescrip­ Below will be found all the elec­ tions accurately compounded, I contradicted. The victory was the and State shall be separate. Con- M E N T I S T S, at all hours of the day or tion returns received at this office K t ;u (iio it i s o r i t t s . n3 night. Give us a call. tf | other way. The Carlists were defeat- I gress cannot inuke laws establishing Have permanently located in or prohibiting any religion. Matri­ up to twelve o’clock on Saturday: I ed with heavy loss. B A K E R C IT Y , O REG O N , E euoiocs .—The Lev. Mr. Newton, o f the mony is to be a civil contract. Re­ O re g o n . M. t . Church, South, will preacn at the lol­ And are prepared to operate in all branches DRUG STORE ! We make up the following from ligious institutions cannot possess loping times and places: 1st Sunday in each Two doors North of Western Hotel, Benton County, Nesmith, 200 maj. o f the « < property. A simple promise to speak mourn, at Eagle OreeK, at 11 a . m ., anil ftat- the Sacramento Union of October 450 Linn, BAKER CITY, OREGON. oroay night pievious; uignt at Oem City; DENTAL PROFESSION. the truth,complying with obligations «« 74 13th: Yamhill, partial, “ Monoay night toilewing, Main Powdei Hirer, All work Warranted. Office One Door be­ contracted, with penalties in caso of < 1 300 W . WISDOM TAKES PLEASURE IN Douglass, at Mr. Banders'; batuiuay uignt auu la bun , Rumor in Madrid says a conspira­ violation, is substituted for the reli­ i i low the CITY DRUG STORE.. informing the citizens o f Baker coun­ Wasco, day at WingMlie; Toeauay night following, 175 cy has been discovered to assassinate gious oath. Nobody is obliged to- Baker City, Oregon.-u7y < 1 ty mat he has a large, new aud fresh assort­ Umatilla, North Powoer, at ltiggs’ school house; \>eu- 300 ment o f— give his or her services without just nesdayat VVuUcreea; rnui wlay night, Union- President Castelar. 30 < l Columbia, partial, “ town; Friday night, low ascsool nuuce; Sat- « < Drugs and Medicines, Oils, Jackson, A fight took place at Cartliagena compensation. No contract is to be 250 . ). ), Uiuay night and 3d Buiiday, 11 a . M ., lius- permitted,»which aims at a sacrifice i i seli's school house: night, L* Oraude; lues- 250 Polk, on Saturday between the Republi­ of the liberty of man in matters of Paints, Wines, ESPECTFULLY INFORMS TH E CITI- i • day night alter, Hibeity school nouse; Wed­ 200 Lane, “ zeur o f Baker City aud vicinity that he And Liquors, cans and insurgents in that city. work, education and religious vows. nesday night, Purest C ote, D in e school will soon lie with them’ again prepared to do 150 <1 Baker, “ house; 'inuisday night, Em uaii* sciiooJ For medicinal Purposes. Groceries, Cigars Laws of this country do not recog­ Marshal Bazaine’s trial is progres­ 88 « i Union, house; Friday night, ludiau S alley ; Saturday all kinds of nize monastic orders, nor permit their Tobacco, 4 4 Dental Work, sing without any moro favorablo in­ night aud -Uu Buiiday ut 11 a . m ., L»ry eiceK 26 Washington, “ establishment by any denomination, Stationery, sciioolhouse; night, buuimerville; Aiomlay in the most substantial manner. dications of his acquittal. or under any pretense; and no con­ night tollowing, union town; Itieouay night, Toilet and Baker City, March 1 2 ,1873.n44tf. 2293 Total tract will be allowed to be made Rouher is to call the Imperial As­ Big creek. Fancy Articles; among persons consenting to their R eligious .—Rev, A. J. Joslyn will fill ap­ semblymen together to consider the YANKEE NOTIONS, AND Multnomah, Smith’s maj. 536 pointment* as follows, until lurlher notice: J . B . G A T i D N E J t , own proscription or banishment. terms of a compromise with the Mo­ 1st Sunday each month at Uuiou, a t 11 a . m ,, •* 32 And a general variety o f Goods o f that Clackamas, partial P a r i s , Oct. 12.— Count DeCham- •• ** The C ole, a t 3 1*. M. class. “ 9 Clatsop, “ narchists. Thiers will firmly adhere o 2d Sunday Summerville morning and eve'ug. bord was at Salzburg today. He r-H [¡^"Prescriptions prepared at all hours. to the republic, but he declines to visited the Grand Duke of Tuscany. 3d Sunday, Cove a t 11 a . m . ; union 3 p . m . City and country trade solicited. [n ltf ö 577 Total 4th Sunuuv, P o c a h o n t a s at 11 a . si .; James’ enter into any cabal with Gambetta He received a deputation from France Scuool House at 3 1*. i t , and Baker City W The above gives Nesmith 1716 ma­ What reply he gave to the deputa­ or the extreme left. at 8 p. si. u jority, with a report of a small ma­ Mondry evening following, Rye Valley; Tues­ tion is not known, but be will proba­ Next Door to the Restaurant, The Republicans have carried threo 0 day and Wednesday evening, mormon jority in Marion for Nesmith, and bly reach this city by tho middle of Basin; Thursday evening at Eiuorado. out of the four departments of the week. Baker City, Oregon, Josephine, Coos, Curry, Tillamook l lri.ininim.. -ltev. G. W. Clancy, ot the France, where elections wero held C. B. FISHER, P r o p r ie t o r . L o n d o n , Oct. 13.—A Times special Baptist Church at Wingville, wnl preach at and Grant counties to hear from; | the District School House, in Baser City, WATCHMAKER AND JEW ELER, S PREPARED TO ACCOMMODATE which it is estimated will increase j yesterday to fill vacancies in the As­ from Cartagena, says: On the appear­ e s t a b l i s h e d i n b a k e r c i t y in 1867, the second Sunday of each month at n the public with— sembly. The Monarchists were de­ ance of Admiral Lobo off port with o'clock, A. M. Keeps constantly on band a well assorted B e e f u t R e ta il— 3 to G 'c e n t« per Nesmiths majority som e300, making the Government fleet, the insurgent Stock o f his majority in the State over 2,000. feated everywhere. Pound. Junta held a consultation and resolv­ The insurgents in Cuba have re­ ed to fight, although their vessels O h io a n d P e n n s y lv a n ia . P R O F E S S IO N A L CARDS. Fresh Pork, Wl cently gained a victory over the were hopelessly outnumbered. The By a telegraphic dispatch to R. H. Pickled Pork, minority wished to surrender, but Fresh Mutton, L. O. STERNS, T. C. H Y D E , and is prepared to do all kinds o f work in Cardwell, Wells Fargo & Co’s Agent Government troops. his line o f business. the garrison, especially deserters Corned Beef, N o ta r y P ublic . Considerable loss of life and prop­ at this city we learn that Ohio has Waltham and Elgin Watches at Factory from tho Spanish army, determined Sausage, * S tern s &> H v d e , elected the Democratic Governor and erty lias resulted from the late storm to fight. The insurgents took the n31 Prices [ tf. Hams, A t t o r n e y s a m i C o u n se lo r s A t -lm w , the legislature, and that Pennsylva­ in Havana. wholo day on Friday to coal and pro­ Shoulders, BAK ER CITY, OREGON. vision their vessels, four of which Neats Foot Oil, Under the amendments of the nia has gone Republican. "W estern Hotel. L. O. S t e r n s will attend the Courts of the sailed out of the hurt or amid the’ MAIN STREET........................... ................. BAKER CITY. Fresh Lard & Tallow. Constitution of Mexico, adopted Fifth Judicial District, and o f Idaho ana NEW S SUM M ARY. cheers of the insurgents. T a k e Notice. Washington Territories. REID & FLETCHER, Prop’r. Sept. 25th, 1873, marriage is a civil I Water Bights and Mining Litigation a An engagement between tho insur­ A ll bills must be settled monthly, or no VH1S ROUSE lias been enlarged and re­ We make up the following from S pecialty . contract, to be solemnized by tho gents and tho Government ileets- Trade solicited. n9tf fitted, and is now the best Hotel on the KColleetions promptly attended to. the Sacramento Union of Oct. 11th: civil magistrate. The religious oath took place off the harbor at noon on Umatilla and Idaho stage route. ^ ■ o u u 13, 1S< J.nCy Stages leave this House for above and be­ At the court-martial which is try­ is abolished. Religious institutions Saturday. Admiral Lobo had the low, and also lor Clark’s Creek Eldorado, Vittoria, Almanza, Villa De Madrid,. ing the French General Bazaiue it cannot hold property. Gem City and Sparta. Monastic Carmen and two paddle wheel steam­ C h in e se P h y s ic ia n , Connected with the Hotel will be found a was ascertained on the 10th inst that orders are prohibited. The Church ers. After two hours hard lighting, Has located permanently in first class A ttorney-at-La w, Metz contained 17,000,000 cartridges and State are separated completely. the insurgent vessels wore driven C IT Y , B A U E R C IT Y , O R E G O N . SALOON! President Grant favors the country back into the harbor of Cartagena. And can be found at J. W- Cleaver’s Old aud that Bazaine had used only V V TIBI. P R A C T IC E IN A L L C O U R T S Liquors, Wines and Cigars o f the best Cabinet Shop, which he has fitted up as an 1,000,000; though he officially re­ with his views on the late financial They showed great spirit, but were quality. Phelan’s Improved Billiard Tables ^ H r of the State. Office and Apothecary Store. badly handled. Nutnancia had at Baker City, Sept. 1, 1873. nl7y. ail in good order. All diseases incident to the Human Family ported that he had no ammunition. crisis. He thinks it will be an ad­ first to bear the brunt alone, the oth­ o---- o can be cured by this Physician. The International Judicial Con­ vantage to tho country and hasten ers firiDg at too long a range. The N. B .—Those indebted to either the Hotel I. D. HAINES, Particular attention paid to cases given up or Saloon are requested to appear at the gress opened its sessions at Brussels the resumption of specio payments. Vittoria, at the close, endeavored to> as incurable by other Physicians. ^^TTORNEY and counselor at Captain’s office aud settle. no5v3tf. DR. YuUK CHU. . Law, Baker city, Oregon- [n lt f yesterday. D. Dudley Field was Ho believes that it will make room intercept the retreat of the rebel men- Baker City, Sept. 8 , 1873.-nl8n3d of war. Broadsides wero exchanged present, and letters were received for many millions of silver as a cir­ at close quarters, and tho rebel fleet | J . M. S H E P H E R D , Bamberger & Frank from the King of Belgium and Count culating medium, and that silver is was much damaged e sp e c tfu lly In v ite a ll tlio»e w h o Sclopis, of Italy, late one of the G e­ the currency that will aud ought to A tto r n e y "a t-L a w , M a d r i d , Oct. 13.—There is a ru­ are indebted to them to call and settle. mor thut Titnop has been captured, i ’ ^ B ^ B A K K R CITY, OREGON. neva Court of Arbitrators in the Ala­ be substituted for fractional notes. V i e are in want of money, and must have it BAKER CITY. OREGON, but the Goveinrnent 1ms received no- to meet oui engagements. bama case. He recommends free banking, a gold ESPECTFULLY INFORM TH E CITI- Baker City, Uct. 1, 1873.-21 tf such intelligence. There is groat ■ J A S . H. S L A T E R , zens o f Baker City, and the surround­ Count Marise de Fluvgry, the cel­ reserve fund, and a law for tiie issu­ rejoicing over the victory. ing Towns and Mining Camps, tnat they are ance of the 844,000,000 reserve. L ondon , Oct. 13.—The amount? of now prepared to fill all orders with the vo-v PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. ebrated French politician, is dead. President Grant thinks now that bullion withdrawn from the Bank of best quality of The Count do Chambord has taken Will practice in the Courts of the Fifth he will recommend in his annual Lager Deer, up his residence two miles from Ge­ message a postoffice bank, the depos­ England to day, was j C 305,000—or Judicial District. M ILLARD & VAN SCHUYVER, 81,525,000—all for America. At reasonable rates. The public are invited Particular attention paid to Collections. neva. itors to draw 4 per cent on their de­ N e w Y o r k , Oct. 13. —Up to noon ta call and look at our estalishmeut. April 2, 1873.-u47y. /% per only eight jurors had been obtained One hundred Republicans of the posits and to be secured by \x 89 Front and 40 First street, Baker City, Jan. 8. 1873.-n35tf French Assembly met at Baris yes- , cent United States bonds, an equal in the Stokes case. amount of outstanding 6 j>er cents Blacksmith ing terday aud drew up a plan of politi­ to be taken up. S an D i e g o , Oct. 13,—A gentleman A t t o r n e y at L a w , who arrived from Camp McDowell, cal actioD. Thiers and Gambettu MPOKTERS a n d W HOLESALE DEAL DEAL- MPORTERS Grant says lie will consult the will says the rumor concerning 1,000 In­ (And Notary Public,) ers in Foreign aud Domestic Liquors.— both approve it and all are working | W A G O N M A K I N G . . er of the country generally in his ap­ dians leaving the truo. ALSO, W E 8 T O Bf, O It E G O X . pointment of a Chief Justice. * together. He refers to the Prescott Miner, tho W ill practice in the Courts o f this State and Doors, Windows, and Blindi Messrs. Gaines & Bowman Receipts of Gold Coin at the Wash- ■ Seven deaths yesterday at Shreve­ last issue of which says: Washington Terri t ,ry. e sp e c tfu lly in fo r m the C itizens o f «1 F or S a lo . tf “ Lieut. Schuyler, commanding at iugton aud New York Treasury De- ' port by yellow fever. Forty five S P E C I A L ATTENTION PAID TO LAND Baker City, and surrounding country, deaths yesterday at Memphis by yel­ Verde, tried to uriest Del Chea,a no­ O Business, aud Collections. n l3 tf partments were 810,000.000 during ! low fever, against 32 on Saturday.— C- L o r d . that thev have purchased the Ì A. P H o t a l i n g , toriously bad chief, who resisted Portland. bun F ra n cisco . J BLACKSMITH & WAGON SHOP the month of October. Only 820 All the societies call for assistance and left the reservation with 1,000 J O S E P H H. S H I N N , .. I3. _tiotaling& Co. pieces were coined. recently owned by F. Schlund, and are now .A from abroad. of liis followers. The Lieut, hawing N o ta ry P u b lic ready to attend to all work in their line. bole Agents lor me The Evangelical Alliance hell out few soldiers was powerless to Father Matthew’s birthday was AND They are both practical workmen, directly meetings at four places in New York stop them. Gen. Crook has gone ia from the East, aud come prepared to do [ C o n v e y a n c e r , s ì j celebrated by the Catholics of Bos- ; yesterday, and these were the closing person to that camp.” ton yesterday. .Will attend to Conveyancing and making Blacksmithing, Wagon Mak­ Aud Importers of services of the Alliance. M e m p h i s , Oct. 12.—The streets Alfred Cummings, who was G ov­ ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Captain Buddington’s testimony are almost deserted. No crowds of Fine Wines and Liquors, ing and Buggy Repairing I Baker City, Sept. 11, 1872. nl8tf ernor of Utah during Buchanan’s puts a phase on the matters connect­ citizens going to or from church, no in the most approved manner, and at mod­ 431 Jackson Street, San Francisco, presidency, died near Atlanta, Ga., ed with the Polaris expedition differ­ pleasure parties—nothing but hears­ erate prices. All work done to order, and AND E .’ W . REYNOLDS, ent from that presented by tho T y­ es and attendants hurrying to the satisfaction guaranteed. yesterday. 25 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, cemetery and quickly returning to son party. NOTARY PUBLIC HORSE-SHOEING Yellow fever is still at Montgome­ n46tf Oregon. Intelligence from the East intima­ receive other victims of the terrible AND A Specialty with them. Give us a call. ry, Ala. GAINES A BOWMAN. tes that Thomas Scott has succeed­ scourge. The ceremony of burial [ D E P UT Y U. S. MARSHAL. A fearful cyclone swept over Key ed in negotiating bonds in Europe has long since been shorn of it» sol­ Baker City, July 21, 1673.-nlltf JIffice with C. M. Foster, Deputy U. West and Puuta Rosa (Florida) yes­ in behalf of his Texa3 aud Pacific It. emn formality. Tom eei the demands Importer and Dealer In for the removal of the dead, under­ S. Surveyor. T H E N D E RSON terday. The wind blew at the rate R. f Baker City, Sept. 3 , 1 8 7 3 .n l7 m 4 B A K E R C IT Y , O R E G O N , The Rockford, Rock Island and takers are required to move with ce­ of ninety miles an hour, and swept M ANUFACTURER AND DEALER St. Louis It. R. Co. charge II. H. lerity more becoming merchandise’ n e w spapers , the sea fourteen feet above tide level. D r . E c L*. T i e r n e y , Body, their former Treasurer and D i­ transports. Occasionally a vehicle IN FRANKLIN BOOK-STORE AND SANTA CLADS Buddington, Dr. Bisseli and others rector, with fraudulently retaining containing the Visiting Committee PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Harness, Collars, H obbles, Headquarters, Fire-proof of the Polaris, will be examined at 82-15,000, and with a secret partner of some relief association, passes at BAKER CITY, OREGON, a rapid pace, but aside from these, Brick Building, 105 Front street, Portland, W H IPS, the Washington Navy Yard to day using it for personal speculation. ESPECTFULLY INFORMS TH E CIT- the city presents a most gloomy ap­ [tf Oregon. i izens ol Eastern Oregon that he has lo- nli Senator Pomeroy was shot Oct. 11 pearance. A perceptible change in as to the death of Captain Hall and ted in Baker City, and gives strict attention in Washington by ex Representative the temperature about 3 o’clock this his Prolession. the loss of the vessel. D R . J. R- C A R D W E L L , Conway of Kansas, but only slightly Etc.. Etc., Etc. KF’ Office opposite the corner Drug Store. Three professors in the South Car­ wounded, for alleged ruin of himself afternoon, gave promise of frost, in D e n t is t the event of which, a check to the DC?” Private Residence, next door to the ENTAL ROOMS, No. S9, First street, olina University have resigned be­ and family. atiiolic Church. spread of the disease may be expect­ Portland, Oregon. The late aud im­ Prices reasonable. Repairing done at B*ker City, Nov. i872.-n26tf. There has been a fire in Detroit— ed, but a fearful increase of mortali­ n l7 tf proved style* o f work at redu ce! rates. Ni­ cause a colored student has been ad­ short notice. trous oxide for the painless extraction o f mitted. loss 850,000; insurance small. ty will surely follow. A slight teeth . I ntiOtf The large stables of Martin Hay & abatement of the disease is manifest Santanta and Big Tree have been to-dav, as but few new cases sure re­ released by the Governor of Texas CosDer in Bostou were burned Oct. Physician and Surgeon, W. H. WATKINS, M. D. ported. There were but 44 deaths lltb , with 86 horses, valued at from • W A N T E D . b a k e r c it y , o r e g u n . on the singular condition that if the 8300 to $1,000 each. from all diseases. PHYSICIAN ANI) SURGEON. he u n d e r s ig n e d w il l pay ' FFiCE At the City Drug Store. Kiowas or aDy other Indians hereaf FFICE, Odd Fellows’s Building. Resi­ S h r e v e p o r t , Oct. 12—Seven deaths The telpgraph wires are now np the Best o f \S ages for 10 o r 13 Stone dence, corner o f Main and ParK street*, ter raid on Texas, then these two nr MJ D1CAL E XA M IN E R Masons. Work will fast about throe months. occurred here from yellow fevor to­ and working from San Diego to Ma Portland, Oregon. Q5"=’ Special attention to ROBERTS A NELSON. * “ ew Lif« ^Insurant» Co- day. ricopa Well*. Kiowa chiefs are to be rearrested. • diaeaeea of the Eye and Ear. j n29 Raker City, April 28, 1873.a51tf nifcf BUSINESS NOTICES. C orrespondence from all portions o f Eastern Oregon is solicited for the D emocrat . All communications, to receive attention, mnst be accompanied by a responsible name. Personal communications will be charged as special advertisements. j AEWSÜ1I, J. 1 1 R BAKER CITY MARKET. È I ” ,r $, CLOCKS I JEW ELRY, T DR. YO U K CHU, AMIKEW J, LAWHEAEË A BAKElt CITY BREWERY, KÄSTNER & LACHHER, Proprietors. R Attorney aul Counselor at Law, R S. V. KMOX, PORTLAND, OREGON. I R J. H. Culler IM B o n ita WM I , S J M ’C O R M IC K , Boots, Stationary, Toys, Music A M 5 A DDLER Y , © • -N". S n o w 9 M . D . STOKE MASONS & STONE CUTTERS T O