Bedrock democrat. (Baker City, Baker County, Or.) 1870-188?, August 20, 1873, Image 4

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    tor th e
em o crat
1873 .
Sheriff ’s
S a le .
Death is a solemn thing. It is an
y v ir t u e or a x e x e c u t io n
issued o u t o f th e C irc u it C ourt o f th e
epoch which most occur in the life
.State o f Oregon, for G ra n t C ounty, a n d to
of every individual, high or low, ! m e d ire c te d a n d d e liv e re d , for a J u d g ­
m e n t re n d e re d in said C o u rt, on th e Sec­
rich or poor. The great wail of sor­ ond
d a y o f Ju n e , A . D. 1874, in fav o r o f
F ra n k F la g e o lle t, a n d a g a in st L ouis Unp-
row for those who have departed to pee
a n d T. P. D ean , for th e su m o f E ig h t
the unknown hereafter, comes well­ H u n d re d and T w e n ty -n in e D o llars a n d
T w en ty -F iv e c e n ts, D am ages, to g e th e r
ing up from tho hearts fair region w ith F o rty -sev en D o llars, tax ed costs,
a ll a c c ru in g costs, I h a v e lev ied on
all over the land, from the torrid to a th n e d follow
ing P ro p e rty , to -w it:
s (5-12) o f c e rta in P la c e r
the frigid zone and from the east to M F in iv in e g T g w ro e lfth
u n d , k n o w n as th e F la g e o lle t,
the west.
R ap p ee and F re n c h C laim s, c o m m e n c in g
a t th e lo w er lin e o f th e S ta rr, W e b ste r &
Death is the separation of the spir­ Co. c la im s, a n d r u n n in g th e n c e dow n
Creek one th o u s a n d a n d fifty feet
itual from the temporal when ap- ! Dixie
No Pe rso n c a n t a k e these B itte r s ac­
m ore o r less, and e x te n d in g tlie fu ll w idth
th e C reek, from B luff to Bluff, to g e th e r cording to directions, and remain long unwell,
plied to the human family; but when o w f ith
F iv e T w elfth s (5-12) o f th e D errick , provided their bones are not destroyed by mine­
poison or other means, and vital organs
applied to all other works of nature, ! F lu m e , T ools, a n d a p p u rte n a n c e s th e re to ral
wasted beyond the point of repair.
b elo n g in g o r in an y w ise p e rta in in g .
D y s p e p s i a or In digestion^ HOilUflCnC,
it is only the changing of one form X o t ie e is h e re b y g given,
iv e n , t h a t on th e
Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the
to that of another. When we die we
Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Sto­
F irst Day of Septem ber,
Bad Taste in the Month, Bilious Attacks,
live again; when the beautiful flow­ A. D. 1873, a t th e h o u r o f 2 o ’clo ck , P. M., mach,
Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the
Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and
ers wither apd die, their decayed I w ill sell a ll th e rig h t, title a n d in te re s t Lungs,
o f said L ouis R ap p ee a n d T. P. D ean, a hundred other painfnl symptoms, are the off­
matter nourish and sustain other in a n d to th e ab o v e d escrib ed p ro p e rty , springs of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a
better guarantee of its merits th an a lengthy
a t th e C o u rt H o u se Door, in C anyon
flowers even more beautiful.
C ity, G ran t C ounty, Oregon, a t P u b lic advertisement.
F o r F c m a lc C o m p la in t s , in yonnj? or old,
n , for C ash in h a n d , to th e h ig h e s t
There is great glory in dying fora a A n u d ctio
b est b id d e r, to satisfy sa id execu­ married or single, at the dawn of womanhood,
or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so
cause or while battling for liberty tio n a n d a ll costs.
decided an influence that improvement is soon
W IL L IA M P. G R A Y ,
and justice.
History furnishes n!2nl6
I n f la m m a t o r y
C h r o n ic
R h e u m a tis m
and Gout, Bilious, Remittent
many instances when death was met
and Interm ittent Fever3, Diseases of the Blood,
Sheriff ’s Sale.
with hproism, and we will mention
Liver, Kidnevs and Bladder, these Bitters have
no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated
one or two illustrative of the theme:
b v i r t u e o r AX EXECUTIOX
T h e y arc a g e n t le P u r g a t i v e ns w e l l
Issu ed o u t o f th e C ircuit C o u rt o f th e
Pulaski, a Polish nobleman, entered
S ta te o f O regon for G ra n t C o u n ty , and to as a T o n ic , possessing the m erit of acting as
the American Devolution and died m e d irectad and d e liv e re d , fur a ju d g m e n t a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or In­
d ered in said C ourt, on th e T h irty -first flammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs,
bravely while aiding the colonists.— d ren
and in Bilious Diseases.
ay o f M ay, A. D. 1872, in fav o r o f J o h n
F o r S k i n Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt
ullough, M. S. "H e ilm a n , P la in tiffs,
Wolfe illustrated death upon the a M n cC
d F. C. H o rsley , D efendant, an a a g a in st Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules,
Carbuncles, Ring-worms, Scald-Head,
battlefield when he fell mortally A. E . S ta rr E. W . W e b ste r a n d H . R ogers, Boils,
D e fen d an ts, for I h e su m o f O ne T h o u sa n d Sore Eves, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolora­
wounded while storming Quebec.— F iv e H u n d re d a n d S eventy-eight D o llars tions of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the
F ifty -fo u r c e n ts, D am ag es, to g e th e r Skin of whatever name or nature, are liter­
Soon after he was wounded he heard and
w ith F ifty D o llars a n d Sevent-six cents, ally dug up and carried out of the sys­
C o s ts ,a n d a ll a c c ru in g Costs, I h av e tem in a short time by the use of these Bitters.
the cry, “They fly! They fly!” “ Whc Tax
G r a t e f u l T h o u s a n d s proclaim V inegar
lev ied on th e follow ing P ro p e rty , to-w it:
B it ter s th e m o s t w o n d e rfu l In v ig o ra n t th a t
iv id e d one h a lf in te re s t in and
fly?” said Wolfe. “The enemy,” re­ to T t h h e a t u n c e d rta
in W a te r D itch a n d W a te r e v e r s u s ta in e d th e s in k in g sy stem .
It. I f . M C D O N A L D & CO.
sponded his attendant. “Then I R ig h t, s itu a te d a n d lying in J o h n Day
V a lle y , G ra n t C ounty, O regon, c o m m e n c ­ Druggists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Cal.,
die content!” Let your mind wan­ in g a t a p o in t o n th e N o rth o f Jo h n D ay A cor. of Washington and Chariton 6ts., N.Y.
iv er, n e u r th e u p p e r end o f A n d e rso n ’s SOLD BY' ALL DRUGGISTS & DEALERS.
der back over the history of Cathol­ R
R a n c h , a n d from th e n c e ru n n in g in a
esterly d ire c tio n a lo n g th e F o o t H ill, on
icism to the time when the Walden w
th e n o rth sid e o f J o h n D ay R iv er, to a
church was first established in Italy, p o in t on D ixie C reek, un d k n o w n as th e
Starr, W e b ste r & Co. D itch , w ith t he te n e ­
S ettle Up Old Bills.
or the time when the Deformation m e n ts a n d h e re d ita m e n ts th e re u n to be­
was cradling its infamy in Germany, N o tice is h e re b y g iv e n , th a t on th e
J \ _ old Firm of Kahn. Ottenheimer & Co.,
listen in your imagination to the
T enth day of September,
will pfease call and settle with
crackling flames as they greedily A . D. 1873, a t th e h o u r o f T en o ’clo ck , A.
M., I w ill sell a ll tlie rig h t, litle a n d in te r­
.consumed martyrs by hundreds est
o f sa id A. E . S ta rr, E . W. W e b ste r and
-whoso names have ever since been H. R ogers, in a n d to th e ab o v e d escribed
e rty , a t th e C o u rt H o u se D oor in Can­
venerated, and then say if you can— y p o ro n p City,
G ra n t C o u n ty , O regon, a t P u b lic
in h a n d , to th e h ig h e st
there is no glory in death. These a n d b est b fo id r d cash
er, to sa tisfy sa id E x ecu tio n
facts, we think, sufficiently illustrate u n d a ll costs.
W M . P. G R A Y ,
S heriff, G ra n t C ounty, O.
the heroism exhibited in many in­ n!2nl6
stances in death scenes.
Sheriff’s Sale.
The feelings aroused when we be­
hold the shrouded form of a friend,
y V i r t u e o r nil E x e c u t i o n Issu cil
o u t o f th e C irc u it C o u rt o f th e S tate
: a relation or even a stranger, are o B
i O regon, for G r a n t C ounty, a n d to m e
ire c te d a n d d e liv e re d , fo r a ju d g m e n t
solemn and impressive. As we view d ren
d ered , in sa id C ourt, on th e S e v e n th
the pale and emaciated countenance d a y o f J u n e , A. D. 1873, in fa v o r o f J o h n
M cC ullough, M. S. H e ilm a n a n d F . C.
of a comrade—one that we have as­ H o rsle y , a n d a g a in s tE . W . W eb ster, A. E.
a n d H . R o g ers, for th e su m o f One
sociated with in the palmy days of S T tarr
h o u sa n d Seven H u n d re d a n d F iv e D ol­
rs and E ig h ty cents, D am ages, to g e th e r
youth, when flowers bloomed around la
w ith F orty-six D o llars, ta x costs, a n d a ll
our pathway; when that now cold a c c ru in g costs, I h a v e lev ied on th e follow ­
in g p ro p e rty , to-w it:
and clammy brow was marked with T h e P la c e r M ining g ro u n d s itu a te d a n d
in g a t th e m o u th of D ixie Creek, G ra n t
aspiration; when the fire of genius C ly ounty,
O regon; N in e P la c e r M in in g
in g m th e bed o f Dixie C reek , a n d
and intellectual scintillation gleam­ c b la o u im n d s ed ly on
th e n o rth by Cropp & C om pa­
ed forth from the depth of those now ny’s c la im s, a n d on th e so u tli t by F re n c h ,
R a p p e e & Co.’s c laim s.
glassy eyes, and when joy and mirth N o t i c e is h e re b y g iv e n , t h a t o n th e
Baker City, Oregon.
spiced his ringing laughter and joy­
T enth day of Septem ber,
ous conversation, are we not deeply A. D. 1873, a t T en o ’clo c k , A. M ., I w ill sell
impressed with the necessity for our a ll th e rig h t, title a n d in te re s t o f sa id E .
W. W ebster, A. E. S ta rr a n d li. R ogers, in
making preparation for this event, a n d to th e ab o v e d esc rib e d p ro p e rty , a t
tiie C ourt H o u se D oor, in C an y o n . C ity, $5. A Valuable Invention! $5.
knowing as we do that we too must G
ra n t C o u n ty , O regon, a t P u b lic A u c tio n ,
Cush in h a n d , to th e h ig h e s t and b est
occupy tho “charnelhouse?” Friend for
b id d er, to satisfy said e x e c u tio n a n d a il
after friend departs, leaving aching costs.
S e w i n g jV X a c liin e !
W IL L IA M P . G R A Y ,
hearts echoing with the sad monaco- n!2n!6
S h eriff, G ra n t C ounty, O.
nes of grief, and woe; but we know
A dm inistrator’s Notice.
the final Saturday Night of peaceful
rest will come to all those who suf­
a p p o in te d a d m in is tr a to r o f th e
fer and toil in life’s broad vineyard. E s ta been
te o f A n d re w C a n s, d eceased , by th e The most Simple and Compact in
When your youthful days have fled,
C o u n ty C ourt, o f G ra n t C ounty, O regon;
Construction, the most Durable
a ll p e rso n s h a v in g c la im s a g a in s t said es­
And eternities brink you tread,
and Economical in use, A
Turn you back upon the past,
sa m e to m e in C a n y o n City, w ith p ro p e r
And form life’s final contrasts.
Model of Combined
v o u c h e rs w ith in six m o n th s fro m d a te of
Strength and Beauty.
th is n o tice.
The Lewiston Signal has this in C a n y o n City, O regon, J u ly 1st, 1873.
P E T E R W. C A R .S,
the Straight Eye Pointed Needle, Seli-
gelation to Stewart's Panorama:
A d m in is tra to r.
Tnreading, direct upright Positive Motion,
“ Stewart, the panorama man, who
New Tension, Sell Feed and Cloth Guider.
Operates by Wheel on a Table. Light Bun-
has been laying by here for some
W rit of Special Flection.
nmg, Smooth and noiseless like all good,
time, has again resumed the role of
high priced machines. Has patent check to
showman, and will visit the Sound T o the Sheriffs o f th e se v e ra l C ou n ties prevent^
the wheel being turned the wrong
w ith in th e S ta te o f Oregon:
country. Stewart’s advent among
way. Uses the thread direct from the tpool.
H E R E A S , A t a G en era l E le c tio n Makes the Elastic Lock Stitch (finest and
us was not remunerative to him as a
th e th ird d a y o f J u n e , A. D. strongest stitch known;/ firm, durable, close
showrman, but during his stay he 1872, th e h e H ld o n o . n Jo
s e p h G. W ilso n w as d u ly
rapid. Will do all kinds of work, fine
has proved himself capable of taking e le c te d R e p re s e n ta tiv e o f th e S tate o f Ore­ and
and coarse, from Cambric to heavy Cloth or
the bull by the horns and making gon in th e F o rty -th ird Congress o f th e U n i­ Leather, and uses all description of thread.
The best mechanical talent in America and
the best of a bad beginning. The ted W S h ta e k te e s; a s a , n S d in ce th e said e le c tio n , said
panorama, properly managed, is office h a s becom e v a c a n t by th e d e a th o f Europe has been devoted to improving and
simplifying our Machines, combining only
id in c u m b e n t; a n d
worth seeing, and we hope to hear of sa W
h e k e a s , By p ro v isio n o f th e C o n stitu ­ that which is practicable, and dispensing
Stewart doing a good business with tio n o f th e U n ite d S ta te s, a n d th e law s o f with all complicated surroundings generally
th is S ta te , it h a s beco m e t h e d u ty o f th e found in other machines.
G o v ern o r th e re o f to issu e h is w rit o f elec­
_ _ Si
Witt Net Patent Button Hole Worker.
tio n to fill su c h v a c a n c y ;
Waldron’s Pramatio Troupe broke N ow , th e re fo re , I, L. F . G rover, G o v ern o r
o f th e S ta te o f Oregon, do h e re b y c o m m a n d
up at Silver City, Idaho, and he had y o u a n d each o f y o u to notify th e se v e ra l
d g e s o f E le c tio n w ith in a n d for y o u r
to sell some of his wife's jewelry to Ju
se v e ra l C o u n ties, to h o ld a sp e c ia l e le c tio n
e n ta tiv e in Congress to fill th e
get money to go to Denver, Colora­ o v f a c R a n e c p y re a s fo
re sa id , on
do. Crosbie, Vinson and the rest of
Monday, the 13th day of Oc­
the Troupe went to Winnemucca.
“ Who dares to spit tobacco juice
op the car floor?” savagely asked a
burly passenger on a Rock Island
train. “ I dare,” quietly replied a
slender youth, suiting the action to
the word. “You’re the chap I’m
looking for,” said the ruffian, “give
me a chaw.”
tober, A. D. 1873,
a n d t h a t y o u cau se a ll p ro p e r n o tic e s to be
given th e re o f a c c o rd in g to law .
G iv en u u i e r m y h a n d a n d th e seal o f
,,—*—, . th e S tate o f Oregon, a t S a le m , th is
- L. S. (• T e n th d a y of J u ly , A . D. 1873.
U___ ■>
T, F
A tte s t: S. F. C h a d w ic k ,
S e c re ta ry of S ta te o f O regon.
Special terms and extra inducements to
male and female agents, store keepers, &c.,
who will establish agencies through the coun­
try and keep our new machines on exhibition
and sale. County rights given to smartagents
free. Agent’s complete outfits furnished
without any extra charge. Samples of sewing,
descriptive circulars containing terms, testi­
monials, engravings, Ac., sent free.
Brooks Sew ing Machine Co.,
No. 1329 Broadway, New York.
92 .
o m ,m s
Y I C T O R ”
Buns very Easy,
Ì P .A .Y T J P ! !
Buns very East,
l l p e r s o n s in d e b t e d t o a . h .
Buns very Still.
Brown are respectfully requested to Has a New Shuttle superior to all others.
come forward and settle tbeir accounts,
either by Cash or note, immediately.
D e fie s C o m p e titio n .
A word to the wise is sufficient.
Great Improvements in Needle.
Baker City, March 26, 1373.
Cannot be Set Wrong.
HP” Agents Wanted.
Lime! Lime! Lime!
oberts & Nelson h a v e o n lin m l
862 Broadway, N. Y.
Lime of good quality, and will sell at
low rates.
Orders from a distance solicited.
¡¿tone C utting and Building.
“ Susie,” said the teacher to one
of her pupils,
“You shouldn’t make faces. You
will grow up homely if you make fa­
Susie looked thoughtfully in the
teacher’s lace a moment, and then
innocently asked: “ Did you make
faces when you was a little girl?”
Bad reasoning for a Jury with re­
gard to a prisoner—.Put yourself in
bis place.
How to ariive at the height of a KF“ W e would call the attention of our
essrs. R oberts & Nelson w o u l d re ­
church steeple on a hot day—Per- readers
spectfully inform the people of Baker
umn, of the Brooks Sewing Machine Co., of C ity , and vicinity, that they are prepared to
New York, they advertise, what is indeed a build foundations for houses, cellars, side­
It is bad enough to be pug nosed valuable
invention, a first-class Sewing Ma­ walks, as well as larger structures, a n d will
with ont being called pugnacious.
c h in e for F iv e Dollars.
a tte n d to a n y w o rk o f th is k in d at a ll tim e s .
1873 .
VE6ETMII neun,
S p r in g C a m p a i g n !
l A l l I i e i l t I11IK.
W holesale and Betail
Enter the Field this Winter with the
l A m e s s a '
s i ' © «
The Standard remedy for C oughs , I nflu ­
Ever Offered in this Market, which they are enza Sore Throat. Whooping Gough, Croup,
Liver Complaint, Bronchitis, Bleeding of the
determined to sell for
t nnw Anri every affection ot the in ro ai,
L u n S ’and Chest, includ ng C onsumption .
S m a l l e r ^ P ro fits
Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry
Than any other House in Eastern Oregon.
Our Stock eriibraces every thing in the line of rWs not drv up a Cough, but loosens it,
cleanses the lungs, and ailays irritation,^hus
removing the cause of the complaint. None
D r y G ro o d s p
pY-miine unless
unless signed
„ 0—- - I. - B utts . Preparea
ClotliiD g,
bv S jsth W. F owle & S ons , Boston, Sold
by R edtngton , H ostetteb & Co., ban Fian
B oots and S hoes,
cisco, and by dealers genet ally.
Tobacco and C igars,
and Everything pertaining to a Complete
Stock of
General Merchandise.
Our Stock of Liquors
Is .well supplied with the Best Brands of
G IN ,
WINE, etc., etc.,
And we offer the same at Lowest Figures.
Farmsrs wanting anything in the line o
Reapers, Mowers, Threshers, Feed
Mills. Wagons, Horse Rakes,
Harrows, Plows, or
will find it to their advantage to give us a call.
_ . _ 11 A p r ir a te C o u n selo r to th e
i S l P w
M »rried o r tb o .e » b o u tto
m a rry on th e p h y sio lo g ic a l
m y ste rie s an d re v e la tio u so f
th e s e x u a l s y s te m , w ith th e
G u id o -
la te s t d isco v e rie s in , .r o d - e l.* . u d p re v e k U u g o f t p r i .« ,
t°_preserve the com i ^
Q , lw0 h u n d re d w d s ix t y
T h i l i s s n ‘ “ “ " ‘ “ “ fu g ra v in g s , a u .l c o n ta in s v a lu a b le
p a g es, w ith
- S a r c m a rrie d ,o r c o n te m p la te m ar-
b k e p t u a d e r lock
ria g e . S till ¡ t i . a * o k ‘ f V . w t k o u t th e h o u s e .
a n d key. a n d n o tla id c a r®
* advice o f a p h T tic ia n
I t co n tain s th e ex^ erlen |
1 ^
ghonW be in th e p rf.
in fo r m a tio n fo r thosew U
p u ta tio n la
w n . • __ . ,e lh r o a g h o u tth
th e « n tir e
w rhoae
hose re
is * w oriu
v a te d ra w e r o f e v e ry
^and f e m a l e «
* c t „ , th a gcU;
g lo b e ,
e r a tiv e avstem th a t
n ot p u b lish ed in a n y o th e r w o rk .
C e n ts .
B S t ^ U p ^ r ^ k o . 1 2 k . E ig h th s tr e e l
St* L o u is , M o.
Notice to tho Afflicted and Unfortunate.
B efore ap p ly in g to th e ’ ''’ ^ ^ '’„ ^ “ rem ed ies
£ u t ls ° w o rk n V m a tt e r w h T ty o ^ r d is e a s e is , or ¿ . w dep.or-
ab le y o u r co n d itio n .
o f tw e n ty -se v e n
s S
s i i i s
h is w o rk s. Office an d p a rlo rs , X o . U > - E ig h th
betw een i la r k e t and C h e s n u t, fct. L o u is , M o.
Feb. 26, 1873.-n42y.
Wholesale Department
Is kept in our New FIEE PROOF CELLAR.
Give us a Call at the Corner of Front and
Valley Avenue,Baker City, Oregon.
Baker City, Dec. 4 ,1872.-notf
Q uick C ukes and M oderate C hakges ¡
m -o z
H 30 V)
m 2 TJ
m 30 T1
n 30 o 3
Z o „ o c
o CO r~
Corner of Leidesdorff Street, ) a few doors
below What Cheer House,)
Private Entrance on Leidesdoril Street.
Established expressly to afford the Afflicted
sound and Scientific Medical Aid, in
the treatment and cure of all
private and chronic Disea­
ses, Cases of Seeresy,
and all Sexual Dis­
DR. W- K. DOHERTY returns his sin
cere thanks to his numerous patients for
their patronage, and would take this oppor­
tunity to remind them that he continues to
consult at his Institute for the cure of Dis­
eases of the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Diges
tive and Genito-Urinary Organs, and all
private diseases, viz: Syphilis in all its
forms and stages, Seminal Weakness and all
the horrid consequences of self-abuse, gon­
orrhea, gleet, strictures, nocturnal and di­
urnal emissions, sexual debility, diseases of
the back and loins, inflammation of the
bladder and kidneys, etc.; and he hopes that
liis long experience and successful prac­
tice, will continue to insure him a share of
public patronage. By the practice of many
years in Europe and the United States, he is
enabled to apply the most efficient and suc­
cessful remedies against diseases of all kinds
He cures no mercury, charges moderate,
treats his patients in a correct and honorable
way and has references of unquestionable
veracity from men of known respectability
and high standing in society. All parties
consulting him, by letter or otherwise, will
receive the best and gentlest treatment and
implict secrecy.
Sold by all D ruggists and Dealers in J/edicirvet
Price One Dollar.
Buckingham’s Dye,
A s our R enew er in many cases
requires too long a time, and too
m uch care, to restore gray or faded
W hiskers, w e have prepared this
dye, in one preparation, which will
quickly and effectually accom plish
this result. It is easily applied,
and produces a color which will
neither rub nor wash off. S old by
all D ruggists. Price Fifty Centt
Manufactured by R. P. HALL & Ct,
A y e r ’s
No. 519, Sacramento Street,
E very year increases the p0i
larity o f th is valuable Hair jpr^
aration, w hich is due
to mem
alone. W e can assure our
p ations th at it is kept fully ^ ^
its high sta n d a rd ; and it is the J .
ly reliable and perfected prepara'
tion for restoring G ray or F ad . *
H air to its youthfu l color, makin?
it s o ft, lustrous, and silken,
scalp, by its use, becomes white anj
clean. I t rem oves all eruptions and
dandruff, and, b y its tonic proper,
ties, prevents th e hair from fa]L'
out, as it stim ulates and nourish
th e hair-glands.
By its use, tfo
hair grow s th ick er and strong
In baldness, it restores the capili^
glands to their normal vigor, and
w ill create a n ew growth, except in
extrem e old age. I t is the most
econom ical H a ir -D ressing ever
used, as it requires fewer applica.
tions, and giv es the hair a splendid
glossy*5 appearance. A. A. Hayes]
M .D., State A ssayer of Massachu­
setts, says, “ T he constituents are
pure, and carefully selected for ej.
cellen t q u ality; and I consider it
the B e s t P r e pa r a t io n for
inten ded purposes.”
623, Kearney St.,
Corner Commercialstreet,
San Francisco.
Established in 1854, for the treatment of
sexual and seminal diseases, such as Gonor­
rhea, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis in all its forms,
seminal weakness, impotency, ete. Skin
diseases, of years standing, and ulcerated
legs successfully treated.
DR. GIBBON has the pleasure of announ­
cing that he has returned from visiting the
principal H ospitals in Europe, and has re­
sumed practice at the Dispensary, 623 Kear­
ney street, corner of Commercial, where his
old patients and those requiring his services
may find him.
The Doctor has spared neither time nor
money in seeking out new remedies, and
has returned with increased facilities for the
alleviation of human suffering.
Is widely know
as one of the mo«
effectual rent
dies ever discot' :
ered for cl»
ing the system |
and purifying the |
blood. It 1« I
stood th e Wot .
years, with a » j F
stantly ¡»rowin'| tv
reputation, based on its intrinsic virtue, _
and sustained by its remarkable cum Si
So mild as to be safe and beneficial t* -
children, and yet so searching; ai to I _
effectually purge out the great corrtip- I
tions of the blood, such as the scrof- I
ulous and syphilitic contamination. ■
Impurities or diseases that have lurkti u
in the system for years soon yield to H
this powerful antidote, and disappear. ^
Hence its wonderful cures, many o.
which are publicly known, of Scrofula, jjt
and all scrofulous diseases, Ulcers. Vj—
E r u p t io n s , and eruptive disorders ot
the skin, T u m o rs, Blotches,Boils
P i m p l Ses.
es, P
P u
u stu
s tu les»
le s , Sores, ot i i r .
A n t h o n y 's F ir e , Rose or tJj
How many thousands of persons, both s ip e la s , T e tte r , Salt Kheiint A
male and female, are there who are suffer­ S c a ld H e a d , Ringworm, and it- ■
ing out a miserable existence from the ef­ tern a 1 U lc e r a tio n s of the Item I ■
fects of secret indulgence, or from virus ab­ S to m a c h , a n d Liver. Ital» cn«| B.’
sorbed into the system. Look at their pal­ ....... complaints, to which it would not .1
lid, emaciated and disfigured faces and otl:
their broken down constitutions, disquali­ seem especially adapted,suchas! rot dei
fying them for the happiness of marriage or
the enjoyment of life. In this horrid situa­ K -
tion thousands suffer until death closes the n e s s , Debility, and Leiicorrliœil
To Females.
Let parents, guardians and friends
manifestations ot tli.|
When a female is in trouble, or afflicted scene-
those who are suffering with any when they are
with disease, as weakness of the hack and
these horrible, life-destroying maladies— scrofulous poisons.
limbs, pain in the head, dimness of sight, of
It is an excellent restorer of healtb I
loss of muscular power, palpitation of the see that they are cared for and cured before
and strength in the Spring. )
heart, irritability, nervousness, "ex treme uri­
nary difficulties, derangement of digestive Dr. Gibbon, a physician who lias made pri­ ini the appetite and vigor o. the ,
functions, general debility, vaginitis, all dis­ vate diseases his especial study for years, live organs, it dissipates the dep^J
eases of the womb, hysteria, sterility, and and who is certain to cure the most invete­
all other diseases peculiar to females, she rate cases without mercury or any injurious and listless languor of the - .1
should go or write at once to the celebrated drugs. It is important to those afflicted, or Even where no disorder «appear^ P
female doctor, W. K. DOHERTY, at his those interested in the welfare oi their feel better, and live longer, t|,rC ^
medical Institute, and consult him about her friends, to be careful of the many pretended th • blood. The system moves on -
who infest all cities, publishing their
troubles and disease. The Doctor is effect­ doctors
lease ot
ing more cures than any other physician in skill in curing all diseases in a few days, im­ renewed vigor and a new i
the state of California. Let no false deiica
p R E P A P E D Ei
cy prevent you, hut apply immediately and of eminent physicians from Europe and
save yourself from painful sufferings and other places. Be therefore careful and make
premature death- All married ladies, whose strict inquiry or you may fall into the hands D r. j . C . A YER & C O . , M 1’
delicate health or other circumstances pre­ of those charlatans.
. S E M IN A L W E A K N E S S .
J'rit e tic a l a n d A n a lg tic a l Cíe
vent an increase in their families, should
ri# Wit
write or call at Dr. W.K. DOHERTY’s Medi­
n r a u . nnuGOTSTR
abuse. This solitary vice, or depraved
cal Institute, and they will receive every pos­ self
indulgence, is praticed by the youth
ible relief and help. The Doctor’s offices sexual
sexes to an almost unlimited extent,
XV H O L E S A l
are so arranged that he can be consulted producing
with unerring certainty the fol­
ivithout fear of observation.
lowing tram of morbid symptoms, unless
combatted by scientific medical measures,
To Correspondents.
viz: Sallow countenance, dark spots under
Patients residing in any part of the state, the eyes, pains in the head, ringing in the
however distant, who may desire the opinion ears, noise like rustling of leaves or rattling
and advice of Dr. Doherty in their respective of chariots, uneasiness about theloins, weak­
ness of the limbs, confused vision, blunted
cases, and who think proper to submit
written statement of such, in preference to intellect, loss of confidence in approaching
holding a personal interview, aie respect­ strangers, a dislike to form new acquaintan­
L E V /W S
fully assured that their communications will ces, a disposition to shun society, loss of
be held most sacred and confidential. If the memory, pimples and various eruptions Respectfully informs the cif®D® baB } ]
case be fully and candidly described, person­ about the face, hectic flushes, furred tongue, ers o f E a s t e r n Oregon, tb«
al communication will be unnecessary, as in foetid breath, night sweats, monomania and
structions for diet, regimen and the general frequently insanity. If relief he not obtained,
treatment of the case itself (including the should apply immediately either in person
remedies) will be forwarded without delay, or by letter, and have a cure effected by his
and in such a manner as to convey no idea of new and scientific mode of treating this dis­ Where lie is prepared to fill »1 0
the purport of the letter or parcel so trans­ ease, which never fails in effecting a quick
line with the best o
and radical cure.
D'F'Consultation—By letter or otherwise
Liquors, Wines, Tobacco<
Persons at a distance may be CURED AT
FREE. Permanent cure guaranteed or no
HOME by addressing a letter to Dr. Gibbon
stating case, symptoms, length of time the
in quiDtl‘f
and every thing in his line, He
selb ^°r
promptly forwarded, free from damage and
suit, and at low prices.
Dr. DOHERTY has just published an im curiosity, to any part of the country, with
portant phamplet, embodying his own views full and plain directions for use.
Beady Pay On\y, „ S
and experiences in relation to impotence or
Persons writing to the Doctor will please
therefore ----------
enabled —
to Bell . fl„er L-e —
Virility; being a Short Treatise on Sperma­ state the name of the paper they see this ad­ an d is rnereiurc
torrhea or Seminal Weakness, Nervous and vertisement in.
. . .
Physical Debility, consequent on this affec­
By inclosing Ten Dollars coin, in regis­ sm all D ealers can lay them dowc
tion, and other diseases oi the sexual organs. tered letter through the Postoffice, or
Portland or San Francisco.
This little work contains information of the through Wells, Fargo & Co., a package oi
keeps a full assortment ol
utmost value to all, whether mairied or sin­ medicine will be forwarded to any part of
gle, and will be sent FREE, by mail, on re­ the UnioD.
BAB fixtures .
ceipt of six cents in postage stamps for re­
All com m unications strictly confidential-
Give him a Call, Samp'e hta Gooo-
turn postage.
Address DR. J. F. GIBBON, 623 Kearny
Address, W. %. DOHERTY, M. d . street, San (Francisoo. Poetoffice Box 1,- learn his prices.
n 2 2 y rl]
San Fraacisoo Cal,
June, i, l87®-
n lly rl
L IQ U O R l S T (P