Bedrock democrat. (Baker City, Baker County, Or.) 1870-188?, July 30, 1873, Image 2

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    not concede the right to
pry into their affairs, examine their
W a s h in g t o n , July loth. 1873.
books, <fcc., to the general public.—
More about tile Patron* of Husbandry.
J. M- SHEPHERD, E ditor .
Then why should tho Patrons of
In my last letter I spoke only of Husbandry?
BAKER CITY, JULY 30, 1873.
the social nnd «ducatioual needs of
The Cash Feature.
the agricultural population which
A fundamental principal of the
this order was designed by its foun­ order is to do a casli business, and
Das the Largest Circulation of any ders to supply. But these far see­
the farmer is instructed that if he
Paper Published in Eastern Oregon.
ing men understood fully that they would be independent, he should
could not reasonably hope to estab­ beware of making the manufacturer
lish the new order on a durable ba­ his master by running in debt to him.
For the Counties o f
sis, if it did not also promote and
The subordinate or State Granges,
protect the pecuniary interests of its as the case may he, buy directly of
B a k e r and G r a n t.
the mauufactures, and always for
Tlie material features of tlie Order_it
whatever may be needed by
C orrespondence from all portions of
lias no use far Middlemen.
members. Thus fertilizers, seeds,
Eastern Oregon is solicited for the D emocrat .
It was seen that while the individ­
Ail communications, to receive attention,
trees, agricultural implements, sew­
must be accompanied by a responsible name. ual farmer sold his products to the ing machines, carpets, muslin, flan­
Personal communications will be charged middlemen at the lowest wholesale
nel, books, pianos and whatever else
as special advertisements.
prices, he paid, on the other hand«
may be required can now be purcha­
to men of the same class, the highest
by the individual “ patron,” thro’
retail prices for everything he re­
his “ grange,” at the very lowest
At a meeting of the Democratic quired for the cultivation of his farm wholesale cash price, and always of
Central Committee for Buker County, aDd for the use of his family, and
Oregon, held at the Court House, at sometimes for inferior or entirely the very best quality. On a harves­
Baker City, Oregon, on the 19th day worthless artioles. It was evident, ter he o«in save some forty dollars,—
ou a sewing machine from twenty to
of July, 1«73, the following proceed­
therefore, that ODe of the chief fea­
ings were had, to-wit;
thirty dollars, on a piano from one
On motion, it was ordered that L. tures of the order should be the fa­
hundred to two hundred and fifty
B. Ison act as ¡Secretary of the Com- cilities it would afford farmers for
dollars, ou books from twenty to fif­
ah it tee.
purchasing directly of the manufac­
ty per cent, on a carpet from fifty
On motion, it was ordered that a
Convention lie holden at the Court turer, and for selling his products cents to one dollar and fifty cents
House, at Baker City, Oregon, on directly to tlie Consumer—all this, per yard, and so on through the en­
the Gtli day of August, A. D. 1873, at of coursp, so far as practicable. It
10 o'clock, A. M., for the purpose of was understood that a large amount tire catalogue of necessaries and lux­
electing delegates to the Democratic of capital would be required to ac­ uries.
T lie H ead q u a rters o f tlie O rder,
State Convention to be holden at
Portland, Oregon, for the purpose of complish all that was desirable in I had nearly forgotten to say, is at
uomiuating a Democratic candidate this and other directions, but it was Georgetown, in the District of Co­
for Congress.
known that the farmers of the coun­
On motion, it was recommended try had, collectively, all the money lumbia, that being the residence of
the Secretary of the National Grange,
that the Primary Meetings be held in
that was necessary, and it was be­
the several precincts, on the
Mr. O. H. Kelley, one of the most
lieved that they would use it freely
Second day o f August, A. D. 1873,
able, active and self sacrificing of
and cheerfully whenever they could
at one o’clock, P. M., as follows:
the original founders of the order.—
Humboldt precinct at N. Savage’s;
be brought to see that by so doiug
Clarks Creek at A. Drunk’s Brewery; they could make or save anything.— On some other occasion I will en­
deavor to give your readers some
Bye Valley at Blaine’s Hotel;
Shasta precinct at Recorder's office;
idea ol the immense amount of busi­
Easton precinct at Hurmer’s House; lonnders of the order to so constitute ness, in the way of purchases and
Wingville at the School House;
it that its members should be pecu­
Burnt'River at Weatherby’s Ranch; niarily benefited as soon as practica­ sales, transacted by the Patrons of
Husbandry for the benefit of the
Fort Sumpter at Young’s Shop;
Pocahontas precinct at School house ;
palpable to them, without explana­
Auburn at Scofield's Store;
A. F. B.
North Powder at Sol. Coles;
tion or argument, that the “ Patrons
Baker City at the Court House;
of Husbandry,” unlike all other or­
Pleasant Valley at J. L. Cantor’s
ders,affords facilities to a l l its mem­
Stone House at Stone House;
U n io n , Ogn., July 27th, 1873.
bers to save, often in a single pur­
Conner’s Creek at Dailey’s Hotel.
E d it o r D e m o c r a t :— The weather
On motion, it is oidered that the chase, from five to twenty times as
apportionment of Delegates be us fol­ much ns the expenses attendant up­ still remains hot but not sultry, and
lows; One for the precinct; and one on their membership of a grange for ray laziness coupled with the hot
for each 25 votes cast for member of
weather will tend to make my letter
Congress, at ihe Just election, and an entire year, and to make b^sales short, and doubtless uninteresting.
one for each fraction under 25 votes. and save In- purchases an annual ag­
The first thing I will tell you
The several precincts being euti- gregate of hundreds or thousands of
is our old cat, and all that I
tied to delegates as follows:
dollars, according to the needs, the
2ti votes, 3 di
will say about her is that she kills
desire and the means of the “ patron.
Clarks Creek, 57
first snake killing cat I
Tlie Admission o f Females
ltye Valley,
To membership is one of the princi­ ever saw. She brings in two or three
pal and most pleasing features of the a week; tho snake often still alive,
order, and was wisely held by its and winding about her feet and neck.
Burut River, 12
About the tamest story I have to
founders to be indispensable to a
/ Joealiontus,
high measure of success. In his ad­ relate is an elk story, as follows: On
North Powder, 30
dress to the National Grange, in last Sunday while R. S. Cates and
Buker City,
1870, Mr. Saunders, the then Mas­ family were driving home from town
¡¿tone House, 13
they met an elk walking leisurely
ter. said:
Conner’s Creek
the lane, and passed so near
“ To make country homes and
Pleasant Valley
country society attractive, refined the wagon that Mrs. Cates caught it
Fort ¡Sumpter,
enjoyable, to balance exhaustive by the horns, but after it made an
On motion, it was recommended
by instructive social amuse­ attempt to climb in the wagon with
that all persons who will pledge them­
accomplishments, is part
selves to vote the Democratic ticket
her, she concluded that she didn’t
and our aim.”
at the ens ling election, to be holden
want to hold it any longer, and let it
October 13, 1873. be allowed to vote
It had undoubtedly been mis­
for delegates m the Primaries.
informed relative to the late game
On motion,the Committee adjourn­
ed until August ü, 1873, at 9 o'clock, incalculable value; it is indeed law; but be that as it may, that elk
doubtful whether the objects of the
A. M.
institution, especially in regard to was defunct in half an hour from
Datod Baker Citv, Julv 19, 1873.
the refinements of education, and all that time, with daylight through
tends to brighten hearths and him in three ¡daces. New apples
A. 11. BROWN,
homes, could have been ae-
ed without her presence are being brought in from Walla
Walla and are selling at 8 cents per
and uid.”
L. B. I son , Secretary.
pound. We are informed that the
Secrecy a necessary Feature.
After having arrived at the conclu­ fruit crop is lighter in Walla Walla
(7 asie L aw .—Several of our sports
men have lately been bringing into sion that to secure the greatest good this year than usual. Mr. T. P.
our city large numbers of Duck,— and the greatest variety of good to Smith, late from the Palouse coun­
some for their own use and others the agricultural population it was try, W. T., informs us that that
for sale. The gentlemen who have necessary to establish an order which country is fast settling up, and that
been engaged in killing this kind of should includo both sexes, and a ll* iuds of produce are doing well.
fowl had better walk up to Justice which should be attractive and ben­ He claims that it is a finer grazing
Farnatu s office aod pay their fine, eficial alike to the girl of sixteen and country than this, and that the win­
and thereby save cost. According the patriarch of threescore and ten, ters are no heavier.
a . band of over 800 head of
to thegamelawno jierson has aright the founders of the Patrons of Hus­
to kill ducks before the 1st of August. bandry were influenced by observa­
We make mention of the above facts tion and experience, and after hav­ passed here to day on their way to
to save parties cost, and we are in ing duly weighed an.l considered the Wallowa Valley. They are in very
formed that those who hive violated matter, pro and con, in all its bear­ fair order,- but the horns of some of
the law will be proceeded against if ings,’to believe that only a secret them look like they are going to
they do not complain against them­ order could succeed. They knew seed.
Grain is ripening very fast in this
selves. It is the duty of all Sheriffs, that while in various countries and
and some of it will do to cut
Deputy Sheriffs, constables and Po-
men to inform on parties killing or deavored to build up powerful or­ in about a week, then machinery
having in their possession any kind ganizations, and had signally Jailed must work till snow falls, or until
of Duck between the first of April Decause they let the whole world the last crop is in the granary.
and the first, of August. Come gen­ know their purposes and plans, the
tlemen, walk up and pay your fines, Masons and Odd Fellows, on the
even if you kiLed the ducks with a
club, and you will help the school other band, secret organizations,
W a s h in g t o n . July 23.—The At­
had prospered. There can certainly torney Geneial has refused to rec­
fund .of the County.
be no objection to secrecy, argued ommend for pardon the case of James
A Convention of Champions of the the founders, on the ground of pos­ Pickett, of Idaho, sentenced to be
Red Cross will meet in this city on sible immorality, in an order of hanged in thatTerritory on Friday
next Wednesday for the purpose of which father and daughter, mother for tlie murder of an Indian woman
in August last, by a blow with a mi­
organizing a Grand Encampment
nnd sou, brot her and sister are mem­ ner’s pick.
east of the Cascade Mountains, in­
bers, participating in the same busi­
This State has increased 72.30 per
cluding Idaho, Montana. Utah, Eas­
ness deliberations, intellectual ad­ cent in population within the past
tern Oregon and Washington. We
vantages and healthful amusements. ten years, being the fourth in ratio
are sorry to say that we see indica­
There is certainly no more impro­ of iucrease of all the StStes in the
tions of a ring being formed to con­
priety in the Patrons of Husbandry Union.
trol the election of ofilcers—a thing
exclud'ng outsiders from its meet­
Mrs. Lincoln, widow of the mar­
of this kind will do in politics, but
in a body of this kiud it is a suicidal ings, than in the holding of secret tyr President, is at St* Catherines,
course, and we hope the parties may sessions by directors of banks- or where she will spend the Summer.
be defeated in their underhanded j railroad and insurance companies._ St. Catherines is the fashionable wa­
1 Even private individuals, for that tering place of Canada.
£ lf m orrai.
L arge V e g e t a b l e s .— Mrs. L. A.
Clark, of Junction City, Lane Co.,
Oregon, through a letter to her
daughter. Miss Mattie Clark, of our
city, sends us the dimensions of a
large Dutch Turuip raised by her in
her garden at Junction City, this
year. The Turnip measures thirty
one inches in circumference, and is
not yet done growing. Mrs. Clark
also has in her garden a Radish
which measures twenty two and a
half inches in circumference. Mrs. C.
is quite an old lady, and as is the
case with most of them, takes great
pleasure in working in her garden,
and the above productions are the
result of her careaud attention. Mis.
Clark is a regular subscriber to the
B ed r o c k D e m o c r a t , and we hope
she may live a great many years yet,
and enjoy health to enable her to
work in her garden for recreation
and pastime, and to read the D em o ­
crat .
Can any of oar Eastern Ore­
gon people give us an account of lar­
ger vegetables raised in this section
of our ¡State this year, if so we would
like to hear from them.
The Steam Washer, or
W o m a n ’s
F r ie n d .
f I te a m h a s lo n g b e e n k n o w n as th e
most powerful agent in removing dirt,
muase and stains from clothing and bleach-
hj.r them white. Paper maker» have f«>r ma-
nv°rears mod steam m cleaning and bleach-
irfc'theii- rags, and they succeed in makin0,
bv°its agency, the filthiest pickings lrc m the
gutter perfectly pure and white. Lutil the
invention o f the
S t « W a s te , or W om an’s Friend,
although often attempted, no method had
bet n discovered of applying steam directly
to "be clothihg, which could he used in a
profitable manner for domestic purposes.
The Woman’s Friend washes without laboi;
It will do the washing of an oidinai} famfij
in thirty minutes to an hour. 31-o S eui
Washer is superior to all.other devices, for
the following reasons:
. ,
1st It d«-es its own work, thereby sav ving
a large portion o f the time usually taken m
a 2d. It uses much less soap than is requited
bv any other method.
*3 1 " i t requires no attention wliato ci
while the piocess ol cleaning is going on.
A ludv can do her washing while sue is eat­
ing her breakfast and doing up the breakfast
dl 4 thS Clothing wears double the time, wash­
ed in this Washer, that it will washed by a
machine or by hand labor, or a wash board.
5tli. Lace curtains, and all tine fabrics, aro
washed in a superior manner. For flannels
this W ashes is most desirable, a» t w ill not
full them as machine or liaml-rubbing dot s.
All fabrics, from the finest lace to a bed blan­
ket, e-an be washed perfectly, and with ease,
without the rubbing-board.
I n
l d
!D -u .a t
— AN D —
Office—First door north Odd 'Follow’s Hal!
i M
tUMMutwitmm. i *. ui —
She rill ’s
issueu out o f m e Circuit cuurt 0, W*
bi,;.te oi Oregon, lor Grunt County
me directed and delivered, for ^ j j , , °
m eat rendered in said Court, on ti,,,'tg'
nod day o f June, A. D. 187,, hi
Frank F lageollet, and against L our u of
pee and T. P. Dean, lor the sum or'kiSii"
Hundred aud Twenty-nine Dollars ? ,
Twenty-Five cents Damages,
with Forty-seven Dollars, taxed
and all accruing Costs, 1 have levied“ ’
tbe follow ing Property,- to-wlt:
Five Twelfths to-12; o f certain pin„„
M ining ground, know n .as the Flageoiiiv
.Rappee and French Claims, commune n 1
at m e lower line o f the atari-, W e b s t e r *
Co. claim s, and running thence dr»*
Dixie Creek om thousand and fifty ,
more or less, and extending tlie fuhVirin
o f tlie Creek, from Bluff'to BlulLtoaeii,«.
with Five Twelfths fa-12) o f tlie DeiTk-k
Flum e, T ools, and appurtenances the-ot«
belonging or in anywise pertaining.
N otice is hereby given, that on tho
I. O. O. F.—The following officers
were installed, by D. D. G. M., Geo.
W. Phillips, to serve for the ensuing
term in Baker City Lodge No. 25, I. It is truly a 1 abor & Clothes
O. O. F.:— H. C. Edwards, N. G; J.
Saving Invention.
W. Cleaver, V. G; J. M. Shepherd,
For further particulars address,
R. S; Fv. Alexander, P. S; W. H.
Speake, T; A. Sicord, W; C. M. Fos­
Baker City, Oregon.
ter, Con; Jas. H. Shinn. O. G; John
First Day o f September,
Richard, I. G ; L. B. Ison, R. S. N.
A. D. 1873. at the hour o f 2 o ’clock p \r
G; J. P. Atwood. L. S. N. G; T. N.
I will sell all the right, title and t’merta
Snow, R. S. V. G; S. Baer, L. S. V.
o f siiici Douis Rappee and T. P. ])ean
la and to the above described pronert?’
G; H. Shafer, R. S. S; J. W. W is­
at the Court House Boor, in c.iimm
dom,*L. S. S; C. Green, Chap.
City, Grant County, Oregon, at Public
And $5,000 In
I. C of Ii. C.—The following offi­
cers were installed in McDougall
Encampment No 14, Independent
Champions of the Red Cross, at this
City, to serve for the ensuing term.
J. M. Shepherd, Eminent Comman­
d e r ; J. I’ . Atwood, Eminent Coun­
selor; Jas. II. Shinn, Seo’y; J. B.
Gardner, Treas: Thos. Dealy, S. C;
S. R Ross, J. C; and J. H. lughram
C. of H._____________________‘
S ta te m e n t
o r tlie Financial Condition o f Balter
County, Oregon, for tlie Year 1S72,
Com m encing July 1st, A . D, 1872,
and ending J uly 1st. 1873.
Amount of property assessed lor
the year 187^............................. $695,271 00
Ain't of County tax levied 1872,
13,905 42
Ain’ t of School tax levied 1872..
1,390 5*
Ain’t of Continent tax levied 1872
1,390 54
Ain’t of State tax levied 1872 -----
4,171 62
Amount of tax collected from July 1st,
1872, to July 1st, 1873, on above assessment:
County tax levied........................ $13,905 42
Amount of County tax collected, 11,547 00
$2,358 42
Amount of School tax levied___
Amount of School tax collected.
$ 390 54
Delinquent.................... .
1,125 50
$265 04
J A S . W. VIRTUE, «
Amount of Contingent tax levied
Amount of
tax collected
Amount of State tax levied, 1872
Amount of State tux collected...
$1,390 54
1,121 29
$269 25
$4,171 62
3,370 39
$801 23
Amount of expenditures from July 1, 1872,
to July 1, 1873:
County Clerk’s account.............
$1.302 50
Criminal a c c o u n t....................
478 65
Sup’ t Common Schools account
215 67
County Judge’s account.............
800 00
Couii'y Commissioners account
211 75
Jail account.................................
1,737 90
Miscellaneous account.................
1,072 62
Assessor’s account......................
509 33
Treasurer’s account....................
695 13
Pauper’s account........................
487 56
Sheriff’s account........... .............
2,932 02
Coroner’s account......................
94 08
Circuit Court account.................
1,488 41
Justices o f the Peace account___
631 05
Road account...............................
1,320 53
Election account........................
786 40
Total expenditures for the year $14,741 35
Amount ot County receipts from
all sources for tue vear ending
July 1,1873...............................
15,520 74
Leaving a total of........................
$779 39
o f receipts in excess o f the expenditures
of the County fund.
Amount of contingent tax levied $1.390 54
Amount contingent tax collected
1,121 29
Amouutcontiugent tax expended
456 52
Expenses o f the County for the year ending
July 1,1873 ............................. S14.741 36
Amount of inteiest paid on Co.
Orders from September. 7,
1870, to July 1, 1873...............
1,389 99
Amountof Couutv indebtedness,
July 1, 1872...'................
13.036 31
Total o f expenditures, interest
paid and outstanding indebt­
Amount o f receipts and orders
cancelled from July 1,' 1872,
to July 1. 1873........................
S29.167 65
15,520 74
$13.646 91
Cash in hands of County Treas­
urer, County fund.................
1,183 70
$12,403 21
Cash in hands o f County Treas­
urer, coutingeut fund.............
375 96
Amount County indebtedness,
July 1, 1873.............................
$12,087 25
State of Oregon,
• SS.
County of baker.
I, Luther b Ison, County Clerk of said
Baker County, Oregon, do hereby certify
that the foregoing Statement of the Expen­
ditures and Leceipts o f baker Comity, Ore­
gon. is correct, and is a true Exhibit o f the
Financial Affairs o f said County, for the
year commencing July 1, A*D. 1872, and
ending July 1. 1873.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto
, —
. set my hand, and the Seal of
\ L. S. > said Countv, this 21st day o f
( — ,— ) July, A. D. 1873.
County Clerk.
C O IN ,
J. City of Lewiston, Idaho Territory, by
Grand Gift Enterprise. The l.*ui Estate is
composed of part of the Southwest quarter ot
Section No. 29, Township No. 7. North of
ltange36 East, adjoining the flourishing city
of W alia Wadi, \* ashiugtoii ’J enitory. Tho
Distribution ,o take place at Lewiston on the
A uction, for Cash in hand, to tlie highest
and best bidder, to satisfy said e\»n
turn and all costs.
3 Issued out o f the Circuit Court ofth»
i3ti ate o f Oregon lor Grant County, and to
me e directed and delivered, f r a judgment
rendered in said Court, on the Tniny-iirst
First day o f November, 1873. day o f May, A. D. 1872, in favor of Join,
M cCullough, M. S. Heilman, Plaintiffs
Five Thousand l5,OCO> '1 ickets will be sold and F. C. H orsley, Defendant, and against
at Five Dollars each. Five Hundred and A. E . Starr E . W . Webster and II. i ogeis
Fifty-nine (559) Prizes in Leal Estate and Defendants, for ihe sum of One Thousand
Gold Coin. ONE chance in every NINE to Five Hundred and Seventy-eight Dollars
aud Fifty-four cents, Damages, together
get a price.
The t apital Prize is a large, new and well with Fifty Dollars and ¡¿event-six cents,
finished two-story dw elling house, containing Tax Costs, and all accruing Costs,I have
on the- following Property, tu-wil;
fourteen rooms, with fire places and marble levied
The undivided one half interest in and
mantles, wood shed, cellar and out houses to that certain Water Ditch and Wider
complete, and twenty acres of land fenced and Right, situated and lying in John Day
improved, with plenty o f water and. over 4,ODD V alley, Grant County, Oregon, commenc­
fe t of water pipe for irrigating; over two ing at a point on the North of John lhy
hundred bearing fruit trees, consisting of River, near the upper end of Anderson's
apples, pears, peaches, plums and cherries, Ranch, and from thence running inn
of (lie finest varieties; also a large variety of westerly direction along the Foot Hill, on
the north side o f John Day River, ton
bearing grape vines; about one acre o f land point
on Dixie Creek, and known as the
is plunteuwith the, nest variety o f strawber­ Starr, W ebster & Co. Ditch, with the tene­
ries, all bearing; and several hundred of the ments and hereditaments thereunto be­
choicest blackberries, currants and gooseber­ longing.
N otice is hereby given, thaton the
ries; and a large and varied selection or or­
namental trees, flowering shrubs and vines.
Tenth day o f September,
This property cost the proprietor about Nine
Thousand Five Hundred Dollars.
A. D. 1873, at tlie hour of Ten o’clock, A
T h is V a in ab le P r o p e r ty is tlie F ir st M., I will sell all t he right, title and intw-
P r iz e , O ffered a t
$ 7 ,5 0 0 est o f said A. E . Starr, E. W. Webster and
II. Rogers, in and to the above described
1 P r iz e $1,000 G old Coin is
$ 1,000 property, at the Court House Door in Can­
1 Prize $500 gold coin is
500 yon City, Grant County, Oregon, at Public
1 Prize $2o0 gold coin is
250 A uction, for cash in hand, to the highest
1 Prize $100 gold Coin is
100 and best bidder, to satisfy said ExecuAiea
2 Prizes $5U gold coin is
100 and all costs.
WM. P. G R A Y ,
250 Town Cots in Elmer’s Addition
Sheriff, Grant County, 0.
to Vi alia Walla, W .T., $50 each,
2 Prizes $ 5 gold coin is
300 Prizes $10 gold coin is
Sheriff’s Sale.
M aking- a G ra n d T o ta l o f $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 .
iy V irtu e o f mi Execution Issued
out o f the Circuit Court of the State
oi Oregon, for Grant County, and to me
directed and delivered, for a judgment
rendered in said Court, on the Seventh
day o f June, A. D. 1873, in favor of John
M cCullough, M. 8. Heilman and F C-
H orsley, and against E. W. Webster, AH-
Starr and H. Rogers, for the sum of 0*
Thousand Seven Hundred and Five hob
lars and Eighty cents, D am ages, together
with Forty-six Dollars, tax costs, and an
5,000 Tickets; $5 Fach.
accruing costs, I have levied on the folio«'
ing property, to-wit:
. . .
P L A N OF D R A W I N G :
'Tlie Placer Mining ground situated ami
The numbers from 1 to 5.COO. correspond­ lying at the m outn of Dixie Creek, Cram
Oregon; Nine Placer Mmiii,
ing with the number o f Tickets, will be plac­ County,
claim s lying m the bed of Dixie Creek, ami
ed in oue wheel, and 659 numbers, corres­
bounded on tbe norih by Cropp A Compa­
ponding with the number o f Prizes will be ny’s claim s, and on the south ,oy I-renen,
in a second wheel. The w heels are then re­ ltappee & Co.’s claims.
volved and a number drawn from the wheel
N o t ic e is hereby given, that on the
ol numbers, and at the same time a number
is drawn from tbe other wheel; the number
Ten t!i day o f September,
and prize drawn out are exhibited to the au­
1873, at Ten o ’clock, A. M-,
dience and registeied by the Secretaries, the
tiie right, title and interest ot saw •
Prize being placed against the number drawn. all
W. W ebster, A. E. Starr and n. Koge».» operation is repeated until all the Prize and to the above described propenji
numbers are drrwn out.
tiie Court House Door, in Canyon o •>
Beference is made by permission to the Grant C oum y, Oregon, at Public Auc •
following: General James McAuliff, late for Cash m hand, to tlie highest aru „
Sheriff o f Walla Walla county; Hon. F. p . bidder, to satisfy said execution an
Dugan, Thomas Quinn, Esq'., and Hon. B.
L. Sharjstein, Attorney-at-Luw; ail of Walla
Sheriff', Grant bound,v
Walla, W. T.
Persons residing at a distance can rest as
sured their interests are as well protected
W rit o f Special flection.
as though they were present and personally
superintended the management.
To t.ic Sheriff* o f the several Counts
Good anil Responsible Agents W ant­
w ith in tlie State of Ore«0“-
ed Everywhere!
H E R E A S , At a General E lf “°D.
Meney can be seat in Registered Letters,
held on tlie third day oi Jun > ‘Wy
Postofliee money orders, Drafts or by Express' 1872, the Hon. Joseph G.-Wilson ^ 0re.
elected Representative ol the State , aj.
gon in the Forty-tiff id Congress oit
Banker and Assayer.
ted States; ahd
, , , .fnn gab*
Lewiston, Idaho Territory.
W h e r e a s , sin ce the said elect
Agent for sale o f Tickets at Baker City
office lias becom e vacant by tlie
said incum bent; and
W h e r e a s , By provision of the t
tion o f tbe United States, and j|*e
this State, it has become the ai'■ fe]eC-
K e g S a lo o n .
Governor thereof«to issue his
tion to till such vacancy;
“ PAP” LEVENS lias opened a
Now, therefore, I, L. F. Gr°vf ’
o f the State o f Oregon, do heieW L 6evera<
you and each of you to notify .. r you:
Judges o f Election within aJ ' e\ecUfA
Counties, to hold aspen - ¡¡u ¡19
In connection with his ¡¿AMPLE BOOM, o several
f Representative in Congress w
where none but tlie best of
vacancy aforesaid, on
A list of the drawn numbers will be seftt to
each person who has remitted to us, im m edi­
ately after the drawing. Coin Prizes w ill be
sent by express to persons winning them.
Deeds lor Leal Estate will be sent to me w in­
ners by mail, registered, free o f charge.
The drawing will take place under the
management of a Committee to be appointed
by the (reset holders.
Liquors, Cigars, &c.,
Will be kept He has had all of his Bar Li
quors examined by Physicians, and they
have pronounced all fit for
Medicinal Purposes,
And he will keep none other in his Kegs, for
Betail. He sells no poison to customers, and
will not have Drunk men about hid prem*
ises. His Leg Saloon is quiet aud retired,
and no gambling allowed.
Lime! Lime! Lime!
oberts & Nelson have on hand
Lime o f good quality, aud will sell at
low rates.
Orders from a distant» soHoited.
Monday, the 13th day oD
tober, A. D . I8'3, ^
and that you cause all proper notices
given thereof according to law.
ea oi
S Given uu 'e n n y hand and tne ui*
. the State o f Oregon, at W*' f a
| L. S. | Tenth day otJm yji,A n''uV£B.
Attest: S. F. C h a d w ic k ,
n Pin 17
secretary ol state oi
f’tone Cutting and Building*
_ -
It /Tessrs. Roberts & Nelson y
.1 j't*
^ tt
M'pectfullv inform t h e r e o f *