Bedrock democrat. (Baker City, Baker County, Or.) 1870-188?, July 23, 1873, Image 4

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    ' *
nature has been prodi- j
Sheriff’s Sale.
ber bounties, man has been
»nt in their preservation and
o a t o f th e C ircuit C ourt o f th e
jvement. Whereve^ nature has S ta te Issued
o f O rcgpn for G ra n t C o u n ty , and to
niggardly of her gifts, man bas m e directed
and d eliv ered , for a ju d g m e n t
been progressive and energetic. In re n d e re d in said C dhrt. on th e F o u rth d ay
1 M .l
ber, A. D. 1872, In fav o r o f - J.
the one case, he is tempted to depend o F f re D n ecem
c h , G. B. G lllm a n and J. M. R oche
largely on the assistance of natural a n d a g a in s t' J o h n W o rsw ick a n d I. J.
for th e su m o f F o u r H u n d re d
endowments; in the othei;, he relies Hasruewortd,
and one D o llar a n d five c e n ts, D am ages,
mainly on his own exertions. These to g e th e r w ith ------- D o llars, Tax Costs,
are the relative conditions of farm­ a n d a ll acc ru in g Costs, I h av e lev ied on
ing P ro p e rty , to-w it:
ing on the Pacific Coast and pursu­ th T e h follow
a t c e rta in Saloon a n d L o t k n o w n ns
ing the same vocation east of the th e P o n y S aloon a n d Lot, b o u n d e d on th e
o rth by F ra n k F la g e o le tt’s H o te l, an d
Rocky Mountains. Relying on the N
fro n tin g W ash in g to n S tre e t; also, th e D w el­
fertility and freshness of onr soil, lin g H o d se a n d L ot, k n o w n as P o n ie s’
w elling H ouse a n d Lot, and ly in g E a s t
and the equable nature of our cli­ D
f W illia m C o ien ’s D w elling H o u se and
mate; placing faith in the wonderful o Lot,
to g e th e r w ith a ll th e te n e m e n ts an d
luxuriance and liberality with which a p p u rte n a n c es th e re u n to b e lo n g in g . A ll
th e ab ove d escribed p ro p e rty b ein g situ a ­
the earth yield« of her fruits in fav­ ted
lu P ra irie Citj , C ounty a n d S tate afore­
orable seasons, the farmer on this said.
coast contents himself with scratch- ‘ N otice is h e re b y g iv e n , th a t on th e
ing over an immense surface, and
Thirty-First day of July,
seeding it down with one staple ar- I A. D. 1873, a t th e h o u r o f T en o ’clock, A.
tide. If he selected wheat, then M., I w itl sell a ll th e rig h t, title a n d in te r­
est a f said I. J . H aguew ood a n d Jo h n
wheat alone claims his attention, and W
ick in a n d to th e ab ove describ ed
ao on throughout the whole cata- j p ro orsw
p e rty , a t th e C ourt H o u se D oor in Can­
logue. Years of failure and adver- I yon City, G ra n t C ounty, O regon, a t P u b lic
u c tio n , for cash in b a n d , to th e h ig h e st
sity seem to bring him no real or A
a n d b est b id d er, to sa tisfy said E x ecu tio n
practical knowledge. He has either a n d a ll costs.
W M . P. G R A Y ,
forgotten the lessons of skillful til­ n6nl0
S heriff, G ra n t C ounty, O.
lage and sound farming learned in
the home of his youth or he has dis­
Sheriff ’s Sale.
carded them as being superfluous in
y v ir t u e o r a x e x e c u t io n
so genial, so prodigal a country.—
issued o u t o f th e C ircu it Court o f th e
The vegetable, meats, fruit, and eve­ S B
ta te of Oregon, for G ru n t C ounty, a n d to
rything except the one product of m e d ire c te d a n d d e liv e re d , for a J u d g ­
re d in said C ourt, on th e Sec­
his farm, consumed by his family, m e n d t a y re n o d f e Ju
n e , A. D. 1873, in fa v o r of
are obtained from other sources.— ond
Jo s e p h M essenger a n d a g a in s t G eorge J.
With every appliance and facility H o b so n , for th e su m o f N ine H u n d re d a n d
u r D o llars, D am ages, to g e th e r
for being as independent aB man T w w ith en ty T -fo
h irty -se v e n D o llars a n d T w elve
can be, he is tbe most dependent, ce n ts, taxed costs, a n d a ll a c c ru in g costs,
h av e le v ie d o n th e toilo w in g P ro p e rty ,
and should his crop fail, he is over­ I to-w
taken by actual distress. Were the T he it: so u th h a lf o f th e so u th w e st q u a rte r,
tame forethought, energy, skill, and a n d th e so u th w e st q u a rte r of th e so u th e a st
rte r, a n d th e n o rth e a s t q u a rte r o f th e
economy practiced by the farmers of q so u u a th
w e st q u a rte r of sectio n E ig h teen , in
this coast as we find in the tillage of T o w n sh ip 13, S o u th o f R ange T h irly -tliree
s t o f th e W illa m e tte M e rid ia n , to g e th e r
the soil throughout New England E w a ith
th e te n e m e n ts and a p p u rten an ces
and the middle States, there would th e re u n to belo nging. A ll o f th e above des-
s itu a te d in
ii J o h n
be no failures, no disgusts, no lam­ crib ed V a p lle ro y p , e G rty ran being
t C ounty, Oregon.
entations, but abundance and pros­ D ay
N otice is h e re b y g iv en , t h a t o n th e
perity in every homestead. Visit the
Thirty-First Day of July,
farms of New York, Pennsylvania,
Massachusetts, Connecticut, etc., A. D. 1873. a t th e h o u r o f 10 o ’clock, A. M.,
ill sell a ll th e rig h t, title a n d in te re st
and yon will find delightful residen­ I o f w said
eoige J . H o b so n in a n d to th e
ces embowered among choice fruit ab o v e d G escrib
ed p ro p e rty , a t th e C o u rt
and ornamental trees; lovely flower H ouse D oor, in C anyon C ity, G rant C ounty,
a t P u b lic A u ctio n , for Cash in.
and vegetable gardens; well built Oregon,
h a n d , to th e h ig h e st a n d b est b id d er, to
barns, cribs, anu outhouses; nicely satisfy sa id ex ecu tio n a n d all costs.
W IL L IA M P. G R A Y ,
cultivated fields of wheat, rye, oats, n8n!2
beans, peas, buckwheat, and other
products of the earth; neat, substan­
Administrator’s Notice.
tial fences; selected farming imple­
ments, kept in tbe best order; social Y T OTICE IS h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t
e ,u n d e rs ig p e d h a s b een a p p o in te d
intercourse and harmony existing a J l d . n m I th
in is tra to r o f th e E s ta te o f G eorge W .
among neighbors; intelligence, good H o rn e r, deceased,; said a p p o in tm e n t h a v ­
will, self reliance, and manly dignity in g been d u ly m a d e by th e H on. J. D. M c­
rla n d , C o u n ty J u d g e o f B a k e r County,
their prominent traits. What does O F a regon,
o n th e 7th d a y of J u ly A. D. 1873.
the traveler see on the Pacific Coast? T h is is th e re fo re to notify a ll persons
h a v in g c la im s a g a in s t said E s ta te , th a t
Field after field of wheat; miles up­ th
e y are req u ested to p re se n t th e m , w ith
on miles of the same product; lea­ p ro p e r v o u ch ers, w ith in six m o n th s from
te hereof, to th e u n d ersig n ed , a t B a­
gues upon leagues of lund seeded to th e d C a ity,
in said C ounty a n d S ta te ,
wheat; wheat to the right of you, k e D r ated
a t B a k e r C ounty S ta te o f O regon,
wheat to the left of you. One looks J u ly 7th, 1873.
in vain for commodious and hand­ A d m in istra to r o JA
f th e E s ta te o f G eorge W .
somely furnished homesteads; com­ H o rn e r, deceased.
fortable barns and neat outhouses, S te rn s & H y d e , A tt’ys for A d m ’r.
orchards, and gardens; poultry, pig
pen, sheep houses, cow yard, and
Administrator’s Notice.
stables. It gratifies us to bear wit­
ness to the fact that there are nota­ \ OTICE IS H E R E B Y GIVEN TH AT
-Lxl th e th e u n d e rsig n e d h a s been a p p o in t­
ble exceptions, but this is the rule. ed
a d m in is tr a to r of th e E s ta te or P e te r
Oar farmer? do not employ the skill, T h o m p so n , d eceased : said a p p o in tm e n t
energy, and economy of those in less h av in g been d u ly m a d e by th e H o n . J . D.
c F a rla n d , C ounty J udge of B a k e r C ounty,
naturally favored sections. They M
O regon, on th e 8th d ay o f J u ly , 1873.
trust too much to luck, and depend T h is is th e re fo re to n o tify a ll p erso n s
h a v in g c la im s a g a in st said E s ta te , th a t
♦oo largely on soil and climate. They th
e y are re q u e ste d to p re s e n t th e m , w ith
confine their operations within too p ro p e r v o u c h e rs, w ith in six m o n th s fro m
narrow a scope, in so far as variety th e d a te h ereo f, to th e u n d e rsig n e d , a t B a­
City, in sa id C ounty a n d State*
is concerned, and extend them over k e D r ated
a t B a k e r C ity, B a k e r C ounty, O re­
too large a space to give it faithful g on, J u ly 8th, 1873.
attention. We have much laud un­ A d m in is tra to r o f C.
th e E s ta te o f P e te r
der semi cultivation; but few, very T h o m p so n deceased ,
S te rn s & H y d e A tty ’s fo r A d m ’r.
few farms grace this State.—Com­
mercial Herald.
S p rin g C am p aign Î
Public Notice.
There are signs on the the political
o t ic e is h e r e b y g iv e n t h a t
horizon which are worth Studying.
I will not be responsible for any debts
There is the coarse arrogance of Sen­ contracted by my son, James M. Dean, He
ator Carpenter’s recent speech in de­ is 18 years of age, and has been doing busi­
fence of his vote for the salary bill; ness for himself for the past year, and I have
him his time.
and there is the supercillious decla given
The public will take notice of the above
ration of the same Senator repeated and govei n themselves accordingly.
by Attorney General Williams that Lower Powder liiver, June 21, 1873.
the people ought to let politics alone n 8n ll*
and attend to their business; and
there is the cold blooded assertion in
; P A . Y XT IP! !
the Eastern Republican organs that
l l p e r s o n s in d e b t e d to a . h .
the Western farmers have nothing
Brown are respectfully requested to
but their own mismanagement to come forward and settle their accounts,
complain of; and there is the almost either by Cash or note, immediately.
A word to the wise is sufficient.
Napoleonic ignorance of, and indif
Baker City, March 26,1373.
ference to the public business of tbe
Washington Administration. Then,
too, we see the cammencement of li­ $5. A Valuable Iuvention!
bel suits and other similar proceed­
ing« by Government officials and fa-
•vorites against daring and, perhaps,
S e w in g M a c h in e !
unscrupulous journalists who are
exposing their profligacy and cor­
ruption. How all this reminds us of
the days of Rochefort and the Em­
pire of France, when the Emperor
was dwadling his time away at the The most Simple and Compact in
Construction, the most Durable
watering places; when his ministers
and Economical in use, A
were neglecting everything but their
Model of Combined
own ease and profit; and when the
Strength and Beauty.
Lanterne’s acrid and unendurable at­
tacks on the Government stung it to
the Straight Eye Pointed Needle, Self-
desperation and ruin. The chief bu­ Tlireading, direct upright Positive Motion,
siness of the French Empire in its New Tension, Self Feed and Cloth Guider.
Operates by Wheel on a Table. Light Run­
last days was controlling elections ning,
Smooth and noiseless like all good,
and prosecuting journalists. It high priced
machines. Has patent check to
would not be fair to say that this is prevent the wheel being turned the wrong
the chief business of the governing way. Uses the thread direct from the spool.
the Elastic Lock Stitch (finest and
party in this country, but it certainly Makes
strongest stitch known;/ firm, durable, close
seems to be tending in that direction. and
rapid. Will do all kinds of work, fine
l A 3B ® 18 S IT StT®(DE
Ever Offered in this Market, which they are
determined to sell for
No Person can take tbese Bitters ac­
cording to directions, and remain long unwell,
provided their bones are not destroyed by mine­
ral poison or other means, and vital organs
wasted beyond the point of repair.
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache,
Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the
Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Sto­
mach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks,
Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the
Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Kidney», and
a hundred other painful symptoms, are the off­
springs of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a
better guarantee of Its merits than a lengthy
Por Fe male Complaints, In young or Old,
married or single, at the dawn of womanhood,
or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so
decided an influence that Improvement is soon
For Inflammatory and Chronic
Rheumatism and Gout, Bilious, Remittent
and Interm ittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood,
Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have
no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated
They are a gentle.Purgative as well
as a Tonic, possessing the m erit of acting as
a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or In­
flammation of the Liver and Yisoeral Organs,
and in Bilious Diseases.
For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt
Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules,
Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-worms, Scald-Head,
Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolora­
tions of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the
Skin of whatever name or nature, are liter­
ally dug up and carried out of the sys­
tem In a short time by the use of these Bitters.
Grateful Thousands proclaim VINEGAR
B itters the most wonderful Invigorant th at
ever sustained the sinking system.
. M c D onald & co.
Druggists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Cal.,
k cor. of Washington and Charlton Sts., N.Y.
Settle Up Old Bills.
per so n s
in d e b t e d
to th e
old Firm of Kahn, Ottenheimer A Co.,
will please call and settle with
S m a lle r P ro fits
Than any other House in Eastern Oregon.
Our Stock embraces every thing in the line of
P ry
Boots and Shoes,
Tobacco and Cigars,
and Everything pertaining to a Complete
Stock of
General Merchandise.
Our Stock of Liquors
Is [well supplied with the Best Brands of
W INE, etc., etc.,
And we offer the same at Lowest Figures.
Farmers wanting anything in the line o
Reapers, Mowers, Threshers, Feed
Mills, Wagons, Horse Rakes,
Harrows, Plows, or.
will find it to their advantage to give us a call.
The Standard remedy for C oughs , I nflu ­
Sore Throat. Whooping Cough, Croup,
Liver C om plaint, B
ronchitis, Bleeding of the
Lungs ana
and every
everv subuidu
affection ^ of the
-— —
L u n ls and Chest, C onsumption .
IVistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry
does not dry up a Cough, but
hut loosens it,
cleanses the fungs, and a l l a y s lrntetion, thrn
removing the cause of the complaint. No
genuine unless signed I. B utts . Prepared
by S eth W. F owle & S ons , Boston. Sold
by R edington , H ostetter * Co., San Fran
cisco, and by dealers genei a ly.
x ¿niuy
A p r ir a t e C ounselor to th e
M a r r i a g e ;::»t
G u id o .
U L . t M . e o T . r l « U rro d y c .u g au d p re v e n tin g o ff.p n n g ,
how to pre.erve th e eom pL xiou^
h u n d re d a n d lix ty
T h i . i . an in te re s tin g
, ud c o n ta in , v a lu a b le
p a g e ., w ith num erou* « *
m a rrie d ,o r co n te m p late m ar-
to be
be k k e e p p t t u u n n d d e e r r lock
i ' " " ' ation.for;tl>0,,e
* ™ fH i ‘. Ä k ’' ° J t h th a a 't t a ouch
u g h t t to
V ‘ u a i d c a r e l c . l v . a b o <Mlvice
u t th e h o u se.
e y S .a i‘i
in n d d k key.
a n n d d n o U a i d c
L d a d r i e . o d f a i p p h c i c L n
I t ‘ o n ta ln . th e e x p er e
n d i h ould be I n th e p H .
w ho.e re p u ta tio n L w orld w
th ro u g h o u t th e e n tire
v a t . d ra w e r of every
s u b je c t» f th e gen-
. l V r r u V w ^ h nin o w ln g , a n d m u ch t h a t 1.
n o t pu b lish ed ln *DZ
postage) for F if ty C e n ts.
m . r c n . a r ey ,N o. 1 2 * . E i g h t h . * « «
B t. Loui«, Mo
to tlio Afflicted ______
and Unfortunate.
B efore ap p ly in g to the - ^ ^ r ’e m e î i « ‘ « r u « D “
it u t U w ork no’ m a t t e r * h a t y oTi r d i.e a .e i . , o r how d eplor-
a d o uble h o u .e o f tw e n ty -.e v e n
room*. : j ” T n d o r.e d by .ome o f th e m o st « l e b r « ^ ^ ^ ! -
^ ^ f U \ r . o " b i . 7 o ú ; L y a n d E .U
u rO
ro p pC e, , ikUU
a n d c an b «a. . « m -
su ite d personally o r b y m a, on th e
between Market and Che.nut, Bt. Loul>, Mo.
Feb. 26, 1873.-»42y.
Wholesale Department
Is kept in our New FIRE PROOF CELLAR.
Give us a Call at the Corner of Front and
Valley Avenue,Baker City, Oregon.
Baker City, Dec. 4 ,1872.-n5tf
Among the
discoveries of m
;ern science, few’
of more real va
,to mankind th
'this effectual rei
edv for all disei
of the Throat t_
Lungs. A vast t
ri of its virtut
throughout this a,
other countries, h
shown that it d<
surely and
« liiv t effectually
v/i.w w
*<-1X4. The
* 11V t I
__ .
timony of our best citizens, ftp
of all classes,
tablfelies the fact, that C herry P ectora I
will and does relieve and cure the afflictinl
disorders of the Throat and Lungs bevond an]
other medicine. The most dangerous ailed
tions of the Pulmonary Organs yield to ¡¡3
power; and cases of Consumption, cure]
by this preparation, are publicly known, $|
remarkable as hardly to be believed, ver
As a ren
C y not proven beyond
----1 dispute.
• Y .1
edy it is adequate, on which the public ma
rely for full protection. By curing Cou
the forerunners of more.serious disease,
es unnumbered lives, and an amount
amount'c ol
suffering not to be computed. It challeng
trial, and convinces the most sceptical
Every family should keep it on hand as
protection against the early and unperceivc
attacks of Pulmonary Affections, which ai
easily met at first, but which becom e incur,
ble, and too often fatal, i f neglected. Tende
lungs need this defence; and it is unwise tJ
be without it. As a safeguard to children!
amid the distressing diseases which beset thl
Throat and Chest of childhood, C ii eu r V
P e c t o r a l i s invaluable; for, b y its timely
use, multitudes are rescued from prematur
graves, and saved to the love and aflectioij
centred on them. It acts speedily and surelj
against ordinary colds, securing sound and
health-restoring sleep. No one w ill suffe]
troublesome In f lu e n z a and painful Eton
ch itis, when they know how easily they ca
be cured.
Originally the product of long, lnboriousl
and successful chemical investigation, no cost
or toil is spared in making every bottle in thl
utmost possible perfection. It may be confij
dently relied upon as possessing all the virj
tues it has ever exhibited, and capable of]
producing cures as memorable as the greatesl
it has ever effected.
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.j
P r a c tic a l a n d A n a ly tic a l C h e m is ts .
Q uick C ures and M oderate C harges ;
No. 519, Sacramento Street,
Corner of Leide'sdorff Street, ) a few doors
below What Cheer House,)
Private Entrance on Leidesdorfi Street.
Established expressly to afford the Afflicted
pound and Scientific Medical Aid, in
the treatment and cure of all
private and chronic Disea­
ses, Cases of Secresy,
and all Sexual Dis­
Baker City, Oregon.
J U S T P U B L IS H E D 1
S tra u ss’ W a ltz e s
fo r P e te rs’ E d itio n .
A sk
Paper Copy sent, post paid, for $1;50; In
Boards, $2. Address,
J. L. PETERS, 599 Broadway, N. Y.
S A N G E E-F E S T :
(The Singing Festival.)
A C ollection o f Glees, Part-S on g's,
C lioruscs, etc., fo r
M a le
"V oices.
DR. W. K. DOHERTY returns his sin­
cere thanks to his numerous patients for
their patronage, and would take this oppor­
tunity to remind them that he continues to
consult at his Institute for the cure of Dis­
eases of the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Diges­
tive and Genito-Urinary Organs, and all
private diseases, viz : Syphilis in all its
forms and stages, Seminal Weakness and all
the horrid consequences of self-abuse, gon­
orrhea, gleet, strictures, nocturnal and di­
urnal emissions, sexual debility, diseases of
the back and loins, inflammation of the
bladder and kidneys, etc.; and he hopes that
his long experience and successful prac-
tice, will continue to insure him a share of
public patronage. By the practice of many
years in Europe and the United States, he is
enabled to apply the most efficient and suc­
cessful remedies against diseases of ail kinds.
He cures no mercury, charges moderate,
treats his patients in a correct and honorable
way and has references of unquestionable
veracity from men of known respectability
and high standing in society. All parties
consulting him, by letter or otherwise, will
receive the best and gentlest treatment and
implict secrecy.
Every year increases the popu-1
larity of this valuable Hair Prep-1
aration, which is due to merit I
alone. W e can assure our old
pations that it is kept fully up to
DR. GIBBON’S its high standard; and it is the on­
ly reliable and perfected prepara­
tion for restoring G r a y or F aded ]
H a ir to its youthful color, making!
623, Kearney St.,
it soft, lustrous, and silken. The l
Corner Commercialstreet, scalp, by its use, becomes white and
San Francisco-
clean. It removes all eruptions and
Established in 1854, for the treatment of dandruff, and, by its tonic proper­
sexual and seminal diseases, such as Gonor­ ties, prevents the hair from falling
rhea, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis in allitsfonns,
seminal weakness, impotency, etc. Skin out, as it stimulates and nourishes I
diseases, of years standing, and ulcerated the hair-glands.
By its use, the I
legs succe8slully treated.
and stronger f
DR GIBBON has the pleasure of announ­
cing that he has returned from visiting the In baldness, it restores the capillary!
principal Hospitals in Europe, and has re­ glands to their normal vigor, anil
sumed practice at the Dispensary, 623 Kear­
ney street, corner of Commercial, where his will create a new growth, except ini
old patients and those requiring his services extreme old age. It is the
may find him.
The Doctor has spared neither time nor economical H air -D ressing ever]
money in seeking out new remedies, and used, as it requires fewer applica­
has returned with increased facilities for the tions, and gives the hair a splendid
alleviation of human suffering.
glossy appearance. A. A . Hayes,
How many thousands of persons, both M.D., State Assayer of Massachu­
male and female, are there who are suffer­
ing out a miserable existence from the ef­ setts, says, “ The constituents aril
fects of secret indulgence, or from virus ab­ pure, and carefully s e le c te d for ex-1
sorbed into the system. Look at their pal­
lid, emaciated and disfigured faces and cellent quality; and I considerkI
their broken down constitutions, disquali • the B est P reparation for itf|
fying them for the happiness of marriage or intended purposes.”
tlie enjoyment of life. In this horrid situa-
TO TH E U N F O R T U N A T E 1!
Dimmi y .
tion thousands suffer until death closes the
scene* Let parents, guardians and friends
When a female is in trouble, or afflicted attend to those who are suffering with any
with disease, as weakness of the back and of these horrible, life-destroying maladies—
limbs, pain in the head, dimness of sight, 86 e that they are cared for and cured before
loss of muscular power, palpitation of the it is too late. Send them immediately to
lY a irv "Voices;
heart, irritability, nervousness, extreme uri­ Dr. Gibbon, a physician who has made pri­
A N e w M usic B o o k lo r D a y Schools. nary difficulties, derangement of digestive vate diseases his especial study for years,
iunctions, general debility, vaginitis, all dis­
Send 60 c e n ts , and we will mail a sample eases of the womb, hysteria, sterility, and and who is certain to cure the most invete­
rate cases without mercury or any injurious
copy April 1st. Address,
all other diseases peculiar to females, she drugs. It is important to those afflicted, or
should go or write at once to the celebrated those interested in the welfare of their
# n51n!0
\ 599 Broadway, N. Y.
female doctor, W. K. DOHERTY, at his friends, to he careful of the many pretended
medical Institute, and consult him about her dootors who infest all cities, publisbing their
troubles and disease. The Doctor is effect­ skill in curing ail diseases in a few days, im­
ing more cures than any other physician in posing upon the public by using the names
the state of California. Let no false delica­
em inent plivsicians from E urope and
cy prevent you, but apply immediately and of
other places. Be therefore careful and m ake
Y I C T O B ”
save yourself from painful sufferings and strict
inquiry or you may fall into the hands
premature death. All married ladies, whose of those
Runs very Easy,
delicate health or other circumstances pre­
S E M IN A L W E A K N E S S .
Runs very Fast,
vent an increase in their families, should
Seminal emission—the consequence of
Runs very Still. write or call at Dr. W. K. DOHERTY’s Medi­
self abuse. This solitary vice, or depraved
Has a New Shuttle superior to all others.
sexual indulgence, is praticed by the youth
ible relief and help. The Doctor’s offices of both sexes to an almost unlimited extent,
D e fie s C om petition . are so arranged that he can be consulted producing with unerring certainty the fol­
without fear of observation.
lowing train of morbid symptoms, unless
Great Improvements in Needle.
combatted by scientific medical measures,
Cannot be Set Wrong.
To Correspondents.
viz: Sallow countenance, dark spots under
EF” Agents Wanted.
Patients residing in any part of the state, the eyes, pains in the head, ringing in the
“ THE “ VICTOR” S. M. CO.,
however distant, who may desire the opinion ears, noise like rustling of leaves or rattling
and advice of Dr. Doherty in their respective of chariots, uneasiness about theloins, weak­
862 Broadway, N. Y.
cases, and who think proper to submit a ness of the limbs, confused vision, blunted
written statement of such, in preference to intellect, loss of confidence in approaching
^Proclam ation.
holding a personal interview, aie respect­ strangers, a dislike to form new acquaintan­
fully assured that their communications will ces, a disposition to shun society, loss of
HEREAS, UNDER THE ACT OF be held most sacred and confidential. If the memory, pimples and various eruptions
the Legislative Assembly of the State case he fully and candidly described, person­ about the face, hectic flushes, furred tongue,
al communication will be unnecessary, as in­ feetid breath, night sweats, monomania and
of Oregon, entitled “An Act to Protect Liti­
gants,” Approved October 24,1870, the B ed ­ structions for diet, regimen and the general frequently insanity. If relief be not obtained,
rock D emocrat , a newspaper published at treatment of the case itself (including the should apply immediately either in person
Baker City, Baker County, Oregon, has been remedies) will be forwarded without delay, or by letter, and have a cure effected by his
new and scientific mode of treating this dis­
designated to publish the Legal and Judicial
and coarse, from Cambric to heavy Cloth or Advertisements for the counties of Baker and the purport of the letter or parcel so trans­ ease, which never fails in effecting a quick
and radical cure.
Leather, and uses all description of thread. Grant, in Oregon; and whereas, the Propri­ mitted.
[Cr'Consultation—By letter or otherwise
The best mechanical talent in America and etor of said B edrock D emocrat has filed
Persons at a distance may be CURED AT
with the County Clerks of said Counties FREE. Permanent cure guaranteed or no
HOME by addressing a letter to Dr. Gibbon
written stipulations accepting the conditions pay.
stating case, symptoms, length of time the
of said Act, together with Bonds, approved
disease has continued, and have medicine
with all complicated surroundings generally as the law directs, with proper returns and
promptly forwarded, free from damage and
notices thereof to this office, according to law.
found in other machines.
Dr. DOHERTY has just published an im­
NOW, Therefore, the B edrock D emocrat portant phamplet, embodying his own views curiosity, to any part of the country, .with
Special terms and extra inducements to
male and female agents, store keepers, Ac., is hereby proclaimed to be appointed and and experiences in relation to impotence or full and plain directions for use.
Persons writing to the Doctor will please
who will establish agencies through the coun­ confirmed as the medium through which all Virility ; being a Short Treatise on Sperma-
try and keep our new machines on exhibition Legal and Judicial advertisements for the torrhæa or Seminal Weakness, Nervous and state the name of the paper they see this ad­
and sale. County rights given to smartagents counties of Baker and Grant shall be pub­ Physical Debility, consequent on this affec­ vertisement in.
By inclosing Ten Dollars coin, in regis­
free. Agent’s complete outfits furnished lished, for the period authorized by law.
tion, and other diseases of the sexual organs.
without any extra charge. Samples of sewing,
Done at the City of Salem, this 27th day of This little work contains information of the tered letter through the Postoffice, or
through Wells, Fargo & Co., a package oi
descriptive circulars containing terms, testi­ February, A. D. 1873.
utmost value to all, whether mairied or sin­ medicine will be forwarded to any part of
monials, engravings, &c., sent free.
g ly and will be sent FREE, by mail, on re­ the Union.
[ st a t e s e a l . ]
ceipt of six cents in postage stamps for re­
All communications strictly confidential.
turn postage.
Address DR. J. F. GIBBON, 623 Kearny
Brooks Sewing Machine Co., Attest:
S. F. C h a d w ic k ,
Address, W. K. DOHERTY, m . d . street, San [Francisco. Foetoffice Box 1,-
No. 13*9 Broadway, New York.
Secretary of State.
San Francisco Cal,
n ll y r l
Sample Copies mailed, post-paid, for $1.50
$15 per dozen. Address,
J. L. PETERS, 599 Broadway, N. Y.
To Females.
patch from New York July 10th,
gives statistics that possess consid­
erable value in connection with a
subject of great present interest.—
They are from a volume on the rail­
roads of the United States, and in­
clude returns from 425 roads. These
lines have an aggregate length of
nearly 60.000 miles, and cost over
¡63,000,000,000. It is shown that the
total earnings of the railroads in the
United States during the past year
was more than the net earnings $48,-
000,000 more than the interest ac­
count of Government.
and Consum ption.
Enter the Field this Winter with the
fitli New Patent Batten Hole Werter.
R a il r o a d s . —A
F o r D is e a s e s o f t h e Throat and L u l _ ,
s u c h a s C o u g h s , Colds, W hooping."
C o u g h , B r o n c h itis , Asthma,
S tatistic s
Cherry Pectori
Wholesale aud Bétail
A y e r ’s
■ a
Sold by all Emigyists and Dealers in Median# |
P ric e O ne Dollar.
Buckingham’s Dye|
F O E , T H E W H IS K E R S .
As our Renewer in many case-'l
requires too long a time, and tool
much care, to restore gray or fadej
have v p prepared
V ? 1 I 1 D I Y C /I
x vp
, I
dve, in one preparation, which wii]
/V. , _n___
quickly and -T effectually
this result. It is easily appYj
and produces a color w hich " ‘ 1
neither rub nor wash off. Sold )|
all Druggists. Price Fifty Cen j
Manufactured by R. P. HALL & C 11
N A S H U A , N .H .
■ w
l e s a l e
Respectfully informs the Citizens an ^
ers o f E astern O reg o n , that he
’ ed himself in the Liquor Busines9
W here he is prepared to fill all ord«--
line with the best of
Liquors, Wines, Tobacco1“
. t
aud every thing in his line, in
suit, and at low prices. Heseiw
Beady Pay Only
and is therefore enabled to sell cbea^ ^
can sell Goods to the T r a d e , che<Y fr0a
small Dealers can lay them down t>
Portland or San Francis«)-
He keeps a full assortm ent r>
Give him a Call, Sample his
learn his prices.
Jnne, 4, 1878.
, |