le d t w f e BAKER îlc n tû c ïa t. C IT Y , J U E Y 16, 1873. L. P- FISH E R , N os. 20 and 21, N ew M er­ chants’ E xch a n ge, is ou r authorized A gen t a San Francisco. AGENTS.—The following named gentle­ men are authorized to act as Agents for the B edrock D emocrat : G eo . P. R ow ell & Co., N ew Y ork T hos . B oyce , San Francisco, T. C. E vans , Boston, Mass. L. S amuels , P ortlan d , Oregon. h. P. F ish e r , San F ran cisco. H on . D unham W right , Union County O P. C. H arper , Albany, Oregon. M. W. D avis , Walla Walla, W. T. S. V. K nox , Pendleton, Oregon. J. D. A gnew , Boise City, Idaho. J. J. D ooley , Clarksville, Oregon. L. H. W ells , La Grande, Oregon W. A. C raw ford , Payette Valley, Id ain 8. M. J effreys , Weiser Valley, Idaho. Money M e t . Latest New York G old Quotations, H 6I4 LEGAL TENDERS IN PORTLAND : Baying......................85c. | Selling,................ 86 N otic©. T he undersigned has not Leased or Sold out his H otel Business at the Dalles, but will continue in the future, as in the past, to dispense the substantial elements ot Life to the traveling public. THOM AS SM ITH, n l9tf Sole Proprietor Empire Hetel. Notice to tie Public. On and alter May 20th, 1872, the Post O f­ fice hours will be from 9 a. m. to 7 p. m .— Sundays excepted. Open on Sundays from 9 to 10 a. m . and 5 to 6 p. m. W. M’CRARY, p. m . Meteorological Table. Through the politeness o f Professor S. P. Barrett, we are enabled to lay before our readers the following table showing the range o f the Mercury for the week ending July 12th, 1873, at Baker City, Oregon ' A. M. 12 M. 10 V, Sunday, 60 82 64 Monday, 55 86 65 Tuesday, 58 89 70 Wednesday, 57 92 68 Thursday, 62 84 62 Friday, 57 K70 54 Saturday, 52 64 54 Average for the week 76:8 degrees above Zero. T h e Races. ticm Schiff vs. Pearson, et al—judgment defaul for $166 47 and costs, I. D. Haines, Atty for Plaintiff. Schiff vs. Pearson—judgment by default for $24 29 and costs, I. D. Haines, Atty for Plaintiff. Eppinger vs. Tlievenin, stipula­ tion filed and action dismissed, I. B. Haines Atty for Plaintiff. Eppinger vs. Tlievinen 8721. n»3tf . *JEFT hi W . L u b e le k i, R . N T IN T 0 8 H , Respectfully offers his services to the Fublic " t v THO WOULD RESPECTFULLY IN-* Y V form the Public, that he keel's alb kind* o f F B U IT i, and VEGETABLES o n 1 hund, that will be sold at either In the capacity of WHOLESALE OF RETAIL. CARPENTER, 8RISE: RIIIDER, The Fruit, Vegetables, Orapca, Ac., kwpt by him are fresh and o f tbe best quality.- He also keeps Family OroWtles, and a large Variety o f Cakes, Cutidtos, Tobacco and Cigars, together with an assortment of JOINER AND All kinds and every D E S C R IP T IO N Of Work in Wood neatlv aiul promptly done. Taker City, Jan. 1, 1^73.tf YANKEE NOTIONS. He will be pleased to have those call who1 wish any o f the above articles, and assures them that he will sell at prices to suit the times. N. B.— Ho can supply Families imp oth- en- with winter Fruit, and NegetalHerf, o f all kiuds, for Winter use. S e o c l ! S e e d l l K e e c V .H We have a full variety of Fresh Garden Seed for »ale at the Lowest Rate». OUr seed is warranted to be as represented. We also’ have a full supplv of 8oed Vogotables; and a' Fine varietv of Flower Seeds. Baker Ciiy, Sept. 3. 1872.-nl7tf J . B . G A R D N E K ,’ KIDNEY AND BLADDER COMPLAINTS, Urinai ry and W om b diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dfepsy, Stop- page o: &f W ater, Incontinence of Urine, Bright’ s Disease, Albu- minnria, and in all caees where there are brickdust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the white o f an egjr, or threads like white silk, or there is a mor­ bid, dark, bilious appearance, and white bonedtist deposits, and when there is a pricking, burning sensation when passing water, and pain in the Small o f the Back and along the Loins. Price, $1.00. W ORM S. The only known and sure Remedy for W ORM S— PIN , T A PE, etc. WATCHMAKElt AND JEW ELER,- Tumor o f 12 Y ears’ Growth ESTAllI.IHIIKO IS BAKEK CITY 18 1867, Keeps constantly on hand a well assorted- Stock of Cured by Badway’e Beaolvent. Dr. R A D W A Y ’S Perfect Pnrgati perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gum. pnrae, regulate, purify, cleanse, and strengthen. Radway’ s Fills, for the cure o f all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Disease«, Headache, Constipation, Coctiveness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness. Bilious Fe­ ver. Inflammation o f the Bowels, Piles, and all Derangements o f the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely Vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals, or dele­ terious drugs. A few doses o f R A D W A Y ’S PILLS w ill free the system from all the above-named disorders. Price, ?5 cents per box. BOLD BY DRUGGISTS. R EA D “ FALSE A N D T R U E .” Send one letter .tamp to R A D W A Y k CO., No. 32 Warren Street, New York. Infoi^ rnation worth thousands will be sent you. WATCHES, CLOCKS I JEWELRY, P ills, n and is prepared to do all kind» o f work iu his line of bu»ine»». Waltham and Elgin W atoh« at Factory n3] Price« |tf. BAKER f i n BREWERY, KÄSTNER & LACHNER, Proprietors, B A K E » CFFY, OREGON, e s p e c t f u l l y in f o r m Groceries, Î2 J Hard­ jL tB goY g > Beer,- At reasonable rate*. The public are invited1 ta call and look at our cstalishmetU. Baker City, Jan. 8, 1873.-n35tf Tobacco. Cigars, Fine Pipes, k O o cm - now prepared to fill ail orders Witlfthe vory best quality of ware and Liquors, C S u ic id e C o m m it t e d .— As the result of an inactive state of liver and stomach, producing headache, obtuse intellect, dull­ ness, despondency, dementia, and finally insanity, Is no uncommon occurrence. All these disagreeable symptoms and bad feelings are most certainly dispelled by the use of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discov­ ery. It revitalizes and builds up the whole system. A little book on Chronic Diseases sent free. Address R. V. Pierce, M. D., Buffalo N. Y. Golden Medical Discovery sold by all d ru g gists.__________ Crockery, the R i zeas of Bakes City, and the surround­ ing Towns and Mining- Camps, Mint they are VARIETY STORE, í> . Waila Walla Variety aM Frol Store, Baker City, Dec. 1 , 1872,n30tf T H E GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. OalDinot-Maltor. Every drojf o f the SAR SA PA R ILLIA N RESOLVENT oesnmnnicates through the Blood, Sweat, Vrine, aad other finid* and juice» o f the lyttem the vigor of life, for it repair« the waate« o f the body with new and tonnd material. Scrof­ ula, Syphilia, Consumption, Glandular disease, Ulcers la the Throat, Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in the Glands and other parte o f the system, Sore Eyes, Strumous Discharges from the Ears, aad the worst forms o f Skin diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald Head, Ring-W orm , Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne, Black Spots, W orms ia the Flesh, Tumors, Caacers In the W om b, and all weakening and painful discharges, Night Sweats, Loss o f Sperm, and all wastes o f the life prin­ ciple, are within the curative range o f this wonder of Modern Chemistry, and a few days' use will prove to aay person nsing it for either o f these forms o f disease Its potent power to cure them. I f the patient, daily becoming redoced by the wastes and decomposition that is continually nrogretflng, succeeds In Ar­ resting these wastes, aud repairs the «ame with new material made from healthy h lood -a n d this the SARSAPARILLIAN w ill and does secure. Not only does the S amaafamillian R xholvint excel all known remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, Serofblous, Constitutional, and Skin diseases ; but It Is the only positive cure for k DEISEIÍ0T1 T built, and tbe proprietor* are now pre­ pared to carry on tbe bufineas iff RADW ATS READY RELIEF M a r r i e d ladies, under all circumstances, by R. R. R. R ad w a fs R eady R elief FLORENCE. is the wish of the entire Democracy of Eastern Oregon that a Democratic State Convention be held to nomin­ ate a candidate for Congress, and no other course will give general satis­ faction. In contemplation of the Convention, we are requested by Mr. C. G. Chandler, Chairman of the Baker County Democratic Central Committee, to request said Cammit- COUNTY COURT. tee to meet at Baker City, on next Saturday, July 19th, at one o ’clock, The County Court, July Term met for the purpose of calling a County at the Court House in this city, on Convention to appoint delegates to Monday July 7, 1873, present—J. D. the State Convention and to transact McFarland, County Judge; James Buch other business as may be nec­ H. Shinn, Sheriff, and Luther B. essary. Isou, Clerk. C iv il B u sin e sn . can obtaln in fon n a- advantage, by address­ On yesterday the match race be­ ing J. M. Shepherd, editor o f the B edrock c r a t , Baker ¿ it y . Oregon " EDROCK tween Alex La Buff’s horse Buckskin, D e m o Oregon, Idaho ahd M ontana papers W hen last h e a r d m " and Ross’ mare Maria, for a purse o f Cagle was in Idah o City. ’ sixteen hundreed dollars, single P R O F. O. » . FOW LER, o f N. Y o rk . erRES THE WOEST PALYS dash of one mile was to have been will commence a short course o f Lectures in I Laker Citv on Phrenology as applied to run over, the Baker City track but R a m a n L ife a n d S c ie n ce , Professional IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. at the Court Hcnse, about June owing to the extreme wet weather Consultations, NOT ONE HOUR ¿dd- I-or particulars see Posters and subse­ for the past few days, the parties quent announcements. A r t « r a 4 !n ( IhU uiTtrtiwBMal a n d u ; o o . Address invitations to Lecture in other BUFFER WITH PAIN. agreed to put it off until the track places to him at Portland, Oregon. n3tf was in better condition. It is now YT e wonld call the attention of our R A D W A Y ’ S R E A D Y R E L I E F IS A CURE FOR EVERY PART. understood and agreed that the race readers to the advertisement in another col­ umn, o f the Brooks Sewing Machine Co., of It *u lb* first sad Is will not be run before Thursday at one >w i ? rk’ the-v advertise, what is indeed a THE ONLY PAIN REMEDY valuable invention, a first-class Sewing Ma o clock, and if the track and weather chine for Five Dollars. That Instantly stop« tb . m oil «xerarfetia* paift«, f* . flk-T.matfcms, aad eui c a m Coagattba I » . *l*tW ------------------------------. ot ti. (.Of « . . is still bad that they will run on the Stomaeb, Bowels, , or or other rimad, or «r(a a i, bjr oa* applfcsttoa, --------------- 18 PROM ONE TO TWE k T y ItlRCTtS. first fair day thereafter. a* matter h o » -io lo o l or tie r * ciati a* the paia the RHEUM- A T tC , Bod-riddta, Iafirm, Crippled, X t r r o t i, Nearalrir, or To-day there will be a Handi-Cap, p ree tra ted »U h d ie sa - may cafier. ’ free for all horses, distance one mile. ! Cipecial attention is called We hear of several races to be run kJ *o the grent im provem ent* ninde W IL L APTORD IN ST A N T EASE. between this time and next Saturday i recently In Mil* excellent Mneliine. in f l a m m a t io n o r t h e k id n e y s , and to the new am i elegant styles o f week, when the match race between Cases added to our Hat. . ___ IN FLAM M A TIO N OF TH E BLADDER, IN FLAM M A TIO N OF TH E BOWELS. _ CONGESTION OF TH E LUNGS, the Ross mare Maria, and the Stur­ SORE TH R O A T , DIFFIC U LT BREATH ING, _______ PALPITATIO N OF THE H E A R T , gill horse W ild Weasel, distance one H YSTERICS, CRO UP, DIPH TH E R IA , ___ ___ C A T A R R H , IN FLU EN ZA , half mile will be run. H E AD ACH E, TOOTHACHE, ____ N EU R A LG IA, R H EU M ATISM , or those w h o prefer a M a ­ Gentlemen having horses which COLD CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS. chine feeding the work away from Tbs «.plication et th. REAOY RFLIEF to Ih* part or they think can run, can, for the next the operator, we now have one o f part* »her* th* pain or dlfflcoltr ttllb will afisrd sa*s and coa fort. th at description, quiet, easy-running ten days, get almost any kind of a Twenty drops in be>f s tumbler o f w»Ur will la a few mo­ and havin g all the other peculiar ex­ ments cars C RAM PS, SPASMS, S O t R STOM ACH . SICK H E AD ACH E, H E AR TB U R N , DIA R RH E A. DYSEN TERY, race they wish, by throwing their cellencies o f the other style. COLIC, W IN D IN TH E BOW ELS, and all IN T E R N A L PAINS. horses and money in sight. Traveler* should always carry a bottle o f R s d v t j ' f R e a d y R e l i e f ^Rh them, A few drops ia water will pre- The track wonld have been in fine ▼•sit sickness or pains from ch a n p o f Water. It is better llaM French Brandy or Bitters as a itrtmriaftt. condition had it not been for the F E V E R AND AGUE#_____ great amount of rain which has fall­ s sure to please. If there Is FEVER AND AOU K eared for fifty cefi Is. There 1« not a remedial aeent ayent m hi this Ibis world that will çure tare Fewer Fever afid As Aspse, one w ithin a thousand m iles o f en within the past week. The hors­ Nan Francisco not w orking well, I and all oil other Malarious, Bilious, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, and other r Fevers (aided _ bv _ R A _ D W _ A Y ’S PULÍS) so qatek as R A D W A’ A Y ’S R EADY EA D Y RELIEF. Fifty ceuts per bottle. es for the main race are both in fine w ill attend to It without any expense Sold by Druggists. Oruggists. to the ow ner. K A N l'lX H IL L , A gt, condition and if the track is good we may exjiect fast time. Our City is full of strangers from STRONG A N D PU RE R ICH B L O O D -IN C R E A S E OF all portions of Eastern Oregon and FLESH A N D W E IG H T —C L E A R SKIN A N D BEAU T IF U L COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALL. s the only M achine that Washington Territory. can new lu m ore than one direc­ B t f . H IER & !M !o s e B l o c k , On Main Street, next door to Gard­ ner’s Jewelry Store, keeps the best quality of Tobacco and Cigars, with a fine assortment of Pipes. Also, A n assortment o f W all Paper. Give him a Call. Baker City, Nov. 5 , 1872—n26tf T h e C areer o f G reat R em ed y . Twenty summers have elapsedjsinee it was T COSTS LESS THAN $300 TO MAKE briefly announced that a new vegetable tonic any $600 Piano sold through Agents, all and alterative, bearing the name o f Hostet- o f whom make ter’s Stomach Bitters, had been added to the ONE HURDRED PER CENT. list o f preventive and restorative medicines. profit. We have no agents, but ship direct The modest advertisement which invited at­ to families at Factory Price. We make only one style, and have but one tention to the preparation stated that it had price. been used with great success in private prac­ tice as a cure for dyspepsia, bilious complaints constipation and intermittent fever. It was Net cash, with no discount to dealers or com­ soon discovered that the article possessed ex­ missions to teachers. Our lumber is thor­ oughly seasoned. Our cases are traordinary properties. The people, o f every DOUBLE VENEERED class, tested its merits as a tonic, stimulant, with Rosewood—have Frout round borners, corrective &nd restorative, and lound that its serpentine bottom and carved legs. We use effects more than fulfilled their hopes and the full Iron Plate with over strung bass expectations. From that time to the present FRENCH GRAND ACTION its course has been upward and onward, and it stands to-day at the head o f all medicines with top dampers, and our keys are o f the o f its class, American or imported, in the best Ivorv, with Ivorv fronts. Our Piano magnitude o f its sales and its reputation as a has Seven Octaves; is 6 feet 9 inches long, 3 safe, agreeable and potent invigorant and re- feet 4 inches wide, and weighs, boxed, 955 storative. For languor and debility, lack of appetite and gastric disturbances so common ^°Every Piano is fully warranted for five during the summer months it is absolutely in ­ fallible. Indigestion, bilious disorders, con­ ’ Send for an illustrated circular, in winch we refer to over 500 Bankers, Merchants, A«., stipation, nervousness, periodical fevers, all the ordinary complaints generated bv a (some o f whom you may know,) using our vitiated and humid atmosphere, vanish under Pianos in Forty-Four States and Territories. Please ' state where, you seen this no- its renovating and regulatmg in flu e n t. This is its record, vouched by volumes o f mtelli- U. S, PIANO c a , gent testimony, extending over * °A* n26n52____________ 865, Brpedway, X. fifth o f a centurv, and comprehending the names o f thousands o f well known citizens belonging to every class and calling. In Eu­ Lime! Lime! Lim e! rope it is thought a great thing to obtain the patronage o f royalty for a “ patent medicine, o b e r ts & N e lso n h a r e o n h a n d but Hostetter’s Bitters has been spontaneous­ Lim e o f good quality, and will sell at ly approved by millions o f independent sove­ reigns, and its patent consists in their en­ i low rates. dorsement- % 1 Orders from a distance solicited. I Two Hundred and Ninety Dollars R Dissolution he P a r t n e r s h ip D E N T I S T S * Notice. Having permanently located* in- HAKKK h e r e to fo r e e x i t ­ T ing between Anthony Moore, Amasa W. Moore and Albert C. Moore, under the firm name o f A. Moore & Bros, has been been dissolved by mutual consent. Anthony M R S . R . C. S H E P H E R D , A g e n t a t Moore is authorized to receive and receipt BAKER CITY, OREGON. for all moneys due said firm. A. MOORE Jt BROS. April 2, 1873,n47n39 May 1, 1873.-n6n9 B A K E R C IT Y M A R K E T . Next Door to the Restaurant, OUR SOLE AGENT FOR Baker C. B. FISHER, P b o p b ie t o k . S PREPARED TO ACCOMMODATE the public with— Beef at Retail—2 to 10 cento per pound; Beef by the side—6 cento per pound. I Fresh Pork, Pickled Pork, Fresh Mutton, Corned Beef, Sausage, Hams, Shoulders, Neats Foot Oil, Fresh Lard ¿Tallow . T a k e Notice. Of Eldorado, Baker County, Oregon, Who always lias on band an assortment o f Dr. J. Ball & Co.’s NEW PATENTIMPBOYED Iv o ry anti L ign u m n5t* V itae EYE-CUPS, And Myopic Attachments. Call immediately, and have your Eye Bight Restored. Waste no more Money by adjust­ ing huge glasses on your nose, and disfigur­ ing your face. On receipt o f $6,50 I will send one pair of Lignum Vitae Eye Cups to any address in Baker County, and for $12,501 will send one pair o f Ivory Eve Cups to any address ia Baker County. Address, All billa must be settled monthly, or no Trade solicited. County, Oregon, is T H O M AN W . P O R T E R Baker City, Oregon, C IT Y , OKKUOM, And are prepared to operate in all broaches of tbe n3nl6 THOMAS W, PORTER, Eldorado, Oregon. DENTAL PROFESSION. All work Warranted. n7tf Office at’ the BAKER HOTEL. T lH E TIE S£V HAVES Q M S CO. the Celebrated Manufacture J u b ile e a n d T e m p l e ORGANS, These Organs are unsurpassed in quality of tone, style of finish, »unplicityof construc­ tion, and durability. Also, MELODE0N8 in rations styles, snd unequaled in tone. Bend for Illustrated Catalogue. Address NEW HAVEN ORGAN CO., New Haven, Conn. Agents AV&ntod. n3nl6 S r V r A tto rn e y KNOX, a tt L a w , (And Notary Public,) WEHTOX, UKKUOX. Will practice in the Coarta of this State and Washington Territory. t PECIAL AITENTION PAID TO LAN ) Businees, and Collections. nJ' e