jrNE 18, 1873. »BO CK D E M O C R A T irgeit C irc u la tio n o f a n y ib llih r d In E a ite r n O re g o n . IC IA L P A P E R OF The Counties of ~r p»^ le a k e r and G r a n t. ■ o C omucspondexce ■■= from all portions of * witl c vX- right, 5Ul’ tifie licig d,iia est af said I. J. Haguewood and John Worswick in and to the above described pioperty, at the Court House Door in Can- yon City, Grant County, Oregon, at Public Auction, for cash in hand, to the highest and a ff costs der’ t0 satisfy said Execution P GRAY n6nl0 _______ Sheriff, Grant County.b. Dissolution Notice. h e P a r t n e r s h i p h e r e t o f o r e e x is t­ ing between Anthony M oore, Amasa W Moore and Albert C. Moore, under the firm name o f A. Moore & Bros, has been been dissolved by mutual consent. Anthony Moore is authorized to receive and receipt for all moneys due said firm. 1 T May 1, !$73.-n6n9 A. MOORE & BROS. FLORENCE of xamine the FIorenL,pi<* E se m i for Circular a fief o f W o r k before you l*,,rv ’i r F-SY 1 in g M achine. BUN tU l p M ach ines sold on Iil^r»1 ___ FLORENCE G MACHINES. S * E W S S IN A M UEL n H IE M gf A JnlJJ^ „Jstr«* tfnniiroiiicry *1 u, N o. 19 New Mo',tSOI" ^ j ra n ^ G ra n d H otel Building, * a J A S . B. L O O M IS A* e” *’Go>'- I lióinlQ PORTLAND OR