Bedrock democrat. (Baker City, Baker County, Or.) 1870-188?, June 11, 1873, Image 4

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îusband, whose white dresses, slightly agita
one ui. Do you ed by the rising breeze of the even
ing, offered something mysterious
was siitin gin and poetical whereon the imagina­
lng himself by tion loved to dwell. A low, lan-
U it
down the tongs : guishing whisjjer was then heard,
rely answered his j like the soothing murmur of some
dear, you hare al­ distant rivulet. A young lady, seat­
«db one hundred times,and ed before a piano, was expressing*
r * i:t to
r say it cy»#huridred times her heart’s sentiments by an extem-
>se wonld no? become less pory melody, now smooth and ten­
for your sayiDg scy”‘
der,-now deep and trembling. No
•anna was a little girl of about more whispering; but a general si­
fourteen. Sfoe was th.^ir only child, lence took place; for hers was a ce­
and, to do her mother justice, was lestial symphony—a seraph’s song.
really very ugly—nay, almost revolt*
Lord Melton, a fine, handsome
ing; 'with her little gray eyes, flat young nobleman, was so deeply
nose, large mouth, thick protruding touched by the melody, that his
lips, red hair, and, above all, a form frame seemed agitated by a moment­
remarkably awry
ary convulsion. He listened to the
Rose was, then, very ugly—but j angel’s voice, so softly harmonizing
she was a sweet girl, nevertheless.— : with the sweet tones of the instru-
Kina and intelligent", she possessed I ment, and felt an indescribable sen-
mind of the highest order- Nature sation thrill through his frame. The
seemed to have compensated her music ceased; but the sweet voice
with every good quality of the heart vibrated on Melton’s ear.
for the want of every beauty of j>er-
“ How beautiful must that young
girl ue!” thought Melton. “ Happy
Tho poor little thing was profoun­ the man on whom may fall her
dly hurt, as she listened to her moth­ choice!” and he involuntarily s ig h ­
er’s observation:—“ Oh, you little ed.
fright, yon will never g e ts husband.
Suddenly ljghts are brought in.—
Eight o’clock struck; Mrs. Moore The young woman was the ugly Ro­
was sorely vexed.
“ Go to bed, Rosanna."
Lord Melton was stupefied—he
Tremblingly the little girl ap- closed his eyes; but tho charm of
roached her mother, to give her the that voice haunted his memory. He
gazed on her a second time, and he
iss of good night.
“ T is useless, you little monster,” found her less ugly; and Roso was,
indeed, less ugly. The beauties of
said her mother.
A tear rolled from the little one's her mind seemed transferred to her
eye. She hastily wiped it away, and person, and her gray eyes, small as
turning to her father, presented him they were, expressed wonderfully
the yet humid cheek. He kissed it well her internal sensations.
Lord Melton wedded Rosanna,
“ I am not altogether miserable,"
and became the happiest of men in
she murmured, leaving the room.
Retired to her chamber, she com­ the possession of the kindest and
menced embroidering a scarf, and most loving of women.
Beauty deserts us; but virtue and
worked thus part of the night, for
she desired to be able to present it talents, the faithful companions of
to her mother when she rose in the our lives, accompany us even to the
morning. The clock struck twelve. grave.
She had just finished, and putting it
by, the little girl calmly resigned
herself to rest. Her repose was un~
Take Your Home Paper/
On the morrow, Rose presented
the scarf to her mother. What was
C h e a p R e a d in g .
the pain the little one experienced
when her mother received it coldly, Now is the time to subscribe for the
and expressed none of those tender
sentiments which were to have been
paper, devoted to the advancement
the sweet little girl’s reward. Her
the inteiests of Eastern Oregon.
eyes by chance, glanced over a neigh­
the citizens ot Eastern
boring mirror.
Oregon with the best of reading matter, at
“ Yes,” sho said, internally, “ I am tho Cheapest Kates, wo have made arrange»
ugly— they are right;" and sought ments with GODY’S LADY’S BOOK and
in her young heart to find a remedy WOOD’S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE, so
that we can afford to furnish to subscribers,
for ugliness.
And then in the world—new pangs who pay one year in advance, th e .
wounded the little ugly one’s heart.
A first impression alienated all the
jo u n g girls of her own age; but then
she was so good, so amiable, that
they approached, then listened, and
. then loved her. Now, indeed, our lit­ including the Chromo—“ Our Dar­
lin g,” a perfect Bijou, and costs §3,
tle one was happy.
One day, Mr. Moore went home in being Eight Dollars worth of read»
a violent passion, and became, in ing matter, and a $3, picture, for
consequence of some slight prevari­ one year, for
cation, highly incensed against his
wife. Their domestic felicity was
troubled for eight long days—for
The above are the most liberal offers ever
eigh t long days Mrs. Moore was con made
in Eastern Oregon, and now is the
tinually crying. Rosanna in vain time to subscribe for your home paper, and
racked her young brains to discover get TWO Magazines for your lamily, or your
why—but her father still continued sweetheart, and a beautiful picture suitable
angry, and her mother was still con­ for framing. Send on your names, ac­
by the pay, and supply yourself
tinually weeping. At last, she re companied
with all the reading matter you want, lor
fleeted in her mind how to reconcile
$ 6 OO, I n A d v a n c e .
They were all three seated in the
The above proposition applys to
parlor—Mr. Moore was arranging old subscribers whère they pay up
the fire- when this was concluded,he all arrearages and for one year in ad­
threw the tongs from him, snatched vance,
a book from the mantel, and opened
G odey ’ s L ady ’ s B ook — Persons wanting
it abruptly; but after a moments pe
Lady’s Book will pleas let us know it as
rusal, he closed it again, in a violent
as possible; we will send for some cop­
humor, cast a fierce glance at his
trembling wife, and hurriedly roso ies of it the last of this week.
from his chair.
Rosanna, deeply moved, clasped
her arms about his neck, as he was $5. A Valuable Invention! $5-
about to rise, and affectionately ca­
ressed him. He could not reject her
innocent coaxing; and the little girl,
S e w in g M a c h in e !
thinking she had succeeded in touch­
ing his heart, took in her hands the
moistened handkerchief wherewith
her mother had been drying her
weeping eyes, and dried them a sec
ond time therewith; she then tender­ The most Simple and Compact in
Construction, the most Durable
ly embraced her mother who return­
and Economical in use, A
ed her affectionate caress with all a
Model of Combined
mother’s fondness.
Strength and Beauty.
The parties being now favorably
disposed, nought remained but to 0 O M the
Straight Eye Pointed Needle, Self
establish the peace. This was no Threading, direct upright Positive Motion.
easy matter—neither would make New Tension, Self Feed and Cloth Guidcr.
the'first overture—and without the Operates by Wheel on a Table. Light Run­
ning, Smooth and noiseless like all good,
penetration of little Rose, reconcilia­ high
priced machines. Has patent check to
tion would not then have taken prevent the wheel being turned the wrong
way. Uses the thread direct from the spool.
She took her father’s hand between Makes the Elastic Lock Stitch (finest and
stitch known;, firm, durable, close
her own little hands and pressed it strongest
and rapid. Will do all kinds of work, fine
to her bosom; she then took her and coarse, from Cambric to heavy Cloth or
mother’s hand, and joined it to her Leather, and uses all description of thread.
father’s, as it lay near her heart.— The best mechanical talent in America and
has been devoted to improving and
Human pride could resist no longer Europe
simplifying our Machines, combining only
—the alienated parents rose at the that which is practicable, and dispensing
same moment, and cordially embrac­ with all complicated surroundings generally
ed each other. From that hour Rose found in other machines.
Special terms and extra inducements to
was the idol of them both.
male and female agents, store keepers, &c.,
Six years after this, Rosanna, ug­ who will establish agencies through the coun­
ly Rcsanna, was the ornament of try and keep our new machines on exhibition
every society to which her mother and sale. County rights given to smartagents
presented her—amiable, witty, and free. Agent’s complete outfits furnished
without any extra charge. Samples of sewing,
observing, her conversation was uni­ descriptive circulars containing terms, testi­
versally courted.
monials, engravings, Ac., sent free.
One summer evening, the sun,
■Which, during the day, had shed Brooks Sewing Machine Co.,
over nature an intense heat, had just
No. 1329 Broadway, New York.
disappeared, leaving the horizon
covered with long white bands of WANTED. We w ill give energetic
Men and W omen
red—clouds more and more dark
a t w ill P a y
were heaving them selves on the eas­
from $4 to $3 per day; can be pursued in
tern sky—the atmosphere was suffo­ your own neighborhood, and strictly hon­
cating, and one would deem the orable. Particulars free, or sam ples that
ill enable you to go to word at once, will
earth returning to the sun the heat w
be sent on receipt of two three cent stamps.
abe had been receiving from the la t­ Address,
ter du ring the day.
2P2 W ashington Street,
Witt New Patent Button Hole Worter.
In • saloon, where every window
Boston, Mass.
F o r D isea ses ofthe^ ■ ■
su ch as C o u g h s,^ o a ta n d L u n g s, ‘
Cough, BroneV,/> Whoopmg. 'T t<
and Cons^^A^thma,
Among the great
V oyeries of m«d-
science, few are
V in e g a r B itte r * are not a vile Fancy
Drink, made of Poor Rum, Whiskey, Proof
Spirits and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced,
and sweetened to please the taste, caUed
“ Tonies,” “ Appetizers,” “ Restorers,’ Ac.,
that kead the tippler on to dnmkcnness-and
rnlm, but are a true Medicine, made fronrthe
native roots and herbs of California, fief from
all Alcoholic SttmuisBts. They are the^Great
Blood Purifier and a Life-giving Principle, a
Perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the Sys­
tem, carrying off all poisonous matter and
restoring the blood to a healthy condition, en­
riching It, refreshing and invigorating both
bodv. They
mlnd and body,
xney are easy of
oi admmistra-
tiom, prompt In thejr action, certain in their
results, safe and reliable in all forms of disease.
f f e P e r s o n c a n t a k e t lie s o B it t e r s ac­
cording to directions, and remain longun well,
provided their bones are not destroyed by
mineral poison or other means, and the vital
Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stom­
ach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks,Pal­
pitation of the Heart,Inflammation of the Lungs,
Pain in the regions of the Kidneys,and a hundred
other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of
Dyspepsia. In these complaints it has no equal,
and one bottle will prove a better guarantee of
its meri.'s than a lengthy advertisement.
F » r F e m a le C om p laU its, in young or old,
married or single, at the dawn of womanhood,
or the turn of life, these Tonie Bitters display so
decided an influence that a marked improve­
ment Is soon perceptible.
F or
In fla m m a to r y
C h r o n ic
R h e n m a t i t u i and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indi­
gestion, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent
Fevers, Diseases of the Blood,Liver,Kidneys and
Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful.
Sneh Diseases arc caused byVitiatedBlood, which
is generaily produced by derangement of the
Digestive Organs.
T h e y a r e a G e n t le P u r g a t i v e ns w e l l
as a T o n i e , possessing also the peculiar merit
Ever Offered in this Market, which they are
determined to sell for
S m a lle r
P ro fits
Than any other House in Eastern Oregon
Our Stock embraces every thing in the line of
P ry
G ro o d S ii
Boots and Shoes,
Tobacco and Cigars,
and Everything pertaining to a Complete
Stock of
G en eral
M erchandise.
O ur S tock o f L iquors
Is „well supplied with the Best Brands of
W INE, etc., etc.,
And we offer the same at Lowest Figures.
Farmers wanting anything in the lin8 o
Reaper^ Mowers, Threshers, Feed
Mills, Wagons, Horse Rakes,
Harrows, Plows, or
will find it to their advantage to give us a call.
of astiug as a powerful agent' in relieving Con-
gesUen or Inflammation of tho Liver and Vis­
W holesale D e p a rtm e n t
ceral Organs and in Bilious Diseases.
F o r S k in D is e a s e s , Eruptions, Tetter, Salt- Is kept in our New FIRE PROOF CELLAR.
nheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples,Pustules,Boils,
Give us 'a Call at the Corner of Front and
Carbnacles,Ring-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes
Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Valley Avenue,Baker City, Oregon.
Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of
whatever name or nature, are literally dug up
and earned out of the system in'a short time by
Baker City, Dec. 4 ,1872.-n5tf
the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases
wiS convince the most incredulous of their cur­
ative effects.
C le a n s e t h e V i t i a t e d B lo o d whenever
yo« find its impurities bursting through the
Q uick C ures and M oderate C harges ;
skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores ; cleanse it
when you find it obstructed and sluggish in tho
reins ; cleanse it when it is foul; your feelings
will tell yen when. Keep tho blood pure, and
the health of the system will follow.
G r a t e fu l T h o u s a n d s proclaim V inegar
B itters the most wonderful Invlgorant that
ever sustained the sinking system.
P in , T a p e , a n d o t h e r W o r m s , lurking
In the system ef so many thousands, are effec­
tually destroyed and removed. Says a distin­
No. 519, Sacramento Street,
guished physiologist: There is scarcely an indi­
vidual on the face of the earth whose body is ex­ Corner of Leidesdorff Street, ) a few doors
below What Cheer House,)
empt from the presence of worms. It is not up­
on the healthy elements of tho body that worms
Private Entrance on Leidesdorff Street.
exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy Established expressly to afford the Afflicted
deposits that breed these living monsters of
sound and Scientific Medical Aid, in
disease. No system of medicine, no vermifuges,
the treatment and cure of all
no anthelminltics, will free the system from
private and chronic Disea­
worms like these Bitters..
ses, Cases of Secresy,
M e c h a n ic a l D is e a s e s .— Persons engaged
in Paints apd Minerals, such ns Plumbers, Type­
and all Sexual Dis-
setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they ad­
vance in life, are subject to paralysis of the
Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of
W alker ’ s V ineoak B itters twice a week.
more real value
' . mankind than
:A ,e^ectual rem-
The Standard reinedy for C o u g h s , I n f l u ­
Sore Throat, W i p i n g Cough, Croup,
Liver Complaint, Bronchitis, Bleeding of the
Lungs, and every KffecUon of the Throat,
Lungs and Chest, including C o n s u m p t i o n .
‘?¿r i’1 <«*«»»
enza ,
Wistar’s Balsam o f Wild Cherry
does not dry up a Cough, hut loosens it,
cleanses the lungs, and allays imitation, thus
removing the cause of the ^omp
genuine unless signed I- U u t t s . ^ v repare cl
bv S e t h W. F o w l e A So>s, Boston Sold
by R e d i n g t o n , H o s t e t t e e A Co., ban Iia n -
cisco, and by dealers generally.
i; A private Counselor to tho
•—-,— V . . .
¡marrr on th e physiological
¡mysteries an d re velati onsof
!thi sexual system , w ith the
j ..r 0 VAntino> offsnrine.
latest discoveries in producing
P " * * “ * * ° S” ríD'
reserve th
o m p le tio n , AC. • j,un(j re(i a n a six ty
ow to
to p preserve
the e c complexion.
an in terestin g ~___
o I c and
o n uuutatua
t a i n s ittiuttuu
AUlato » ----------
_ trvrro
»ages, with num
, ^ jOr Mntemp^aM^mar
fo ^h erous
o sew h engraving
o ^ r^ m arried
» y ^ ^ ^ g H
t^ ^ ^ h y s ic ia a
vate draw er of every
subject o f th e gen-
globe. I t em braces every thing on he
u c h tb s tlg
erative system th at is worth knowing,»
not published in any other work.
(;e n ts.
S ent to any one (free of postage) for
E ighth street
A ddress D r. Butts" Dispensary,No. 1 2 *
S t. Louis, Mo
Notice to the Afflicted and , Unfortunate.
- _.L a ndvartioe in
Before applying to the notorious quacks who a^ v®r t “ p i °
* 'ner y0^ u t ts nod«upDi‘es a double house of tw enty-seven
room's - i s indorsed by some o f the most celebrated 1 medi-
cal professors o f this country and Europe, and can be con
^ulted°person ally or by m ail, on th ed U ease.m .n U o n ed la
his works. Office and parlors, No. 12 N. L lg h tn street,
between M arket and C hesnut, S t. Louis, Mo.
Feb. 26, 1873.-n42y.
if c A a x a
sh... countries,
. 1 has
o surely
u i u i ) and
cn-iv*. effectually
^Ain tiat i l‘
hn* does
. timony
• „ . i . of
„f our best
host citizens
citizens, of ^ 1. ine tes-
tablishes the fact, that C hz ^ pFCT1’ s'
and does
ü ,
win anu
uwco relieve and
---- , cut* the
io Thront
find I.
ihw , dnhctin
disorders of fV
Throat and
other medicine. The most ti\n»eVyUS ^ Y
tions of the Pulmonary Organs y“eld j‘Te.^
power; and cases of Consuiup(ion
by this preparation, are Publicly known so
remarkable as hardly to be believed worn
they not proven beyond dispute. As a rern
edy it is adequate, on which the pn^ ic
rely for full protection. By curing Coughs
the forerunners of more serious'disease it
saves unnumbered lives, and an amount of
suffering not to be computed. It challenges
trial, and convinces the most sceptical
Every family should keep it on hand
rly and unpercehed
protection against the early
attacks of Pulmonary Affections, which are
easily met at first, but which become ineura’
hie, and too often fatal, if neglected. Tender
lungs_ need this defence ; and it is unwise to
be vrithout_ it. As a safeguard to children
amid the distressing diseases which beset thè
Throat and Chest of childhood, C herky
P e c t o r a l is invaluable; for, by its timely
use, multitudes are rescued from premature
graves, and saved to the love and affection
centred on them. It acts speedily and surely
against ordinary colds, securing sound and
health-restoring sleep. No one will suffer
troublesome Influenza and painful Bron­
ch itis, when they know how easily they can
be cured.
Originally the product of long, laborious,
and successful chemical investigation, no cost
or toil is spared in making every bottle in the
utmost possible perfection. It may be confi­
dently relied upon as possessing all the vir­
tues it has ever exhibited, and capable of
producing cures as memorable as the greatest
it has ever effected.
prepa red
valleys of our great rivers throughout tho United
States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio,
Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Ar­
kansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande,
Peart, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke,
James, and many others, with their vast tribu­
taries, throughout our entire country during
the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so
during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, ara
invariably accompanied by extensive derange­
ments of the stomach aiyl liver, and other ab­
dominal viscera. In their treatment, a purga­
tive, exerting a powerful influence upon these
various organs, is essentially necessary. There
Is no cathartic for the purpose equal to D r . J.
W alker ’ s V inegar B itters , as they will
speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter
with which the bowels are loaded, at the same
tlmestimu.ating the secretions of the liver, and
generally restoring the healthy functions of the
digestive organs.
S c r o fu la , o r K i n g ’ s E v i l , White Swell­
ings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled neck, Goitre,
Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflamma­
tions, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Erup­
tions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In these
as in all other constitutional Diseases, W alker ’ s
V inegar B itters have shown their great cura­
tive powers in the most obstinate and intract­
able cases.
D r . W a l k e r ’ s C a lif o r n i a V i n e g a r
B it t e r s act on all these cases in a similar
manner. By purifying the Blood they remove
the cause, and by resolving away the effects of
the inflammation (the tubercular deposits) tho
affected parts receive health, and a permanent
cure is effected.
T h e p r o p e r t ie s of D r . W alker ’ s V inegar
B itters are Aperient, Diaphoretic. Carmin­
ative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Seda­
tive, Counter-Irritant, fjudorifle, Alterative,
and Anti-Bilious.
T h e A p e r i e n t and mild Laxative proper­
ties of D r . W alker ’ s V inegar B itters are
the best safe-guard in cases of eruptions and
malignant fevers, their balsamic, healing, and
soothing properties protect the humors of the
fauces. Their Sedative properties allay pain in
the nervous system, stomach, and bowels, either
from inflammation, wind, colic, cramps, etc.
F o r t i f y t h e b o d y a g a i n s t d is e a s e by
purifying all its fluids with V inegar B itters .
No epidemic can take hold of a system thus
D ir e c tio n s .—Take of the Bitters on going
to bed at night from a half to one and one-half
wine-glassfull. Eat good nourishing food, such
as beef-steak, mutton chop, venison, roast beef,
and vegetables, and take out-door exercise.
They are composed of purely vegetable ingre­
dients, and contain no spirit.
. h . M c D o n a l d &.
co .,
Druggists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Cal.,
A cor. of Washington and Charlton Sts., N.Y.
[P ro c la m a tio n .
the Legislative Assembly oi the State
of Oregon, entitled “An Afi to Protect Liti­
gants,” Approved O ctobey^, 1870, the B ed ­
rock D emocrat , a nevs)paper published at,
Baker City, Baker County, Oregon, has been
designated to publish the Legal and Judicial
Advertisements for the counties of Baker and
Grant, in Oregon; and whereas, the Propri­
etor of said B edrock D emocrat has. filed
with the County Clerks of said Counties
written stipulations accepting the conditions
of said Act, together with Bonds, approved
as the law directs, with proper returns and
notices thereof to this office, according to law.
NOW, Therefore, the B edrock D emocrat
is hereby proclaimed to be appointed and
confirmed as the medium through which all
Legal and Judicial advertisements for the
counties of Baker and Grant shall be pub­
lished, for the period authorized by law.
Done at the City of Salem, this 27th day of
February, A. D. 1873.
[STATE seal .]
S. F. C hadwick ,
Secretary of State.
DR. W- K. DOHERTY returns his sin­
cere thanks to his numerous patients for
their patronage, and would take this oppor­
tunity to remind them that he continues to
consult at his Institute for the cure of Dis­
eases of the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Diges­
tive and Genito-Urinary Organs, and all
private diseases, viz: Syphilis in all its
forms and stages, Seminal Weakness and all
the horrid consequences of self-abuse, gon­
orrhea, gleet, strictures, nocturnal and di­
urnal emissions, sexual debility, diseases of
the back and loins, inflammation of the
bladder and kidneys, etc.; and he hopes that
his long experience and successful prac­
tice, will continue to insure him a share of
public patronage. By the practice of many
years in Europe and the United States, he is
enabled to apply the most efficient and suc­
cessful remedies against diseases of all kinds.
He cures no mercury, charges moderate,
treats his patients in a correct and honorable
way and has references of unquestionable
veracity from men of known respectability
and high standing in society. All parties
consulting him, by letter or otherwise, will
receive the best and gentlest treatment and
implict secrecy.
To Females.
When a female is in trouble, or afflicted
with disease, as weakness of the back and
limbs, pain in the head, dimness of sight,
loss of muscular power, palpitation of the
heart, irritability, nervousness, extreme uri­
nary difficulties, derangement of digestive
Junctions, general debility, vaginitis, all dis­
eases of the womb, hysteria, sterility, and
all other diseases peculiar to females, she
should go or write at once to the celebrated
female doctor, W. K. DOHERTY, at his
medical Institute, and consult him about her
troubles and disease. The Doctor is effect­
ing more cures than any other physician in
the state of California. Let no false delica­
cy prevent you, but apnly immediately and
save yourself from painful sufferings and
premature death- All married ladies, whose
delicate health or other circumstances pre­
vent an increase in their families, should
j write or call at Dr. W. K. DOHERTY’s Medi­
cal Institute, and they will receive every pos­
ible relief and help. The Doctor’s offices
are so arranged that he can be consulted
without fear of observation.
To Correspondents.
Patients residing in any part of the state
however distant, who may desire the opinion
and advice of Dr. Doherty in their respective
cases, and who think proper to submit a
written statement of such, in preference to
holding a personal interview, are respect­
fully assured that their communications will
be held most sacred and confidential. If the
case be fully and candidly described, person­
al communication will he unnecessary as in­
structions for diet, regimen and the general
treatment of the case itself (including the
■remedies) will he forwarded without delav
and in such a manner as to convey no idea of
the purport of the letter or parcel so trans­
Q g-C onsultation-B y letter or otherwise
FREE. Permanent cure guaranteed or no
- Spermatorrhcea.
Dr. DOHERTY has just published an im­
portant phamplet, embodying his own views
and experiences in relation to impotence or
Virility ; being a Short Treatise on Sperma-
torrhæa or Seminal Weakness, Nervous and
Physical Debility, consequent on this affec­
tion, and other diseases of the sexual organs
This little work contains information of the
utmost value to all, whether mairied or sin­
gle, and will be sent FREE, by mail, on re­
ceipt of six cents in postage stamps for re­
turn postage.
Address, W. K. DOHERTY, m . d .
San Francisco Cal,
Dr, J. C, AYER &. CO., Lowell,
P r a c t i c a l a n d A n a ly tic a l Chemist!.
B ilio u s , R e m i t t e n t , a n d I n t e r m i t ­
t e n t F e v e r s , wlfich arc so prevalent in the
E very year increases the popu­
larity o f this valuable Hair Prep-
aration, which is due to merit
W e can assure our old
pations that it is kept fully up to
D R . G IB B O N ’S, its high standard; and it is the on­
ly reliable and perfected prepara­
tion for restoring G r a y o r F a d e d
H a i r to its youthful color, making
623, Kearney St.,
it soft, lustrous, and silken. The
Corner Commercial street, scalp, by its use, becomes white and |
clean. It removes all eruptions and
San Francisco-
Established in 1854, for the treatment of dandruff, and, by its tonic proper­
sexual and seminal diseases, sue as Gonor- ties, prevents the hair from falling
hea, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis in 11 its forms, out, as it stimulates and nourishes
seminal weakness, impotency, etc. Skin
B y its use, the
diseases, of years standing, an< ulcerated the hair-glands.
legs successfully treated.
hair grows thicker and stronger.
DR. GIBBON has the pleasure of announ­
cing that he has returned from \ siting the In baldness, it restores the capillary
principal Hospitals in Europe, a ¡4 has re­ glands to their normal vigor, and 1
sumed practice at the Dispensarjl 323 Kear­ will create a new growth, except in
ney street, corner of Commercial where his
old patients and those requiring {bs services extreme old age. It is the most
may find him.
economical H a i r - D r e s s i n g ever
The Doctor has spared neitherltime nor
as it requires fewer applica­
money in seeking out new remedies, and
has returned with increased facilities for the tions, and gives the hair a splendid,
alleviation of human suffering.
glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes,
How many thousands of persop, both M.D., State Assayer of Massachu­
male and female, are there who are suffer­ setts, says, “ The constituents are
ing out a miserable existence from ;he ef­
fects of secret indulgence, or trom viius ab­ pure, and carefully selected for ex­
sorbed into the system. Look at their pal­ cellent quality; and I consider ^
lid, emaciated * and disfigured faces and
their broken down constitutions, d squali ■ the B e s t P r e p a r a t i o n for its .
fying them for the happiness of mai'uage or intended purposes.”
m m isA H
the enjoyment of life. In this hom e situa­
tion thousands suffer until death clones the
scene- Let parents, guardians and fiends
attend to those who are suffering wiih any
of these horrible, life-destroying mahdies—-
see that they are cared for and cured: lefore
it is too late. Send them immediately to
Dr. Gibbon, a physician who has made pri­
vate diseases his especial study for” -ears
and who is certain to cure the most invete­
rate cases without mercury or any injurious
drugs! It is important to those afflicted, or
those interested in the welfare of then-
friends, to be careful of the many preleaded
dootors who infest all cities, publishing their
skill in curing ail diseases in a few da;
posing upon the public by using the
of eminent physicians from Europ
other places. Be therefore careful and
strict inquiry or you may fall into the
of those charlatans.
Seminal emission—the oonBequencci of
self abuse. This solitary vice, or depraved
sexual indulgence, is praticed by the yduth
of both sexes to an almost unlimited extent
producing with unerring certainty the fol­
lowing tram of morbid symptoms, unless
combatted by scientific medical measures,
viz: Sallow countenance, dark spots under
the eyes, pains in the head, ringing in the
ears, noise like rustling of leaves or rattling
of chariots, uneasiness about theloins, weak-
ness of the limbs, confused vision, blunted
intellect, loss of confidence in approaching
strangers, a dislike to form new acquaintan­
ces, a disposition to shun society, loss of
memory, pimples and various eruptions
the face, . . hectic
flushes, , furred
icetid breath, night sweats, monomania and
frequently insanity. If relief be not obtained,
should apply immediately either in person
or by letter, and„have a cure effected by his
new and scientific mode of treating this dis­
ease, which never fails in effecting a quick
and radical cure.
Persons at a distance may be CURED AT
HOME by addressing a letter to Dr. Gibbon
stating case, symptoms, length of time the
disease has oontinued, and have medicine
promptly forwarded, free from damage and
curiosity, to any part of the country, with
lull and plain directions for use.
, Persons writing to the Doctor will please
state the name of the paper they see this ad­
vertisement in.
By inclosing Ten Dollars coin, in regis­
tered letter through the Postoffice, or
through Wells, Fargo & Co., a package oi
medicine will be forwarded to any part of
the Union.
Alt communications strictly confidential.
Address DR. J. F. GIBBON, 623 Kearny
street, Ban tFrancisco. Postoffice Box 1 -
n lly r l
Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicitttt.
Price One Dollar.
B n o k i n g h a m ’s D ye.
A s our Renewer in many cases
requires too long a time, and too
much care, to restore gray or laded
W hiskers, w e have prepared this
dye, in one 'preparation , which will
quickly and effectually accomphs
this result. It. is easily apphec.
and produces a color which wi
neither rub nor wash off. Sold )
all D ruggists. Price Fifty Cents.
fvlantifa'ctured by R. P. HALL &. C <i
N A SH U A , N.H.
U . S . P I A N O CO
$ 2 9 0 ! !
1 any $600 Piano sold through Agents,
of whom make
profit. We have no agents, but ship r#
to families at Factory Price.
w 0I|
We make only one style, and have tmx |
Two Huiittred wi Súety Dollars
dealers to
or dealers
Net i cash, with ___to
no discount
or c-
missions to teachers. O u r lumber is ^ ,
with Rosewood—have Front round bo^
serpentine bottom an.d car
the full Iron Plate with over strung: J»
with top d a m p e r s , and our > y 0ur pj*:
best Ivory, with Iv0II w g fn cb es loc?
has Seven Octaves; is b fee
boxed, ;
feet 4 inches w i d e , and weighs,
'Ve|m d for an ¡11
we refer to over 500 Bauke > . u8ir,g c-
(some of whom you ® a 8 andTerrito^
Pianos in Forty-Four bta es an
[TF- Please state where jou see