Bedrock democrat. (Baker City, Baker County, Or.) 1870-188?, June 04, 1873, Image 4

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    For the ‘ rollo-'
and cure of ..¡'1
derangements ’i!,
? n p ra
Fra. Speculators
conse- P en
.ssioni îers arc sent
w jl
to ll when
vrlipn the
t li« end
uneertain and it will be brj-d to tell
l of Indian affairs
live and enjoy tlie
lgs of health and a ! A thirty-two foot telescope, the
Uegreo of general pros* j largest hitherto constructed, is near-
There has been much spec- | ly finished at Cambridgeport. Mass.,
and prophecy on the final ! { for the Washington Observatory.
the stomach, )¡x.
er, and howeu'
they arc a n,¡¡(j
aperient, and n!
excellent pm^a;
*'-tive. Being
ly vegetable. ih„,.
. contain no
tion of Indian difficulties. 1
othing definite can be arrived
r any satisfactory solution of the
otty" problem given, hence many
haeeBof opinion and conclusions.— 1
e have among us many viso and
irned seers, but much to our cha- !
iD they have different opinions on
subject; but as others have ad-!
vanced theories let us see ■what we
can deduce by the light of reason
and recent events, assuming as near j
as possible the mostdogical view of j
the question. On any subject of a '
public nature we generally form our
own opinion and cast our own views j
U the public mould, aud in so doing
e commonly warp our conclusions '<
as to conform to the popular taste
ie same is the case iu Indian mat-
95 sensational articles are given
publicity and unfounded rumor,
which arc constantly taken for truth
is placed in circulation, hence the
u.ffi.culty of forming correct ideas of
the actual situation. Wo must watch
matters closely else we may err.
From the light of recent events wo
are led to the conclusion that Indian
trouble is more probable in tho Wal­
lowa Valley thau in auy other vicini­
ty of Oregon. This Valley was thrown
open for settlement, tho laud having
been previously surveyed, by the
genoral Government a few years
ago, and mauy pioneers have taken
advantage of tho permit. Joseph’s
disaffected band of Nez Ferces now
claim tho Valley on the ground that
the Valley had never been signed
away by treaty, and if tho treaty did
exist it was a base imposition and
fraud upon them (the Indians). This
band of Indians assert that they will
fight rather than relinquish their
rights, while on the other hand the
bottlers, equally determined, assert
that they will bold the Valiev at all
hazards. Many of the settlers made
considerable sacrifice in locating in
the Valley, not supposing there
could be any danger in so doing,
thinking themselves uudor the pro­
tection of the general government.
Now to compel these hardy pioneers
to vacate the Wallowa for tho bene­
fit of a few outlawed vagabond Indi­
ans, is an idea too absurd to be en-
torcaiued for an instant. We would
not, however, bo surprised if the
government of -10,000,000 people did
give up the Valley, as it must sus­
tain its peace policy at all hazards,
and also its world-wid6 reputation
for incompetency. It must be ad­
mitted that the lives and property of
the citizens of Wallowa Valley are in
jeopardy from merciless savages;
still no sign of help is manifested by
those sage statesmen of Washington;
and we behold the masterly innetivi
ty of a government which can only
be aroused by the cries of slaughter­
ed frontiersmen as they perish by
the tomahawk and scalping knife.—
When it was ascertained that diffi
entities with tho Wallowas were evi-
dent, immediate means should have
been employed to render perfectly
secure what settlers were then in the
Valley; and after holding the fruit­
less council at Lapwai, why has there
been no decisive action taken? Even
if there should be no Indian out­
break the loss that the settlers have
sustained by having their energies
held in jeopardy aud suspenso will
require many years to repair. We
had every reason *o suppose that
there wuukl be a large augmentation
to our population, but in conse­
quence of tli8 unsettled Indian ques­
tion thero will bo but little, if auy
increase. The people in the States
fsome of them] imagine that the In ­
dian troubles extend all over Oregon
and life is constantly in danger.
|§ r 3 ■
n ew
B A K E R ’S
m ê k S E W I NT G-
V in e c a r B it t e r * are not a m e Fancy
Drink, made ot Poor Rum, Whiskey, P/oof
Splrlw an« Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced,
and sweetened to please the taste, called
“ Tonics,” “ Appetisers,” “ Restorers,’ Ac.,
that lead the tippler ©a to drunkenness-find
min. but are a true Medicine, made rronTthe
native roots and herbs of California, fref from
all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the Great
Blood Partner and a Life-giving Principle, a
Perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the Sys­
tem. carrying off all poisonous matter and
restering the blood to a healthy condition, en­
riching it, refreshing and Invigorating both
mind and body. They are easy of administra­
tion, prompt in their action, certain In their
results, safe and reliable in all forms of disease.
\ o P e r s o n c a n t a k e t h e s e B itt e r * ac­
cording to directions, and remain longun well,
p re vide« their benes are not destroyed by
mineral poison or other means, and the vital
organs wasted beyond the point of repair.
D y s p e p s ia o r I n d ig e s t io n * Headache,
Tain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the
Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stom­
ach Bad Taste In tho Mouth,Bilious Attacks,Pal­
pitation of the Heart, inflammation of the Lungs,
Pain in the regions ef the Kidneys.and a hundred
other painful evmptoms, aro tho offsprings of
Dysnenria. In these eouiplainU it has no equal,
an« one bottle will prove a better guarantee oi
Us merits than a lengthy advertisement.
£*•1* F e m a le C o m p la in t s , inyoungorold,
married or single, at the dawn of womanhood,
or the torn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so
decided an influence that a marked improve­
ment is soon perceptible.
I n lla m m a t o r y
C h r o n ic
R h e u m n i i s m and Gout, Dyspepsia or indi-
gesUon, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent
Levers, Diseases of tho Blood,Liver,Kidneys and
Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful.
Laota Dteeases are caused by Vi tinted Blood, which
is gencrati; produced by derangement of the
DigeeUvc Organs.
-“ M i e S û t «
cefal Organs and in Bilious Diseases.
F a r S k in D is e a s e s , Eruptions, Tetter, Salt-
RUcwm, Blotches, Spots, Bimples.Pustules,Boils,
ltn tr ed
Cart*ac!es,Ring-warms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes
L n n jU a s, itch, Scarfs, Discolorations of the
r .^ € f
Skia, Humors and Diseases o f the Skin, of
v. h¿never name or nature, arc literally dug up
an« carried out of ’he sv.stem In a short time by
iho H--S of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases
wifi convince Hie most iueredulous of their cur­
ative eirects.
C le a n s e t h e V i t i a t c i l B lo o it whenever
vo» fcud Us impurities bursting through the
skin in Pimples. Eruptions, or S o res; cleanse it
when you liutl it obstructed and sluggish in the
veins ; cleanse it when it is fo u l; your feelings
will tell von when. Keep (he blood pure, aud
the health of the svsteia will follow.
G ratefu l T l i o u s a u i b proclaim V inegar
B irru ts the m ost wonderful lnvigorant that
cv r boat.lined tho sinking system.
P i n , T a p e , a n d o l i i c r W o w n » , lurking
in tho system of so many thousands, are effec­
tually ttestroted ami removed. Says a distin­
guished physiologist: There is scarcely an indi-
viduaionthe face of the earth whose body Is cx-
c am i from the presence of worms. 11 is not up­
on the health; elem ents of tho body that worms
exist, hut upon the diseased I rumors and slimy
deposits that breed these living inousters of
disease. No system of medicine, no vermifuges,
no uBihelmlnitias, will free tlic system from
worms like those Bitters.
M e c h a n ic a l D is c u s e s .—Persons engaged
M H S . I t. C. S H E P H E R D , A g e n t a t
iu Paints ami Minerals, each ns Plumber*, Type­
se tter , Gold-healers, aud Miners, as they ad­
vance in life- are subject f> paralysis or the
April 2, 1873.n-17n39
Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of
W ai .Kinds V inegar L:rn:ns twice a week.
B i llo n s , R c u i l t t c n l , a m i I n f c n n R -
< c u t F e v e r s , which are so prevalent in the
valleys of our great rivers throughout tho United
Staled, especially those of tho Mississippi, Ohio,
Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Ar­
kansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande,
I’eart, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke,
James, and many others, with their vast tribu­
taries, throughout our entire country during
tlie Summer and Autumn. and remarkably so
during seasons of unusual heat aud dryness, aro
invariably accompanied by extensive derange­
of the.stomach and liver, ami other ab­
Tho most Simple and Compact iu ments
dominal viscera. In their treatment, a purga­
a powerful influence upon these
Construction, the most Durable
various organs, is essentially necessary. There
and Economical iu use, A
is no cathartic for the purpose1 equal to Du. J.
Model of Combined
W’ ai . klk ' s V inegar B itters , as they will
speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter
Strength and Beauty.
with which the bowels are loaded, at the same
OMPLETE IN ALL ITS PARTS, USES time stimulating the secretions of the liver, aud
tho Straight Eye Pointed Needle, Soil- generally restoring the healthy functions of tlic
Threading, direet upright Positive Motion, digestive organs.
S c r o f u la , o r I C iu g ’s l i v i l , White Swell­
New Tension, Sell Feed and Cloth Guuler. ings,
Dicers, Erysipelas. Swelled neck, Goitre,
Operates by Wheel on a Table. Light Run­ .Scrofulous
Inflammations, Indolent, inflamma­
ning, Smooth and noiseless like all good, tions, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Erup­
high priced machines. Has patent check to tions of the ¡¿kin. Sore Eyes, etc., etc. in these
prevent the wheel being turned the wrong as iu all other constitutional Diseases,W alker ’ s
way. Uses the thread direct from the tpool. V inegar B itters have shown their great cura­
Makes the Elastic Lock Stitch (finest and tive powers in Hie most obstinate and intraet-
strongest stitch known;, tirm, durable, dose ab.e case*.
r. W a l k e r ' s C a lif o r n ia V i n e g a r
and rapid. Will do all kinds of work, line K D
ilt e r s act on ali these eases in a similar
and coarse, from Cambric to heavy Cloth or manner. By purifying the Blood they remove
Leather, and uses all description of thread. the cause, and by resolving away the effects of
The best mechanical talent in America and the inflammation (the tubercular deposits) the
Europe has been devoted to improving and affected parts receive health, and u permanent
Ib i
simplifying our Machines, combining
only cure is effected,
T h e p r o p e r t ie s of D r . W alker ’ s V inegar
that which is practicaolo, and dispensing
itters are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carmin­
with all complicated surroundings generally B
ative, Nutritious. Laxative, Diuretic, Seda­
found in other machines.
tive, Counter-Irritant, Sudorific, Alterative,
Special terms and extra inducements to aud Auti-Billou*.
male and female agents, store keepers, Ac.,
T h e A p e r ie n t and mild Laxative proper­
who will establish agencies through the coun­ ties of Dm W alker ’ s V inegar B itters are
try and keep our new machines on exhibition tire best safe-guard in eases of eruptions aud
and sale. County rights given to smartagents malignant fevers, their balsamic, healing, and
properties protect the humors of the
free. Agent’s complete outtits furnished soothing
fauces. Their Sedative properties allay pain iu
without auy extra charge. Samples of sewing, the nervous system, stomach, and bowels, either
descriptive circulars containing terms, testi­ from inflammation, wind, colic, cramps, etc.
monials, engravings, &C.> sent free.
F o r t i f y I k e B o d y a g a i n s t d is e a s e by
purifying all its fluids with V inegar B itters .
No epidemic can take hold of a system thus
B ro o k s S e w in g M a c h in e Co-, fore-armed.
D ir e c t io n s .—Take of the Bitters o n g o in g
No. 1329 Broadway, New York.
to bed at night from a half to one aud one-half
wine-glassfull. Eat good nourishing food, such
as beef-steak, mutton chop, venison, roast beef,
aud vegetables, aud take out-door exercise.
They are composed of purely vegetable ingre­
dients, and contain no spirit.
$5. A Valuable Invention! $5.
S e w in g M a c h in e !
Witli New Patent Button Hole Worker.
U. S . P IA N O C O
$ 2 9 0 ! !
any S600 Piano sold through Agents, all
1 of T whom
profit. Wo have no agents, hut Bhip direct
to families at Factory Price.
We make only one stylo, and have but ono
it. h . M c D onald &- co.,
Druggists and Gen. Agts., ¡¿an Francisco, Cal.,
<fc cor. of Washington aud Charlton Sts., N.Y.
[P r o c la m a tio n .
y > the Legislative Assembly of the State
of Oregon, entitled “An Act to Protect Liti­
gants,” Approved October 24,1870, the B ed ­
A scouting party will commence
rock D emocrat , a newspaper published at
reconuoitering in tho vicinity of
Net eash, with no discount to dealers or com­ Baker City, Baker County, Oregon, has been
Wallowa and ascertain, if possible, missions to teachers. Our lumber is thor­ designated to publish the Legal and Judicial
Advertisements for the counties of Baker and
Joseph’s present position. It has oughly seasoned. Our cases aro
Grant, in Oregon; and whereas, the Propri­
etor of said B edrock D emocrat has hied
been the custom of the Indians to
Itosowood—have Front round burners, with the County Clerks of said Counties
visit the Valley during the winter, with
serpentine bottom and carved legs. We use written stipulations accepting the conditions
of said Act, together with Bonds, approved
but they did not make their appear­ the full Iron Plate witli over strung bass
as the law directs, with proper returns and
ance last winter; and from this it is
notices thereof to this office, according to law.
NOW, Therefore, the B edrock D emocrat
supposed that a sudden raid is in­ with top dampers, aud our keys are of the
bdst Ivory, with Ivory fronts. Our Piano is hereby proclaimed to be appointed and
tended. Still there are strong hopes has Seven Octaves; is 6 feet 9 inches long, 3
confirmed as tho medium through which all
that if the Modoc war is successful­ feet I inches wide, and weighs, boxed, 955
Legal and Judicial advertisements for the
ly terminated thero will be no hos­ Every Piano is fully warranted for five counties of Baker aud Grant shall be pub­
tilities in the Wallowa; but if that is years.
Send for an illustrated circular, in which lished, for the period authorized by law.
Done at the City of Salem, this 27th day of
not immediately accomplished we i we refer to over 500 Bankers, Merchants, Ac.,
I (some of whom you may know,) using our February, A. D. 1873.
can reasonably anticipate a hard | Pianos in Forty-Four States and Territories.
[ state seal .1
struggle with Joseph’s band. If the
DC?” Please state where you seen this no-
A ttest:
Qttlers are allowed to conduct the : tieo.
S. F. C hadwick ,
fe-A'naign, we can expect a speedy
805, Broadway, N. Y.
Secretary of State.
Two Hundred and Ninety Dollars
g o o d s
The Standard remedy for
Sore Throat W h o f c g | L „ C f y '
Liver Complaint, Bronchitis.^em ~ 0
«« v L i L av ; the Throi
Lungs, and evei\ anoctioL -------»—
Lungs and Chest, W a d hg C
Ever Offered in this Market, which they are
determined to sell for
S m a lle r
kn - z a .
P r o fits
Wistar’s Balsam of
Than any other House iu Eastern Oregon.
lit loosens i t
does not £ry u
“r p a “ Cough,
V “u"h,-itation, thus
Our Stock embraces every thin, in the lin e o f
cleanses the lu n g s, and allaysj
rem oving the cause o f th e co _ p rep arei
gen u in e u n less s i g n e d ! I M ;
bv S eth W. F o w l e & S o n s , •
‘ ^
bv R edinuton , H ostetxer & U ban i i a "
cisco, and by dealers gen era ly.
G r O O C ls ?
D ry
C lo th in g .
Boots and Shoes
Tobacco and C ig a rs,
boor fo b t h e
and Everything pertaining to a
Stock of
G e n e ra l
m XION !
, 1 ^ri.ate®n,elortotl18
M a r r ia g e m
M arry
arried on oR
ose about w
m ysteries DC'-elnt on .o f
the J¡th tho
latest dÍsco^rtca^nrro^ue*.°Sa?^ep 8 offspring,
how to presera tacóme
„ „ ^ « d .te t y
Wo* valu:
This si 3 an interesuuK
ta?^_r(ienipl®ter j ^
Ltien for
those who
s are married,or cc ^
itisa . book
be »SC
. - that
' . ^ 1 ought
K am to
, Ire
G u id e .
M e rc h a n d ise .
O u r S to c k o f L iq u o rs
Is .well supplied with the Best Brands
W INE, etc., on
And we offer the same at Lowest Figures
S t. Louis, Mo.
Notice to the Afflicted and ïïrtunate.
- . ____ ,_ i_ .,« ,h e u o to rto u s q u » c k s w tl',ertls®il1
any quack rem edinruse D r.
B utts' work no m atter w hat yourdisease U, «,,r deplor-
able your condition
double house of Ry-seveu
Farmers wanting anything in the line 0
Reapers, M »were, Threshers, Feed
Mills, Wagons, Horse Rakes,
Harrows, Plows, or
will find it to their advantage to give us a eall.
between Mwket and Chesnut, St. EouU, Mo.
W h o le sa le D e p a r tm e n t
Is kept in our New FIRE PROOF CELLAR.
Give us a Call at the Corner of Front and
Valley Avenue,Baker City, Oregon.
Baker City, Dec. 4, 1872.-n5tf
Q uick C eres
serious sick n ess and suflerm g is prevented 1,!.
their tim ely u se; and every iamily s|10U|;',
have them on hand ior their protection an,i
relief, w hen required. L on g experience has
proved them to be the saie*t, surest, ami
b est o f all the P i l l s w ith which the innrkct
abounds. B y their occasion al use, tiie b!00l
is purified, the corruptions oi tlie system C\
5»_ J o b stn
p eìled,
iction s R
em oved, . ilm
am) ü,e . W|10l,#
machinery of life restored to its h ealth y aotiv.
ity. Internal organs which become ¿ioc-iV,
and sluggish are cleansed by Airn-’ft p, 7 /x
and stimulated into action. T hus incipient
disease is changed into health, the valu e »f
which change, when reckoned on the vast
multitudes who enjoy it, can hardly i)L> t.qm.
puted. Their sugar-coating m akes them
pleasant to take, and preserves their virtues
unimpaired for anjr length of tim e, sn that
they are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable
Although searching, they are m ild , and open!
ate without disturbance to the con stitu tio n or
diet or occupation.
Full directions i 1 are given on tlie wrapper to
each box, how to i n t sc them as a Family l’hy*i ■
w ing com
plaints, which
wliic.n nk,
and for the following
P i l l s rapidly cure: —
For D y s p e p s ia or I n d ig e s t io n . List,
le s s n e s s , l a i i i t i u r , and ¿toss o f App;..
t i t e , they should lie taken moderately t .
stimulate the stomach, aud restore its healthy
tone and action.
For M iiver C o m p la in t and its various
symptoms, I t i l i o t i s U e a t l a c l i e . «¡<j,
H e a d a c h e . .J a u n d ic e or ( ir a e n
n e s s , B i l i o u s C o lic and B ilio u s
v e r s , they should bo judiciously taken i;
each case, to correct the disease?! action
remove the obstructions which cause it.
For S iy s e n t e r y or I5 i« rr!i« > a , but our
mild dose is generally required.
For B h e u im it is n i, G o u t, travel,
P a l p i t a t i o n o f t h e H e a r t . Pain ¡¡i
t h e S id e , B a c k , and JLoins, they should
be continuously taken, as required, to chain:.1
the diseased action of the system. Witli such
change those complaints disappear.
For D r o p s y and D r o p s ic a l KwYff.
ing-s, they should lie taken in large and fre­
quent doses to produce the effect, of a drastic
For S u p p r e s s io n , a large dose should he
taken, as it produces the desired effect in-
As a 1)in n er P ill, take one or two Pilh to
promote digestion, and relieve the stomach.
An occasional dose stimulates file shffnadi
and bowels, restores the appetite, and inviiror-
ates the system. Hence it; is often mb-mit.i-
geous where 110 serious derangement exists.
One who feels tolerably well, often finds tk;;
a dose of these P i l l s makes him feel decid­
edly better, from their cleansing and reno­
vating cfl'eet on the digestive apparatus.
prepared bp
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Practical Chemists,
Z O W P L L , M A S S ., 17. S. A .
A y e r ’s
M oderate C harges ;
F o r resto rin g to Gray H air its
n a tu ra l V itality and Color.
No. 519, Sacramento Street,
A dressing
which is fit
once agreea-
We, healthy, »
and effectual
for preserv­
ing the hair.
'It soon re ­
stores fa d e d
623, Kearney i„
or (p'OAJ h a ir
Corner Commercial ¡.f;
to its original
Ban Francisco
freshness o f
Establislied in 185-t, for the treatment
sexual and seminal diseases, such as G ■. youth. Thin hair is thickened, fall­
rhea. Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis in all its ic ing hair checked, and baldness often,
seminal weakness, impotency, etc.
diseases, of years standing, and ulcei though not always, cured by its
legs successfully treated
use. Nothing can restore the hair
DR. GIBBON has the pleasure ofannt where the follicles are destroyed, or
cing that he has returned from visiting ,t
principal H ospitals in Europe, and lias the glands atrophied and decayed;
sumed practice at the Dispensary, 023 K< but such as remain can he saved by
ney street, corner of Commercial, where
old patients and those requiring his serv this application, and stimulated into
may find him.
activity, so that a new growth of
The Doctor has spared neither time 1
money in seeking out new remedies, a hair is produced. Instead of iouling
has returned with increased facilities for t the hair with a pasty sediment, it
alleviation of human suffering.
will keep it clean and vigorous, its
How many thousands of persons,' bo occasional use will present the hair
male and female, are there who are suffe from turning gray or falling off,
ing out a miserable existence from tlie c
fects of secret indulgence, or from virus al and consequently prevent baldness.
sorbed into the system. Look at their pa» The restoration of vitality it gives
lid, emaciated and disfigured faces an
Y nrevenb
their broken do\tn constitutions, disquali to the scalp arrests a ■ L
n rollim i!
D R . (A B BC
to t h e
Corner of Leidesdorff Street, ) a few doors
below What Cheer House,)
Private Entrance on Leidesdorff street.
Established expressly to afford tho Afflicted
sound and »scientific Medical Aid, in
tho treatment and cure of all
private and chronic Disea­
ses, Cases of Secresy,
and all Sexual Dis­
DR. W K. DOHERTY returns his sin­
cere thanks to his numerous patients for
their patronage, and would take this oppor­
tunity to remind them that he continues to
consult at his Institute for the cure of Dis­
eases of the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Diges-
tive and Genito-Urinary Organs, and all
private diseases, v iz : Syphilis in all its
forms and stages, Seminal Weakness and all
the horrid consequences of self-abuse, gon­
orrhea, gleet, strictures, nocturnal and di­
urnal emissions, sexual debility, diseases of
the back and loins, inflammation of the
bladder and kidneys, etc.; and he hopes that
his long experience and successful prac-
public patronage. By the practice of many
years in Europe and the United States, he is
enabled to apply the most efficient and suc­
cessful remedies against diseases of all kinds.
He cures no mercury, charges moderate,
treats his patients in a correct and honorable
way and has references of unquestionable
veracity from men of known respectability
and high standing in society. All parties
consulting him, by letter or otherwise, will
receive the best and gentlest treatment and
implict secrecy.
To Females.
When a female is in trouble, or afflicted
with disease, as weakness of the hack and
limbs, pain in the head, dimness of sight,
loss of muscular power, palpitation of the
heart, irritability, nervousness, extreme uri­
nary difficulties, derangement of digestive
functions, general debility, vaginitis, all dis­
eases of the womb, hysteria, sterility, and
all other diseases peculiar to females, she
should go or write at once to the cmebrateu
female doctor, W. K. DOHERTY, at his
medical Institute, and consult him about her
troubles and disease. The Doctor is effect­
ing more cures than any other physician in
the state of California. Let no false delica­
cy prevent you, but apply immediately and
save yourself from painful sufferings and
premature death. All married ladies, whose
delicate health or other circumstances pre­
vent an increase in their families, should
write or call at Dr. W. K. DOHERTY’S Medi­
cal Institute, and they will receive everv pos­
ible relief and help. Tho Doctor’s offices
are so arranged that he can be consulted
.vithout fear of observation.
To Correspondents.
Patients residing in any part of the state,
however distant, who may desire the opinion
and advice ot Dr. Doherty in their respective
cases, and who think proper to submit a
written statement of such, in preference to
holding a personal interview, aie respect­
fully assured that their communications will
be held most sacred and confidential. If the
case be fully and candidly described, person­
al communication will be unnecessary, as in-
structions for diet, regimen and the general
treatment of the case itself (including the
remedies) will he forwarded without delay,
and in such a manner as to convey no idea of
the purport of the letter or parcel so trans­
[^ C o n su lta tio n —By letter or otherwise
FREE . Permanent cure guaranteed or no
Dr. DOHERTY’ has just published an im­
portant phamplet, embodying his own views
and experiences in relation to impotence or
Virility ; being a Short Treatise on Sperma-
torrhæa or Seminal Weakness, Nervous and
Physical Debility, consequent on this affec­
tion, and other diseases of the sexual organs.
This little work contains information of the
utmost value to all, whether mairied or sin­
gle, and w ill be sent FREE, by mail, on re­
ceipt of six cents in postage stamps for re­
turn postage.
Address, W. K. DOHERTY,
m .
San Francisco Cal,
fving them for the happiness of marriage ci ple fo rm ation o f dandruff:, WHICH is
the enjoymeift of life. In this horrid sitna- ,
rm elonnlv and offensive,
tion thousands suffer until aeatli closes tho °iten SO uncleai )
scene- Let parents, guardians and friends Free from deleterious ■
attend to those who are suffenng with any ,
w h ich make some prep: ora­
of these horrible, life-destroying maladies- wances w n io n m a
1 to
, tho
see that they are cared for and cured beiore tions d an gerou s, and m.]Ui
it is too late'. Send them immediately tc hair
V igor .Can
iair, the
the Vigor
can only
onl be neat, ui
Dr. Gibbon, a _ physician
who has made pri­ not harm it. I f wanted merely 0
vate diseases his especial study for years,
and who is certain to cure the most invete­ HAIR D R E S SIN G , nothing elbo
rate cases without mercury or any injurious
he found so desirable. Coutam
drugs. It is important to those afflicted, or can
those interested in the welfare of their mg neither oil nor dye, it due - >
frienfls, to be careful of the many pretended soil white cambric, and yet lusts
dootors who infest all cities, publishing their
it a rich,
, fflC<
skill in curing ail diseases in a few days, im­ ieng on the hair, giving
posing upon the public by using the names glossy lustre, and a gratefu pe
of eminent physicians from Europe and
other places. Be therefore careful and make
strict inquiry or you may fall into tlie hands Prepared bv Dr. J. C. Ayer 4 Co,
of those charlatans.
Practical a n d A naly tical C ln11
M ,
Seminal emission—the consequence of
druggists EVER
self abuse. This solitary vice, or depraved
sexual indulgence, is praticed by the youtli
of both sexes to an almost unlimited extent;
producing with unerring certainty tlie foil
lowing train of morbid , symptoms, unless;
combatted by scientific medical measures,!
viz: Sallow countenance, dark spots under
the eyes, pains in the head, ringing in the
ears, noise like rustling of leaves or rattling
ot chariots, uneasiness about tlie loins, weak­
ness of the limbs, confused vision, blunted
intellect, loss of confidence in approaching
strangers, a dislike to form new acquaintan­
ces, a disposition to shun society, loss of
memorv, pimples and various eruyjtions
about the face, hectic flushes, furred tongue,
totid breath, night sweats, monomania aud
frequently insanity. If relief be not obtained,
should apply immediately either in person
or by letter, and have a euie effected by his
new and scientific mode of treating this dis­
ease, which never fails in effecting a quick
, Hy, from
and radical cure.
fl11 sew everything nee^ , 1! ! ¿brie,
the heaviest to tkehg‘ite-
Persons at a distance may be CURED AT
HOME by addressing a letter to Dr. Gibbon
stating case, symptoms, length of time the
* G oj;s JlOkK Vi0,{fI' woKlG
disease has oontinued, and have medicine
M o k e *l í * p* rr¡M " ofíU'
promptly forwarded, free from damage and
curiosity, to any part of the country, with
tuii and plain directions for use.
Thau an; ct^ e
Persons writing to the Doctor will please
state the name of the paper they see this ad­
vertisement in.
If there is
is a »
By inclosing Ten Dollars coin, in regis­
■ ^ ’hhfo
tered letter through the Postoffice, or
n Francisco 11
through V eils, Fargo & Co., a package ot
e n tir e *
medicine will be forwarded to any part of
i ODued - of it, it
kind to
the Union.
Without expense ot “ *
All communications strictly confidential-
Address DR. J. F. GIBBON, 023 Kearny
Cl * *rTT?hER|k| ° rtr
street, San Francisco. Postoffice Box 1,-
isA laU *-
n lly r l
,9 id * W
c ~
Grand Hote| Builtib’S1jan