cm ocv a t. J* N os- 20 an anr. °harger as fleet of foot as the oik hy the fair avenger— andfcrc the River at least one houf b re she arrived at the end of her go; ,ey - It is supposed she wished see a 3tage driver, but was di|»|pp ted in her wishes. “ There is jnuD.1 ®tip between the enp and Money Market. Latest New York Gold Quotations, 116} LEGAL TENDERS IN PORTLAND : U . i:iija h b . r . < (u-i,. A i r tion greatly to his a < lv J fta ^ '^ address-I lu g J. M. Shepherd, etllTor of th e BF.DR.K K D e m o c r a t , Baker C i t y . O r e g o n « r Oregon. Idaho and Montana pnpers please notice. W hen last heard ttJ n , Mr. Cagle was in Idaho City. R ev . A. C. M c D ocoaia , Grand Connselor of the Independent Cham­ pions of the Red Cross, has been in onr city for the past few days, on business connected with the inter­ ests of the Order. The Rev. gentle­ man leaves for Boise City in a few days. A C o r r e s p o n d e n t , writing from Athens, curiously contrasts the mixture^to be found there o f ancient and modern civilizations.— Bail roads spin their trains amid the tem­ ples o f three thousand years; steamers dash thoir swells upon the Pireus, and the scream o f their whistles resounds from Athos, Pen- telieu8 and Cytherion to Olympus and the heavens beyond their gods. Dr. Ayer's ttye lij_ i world-renowned medicines, thoee consum­ mations o f modern science, are posted on / I ea iful R e s id e n c e . —Last week tho Acropolis, the Parthenon, the Areopagus wo gfoa ®hort description of Dr. and tho Thesion; while the modest cards of poyd i8*dence—this week we shall Cherry Pectoral, Ayers Sarsaparilla, Ague notic-iat °t Judge Sterns, which is Cure and Pills look from the windows o f the situat Fisher’s addition to Baker shops in the streets o f Athens, where they are sold.—N. Y. Sunday Globe. On and alter May 20th, 1872, the Post Of­ fice hours will be from 9 a. m. to 7 p. m .— Sundays excepted. Open on Sundays from 9 to 10 a. m. and 5 to ttp. m. W. F . M’CKAKY, i>. m . N o t i c e - T he undersigned has not Leased or Sold out his Hotel Business at the Dalles, but will continue in the future, as in the past, to dispense the substantial elements oi Life to the traveling public. THOMAS SMITH, n l9tf Sole Proprietor Empire Hotel. =— "■■■■ ----------------------- = Meteorological Table. < *|y~T L ucky . — Wo are informed t v E Tlux Proprietors wtH spare nor expense to render their esta' •' L i - success. * --------- They will keep constantly on liana m t plV Of J, AtUr r. vdiaf tk l*«4*< m w «w a t M S a ; SUFFER WITH PAIN. RADWAY’S READY RELIEF 1» A C U R E FO R E V E R T F A IN . THE ONLY PAIN KENEDY T i n i n t a l h A f t tht i m t u n t d i t h i f ptHti. « lit r i ! ■ - * mm m arita.. tad n m C t t f M I l » >, w W tktr " ( tk* Lt t f t . Stw M tk. B tw .lt, m o*ht> rWed« t r "te te i.> y e e t t « | 4 k s ik > « , IN FROM O N E T O T W E N T Y M IN U TE S. . * » m ttu r I m w ▼ lo lo ti or CTCTWdttiiqr tht ptia t W R M F .tX - A T IC . M r i M t a , laftrm, C ntpU S, N cfro tt, X t « n J ( ir , of rrtwtraud with 4 ím * m atar taBtr, E iD W A Y S READY BELIEF W IL L AFFO R D IN S T A N T EASE. I n f l a m m a t i o n o r t h e k i d n e y s . IN F L A M M A T IO N O F T H E B L A D D E R , IN F L A M M A T IO N OF THF. B O W E LS, congestion o f t h e l u n g s , \ s o r e t h r o a t , m m ret c u l G T k r k . athi a t h i . v c . . hrf \ g P A I .n T A T I O N o f t h e h e a r t , H Y S T E R IC S , C R O U F , D IP H TH E R IA , „ C A T A R R H , IN F L U E N Z A , H E A D A C H E , TO O TH A C H E . — ... N E U R A L G IA , R H E U M A T IS M , C OLD C H IL IS , A G U E CHILLS. Tht .M.iiraUoa of a . r e a d y r e l i e f t t t h t « t t i . ' parti whtre In« pain of difficulty «xUU will affofd and tom INI. Twenty dfrrn« in half a tomNer « f water will Hi a f«w m «DU «nu cur« C K /M * P S . R A 5 5 U »9 tfToM At ACM. HlCK kA ¿ P f A S . , &4>t*R *Tatient, daily becoming reduced by fbe wastes and decomposition that is continually progressing, lueeeeds in ar resting these wastes, aud repairs' the name with new material made iron» healthy blood— and this the SA R SA F A R 1LL IA N will anil does secure. Not only does the SAR*AFAKtt.t.iAM R imsoi > kkt exeel all known remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, *evofri|o«t, Constitutional, and Skin diseases: but it is the oalv positive cure for KIDNEY AND BLADDER COMPLAINTS, Urinary and W om b diseases, Gravel, Diabetes. Dropsy, Stop- p*tr* of W ater, Incontinence of Urine, Bright's Disease, Albu­ minuria, and in all caees where there are brickdnst deposits, or the water is thick, rloudv, mixed with substances like the white of an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a mor- bid, dark, bilious appearance, and white bonedust deposits, and when there is a pricking, burning sensation when passing water, and pain in the Small of the Back and along the Loins. Price, $1.00. W ORM S. The only known and sure Remedy for W O R M S —PIN , T A P E , etc. Tumor o f 12 Yearn9 Growth C u red b y J t a d u ' a y ’K l l e x o l r r u t . Dr. R A D W A Y ’S Perfect PireadYB Pills, perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with swret gum, [urge, regulate, pnrify. cleanse, and strengthen. Railway's Pills, for the cur# o f all disorders o f the Stomach. Liver,’ Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipation, Costiveness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness. Bilious Fe­ ver, Inflammation of the Bowel;. Piles, and all Derangements o f the Internal Viscera. Warranted to ©(Tec* a positive cure. Purely Vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals, or dele­ terious drugs. A few doses of R A D W A Y ’ S PILLS w«|| fn-e the system fr--*tn all the al*nv»-named disorder*. Price, c#nts t»er box. SO LD BV D R lT<.'GISTS. RKAI) ••FALSE A N D T R U E .” Pend one letter stamp to R A D W A Y A C O ., No. ”•_> Warren Street, New York. Infer- math n worth th>*ii**ipd« will t-e sent v« u. Stamping for Embroidery and Braiding, done to order. ir -y a a ir b it a ik u b s L IV E R Y S T A B L f GRIER & KELLOGG Having corupletod their New have now tlic finest and best regnlattiU'^ I j i v e r y S t -a b l o In E i i s t e r n O r e g o n . Where they will carry on the Livery WTsl- v ness in all its branches. Mrs. R C. Shepherd IH A G E N T KOIt 8TOCK BOUGHT AND SOLD. Grover & Baker’s Sewing Machines. R. M IN T O S H . Waila Walla Variety aud Fruit Store, ‘ Baker City, Nov. 13, 1872. nl3tf Baker City, Dec. 1, 1872.n30tf K E IT BT j Respectfully offers his services to the Public In the capacity of CARPENTER, HOMER, W . L u b e l» lii, W HO WOULD RE8PECTFULJ.Y IN* form tho Public, that ho Keeps all kinds o f FRUITS, and VKOETABLEH on hund, that will bo sold at either JOINER AND WHOLESALE OF DETAIL. C a 't o l n e t - M a l s .o r . The Fruit. Vegetables, Grapes, Ac., kci’ t by him are freMi and o f the lwst quality. lie also k«ei>s Family Groceries, and a large variety of Cakes, Candies. Tobacco aud Cigars, together with an assortment o f All kinds aud every D E S C R I P T I O N OT Wdrk in Wood neatly and promptly done. ■Paker City, Jan. 1, 211 m ^ m D IS T R IB U T IO N . 1 3,7*0 l’REllllllS, R A N G IN G IN V A L U E FRO M S I O to t s s .o o o O I V E V A W A Y TO TH E 8UB8CIHEKH OF ODR F I R E S I D E F R I E N D Every Subscriber is sure of one Premium any way, and also has an equal chance of receiving a CASH Premium, OR A PIANO, ORGAN, WATCH, SEWING MACHINE, etc. YANKEE NOTIONB. He will bo «least d to hare those call whe wish any o f tho above avticlos, aud assures them that ho will sell at prices to suit tho times. N. B.—Ho can supply Families and oth­ er with w i n t e r F r u i t , aud Vegetables, o f all kinds, for Winter use, S o o c l! S e e d ! ! S e e d ! ! ! We have a full variety of Fresh Garden Weed for .«ale at tho Lowest Rates. Our seed is warranted to be as represented. Wo also havo a full supply of Seed Vegetables; and a Fine variety o f Flower Seeds. Baker City, Sept. 8. 1872.-nl7tf ,T. B . G Y Y i a X N E K , 6 w Co First Grand Cash Premium » 3 , 0 0 OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND.—Eight Pages, Large Size, Illustrated, tho Family Weekly, is in its THIRD VOLUME and lias attained the LARGEST CIRCULATION o f any paper published in the West. Its success Enables t h e Proprietor to furu furnish The Dost, Most DESIRA BLE AND MOST USEFUL T ‘ OHIO- INAL READING MATTER IN GREAT VARIETY, that money can buy, and to make it a HOME WEEKLY suited to tho wants o f every family. Subscription price $3 per year of 52 numbers. AGEN TS A L U M (U\AL COill'AYV, I lfU î Î T STONE MASONS & STONE CUTTERS W A N T E D. T u 0 0 A & co., And everything connootwl with a fir»t cla sp LATEST FASHIONS | Received every month, direct from Netv York. .V eillcH l B lu n d e r » . From the period when surgeons applied The Elegant Cliromo thoir sulves to weapons instead o f wounds o f the present wide-awake age, the m ed­ “ C U T E , ” ical profession has often unwittingly taken Size 16 x 20 inches, 16 colors. Acknowledged sides with Disease in its coutilcts with the by all to be the HANDSOMEST and MOST hum an system . E ven yet, in spite o f the Valuable Premium Picture in America. teachings o f centuries o f experience, som e EVERY SUBSCRIBER is presented with physicians believe in depleting their pa­ this Chromo at the time of subscribing, (no tients, already seriously exhausted by sick ­ waiting,) and also receives a Numbered Cer­ Settle Up Old Bills. tificate Entitling tho Holder to a Share in ness, with powerful evacuants, emetics,sal- the distribution o f S25.000 in Cash and other ivants, cautharhlal plasters, or the lancet. l l p e r s o n s in d e b t e d t o t h e Premiums. But, providentially, public intelligence is old Firm o f Kahn, Ottenheimer & Co., The Distribution takes place on tho Second ahead o f these m edical fossils, w ho belong, will please call and settle with Tuesday in Juno next. The Chromo and o f right, to the era o f the Crusades? That Certificate sent on receipt o f price. Speci­ powerful ally o f nature in its warfare with men Copies, Premium List, etc., Giving full Particulars sent free to any address. the causes o f sickness, Hostetter’s .Stom 11010710 Either local or cauvassing in acli Bitters, has opened the eyes o f the every town. Large cash pay masses to the param ount importance o f in­ creasing the vital strength <4 the body W A N T m anJ fi'e outfit' Send at when m enaced by disease. They under­ VT A l l 1 111/ once for terms. stand that when tlie atm ospheric con d i­ Address tion are adverse to health, it is wise to re­ OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND. inforce the system with a w h olesom e tonic n43 Chicago, 111, and stimulant, and thus enable it to co m ­ bat and repel the depressing influence o f an Inclem ent temperature. I f the consti­ SUCCESSORS TO tutional aud anim al powers were always thus recruited in the. presence o f danger, S /O ra (lo n oF S 'riiM 'iim l SM acc o f Stiisi- the m ortality from consu m ption , bronchi­ lie s « , A u b u r n , S t a k e r C o u n t y . tis, ch ron ic rheum atism , Ac., would be m uch less than it now is. The causes which ■ V T O T It'K is h e r e b y j- lv e n flin t a t u produce croups, cold, quinsy, -dlptherla J 3 l meeting o f the Board o f Directors, field and catarrh seldom aftect a strong and act­ ive vital system. It is not claim ed that on the 20th day o f May, 1873, an Assessment this standard tonic is a specific for lung (No. 1,) o f Foui Dollars per share was levied and throat m aladies, as it is lor dyspepsia, upon the Capital Stock o f the Corporation, liver com p lain t and intermittent», but it is payable immediately, ill United States Gold unhesitatingly asserted that it is the best Coin, to the Secretary, at tho Office o f the k n ow n safeguard against al. the atm osphe­ Company, at Auburn. ric elem ents o f disease. Any stock upon which this assessment shall* remain unpaid the 20th day o f June 03*” F or the very best Photographs, go to I will be delinquent, and advertised for sale at Bradley A Rulofson’s Gallery without S tairs Public Auction; and unless payment is made p ~ y Ascend in the ELEVATOR, 429 M ont­ before will be sold on Saturday, the 19th day ofjJoly, at 1 o’clock, P. M., 1&73, to pay the gomery Street, San Francisco. | delinquent assessment, together with costs X E W STO R E U N D E R O D D F E L L O W S H A L L , . o f advertising and expense o f sale. There was a man in our town P. F. BRADFORD, And he was wondrous wise, Sec. A. C. Co, He had a paiu from ear to ear, Auburn, Oregon, May 21, 1873.n2u6 Another between his eyes; Aud when he saw he had Catarrh, will give energetic With all his might and mam Baker City, Oregon. WANTED. W e Men and W om en He purchased Sage’s Remedy Biisln e»» t h a t w il l P a y And has his health again. from $4 to 88 per d a y ; can be pursued in It is sold by druggists everywhere. your ow n neighborhood, and strictly hon­ orable. Particulars free, or sam ples that Q y W e would call the attention of our j will enable you to go to word at once, w ill readers to the advertisement in another col-1 be sent on receipt o f two three cent stamps. ^*20 R e w a r d he above r e w a r d w il l be Address, «8. L A T H A M ,v C O ., * umn, o f the Brooks Sewing Machine Co., o f j paid to the person who will deliver at 202 W ashington Street, New York, they advertise, what is indeed a n 48 nl Boston, Mass. valuable invention, a first-class Sewing Ma­ the D emocrat office, a Buff colored Valise aud contents, as they were when said Valise chine for Five Dollars. was lost. The Valise was lost off o f the stage r p A K E X U P S O M E T I M E IN T H E between this City and Eldorado on the 7th of April. It was marked with the name o f A. JL month o f January, 1873, One three year j C. McClelland. __________________ _______ old heifer, spotted red* and white, white face, crop and underbit from right ear, a round m r m o (P Q A Per day! Agents wanted ■ blotch on right hip. Also, one yearling steer, 3)9 1U u)ZU All classes of working peo­ h e u n d e r s ig n e d w il l pa y mostly white, head aud neck red, right ear ple, o f either sex, young or old, make more the Best o f Wages for 10 o r lit Stone • cropped, left split. No brands. Burnt Riv­ money at work for us in their spare moments, ! or all’ the time, than at anything else. Par- Masons. Work will last about three months. er, Clarksville Precinct, April 29th 1873. ! ticulars free. Address, G. Stinson & Co., ROBERTS & NELSON. a . c. M c C l e l l a n d , v3nl9y ! Baker City, April 28, 1873.n51tf ‘ uoln3* B. W. BARTHOLOMEW- 1 Portland, Maine. s. ::::: ; ( 'b a r g e d , THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. at Mr. Sanders’ ; Saturday night and 2d Suu day at W ingville; Tuesday night following, North Powder, at Riggs’ school house; Wed­ nesday at W olf creek; Thursday night, Union- town;* F'riday night, Iowa scsool house; Sat­ urday night and 3d Sunday, 11 a . si ., Rus­ sell’s school house: night, La Graude; Tues­ day night after, Liberty school house; Wed­ nesday night, Forest Cove, Dixie school house; Thursday night, Kindall’s school house; Friday night, Indian Valley; Saturday night and 4th Sunday at 1 1 a . m .*, Dry creek schoolhouse; night, Summerville; Monday night following, Uniontown; Tuesday night, Big creek. j Saddle horse» hiteii to go to any p a /fk . Horses U>arded, ami the'W a. • j the country. Cafe bestowed upon them while tn thefr J ctiarge. tty^Terms reasonable« ** Ladies & Children* Clothing. 1'hankful for past patronage, we expect by They are prepared to furnish all styles and kinds o f Materials, Trimmings, Arc., as cheap honest ami lil)cral dealing to deserve tho as any otlier Establishment ih Eastern Ore­ continued patronage o f tho public. R. D. M< CORD. , . J gon, aud all o f the very best quality and lat­ n25tf PFTF.R DF.ISEN K O lH . i est styles. , AND AOUE. > K V I k A N D A f ll’ E cured for fifty cents. H i m is net a ycmcdixl Acmt in this world that will cure Fever aad A fu c, s*d all other MaUrious, Bilious. Scarlet. Tyrheid. Yellow, and other Fevera (aided by R A D W A Y ’ S PILLS) so qaick a> RADWAY’S READY RELIEF. Fifty rents per bottle. Bold by Pnipjfiiti. Goocf Horses, % Single and j f i ï 1 Double Buggids, R r Carriages, etc., IF* I 11 It * u tk« flrtt m M to t M. White, of Gem City, ■ ■usoov- ered a rich deposit of abDut six miles from Gem |C;tv ■„ ■ ■ Hogem road. The indicate are that he has a very rich ledge he has named it the ‘ ‘¡Doliy Y.rdon ” rwmEY S L ady ’ s BooK.-Persons wanting W e hope this Ledge mar' r>0ve aS m« T adv’s Book will pleas let ns know it as good as present indication ,eem to ^ nLas ‘possible; we will send for some cop- of it tho last of this week. indicate. \ SI1 LEND ID ST O N E ' H O U R Dr. R A D W A T ’S :id when this frog was what process notice tho fact that there will bo if nature he maintained liis exist- colt show in this city on Sattirdiy. Tliis is a question for natur- after next, June 14th. It is ho; ^ ^ It is entirely beyond our that all those who have fine coltcomprehension and wo have no from sucklings to and induci;^ to advance upon the subject three year o ld s-w ill have them lit: b leaye fche matter for those who on that day. Lot us see your : : haye made these subjects their study. stock, your work stock or any loth; _ _ _______ a m kind of stock. This movo of tlii ;a: T he officers for the ensuing year mers and stock raisers is a mo of the Grand Lodge of I. O. O. F. the right direction, and we 1 of Oregon, are as follows: M. W . that it may lead to the formati) : Grand Master, A. J. Marshall; R. W . ail Agricultural Society in our Deputy Grand Master, L. P. Higbee; ty. Let our citizens take In ; R. W . Grand Warden, H. G. Struve; this matter; let there be a g R. W . Grand Secretary, C. N. Terry; turnout of all those who feel R. W . Grand Treasurer, I. R. Moor­ torest in the improvement c: es; R. W . Grand Representative, A. stock, and we can assure the: L. Stinson. The next session of the they will bo benefited therel Grand Lodge will be held at Port­ D emocrat will do all it can t land on the third Monday in May, this causo along. Let evi 1874. come, and take an interest B r a s s M u s ic .— We are requested matter. to say that if any three or four of our W holesale H ouse .— B y citizens wish to learn to play upon euce to our advertising ckhci:- t Brass Instruments, that Mr. Willson will be seen that “ Pap” Li rin, s Gray will, with pleasure, give them opened a wholesale and reta instructions free of all charge. This establishment in our ci- .e is a liberal proposition on the part of those wishing to purchase :. jy Mr. Gray, and we hope some of our pay can get good goods at vo:y ;nv citizens will avail themselves of it. rates. He has a ready :: ed C o n n o r ’ s C reek . — W e are inform­ summer Temperance drink dl0 shape of ready prepared Let: :de ée that there has been some rich which we have tried and prong oe strikes in Quartz in this camp, it good. Go and buy a* hoi C; -fie mill there has been running some I C olt S how . -We are requested tt>rhere {ound> and by r n n t R ST.VBi ____ 1 built, and the psropri«— pared to carry on the busitu rJ| FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. east- The residence of .T o tin g o n 'g A n o d y n e L i n i m e n t will juog'iterns was built by Col. give more relief in cases o f Chronic Rheu-I STRONG A N D PU R E RICH R l.O OD - IN C R EA SE O F PaigJ suit liis own views for n pri­ matism, no matter how severe,»than any | FL E SH A M ) W E IG H T — C L E A R SK IN A N D BEAU T I F T L C O M n .F .X lO N SECU R ED TO ALL. vate idencc. It is one and a half other article known to medical men. Used stor high, contains some seven or internally and externally. It is often remarked by strangers visiting ! eigl )Qms including all the mod­ our State that we show a larger proportion of ern in’ovements. The ground on good horses than any other State in the Un­ win ifc stauds is about 200 feet ion. This, we tell them, is owing to two H A S M A D E T IIE M O ST A STO N ISH IN G C U R E S : SO Q U IC K . SO R APID A R E T H E C H A N G E S TH E BODY froi y some 250 feet extending principal reasons: in the first place, we breed U N D ER G O E S, U N D E R THE IN F LU E N C E or TH IS T R U L Y W O N D E R F U L M E D IC IN E , T H A T aci Powder River. The soil is from the very best stock; and in the second Every Day an Increase in Fleah y01 .cli and is covered with a beau- place, our people use Sheridan’s Cavalry and Weight is Seen and Fslt. Condition Powders, which in our judgment tjf'.rowth of fine grass. Shade and are o f incalculable advantage. f n rees have been set out and are Every drop of the S A R S A P A R IL L IA N R ESOLVENT M iss H im .— “ M amma,” said a lit­ di well. Judge Sterns purchased \ tle girl, who was nursing the latest roai muni rate a through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, mud other fiuida and juices of the system the vijor of life, for it repairs tb remises from Col. Paige this born, “ if baby came down from the the wastes of the body with new and sound material. Scrof- wla, Syphilis, Consumption, Glandular disease, Uleoes in the I g, g and now has the most beau- angels, musn’t they miss him awful­ Throat, Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in the Glands and other parts ©f the system, Sore Eyes, Strumous Discharges from the Ears, ti comfortable and convenient ly?” and the worst forms of Skin diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores, 1 -, ¿nee in our city, it is finished i R eligious . —The Rev. Mr. Newton, o f the Scald Head, R ing-W orm , Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Aene, Black Spots, Worms in the Flesh, Tumors, Caaeers in the ( fine style with clear lumber, | M. E. Church, South, will preach at the fol­ W om b, and all weakening and painful discharges, Night lowing times aud places: 1st Sunday in each Sweats, Loss of Sperm, and all wastes of the life prin- a he mechanic who erected it can the curative range of this wonder of Modera month, at Eagle Creek, at 11 a . m ., and Sat­ riple, are within and a few days' use will prove to aay person using v he proud of his work— it is an j urday night previous; night at Gem City; Chemistry, It for either of these forms of disease its potent power to cure Monday night following, Main Powder River, them. , aient to our city. Through tlic politeness of Professor S. P. Barrett, we are enabled to lay before onr readers the following table showing the range o f tbo Mercury for the week ending May 31st, 1873, at Baker City, Oregon: 10 i>, 7 A. M. 12 M. Sunday, 56 70 58 vturaij C u r io s it y .— Mr. F. W- 46 56 40 Monday, puell in digging a well about one 37 Tuesday, 58 42 Wednesday, 38 49 42 a : a half miles from this city, at 45 34 Thursday, 42 Friday, 67 40 32 depth of about ten feet, and af- Saturday, 42 41 46 passing through some lour feet Average for the week 47:6 degrees above ard pan or a kind of cement, Zero. Average for the mtuth 50:3. Highest point recorded for May 81 degrees nd a live frog imbedded in this on the eleventh. Lowest point, 32 degrees d pan, and on liberating him on the evening o f tho 21st and the morning m liis earthly prison liis frogsliip ' o f tho 30th. :ame quite lively. Mr. Bunnell I It rained a fair shower on the 16th, 18tli orms us that tho frog looked ‘ '20th and 20th o f the month. H It snowed a little every few days for tl lite pale when first taken out, but last part o f the month. W ind blew hard a a short time became impressed day on tho 15tli, 10th, 22d and 23d. Gent itli the beauties of nature as viewed breezes occasionally during the month. . haslteen unusually cold; frosts aud free; om n e w p o s it io n a n d moAOU o . killing corn, potatoes and early vegetabl he q u e s t io n n a t u r a lly a rise s lio w crjstalized preparation ftaJtrr-for yourselves, and you will be e’„ • ced that we are a good (judge if good article. Cl BES TUE WOBST fAWS N O T •’ H O F . O . K. F O W L E R , o f X . Y o r k , iorV'v?' At. y C Ad'rt U ‘A iT Æ A D Y IN will commence a short course o f Lectures in Baker City, ou -Phrenology as applied to H u m a n L ife a n d S c ie n c e , Professional Consultations, at the Court House, about June 2 -kl.^ For particulars see Posters and subse­ quent announcements. Address invitations to Lecture in otlier , places to him at Portland, Oregofl. n3tf Buying..................... 85c. ] Selling................. 8G .•City. Notice to tie Pule. y WATCHMAKER AND JEWELEH, E S T A B L IS H E D IX B A K F.R C IT Y I X 186?, Keeps constantly on hand a well atfsofted Htock o f WITCHES, CLOCKS JEWELRY, % and is prepared to do all kinds o f work in his line of business. Waltham and Elgin Watches at Factory n3| Prices [tf. M o m ip y mmT JVErs. IV C ary B '. »T ett, OF B A K E R 01TY, O liE R O N , ■ • REHPKGTFUI.I.Y A \N OU N CES TO ■ « / Khcrcltizuns o f Baker County, tlmt she is now prepariul to take ¡PJICOTKS3! Visitors are invited to call aud iuspeot her work, Whether they wish their Pictures taken or not— they Trill be make welcome. Baker City, Feb, 5,1873. n39tf RAKER CITY BREWERY,~ KASTNER LACHNER, Proprietors, & BAKER CITY, OREGON, I > ESPECTFULLY INFORM T H E C ITi- I_U zens o f Baker City, and tho surround­ ing Towns and Mining Camps, that tboy arc now prepared to fill all orders with the very best quality of X ja g e r e e i% At reasonable rates. The public are invited ta call aud look at our ostaiisbmeut. Baker City. Jan. 8, 1873.-u35tf Improve Your Poultry!! It costs no wore to keep good i'owl.s than poor ones. Oaffini Ponltry Yanis, Cof. lfitli Sc Castro Sts., Oakland, Cal. S e a s o n o f 13*73. T.’tGGS FOR 'HATCH IN G 1'KOM TH E I j largest and Best Bred Fowls in tho World, carefully packed in Patent Boxes and guaranteed to carry safely any distance. The variety comprises Dark and Light Brahmas. Buff, Black, White and Patrioge Cochins, White Leghorns, lloudans, Silver and Golden Spangled Hamburg*, Gold and Silver Spangled Polish, Black Spanish, Cre- veetturs, Rouen and Ay lesbury Ducks, Bronze Turkeys, and Sebright and Game Bantams. ' Send stamp for Illustrated Circular to Geo. B. Baylcy, importer and breeder of Choice Pooltrv, P. O. Box 659, San Francisco; also, agent for the Poultry World, a monthly illus­ trated journal, devoted entirely to Ponltr- tells how to keep Fowls for profit; aeomp* repository of information on the m V Subscription only $1 25 a year, wanted in every town in the State. P. 0 . Box 659, San Francisco. 0C7” Please state in what pape\ advertisement. i