3ThU IPapar., Jne Year. Farm Journal 5 Years. ' Pj op add gel both papers at price ot ' We want mora new subscribers to oar "WoekWi we therefore continue our ar rangement with, the Farm Journal by whtcn we can al (ba DtaooaAT and the t- Karra Journal 8 year, both tor 1 1 Arid . wa mik I be same off r to a'.t old subscrib er who will py all arrearages and on year ta advance. Yea kniw what our U end the Farm r4oarit ii a giu practical, pwu-resiive eiean. hnt. useful paasr full Of -.ramotion. lull of sunshine, with an iru -aaeaw circulation amin the hat people varrwhirr). Yojotiirht tj take it. DaI suixcrioiri Diving in alvanoe aa l seoara i:. ' ' Worse than War. Hi lrJ are ktl'ed by war.but hundred f tumult ere killed by consumption Thi wji 1 o ni diaths at all eautec us this terriol diieiie. if peoplo could be eniJi tu-ilerstol tbat Shitoh's Cough a not Ojhi np'ion Core is a eure remedy if t aa-ta ia thi early sUe. 25 cts, 50 cts. -and II OJabattlt. Druggists will refund the niinr it a cure is not effected. For aale by Fred Dawson . i) . . V c.(i. lui IilU N r. says ' "I h nrtiiy rearms t Oa Minute Cough Cara. It onini Ua iiuajdme relief in ufoi'ia it i m." Pia.iant to take. Hir f tf.u to qtuikiy care all eougas. celdv thrji. il mi trj.iV.e. . ,For sale f Foshiy ttisoa. if vo i id.nr f roj tiaioraeas ur rutlnesa at9iriit.it siti, piias unier shoulder Iai4. omrioi'ijo. bilonsness. aica jdtche. au fwl dull, heavy and ateepy ar liver W tiroid and oneested. De- Witt's LucU Eirlr Risers will cure you aroaptly, plenin'Jy and permanently by cennrinrtaeoniraitioa and cuisine tbe i!a duv.ito op a a ad flow oaturally. fair ab &03D raw. "I wiaido't be without Di Witt's Witch nil Sil f r .ircjuider.tion." writes Tan 8 atita.CjatorSeW, O , Infallible for piln. cu's, bares and skin diteases. K) ( jut-.irttiits. For sale by os AayA 'fawn. Y .Air taew wart form o Wool poi--a n I fo'tiw catipition. Keep the liver clan V mint DiWitt's Little Early Risers ail t a will avoid troubles. Tbev ae faiaui pi'.ls for constipation and liver ,-ael bwltmble. For aiio by roshay trMwoi. i SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allan's Foot-Ewe, a pjwder. It cures painful. , autartinn?, nervous feet and in- hrrowinr nail, and ntanily tikee tb sting out of oorne and biniins. It's the greatest comfort disovery ot the age Allen i root-hUee makes tinht or new sboee feet easy, it is a certain onre for weating. callous and hot. tired, aching feet. Trvittodaf. Sold by all rtruigUU I I i n Fl f . i uu idov sinrvs. oy nimi iur sou iu stamps. Trial packages FREE. Ai4ree, Alien S uimeteHd, L Koy, N l Teachers Examination. Notice U hereby given that tbe regular teacher erstnlnatton lor Lino county will ba held in the court house, Albsny, Ore , beginning at 9 o'clock, Wedn sdsy, April 11, 1900, and continuing for threa daye. Applications lor eerti Heater mould not tail to be preeent at the opening oi the flret eeaaioa. Tbe program all) be ss follows: Wedneedey Penmsnahip, historv, or. thosraphv.readinir. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, school law. Friday Geography, mental arltmetic, physiolngy, civil srovernment. Tbe foregoing are for county certificates. Wtdneebay t enmaoship, orinogra- pby, reading. Thursday Art of que tioning. theory ot teaching, method Tbe 'ore going are f.w primary certitic-atee. Dated at Albany, Ore., this 30th day of uarch, law. A. S. Mc uosald, Uounty Bupt. mm m m CLoarKo Rates. Weekly Ukmocbat ad Examiner $2.50 and Tlrice-a-week yar d I3.00: and Republic 1.75: and Jregonian and San Francisco weekly Ualt I2.uu;and ftaieui eeaiy loumal 3.00 m f:1 I'he Excite in nt Not Over. ;D Biides. Eiitor "Democrat," Lan ser. S H, says, "One Minute though Ciro is te bait remsiy for croup t ever ad." Imujliataly ralieves and cures teagbs. col U. coup, asthma, pneumonia, wnchi'U. fip?i and all throat and lung rouble. It prevents conaumption. For aU by Foshay k Mason. I had dyspepsia fifty-seven years anu aevei found psrmioent relif till : nsed tpdo: Depspsia Care. Now 1 am well ad like a new man," writes S J ftemtuin, Murray, Neb. It it lh ben AigaU it known. Carer ail forms of in- imtin Phvsietana everywhere pre scribe it. For sale by Foihay & Mason- Tkeruih at the drag store still' contin nesand dulv sciresof e)Pe call for ; bottle of K?mj's Bitsam for tte Throat and Lnnss for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, BrooohiU't anl comumpuon. Kerns s Balsam, tb standara familt I medv. is sold on a guarantee end never fails to give entire s itufaction. Price 25c. and 50s. Rushsl9 ot Money Thrown away oy women annually in tbe purchase or (.osmetics, lotions and P w dare, none of which ever ncconipl.shee its object. Beauty depends on neaitny blood and good digestion, tucb as Karl's Clover Root Tea guarantees yon for 23 eta. and 60 cts. per package. Take t and we enarantea your complexion. For sale by r red Dawson. CASTOR I A For Iafaati and CMMren. Xti fhi Yea Kara Always Bosgt! Bears the -Signature of Albany Market. "Wheat 43 nts. Oats 27. Egg 11 cent. . Better 11 to 17 cents. Potatoes cents. Sams IS ennta.- Sides 10 cents. Sb.oalders8 cents. EXECUT8YS NOTICE -THE UNDERbl IN ED HAS BEEN -appointed rnd conSrmed a executor of the last wilt and teitarnnnt of Richard far well, deceased, by the County Court of -haa county, Oregon, and all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said de ceased will preient them duly verified to tae undersigned at his office in the city of "Albany, Linn county, Oregon, within six months from tbe date hereof. March 12, 1900. LHUoman, Executor of the last will and testament -ef Richard Farwell . Nothing Lti:e It. Ton ehould remember tbat no other medicine is like Sniloh'e Consumption Core in any respect. If other remedies have failed t) relieve your cough or cold, that is aU the more reason why yon should try Shiiob'a. Always sold under a positive gaaraotee. It it does not he p you, tbe druggist muet give oaca yonr money. 23 els., 50 cts., and $1.00Ja bot tle, r'or tale by Fre t Dawson. A Goad Thing. Our Great- Grandmothers' Barrets con tained the same herbs of all healing found in Karl's Clover Root Tea. They gave onr ancestirs strcnirtii.kept the blood pure. and will do tbe same for yoj uyoo say to. Price 25 cis aid 5) cts. For sale by Fred Dawson. CATARRH OF THE STOMACH Is a ekmnte dltMM. Tkere Is aa least stoeol tbe lansr sealing el the seaoh. a tales, ropy a scat fenas sag this sautes ths more preneunceasyaiptoma 11 rsasalns ta the sloaaoh and deonpoas. Thsa, of eeurse, dlgMlion eaa aot be properly perform, ed. The greet wistabls rsn4y MUD ran nsver falls ta effect a ear. CDTAN eaa as kad ot all dratilsta tor too. jmi packaaa. Study vein ejttpMmtcawtully from this chart. Xaohauiu kr KprMants a symptom or a group of symp tom. You have the symptoms. Use HID. VAN and thay will disappear. I THE SYMPTOMS ARE: 1. BILIOUS BSADAOBS. This Is wore pronounced In the morning HUD YAfl will rUv the hoadaoh. S 3. BHD iHD WATKBY STBS. HUOYAN wilt eauae the ndaaas ta dltaa- aptMar and adi the eyes assume their mar mat, healthy appaarance. 4. COATED TONOTJH AND rOB. TID BBBATB AND BAD TA8TB IB THB MOUTH. HUDYAN will eUar the tonrue, mas the breath pur and sweat and cause tbe bad taate to disappear. 8. PAIB altD TEXDKftNESa IW THB STOMACH. This U due to Indlfoo on, MfjDVAN wlU eaoao the food to bo soms perfectly digested and the pain and tondaraesa will disappear. 0. BNX.ABOB1CBNT OB TBI L1VIB. HUDYAN "IU lesaoa tbeeoogoa Uon and reduce the enlarged Uver to lis nor mal atte. VOYAN will relieve yoa ot tbe above symptoms aad make you well. Do not delay, Oo to yonr drarclst at onee and aneare a package of n I'D VAN for Me. or tor JXJO, If yoor drata Ut doea not keep It, send direct to the nrOTtl RSHIOY COM PA NT. aa rranclaoo. Cat., aad they wtU send It to yoa. Von can commit the great BUOTAN DOCTORS fRKB. Do not fore I tbat. Call and see them If yoa wish. Yon may call and see them, or write, aa yon doalre. Address HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, Ce moktoa, aterket aad fill St., So Freoeieee, Cel. IALBANY COLLEGE OFFERS A THORODQll r High-Grade College Education To every bey and girl that has the ambition to attain one. Tbe coursers complete, and mhraeea lb LANGUAGES, SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS, HISTORV 'EMGLI8H AND ELECTIVE8 The Nora.al Oourta leada an Commercial Cou to a STATE DIl'LOMA, and Iba has now become a Business College Equal to anything In the State Vtnilenls Club at actual cost price. Now Illustrated catalogue. Board at tbe V3T particular? write Albauv, Oregon. WALLACE HOWE LEE, President AVflvinnTrtR. AJf - - ir.y jus ii w m r at ar i,? wa mm m . an as u. ..jr 1 VOIE FOR Repreesotativte Mik Pr fl it Moutague and W II Iniam uountv adtie tl M falmer Sheriff lieo Mctlarvue. Clerk W F Hammrr Recorder Ed Meeker, Assessor T J liderton. Treasurer KB Miller Saperintendent W L Jackson Oocnmiasloeer H B Sprenger Surveyor T A Rigge. Coroner J O IS or man In 1 XfiL.u pst-i Iff ffhlsiaiir' "WqUKaS The Miners' and Prospectors Favorite. UruifT-ctr I l.ycoM 1i.it. I'indvsLr A' 'xi HI vi it iw-l 1 r.v i a:v.l 5oU evtrrp-.v.-r.-. card fr illus trated catalogue, hi free. Winchester Rcpcatinj: Arms Co. NEW MAVHN. CONN. ..as aa a a ar a ilun.l.M w".l jyi TMlr lWwW VwU SOUTH and EAST via- SOUTHERN PACIFIC Shasta Route. Trains leave A'hany for Poitland aud way stations at 5:3 a m, 3:10 p m. Leave Portland fl:.T0etn 7O0pu ' lllwinv l2;Wpm 10:50 pm Arrive Anbland 12:.1 am lliMOam Sacamen' o . . 60 p in 4:35 am ' Ban FracciKO. 7:49 p m t):la a m Is Th'B Plain Enough? If vou havi a nazzing cjuen and are losing Hmq, go to a drug sure, ana aei i bottle of Shiloh'e Consamption Cure fake t wo-tbirdi of it and tbeo , if you are not benefitted, retara tbe bottle to toe druggist, and be will rjtnrn tbe money In t titat (air? ene eouid asa more. 25 eU, 50 cU and tlJOO. For sale by t red Dawsoa. .$ nnORTHERfi inl PACIFIC R. R. 'Pullman Sleeping Cars, -Elegant Dixri&g Gars, f -t t "V . iOUnSI- DlOOptUg Uit CZ) bt Paul Minneapolis - Dalntb kargo, TO Grand Forks Orookaton Winnipeg Helena and BntU TiaOUQH TICKE's TO - Chicago , w-aebingtpn Philadelphia iewlork toetonanda.. 1 -'ointe East and Booth engh tiekdts to Japan aad Ch 'na, is a and Northern Pacific stearaahi; Aaacrican line. ajarmation, time earda nsaps a call oa or writa O a Bsrkbart Albany, r. B. -. .. ni 1u i A Few" Polntsrs. . Tne recent statistics of the number of deaths, show tlut tbe large maj rity die with consamption. Ibis disease may commence with an apparently harmless coagh wbicacan b? cored Instantly by aemo s biuam tor tne I or oat and tansrs. which ia gnuantesd to cure and relieve all cases, rrtcez);. asa out. rorsaieoy all druggists- Beawty la Uloa Decs. Clean blood means a clean akin. No beauty without it. Cascareta, Candy Cathar tic clean your Diooct ana Keep u ciean, oy stirring op the lazy liver and driving all im unties from tne body.' Begin to-aay to anish Dimples, boils, blotches, blackheads. and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascareta, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 30c TERMS. ut Daar. aT,25cente par mouth 3.00 per yea. ,m advance. 30c permontb ot in advance. By earner, 10c pet week. 10 percent added If allowed to ran over months. Single copies 6o. WnaiLT. 11.35 In advance; 11.50 at end )f year; $1.75 for second yearj $2.00 for ihird and proceeding years, when not naid tnadvanot. Club of 8v n .abecriber atfo.oo. (ieo Nolan I, Rockland, O., says, My wife bad pils torty years. De Witt's Witch Hazil Salve cored ber. It ia the best salve in America " It beala every thing and cures ail diseases. For sale by Foshay & Mason. By allowing tne accumulations in the bowels to remain. the entire svstem is pois oned. De Witt's Little Early Risers regul ate the bowel'. Try -them and yoa will always use them. Poshay St Mason . It mi'i'i nt d IifHi -r ad wound if yu Vit's T i I Salve; it will i ii '.Ot hul ail 1 1 a tear. Fosbay at Mason. O B Winn, en ncaet agent. Ticket to all points in the eaat. 'Our Native Herb Tablets," ThB Great RicoJ Verifier. iilBBj and LiTer Eegnlator, Gaarjotead by onr REGISTERED GUARANTEE i .cure all dieeaaea aria. log fromlni-cai Blood aad inlative Uvia OrXlDHITS. 200 DAYS' TREATMENT $1.00 THE DOLLAR BACK IF YOU ARE NOT CURED. I have naed"Oar Native Herb Tablets" for Constipation and Liver Trouble oi over twenty years' atanding. Ther cored tns a'ter all other remedies failed. A l bbrt Caooaa-r, Ovtrfeer, Border City MUls, Fall River, Mas. THE AL0NZ0 0. BLISS CO., SOLE PROPRIETORS M B Case, Agent, Albany, Or Medicine mailed upoq receipt of price. IV I WH TtiVG CO, Second 8t eir Lyon atreet, Albany. Sella Chi- a '. ) u mm rice, Chinese ell 1 nut nil. Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Ic artificially digest the food and ldj Mature in strengthening and recon rtructlDg the eihausted digestive or gans. Itlathelateatdiscorereddigegtr ant and tonic No other preparation can approach It in efficiency. 16 la stand relieved and permanently enref Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Ifauaea, i-k Head ache, Gastialg a, Cramps, and all other reeults of irn perfect dlgestloa. prepared by C- C DmWtr. Caw CMcap. For sale by Foshay aY Mason. FOSHAY & MASON Wholesale A Retail DRU00IST3 AID BOOmUJl Arrive Oaden 6:45 am II :! a m " Denver 9:00am 8:(X)am " Kansas C.ly... 7:2Sam 7:23 an " Chicago 7.4oam 9:3Qa m Arrive I Angeles. . 1 :20 p m 7.00 a m " KIPaao rJ.OOpm S .OO p ra " Fort Worth... 6:30am 6:30 am ' t'ityof Mfiico 9:.VJam 9 -Mmta ' Houston 4.O0am 4KX)aw M New Orleans. . 6:25 p m 6 25 p ni " Wasbmtftoo . . 6:42 a K 6 43 a nj " New York... . 12:43pm 12.43pm Pullman aad Tonrisis ca'a oa both trains. Chair cars hacramento to On den ana Kl Paw, and tourin car to Cnicago. St Louis, New Or lea as and Washington. AND S00 PACIFIC LINE. Direct rmitn lo and from all Kla i iints and Kurom tbroutftt ibefJKA Nf. uSTht:F.M:RY in America. Tbrouab 6rt clast sleeping an l tojris cars Iron coast lo bridge Notice. Nolle I berehy gives Hat at a rr laf aneetiaf tl Iba Cuasaaaa IVaaail n the city ef Albany, Oirjie, ttU tf 13lb day ol rebraary, JtajO, ta Mi. Ing raeoiailoa ass alufieif aad st made, liasoivar. That the wsaoa twM .,j leraled la tbe my of AiUav aad esieel tu aercee the W I la net ie rirer aad 0 lei; partially la I.ina aad reiiun w.m! lae at Ibis time aaaalt U ba aaed y J traveling public, I Thervlore It la hereby ordered ty V Common Conncll ol the oiyof AH that all travel be euttwndwj aa bridge Irons it is time until fuM hr tlM given by the said due trnllce U gltra lo the pbl al r suspension ol travel ever and aUng s bridge by publishing a ropy of tiu, u lotion and order in Ibe Aiaiav V ? ' VP'' ieural clrralatk in una and iienloncotiniiaeOrrgoe d Ing the pleasure of a. Id Council aad fw 4 mar nv posun irlnial kh .hi. resolution and order al H.a aptwoert ol aald bridua on aitl.fr li. n .. conspicuous la-. Done by ordor f ll.o Omaioa Ctusf ell oi ihecliy ol AlLsny. Uregoa. J In aiinese lirruf I ,. k...... a) inw li..l i... . ... . i'i hi ciiy. luis Htli day of February, A.T IX W . fl. Dvib, r. . Atles,, J. 8. Vaa vTmsib, Krcordrr of the city ol Albany, O. i fast Mall p ra Hal Lat, Denver, rt r "oriii.unial.a. Kan- Ma ... .iy, rt g .a , Utiiiago and Fast. It 1 ST PAUL .fe TORONTO lW MONTREAL f Without Change. Eojal Kail Stnliii Lines Connecting at San Francisco with sev eral steanmnlp lio for Honolulu. Jana. vnira, rniuppinea, lencal and south america. See 0 K. Faona agent at Albany ta- lon or aaariwe C. U. UtltKiiiM.U. I 4 Portland, Cr. HAIR SWITCH 65 CEHJS. s mix ni sis' aia 'maukawi Mir OUB OFFER: Ll'",i'f , i S w, ImUm oo4 ami Omul ot tb MM natod. uiail II al u mmr tk now u pjMkla, luMa v iinlil him .im HllkU I. m ml i M4 w wm ' -r rtt, ud Ma to ro kr Kll.joUild.kiul If TO, mn k4 iwrranlr akwld. r.tn IK aad wm UI Iwiiuiilr l n. yimr mnmmr. Mrrwai rk,ll,l ,f J?? ." eSOl Kurt t., eOOIaoa.SS-la.loB, abort (tea, ei.SSI W-la. lo. ahort rm. ai.adi ao ' ;itet.ii,im.ii,tiiMW;i. Ximmm.thnnMmtm, aa.te. esaiijuarta , 1 t a win. a ik kiike ma ta Ci I l'iroio5 W SJ Uat. age arltol. JrhraiMaii tU, ROEBUCK CO.rlae.) CMesi Mfc OP 4LBART. OBEOOM. Pore Drnga and tbe 11 nee t and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books tbe Market. AOENrS WANTED for "Life of D L Moody" by bis son, W R Moody, and Tra D Stnkey. Largest, richest and best Highest, protits paid . It Is tbe only official, authentic, endorsed Jife. Authorized by tbe lamily. Beware of fakes aad frauds. Outfits free. Freight paid- Credit given. Drop all trash and e'ear $300 a month with tbe official, re liable life. . Onr reference, any bank ia anv town. Address. OUR CAPACITY 1 a Uneq ua led In the Valley. OUR WORK Is UnsurfM-.- In Oregon. lo liave the lest stock ic selocl from and our pricet 8ro always th loweHt. quality coiiHMierea SMILEY, Allctny. The Pri. iter CHIIJ, JAFAH and AUSTALIA For fail informatioa regarding rate ete. apply to 6. N. STEELE. II. U. 4BBOTT, Albany.Ore. Agent Portland. Ore. E.J.OOYLE, A. O. P. A. Vancoaver, B; 0. lomllis & Mm Rated 8pokai, Walla Walla, Himk H'mr ano ail.- . ' ... .i' ! """"apoiie. PI 3:4pm Iwol, Duiuih, Mil. wauaee, Ctlrago, Kaat. r've OO, gp ra OCEAN HTatAMtfllir. ror Han franciec-. fail every five dava Hpm COLUMBIA ItlVf.R -Eseundav MliAliUHi VJ' ontiuni ana war id p tn Leadings. 1 m WILIAMETTK RIV. i n aioon. WegcnCitr.Nawi-.- V-.f balem.loj.p.a.1,,," fs and Wiy Und'r Tuesday, VAiiHILLKIV. rbnra.. Oregon Cilr, Dnytoa. andttai. and HayLiadaf am WU.LAXETTKRIV. Tuesday Portland to Corrallk ibnr., aad IVi. in.i ... aniu.. ' ---a" aa l LvUwifl ...v3 lk HIVItt a. in RlKeilatoUaleioa UaJ Uaily W.ll. IICRLBURT, tiea. Pase. Aaeal. a rAr u wos- fm.u. a TIME CARD. CIX PER CENT Ollmited amount ol money LOANS. I have a to loac oa Srst-clasa farm security or improved business property in Albany. Interest six per cent for particulars call ou or addrese. fi. F. Maaaiu., Democrat building. Albany, Oregon No, 2 For Taqnlna t iraia leavee Aitany...,..z:49 p. tn " Corvalhe 1 :6A p. m " arrives Vaquina..., 7:?8 p, m No. 1 Retornlngt Leavee Yaquina., 6:00 a. m. uorvaiils 110 a. ta arrives Aioanv J2II0 D. m. so. s rorueuoit: laavee Albany 7:(K) a. m. Arrlvee Uetrolt 11 UM) a. m No. 4 Returning: ueaves jxiroii 13:20 p. m. Arrlvee Albany ., 6i45 p. m. One and two connect at Albauv and Corvallia wltb Bootbera Pacldo trains. giving direct eervice to aud from New port aod adjacent beacbea. Trains for tbe mountains arrive at De troit at noon, giving ample time to reach camping groutds oa the fcrelteobusb and Hsaliam mere tbe same day. eowih fTona, II. L. Wsluim, Manager. T. F. A P. A. J. Tea ia, Agent, Albany. NEW VORK WORLD JTREET RAILWAY KOTICE. Tne motor on tbe Albanj Street Kal will connect prompty with all trains tou from the depot, day and jipbt. Specie I ripe will be mad at pej rates. R. Mocaa,. C'lrarl Thricr-a-Wetk LlilloD 18 PaRcaa Week . .. . . . 158 Pa para a Vcai For One Dollar I asllshdeve7 sisrvaasaBareareasgaad TbeTbrieeaWiMk EditioaofTaaMia Tons Woblo Is Srst amoag all "weekly papers In sixa, frequency i-f publicatioa and the freahasu. aecoracy and variety c4 lUeottente. Itnssalltne meriu of a treat $0 daily at : be price of a dolla weekly. Its political aews is pronart,eota "$ Tastii i! aac jri.,nn eaii9 "a at ye pT?s-rnrtrrr pri w iOVICg Lottor. MrWHI. ,-4.WM. ao.tr.ov. LEGAL DIRECTS Albany W R Eilywo, Foehay A Us see blot II Bryant, P O block. Anderaoa Cannon, FO Mock. . i N Duncan, P O bloea. ' T P liackiemaa, Peartw clock Judge U U Meant, F o blcea. ii o iiompurey. ' Kelly A Curl, bank building. f L 11 aloatanve, Pearce blotl, J C Powell, P 6 block. I U K Box, P O block. t L L bwaaa, Bank bnildlng. C II 0 VYattoa, bank building. .... oru a "jaw. aaok baildr Cuaick block. w nrUl,r unlock Lebanon.' P M Garland. BrownarlUe A A Tossing. TJ Wilson fflRMT MATIOJIAL. DABr. r or At.aaaT.oaaaoa'l , 'nmi Mot . , ru frwlJui o ....... . a a i .1. V.UB4 TaaBeam a eaaaaalkaa wUH B SIT Mt.totl loHTBtcuaaag .is. aa va-k Baa tta ilooYmokto la - ' rrmlii,tat.aga( baoTioas sario. i.ni ta a g ra-sw r ItMftn fi a.rxV.,'"'l eVwlrinf ft Irifi S the) ttwewDanarM n FHse hal ravarto t . .1 f. TM. rAf a tLOAaij",-. 1 MMsesa,Ti Hiak al H l H CL f mwws iw nttbttiMii h4 i : a ii.riotkoio, aM. f rM.i.- M.I . MM l Iko. aad trmm aawauM, mmti aw .arroo, , Tbe Doonnio Com pan v, Uept .Chicago a A cr:ov & co 9. B. aaias. raw lvw. Wiai a. I. f. 14 V o