The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 20, 1900, Image 7

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Special G. Co.
Adjutant General 0. U,
the ruiorjr last Hmimley night musters!
lu tlio new company after the iniinUn
lincl twen given a tuorou.h examination
iy Dr. Kllia. They are a fins lot of
yoiiDK follows with euouitu of the wstsr
Ans of the I'liillitiplns campaign to keep
tlium straight, A friendly contest for
tlio olllces resulted In the choice of Chan,
a. ftears as captain, Frank G. Hull
tuacher let Hut , and Frank B. Ktewart
Sua Hunt, the other oflk;i will be an
ivmvvu iihti rouowuig is ins roster
' Ji i urpin, w a Tlllotaon, W Harm,
t lllL.... u II tin... ..'
Mackey, E Cyme, F W Wire, K w'atsen
It Hackleman.T Aletamler, F M l'owull
UH Ilarulali, G McUttoo. A Alexander
ti K l'roint, J Holland. Allen Htullmacli
er, w V Merrill. Uritalrialier. J (Joins,
It Kalttiiarnli, M Stewart, Mils Gouey,
tleol!m.llMi 11 V Well-. .. mid......
JV 1) Morrle, T jlacklcnun, C Klurn, (j
queuing, a ruruom, it im eon, I u Moy
ere, U Helclile, O G Coil, y, W Marks,
It Komllo, L lietlimn, Z Niott, K How-
aru, j Wymen, 0 (skinner, A Uraham, I
tioreia, r. Iv Hunter, K Mt'hei
1, r- ii. '
It Campbell.
i-chnir, li
The May Festival.
The second annual May (atlvul of the
Willamette Valley Chor I Uu oi wl'l be
held lit rklein May t, 10 and II. There
will he a concert and two oratorios In
which llaydn'e Creation ai.l Meudols
eohn'a Kt. I'aul will be pi. -cnled. it ia
intended to have a chorus ol one hum!
red fifty voices and an orchestra of
iwcniy-nve piece, rue reativai con
ductor will le Francesco ricloy.ol Salom,
. I a a . a as- a -
MMiiuKi uy v. uuioni inn, ol iMitfene.
i-onceri leader, lioy l. (emr, ol Ha
leiu. Choruses from HaUm, Kuuene. Al
bany and Uallaa. The Hidden atrlng
nuartelof I'ortland willaeeiat. Kolol.t.,
Aire. ItoM ISUxli-Uauer, ol I'ortland.
com re' to Mrs. 8iuter-8eler, of Baletn,
tenor J. V. lUilcher, of Tortland, bane
Irving M. (iion of hupene. The course
tickets be 11.00, aingle ticket $.75.'
Mra. Inea I'tterson haa returned from
Portland, w ere elie baa been eeversi
weeks, '
Fran a Klkln came within two vous of
licit) nominated tor sheriff of t.'rjjk
G. O. Lee hat retorusd from Portland,
wnere be I ought a tea wagon tor .n
eril delivery.
Mine Lona Nannv last Haturdav eve
ulna enttruiued a company ol her young
menu ia a very piuanaui wanner.
Mr. and Mra. Marvin Turner relnrnrd
lent nltftit from their trio to ."oiiUml.
They will reiideat tin home ol Mr. Coop.
er lur er.
Dr. Qolllna left on the aderooon irrlo
on hi tr'p to Chicago, wberohewili
lake a poe'gradu! court In the denial
Mr John nutierortn,mallcterk,pent
nuouer in Aioaoy, partiepaini wun
tile biother Kolgti.a rempUia in their
carter aervice.
Koi kev Willi. Mi today fo the Kili-ti
to vteit till ranch there, lu a tew dara
ne wt i iweia tlie ran on lit new local aa
Mr. 8am Bryan of Tamtent la tnaktng
arrengemente to move to near Walla
Walla oa May 10, where he and hie fath
er K. 1. lirvan a III rim m Ih..
H ' cently purchaaeU there.
1 1 Dr. I-oomlt apecial agnot.J. T. Bridge
i ' 1 Ma i.mIm. , II ru..b... ... . ...1 l
Crawford of Itoeuborg, are in the eity
called here by the trial of II, O. McKn-
tey lor auooroation ol per;ury.
Mr. Walter Irvine left yettcrd .y for
Portland, where be liaa accepted a po
' altlon . with the uUipltone compeoy.
Waltr ia; obtalniri an excellent repu
tation aa an electrician.
George L. Ullfrey, j 'id ire of Lake coun
ty, formerly a reeidentol Creewetl, Lane
county. lavUltlog relative and friend
In Kugene. He ia enthuaiaatic over Dr.
Daly'a nomination for congreaa, Guard.
Mr. Homer Mitchell baa been appoint
ed Well Fargo nieaaengnr at thia city.
Mr. eUiropeon wilt break temporarily on
the Lebanon branch and then between
I'ortland Junction on a freight train.
Mr. Roy Ballard, of Seattle, a native
Linn county boy. ia in the city to attend
the Sox-Eifia weddina in w hich he will
officiate aa beat man. He la a e-n
of M. D. Ballard or many yeara one ol
the proprietor of the Ked Crown mill.
The work of iaislotr!tbe!!vor atableol
Itobort;Craw ford haa been begun, l'ur
Ing the work Davie A Millrr will occupy
me oenuere ua-n. 11 ia aaid Air. Craw.
ford wl l put a cement walk around the
atable. hen Mr. Crawlord
thlog l-e doe it well.
Mr. U. W. Mcllargue, of Browmvllle,
who haa excellent prospect of be.ntf the
next atieriiioi unn county, haa been in
the city today. Mr. Motlargue nan
honorable man, entirely competent, and
I a ruatlcr, iteporta Irom different parte
of the county indicate that La will run
Mitt. .
Mra. John Ronton haa .received word
; announcing the death in the eaat of her
Husband a lamer, lie died before Mr.
Kobaon reached hla bedaide.and the bur
ial wa on the day he arrived there. The
deceased aovcrai year apo paid hi a?n a
Ji visit In tlii city. -'Mr. Kor am arrived
dome laei uiK'v -
A delightful "oldlolka" party waa
hold last Hntnrday afternoon at the real
tlence of rrcaidont W. II. Lee The only
.! 1 1 1 L1I1I1M BUUUL lb 1.IIUUU1. WH.D L IB L'lM"
itumca. A crowd "of young people con-
'gregmed, tylihly dressed lu lonj: drois
ea and up-to-date bonnet and apent the
afWirnnnn In miinnnr bMinmlnir iif'h an
i august body.
I C. G. Hogue, C. S. Jlarnlah, A. W.
1 Marka.Uua Boenickejien Cielanand eev
ijeral other oompoaiog the famoua Alb
I any A. O. U. W. team took their goat to
JlairlaDurif inu aiterno.)n, wnere lo
isiialit they will help Initiate about
twenty new monf we In the lodge there.
'The Junction team will ataonttend witn
Ithoir ansurpaised outfit.
Tliceiamlnatlon of II. O. McKlnler
the timber landcrulaer tbla afternon, be-
fore Gommliaionor Montaoye, on the
charge of aubornatkm of tperju.y, In
he .-curing of Jenning. Whitney and
other to make falae allldavit for the
taking up of timber I and claim, excited
considerable Interest. Several wltnesse
were nere irom Hoaelmrg and Oakland
boaldtia those from this county. Ttie
plaintiff wa represented by deputy dla-
jnot aiiorney aiaya, wno waa attended
u oiuiai ajni iAiomis, ami ine oe
fendant appeared with 3. It. Wyatt and
A.M. Crawford. The evidence of hlt-
ney allowed the making of the allldavit
by request of McKinley without much
knowledge u( what it ntained, and tha,
McKinley waa to attend to the exnensea
but In caie Whitney did not aell the
property to any one then McKlnlev was
to lake a morttfaite on tha nrooortv to
cover hla exrcnae. Whitney awore to
oeinii auviaou oy Aioiaon. a Northern fa-
cllilo land aitont, not to prove upon the
ui ciaim aa ii wouiu auna nun over t .e
road II lie did, uresentlinr a vurv inter
sling feature oi the matter.
1 lie deienuant drnled the itatement
urouuiii on i'T i ne prosecution and wa
tiacked by Tarpley who had tieen with
hint In the transaction. The wa In pro-
3 reus at pre lime wun prospecta ol Hi
iacharge ol the defendant.
IWr Brenner to CHiherlne Mar
tin, SHI scree I 2000
Mary Jans chaw to Mary A Mcin
tosh. Hid acrea 1000
O h lUinwaler to nllae D Brown,
HOacrea fl78
It Lovesll to LlnaCreabotiv. 3
acres, l4)banon., 600
rower attorney! John ummer
villa et al to A II Breytran.... . -
A II Breyman toG C tiogue true
tee, one mm interest In 173 acre
on IheCallpoola l
li W itotmrifon ct ux to O C
llogue, 120 acree
mortgage lor two, fas ami li'iO.
itcleaae of mortitage for 1250,
ZtThe Council of Administration of the
Ladto ol the ! A. It. w'll meet at ti
It. liati Weilneadav. Air. 18 at 2 1'
M V '
readier A Mathewa will ooen their
branch store at ih cirner ol Uroadaibln
and Second atreet w Uu two or three
daya with Mr Arcn Klackburo In r ha.ire.
The new train aid be caPed the Al-
bany train and wilt be known all abiie
the lino by that name. Thla itaolf is
quite a pointer for Albany. Keep the
name in the air. it i a good one.
Esater was a clear, fresh dav. with
out Iheiiao of clmi.l and of course not
a drop of ra'n. This abound mean tood
weather according to the old savings
Neaily every ateamrr aeveral big bora-
ea are taken down the river for northern
points. The demand for cood horre
coiiUnuo gool, and the mult iaconiid
erable money lull here on account ol the
hormi market.
Among :he Interesting Earter aervlce
a apecial one at the Mr sonic temple wa
grr atlrenj jeJ. Among the decoration
vera mie elegant F.attur lllllee tecurd
In I'onlanJ. alter a well carried out pre
liminary rvice by the Knight Temp
lars, nnder wboae aoseUe tba eervlcea
wrra held Itev. tl. L. Rd delivered the
sermon, an ahle,appropriateeff.ri.
The new local between Albtnv and
Poitiand aiarUNl out thia raornimr. it
makea the run between Albany ana a
Icm with five stops bctiide wooding up
at minutes ana to roruand with
twenty one atop in 3 hour and 10 min-
ulee. It prom laea to be be a very popu
lar train with the .traveling public.
Tonight tho merchant of the city will
College Notes.
MIUaln,of Larwood. baa entered
tba commercial department.
Mia Fay Oooley, of ftroantvllle, La
enrolled in the Uooaervatory of Mnao.
Mr. I'rof. Walker left for the eaat last
rnorjdsy, sua will visit In Indiana.
MIKdllh VanDvke. '03 and Miss
Jennie Cook, of tha normal department,
have been taking the teacher' examiua.
iion last week.
Ibensw officer of tba F.rodeoblan
society are: 1'reaident. Leona Fraociii
vice-president, Msud Morrison; secre
tary, emma rentier; attorney, fcoini
Hox; orille, Tbereae Baumiari: aergeani
at arms, Anna Wilson.
The College la well represented in Men
arate Go. U. Meesera. Htellmacher,Sait
marsh, Wallace, Wire, Graham, How
ard, Hteaart, Gooley, Mark. Hoott, My
ers, 1'owtll, Uelchee and Hkinoer are the
student who enlisted.
The A. 0. L. 8. have elected the fol
lowing ofllcer for the third term : Pre.
blent. Owen Beam i vice president. D.
W, Wight; secretary. Geo. By era; at
torney, M, It, ,4nheson: critic, L. H.
Hprerj treasurer, Fred Hargreavea; utar
;iai, emu nowara.
The aseociate memlieraof the Albany
Musical Club last eveninn et the resid
ence ol Mr. 11. J. hopbine, the friend of
all mueical gariieiinga, gave me active
membera and their huaband or beat
frienda. a reception. It waa a delight
lull? gotten up and well managed affair.
The room were decorated with much
good tate with picture of noted mueic
tana on the walla, musical Instruments of
all kladi BVsrvUro, cod cvcr;re;n'
and flower artistically arranged. A pro
gram waa preambled entirely by tb- men.
one that did them credit. Ii wa opened
with a selection ly the Hopkina orchea
tra, a ecxlM from Lucia, IuIIowchI by a
eong "ixive Ola Hwtet iory, ay
Meaara. Hammer, r ortmiuer, Oiii and
lin duet by Meaara. Hopkins and Irvine,
Alice. Where Art Thou." and "In Old
Madrid" deserving the fine compliment
received, a song by II. A. Nelson, "The
Pirate," receiving a warm encore and
happily reonded to, a couple piano
solo by 1'reaident Lee, another song by
the quartet, when the orcheatra pre
sented the gem ol tie evening "Little
Slue Gun." with a trombone ao oby dir.
Brown, a young man recently from Neb
raska now residing on Mr. Graham
place near this city ,who displayed a rare
talent aa a trombonist. Toe program
clo'ed with a eong bv the qua tel. A
aocial time followed, laterstwraed with
delicately aerved refreanmente of mar
bled ice cream in blocks, closing with a
medley by Ma. Kelchum and Mr. Med
in with a priie for tha one guissing the
moat eelectiona, won by Mra. Nelson.
iMFOttT.iir Daau McNeil Brot , pro-
prietoia of the big paoer mill at Lebanon,
have purehseed the fine residence own -ed
by j. W.ouaick, oow occupied byC.
liogua. The conatderai lou la satj to
have been $1,200. Thia la a deal ol a
good deal of aigolAcaoee. It le aal I to
mean that McNeil Brae, will make Al
bany their home In order to be able to
better reach their two mills at Lebanon
and Niagara, and that they will event
ually put a mill la at ti a city for the
manufacture of white goods, thus oper
ating the tlnee milla with Albany aa the
beadquartera lor the importaot industry.
Never before In tha tilalnrv nl naii
na there been inch a rush for timber
land. Thla I general and I not confined
to the big railroad and ayndicate oner
sting here, bat include private cit'xen.
The trial of IS., (i. McKinley here lot
ubornation of perjury haa brought out
thla fact in a atriklng manner, aa well a
the mod a a operandum resorted to to ae
Cure big tract by the ayndicate. The
testimony howel it to be this: Men
are secured to file their claims, mostly
men without any mean, the expense
are paid entirely bv the atrent of tha an.
.11 I 'i Art 7 . .
wuo receive iw lor ins commis
sion, and when the property la proved up
on a mortgage 1 given covering the en
tire expense which amount to about
If 00, including the I2.M) an acre that ia
paid the government. The caimant doe
not advance a cent. The property though
ia In hi name, and he can sell it to anv
one or can turn St over to the ayndicate
with a slight advance for hla trouble and
the mortgage will be discharged. Thia
of courae ia the object of the whole hue-
ineee,ae me syndicate Is alter the timber
land, lhta Is too program In a nnt shell.
It is a roundabout way but it is effective
as carried out by the locators in the
choice ol climanta, etc.
in the meantime the Northern Pacific
is following dote behind after thla same
land In lieu of acme worth lei desert land
elsewhere which the government in one
of the moat unjust laws in the interest ol
the trusts and corporations ha permit
ted. If the ayndicate doesn't get it the
Northern Pacific will, tbere'a the rb.
What' the odds.
In making the affidavit when filing no
on the lnd the claimant ewear that he
haa been upon the land and knowa It. etc.
Toe charge against McKinley la that he men to make the affidavit who
have revrr aeen the land at all. In
thla rare Whitney, the claimant, swore
that be had never been upon the land
though familiar with the location, and
that ha did not know tha contents ol
the affidavit when read to him, claiming
tbat McKinley attended to everything,
but McKinley and Tarpley, hla assistant
awore that he waa told tefore hand tbat
he must aee the land.
A a the case was evidently going againat
ih siate the deputy district attorney last
evening asked for an adjournment until
this morning to get another witoess from
Uoeeburg, which wa granted.
At 9 o'clock thia forenoon the testim
ony of Waller Boon, of Roeeburg, who ar
rived on the morning train.waa taken on
belalf ol tneeta'e, but it proved to be
entirely in favor ot the lefendant adding
atrength to the detente. The court held
that there wa no probable cause nnder
the testimony of the defendant having
tried to secure the making ol a laiee al
fkiiivit and therefore discharged the defendant.
It ia an interesting fact that the pros-.
dicate lor whom Mr. McKinley ia work
ing, though considerable of an effort waa
ma le In that line.
The other case in which W. J. Drink
ard and Harry Barr figured a the aet
l ers were upon motion ol the di trict at
torney diamtsaed. MjKiuley bas located
fifty-seven in thia county, and of these
all are being contested by the Northern
Pacltle bat nine. That company ia after
i ne wuoie snooting match and more too
it they tan secure it. and take ao much
interest in the matter tbat tbev had i
apecial man on hand at this examine
I here and so are we with a show, of
Wall Paper and Carpet Ibat bloom with
brightness and cheerfulness. It' woa
derful what a lif.le money Judiciously
expended tn Wall Paper and .Carpet
will do for a seemingly on'nvltlng room .
One wonld tbink from this cot ibat we
were in the Paint basinet, bat ws are
not, our atrong hold Is in beautifying the
wall and flocr.
Jllaaonlc Temple Building.
and delicious are the bread, rot's, cakes,
pastry. bun and (le that are made from
tbe Magnolia flour. It ia the house
wife's delight, and enables her to show
btr skill in baking In wbUe, light and
dainty food. The Magnolia flour i the
beat made, and will give more nutriment
t the bag than any flour milled.
Magnolia Mills.
"It"" '" '"VI 'FaST
' " -f
for health and enjoyment are sure to be
(ought on a g jed bicycle, and there la
none that can beat the 1900 Crescent or
fyterliog wheel. Many follow but none
lead the descent cr Sterling wheel any
where. Tbey are always ahead and
maintain their euperiority over any on
tbe market. Careful, hooett and skilled
construction and speed is tbe secret ol
its soccees. We have them at $20.00 to
f SO 00.
Will Get $10,000.
begin uiotr agreement to clues at
o'clock. It ia understood that all includ.
log some who did not sign will cloee. It
is to lie hoped that the orsciice be ob
served and continued, ar it is something
badly needed by merchant and cbrks
silks. Tbe people will soon get used to it,
anu win appreciate ti aiso. 1 her should
show their appreciation particularly by
uoiug all tuoir trailing oeiore o clock.
The people of Albany 'and vicinity on
April 28 will have the opportunity of
bearing the noted Southern orator and
humorists, Gov. Bob Ttylor, of Tennes
see, in ins best lecture, "The r iddl and
the Bow." Gov. Tavlor is in Southern
California now and the papera speak in
the highest terms of praise of hi ability
as an entertainer anu speaker.
Boys driving cow should keep going
wune in me city and not stop and poiy
marbles and permit the cow to erase on
the luscious grass of the well kept lawns.
The pouodniaeter some fine day will
take up a few of them, the cows, and
while he is at it might well giv the
youngsters a small nxed Spionkop.
Mlaa Nellie Brown, a well-known
)o'i flatly of $ifiti,and probably tbe
iiesl violinist u.iioag the young ladlea
has joined the vi ion Army, and it ia
suui win prove ;i xjiuabie addil on to It
she w ill train in I'ortland tor the work
she intends to follow. Miss Brown is a
grand-daughter of the famous John
Brown. Blio had intended to go to Eu
rope to perfect her education on the vio
lin but hat given it up for the 8. A.
II, B. Miller, of Kugene, ia in Port
land, on his way to Washington City,
He expects to return in a lew weeks and
prepare lor hia departure to Chung King,
China, so as to relieve the present Con
sul there by July 1. Hi route to the
Orient will be via San Francisco find
Shanghai, A grown daughter will ac
company Mr. Miller, and tiie rest of hla
family will join him on tho bunks of the
clasKie,Yang-tad-K'ang, in the Fall.
xtuiietin. . ...
f Tonight and Tuesday, fair stationary
ltemperaturev' Klver 0.8 feet; : ,, .
I Slaw Ara l oar akiaaFs(
i Tr Tlobtn' SpaKU PIIU enrv all klitner I Hi. Ram.
aia ere, aaa- BtartiDa MnnivtiivwHiva n. I
1C. B. Piper and Charles Piper, of Se
attle, passed throug Saleru on their way
to Albany laal night. Salem Statesman.
Today's Oreironlnn elves a picture O
Reuben Uantr of Philomath, a pioneer
ol 1845 and one of the valley 'a wealthiest
citiaens, Mr. Gant makea .frequent
vUita to Albany, and ia we'l.known bv a
good many of our citixena and ia hlKhly
rerpectod'by all. . . .-
Bubinsss Chasuk. - Ailluva" Nealy
today aold bis woodtaw outfit to W. 8.
John and the Rosalie Bros.i who hsve
taken charge bl the same and will go to
work at ones running the business them
selves. 1 bey hop; by a strict attention
to builness to 'deserve the patronage of
the public.
Tug Nkw Christum Ciicain. Tha
building committee of the CUlstlsn
cborcb has decided, after fully consider
ing tbs eight or ten bid recently opened,
to erect the new church nnder its super
vision an I not let the contract direct.
It waa thought that the bids were all too
high, that separate bid lor material sod
tabor juet'fleda lower con ran Work
will I begun soon on one of tbe neatest
cburcbee in the val.'ey, a well aa one
with a large capacity. A it will be the
Orst baildingon what has always been
known a the court house square, In the
center of tbe city. It erection will be
watebed with great intereat.
Gov. Bob Taylob. Extracts from
comment of New York Herald on Gov.
Taylor' lecture delivered In New York
"tie ha, too, tbe happy knack o' dia
lect, and his stories ot the negro qua-tera
were in consequence artiatio gvu.a. The . acended the ateps. At thia moment the
wonderful versatility of the man can train started with a jerk, causing the
hardly be overestimated. From the plaintiff lo fall beneath tbe train, which
broadest humor be jumped in a flash to crashed her leva, necessitating their am-
the highest eloquence. He talked in din- nutation. .
i ... l : i -. - r. . 1
lect ana unoi versa, rcciieu iiavinni,
The supreme court ha decided the
raso ol Jennie bmitson agt Tbe S. I . ap
pealed from Lane county, in favor of tb
plaintiff affirming the deciaion of tbe
lower court. A jury in the e'reuit court
awarded the plaintiff $10,000 damages on
account of an accident la which the
plaintiff lost both of ber legs, which Lap
pesed aa follows :
The pialntia was, on July zo, 1897, a
passenger on tbe defendant' train from
Coburg to Springfield, and a the train
approached Springfield, the signal whia-
tle was given, tbe speed; slackened and
the train stopped about 125 feet from the
Slatlorm at the atation ; the nignt being
ark, the brakeman invited plaint iff to
alight, whereupon ahe arow, followed
i the brkroan to tbe puuorm of the
cac i nd, while the ttain stood, beiiev
in; the platform had been reached, and
w'th the brakeman a knowledge, de-
and then sang plantation songs. Between
songs the former uovernor would start
off on a picturesque description descript
ion of the charms of the south. It was
like the tinkling of belli, the rippling of
running water, and tbe audience seemed
to regret the ending whet he bowed and
retired." At Albany, April 28. '
Fobxhteks or America Attention. A
full attendance is requested this evening.
Speoial wurk on hand and several can
didatea lor initiation.
O. Q. BrBKHABT, C.'R. '
MtDONALD. In Scio, April 13; 1900,
Mra. Jane Munkers tuciKinaid, v. ne oi
liieen McDouald, at. the age ol 70
The deceased waa born in Missouri
and came to Oregon in 1845 with her
huaband, nt first eettiing in uiackamaa
county. .Both her father lienjamtu
Munkers, and tier uuaoana too part in
tha famous Cavuse Indian war. They
started fir Caiilornis, but s opped on the . senger tu Alu.nv on the Albany loos I
.. ( . . . . 1 . . . . : . i I . . i - . II
L8amuel No'.linger to Fred Nollicger
i acres...... ...i. ........ to
Conrad Miller to,Qrnevieve Stafford
interrst in ,l60acrs i0
J B Thompson to Ida L Feiersoo, i
lots Lebanon. j........... 75
Tho I Andtrajo to O C Turner, 4
acrea II W 4.....,....... 25
8J lUiulit to GC Turner, 5acte
adjoining Albany 700
, . Ohatel mortgogea for 50 and $i60.
Release of mortgagee for $100, $."00
and 23O0, '-; ''J
. Mi Louia Weber, of Corvaliis ia visit
log Albany frienda for a few days.
Mr Joe llntchiiiiou of this city baa
been aopolnted s-te organ sar for the
barber's union. .
All members 1 1 the llayda Oratorio
Society are iq'iefinl t j met for re
hearsal at 8 o'tlork on Tuesday eve, in
stead of Weilne.-day of thin .eek.' 8ouie
veiy inii ortsnt tusi' e8 must IxMram
acted at litis meeting. Pirate uli be on
band. ' , ' J
J. O. Uoonali..-f Coburg, waa a pAt-
.,.A New Store...
A new liue of
.GroceHes and Provisions
opened at the corner of 2jd and Jackson streets, Albany, Oregon. NVetepec'.
tally invite one and all to call and aee as.
VA I I I I li
'i-F. I r n i-r
rwa souls hith but
and that thoaiht. after 'a!' oaiudra
tion, was tbat it would in every way. be
to their advantage, to trad with F. .
Allen & Co. beeaae tbey always have
the fat or thb lard in fine eatables oi all
kinis. We have mild California Cheese
and the celebrated Wood'and Cheese and
we pride ourselves on the best Coffee in
the ci'y. Just opened np a fine lot ol
Eaitera Hams ard Br.aekfast Bacon.
See onr alio w'ndow for Dried Fruits
and Table delicacies In short we are
prepared to lurnich von the best goods
to be bed at Reasonable Pi ices.
Try Parker Bros.
Santiam. Where thev' decide j to locate.
Mr. Munkers bunt the oral sawmill
south of Oregon City iu the state and
run the first lerry. Mr. McDonald was
a member of the "liurdai ell ' Baptists
and live a beautiful life in keeping with
her professions.
The funeral service was n wvi steruay
afternoon, one Of Linn coun'y's most
worthy citiaens being laid to rest.
HAINES. On Sunday, to Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. Haines, a boy.
I et evening ..He go thence to Krowos-.
ville toda)'. whrra be will attend the
annual meeting of the board of regenta
of the Browasiille seminary, of woicb
board he ia a member . Staresman.
' JdarrUge Ilinea was iasueJ today io
David M Barn-tt, of Albany, and Mrs.
A. R. Florer.of this county. The marri
age wilt Ukw place at 8 o'clo k tine eve
ning, and Mr. and Mrj. Burnett will
lve tomorrow tor Ltan couniy. where
Mr Onrne to mis a (arm T'ie DtHts
T. M.
No-To-rw ror rirty Cent
juaruutenl tobaeeo habit cure, ruakj Hti
.dHi.tmr.i. Mood per. Sue. St. AU druggists
For the best Groceries,
Baked Goods, and
Fresh Produce and Fruits.
.roua $33.50 n
T is ana
will con tat limit cninc rrrsa
anadyoa our ZZ kCAVI
fcj lribt U a V. uibjeet I uuuuuh.
YOU Cw EXamiNE it ??Z?rfi
An Extra Fine High Grade Saddle
and the aqual of "Addle sold evei vwhere et frooa
Cth?rA-itti'Ii."i CliH PRICEf S38.59,
tka Screalt, er S4T.; 1 IrsUiie
This Saddle Is made oneiWor
16-Inch Cenulne Ladesia or
Nelson Heavy Steel Fork....
CAsrvTLi, er.LEOTee kawiiiwe rovewce
Ul'K. biMiiiXor ro'l CMitle Btrel leeihroo-erW etlr-up
or i oxbow ormas bouad, aedeeired. Will ewd heae
reeUe wl.relie eietud.
llnd, S-lueta wUilcbUrrup leathers, 1 4 inch tie .trap,
cxtre Iouk ca Drer elde, 11-inch to buvLle b-l or-ide. beevy
eottoa twisted liexicen e-l'Xh front cineh, keary eottoa.
belting Cenl" awfp. exianaotljaf attmp. imup eoal, seeA and
Jockey aU ooe piece.
u tllustreted. H ..iht..r edile -K-t IA pmmwj.
J locked for .hlnment. ii paaaiu. taatuil M UXLX AOOL1
li.oo roa n u in anai
CATALOGUE, .Hewing a tali Una .1 C.tiavr an RandMT
OulStsat thsloweat aricasarqiHila4. Address,
laomro. aiiieiat a vo. are ineji iwm nine..