flic fdtraonaL F P. NUTTING. Ed, and Prop. Kalsrsd at the Post Office at Albany rectn,ae second oiaee mail mitw. r Boose f the tor btUoameaa, sick Indlges, ntd liver, and cur headache. Jaundice. Uoa, eta. Tbey are h 'vhihlri to nrpTont a cold or break 00 1 lever. Mild, gentle, certain, they are worthy your confidence, Purely table, they n be taken by children or delicate women. Price, itfx-. at all medicine dealer or by mail of C. I. Hood uo, Loweu, aisss. IV8FER Far atx years 1 1111 victim or dye MMlt Id ita worst form. 1 could eat nothing fwt milk toast, ami at Unies my atomech would not retain and dinrst evrn that. L&Kv March bearan taklnir CASCARETS and aince then have ttoadily Improved, until i am aa well a I ever waa in my lire." " David H. Murphy. Newark. O. FjfZS CANDY iLrJJ CATHARTIC Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Tafte Good. TV) Uood. Jiever Sicaeu. weaken, or Gripe, am. Be. aa ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... at r cuaw, rata, imh a. lark, sii f fi.Tti.r! P 8oJd ami cuomn'rrrt by all drog viv anv guia to tvaa louaooo uaotc CO WA 20 milch cowl for sale. Inquire ot H Kryant. WANTED A girl to do general hou work. Call at the residence of Fre'1 Dawson. 4o Per Cent. Reduction on "NEW HOME" AND- "DOMESTIC" ....SEWING MACHINES. Extra 10 per cent discount for Spot Casn. We have the beat $25 03 tewing: ms chine on the market- Send for circular. New, warranted machines lor $22.00. Second band machines for $5, $6, $3 and $10. Macbijes rented and repaired at reasonable prices. . . . 0 . Our Stock or PIANOS AND ORGANS Was never so varied in assortment. We have Pianos for people-of limited meant, to $1,000 Cbickering Grands. Get our prices before buying and save money thereby- E. U. WILL, ALBANY. Mr. Gradwohl's Business. . I wish to inlorm the general public that 1 have come to the conclusion that mv business will be in the future Whole sale and Retail Grocery, and that 1 will not add liquors or patent medicine as I intended to do, bat 1 will keep on eellinir all my goods at reduced prices for net cash. I also call the attention of the general Fublic and all my customers to the coffee offer for less price- for net cash, the came as I sold forfoimr prices as stated. Mocha and Java coffee 3Cc per lb., reg ular price 40c. My favorite cottee loc per lb., regular price 25c. 3 cans Finest Tomatoes 25c I desire, to boy some eggs either in trade or cash. Sugar wholesale and retail price sab ject to the change of the market. Albany, Or., April 10, '900. JULIUS GRADWOHL, Admiral and Mr . Dewey Is ft Demo crat. Sixty million dollars in on bill for the navy makes that reported surplus la the treasury look sick. Psrhapi the Porto Ricaoi can't bat tbey bav Mends here who and will. vols, can What does President McKloley really hink of Dewey's statement ' that any old thing" can fill the Prssldoccy satls- faclorilyf Dear Admiral. Wouldn't yon like to go abroad a year or o- Don't be be bashful ia sneaking op '.( yon would, your. Mo-Kinley. QTbe South African war has entered on Its seventh month with the Boers hold ing more British soil than the Britieh do Boer toll. Professor Fisks rays we bave a wolf by tb ears in the Philippic es, without any means o! killing It. This is a pieasent situation after a years fighting. It tbe Senate shows halt as much honetty in regard to Quay a Republican aa it has showed In regard to Clark-a Democrat -it will Lonor itself mors btgh ly than at present seems probable. A Chicago spinster g'ves nine reasona why she bis never married. The ninth because she baa never been asked would bave been entirely sufficient by itself. The following Is reported e,tbs assetr ment of tue.hlg trusts for the campaign fund of the republican national coin ni It fee: ., v ,v ,: .. C ! " From Carnegie, the Fedsrat 8twl Corn. pany and the other members of the Steel and Iron trust, $1,500,000. , Frotr tbs Cramps and oihsr member of tbe ship-building trust, 1300,000. From the Nalloaal Biteml Company, the Utacker trust, $150,000. From Ibe American Wool company 150.000. From the American Lead Company tba Lead trust, rJOO.000. From the Btandard.Oll Company and tbe branches ot the trust, $$00,000. .from the Amsiicao Sugar Refining Company and other members ot the Hu gar trust, 600,O.0.- Froui tbe American Tobacco Company and other members of tbe Tjbaoco trutt $450,000. From the International Taper Com pa ny and other members of the Paper truit, $200,000. From half a dose n smaller truts and highly "protected' induatrirs, $1,750, 000. Total, $6 200,000. .: jemi-annual statement t Of the amount of Money and Warranta received for Takes, and Moiiry MA to the Couuty. Treasurer by the Sheriff of Linn County, Oregon, for the si mouths ending ; on the 31st day of March, A. D. 1930. Amount on iia'nd " Amount collected T. aTWfl veiT AmomiTTIinTtoTo Treaaurer ....,.,., Total lwliTTrriT" October 13404-83 '373' t.tVM V Kovciuber IeccuilcrTJm"''r I lJf'rury March tjWI.sS 83U.4S -lr.t-sT? : rr. JW.S4 3968.39 rthA'iA I388.J8 45H-7. Amount on hand March 311 1900 STATK OP ORKOON, ) County of Linn J as. I, I. A. Munkers. Sheriff of Ul Couutv. do hereby certify tha the foregotuu stateuieut is correct and true. Witness my hand this 31st day of March, A .1). 1900. I. A. MVNKKMH, Sheriff of Linn Comity. SEMI-AWUAL STJ TEMEXT. Wasn't; Bobton nominated for tbs Prssidency by some local convention several months ago T Seems to ns we recollect somtlhlng of the sort? By tbe iWaych 's besns of Hobson? Proof of the average newspaper man's versatility is supplied by George K. Reed editor ot the Prairie Depot (Obio) Ob server, wbo, besides running bis paper. is poetmsster, manages a telsphone line, and is now a candidate for justice of tbe peace. A woman suhragist has urged a con vention to vote special thanks to Director Mm lam of tbe Census for his recent de cision in favor of women. She adda that women can get aoytbipg tbey want uut of men if tbey flatter them enough. This was too sensible for tbe suffrsgitts, how ever, and -they voted it down. But it is true s 11 the same. Tbs United States now has pirp.U post arrangements with most of the countries of the woild, but tbe exprts companies bavs so far had sufficient in fluence to prevent tbe extension ot the system to the United States. In tbia respect the foreign nations bavs greater privileges with the United Slates tl-ao ts Oan citisens bsve wi'hln their terri tory. Tbe pot office department claims that ll cannot compete with the exprtss companies, exctpt at a Luge loss, unites it charges proportionate tales tor differ ent dia.aoces, but it faCs to explain why it should not adopt such rales, and free the American from tbe burdens itu posed by theexpreis companies. lie cp Who is crippled by accident or deformity hardly understands- the meaning of the word "crippled" aa compared with the victim of rheumatism. lie ia not only bent and twisted, but also racked with pain so cruel that he envies the crip ple who stumps along on a wooden leg, whistling aa he goes. Rheu matism, is known to-day aa a blood disease. It can only be cured through the blood. That powerful blood-punfying med icine, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery, cleanses the blood of tbe acid Of the Couuty Treasurer of Linn County, Oregon, for the six mouths ending on the 31st day of March, A. H. 1900, of money received and paid out, from whom received ami irom what source, ami 011 what account paid out, I What Soi'kck Uknkkai, 1'unw Scihhu I'vun 4UM.o,f aVM.39 37W0.19 14H03.44 ytti.oo 1H3.09 63.75 !i 60. Ho 905-13 55- 00 J77-76 161.70 a6i.S.l 4648. li Amounts mkckivku Oil liiiml from lust report " l'"rui count v tax Poll tux Redemption land County cl'-rk's tees County recorder's fees Fines floiKUmen P. G. Morris Sundry sources Oil lutml lust report Prom Tax Ou band, special district rteceived, sjie rial district Ou hand, public road Rec'il, Institute fund Totul Received , 5 1090. 70 Sheriff Slier & Assessor Co Clerk 4 Co Recorder Sheriff J Ps Clerk Cities Sliertir School diMtrict Sheriff Hie Beat Photographs In Albany by the Long: Photo Co., InFroman Brick. The leading gallerv ot Aloany. The onlvup(OKlate first clasa tudlo In town. ' All a,.. L Ia fIaaiaui. MAKIE LONG Prop. LINN CO. ABSTRACT COfVtP Albany Orecon. OWort flank of Drcyon HulUli.iu Only lei of Abalrsi ta of Linn County 'Jomplele M of uinps cud plate Ltltler& Littler DKSIIiTi ilro'tJalbln St., Alh.toy, Or. 35 14, 6.HI.J8 50.H4.M 31 .50 4i.t Amoi.ms I'aiu Uvr On county warrants State treasurer and exchange '.. School Mtperinteudent's warranta General fund on hand School fund on hand City fund paid out , City fund on hand... Special school tax paid out Special school tax on hand .... lustitute fund Public road fund on hand I i.knkma7Tuni7 Sviioui. I i .su 3'' 5 11s.s5.9s 331757 45S5.7S 345 '7 M.i 4 4Xi.3 ,ioi.3 334.J 03 4.VI0 31.50 Secretary Gge bes. notified Congiers that tbe war tariff should be reduced, but vuich ma coaocea are against any action in that tine at present. Tbs p-ople want the stamp tax removed and the brewers ave eervedDDtice that if any go tbe tax on beer must do so. So, In view ot the imposs'bility of doing without both, the Republicans will probably decjde to spend tbe money inatead.ot repealing tbe law that produces it. After Dinner To assist digestion, relieve distress after eating or drinking too heartily, to prevent coustipatlon, take Moed'G Pilla r. Sold everywhere. 25 cents. Buy your Mi are asl Tinware ' Aria ail Grass : Seeds OP Ohling & Hulburt. KOTiCE TO STOCKHOLDERS fOriCE IS HEBEBYIGiTEN THAT tee annual meeting or tbe Albany Mining- Milling Co. will be held at the ffice ot C. tr KurSbart on Apm Zth. 900, si 4 o'clock p. m. of said day for the nrpose ef electing sern directors,to serve or cne year and the transaction of such jaer business as may legallv come before -Meeting . By order of the directors. C. G Bubkhabt, President. 9. E. BsowssLi-, Secretary, . Of course, tbe gold Democrats who are ppoeed to Bryao are bthind t' e Dewey movement but this fact need not disturb any one. 1 he Uemocratlc psrty is great enough to bave not only two but ball a dozen candidates for its nomination. Tbe convention will decide and if, as now seems probable, it decides in favor of Bryan, the other candidates will loyally bow to its decisions. , Admiral Dewey ia too bonest a man to attempt to stcure tbe nomination at Kansas City unless be in tends to support tbs nominee of tbe con vention J there. And if be should be named for the Vice Presidency, and should accept, everybody would fall in line aadjvote for Bryan and Dewey. 1 Liu Total Paid Out 51UV0.70 STATU OF OREGON, Countv of Linn ) S3. ' I, P. M. Jack, do hereby cirlify that the furcKoiug is a true and correct state ment of the amounts received, jihI out and rruiainiug on hand, in tbe county treasury of said county for the six month ending 011 the 31st dav of March, A. 1,1. 1900. Witness my hand this 13th day of April, A. I). 1900. P. M. Jack, County Treasurer SEMI-AXJYUAL HE PORT. Of the Couuty Clerk of Linn Countv, State 01 Oregon, showing the amount and number of claims allowed by the County Court of said county, (or what allowed, amount of warrants drawn, and auiount of warrants outstanding snd unpaid, from the ist day of Octolier, 1899, to tbs 31st day of March, 1900. rheumatism. When the blood is cleansed the rheumatism , ia cured. . 1 There ia no alcohol in "Golden Medical Discovery" and it is absolutely free from opium, cocaine, and all other narcotics. Mr. K. J. McKnlght, if Cadea, Williamsburg Coanty, 8. C, write : I bad btea troubled with rbeumatiam for twele ycara, ao had at time I amid not leave my bed. I was badly crippled. Tried many doctor, and two of then gae me np to die. None of them did me any (rood- The pain la my back, hip and let j and at time in my head ), would nearly kill me. My appetite waa wry bad. Everybody who aaw me vd I nut die. I took five bottle of 'Golden Medical Wcomj and four vial of ' Pellet, and today my health fa Road, after Buffering twelve ycara with rbeav UN VWI AT ACO'I NT Al.l.OWHU No. CLAIMS AM.OWKl AM'T CLAIMS Al.l.OW KI Count) Judge '.Z'.ZZiZZJZV..J.7.,Z 6 ..T...i... aoo " Treasurer ; 6 300.10 , Mem ana help , , jr. 1566.90 necortier 9 , ooo.o Mienu and help................. 47 174MS Comnuiaioijert per tlieui ..j. 14. ; a17.no Assessor ...... 6 h7,.oo Geo. A. Macbeth, of Pittaborg, tbe greatest lampcbimney manufacturer in tbe world, ia responsible for an exposure of tbe lead trust in which be sbows tbat, than st to tbe'protective tariff, this trnst get $4.70 a hundred pounds in tbe Amer ican icarket for lead which sella at tbe same time in London for $3.60. Here is a clearly defined tax of $1 .10 for every hundred pounds of lead consumed in tbe United 8tates; and the tax is for the sole benefit of tbe lead trust. It amounts to an average of $5,000,000 a year. The re-election of President McKinley will give trusts a continuance of the op portunity to rob tbe public. Tbe pro dncer is being bled on every band by tariff-trust beneficiaries .Ex. This and That Smiley's Clean Printing. . Open till 12 o'clock p. m. at S letter's. Dr. J. H. Krskine ia sow in tbe Foster Block, 2nd story. For sale, good carpeting, 33 cents rr yard, by T. S. Alexander, east end ot &tb street. Tbe best meats of all kinds and good treatment at tbe Albany Dressed Beef Company's market, just djwn Second beet. Good weight and prompt attend ion, . Before Getting Married" . Call at Will A Starki for your engagement or wedding ring. An elegant stock to select from The sluggish liver can be cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. f 100 Reward 1100. Tbe readers of this paper a 111 be pleased to learn tbat tbere ia at lean one dreaded disesse Ibst science bss In en sble to cure in all its stages, and tbat is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the on ly positive core known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh belrg a ronstitu tionsl disease, requires a constitutions! treatment. Ball s t atsrrh Cure Is taken inttruallf .acting directly upon Ibe blood and mucous surfaces of the syeism, thereby destroying tbe foundation of tbe disease, and giving the patient strength by buildiug up tbe constitution and as sisting nature in doing its work. Tbe proprietors bsve so much fsith in Its curstive powers that tbey offer One Hon dred Dollars for aoy esse that it fsils to core. Send for lit t of testimoniale. . Address, F J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. . gold bv druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are tbe best ; " School Superintendent 7 ' ? Coroner...... . u ' Surveyor 8 " Paupers snd poor 160 " Roads sud bridges 119 " Court House snd Jail 136 Stationery and printing 4S Insane , 8 Incidental expenses aa Fuel. Witnesses in criminal cases , x Petit Jurors ; , 58 Bailiffs. Elections , Viewing snd surveying roads.. Road superrisor Bounty i.. ., Preliminary examinations Total amount claims allowed to 35i7-3i Warrants Drawn . . ja5i7-3l 5 9 37 5H 7 505.10 a6.no "i.oo 3333 o.t 45I53 I3U7-4S 731.16 43 5 Slow 13I.95 17-ao 447-So 5H00 a7i-04 54-00 3a73-93 34 50 46 14930 ao. Collins I) D 8 A.Jack Hodges D 1)8 "COLLINS & HODfiES Dontiatn dil FaLow'a Temple, Alhauy, O., That Tooth needs attentions Remember it can be tilled or extracted wlihou talu DR. ADAMS. DR. J. L. HILL Pbysirlao and 1 fin. Hill Block - - Albany, Or. Stanley Stewart, biqycIeTepairihc, Al LIGHT MACHINE Mil LWOIIK GUARANTEED. Auiount of outstanding unpaid couuty warranta, March 31st tyuu None Estimated accrued interest thereon , None Total Amount of Unpaid County Warranta None STATE OF OREGON. I Couuty of Linn )ss ' I, Frank CraUree. Countv Clerk of the Countv of Linn. State of Orreon. .In I t. ... r , . . , . ' . " ucicuy wcriwy im tue loregoing is a true ami correct statement 01 the nuraiier and auiount of claims allowed by the County Court of said County for tbe six months ending on tbe 31st day of March, 1900, on what accouut the same were allowed, and the amount of warranta drawn, and the amonnt of warrants outstandiiio- and unnnt.t as the same appear upon the records of my offic e a id in my official custody. Witness my hand and seal of the County Court of said County this 31st dsjr of March, A. D. 1900. Frank Crabtrkx, County Clerk. By Gko. D. Montague, Deputy. - SEMI-ANNUAL SUMMARY STATEMENT. O thje fidsncial condition of the County of Linn, in the Stste of Oregon, on the 31st . , day of March, A. V. LiABIMTtlui Datb (1900) March 31 To warrants drawn on Co. Treasurer, outstanding, unpaid Amount BT AYTIOZAL BHF, or ar.ajrT, okmost . rrawdtnt. Vtarridat. VS-lf, Lrxiira 1 yotmo .1. W. LAJfOCO TUaSACTS aOkH aat.laalifaaliss ACCOUNTS KEPT .jlctt !& IOBT KXCHAKOB anitUrr;t Mr aafae, IS a bf Ick Saa rraeiao,Oklcaoaa4 Foatlae bBOTlOlf SADXo fMoratls srats. sraaorsaaV Tessa X W Laawaes "SOoasvm It. rwani 0 a. rus. iiru wtta yo wfc.ttt.r yo contla. tajL. BrT-iiiia uDeeo Dtm. w v. v. rtsov to Mir. tor tobacco, tarvonautrM,itpi tla, pans th blood, r auk yoa Mrour tat hJth.Brr. -fT aj 11 ItiKcuneuni muf a4 ftftTt VI MOTO-B A C fro. room, iii'i i--7oar own arxmifiu, v.. .Ill voueb for a. T.. n wit l,IMtl.tlt,Br.l.ttly On If aie4Ko- .1 a a l i ws- aaw m m m m m BuAfs-' vsa doibs 1 AaarxiaT! 9Vkjr laatiawll SpO.oaS :. St. .uU!r nmi I boi, 9 a to r. r. . or w . r.f . nd ,on.a; tmm1 Co..W-o aM,hrlii k.kibl fterftOB of nvch.ntr! or in.MUt.fl rlrtof atrip to the Part Kipoaltioa, wllk aalary ad ezrrt p(d. shooid writ Tf. FAT2IX hJOMUS), BaitUnora, : So None None 43.174.41 ToUl Liabilities $43374.43 To estimated amount of interest accrued thereon.. State tax DATS (I900) I IKSOUKCKS Amount March 3I By funds in hand of Co. Treas. applicable to payment of county warrants 3347 57 . . By funds in hands of Co. Sheriff applicable to payment of county warranta - 458.70 , " " By estimated unpaid current taxes spplicable to payment of county warrants.- , 81190.83 Total Resources. .83997.09 To the Music LovingPublic. o Those conlenii.lallna tak'nir no th . study of music mil find It to their Inter est to Investigate the advsnlagvs offered y a many voiitye. me followlu branches are taught t VOICE, PIANO, ORGAN, vim in: iii'i-riu tiivtuMiu ,,..,. j 1 . n 1., MAitJVlia CORSET. HARMONY, COUNTERI-OIST. COMPOSITIO and HISTORY OF MUSIC. Mr. Wlrts, Musical Director, Is a grad. uste of the Chicago Conservatory olMu sic, and has studied altti such artists as Secboerk, Zlrgfeldt, Koelllng,4-alk, liar wood, Ruff, and the late Dr. Karl Men. These men are masters in their respect ive departments and musicians ot world wide fame. Mrs. Wirts, Instructor in vocal musk, is a pupil of Mr. William Nilson Burritt who is knoin to be one of the best voloa teachers In America today. Mr. Burr.tt studied elKUt years in ltalv and aevfara. years in London. - The methods used la Albany College Conservatory are the latest and most ap proved, being the combined result of superior instruction received .experience, and tha acquaintance with the methods of our eastern conservatories. Tuition reasonable. Pupils may'cntei at any time. Fall term 0ns Sept. 19, 1809. for further information call Ail ai a A. dfMfl Pressidant Wallace Howe Lea. THE K. O. T. M. very Saturday evening at K. O. T. M. nan. visiting ftBlgnls lavtled. t C.S. HARNISH.Commander. MODEhM i)UMM UK Aate.l.igA V lllsmet't Camp No. $465 meet every seeond and fourth Saturdsys of each ' month in the G. A. It. hall. Visiting members are Invited. C.G, Borriiart, V.C. ERBlstor elsrk. M. Senders 5: Co, Ear ani Oat Warehonses- Seventh and Railroad Stieets. WHITE SEWING MACHINE, ' Bran new, taken on advertirine. for sale cheap. No old machines needed. Call on the DRMoeaAC. man. CITY TStASURERS NOTICE Notice is hereby given that funds are ca uaou 10 pay city wariaui- i.u. a iv 8) inclusive of tbe Issue of 1899. loter-l est on said wsrrsnts will cesse with tbe date of this notice. Albany, Or., Dec. 27, 1899. a. E. Paskir, City Treasurer. G. A. PRICE. Painting and Paper Hanging. Residence la Pierce Building. First claaa work voarantesd. Paper banging 16 cents per roll. References furnished. For Bargains In Farm Lands. Timber Lands and pity Property, call on or write B. I. Bl EfcLE A CO. Albany, Oregon. W ate prepared to take on itorsgt 91 led tsy, will buy your oat In ens It anil at top market pr'o , BACKS FURNISH vats bought In car lota at any ship ping point M. SENDERS & CO. f nsorsnce, Hay, Grala and Woel. H. F. nerrill INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT 1 Collsctlons promplly sttsndsd to, cor respondenee solicited. Office in Dzs. as building.