The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 20, 1900, Image 5

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    r" THURSDAY.
Ij ;
sfparatf en' r.
.. we m mm w
any Gtta the Nw Company.!
- rtiponno to the application ofG. 1
! 61 oilier Albany young wen
bUi) military duty Adjutant Oeu
(iauttinb In tin Itsuod ipecial order
'! recjusiitlng thorn to iMrmbl In
y on Saturday April Hal 8pm all
. pasted the required physlial
Uon, to tra uititrd into Ilia or
Hho elate. Dr. Klllt lis, been
rued to conduct the phyelcal ei
tlin, and will do ao tomorrow
"gatthe aimcry. ltecrulta pre
g honorable dischargee from tlia
. service allowing Hieiu Iree from
-Hi disability will be accepted aa
if paisodthe eaamlnation. iininud
1 elur the muttering in an election
oeri will be had.conducted by Uen
Hsntriibelii, who will act aa uiaueo
Ik unH In f(irtitnftlit In itnrlntf ihti
y J aw . "
e New Time Table.
f-k tlieee flgur
"I Monday, tin
H 'vathiB. I'.:
urea in your uoau it-r
tlia date of the new time
7 o'clock the new local will leave
arriving at Portland at 10:10,
i!a fustusl train on the coaat uiak
ho trip In 3:10 with SI alopa, the
I running time bring Its than two
:j. At 4 o'clock It wl 1 leave Fort
and arrive tore at 7 :10 p. in.
northbound overiand will wave
i t 4:17 and atop only at Balum,
,imrn and Oregon City making the
o 1'ortland In throe hour.
t eouthbound leavae l'ortland 'at
in. and arrive at Albany at 1 1 ;W.
midday train are (be mo a now
t the ih-dojii overland will leave
4y for PuKl-ad at 3 Imtead of
1 Oat llov ace in to make It
ver they go into It. The Statesman
: "From letter recently received
friend In'.thlclty from J. Uilmore
tnond, a Eugene boy who ia well
favorably known In Belem.and who
' to New York City aeveral uiooth
9 prepare tor the atage, it ia appar
il hi effort are n ucli appreciated,
akliig for the young actor quite a
(ul career. In a recent perform
in th Madison Square theater, Mr.
Bond attumud Ue character of tbe
man ami an arll illil ! ItnrLrav
Jon he received tlx cu.tatn call.
'mmondKiaeeet considerable hit
9 uiont aeu in in my menu in
t'ilhtmnlte valley espvet to aee him
t caneldcrable diatiiiction in bU
n proleeiion,"
iua we in the city yesterday,
iii HitrMtart anl wife, of Salem, aro
if ,ing Albauy frieuu.
I t. (Jeorge Vamlran left on the , . ,
4 aii train for I'endl.ton to rel.le. Txaciiaaa hi'wiATio.-Th regular
I tldont IM..Cmiibll of Monmouth teacher examinailon lor county certifl-
1 in llarrlsburg after a several week I
. in Albany,
k. Kay h.tbevn faken fiom Salem
; iiitland for sprclal treatment. Ho
dually fati ng.
.lit Allen, alio b brn attending
i(d on tbe houLd duilna the neat
,f returned home title) noon. ,
f airmaa Harrie and Clerk Vlnn of
f jO(ngreloiil comuiitueieturned to
!i r borne tbi afternoon,
t sit and IM ward. West, of Eugene,
f va far a east from west is dietaut a
1 lanced by a divorce suit brought by
i 'in. L. Ifayden asya be Is out of pol
entirely aad a not a candidate tor
bing. He ha nude a fir si clas
,iit attorney.
iie great I'adrewkf psiwd through
ny' but he wa in bed, and there
1 ;no disturbance. Albany's mnelcat
rid con'lnue to revolve hsrmonlouily.
H, It. A. Irvine arrived in Warning
Tuesday after aneay trip. She
fota to remain until .Novumbor and
I not make Washington lior home a
rexrted .
!r Denula Stovall, the well-known
. l and lecturer for the K. O. T. M
s been in the city. Stovall 1 making
ucor aa'a lecturer. lie ia a very
taant gontleman in every ronpect.
leveral young men of the Congrega-
tial church laat evening at Mosler A
Killop'tendored ltev. P. W. I'aiker
&rewell bannuet before leaving for hi
I home in Chicago. An elegant ra
it was aerved and a One t'me had.
Cir. Jeff Oreel returned thla morning
fa np the Mohawa, where be baa tak
np a fin timber claim a few mile
n the big mill there. 11 will be
Med about three mile from the new
jaw railroad.
the Hat of lubicribera to the early
ing agreement yeaterdar the name
vl Dawaon, Teacher A Mathews,
'cbt & Meiaer and liurkbart & Lee
committed. In the copy they made
a line, and the entire line waa
Hon. . R. Sklpworth will begin the
s county campaign at Junction next
aday evening, lie ia in favor of a
(ttrment iniiide tne constitution, and
gainst trusts and Imperialism. Skip
ith I on of the most effective speak
1 la tbe valley.
r.knst. W. E. Finxer of Wood burn came
i lnt night to attend the wedding ol
sinter this afternoon. Liont. Finxer
; he nominee of the citizen ticket for
, rny clerk of Marlon county and 1
ported for the position by tlnStatei-
at Oxanoc. Get them at20o a do.
At O.E. Browunells.
'')arcing school" every Tuesday night
' Saturday afternoon at Holland'
'drahara Bldg., First & Baker atl
, ,ong make picture
Ugliest ttyl of tbe art ol photo
. The AUany LacJlea Aid of the Ob r Ul
an church will have charge of the dining
hail ot Turner during the convention. It
l ixpected tbera will be an Immena
gntherlng then ililsj year aa J. V. Up
dike, an evaiiretlat of national farce, baa
accepted a call to attend the convention
and preach graitel termon twice daby.
He he had iW.UOQ to 30,000 conversion
in hi work. In on meeting In De
Alolne he had 600 addition. In a two
week meeting in Eugene two year ago
there were 70 addttitlon. f hi re will be
three other nakrr of note (ran other
ata'e. It w III rustle our able women to
feed the fultitudu. The proceed of
their effort a will be let aotit for their
new church building, which, according
to plana will be an ornament to our city.
The fine of the Turner convention i et
lor June 22-July
Some Militia Suggestions.
We are uon to have a company of the
3rd Regiment Oregon National Guard
organised it thla place. Theae Com
punk's are maintained at the tata ex
I nfe lor ue of the date in time of dan
ger, and every citiisen who la interested
In the welfare of the Mate, ehould be In
terested In tbe efficiency of bur niilitle.
1 hi company will likely be worn In
here In a very few day, and it would be
well (or those who with to ace a good
company here, to do what they can to
bring tin rrtult about. material
lor it certainty exist here, and if Judic
iously selected, we tlioulil have a com
pany here, that would be an honor to the
mate, and the pride of our towr. There
are among 0 a number of the ei-vo'nn-teer
who would make the very butt
kind of militia olilcer, and it would be
lor the beat lnlertof the tervlce, to
have our new militia company officered
by them. With the military training,
and ability to command, which they
have acquired, by their experience in
camp ami field under ou best army of
lkrs;they wou'd eoon have our new
company In floe bar. And aside froii
tbe practical value of lb thing, In
lecling ex.voluiiteer to oflicer our new
company , there la a matter of tenttment
In thi'a ahowing our appreciation of
their eervicee. Anyhow if the atale ha
military honor to I tow on any of her
cllixen, It would look more becoming,
to betow it on tho who upheld her
flag and ber honor in time of war, than
on ilione who choae toetay at home. It
u not be mo fickle, a in two abort year
to forget who reeponded to the call to
arm, we ttiinx the ompany wouiu oe
ifivnn Letter militarv tralnina. and be
come more elllclvtit under the dirrction
i Coming Event;
fait that in the conn ol the pre-, of eome of our Bpaiilelcwar veterana ana
we think the bov formins tho ner com
pany, would take more pride in being
under ex'volunteeri. It would be a far
nobler example to poiot out to coming we gave inil.tary hon
or to thueo who won them not t thote
who hlrked the hardvhlpa and danger
of war, and stayed at home to enjoy the
b'Mwiug and prosperity of jieace.
A Cm.x!.
111 tue cuy louny ana vititca ti.t cat I" in progreaa oeioreoupcrmionocns
I McDonald and aitnta l'mf. Jackaon
8 Nr May ha returned to her an.l Torbct. Following are the ant.ll-
canU i Margaret ltannrd,Sheba Child,
K, Diaucbe lanfleld, W. K. Uardner,
Adrian Jack, Itvwiie M. Hammer, Mvrtlo
Tease, Llllie M. Uodeker, Fave Abiams,
ltolrt Miller, Lolta I'orter.Fanni Cald
well. Minnie I)awson,Jennie Cook.Kthel
Miller, II. K. lHrrick,0. F. Biglnse, Lot
tie Hulburt, rMith Van Dyke. Jennie
Gardner, Grace Uamber.W. It. Cook, M.
W. McKinney, Todd Abrams. 8. I), il
tus, J. 8. Baker, It. W. Van Fleet, Hat
tio L. Icmpcy.
Ait OtnTiMxa. Oregon City Herald:
"Jaeoh Wortman, president of the First
National bank of McMinnville, wa ve
iling Hon. Wm. Galloway and Captain
J. T. Apperaon during the past week.
Mr. Wormian la the plcnccr ateambot
man of the upnar Willamette, hvlng
commenced to run boat on the river
from the fall to Corvallia and Eugene,
in 1853, and continued on the river until
1805. Mr. Wormian' first boat waa the
Oregon, which run from Oregon City to
Corvallia and bugene. Tbia roat wa
wrecked in 1834 below Salem. The fare
at that time wa 130 from Oregon City to
At tub Warm Sphino. Agent J, L
Coen, of the WarnSpriogs reiervation,
is In the city, fie states that tho'.Iodians
havon unusually largo amount of land
in grain this aoason and a most of it wa
own last fall and aa the.writor has been
very falcrable for unimr fellow, they
will rean ao abundant harvest. For a
time-it wa next to impossible to indue
the Indians to engage in agriculture bo
during the laat lew years tney nave been
taught to be more of an agricultural peo
f ie and there is little question that under
Jncle Sam'a wie dictatorship they will
be mad a auccestful and induatrloua ag
ricultural claaa. Mr. Cowan etatoe that
tbe Indiana all submitted ti vaccination
and that they had no cases ct smallpox
on the reserve. The Dalle T. M. -
Before Getting Married!
Call at Will A
8tarki for your engagement or wedding
ring. An elegant stock to aelect from.
TURNER FINZER.-In Albany, Or.,
on Thursday, April 12, 1000, at 2 p. tn.,
at the residence of the bride's sister,
Mr. Frank Cunimings, by Rev. F. W.
Parker. Mr. O Marvin Turner and
Miss Alice R. Finzer.
The oeremony wsa performed in the
presence of a few relative and friend
and waa a very happy affair nicely car
ried out. The bride ami groom left on
the afternoon train tor Portland on their
bridal trip, to be gone aeveral days. Tho
groom la a son of Mr. Cooper Turner
and a native of Linn County. lie wa
one of the famous Second Oregon and ia
not only popular among the members of
the regioieut Lut aa well generally. The
bride fa an excellent young lady well
liked by a! knowing Iter. They have
the bent wiahes of many friends.
y Lebanon. ' y
From tbe,Crltiiott I
L. L. Bunenahaw, a prominent at tor
ner iroin voo county, is in thl city,
yiauiuK wiui .reisnves ana oia-tims
friend. ' He f a ton of B. Burtenhaw.
Ber. If. B. Elwortby and Kev. C. O
Harmon, .former pastors of the M . E,
church, are In town thl week, attending
the Itinerant' Club. -
V. M. Thompson, of thla place, who I
now driving a poultry wagon through the
country, collecting poultry and egga for
O. V, Bate. 01 Albany, I building up a
into irmjo, uu proapeut lor a still
oetter one in tbe future.
i a ait t. .a
vj w. nioxes soul ma reluenoe prop
nriy wn . n, iiarurnsn, 01 v aterioo, the
nrst 01 me weea. nr. Bloke will g, to
l'ortland today, and after nding a lew
daya In lha metropoli will go to eastern
wn-Kon, wuere ne win worx tin sum
A few of the member of the troop
were out on the alreet on mounted drill.
lueminy evening, and made a very good
appeariince. II the wuuther Is suhablw
the whole troop will have mounted Unl
8aturdy evening.
ir. 1 1 III ba received hi famous 800
X-ray machine which ia working all
right, it is a wonderful machine.
The new b. V. time scheduU will go
Into effort next M on J ay. If you travel
on that day yon had belter become post
eu ueiore nana.
Pence at the k. O. U. W. ball next
Saturday night with inure ly Qoon'i
orohrsirs. All with Invitations to pre
vious dance admitted.
It must be tough pi iking for lawyer
in Tillamook county, .here were only
two case on tbe docket of t'te court jut
held by Jtidice Burnett there, and it umV
only half an hour to dispose of them.
Whonever the Eueliih out whmmul it
is laid to tbe incompetent commitsioned
olilcer sons of their father of the no
bility. When thev win. Roberta trail all
the glory. Bee.
romorrow will be arbor dav in the
ecnooli of the aiate. In this city the day
win remvmoered in tne actiooia With
appropriate exesciae in the afternoon
beginning at 1 :'M o'clock, to which all
patron are earnestly Invited.
The lulddto-of-the-road-Doiiuhst-ra-
publican convention held in Lebanon
Saturday resulted only in the election of
delegates aa follows to tbe atate conven
tion s DrJ L 11.11. J It Davia and F
Uooch. To a nonirrcasional convention :
K It Anderson. 1'eU r B F Uarov.
A F Ayere and L W Hardin, !
Harry O. Cohini. who wis arretUul at
Junction recently on the charge of ob
taining 2 J front I. L. Hamilton of Med-
loru under falsa nroUiones nlead truiltr
and waa eenunced to the penitentiary
one year. He is alo aaid to have been
wanted at Harrisourg and other places.
Tho Dxmoomt yesterday referred to
Prof W. L. Jackson, nominee for county
school superintendences from Bodaville.
That was once his home, but at present
he ia principal of the Tangent school,
where he bai been teaching successfully
for two years, l'rof, Jackon ha taught
constantly without miming a term for
twelve years in some of the Lest schools
of the county, including those of Browne
ville, and haa therefore had that experi
ence so necessary for a superintendent,
fie holds a atate diploma and is a gentle
man of splendid personal character.
The fruit raiser are not feeling right
good a the proi ei t for a crop ia not
flattering, twohtavy frost will do some
damage ; but as far aa we have examined
there Is abundance of fruit uninjured
perhape aa lane a crop of prune and
ueara a una ever been in this valley.
The "Direct legislation Club" met
last Friday evening and the first thirnr
tbey done wa to buy a case of bottled
aoda ol Mr. Bmitb. If that i direct log'
latalion we are certainly in favor of it.
Ve recently overheard some young
peo; le talking and waa surprised to hear
o many new "aiang pitraeea." Une
aid : "Your'e not ao many.count your
aelf," another replied s "Mind ytr eye
or I'll swat ye one." We are not up to
date on elang.
Our coat raisers have harvested their
spring crop of Mohair, but have not sold
Jxstxb and Esra Did It. Geo. T.
Jester, 8. P. station agent, will arrive
hero on tonight's overland, baling been
absent over a month attending the con
ference of the different railroad order
with Uncle Colli Huntington concern
ing the Dro posed "relief" insurance
scheme, wich waa dealt a knockout
blow in the conference. Geo. Kates, gen
eral chairman of all federated ordeia on
all 8. P. lines, will accompany him and
will apend a few daya visiting InlUrant
Paea. Mr. Este waa spokesman for the
railroad men at the recent conference
and wa an active agent in delivering the
death blow to the propotod measure,
Grant Pass Courier.
There were just ten delegate present
at tne middle-of-the-road popo- repub
lican convention in Portland, nearly the
Mire party in the atate. They were J.
K. Sears, Dr. Embrre, J. M. Deonls, 8.
II. Holt, J. J. Howter. H. J. Wilson.
Dr. Hill, L. Henry, J. C. Luce and i.
If. Bailey. .
Postmaster at offices of first and sec
ond class have been auworlced to caso
all money order, irrespective of place of
payment and to cash orders drawn on
their respective offices, the advice of
which have not been received. The
poatotllce department ha introduced thia
plan a an experiment, having for it ob
ject the improvement of the money order
Pound master llarknesa this afternoon
put ex-Poundmaster Davidson' dog in
the pound 1
MOENCH.-On April 12, 1900, to Mr.
and Mr. L. W, Moercb, in Albany, a
son. All doing well.
Cox. Near Knox's Rutte on Friday
rucrri'nff. April 13. 1900. to Mr. and
Mra. Iris Cox. a boy, their third chill.
an -l I
All UVI g 1TV1I.
Mia Beryl Turner went to Vaquloa Edcampmeot I. O. O. f. tonight. Da
ys rcly to visit bleed. gree work. Let all member attend.
Ml Joyce Brownell and Mr. W.E. . Eugene City Is !n debt only aboot lfl,'
Chandler returned last night from Port 000 and that on ontatending warrant',
land where tbey hid been to bear Pad-1 im . i .
. ', '
IV. a. 1 iih minu irviu iu mi
office at Ma ton after serving P.M.
lew iii. v..,. ivm Mniv in.
.-i!l iT V Mulky to-
f s . . ,
Word form Rowland Isst evening wa
i'... art 11. . ,r..ii-
lust wi.iisin wa rrwjuaiiy
falling with prorp.,, of i,viU) oa.y a
short lime.
office over tbe nost nlfl -c and 111 a lew
of law, elisions eta.
E J. wlcy went to KUyton yester-
I !i t aa ri I'M
err men, a ill have charge of the work
wbn the eminery star.
Mr. (Smith, of Nwbenr. re.nrned
L -?.7.lf-,a . " ".,, !."
ltev F. W, Parker left on the Ruth
this moro'fiK for Independence, where
he will visit with abrothtr and then
alarl Inr CtApmun 1,1. ... .J J ,.w
start lor liiicsgo, his new Balrt of work.
Rackey Mason came up from Portland
ysterdsy to spend the Esster holidsy,
KOCke? I ectinnic SO excellent SlandlDir
a a student in the Bishop f-cjtt Gram-1
mar scuooi.
E. O. Pentland. formerly eiitor of the
West Hide, nubliahed at InueMeiider.ra '
' . t ' '
Or., spent a few dar in Grant la this
week in the intent'. of the Portland
AtrscgrBin. vwuner.
Will ! etcher left Wednesday lor a ten
day tour ol inp jction pi the country in
trie vicinity 01 unae, juauo. neiseeic-:
ing a iw-auiy ami -uuauuu mat win suit
him and when thl i fouad will return '
for hie wife and aon. Corvalluj Union. '
Bert Bowmox cam over from Albany
on his wheei Sunday. He reporia the
pfttti tin lid ol liranger to lair condi-
tion and says, a very iittle work if done
shortly, will put it in first class shape
Albany wheelmen are prepsrinz to or
ganize acluband lend assistance in tnak
og tbe path between this city and Al
bany the best io tbe slat. Union.
Harry L. Hofirato left Wedneadav forla
short visit in l'ortland. The recomend
at ion of Congressman Tongue for his ap
t-ointment to a position in the pension
bureau haa been endorsed and Harry inated J . W. Bailey for state food com
will leave for athiugton in about two miaion. Til Ford, J. W. Furnish, O. F.
weeka.but will return to Corvallia before ; l'axton and J. C. Fnlterton choaen
no win nave cuaree oi a email i
division ol clerks and hia salsrjr will be '
il, 2W a year lor a term ol three year.
Henry Allen, who al;o hat ia clerkship
at a good apiary will take his departure
-:.-vuw aajr ijiu. vyurvHllia WB;ivo un
ion. J
Some considerate friend leftQat tbe
Desotbat oflke this afternoon a fishing I
outfit for the calDah trin ud the river on ,
tbe Bcreech Owl tonintit, with instruci-j
loos to have plenty ol nab. ana wormr .
nearly a pound and the big cord la ttrong
enough to bold a whale the DxMocsaT
man ia decidedly in it, with, enough h ok
rid line lor a whole regiment.
B M Lindsey to II Bryant, 2 lota
Bryauta ad to Albtny .$ 25
R O Msrstert to R Robe, 20.95 acrea 500
R Rob to 11 L Robe, 8 46 acre. . . 400
W W Robe to Robert Robe, b small
parcels of land 1000
flliinwhbto NO Sullivan, 2 lota
b!66 Albany 1105
A Bush, trustee lo PC Anderson,
lot 2 and 7 bl 110 IV ad Albany 1000
Haute Sheffer to Wilson Csiotheis
2 !ots Lebanon 800
Cba W Kockwell to W D Brown,
160 acrea 875
A M Boelton to John Boyce, 12
anrea 1
Decree divorce Mary McGrath aet M T
McGrath and Jeularlng title ol 100 acre
ti be in the plaintiff. :
M jrtaaire for 1710. 1070 and $5000.
Satisfaction of mortgagee for 11100 and
Circuit court. New suit: Samuel
Brock agl Franci O Baltimore. To quiet
title Cannon A Newport for plaintiff.
Registration over 3300.
The Conventions
The dmocrts elected the following
delegate! to the National convention :
J. U. Haley, J. O. Boothe, M. A. Mil
ler, A. S. Bennett. Dr. John Welch, R.
M. Veatch, Charlea Nickell.N. A. Petry.
Alternates. J. D. McKinuon, A. J. Knott,
W. F. Butcher. Jefferson Myers. H.
Taylor Hi'l, Dan J. Fry, Charles N.
Wait, Cm Cm WllSOn.
W. R. King waa elected chairman of
the populist convention. The first day
waa spent in arranging fur union with
tbe democrats.
Portland, April 13. The democrat (
cboee presidential electors in their con-,
vention today at follow: Dell Stuirt,
Multnomah; W. M. Pierce. Umatilla.
Congressman second dittrict, Ber U a id
Daley of Lake. Supreme Judge, W. M.
Ramsey, Yamhill, .
Congressman first district D B Daley;
Judge Whituey and Capt. Hatch presi
dential elector.
The republican renominated Moody
congressman by acclamation.
Midd'e road popuiiat nominated for
congressman second district J. C. Young
of Baker, for supreme judge, II. E,
Courtney, Baker. ".,"
Pretoria, April 13. The Biitish force
at Wepener an surrounded and a big
battle is go!ng favorable to the Boers. .
In Natal British an retiring in direc
tion of I Jidy smith.
Washington, April 13. The House to
day adopted tbe amendment for election
of U. 8. senator by the people, unani
mously. . ..
Washington., April 13. The republ-
can senators .iy they will pass the thl
ping subsidy bill.
Choice Dried Grapes 830.
At O. E. BrownnellfJ
Jr"'. P'ne amounting to 11740 were
paid, . '
vnaa. .ai,in. ,"ii.4.:
voteraare getting a lively move-on
no,,,, ,nd retori.are coming la
ftr Irom tbe dereot precinjt.
& M M .,k- m . v.
" " inera new steamboat will take
, ... nn .1,. -i.
current i-i good sbspe
(jhk-eiro .i,-,- 1.- win uka a noat.r.,1.
will begone about two month.
imonir ha nt,w reaideaeM in Alhan.
" lh e0'"" Bate-nth ,Dd Wa.hing"
I ' ' . , . ft ..
L "?!.b' tn.-H'.m"
l ace ol the instruction to tbe
'and Mr.ri,ta,,n .
I Tha t,lnt p.. f..-..i m-,
KJILt V?.6. Metnon"'.LDT
' CUUrcn Will Ue OCCUpieO nex.
u,i. nfii isii, . n vi,i.i, i. a
, D. Hal-, nubiect; "The r,l f thl
liberal churches: or what Unitariana
and irnivraaliia hli. rkvl
cordial Invention is extended to all.
.,.,.. a t..i.-,- t
Wah.. triii an,t ir,iu. v r.atina
riunrl lnln rt-m, nn.MWiuiiu.,
.1 u . . uiu.pVl v, " j. w, ,vu WA ,
J Howe.Tacoma. Waeh.. fiahing reel and
reel-rest; C F Laflw. yieotin, Wah.,
currycomb; u is Morgan, l'ortland. Ore..
The republican a ososl reol ved in
fVor of retnnebmant in public ex pen
tar. 1 hey do that every two yeai and
then wben the tale legislature meet
rurtle to are bow much they can increase
the levy. The preseot high itate levy ia
doe to republican extravagance. In the
ice 01 tni tin resolution is lu;i ol no
I The ladies of the Christian church will
have an apron ao 1 bonnet tale Saturday
01 this week. April 14th. in the vacant
store building adjoining Myer'a bakery.
mere win also be horse-made candy,
eaHterega, coffee and aandwlcbes for
sale. Give the ladiee your patronage
and thus aid a good work. ' :
The rennlilican at a 'a mnventinn iuim.
nriinfii wtnra Tho rfai-9aa tn
the national convention are VI allace Mo
Gamin ant, H. E. Ankeny, II L. Kack
',! j0jn o. Daly, eiternate Lewia
Btimpsen, II L. Holgate, Wallia JCash
UOil J. W, KnOWleS.
A Ltrr Hxdeo ConirxT. Hallie WII
kins will have a nice aurprite on hit
tbat overtook him fonr years ago today
and deprived bim of bis light band he
liai found it hard lo do much with the
cornet, bis favorite instrument. His fa
ther. S. N. Wilkin, ordered a left
banded "Wonder" solo B fist instrument
some time aeo from O. G. Conn. It is
fitted with slides, (hanks, etc., so tbat it
can be thrown into any key tbat the cor
net ia need for, and aa it has arrived, it
ia seen to be a work of art in every sense
of the word. It is very heavily silver-
piste 1 and nice. v engraved inttrnm
menu of thia kind, lefthanded, are only
made to order, but Mr. Conn, mention
having last completed a similar mstrum
ent for a young man of New York who
volunteered for Manila and lost hia
right arm. Union..
A. High Riexh. Frank Fogorty had a
narrow escape Monday morniog from
having hi neck brokee. He waa riding
hia bicycle along tbe foot plank on
ne onn lJe tramway and when op
pceite Harry Fanlx residence the wheel
slipped oa the plonk which waa covered
witn a neavy trout and weJt overboard.
Fiank fell bout 12 feet unking on his
heed and shoulders, but. fortunately es
caped with a broken collar bone. "The
bike was uninjured." It was a very dan
geroua place to ride a wheel and had tbe
rider fallen among tbe rocks instead of a
aand drift he would more than likely
bave been killed. Newport News.
Wobkm as ' TxaM, Attention ! The
team will go to Harriaburg Monday
i noon, returning early Tuesday morning.
1 Every member of tbe team ia expected
to be at tbe hall tomorrow afternoon at
i 4 o'clock.
Your home made beautiful with the
latest shade ol wall paper. e save
you money. Bckhast A Lax.
Sfokane, April 12. The Sol.imon
mines capital ixed at $20,000,000 will
spend half a million thin season in devel
A powder to be. shaken into the shoe.
Your feet feel swollen, nervous axd not,
and get tired easily. If yon havj smart
ing feet or tight shoe, try Allen's Foo.
Ease. It cools the feet and makes walk
ing easy. Cure a swollen, sweating feet,
ingrowing nails, blisters mad callous spot.
Relieves corns and bunion of all pain and
give rest and comfort. . Try it today,
8 la by all drnggisla and shoe stores f
25o. trial package fret . Addrets, AIL.
01 instead, Le Roy, N. Y.
'0 .I,'... .
4 ,4 i
r 1 Z
ult pnsjlhty b n n a .trrr.1' Itoyc". Mi.Kthly, Cbksra. v
"Tt,eirrt,t.licua Is a a..rt.rtmnttr boiled down." AtUntaCotwtltaUrtll. '
Thtoauet.ertilya merchi,dlnTclop?aia." Chloro Kporth Hernia. - .. .
. "A la.'ih..uM herv3doompelllnittliu.c.t Uil.ctloitieInll public phooto." The Hon. g .a. oaBl umaa.
We eoulii ouote thoiisamli, of similar extracts. 1. mu M T tk. Imlv i n
At the Christian church toraorrow
aftoraltig at 7 o'tlock the annual ana rise
prayer meeting of tbe Local Endeavor
union win ne neiq. Bible school at 10
a.m. Preaching t 11,, tobiect, ''The.
Supremacy of tb- Resurrection." En
deavor meeting st 6:30 p.m. end preach
ing at 7 :80, subject, "Tb Holy Spirit- .
ii ia Peaunality." Tbi is tbe beginning
of a series of sermon oa tbe Holy bptrii '
and Ilia work and at tbe close of . each, v
sermon of tbe rerle ao opportunity wilt I
be given for any one to ask question in.
regard to tb subject. Allan invited.
Baptist ebnrchf Morning subbject
"Cbrirt tb Hope and Treasure." Rpeo
favl Easter muais and decorations K -
ening ob;ect. "Tne Lotd't Payer.'"
second sermon of the course.
Preabyu, fan cburch: There alii h.
Special musle at aU the rer vices. The
evening ervice wilt be especially a praite
rervice led by an orcbtstia and a cnorue
of voice. Io the morning the follow- .
So piece will be rendered : Jabilatw
Deoia A b. Patten: Gloria rt Exceeia,
Patten; Mop. solo by Mr. Langdon;
"He Livrt Who Once Ha tSlalo,"
Dnk; "We Will Rejoice and Be Glad '
Mornlna worship at II o'clock, ubjcr
of sermon, ' Tbe Redirection of tbe
Body." Sabbath cbool Eisier service
at 8 o'clock. Evening, Easter pralae
rervice, a service of scripture and praiae
Special music by tbe orchestra, by tbe
ladle octet, tbe male octet, and tbe
cboroa choir, with congregational ting
ing. M. E. church : Preaching at 10-30 by
tbe paator. babbsih school at ll:4l
Junior Leaxoe at 8:30, Intermediate
and Epwortn League at 6:30. In the
evening there will be Easter exercise by
tbe children of the Babatb school.
United Presbyterian, mcrning worship
at 10:30, subject ol terroon, "The Voicee -of
Spring " Sabbath School at 11:45.
Junior endeavor at 3:39. Senior endeav
or at 6:30. Evening worship at 7:3ft
All are invited to attend there service.
Both sernons an appropriate to the
Easter occasion.
Kev. H. L. IfoDkins will Dreaeh i n lha.
Congregational cboreb tomorrow morn
ing and evening.
Mia Clara Guard, of Albany, com
menced a spring term of school at Union
school hooie Monday. Junction Times.
An operation was performed on Tho.
Kay at St. Vincent's hoipital, Portland, .
on Tbnraday and be i lying in a critical
Mr. J. P. Carter, who recently failed
to secure the republican nomination for "
county cterk, has moved to liepner to
reside. The countyjosee a good citizen..
Mr. Ruftis Drum, tor several year tbe
popular Reveie bonee a fewdaya '
will probably start out aa a drummer for
a leading Pacific Coast firm.
Dr. J . L. Hill, one of the eletort on th
middle of the road ticket returned from
Portland hut night where he bad beer.
attending the atate convention.
A nnion teachers institute w-'fl be held
at Fairmount across the river May 4 and
5. Superintendent McDonald and Prof.
Martiodale will take an active part in it.
Mr. O. N. Basa arrived irbme feat -evening
from Iowa, when the baa been
visiting relative for two month. When .
she left Iowa there waa great bank of.
snow on tbe ground. Lobanon E. A.
Two of the S. 8. classes of tha M. V.
churrh South last evening wen enter
tained at thenaidence of A. D. Earkera
a very happy manner. Game wen play-
e J and a delicious lunch served.
A pleasant'enterta .nment waa riven, -
at the G. A. R-Miall last evening. An,
exciting featnn of the evening was a.
nail drivine contest between fi VA vnnn.
ladies. It waa won hy Miaa Cecil Walk
er. Rev. W. V. McGee exnecta to start Ia .
the General Assembly of tbe Camber '
land Presbyterian chr-rcb. which m.ala .
at Chattanooga, Tenn , about the first .
the month. Uottajie Grove Leader.
Ttmple Commanderv No. S. iCnioht.
Templars tomorrow afternoun at 4 n.
clock will hold a special ea-ter service at
tne.r nan, to wnicn ait member of tbe-
Hasonic order anc their families in,
specially invited. The sermon will be-
pi cached by Kev. H. L. Reed.
A gentleman named AMi-ido
hen yebterday from Minnesota. He
brought with him a carload of bouse
hold goods, farming utensils and live
stock, an 1 intends to locate io tbia vi
cinity. Hia family is expected to arrive-
hen tocay. lie is a friend of Mr. Souler
luiiu.t .umuOToii mio wno lives near -Lacomb.
Lebanon E. A.
R. L. Carroll, who went to Suupter au
few month ago with a view of locating,
ntnrned to Lion county last night. Hie
family are in Portland tempoarily. Mr,
Carroll will probably locate in the val
ley. Be report Sampler a' very no
healthy place.- There were aeveral
ratea of small pox in the pest house and.
a great deal of pneumonia.
London, April 1J. After two honre
fightingat Elandalaagto the steady ad-7
vancrngof the Boers on the British pa
sition wa checked.
, Washington, April 12. Chasll. "
Allen wa today named as the first irov-.
ernor of Puerto Rico.
JtUt.. r. . i lil u.y.tft- Mr.J
CtHtka, Drva'. Hvtl4 SiM't"-, Wai"-t-(
A leejltwral lanplr-wai bIk . turU tic,
.wi.- ..... ,t t . iftfj . rf , ruma. X-;
tits u.jrs Ttflir,
k r ..
.!, Tei'4 Ji-it '!Ht WUf Stt ;t ktCff! tit I . i- f
cvt.T'-i.unjr, Ut .! fi I r..l rrevprt hln r"f-i i-.t-m'
rvtninu you Wvt expitvlu nt io Wonis-r. i;r- i
tapr-or aaatl Im oB anvthicf tJ f DUX tr-V A "4 I.
MtAtaw iefirl tb i ontntr aionr 1 .,4M:n-; .,
fMe cwiTtr o tr rr c Cut ti tai. -.1 in.
-.IV". w r r ii with i. wwt
ht-ip )uty thi'S. ii,t fKstc. ll. S-k w.M 1" -
lij mill mIuU,.ikI It vouilont lhlnlc It l wirhl0f.aitho tt'-i
you wni ar a Key to the lowt holenml. pnctivf rywi,.;u. .-S -i
O and wwHI lMw4t.lT tn ;r trmt. . . '
-It I. a Bwauiacatut baOaaas tuurjuion." Jluuij I M.t,
j) Th Catalogue it a woour.'-Ui, IN. H.,l"lon.
eani. Kueouox a v-v i. onv u( bu wavw w -
CTil' .o-" V-Wro InterOeeaJR. .
l t. big eataUania toraia ona at til Bant ,Wplna mwltiiaw a. .