The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 20, 1900, Image 3

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    Ladies Silk Waists.
Uood n.aUrlel. Uood
to I0.00 tub.
4 Mrr.ineaJ cotlon.
(Ilk. 1'opuler colo
For tin iklrt llnlnus nrf forrtilrt waiat(, (badee.
60i! r yard.
S.E. Yow&Son
Our hat havo a dwlnty (ouch her.
mid ther. Unit dlt iigulihue them
from ordinary iiillluie'y. A touch
that .lamp them ".rtlly."
V. Iittvo collected a eplemlid
' allowing ol Ladlee-Tailor Made Suit
that will stand a rigid comparison
lib cuatom work. Tailored Dream
will be more popular thl eoi than
Our llnr embrace the newcet fa
bric! and the latent model, ranging
. In j.rlc. Iram .00to '5 '0.
Your Kaater aul a cau U well e
lcctcd from our aorlment.
LA 1)1 IS
Lsdtra Tel'or-Made Jackets, of all
wool cloth, lb. ntwet pring l)lf.
13.00 and 15.75.
FCU SAl.i:." fetUl'iTav. mm furniture
ud nrihle yet unaold, a ir,or t ol
Ave piece, ill anil aft or t th. piece,
two Uok out, dining table, atudenta
table, elng machine, tt',,1,,.lrLr'"'t
dih. crmks and Jar will behold
low. tll at "l l"mo( J. H. lUight,
cor. 4Hi aod KIIoth.
Gov. IUr.
t Vth any. April 28
"The FhJdlar nnJ the Bow."
w. plea. -11 He in th. nnllorm excel
lence ol oor laundry woik. 8plc and
apan linen ouly come from a olace wb.r.
ewythin I don. right. Ther. U no
MtUfastlon In wr'ng thing Xn .look
a though they'd bad a bru.h with the
boer. Enlov the li eQl ol Magnolia
method and let nt ld JW our polUh
ai low rale ol lnierrt.
23 Jewels
In solid gold
Deuber -Hampden Watches.
The best Iteilroad watch made.
F. M. French, the Jeweler. .
We wlil begin selling out at coat and In aom.caaea lee. than coat, rrica for
.oida on hand only. W. want to clear out thee. K3odi bia week. All good,
auaranteo Irer-b we do not want to mov. them. Com. and .xamlne for your
eel I. 1 e-RJ00! '
Best Gun Powder Taa..i
Beat Japan........ -
Larae Can Corned Beel. .
3 Cana Alaska Balmon
Cayenne, Bage. Cinnamon and
Sole. It Mackerel
r rihtnneva. riacn
I 80 lb
, 30 ib
. 25
, 25
05 can 3
Our beavkngar Byrop..v
1 18 lbaBloion....
UU l .
1 00
8 c Airgood. i a pro;;;.;;". d . . .m
whil. you mun'yALBAJ5y xEADING CO. Second BWVanc.Bldg.
wirknu.hlp. New atyk-. $7.00
Look a Ilk. alia. Ween at will M
- i. 1 00 10 fi.26 each.
From lb. Tlmee: '
At H, armory Friday nigh, a gam a
nf.inl.or banc it 1 1 I to b played. Tli.
(niMttania will b tba O. A. 0. and tba
t'l.amawa team,
A L. McFatder, fuiiaerly of Oorva'
II', it now at Oraolf, Bekr county,
wimr he holdt a position with one of
the nun aroos mine in that vicinity.
Among deede recently filed for record
at tlio recorder's olbo, la one In which,
for a coiitdJetatlon if 5.IKX), E. W. Had
ley transfers tin residence In thl cltr to
W. A. ilawley, of Hanta Barbara, the
transfer la (aid to he en exchange of
property tat ween t lie two parlba at In
itv. It J. Kfllry vl.lud Corvallia
frieoHt over Sunday. For eeveral
montlie psal he hue been laboring on a
farm In the vicinity of Portlajd, and la
fully recovered from th. late attack of
nervous nroatralton that drove him tern
porarliv from bti pulpit in an Ksst Port"
fend church.
TuANxe. Th. Epwortb League of tbo
M. K. Church passed a resolution thank
lag the buine men of Albany who dec
o'ated their place of buaineee In honor
of ti e recent convention held in tbia
Whcu I raveling
Wliethrr on pliun bant or ba.Ueen,
take on very trip a bottle of fcjropol
Kin, a It ac'a inoot pleasantly and effect
ually on 'he kidiay. liver. ai.d boweU,
preventing (oven, bradcbes, and olber
fiirmt it ni-ktifif. For ale in 60 cent
bottn. by all Iradlnff Man
u'hi i urpri l.y the California r ig bprrp Co.
And ittinbon
At F. Jl.l'feiffcr'a.
of ilie day.
Thebncat thing
' ... f...i.,.il,iiwana r n1 a Vmmimv
Htft? Tli iicr JUolliM ft vtrj fin
nut mi -
All klmlt offi'iuter rgga at Vleiack'a
suar, snu aweeu
' fit- A ,
Have them examined by Prof. Anguit
Stark of thle city permanently located
here, who haa made the eytra a apecial
I inly, andill fit them wltfi glaaaee that
w ill give aatiaiaction. ii your eye. are
weakening call and have a talk iwlth
T. J. Stltn.
Attorney at Law, Notary Public.
Collection and (fHlemeetof estate a
tpectaltt. Otli' opitain over port office.
23 Jewels
New Model
Fine Train
Railway" rinlrtrr lAa TB.
$80 1b
10 .
' 20 .
pk Celluloid btarcb
Cans test uyaiera
.b UhuImI R.iilna
wvmww . . .....
Plain Mixed CandV....
dna ClotbeaMna
Large Herring
25 3 pke Minc.Meer
40 13 Iba Cartoon Cracker
KR lllhaRa.t WtlnUtS
Large Bottle Blueing.
w - . .
, Mr. Jarlg. Wolverlon, of. Salem, it
Vlvillng Aitaoy filenu.
Mr. K. M.Jack went to Independence
thl morning on a vlalt with friend.
Z. T. Bryant, of Lebanon, ia to lb. city
doing carpeuler aoikon a ttiri. week'
Jon. .
T, 3, Acdereoo, nomine, for aaaeaaor
haa been In the city iwday, lie ia Jut
tli. man for th. place.
Mr Irving and daughter, of Albany,
pnt yeaterday in Balein, the gueete of
ata. Alio. Dodd. Halem ournal.
Mr. M. M. Patton haa gone to Albany
to nuiae Mr. Monteltb wbo ia irerioualy
111 with heart trouble, Salem Journal.
W. W. Curtle, th. it mill man I x
peuted back from the eaat in a lew daya.
Tlimi look out for lowettiing active in th.
ar mill buaine'.
Horace (i. McKinley, I). W. Tarply,
J. L. Ureen and Jay l'liillipa were pa
reiigttre on th. Calilornia vxprena laat
nigfit for Koaeburj. baleu Hut teaman.
VV. It. King, chairman of tb. atat.
central comiiiee ot th. paople'a party,
will make Portland tie headquarter
duriog the coming campaign.
Cyclone Davie tpok. in Portland lt
nlgbt, and then itarted up toe valley,
lie will bo at Lebanon Friday afternoon
and will pek in veral other place in
tb. oonnly,
Mr. and Mra. D. W. Weaefietd acd
Mr, aod Mr. Ueorge L. Walker, of Port
land came up tbia noon to attetd lb.
Hox-Eilia weudln. tonight.
H. and VV. a. French, tb. wtlbknown
baokera ol The Dalle Lav. been in tb.
city looking for od. of Llun county 'a
blooded boite for their own uae.
VV. O. Cburcb awd family have arrived
from Portland and will make tbia city
their home. Mr. Cburcb ia an expei
ienced pharmeciet aud will have cbarg.
ol that department in Peeclier & Matti
wa Firat trt atore.
Mr. Htovall, the erudite lecturer for
the Maccabeee, ited down atreau tbia
raorniog on the Kuth, on bia way to
Kaatern Oregon, where b. will work in
Ihe interett of tlie Maccabeea in aeveral
ol the mining town.
Mr. N. J. tienton and family ieft to
day for Portland which ttiy will make
tbelr future ham.. They tiave been res
Ideot ol Albany for over twenty yeara
aod take witb them the test withe of
our people generally.
Dr. M, J. Deuoey, of Portland, aon
ol John Denny ol Una city, and a
former Albany boy, where be got bia
atart ia life, it now butlof manager of
the third regiment band of Portland.
Wheie there ia a will there ia a way.
Biahop Dubb, of the United Evangel
ical church arrived In Poitlam today on
bia way to ililiiboro to take charge of
the conference of bia elm cb. lie baa
been In Albany on previoua occaaione.
On thl trip be wl'I (peak here on April
30 at 7 :30 p. m.
Miaa Jennie Oellatlv bade rood bre to
CorvalHa frienda and loft on TuenJay'a'
train (or ISaker City. Oo arrival at tb.
latter place ehe will be met at ihe itatiou
by Mr. Walter Palmer, who graduatd at
O A C witb the chua of 'V3, and who ia
at pretnt a Itaker City jewelry. Tb.
two will proceed it once to the Preiby
tertan paraonag. where they will be un
ited in tb. holy bond, ol wedlock.
8. P. Ear-Lore. Cmakok. fbe new 8.
P. time-tard which went into ettact the
16th cauae-1 a readjaiimeot of the rnna
of aome ol the paateoger conductor..
Geo. W. Lynd, wbo lit baen running
betaeen Aabland and Dunamilr, baa
been traniferred to the run on tbe over
land between Portland and Eostburg,
ncceeding D. C. Agler, wbo he been
Ivan charge ol tb. Albany local running
between Portland anJ Albany. Geo. W.
Enwicbt haa been trabeftrred to th.
overland between Aabland aod Dona-
niuir. and will be succeeded on tbe local
bv Frank Dicker. Brakeman O. P
Buh baa been traniferred to Portland
an- bia plae. on Conductor Eowicbt'a
crew will be filled by D. W. Stone.
AtbUnd Tiding
lion. A. P. Tagw.ll, a prominent newa
ptperman, of Tacoma, wlil bain Al
bany on Thursday evening April 19th,
to abow np "Tba Order of Pendo" to the
Dublin. The eddreee will b in tb. W
C. T. U. ball at 8 o'clock and will be free
for all. Member ot other Fraternal or
der aboald not fail to be present.
Gov. Boa Tiylob. "The eloquent
peroration which ended th. lecture found
the people not in th leaat tired, but
aorry that te beautiful picture ot woidi
bad been loi.iea away and taken Irom
their view.' Cuattmooga New. At
Albany, April vs.
ihe clerk of Walla Wail. ar. makins-
an effort to hav. tba atore. clraed there
very night ol th. week except Saturday
B)tv w vivk casva a.vav mm m i w VAIO
rui. in an progressive oitiea l cioae at
o o ciocau jet tue gooa work go on.
A Changeable World,
But Will A
fctark keep up with th. times. They
nave lue iaiei noveuiea ia auverware,
cut glaaa, chaina, souvenir spoon, etc.
In fact their atock of Jewelry is com piste
ana npio-uaie. v .
"Fortune Favors the brave." It is
also favorable to tboa who purify their
blood ia tbe spring by taking Amatic'
(treatett Spring Medicine, Hood's 8arup
arilla. A dear bead and a healthy body
are given vj iim use. -
Consticatioa is cured by H:od'a Piil.
four room, furnished cottage at Nj
ureea, .
Your home made beautiful with the
lateat shade of wall paper. W. aav
you money. Buxhabt & Laa.
at CaAMGie. Get thea at 20c a do
At ujs. iircwnneiJa.
Bee th. "Dickey Bird Incubator at th.
SugarB owl.
The Salem bog will bav.'to glva awajf
to the PaclSe bog.
' A Salem man baa bad bia wife arrest
ed for (hooting at bim. fcboje men can't
(tana a ..
Wonder if tb. repu'ill -an hav learn
d yet that tb. Nicaragua canal doea not
erota the Utbmai ol Panama,
Aabland ia to bav. akuok ranch. A
man there haa (ant to New York atal.
for 200 worth of tb animal to begin
witn. ven pom it neat that.
Wallace SlcCammant la accneed of
drafting It. platform of tbe republican
atat. convention which locate tb. Nic
aragua canal on th. letbmue of Panama.
A acapegoat la certainly needed.
President McKlntey'a rtfeience to
Gen. Otis' Invaluab'. eervicee In tb.
Philtopinea i conalderabla of . joke.
Otia tbcuid have been recalled month
ago becaua of incapacity. Jtiut better
late tbao never.
A Lacomb man borrowed an oveicoat
to wear lo tb. republican atat. conven
tion, per bap ea an advertltemeot of
prosperity. While tber. tbe coat waa
(tolen from th cloak room of tb. bote).
Tb. warning ia a plain on..
If tbere ia any part of tb. earth in tbia
part of tb. aphere tbat th. Northern
Pacific bm't tryiog to gobble np pleaae
put your finger on tt. Ihe manner in
which tbe government allow it to trade
worth lei desert land for tbia fin. tim
ber belt I a aampi. of tb. way in wbicb
lb. corporation and trust are permitt
ed to have the iniide track oo every
thing. Oo. of lb. principal reason wby
tbere la talk of increasing the Philip
pine army is because more office are
needed forth, aonaof tbo old officer, aod
prominent politician of tba country.
The ureeent liat baa been about exhaust
ed. Tbe deserving young men already
in tb. army atand no chance aa every
thing ia reserved for the dode aona of
men with influence. Tbi i not origin
al with tb. DshoCat. It come, in a
letter from ono on the scene of action
wbo la In a position to know what be ia
writing about.
Choice Dried Urapea 8jji.
At O. E. Brownnella.
"Daccing ecbool" every Tueaday night
and Saturday afternoon at Holland'
li-.ll in orahera BIdg.,Firat& Baker eta
ROM BO HOEYE. In Albany, on
Tuesday evening, April it, iwu, ai
tb. rea:dence ol Mr. John Denny, Mr.
George Kombo and Min Elva Hoeye,
, both ol Lion county, Kev. Emick otQ-
,t They bav. tb. beat wtshea ot many.
Phone 4-11-44
Bicycle and Machine Experts
Work called for and delivered promptly-
We rent wheel and machine.!
Merrill Bros.
Y. M. C. A. Building.
Clothing i or men and boys,
The latest styles in hats,
A tine line of furnishing goods"
up with the date,
Stylish and substantial boots
and shoes,
Everything at
An Old ViinYtfC
Johnson Odotal wa taken to tb. poor
farm Monday, II. ia a veteran printer
to whom Ih. world baa not been over
klcd.y Ha waa a brother t4 tb. late T
B. Odoeal, wbo ran a paper in Cnrvillie
onder th. realm, of tb. !. W. B. Car-I
tar. Bine, tbat time b. baa wot ked on
variooa paper a in Benton and Lincoln
count If, on to five or au rear aso.when
tb. InnrmfthM ol advancing yeara de-l
pnvea ui nana u it conning, ana in
capacitated him (rem luriter nractiM of
oi ci an. lime.
ih. Wcuibcr
Tonight probably abow.ra, Thor(da7
fair, atatiooary temperature. Kiver 6
F. M. Faaacit
Seeker. After Gold
Watcbea will And
th. fineat line to aelect from at Will A.
tttarke. Also a superior line of the beat
makca of ailver and nickel watchea. A I
way aee them before buying.
Wall tianer tbe btoat ilnilimi nA
(hade. Look oor line over before buv
UK eieewuere. n e aav. you money.
There are Diamonds
In other place
A . . .a .. an ...... !
eaiue. eonia Airica. Will 4 btark
eep a choice line of good in thia lin.
rioks, ear ring. tul, etc.
Cash Store-
W. bav. on sale 42 dozen Mena aoj Boys Bammer Hats in Straws, Liaen,
Cratbe and Duck at price from 10c to 1.00.
Call and examine them tbey ar. am. to plea, you in Quality and Price.
Large line Siena Summer Underwear arrived tod ly.
Your Home
la not your home abowing tb. marks of time? Ten can paint it now
with tnree-fourtha of tbe paint tbat will be required in another yiar or .
two. Ia not tbe walla (bowing eigne of torn atd ditfgnrtd frir. jen
can paper it now cheaper than yon can in a year or to. Let ue talk tr
you about paint, color, and price, we think that we can interest von. '
.(penally tn our lin. of wall paper. Te lateet shade .
Burkhar t & Lee.:
In .olid colore are very much iu nse now and you will find a nice aeeort--raent
of ebadt at
The Fair ;.
Also all kin of Curtain Clotb. Portieres, tc. Plesee call.
with our schedule crier,
175 oar
60 O
40 O
55 CO
25 OO
25 0
Altoaecond band wheel, in good re
pair, from 10.00 to $20.00.
ftlWlB I (all At Ik. mmjimlA m sw.
cept tb. "Columbia" aa tb. standard. ,
W. giv. you tb. beat vain, for vor
money, aod id caa of accident faroisb
Jepsir promptly.
FOUND-Ladie. blck facinator.
at Joaepb'a Cigar atore.
rrt aoeo Business to wia