The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 20, 1900, Image 2

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    rhtPdrtoRlcn Turtto.
H Wrard to i,il (he Puerto Rtcan
mxW measure) a ft umV serious dpart-
w from tbe right principles. "Ex-
IPswlderrt Bebjamtn Harrison.
"A tloty on txpoiU is. forbiddea by
'It cbsj'.ilstic, tsd lbs proposed da '.7
af 15 psr.eent on good from the United
-State and Puerto Rico would bt ft viola
etfoa of that prohib tion ." Seuitor
ieorg FrUbl Iloar
fRedfield Proctor, United State Sen.
Nfcor,Mvt: "All the irpublican of my
Utti for free trade for Puerto lllco.
Kverv republican editor in Vermont I
rglMt tbe 15 per cent tariff. I intend
o Tote for the Nelson amendment pro-
-wifing"ior free trade between tbia coon
- Siryand Puerto Rico "
P.O. Hanoa, Utilied Sutea Coueal to
1 Vmnrta Rico, tajs : "Free trade between
-United 8tatea end PuertoRico it mor
-m question. It ia practical religion, and
oat people can never supply tbe missing
Jink in tbe moral education or tbia peo
ple without giving tbem an opportunity
o earn a living and without treating
- tbem a we treat otter American."
-tienslor Joeepb Si moo eay : "I favor
ire nd unrestricted commercial rela
tion between tbia country and Puerto
liico. I Lave ftlt from tbe time tbia
question assumed importance bslore the
gteople ot tbe country that tbere ia bo
.reason in taxing good from Puerto Rico,
ajow part of ibe United State, and ex-
- mcuan a custom duty to tbem. Tbe
. -privilege ot tbe flag and ol tbe Cone'ltu-
ion have bea extended to Puerto Rico
. -k1 we cannot evade tbe quettion. I do
.saot believe that I will ever cooaider Vb
.proposition of voting for any other bill
bn tbftt wbicb will provide for abso
lute free trade between Puerto Rico and
the United State.
E. God xa!ea, delegate from Puerto Ri
co, write: "Never, '.not even in tbe
. past, feat tbe situation been o critical
on titeieland . Of the population many j
re l reunited by hunger, while others
re being pauperised. Niuty per cent
of the coffee plantations are in ruins, all
-due to the absence otredit, because of
tbe small guarantee ft military govern-
- neot offers. Puerto Bico desire ft ter
ritorial government, wbicb will make
the island an inlesrat part under tbe
constitution of tbe United State and
(bey have confidence in obtaining this,
wince in tbie tbe honor of the American
-. people is at stake."
Tte republican platform favos tbe
-. construction o! a caoal between tbe At
antic and Pacific to be constructed at
lie Istbmu of Panama and instruct
-tbe Oregon delegation in congress to
earnestly support its construction. Tbi
. ta a declaration of war against tba Kicitr
- ftgua canal bill and tbe republican Jead-
- wrs in (Jon j res s have in this plank allied
'themselves with the rail road interest
wbicb caused tbe appointment of tbe
Panama commission for tbe sole purpose
of delaying and if possible killing tbe
. ."Nicaragua canal bill. ' It ie being claimed
- tbat it was an error, if so, it wae certain
ly an inexcusable one. Tbe republican
course in rongresa jastifies tbe belief
that it was intentional.
The administration does not Utend
lat a decieian r'rom tha Snprvms Court
- aball be bad on the question of tba Con-
atitotioa following the tig, before tbe
Presidential election, if it .can possibly
areventit. This has been shown by tbe
action ol Secretary Gags in ordering tbat
- a contract laborer, brought from Porto
"Bice to New York, for tbe ex pre par
pose of making a teat cae, oe allowed to
land . Representative Mc ?iellan, of New
York, has offered a resolution in tbe
House, calling upon Secretary Gage for
- the correspondenc" in this case, and Sen
ator Jones, of Arkansas, offered a similar
resolution in tbe Senate, which was at
-once adopted.
If Mrs. Dewey run tbs Admiral on aa
-'independent ticket, bs will certainly de-
feat MeKinlev, whatever elae be may
-do. In fact, tbia may be Mr. Dewey'
object in Washington tbat sbe would do
-en) thing to down McKinley. '
Boa would oryau and Dewey
Such a ticket would be bard lines on the
eastern Dsmocrata wo are trying to ne
Dde a a stalking horsj to defeat Bry
a for tbe first place.
From the E. A,:
Dr. Lamberson bas been tendered a
'-political appointment in New Mexico,
the salary ot wnicn is si.oou per year
He will not accept tue position, aa lie
-considers his: practice worth more than
-that. :i-.
Geo. D. Peebl r, of Umatilla county
-visited bis tamer, juavia feebler, and
other relatives at this place during
the past lew days. He is tue in ion nom
inee for treasurer of bis borne ccuntr.
Tba tenth grade of tbe Lebanon bigh
;hooi will give. "Jast Lvnne" J on
-'Friday evening, April 20tb. . Tbe enter
tainment will be given by tbe clasa of
1900 for tbe purpose of raisiap funds to
- de(ry commencement expenses.
A fseven-year-old daughter of J. U.
Wurster found a dynamite cap Saturday,
and, like a good many other inquisitive
youngsters nave done.started to pick ont
the charge. It exploded, of course.badly
lacerating the thumb and two finger of
vna ia'v nini ann as tsars lnniriiiv iih
thumb and forefinger of the rigbt band.
One of ber ayes bad a narrow escape.
The Democratic Platform.
We the Democrat of Oregon, la cot
Tsntloa assembled, do hereby reeffirm
and Indorse, in whole and ia part, In
latter and la spirit, lbs platform adopted
by the pmoorSiUe OoaveaJios held is
Chicago ia 1896. And the money plank
of tbe Democratic, People's party-so :
Silver Republican parties of 1803 ,
We favor amendments to the . federal
Constitution, specially authorising aa
income tax and providing for the aleo-
tion of United State Senator by ft di
rect vote of tba people.
We oppose government by injunction
nd tba blacklist, and favor arbitration
as a mean of settling dsputei between
corporations and their employes, and
recognising tbe fact that a corporation it
a creators ot law, ws believe ia sua ta
rn a reasonable supervision by tat in
spection, of mines, machinery, manutao"
lories and railway, to tha and tbat in
jury o employes be avoided and life rend
aerea secure ; we isvor me passage 01 a
reasonable employers' liability act, sim
ilar to those enacted in other atates.
W reaffirm our former declaration ia
favor ol the initiative and referendum
and pledge our candidate tor the Legis
lature to support the pending amend
ment to tba Conatition submitting tbe
qui silon o direct legislation to tbs peo
ple. . . . .
We denounce tbe doctrine that an Ex
ecutive or a Coogres created and limited
by tbe Constitution can exerciee lawlul
authority beyond that Constitution, and
in violation of it. Believing tbat a na
tion can not long endure half republic
and hail empire, we oppoee wars ot con
quest and colonial poeteesions.
The Filipino can not be cit'isna with
out endangering Jour civilization; they
cannot be eubject without endangering
onr form of government and we are
not willing to surrender our civilization
or to convert a republic into an empire,
we favor aa immediate declaration of tbe
nation' purpose to give 10 the Filipino,
first, ft stable form ot government; eec
ond, iodepeobnee, and third protection
from outside interference, as it hss for
nearly century given protection to tbe
republice ol,Cenlrsl sod Sooth America.
Wa favor the expansion of trsd ty every
legitimate and peaceful mean but we
are eppoeed to porchasingltrade at tbe
cannon's mouth Iwith human blood;
neither do we believe tbat trade seen red
and held by fores is worth tbe price thst
must be paid for it. We are in favor ot
extending tbe nation's influence, but we
believe tbat that influence should oe ex
tended, not by force and violence, but
through tbe persuasive powei of a bigb
and honorable examp'e, 1
We oppose militarism. It impose
upon tbe pecple aa unnecessary burden,
and ie a constant menace. A email
landing army and a well equipped stats
militia and sufficient in time ol peace; in
time of war the citixsa-so disr should be
a republic's defense, and as an example,
ws point wirb satisfaction to tbs brave
and gallant services of tbe Second Ore-
gon la tbe late Spani.n-Americaa war.
VL'aft aHmnairitaa sat If K Ih Rabp ann
of Sooth Africa, in tbeir noble and brave
truggls for liberty and National exist
ence. We condemn tbe present Republican
Congress for obeying tbs demand ot tha
trusts tor a tariff opou goods imported to
Puerto B100 in tba matter of trade.
Wa condemn the Dingley tariff law
a a trust-breeding and.extortion-ioviting
measure, sxunauy aevtsea lor tne pur- iiroui.
pese of giving to a few favors wbicb tbey The Barlow bands gsva a concert tbi
do ot deserve, .nd of placing upon
many, burden wbicb tbey ebonld not minstrel band rver in tbs city. They
bear 1 are a gold looking .ot of men and make
W. demand that articles controlled by lJdtoai"i'f bihoOM m'
trusts be placed opon tbe free lists, and! ,,..,;,; . ' fcL,
w irw ujo cuKiioaDt sou Bworcemeo
. . . a I
01 sucn laws as will effectually suppress :
and destroy all trusts snd all combinations
of caoi'al tbat control free intercourse
and trade among our people.
H'econdemn tbe present financial legis
la tun of Congress of tbs United 8tatss
a tending to tbe establishment of a
money trust subversive of tbe liberties
and rights ot the American people.
We favor tbe immediate construction.
ownership and fortification of tha Nir.r-
..n.TUn.l kw tha VnitA Htmtem
We sie opposed to any and all propos
ed legislation providing lot tba leasing
to corporations or individuals any por
tion of tbe public domain for grazing
purposes to the detriment of ftctoal set
tlers snd bomeseekers.
Ws favor government ownership of tba
celegrepb ss rart of the postal system'of
the Lnited Sta'es, and wa observe ; with
approval tbe movement throughout tbe
country, tasking toward the municipal
ownership of municipal franchises.
We denounce the extravagance of tbe
Republican partv of the State of Oregon
in its management of state and munici
pal affair
If all tbe democrat had been in tbeir
seat when tbe House voted to anseat
two democrats in favor of two republi
can tba other day, tbe crime would not
bare gone through. Numerous republi
can absented themselves rather than
vote for aucb an outrsgs, and bad tbs
democrat been present tbey would have
bad a npajority. . r .
O B Winn, citv ticket agent.
to all points in the east.
Ia the Dsmocsa yesterday directly
.under tha notice ot tbe birth ota boy
; was an ed vertheuient wblob began "girl
Bryan's utterance are words, word,
words On gonlin. Bryan growing
stronger, ana ftioriiniey weaker a time
!! OU.-"VrsgOBiaS, "
It is reported that tba Indian war bill
hst been knocked out bv tha renubtlcan
epeaier 01 toe ttout a la Tom Ked.
The Iudiaa war veterans are getting tired
. --
A neighbor down tha road boosts ol
ten trains a day through the city. That
I pretty good for some town. Albanv
gets toe tame ten trains and on tbs
same way of figuring eight otner a total
of eighteen. We are not asleep by anv
The cvllege boys spread themselves at
tha Club House yesterday morning, two
of them making a record of thirteen eggs
apiece. And vet Albanv collet waa
denied admission to tha intercollegiate
uivii-uc association.
How about tha Outlandor Ameilcan
gold miners in British Columbia? Isn't
it'about time that tba Cnitnd Statos
should begin to agitato in their behaltT
The least allowed foreigners to
vrx ui mines hunt paying a tax, but
me wanaumn seem determined to pre-
rtru, even luis.
Reports indicate that splenc id thing
Wfts done when Dr. Bernard Daly was
nominated for comrresa of this district
lie not only made a splendid reputation
as ft stste senator, but bis reputation a
man places him in the front rank, lis
is said to be about the mot popular man
in bis part ot tba state, a philanthropic
and a man ot clean personal record.
Sixty millions ot people in Iod'a ara
safferiog and thirty millions ara starv
ing from the famine, and in the mean
time England ie spending tbs money
that should go to their relief in a savage
wain SoutAlrica. Some people call
this Christianity.
. After being defeated in tbe regular
convention it it reported tbat W, A. Stor
ey will probtbly run independently (or
mayor of Portland. Tbia will be io
keeping with tba manner in which be
got tbe office in the first place. Such
men a Store should be dropped from
The present registration is 337
Frsnk S. Dearborn, a prominent young
man of Salem, died on Tuesdsy.
Cyclons Davis will speak at the Opera
House In Brownaville, Friday evenlog,
April 20.
G. C. Turner bas sold to Henry Stew
art 60 acres in tp 11 8. R. 4 west. Consid
eration (1,000.
tt the Rerere Hours one day this week,
besides others.
Tbs Bsrlow Minstrels will sbow in Alb
sny tonight. They ars said to be a first
das aggregation o artists in tbeir line
A young man is tec J led ol collecting
$350 lor a newspaper in Pendleton, and
skipping out. He would have fun doing
A big picnio will be held at R'dders
grove in Benton county on tha tint 8t-
nrday In June, under tbe au'pice ot tba ,
wooern w coo men 01 A mens and tba
Woodmen of tbe World.
Captain Herbert Tutberlv, got tbe
First Cavalry, now stationed at Fort
Yates, '. D., has been ordered to report
to Brigadier- General Randall, in ccm
mand of the Department of Alaska, for
assignment. Acting Inspector-General
- - aawssHssuus UJVVUVI VI
Hon. Binger Hermann, commiasiotfer ot
tbb general lend office, died at tbe old
Hermsnn homestead on ths Booth Fork
of tbe Coquille river, on April 2d, 100O,
aged 79 years, 1 month and 1 day.
Several big engines have psssed through
Albany for tba front consigned to the
Curtis Lumber Co., to be used In hsnling
logs for shipment to the company' mill.
Tbert wil be great activity in tne woo-
thi year.
Tbe new local last evening demonstra
ted the fact that itcan moke tbe run from
Portland to Albany in 3 :10. arriving ex
actly on time. Tbe morning train was
crowded lull when It rSiCbed Portland.
New patents. O Cbristisnven, Fair-
naven, watn, index: o.ueeka snd o
Miller, Seattle. Wneb. screen: B W
Johnston, Seat'le, Waan, marine tram ;
A U M alone and H Terwilliger .Portland.
ur, msigtmator.
Tbe Oregon Lumber Go. at Tiento baa
250 men employed in tbe mills anJ lum
ber vards tributary to their business.
Last mouth tbe company ebJoDed 200.-
000 feet of lumber. Their to mills-on
the Washington side have a capacity of
105,000 feet of lumber a day eleven hour.
After next month tbe mills v. Ill be run
night and day. Men in thtir emptor
sometimes get 10, in extrs time, thirty'
two oat in tna monin. ex. ws ex
pect to resd heavier items than tbi
about Albany within a year Or two.
Letter Liet.
Following is tke list of letter remaining
in the PostofBce at Albany, Linn county,
Oregon, April 17, 1900, Persons calling
for these letters must give tbe date on wbicb
advertised: '
Buskirk, Mr F S Cox, Mr Wm
Doxtie, Mr Walton O Dewell, Mr Peter
Deyoe, Mr Roe B-2 Fulton, R M
Frobmade, B F ' Fanell.Mr Francis
Gay, Mrs Wm ; Leer, Mrs Martha
Stewart, Mr Frank Smith, Mr M
S. 8. Tbaih. P. M.
' OlMcers Censured.
London, Aprs! ;i8. Tha , government
ha chosen tbisias tit moment to nub-
I.I . v.h. .. . . .
tiiao aotspatcn irora lom nooerts pro
nouncing censure upon cur utdvers Dul
ler and Sir Charles Warien. two of his
moat important snbordinatii ttommand
era. This dispatch, written February 13
has been in the hands of tha war cilice
for five weeks. Just why It is pub tided
now, in the middle ot the campaign,.' is
now understood,
In Saw Ycr State.
(.;hotonLaniini, April 10. The first
bloodshed a th outoouis 1 1 the strike
t the Cornell dam wa the life blood ot
Sargoant Robert Douulssof thaKleventh
separate uomanv, ot Mount vernoo,
who wa shot dead by an unknown
assassin whilt bo wa relieving suard at
8:(Ko,oock, Tha wildest excitement
prevai'ed throughout the camp aa soon
as the newt ol tue assassination spread
to the different tents,
l ot Political Erfoct
WABiiiMaTOX. April lo Two measurea
directed analiiit.truat were deteaminod
upon ty 1 tie ixciwi sub oomtnittee on
trtiats of the House Judiciary committee.
Ibe special uli-coiuittee has speot
many oay examining me various reme
dies proposed and tee conferences were
not conc'uued until a late hour todnv.
As agreed upon, tha remedy is twofold,
tonutuiiori amendment slvlnut on-
grots (uil rower to deal with trusts and
a new anti trust law.
A Pig 1 lilcf Coavlcted.
Nsw York. April 10 -William MilUr
of Franklin Syndicate fame, was found
guilty by a jury in trie County Court In
Brooklyn tonight ot grand larceny In
the first degree, of taking from Mr.
kathenbe Moeeer 1 1 000 which she in
vested In hit 620 per cent scheme "to
gel ricti quick." The prisoner was re-ni-nJcd
lor sentence a week from next
RoKrt 'l ma.
London. April 1'. 41 a. m. Lord
tioberls ha tpre.ui hi 1. , (1 and wide
to catch tli adventurous v 'mandoee
that have been making misci. n the
southeastern part of the Inw "'tits.
Tbe net ha not yet been drawn li, 1 i-t
at the headquarters ot Lord Robert t..j
impression ezitts that Ins power ol tin
Boers is decreasing. 1
The Filiplcoa.
Manila, April 17. Geueral Young re
porta tbat 300 inurgent riflemen and bo
tomen attacked the.American garrison a'
isaioo, rrovtncs ol orth litcos, yester
day, but aere repu'sed, losing 100 men.
The Americana bad no casualties.
Captain Dxld, witn a squadron of tha
Third Cavalry, recently surrounded a
village in Union Province and surprised
200 insurgents living in borracks.
Ilia War.
London, April 10 4 :55 s. m. Ths wsr
rflice had nothing the
public yesterday. It was taken for
grant! that the rumor of Goneral Bra
bent's victory st Wepener ia premature.
With the remainder of hi force he re
mainder ol hi force he left Aliwal North
Saturday for Rouxville, aod there has
scarcely been time for an engagement.
Tiiere is practically no .'resit news this
. A Big Strike.
Ckotok Laxdiko, N. Y.,, April 15.
While everything is quiet snd peaceful
in the neighborhood ol the Cor oil I dam
onight, nearly 300 armed deputies are
guarding the works, and each one of
tbem is guessing as to what tomorrow
may bring forth. Tha striking Italian
laborers, wboss homes are in tba vicini- 1
ty of ibe work ara behaving themselves
excelleutly. But underneath tbeir as
sumed quiet there is stubborn resolve
not to go back to walk nor let a ny out
aiders Uke their placM.
Big Storm.
Kansas Crrr, April 15. A Journsl
srxcial from .Wichita ar:
A rtorm approaching a tornado io pro
portion is reported io the vicinity weat
of Clearwater. Two deth are reported
anu 1 ur people ara said to have been in
Jured by overturned house . Wires sre
down and particulars are unobtainable
at 10 o'clock tonight. At Putnam it is
reported several bouses were blown
down and four people seriously injured
A Colorado BlizzarJ.
Dbkva-b, April 16. A mixlure of rain
and snow hss been falling ln.:essantl
throughout ths state of Colorado for the
past 24 hovrs snd with the exception of
Intervals of a few hours, tha stormy
weather!' been continuous for 11 days.
Fear it being expressed of the possible
damage that inn accrue from it.
A rcxi9 Tornado.
Dallas, April io. A special to the
Naws from Reyse, Tex., dsteed April 10,
say :
A tornado struck this place at mid
night and it Is believed that several live
bate been lost. Eight houses were
wrecked and at this hour the greatest
excitement prevails.
IILokdox, April 17. Gov. Roberts may
move on Boers by end of this week io
order to rave strategie position. Th
Boers are active on Reddertberg an
Rouxville road.
semp no morjgY sis
jUa iftnf lAamir mm tifftNa machine j rnht.v.p.wmitur .mZ
frftrilf MtKsMrtM7,xAmiy it raprtntsxl, MMai u fJM:ia
' r it ja,at.uj hm ytur n-.ri, trtsh(tiiamitmntl
ii-ew juur nrairwei, irtKfni aap(kfta
M flti.lVJ, amrl 1HI IsMKATKJlT 14UUA1 WOfJ
j, Aiiri tnu wsa-saiiuir haiiv iu
e Oaitoial AMnt D.lmm. mitt CA
ami it iirtit chores.
- Kf a ctnu tor Men iiuim.
1- i-rwa iiio, -wiq ws win r-iam youriu ;aj anj Hay
mm 1 1 1. .via. 11m wan wiweraBt saaaaw asru srstN t.t Mato aivit.
10.t. sHI.OO, fflS.Wt 4 All fill tie :rUl lo our
sMlstar CatatfsM, buttlit.; f oj-thlg liCUp QtLt CMlWt
th' i--sttt at Iu vr eflVr d l ir htMiaau
lib w-jiiuswrk nignr
rT . , mtUK
rrw.the but
uonn rcurov ev iit uiiM g
Rtinns sijix, witii tiis
ri vr no. it.d brthJJ?
.W-ft Ml,l:-M I. A ae-.
r iiiit.ns isi,H'ivsikt. v 6-
isI.rj;7Vsi. i&xX
1 -n ClNMMi tblt-ddrotirilntf I.., in mi ..l.t . . - .
MS., and than If eonrlnead that jrnii ara caving- tai.uo . kl).IXavoulf fraivCi'uaBt thaa?'lf5c!'
" tc k rota sia.M ir at any tlms within tl.7o montbt toi. I ?"la ui tu luin-S ' osisa
Addrea. 8CAR& iOEHUCK & CC. lnc.) Chicago, !llr
iroor Hanna. . ,
Kkw Your, April 17.-A ipetial to tba
Uerald Jrom Wash log ton says 1
' It is very generally understand by
leading rspubllcan politicians that Sen
ator Hanoa will not bo chairman of tba
republican natbirl committee during
the coming campaiirn. Than Is no inna
whom tba President or the party leaders
would have mora confidence la than
Senator Hanna, but th suts of hi
health is such that be does not fuel equal
to assuming the resiionsibility tor the
managment ol the campaign, .
Republican Criminals.
FRANxroMT, April 17. Tbe grand Jury
reported Indictmdnt against Oalub Pow
er, John Power. Charles Flnlcy.Whar
ton Golden and W 11 Culton. as ians
oriea, and against Henry K, Yotitaey.
Berry IHoward, Jim Howard, Harland
Whtttaker and Dluk Coombs, charging
them with tba wilful murder of Govern
or Uoeuel.
A Dcmociotlo LanJalldo.
Nkw Ohlsans, April 17. The election
today lo LonieUua for mriubors of ths
Uglslattirs and a lull state tlckot result
ed in a uemoi-ratio landslide, Tno tick
et. headed by W. W. Heard. aweit tha
state, and the LeulNUture is overwhelm-
ly democratic I ha dmocratlo inalor
ity In the state will exceei 25,000, bastkl
on r.turns already In, aid may roach
i AIll . -
ARaliiat InipcrlalUm.
Washinotos. Apail 17 For more than
throe hours today. Hoar, the senior Sen
ator irom ftutsachusetls, occupieij the
attention ol the Senate with a eiwech in
opposition to the policy of "imperialism
pun wnicu no maiuiaineu mis govern
ment bad embarked. A prebarvd, tha
address was 00,000 word iu letighlli but
nuar ouiiuea mu'-ti 01 it, owing to an
Incipient aiUck ot la grippe from wblob
he was suiTcring.
The War.
London, April 18 Tuert sre no nsw
del ipmenti In Africa today. The Eng
lish casualties at Wepener were thirty
killed sod ona nundred wounded. Five
Boer guns ara reported disabled
Indcminity Demanded.
WAmaroH, April 18. It' I r ported
that tbe Amsr'ean reprsssntatlves at
Uinttantioopie nsva been directed to
demand on hundred thousand dollar
tndemioity 00 account 01 tha outragis
on missiocaries.
The Boer delegates at Hagtu wont re
veal their mi-slon.
Manila, April 17. Gen. Montenegro,
ot the Filipino army surrendered today.
DrNv, April 10. Tbe now and
rain continue today, ctusing consider
able damage.
CAi-rrowx, April 10. It 1 reported
that Brabout defeated the Boers at
Wepener but it It not confirmed.
Lokdox, April !. Tba Boers blew uP
three Importsnt co'lierletat Weatlsnek.
Gen. Dewett is reported to have engag
ed Brabant's forces near Jsmmersburg.
TorsxA, April 16 In tbs windstorm
last night several lives were lost. Great
destruction of property Is reported from
over too state.
Wabioto)c, April 10 -Dewev'a dec
lsrstlon principles Is expected on Tues
Washington, April 10,-Japao and
Russia will not have trouble tbe differ-
ences between tbem being settled.
'M Fair OuUQe h
Poor Substitute
For Inward Worth."
Good health, inwardly, of
the kidneys, liver and bowels,
Is sure to come if Hood's Sar
saparilla is promptly used.
This secures a fair outside, and a
eonsequent vigor in the frame, with tbe
glow of bealth on the cheek, good
appetite, perfect digestion, pure blood.
Catarrh 2 have had no return of the
catarrh which troubled me for year, since
Hood's Sarsaparllla cured me." Mas. Jon
MABTUf, Washington Bt- Ogdensburc. N. Y.
.SP?!?0? " Completed wUh )vr
and kidney trouble, I suffered for yesrs
with dyspepsia, with severe pain. Hood's
8araaparll!a mad me strong ad hearty."
J. B. Kmsbtov, Main Street, Auburn, Me.
Hbcd& SaUabai
m if if fii'ii
"3,,,Jr?J!" I he non-imuMng tti
m)r tiAuti u ulU itITB'rarMB.riiir
arlr aa4
ir Immt
fiftlultv slft
yoit art not
free rA"m
aft II 1)11 at U
as m
atat - rlMl mm
- f Half 1 .?
IJl Rflt in fltlARVrit Sturn nnu C1M mil mai-iT ...nj
opb full l.nrth t.i.l. an brad In nl.cror
few 4 and Jceorald .!, itinl.B, ftnant nlrl.-.l dravarpalla. iwitn four
Jr, ad)l)tat,U traaUI. i,Ulh.Hmrih Iron atano). Vlanl HKk Ara
tp""."5 tavfmnUun oa,a.ll thra.dlna Tlbratln ahuttla, autnmatu
bobbin wll.dar. adjmtalil barluita. Mtnt tanilon litorator.lKiprotad leoac
wli-nl. trlju.tubl. Dr.-..ur. foot, Impruvait ahuttl" carrtar, patant naaaia bar,
l(ni4rMKuarf,b.rt l. b..tuawir aa awnM ut a-aallMI,
aM.lutaa-S. OUARANTRRD Ika Hatim ral.a. aiaat SaraMa aaS a-ara4
riulwairtiMait.. 1,.., aiiactiauai la r-raialwa and our Vrca Iu
atri' Ooo Book tails Juki liwanrnaean run Hand do attnar plain or aur
Hr.l or (aniy work. ill). TV IHMIa S..r.aiM la aant with ararj narlilna.
IT C03T8 YOU N0THIN1,.rtia.,oonii.ra it-itb
Ct0p Report.
JFrult tress In Ibe Willamette valley
appartntly eacapsd, unhsrmcd from the
recent frosts, but tune ssctlont rsporl
Italian snd French prunes to be drop
ping badly, wblob may be an after effect
of the late frosts.
Winter wheal, oatt and barley are
doing exceptionally well, although soma
lew miroplaln'.s are heard in portion of
the Willamette valley of winter alieat
turning yellow on account ol the lk ot
lulliolent dry, tnncblny weather. Hprlng
wheat l now about all sown and I com
ing up nicely. BniAll grain baa suffered
no harm whatever from the frost. Tbe
hop sre op from two to tbrss fast or
more and no complaint I heard about
missing hill. Garden truck continue
Iu fine condh Ion and many potatoes are
being planted In southern Oregon. Tha
gist on th ranges and In the Held I
growing nicely and there Is plenty ol feed
for stock. The wool dtp I very heavy
thi year.
Kowaho A, iih aim, See. Mrartor.
Buss balling hss begun.
The early closing movemunt is all
Ths famous Cyclone Davit will speak
at Ixibauun uext Friday afternoon at 1
lu the list ot members ot the uew Sep
arate G Ci., of thU city the nature of
Ch trlut htwrt ami Adrian Jacks were
omltt d.
The dance lo have been given by the
Maocal.eea next Wednesday night hat
been pwtponed until nest Saturday
night. Iiw.llbethi last dance ol (he
riils noon a car loaded wltti heavy
timber wa thrown oft she tr k at ona
of the inside switches and was again
placed on th track only after considera
ble bard work.
The (learner Kugeue a a sold lo Port
.and again teeierday 10 M. Nolsoo and
r. W. NorbTi-l Poilland tor $1600. It
coat nearly 19,000 and is only a year o d .
Tbe csss ot Hughs agt Lino County
ha been decided by ths Supreme court
lo favor of the plaintiff and against the
county, reversing the decision of the
loser court. The case is ons broueb I
to enforce the collection ol certain taxes.
The uew lot's! tnln from Pnrllsn.! sr.
rived last n'.a,t tenv live minniea Ie ta.
tijtue doubt it. e ability of ths train to
make the run io 3:10 with taentv one
lop. Hut wait
The Salem Consolidated etrvot Rail
way Coropny 1 doh-nderil in a foreclos
ure Stilt Hied In Denarltneiil No. ot the
Circuit court. Judgment is asked lor
1100,000, less W.iM.W paid, snd tor
17,5'JO sttorneys' lee. Doliib. Mallory,
Simon A tioarln are theattorney l r the
plain. iff. Journal.
Coming This Way.
It bas boec authoritatively publUhed
thai the Burlington t Quincy railroad
would build a line to ths Pacific coast
thi year. While in Portland tha .litn
of the Guard recelvm! Iniermalion from
first clas gentleman that that railroad
aireauy nan a party ol surveyors st work
in the McKeosie pass In the Cascade
mountain looking alter a suitable rati La.
Such a lioe of road would mean more
than we could estimate to Kugeoe, Lane
county and the state ol Oregon. Guard
Tbe Selinun Run.
ATfHIA. April 10. Tha nshinir M't Kin
has opened here most gratify ingly. The
first days dulivsrlea to canneries indicate
a good run of ea'tuon, and the fish were
bought at prices rangiug from 8 io 7 clt.
per pouud.
by virtus of an order ol ths Coocly Court
ot Lisa Counly, Oregon, mads on tbe 2oth
dy of March, 1M, anlhoriaiag and csa-
pwnring tne undersigned as a'imlnlslra
trii of tbtesUtiof Uuls r
ceaaed, to tell tba Northwest quarter ot
Section Fourteen, Township 10 South
Rang 3 Eaat ia Linn county, Oregon.
Tberetue. 1 will on Saturday tbe2lt day
ot April. 1900, at tbe hour of One o'clock
p m at tbe front door ci the court bocee
in the city of A Iba-y, Lion county, Ore
gon, tell to tbe highest bidder for oh is
band the above described real property.
MartbSI. 1000.
.. ... UAftUKa, idm'rs.
the underaiirned bas been bv I ha
ounly court of Linn couuty.Oregon, only
appointed administrator of the estate of
Vvilheimtma liofllohrfleceated. iale of Linn
county, Op e gon. All person having claim
against tbf estsle ot sal J deceased are here
by required to present tbem to the under
signed at Albany, Oreeon, within all
months irom tbi date.
Tbi 13th day of February, 1900.
- --, RuooLtu IforLicw,
Ait ts ior Aiini r.
U. w me unuerrsteneu baa been duly ap
pointed by the County Court ol Linn
County. Oregon,". the eiecutor ot ths last
will sud ttsument ol Gracs Ann I In via
decestod Any and all persons having
c'aiinH aguinit said estate are hereby not-
iiieq lo presnni toe tne undr
signed at Alhaoy, On gon, witbln six
month from tbe date hereo', rtnly verif
ied as by law required. .
Dated this 12tb dav of March, IflfO
E L. Davis, Execulor.
Att'ys for Executor,
Ibe undersigned, George Knox.wss on the
l'Hb dj of March, 1900,by tbe Honorable
tbe County Cturt ol Linn county, Oregon',
duly eppolntrd adminiatrator of ihn tnfu
of Margaret Kmx. sleceaaod. All persons
having claims against raid etla'e art
hereby notifiid to (resent II Km Ia tha fin
derslgned administrator at hi residence
in Albany, Oregon.dulv veri(ld h Um
required, ainin six months from tbi '
Dated, Albrt y, March 10th, 10C0.
. . , .- . , GeosobKscx, ,
Adinistrator i,t the ealulo nl M......I
Koox. defies ted.
Ggo. W. Wkioht,
Aitorsey for AdralalstraUr.