The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 13, 1900, Image 7

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The Epwqrthlans;
Appreciation of the work of the Kp.
worth I hat been (howft In large
audiences at the M. E. church during
the sessions of the convention, partlcu
, iany tno evening csious. ,
Saturday evening the church u full
to boar tho proaram by the Indian Ep
worthln, of the Hllotx agency It wa
under Uie supervision of Aire, Bryant
and waa very creditable aa well aa enter
mining, iteiiue aunreeaea there waa a
violin aulo by au Indian boy and a de
lightful aong by a little girl, closing with
an exhibition of curios, displaying the
workmanship of the Indian.
Yettorday there wa a murine prayer
meeting at tt a. in., well attended, a r
mon by ltev. Urannla tu the foienoon,
the partaking of the Lord'a supper in
the afternoon and two entertaining scr
mom tn the evening. .,
Beldei business of a miscellsneoti
character the principal work of this foie
noon waa the election of Ulcere for the
ensuing year. Following waa the re
tilt s
J. W. Menxloe, of Lebanon, president.
Mr. Warlluld, of Kugtue, let vice
Mra. II, U. Davis, of Eugene, 2nd vice
Jo. Ralston, of Albany, uwetary.
Mr, Stockwell, ol Creswe'l, treasurer.
Cottage drove waa icl.tited us tho
place ol meeting next yrar.
Tlila aftornoun waa luv.,tl to lntr
eating paper on The N-w (o td Time,
when every Epworthlait .hull delight in
the study of the Hi bio, Wbvn he ihall be
more an a lone to serve than to ait at
meat, when he; thali pay iue tenth he
owee to God.
Tonight tie convenilon uill close with
the temperance Issue, to be presented
by Iteva. Ilollingaworth and Meinlnier.
There abould be a big honse.
A Waterloo Fire
The livery liable and aaloon at Water
loo belonging to Andy Jennlnge, wee
consumed by fire about 3:30 o'clock
Sunday morning, alao the realdonce of
Mayo Mistier, next to them. A Sunday
riornirg dance waa going on in the city
at the time witb the uaual (Sunday
morning fight, when cry of Ore waa
retard, ltoth the fight and the Are were
genuine, and though there were plenty
of Are tighten waa not the appar
atua for fighting the tire, and the build
lugs were entirely cousuiued though
m-arly alt the contents were aaved. The
tire waa Incemilary. The aaloon and
etablee were insured, but there wat no
iniuranco on the residence.
K. K. Ilaruinack, one of Linn
county's former eeui rs, it now locatvo
at Moecow, Idaho.
W. M. Blakely, a aon of Jas. Blakelv
of, Browneville.hea ben renominated
lor tberiff ol I'maillla coobty.
AlTour goods
Best, Cheapest and Handiest
The Stay ton Creamery.
From the Mail t
Staytou nsw creamery building la
now completed and aa loon aa the ce
moot floor ire dry enough to itfmltU
the new machinery, part of whkU Ia now
here, will be put In position. E. J,
Seeley, of Albany, who la launching thla
thl new enterprlae at Stayton waa here
a few daya ago but waa not prepared to
fix the exact dav when the boiler would
be fired. Poiilbly ten daya wfllelapie
before the plant can be started.
Everything about the plaotii new and
up-to-date, Tne building I Jiirgrand
finished thr uvhout In workmanlike
manner. '
Mick Bor' mer. of Albanv. who had
charge of the concret work on the
bulding an) a ha hn done service nearly
all of and Stay ton 'a creamery
bi'ilding la one of belt 1,0 the Willamette
Railroad Talk.
A diapatoh from Baker City aaya that
the Chicago llurllngton and Qulncy wil
make a tranacontlnental connection with
the new Columbia Southern Railroad at
Ontario, that road having filed corpora'
won pa pereeiienuimi us tine Irom blian
Iko to Uurna, Canyon City, I'rairle City
to Ontario, certainty a very x' line.
(Intario la directly east of Albanv, and if
me rau suggestcil la built, going through
l'rineville, the real transcontinental line
will be livin I'rinevllle directly weat by
way if the Corvallia and Eastern lo Alb
bany. It la time that the U. and K. got
r move on to meet theae eastern Oiegoo
oada that are ruihlng forward.
A Sxaioua Ciusos. The Dkmockat
baa received an anonymoua communica
tion algnod "The Uirl'e Mother," in
which a well-known married man la ac
cused of an attempt at a very aerloua
crime laat Saturday eight, frua which
the girl escaped by jumping through the
window of the car on the S. i. awlteh
into which ahehad been dragged. It
end "1 think it ia a shame that Albany
must toliiriLn 1111-I1 man Wh.lhu ..
cnuimunlcatlon li a joke the Dkmoout
doe not know, but there are reporta
that indicate that It ia more than a joke.
vurnrtpuiiticui a anouu aign tneiruamta
aa an ol good faith
At the N.O. meeting Saturday even
Ing Lieut. Che, bean waaot.c'ed chair
man. 03 nauira were on the tint lor
memborahip. The application waa aent
to headquarters. Upon iu approval a
meeting will be called and oRlcen elect
ed. The Linn Counly Coun.til P. of H met
lat Saturday with the Orand I'rairle
Urange and held an iotereatlug seision.
Arepoit of Iheaame will be given to
Mr.J.V. Pipe, of this city,
a jKilition In bankruptcy.
baa llied
Dawson's Dms
moved to
$ 50 BulbSyringes
75 ' '
1 00 44 44
1 25 4 1 44
150 44 44
Our $1 75 Special
duced to $1 45,
as guaranteed or money refunded.
Weill Naah of Nashville, U ia tbs
w.y. . r , , '
County Clerk Crabtree went to Cor
vallla thla afternoon on buaineai.
I. Munro, the miner now Interested In
Alaika mlnei, lain tl.e city.
nlie Lore locke came over from Cor
vallie on tho Jtutb thla morning.
Jeroma Willlame aad am went to Port
land ttii mornlug on a viilt with 'iiea4a.
The Fox Droi. went to fialeui on iha
Both thla m'irnlog,
Meiin. Walden and Bowraoz of thla
city returned on the Kutb thla morning
irom worvatiii,
There have been froata on iwn mnrn
logf. but according t.. prorent indication!
no damage haa been done to fruit,
Mr. and Mra. ltlalto Weatherford.
returned to llivir borne at Uarriaburg
today after vliit a Albany.
Y.iterday while playing at the home
ol Mra, W. N. I'liDlij.t, acrone the river,
Agnei, the alx year old child of Homer
i'iiilpi fell In a tob of hot water and waa
badly acalded.
Mr. 0. W. Elkioi of Lyle, Wa h.,
and Mra. Rev. Meir.inger of Corral III
have gone tJ Penniylvaoia on a trip to
be gone during the luramer..
J. II. McNary, of Marion, Newport and
Duncan ol Linn, Hart of Polk, Conner oi
Yamhill and iiartley of Tihamook are
after the republican nomination fordi
trict attorney. W. T. Slater, of Salem,
will probably be the democratic nom-Inoe.--Hentinil.
Mr Newport ia not a
candidate ao far aa ia known here. .
Kev. Isaac Peart haa realened hla no
itlon aa paator of the Kirat Methodiat
cbuich at Aatoria. Ilia old ailment,
nervouaneae, itb which be a o flared
much while in Corvallia, 1 more severe
than ever, and it ia on thla account that
the reeignation baa been tendered.
Tiinee. The lunlvra in Mlaa Mildred Burmea
ter'a claaa of acholara gave a very pleae-
ant muaical laat Saturday afternoon. Be
aidea the program a nice lunch waa
served and a good time had. Those per
forming were JSM BlnlU, Walter uutn
minga, tirwta Fortmiller. Flo lannala,
WlletU Wright, Mabel Shultx, Fred
Borum, Leveme Will, and Adele Uoff.
C. K. Fronk returned thla morning
from a trip to Mtdford, where lie baa
httn ta MtM hla wUu. ! mwnLl. m
turned from Hiveride, Calif., where she
has been several raonlha with Kenneth
and Karl. Earl got home-sick and
reached Albany laat Saturday. Mra,
Fronk and Kenneth will visit relative!
In Mod ford two wecka. Mia Knima
Pfelffer, who ha been with Mra. Fronk
at Hiverside alao returned home tin
morning. The California trip baa been of
marked benefit to all.
Bob Ileudricki, cbalrrnae of tbe con
Sresaional committee, republican, of thla
iatrlct, paaeed through Albany today
for McMionville, where he will call tbe
convention to older that will nominate
Tongue for congreai, a heretofore de
creed by the powere that be. Tbe ealein
paper continue to ask bini to ex r. lain
where the congressional campaign fund
of two yeara ago waa used. Several from
Albany atao went thl atternoon. xney
are all pledged for Judge Hewitt, but
not hall aa good a man will be notn
First Street, rixt to the Bank,
reduced to$ 45
' 67
44 44 89
44 44 1 13
44 44 1 35
Red Rubber re
College Notes.
The third form beglna today.
Prof. 8ch mitt made a visit to Portrand
laat week,
Edward Myere, of Scio, Laa finished
tbe ilioi t commercial course.
' Prof. Brewer retnrned yesterday from
a buiineaa trip to Portland. ,
T. W, Zimmerman baa completed his
wotk in the commercial department and
baa secured a position in Seattle.
The A. C. L. S. save the following pro
gram at their laat meeting, March 31:
Eeaaya. Ueo. Pratt, John Acbeeon ; im
piomptu. .rrantc Htellmacber, Wlllard
Marks, I). W. Wight: declamation. Joa.
Torbet. The debate "Keeolved that tbe
U. B. should bave tbe right to own. for
tify and control the Nicaragua canal"
waa won Dy trie affirmative. A mrm ac
tive, L. 15. Hper, V. Skinner; negative,
M. Acheaon, Ernil Howard.
Ida Brain eld lo B B Forbes, 30
acrea, 13 w 4 $
W M Anderson to Gnstow Brock,
17 acres..
Nellie ISryari to Lucy O King, 1 lot
bl4.1H'a2nd ad...
J V Pipe to J J Graham. 6 lota.
tU, pipe'aS A 600
J It Ket-bler to Maggie Storey, in
iieu of ottier rights, AVi acres,
to operate only in car of death
of the party of the first part. . . .
WmSkeiton to A B Bsrcen, 180
acres I
8alifa-.tion of mortrage for $500.
Circuit court: New case. W F 4
Com pan; a Bans agt Ira A Pb)lp. to
recovery $350.
IaFovMKTS, Hesldente property ia
being improved all over the city.
Among tbe residences reconstructed or
being improved are toose of Edward
Goin, E. D. Barrett, E. F. Sox and i. U.
Irvioe. Dr. Li tiler's new residence will
be one of the atractioni of tbe city,
being entirely different outside and in
from anything else in tbe city. Mr. C.
G. fiewlingi be alao begun the erection
of a reeidenee at 4tb and Baker atreete,
and there will be many other during
tbe year. When work on tbe big mill
begin look out fora g-norai building era
io Albany.
The DaxocaAT recently referred to a
poem in the Native" Son entitled Wil
lamette, and credited it to the aon of G.
A. Waggoner of Corvallia, for tbe past
year or two of Lake Bennett, wbereaa it
waa the effort of Mr. Waggoner senior.
Mr. Waggoner baa many old frienda in
Albany who appreciate tbe excellent lit
erary work be ia doing, several excellent
stories also having been recently pub
lished by him.
Louise D Setttemier to L W Roes,
lot8, bl 27, H 'a 2nd ad $ 1
W F Settlemierto li W Settlemier, ,
17:16 acrea 1
Mortaaiea Jor B&M and $900. 1
'Cbatel mortgages on grain for $1200.
. i.
$1 00 Fountain' Syiinges for $ 89
1 25 y 44 i ! 44 44 1 13
150 44 44 135
2 00 " : ; " 1 75
Our Special Raoid Flow for 2 25.
the best Syringe n
Drup- Store in Albany
ueorae iaauretb, the laquioa. Dar
bar, is (a tba elty.
Mr. Frank Patterson, of tba second
regiment; is in tne city.
Mrs. F. L. Chamber died at Eugene
yetTiay at tne age of 33 years, alter
an liinesa oi lour years.
Miss Gertrude O'B.ien went to Ed
gene today on a visit with, relative
and frienda. '
' Mr. I. A. Fineh has been in Portlsnd
in tbe interest of tbe candidacy of Judge
J.N. Duncan for die'.-ict attorney. He
i eonudent n will be nominated.
Dr. E. O. Smith, an old Albany den-
usi, na just retornea io rortiana from a
trip to Southwest Alaska, in tba interest
of a New York copper syndicate.
Hon. J. K. Weatberford returned on
laat night's overland from Arlington,
wbere be bad beea on account of tbe
illness of a drotber.
Tin Homnhrev and John Shnlti. of
jeiierson, wbo recently had tbe live run
away experience, were In the city today
in a full state of preservation after their
rough experience.
KevO R Stevenson, Mr 8 E Young,
Mrs. L. E. Hamilton and Mrs. A. K.
McCov went tn Partlaml VMtnrita tn
attend a meeting of tbe presbytery of the
U. P. cnurch.
Capt. Heath, of Manila fame, passed
through Albany tbis nxm on bis way
borne from tbe 131 ui River ralnea.
Lightning might strike him for con
gress. Dr. Frsd R. Bowersox, a brother, of
A. W. Bowersox ol tbis city, wbo recent
ly graduated from the medical depart
ment of Willamette University baa de
cided to locate for tbe practice of hia
profession, ia Stay ton and will go tberei
in a lew nays lor mat purpose.
O. O. McFarland, of. Hanford, Calif.,
who arrived at Tangent a few daya ago,
called there by tbe aerioua illness of hia
lather, waa in tbe city today. Hia sisters
Maggie and Minnie, of Gilroy, are both
sick, Miss Minnie having been confined
to her bed '"r over a year from rbeo
mititm. They bave just teen taken to
tbe Byron b t springs.
A Wira Bsatxil Complaint ia made
to tbe Dxmociat office 07 several, of a
man on Lyon street whipping bis wife
continually in a way Ibat ha attracted
considerable attention aod caused gen
eral indigo at ion among neighbors. Of
all mean tbinga wife beating i tbe
meanest. This sbonld be stopped How.
Icb Chax Social. G. A. R. ball,
Fr'day evening, April 13tb. Plenty of
music for entertainment. For refresh
ment, ice cream aod cake will be served.
Tbt re will also be a nail-driving contest.
The girls will drive tbe nails, and the
boy a will be judges. A prim will be
Given by tbe ladies of tbe G A. R.,
the proceeds to boy a flag. We wish
tbe patronage of all who 'ove'o see old
glory float. Admiiiion 15 cents.
A convict wbo recently completed bis
eeiiteoce at San Quentid, wrs arrested
in Salem yesterday for vagrancy.
the market.
Qreat reduction during April
A Mohair Association.
Scio, Or.,Aprll 7.-th Angora Mobair
Association of Linn Co . Oregon waa or
ganlsed bere today witb, B. H. Irvlna
president and Frank Thayer secretary.
Moet of the man in thU "!.! ...
gaged in tba coat industry joining. It aa
uciuwib ini A, im snureu mat many
mora from C!r.htriM. Thannn mnA BnAm -
vine will soon apply for memberabip.
j.uuujxfr oi tow Aiiociation oeing
the dissemination of information aa to
thm hMl In.l lirla M I ms.I.m
and Improving the quality of the Flock
uu w operauon in marketing ineir
A nool fit 9rtrt Auu ...J.
once and it i believed that tbe pool will
very eoon reach tba 4000 figure.
nHticr.oi uirwooo, w. xv. Kay, oi Jor
dan and Henry Cyrus, of Crabtree, for
Se.linir the aarue. mhn affar unnmlAmrtnm
tbe matter aet April 17. 11 o'clock a, m.
to receive aealed bid for tba same at
Scio, Ore.
It ia propoerd to aell it all In one pool
- w... m wi.iii
number ol flaec in ia ha ialivai at
each shipping point mentioned.
Will Close at 7 O'clock.
A well2atte3dedbuaineM men'a meet
ing waa held at the City Council Cham
ber! last evening. Upon the meeting
being called to order by ex-Councilman
Grauwbol C..E. Brownett waa elected
chairman and A. M. Hammer secretary
It was unanimously resolved that bus
ineaa bouses of tbe city close at 7 o'clock
p. id. except on Saturdays and holidaye
and during December. It waa put in tbe
fora of an agreement and signed by forty
business men present.
P. A. Young, T. Wandell and E. U.
Will were appointed a committee to se
en re signatures of those not pteeent.
and F. M. French, L. E. Hamilton and
F. E. Allen to designate legal boJdays,
to be known aa tbe business men'a com
mittee. Every aigner is to disp'av a card an
nouncing the closing of hi place of bus
iness at 7 o'clock except on Saturdays.
.Adjourned subject to the call ot,th&
business men's committee.
Tbis is a good move that deserves the
support of our citizens.
Caed or Thanks. We desire to return
thanks to those wbo assisted ns in our
trouble and affliction. Words cannot
exprea our gratitude, but we will ever
remember the kind service of true
Maa. S. R. Davis axd Sox.
i Three big frost bave caused a little
alarm among fruit men, but tbe beat re
ports are tbat little if any damage baa
been done. The blossoms bave been ao
prolific this ytar, (bat there cooKi be a
big lose by frost tbat would be beneficial
to tbe fruit. . . ,
The great Paderewski. the world 'e
most eminent piaoiet, will play in Port
end tomorrow nignt. Price $1 to $4.