The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 13, 1900, Image 6

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    llw HmswA,
fP.NUrriNQ.Ed; and Prop.
(Catered t the Pn.t Offloe m Albany
fregor,s second oiees mm matter,
n "ii i i ii i i i i i' i i aaat
The Prohibitionists.
At the State Prohibition Convention
yesterday tbe lollowlng til done.
Ticket nominated :
Supreme Judge 0 J Bright, of Was
co, Bbernian uounty. , ,:",
rw.. Fli.t Dietrlct. W P El
more, of Brownsville, Lnn County ; 8m
ond Bietrict, Leslie Butler, of Uoxl Riv
er. Wasco Ooanty.
Presidential elector N A Davis, of
Milton. Umatilla County: 0 F Mills, of
McMinnville. Yamhill Count t N F
Jankins, of Gral Pass, Josephine
Ooanty ; F R Spaalaing, of Hood Kiver,
wwl Kiwr
Wasco uouoty.
State Food and Dairy Cotna5sioner
Bcete Central Committee-1 H Amos,
chairman : BO Miller, secretary : F JJo-
Kercbs r. treasurer.
Delegates to the National (Convention
Rev C U Stevenson, Albany, Linn
County : Dr L Lane, Portlaod, Mult
nomah Countv: J A Lonabnttotn. Al
bany, Linn County; Rev QQ Haley,
Warreoton, Uiueop uoonty; uaytoo
Taylor, The Dalles, Wasco County : O
Miller, Portland, Multnomah County; I
H Amos, Portland, Multnomah County ;
F P Morgan, Ilillsboro, Washington
Ooanty; A McElatn, Milton. Umatilla
It wa "Resolved, Tbat the policy of
toe Administration, as indicated in it
protection of the liquor bosinese in Cuba,
Puerto Rico and tbe Philippine, is
etain on our National honor,
lhat the attitude of the Republican
party toward the uquor-eelling Army
canteen ebou.d drive oat ol that
every loyal citizen who has heretofore
And the democrats were condemned
for not resolving on tbe liquor question.
Mr. E. L. Power ot Lebanon now has
a residence i f hie own, having invested
-thia week in a pleasant place.
J. W. Peabody of Walla Walla located
in Lebanon yesterday and before last
evening had purchased the four acre lot
of J. H. LovealU Such men mean bus
iness. Dr. Karl Korn of Dayton. O., ia in the
tate looking for a location for a beet su
gar factory and i. raiding the hopes of
several places. D. Solia Cohen of Port
land is one of tbe movers in it. A gift of
5,000 acres of land is wanted, when fac
tory costing 17000,000 will be erected.
F.E.Allen baa sold" his residence to
Frank Sk'pton for $1500 and will move
into tbe Tate :eaideno In the first ward.
. - Letter List.
Following is th list of letters remaining
in the Poctoffice at Albany, Linn county,
Oregon, April II. 1900, Persons calling
for these letters mut give the date on which
advertised :
Baumlee A Boebeim
Condra, Mr W U
Cox, Mr LG
Cox, Mrs Lna
Davie. Mr W R
Finley, Mr O B
Hapner, Mrs Nora .
Lovejoy, Mr C E-5
Irvine, Mrs 8 J :
Stuart, Miss Maggie
Wheeler, Mrs Dieoa
Hoi brook, John H
Morgan, R T
Raymond.Mr W J
Roes, Mr John
Wallace, Mr F
S.S. Train. P. M,.
Headache, Biliousness
?n.- r-
. that your liver '
:t of order. The
.t medicine to rouse
the liver and cure an
these Ills, Is found in '
Hood' PHla
23 eente. Sold by an medicine dealers. t
Have them examined by Prof. Angnst
Stark of this city permanently located
Here, wuo nas made tne eves a special
study, and) will fit them with'glasaes that
will give satisfaction. If your eyes are
weakening call and have a talk with
Painter and Paperbanger.
3rd and Lon Streets.
Ordinary Paper hanging 10c per roll.
Bptting Ingrain 18c, hoofe lining 3c
per yard. -Other
work in proportion.
All work warranted.
Buy your.
Hardware ii Tinware
Ma ani' Grass Seeds
Ohlirig & Hulburt.
the annual meeting of the Albany
Mininff Milling Co. will be held at Ue
0tce of C. Burkhart on April 28th,
900, at 4 o'clock p. m. of said da 7 for the
nrpoee of electing aevn serve
or one year ana ine iransacuva m .uca
ether business as may lewll v come before
eaaeung. By order of the directors.
C. O. Burkhabt, Presidect.
. E. Bbowkiix, Secretary, . ,
Mr. Tongue.
Of course Mr. font us was nominated
at McMinnville tor congress on the re
publican ticket. As stated by the D-
ocrit when the first opposition to him
arose it was desreed by tbe bosses and
was bound to follow. It was a pari of
tbe work of the machine. Mr, Tongue
Is peculiarly a ring man, and he. Is Just
ibe kind ol a man the politician who
manipulate conventions wanted. It was
alfarranged for the Linn county delega
tion to be elected in hie interest, but
circumstances erase which pievented it
and a deleeation ia the interest of
treat deal better man was elected. It
was to elsewhere, and where opposition
d.Wationa were sent it was only by a
scratch. In every county the men in tne
rloffS were for Tongue, and their influ
ence was sufficient to secure the required
I m,tor!.. on th first bellt
Tbe people
I '
will now decide whether he ball again
...mi or miarentetent them in con'
. t II tl
greet. Toe people m me vauey u-
particularly remember tbe tenure to se
cure the Yaqmna appropriation. Mr
Tongue ostensibly made a show lug in the
effort to secure it, but there Is a eNoog
sentiment ol belief that he really made
little effort. Front now until election
dav the party organs wiil have their
hande full explaining thia away, and
those under the lash will (all in line re
gardless of tL el r present opposition to
him, while those independent eoough to
do their own voMng w'll at leat put in
vote that will not count for bim.
Tonaue represents that element in
politics against which the people of the
United States are generally crying and
there are strong Indications that the
oeoDle of this district will speak in an
I emphatic manner on tbe subject.
Ia the Walla Walla bosp.tal Is an old
and worthy pioneer from Snelton, Mason
county, Wash., who is almost belplea
and sadly crippled np with I rheumatism
ays the Union . Being a b'O'.ber 0d
Fellow some ol the members mad the
the old man frequent and indeed wel
come visits. Being informed! that the
ailing brother might return to his iong
home at anv time, they asked bim
whether he would not like to see bis
wife once more . He gsxsd op at the
ceiling for a moment and then said :
"God knows I would like to see ber.
but to do that she would have to mort
gage her little borne in order to raise the
money necessary, and rather tbao to see
her with a mortgaged bom., ' prefer to
die here alone."
A prominent member of Enterprise
odge No. 2, upon bearing this, quietly
i ret nromBtlv arraased matters for the
old ladvlto come at once. She won'
have to mortgage bar home, for there are
eood Samaiitsns of today, inst as of
yore, and of tnem it can never be truly
said: "I was sick, and ton visited me
not."-, - v. ;..-!- ' '
' Gov. Roosevelt is quoted al saying
that he "wished to God we were oot of
the Philippines" and that President Mc-
Kinlsy bad "about as mncb backbone as
a toy chocolate man." After this, per
baps tbe Republican leaders will aban
don the effort to force tbe Governor to
take tbe tail place on the ticket this fall
in the hope of saving the Administration.
If thsy want a hero, why don't they Ue
Dewey. He I as softly owned np to his
illingnecs to run at the bead if the
country insists. After a will
even pnt np with second place on a re
publican ticket.
IGreat Britain went to war with
Russia and fell into as many traps. as she
bas fallen ia ia th South African war,
can anvone tell iust how serious ber
predicament would be?
Jim Corbett and John L. Sullivan are
both said to be training bard before their
pbon graphs. J
Senator Bevendge sxmt to have been
paired against himself on tbe Porto Ri
can bill. T 2
$100 Reward 9100.
The readers of thia paper will be
pleased to learn that there ia at least one
d rested disease mat science nas neen
able to cure in all its stages, and tbat is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tbe on
ly positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrn being a constitn
tional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Ball's Catarrh Cure is taken
intrually,acting directly upon the blood
and mucons surfaces; ot- tne system
thereby deetroying tbe foundation of tbe
disease, and giving tne patient airengtn
by building no tbe constitution and as
sisting nature m doing its worn, xne
prnpnetora nave so mucn laitn in its
curative cowers tbat they oner One Hun
dred Dollars for any ease that it fails to
cure, bend lor in 1 01 testimonials.
F i. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Tnls and That
SmOey'a Clean Printing.
Open till 12 o'clock p.m. at Blotter's.
Dr. J. H. Krskine is now in the Foster
Block, 2nd story.
For sale, good carpeting, 33 cents per
yard, by T. 8. Alesander, east end oietb
street. .' ;..-.
The beat meats of all kinds and
treatment at the Albany Dressed
Comoanv's ' market, iust dawn Beeond
treats Good weight and prompt attend
senator Bevtridge will never recover
from hie Porto Rioan meralltance.
was the only man ia all the Senate
voted for the Davis amendment and thsn
! voted (or the bill without the amend men
thus bowing U Henna and tbe adatula
tratton. . Why will Senators n.vsr Itara
that the country will t stent any snspioion
of a man yielding his conviction far
more than it will resent any Insistence
oi them, no matter how nopopu'er they
The War Department dsuie that It
spent 1700,000 in fitting np the traniport
Sumoer. saying lhat the amount was
only $250,000. But it admits that it has
spent some (4,000,000 ia fitting up six
other transports. Where did this nion
ey corns from? Who authorised it ex
pendllurt T Certainly Congress did not,
And who else has a right to direct tbe
speodiogof na'lonal luoda?
A Marlon tounty man in tbe RaWin
journal gives a repuoucan piauorra as
follows : ' i . .
Remove bank taxes.
Tax tbe Portj Rieaoa.
Shoot the Filipinoe.
Damn the(Duteh in South Africa.
Pay 515 a ton (or armor plate.
Spread civilisation In the inter t
tbe trusts.
Tbe President recognises tbe advent
age lhat Room velt would brine to the
ticket, but he shrinks from the con
tact nevertheless. He had experience
with Rontevtlt In tbe Navy Depertmeut
some mouths ago.
The unanimity with which tbe Repub
lican organs have denounced the Port"
Rican bill should have warned tbe Sen
ate, but it did not do so. Now the peo
ple will prepare to exact the penalty at
the polls.
Tennessee Gatherings.
Politics sre flying In the air: set from
nnder, or look out for mud.
Ben Neal recently occupied the Fronk
Charlie Roes was home from Eucene
last week on a visit. .
Your correspondent returned from
Berry last week.
J. H. Fronk went to Eastern Wuh.
iogton recently in search o! employment
and a location.
J. Sherman Wallace, of this vuinltv,
was eleeled president of tbe Nathe Sons
Lodge which was organized at Lebanon.
Geo. Davis, J. Q. Swink, J. Q. Black
law and W. W. Fronk attended tbe
People's party convention and T. P. Mc
Knlgbt the Democrat lo convention at
Albany last Wednetday. Geo. Davis
was elected a members of the Popnlief
county central committee and T P. Me
Knight was elected Democratic commit
teeman Irom the Aorth Lebanon pre
cinct. Marlon G, Cleaver is wielding author,
ity in theTenn. school oov-a-dsyslwitb.
unlimited success.
Sunday school, wms organised lately
with Geo. Bark hart as superintendent.
Several notato sales twva Kmii ma
lately. J. Wither. aI l.h... th.
parcnater, le paying from 23 cenia to 45
- - t w. an.wwuvH, U
cents per busbel for stock notatoa nrf
choice seed.
A very neat imorovement la hain
made In onr roads opposite M. McCor
mack'a farm bv Taylor Evans, on of
our ex-rosa supervisors.
ainimiwoiii u. tjouev's n
iniereeiinc feature ol laat Uond,,', nr
Nctbing more. Next !
& cures
I L makes
weak women!
sick women
' Bot Will A
Mark 'keen no with the times.' .They
rhains. eonvenir anoona. etel 1
In fact their stock of Jewelry is complete
and up-to-date. ' 1
... A J$few Store,,,
A new Hue of
Groccines and Provisions
opened at the corner of 2nd sod Jack too streets, tlbany, Oregon. We rpc
fully invite one and all to call and see us.
Lost in Admiration
of the exqu'rite beauty eoJ unique de
siiins of our ne spring stork of carpete.
Everyone is that innptcts tbe freth col
oring and sryU-e shown In our Amlo-
stere, Alcnqtiettes, veiveis, ispesiry,
Brotsels and lograln carpete. Let ue
figurge with you about replacing your
wornout carpets. We have th IsrgVet
stock south of Porltsnd trout which to
JMaaonio Temple BtiiUing.
"iTni .
mm (
Tro Parker-Bros.
For the best Groceries,
Baked Goods, and
Fresh Produce and Fruits.
Thomas Brink
Pm the oldest established Furniture
wuee in the city. He keeps the
finest stork of Furniture in the vsi
ley. Give him a call and look over
his fine goods and gat bis prices be
fore yon buy. ,
J. Joseph.
For Bargains
In Farm Lands. Timber Lands
City Property, call on or write
Albany, Oregon
; 1 ', Albany '.Oregonr ; -1.
nana 01 uregon Duuaug.
Only set of Abstracts ot Linn County,
0omp!ete aet M naps and plats.
for health and enjoyment are sure to be
ought on a gotd bicycle, and literals
' none that cnl)t the4000 Crescaat br
- I.Ll. ,t I II w... -
.- lead the descent ut Sterling wlieeliaoy
where. They are always ahd and
malntalu their superiority over any on
the market. Careful, honet and skilled
constrm-tlon and speed It the sectet of
' itstuocMS. Wehsvt thfru at 20.00 to
$0 00.
and that tltouvlit, after full ronldrra
tloc, was lhat it would In every way, be
to I heir advantage, to trade with F. K.
Allen A Co. brcauie they always have
the vat or Tin lho In fine eatables of all
kinds. We have mild California Cheese
and the celebrated Woodland Cheese sod
we pride oorselvee on the best CoOee in
the city. Just 0enrd op a line lot of
Eettern Hsmsard Brvatkfsst Huron
See onr shoe window for Dried Fruits
and Table delicacies. In short we are
prepared to ItirnUh you the best goods
to be bad at Reasonable Price,
Lounges, Couches
Bedroom suits, coane and fine
Rockers, Baby Carriages, Go carts
Bidding, Spring mattresses, Matting
Bide boards, fine extension tables
Quid sale and mt profit
The Best
In Albany by the
Long Photo Co...
I ' InFromaa Brick. - -
.- v The le-tding gallery of Albany?
c . The: only-up-to-date 'first class
studio in town.
AU work to please,
i 4
lle na riea.
Would be much plssanler if the family
la led on sood, nuttltlons foods, llreml
Is thomaff of llle. and when ll Is made
from the Mssnnlla flour, that is made
from lite choicest wheat and grotiud by
the bwt roolrr process, tow haa wblte
nourl.lilng and drllrlotis food that is
tempting ami whnlrsonm. One tik of
MHKiiolia Hour will ycu mors breait than
any (lour milled.
MAfiN'OLIA MIl.1.8.
5. LitUffi Lllller
f 7 Mmm
VUJOUM' 0rotdalbln8t
Albany, Or,
eo. Collins D D 8
A, Jack JIuttgva D D 8
Fel;o' Temple, Albany, 0
That Tooth
needs attention.
Remember it can be oiled
or extracted wlthou naiu
Hiltniuck - - - Albany, Or.
Stanley Stewart,
To the Music
o ,
Those contemplating tak'ng np to
study of music will find it to their inter
est to investigate the advantages on. red
by Albany Culler. The following
branches are taughti
cohn4oi!aSvA,k' MA!,X)L,1,
Mr. Wlrta. Musical Director, is a trad,
oate of the Chic 110 CoriMrv.i.r. Ar ki...
sic, and has studied ith such a.tlsts as
.nTjimai, ivoening, Falk, Oat.
wood. Huff, and the late Dr. K.ri r.
Thcee men are masters In Uieir respect
ive detiartnienU and musicians of world
HWe lame.
Mrs. Wirti, instructor In vocal musk.
Is a pupil of Mr. William Kitaon Burriit
who is known to be one of the best voice
teachers In America May. Mr. Horritt
studied eight years In Italy and severs,
years in London.
The methods used la Albany Col less
Conservatory are the lateet and most an
proved, being the combined result' of
superior instruction received experience,
and tbe aoqnatntanca with the methods
of onr eastern eonservatoriee. ,
Tuition reasonable. Pupils may'entai
at any time.' . '
Fall term opens Sept. 19, 1809.
' r or further inform. tlnn r.ll
Pressldent Wallace fiowa Lee.
THE K. O. T. M.- .
VSF S?t?.r,dJ' ' K. 0, T. M,
C. 8.MARNlSil,Ccii.mandr.
V illsnietle Camp No. 6465 meet every
, ser-ond and fourth Baturdays of each
month in the G, A. It. ball. Vlriting
,. members are Invited.
4"; 1 C.U. Burnt haiit, V.C.
,E It Uustom clerk.
M. Senders & Co,
fisr And Oat Warehonaos
C rvent'j and Railroad Stieits.
Wa t. a prepared to take on storag
baled t.ey, will bny your oati in anjr
quanlty at ts? s&rkat prist,
vts bought In ear Iota at any ihtp
, C Insurance, Hav, Grain and Wocl. ,
H; F. nerrill
1 1 ollectlons promplly attended to, cor
reepondence sol let te J. Offiea in Dan,
aai building. . .