The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 13, 1900, Image 5

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Ji:dg Barton,..,. 1W00
uounty uiarn uraotrce
Hlieriff Munkert
100 00
180 00
JM) 00
Huperlntendent McDonald .......
Trsssurer Jack
Deputy Ora Monttirue
Deputy HherlW Lewellleg
A X alcUully, Janitor....
AldlOoletnen nod wile
Koker minors........
" JasLareu, ........ .i..
" 11 Miewertend wit
A 0 and Roll Hheptitrd, poor
Hopklne Hro..,.,..
II Krlckson.... ........
Kd Huthe..,.
M lloflich
H.cli A Hlllll
Mn A (1 Hhopard
Stewart & Bo IX)
1' W Bpluki
Indigent soldiei
Msgnoll mill
V tl Caldwell
Ohling & Uulburt....
Ladle Aid Society
U I) llartom
Albany Fur. Uo.........
Or. Furollr;Oo
lloukina Ilros..
50 00
81 83
60 00
W 00
40 00
4 00
4 00
4 00
6 00
4i w
25 85
8 00
IS 00
21 60
1H 00
10 0
20 25
82 115
14 30
82 84
01 00
15 00
80 00
1 10
20 00
12 20
78 2)
80 00
4 0
2 Ot
21 AO
78 06
03 06
65 00
12 40
21 75
20 2H
13 03
u k r ronK
McOracken Co....
O M Westbrook
Win Oardeby....
W B Rarr
O M Knos
John Callln
Htewart A Hoi
Kim, Light Co
1 W tipinke
Alb. Water Co.
20 00
Hugh! A Troutman 3 00
JM ItrlUgOIOM....
K Lt'roeby
FM French '.
t I) Marlon
J J Karoos A 8on
tit wart A Ho Co
1 W Hplnk.....
M L Fwir
Mliirk Davit
Hopkln Rro
8 AOentry
tio Roes
John Mola
10 Dicaey..... .
1 A M linker, board prltoor...
8 H Train, etatlooary
Ulase A l'rudhomu.
Halsra Statesman
Alexander A Kirkpatrkk
W A Trlmbla
O 11 8 urtevant AUU Moutague
F M I'owell. deputy slierlfl
Frank Crabtre
Urace Riley, del Ut roll
Alloa Brenner " "
U D Montague, electlaiie.'.
W A Oleaaon, rebel us,
It C Woiklna, deputy sherlCI
l'eoplee l're
H M Uarland, a deputy ally....
Oregon agt Ran Mill
25 00
13 60
24 00
2 25
3 40
4 10
8 65
16 32
13 40
8 M
45 00
2 25
8 75
3 25
3 60
30 00
20 00
20 6
10 00
35 00
6 00
20 00
3 00
3 40
49 00
42 00
80 00
14 t)
4 00
50 00
0 00
32 70
Mr II A. Hcbell hat bon visiting
(or two nk aim relative and irienda in
Albany, Or.
Hit Msrv Msrs, a tlsiercl Hon. Jeff
Myers hssjustt'suiiaied Iron tfce uurtoa
deptrtruvntol (da Willamette Univeelty.
Dr. U W. GnlM has been reelected
mayer ol Wood burro bv 3 majority.
Dr Uolaa la a lormer resident of Albany
od profrwlv man,
Invitation are out (or the marriage o(
Mlta K. Hertba Ellis and Mr. Carleion
K. Bos on Wedneadsy awning April 18
at 8 o'clock at tha U. P. church.
Corvailla waa wall repreaeeled In Alb.
any ywaterday those her being Jodga
Burnett. W. E. Yste. II. L. Ilolgal.
Prof. J. B. Horner, M. 8. Woodcock. 11.
W. hull and J. F. Yatat.
Prof. Angntt Stark ol Will A 8tark la
tioma from Portland, eherebe baa )ot
coin pic Ud anotbar year's eouree In the
medical college there, preparatory to bia
work as enlicolbrt and optician, lie Is
batter prepared than ever to attend to
tboee needing laaaateareiully and prop
erly filled.
SThe grand council ol Royal Aicli Ma
sons met In Albany laat night and elect
ad tha lollowlng oflicera, lollowin tha
election with a fine banquet: J M Mod
son, ol Portland, M E M: A L IlumMT.
DOM; J Fred Yates, of Corvailla, O K
Mt K W Ungdon. ol Albany, P 0 Wj
J 0 Uorner.ol Corvailla, OOUj 8 Ohap
msn, U 8s 8 Polk, OK;J T Bullock, O
K W O Hall, O g taw ; J P Irvine, Q
The Combination Shop eontlnnas op
with the. times several new Improvt
mente bavin ust been made. Call and
sea them.
Fi!a IIokbb Sold. John Brookhouso
came op Irom below last night bringing
with him a fine 3 year-old stallion Alta
gq. which he brought Irom McKnight
Isros., o! Linn county, and which he
will take to bia larm near Dulur. Alta
go Is one ol tba finest horses ever brought
to Waaco county. He la a dark brown
in color, baa excellent form, and will be
a valuable addition to the fine stock ol
the country. He was raised by Mc
Knight Broe , who are among the beet
known lireedei a ol trotting stock in the
state. The DallesT.M.
From the Timws-Mountalnerr:
The aacrlllglous pator ol a. Baptist
church at Albany took the lollowlng lor
his subject, Sunday evening, "Would
Joins Vote the Republican or t Demo
cratic tickett" The vice ol Sheldon is
Showers this afternoon, and probably
tonlfjht. Sunday fair and warmer. Riv
er6.5 feet.
F. M. FaiKcn
Fur sheriff Meorve MclUmue,
Brownsville, and Worth Huston,
Plalnvlew, were named. McHargue 80,
H union 67.
W fl Parker, T J Anderson, J J Green
and J L Talt wore named for assessor.
Upon tha second ballot T J Anderson
was nominated.
For recorder, Ed Meeker, ol Syracuse
precinct, was nominated by acclamation.
For surerintendent, W L Jackson and
W A MoOhee were named. Jackson 07,
McUhee 38.
T A Kltrgs wi nominatel (or survey
or by anclainRtlon.
M A Miller was recommended as dele
gate to the national convention.
The lollowlng delegates were elected
to the state convention : M A Miller, 8
M Garland. J K Weatherford, O J
Hheild, O 11 Stewart, J E ArchiUI.I, W
W Crawford It M Payne. P I Smiley,
Ueo Hmlley, T K Vox. U O Burkhart,
J J Whitney, J M Kalnton.
Mr Mark 1'enry, ol Bclo, was nomina
ted lor rcproncnutlve by acclamation.
rtMTRAL cnitMiTraa.
K Alhany-E J Seeloy.
Hbadd John Duncan.
Tallman-J E Archibald.
H.nllain V M Hinith.
N Lebanon T P McKnight.
Water'ooh M Taylor.
Tanuant I! W McKlmu'ry.
H Ibanon 8 M Uarland.
N llirrliburr T15 Mackey.
Kodaville 8 B Cooper.
Kos Valley Henry Lyons.
Hyrauuae 8 T Crooks.
Lacomb J II Peery.
8 Hclo Ja Young.
Price-Mart Miller.
Albany-0 U Jtu'khart.
Hweet Home J It Ureer.
CrawlordsvUle J C Orean.
Center Perry Parker.
8 Brownsville J F Henry.
N Brownsville W II Averill.
Jordan W It Maniaon.
Ilataey A M lteevea,
N Kclo T J Munkers.
8 Harrlaburg M W Canter.
Bhelburn O M DeVaney.
Orleans A 8 Stone.
W Albany-0 U Stewart
Foster It C Watklns.
Rock Creek W Mcholson.
B M Payne was elected chairman and
P J Smiley, secretary. Tbey are all
The chairman and aecretary were au
thorised to certify nomination, place
nance on ballot and (III all vecancfee.
The rontral committee were authoris
ed to adjust all nomination for precinct
and dlatrict oftlcea with the people's
party central committee.
foii.a's r.atr.
i'he following delegate to the stale
convention were nominated : A D hale,
J A McBrlde, J J Beard, E C Seal, A J
BJevIns, C B Montague, E E Lange.T J
McClary, B F Ramp, Jas Ewlng.J Clem,
I A Munkers, R It Humphrey, II B
Sprengcr, Ueo Alexander, Ueo McLane,
D M J once.
Alter the report ol the conference com
mittee nominations were made as fol
lows: For couutv judge II M Palmer and T J
McClaary were named. Palmer 120,
McClary 2J.
Ueogo L Soulherland and W F Ham
mer were named for clerk. Hammer 80,
Soulherland (0.
For treasurer A T McCtilley, R B Mil
ler, Geo Monkors, J G Norman wre
named. R B Miller was nominated on
the second ballot.
II B Sprenger, T J Fotlis, A P Black
burn were named for commissioner.
Spreoger was nominated on the second
J U Norman was nominated (or cor
oner by acclamation.
Albany-0 8 HarnUh.
East Albany B F Ramp.
V eat Albany II M Palmer.
North Brownsville DC Cushman.
South Brownsville II D Teirill.
Center M Snyder.
Fox Valley 8 W Mitchell.
South Bclo J J Barnes.
Notts Bclo J F loftier.
North llarrisburo L Douglas.
South Harrlsburv W II Roach.
Jordan D F McDonald.
North Lebanon J E Davis.
Sooth Lebanan A P Blackburn
Orleans W 11 Milhollsn.
Price Thos Froman.
Rock Creek T J McCleary.
Shelburn FJ Denny.
Syracuse W M Rsmsey.
Santiam M C Gaines.
Laconic M D Miller.
Sweet Home W B Thompson.
Sodaville-J Coyla.
Bhedd II B Spreoger.
Tunjraot J J beard.
Tallman T L Dugger.
Waterloo J O Uutton.
Judge Geo E Barton was elected chair
man and A D Hale aecretary.
Following la tha platform adopted:
Whereas, The only hope of viewing a
victory over the Mckinley gold standard
dynasty, is to remember that, "Eternal
vigilance is the price of liberty" and ap
ply that maxim rigidly to all our conven
tional work from the primaries up to our
national conventions. And
Whereas, these usurpers are planning
to defeat W. J. Bryan by treachery in the
democratic national convention, there
fore, be it
Risolvcd by thli'con vent ion, That tha
delegatea selected by us to attend our
state convention at Portland on the 12th
ofjthls month, are hereby instructed as
follows :
1st. To work and vote for a union of
all parties that are In favor ot hurling
Irom power the autocrats that are plan
ning the subversion of this government.
2nd. To vote only for union delegatea
to attend our national convention : men
that favor the Chicaga platlorm of 1896,
and W. J. Bryan as our standard bearer,
and oppose trusts, imperialism and mil
itarism, and tolnstruct them accord
ingly, i
Whereas, the va'lous counties of the
state o Oregon under republican control
are largely involved in debt and the tax
payera thereof are burdened with heavy
taxes to enable the county courts thereof
to meet the large Intereit charge on the
indebledne as well ae the current ex
penses of those counties most unfortun
ately for them now ruled by republicans, ,
Wberca), The county of Lt
populist and democratic control In all its'
departments except assessor during tha
past lour years is anttrei v ire from debt
has built a fine court noose, bought a
good farm for ne of tba Indigent poor
and placed thereon some excellent build
logs bsidea Improving roads aod bridges
without Incurring one dollar of Indebted
new, la worthy of all commendation. Be
It lhreloro
Kesolvbd by tha peoples party ol Llnn
county In convention assembled, That
we cordially endorse and approve tba
economical method ol conducting the al
ls In ot the county In all tha various de
pertinents under control ol populists and
ddmocrata durlsg the past four years,
and two respectfully ak that all inde
pendent voter ol Linn county join with
the reform forcee and cast their votes for
the reform candidates in order that audi
an economical evatem ol administering
the financial aflalrs ol the county may be
continued and that low taxation conlt
ent with prudent car of the brat Inter
esls of tb county may be assured.
II. M. Palhkb.
c. b. montaoub.
Aficr the conventions an assembly of
electors wsa held In the court house. II
C NVateon was elected chairman and A
Lewelling aecretary.
The oflicera nominated by the aeperare
convention were made the nominees of
the lolnt asaemblr of electors.
The candidate bad been called to the
platlorm and were called upon, being
prrceedod by Hon Geo E Chamberlain,
uo spoke encouragingly. Me was loi
lowed by Col Montague, II M Palmer, B
F Ramp and T J McCleary.
Don't Want Tongue.
A correspondent la the Oregon lan sign
ing himself, One of the Delegate aays :
The I act is, many of the Republican
oltble county consider it iniudiclou to'
nominate Mr. Tongue at tufa time, on
account ol the diaaffection o! the Uer ,
nun vote towards blm, at well as on !
account ol the un-American position he
has assumed on the PueitoRican bill.
I do not desire to discuss Mr. Tongue WV r,Tea od u U
lurther than to ear as nleasantlv M.wt0, lor defendant.
possible to his appointee, and the men
thatcompoae bia puab, that tbe delega
uon Irom Una haa not ae'ectea a second
ll u!2L tf Dd 10 DOrolnW Jodlfe
Harrlaburg naa the advantage! ol
teipnone exebaoge,
Tha nhototrranher will hold a con Ten-
tlon in. Portland on June 2, tbe first
believe held In the state.
tk- -t.-Hi. ...... .tu
convene next Monday. There are only
:Z: '7. . !T I.
w- !r "
A big pool ol mohair compriaing 35,-
WW pounds and representing tbe cup
uiu w.v. ;.vw kvv,
ji la learned irom a repuDiiran paper
at Lsbanon that the middle ol tbe road
popolists will bold a cooventioo at Lab -
anon on next Saturday for tbepupoee of
making arrangements for a county oon -
vectlon and elect delegates to a state con -
Aneniovable dav waa en.nt at tha
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Itobinson.
near Piainview, Thursday, march 29th.
Many triendt and neighbors being pre'
enU A bountiful least waa apmad'all in
honor ol Mr. Robinson's 40th birthday.
May he and all those present live to en
joy many returns ol tbe happy event.
The rale on the new citr warrant is
sued to Dr. Dodd In order to ray off the
old bridge warrant U at the regular rate
ol fntereet and 2 per cent discount in-
atKBd ol 4 per cent aa oral reported and
asked. A dispatch waa received from
Portland yesterday afternoon that the
company had withdrawn all suits at
their own coat, a aaving ot over $200 to
tbe city.
Bryan spoke la Portland last night to
an audience ot ten thousand peonle
packed in tbe exposition building. Tba
Oregonian devotee twelve ooiomne to his
spesch and then makes eight editorial
comments on bim including a long edi
torial. This ludlcatee that it 1 really
thought that there is something more
than words in his speech. Tbe truth is
that his speech is lull ot cresm and is
ooe ol the most thorghttul effort ot this
Juliet Hamilton est Marv M Jonhs.
Recovery of real property. Continued. J
Arthur M Cos agt O R Moore etal. Toj
quiet title. Judgment lor plaintiff.
Ima Find ev ati Matt Mnnaon. To
quiet title. Decree tor plaintiff.
D B Monlelth agt E A Parker et al.
Mandate. Dismissed.
Bosd ol School Fond Commissioner
sgt J no SmaKman. Judgment lor plain
tiff. D B Monteith agt K L Esrhart. Sale
H U Hewitt aa admr agt John Max
wall. Sale confirmed.
A Fine Entertainment
There waa a large audience at the
Preibyterian church laat evening to see
tbe splendid pictures ol Alaskan peopl
and scenery and hear tbe talk of Dr.
Finks about the Alaskan. The speaker
took the audience on a delightiul trip
from tbe southern point to Cape Barrows
on the frigid north, explaining the pic
tuies in a deliahtiul manner and giving
one an idea ol Alaska that can be ob-1
tained in no other way except by actual
travel. . Tha wonderful advancement
that can be made by education and
Christianity was displayed In a marxed
manner in aeveral instances,
To night the pictures will be on our
own country and. will give one an idea
about thinga new to them. The admis
sion is only ten cents. Do net miss it.
Supervisor Winn hss received all the
test schedules, nearly nine hundred,
sent out to applicants lor positions ol
enumerator, and the tame have been
tent to Washington for examination and
approval. A list of tha enumerators re
ceiving sppoinments will probably, b
received before the end ol the month.
' Delicious clam
Bowl 2nd street.
boullion at the Sugar
The Ep worth League.
The dlstilct Epwortb League ol the M.
E. church will eovvene in the M. E.
church at 7:30 o'olock tonight and ses
sions wijl be held morning, afternoon
and evening doting Monday evening.
To ulitbt the program will consist ol a
scng service, followed by an address ol
welcome of the Albany Learn by Miss
Clara Uard and by .V. M Ne . ort on
behalf ol the churcli. The ru-n'e will
be by the preiident J.. W. Mensiea of
Saturday forenoon wih be devoted to
reports and the afternoon to papers on
important tubjeit by Ernest Rhoades,
Minnie I'orur and Gertrude Grousteck.
Saturday eva'dn there will be an en
trta nmi-nt by the Indian Epworthians
of the Si'Hs mission, with sn address
by V. 8. Grant snd an exhibition of In
dian curioa.
bunday there wi'I be a sunrise prayer
meeting at 0 o'clock, lead by Audio
Simpson, a sermon at 10:30 by Dr. Ford,
the Lord's supper at 3 p. in., and in the
evening ureos iy jiev. u. u. uttt and
T. '. McDaniel preiident of ttie Portland
District Lvalue.
Monday forenoon after devotional ex
jerciaes thers will be business, election of
officers and a talk bv G. F. Skinworth
. on the lag-behind. In the afternoon
there will be addretse and talk by
Piof. O. B. Prentis, Robert Collinr, Cr
lie Starr and Mrs. Belle Crisp.
The convention will close Mondsy
evening with the temperance question,
the addresses being by Rev. W. B. liol
! iinmhead and Rev. 8. E. Meminser.
I The young people of tue city belonging
to other societies are earnestly invited to
attend all the meetings and unite in the
' exercise.
h Urn ol the circuit court today
hae been taken up with the case of L, 8.
u V f obn bv8et ll ur
mining claim, and has been contetted
Weatherford 4
wylt.d H?1' " Pr. fJ 1 h
I A divorce was granted Annie R. Beard
Irom llenry W. benrd.
in tha ru r,i Thn Unrnn .t p. it
Marley tbe court rendered a decision ol
Igrwt importance. Marley bought tha
larm 01 Morgan at delinquent tax ale,
and in due time reoriv.d tbe regular ta
deed irom the sheritl. Xhe suit wa
a urougut
i. i -
by the sheriff to set aaide the
, ed on the grounds ol irregularity In
' proceeda that lead up to the deed.
court held that the law should be strict
ly followed and every irregularity la sul-
ficient to ret the deed asi
tide, mere be
in irregularities previous the deed was
ordered set aside. Otherwise the plain
would receive property worth about
- iww ior oniy so. in tbe meantime tbe
jdeiendant lias received about 20 per
sent interest on me inve-tmesi.
, The divorce case ol Mrs. 8. M. W,
lllindman against her husbani excited
considerable interest, and waa warmly
' contested. The divorce waa erran'ed.
1 In tbe case involving the ownership ol
'the wheat in tha warehouse ol the lata
T. J. Black the court ordered the wheat
i remaining to be delivered to the owners
! retalnlrg fifteen per cent to meet the ex-
peoees ol tbe receivership. The title to
the wheat in tbe bands oflBalfour Guth
rie 4 Co., naa not yat been decided.
There is about 63.00J bushels in all tbe
L 8 LaDue agt John Ssvsgset al. For
mining claim. On trial.
AiUaett O Banker agt Ja Banker.
uivorce. (iranteo.
TI Anderson agl Andrew Auderson
Suit for deed. Judgment for plair-tift.
Board of School Fnnd Com. agt Ino
Bmallman. Forecloauie. Judgment for
8 G Talia admitted to cltixsoehip.
Gssbier J. E. Enyart baa purchased
five lots from Conrad Mingns in block
No. 44, Medford, paying $400 for the
earn. Mr. Enyart haa plana made lor
a fine residence which he expects to build
thereon tbis season. If Jeae puts up a
residence like the p'an be now baa man
ned out. he will have a home met a little
prettier and mora convenient than any
I thing In Medford. Mail. Mr Enyart
1 a sister of Lawyer A.M. Cannon and
Mrs. Maston. ol this city.
' ' ,
The bouse ol representative in the
snie capiwi is w do re moaeieu at a cost
ol$8,8S3. Erb4 Van Pat ton have the
The tax roll, aa by law required, waa
turned over by Sher.ff Rickard, Monday,
to the county court. Tba total amount
of taxes eo far collected, aa ahown by tbe
footing ol the roll, is $28,400. Tbe orig
inal aggregate to be collected waa $60,-
UH.3U, leaving a balance stilt to be col
lected ol $39,704.30. In other words the
delinquency is almoat two-thirds ol the
entire amount to be collected. Corvalli
Regular meeting Native Daughter a
G. A. R. Hail, tomorrow at 2:30.
W. If. Buoy, C4 E agent at Toledo,
came over thia noon alter another barrel
ol eoothiog ayrup. The youngster is al
readv nearly large enough lor a whist
ling Buoy in the bay.
Mr. William Cochran, one ol Linn
county' best known pioneer citisens
i lying dangerously ill at Kowland. 11
received a paralytic stroke last Sunday
and ha sine been gradually laillng.t
Elder Newton, "who I held evan
gelistic services in Albany a year or two
ago, waa in the city today on bis way to
Piainview. He has been wotking along
temperance line! in Portland for aeveral
months. Mr. Newton haa just received
word that aeon who went to Routh Afri
ca hsd died at Cape Colony from lllnesa.
... .i i i.- -
It's All Right. The new express
system is now at work on tha telephone
exchange, and is proving a fine thing.
Albany is thetmsllest city in the north
west and one ol the smallest in the Unit
ed States thst has tb'.a system. It is
op-to date, and is a fine thing. All you
do la to take down the receiver and the
phone doe tho rest. It seta the business
to running only stopper when tbe 're
ceiver is put up. Tbis prevents all eav
eedrspping, and kaepa tbe central office
absolutely in tench with the entire
Tss desd 40 acres, W J Mathews to
Fred Veal...... $ 6
Ada A Ellia et al to A T McCuliy, 1
lotflalsey... 1
J L Larsen to L W Ross, lot 8 bl 27
H's 2nd ad Albany 600
II Bryant to Lucinda Bryant, piece
land Bryants ad to Albany 800
fas LeM otter to J O Morgan, 8 acre 30
OaUKK to J C Morgan, 80 acre. 240
O V Coeiiow to I M Press, 8 lot
Bri.-viJI 15
Woi Manisiirg to J O Morgan, 6.68
acre 800
Morig ga for 1600 150 and $200.
Cbstel mortgagss for 140 and $15.
In estate of Thomat Thompson ad
ministrator appointed. Admin'sirator
Samuel Hawken.
In estate ot Margaret Knox inventory
filed. Valne of property $0070.
Ioettataof Ssmuel King administra
tor appointed.
Jas R Young s dm it ted to citizenship.
In estataof J F Swank insane, guard
ian permitted 10 aell propertv.
In estate ot R A personal prop
rty ordered sold.
Ditalloaed bill of Mrs AG Sbepeid
for $28.25, A 8 McDooald, $5.00.
J C Bilyen, deputy sheriff..
P H Motley, account deltas....
Mrs P J Rant, rebate ol tax
ATMcCully, janitor
Amadde Brown, aid poor
Weyeoon 4 Tootiiaon, acct poor. .
N Drummond, poor larm
Watson 4 wson, legal services. .
C ti Montague, acct tax roll
A 8 McDonald, stationer
24 00
8 66
'l SO
40 00
6 00
11 65
II 76
110 75
20 00
Geo Hoflich, sect O H 4 00
Application ol J 8 Lewis et al lor a
connty road waa disallowed.
Tbe county judge wss directed to con
tract tbe bridge at Sweet Home.
Tas clerk was directed to torn the rV-
IInqiint Isx roll lor 1896 over to the
berin lor collection.
Prof. Rosier, tbe accomDliabed nrinci
pal of the Eugene scbcols.was in the city
Hoos. Geo. .ChamberiaIn and M. A.
Miner went to tugene yeaterday with
W.J.Bryan. '
Mrs. Ben Barker and son George of
As'ilsnd hsve been in tbe city
daya on a visit at A. D.'a and George P'a.
Thomas Zoosman' and family have
moved to Salem to locate in businesa.
He haa been a bar tender in Albany for
aeveral years.
Henry Broders.the prosperous butcher,
left yesterday on a trip to hia old borne
in Europe and will he gone several
montbt. lie baa well earned the vaca.
Capt. Bigney and her lieutenant have
returned Irom Scio. where tbey have
been aeveral days and will retume ser
vices at the barracks tonight. 1 here
will also be meetings tomorrow night
and Sonday night.
Tbe Native Son, just out among other
interesting things eontgina a poem en
titled Willamette, by Geo. A. Waggoner,
a son ol Hon. Geo. Wago ner lor many
yeats a resident of Corvallia. Tbe author
was s school bor in Albany many rears
ago. aub poem is copyrighted aod tfcere-
iorv cannot oe copied.
KflV. W. K. nomlaiul. nf Milan .ill
give a lecture in Pea ire Memorial cbnrcb
nest Saturday night beginning at8o'-
eiuck. un auojecc win o "ice cancer
on our eociel system and .how to remove
it.- uu onnday morning al 11, be will
spesk on the subject: "Tba crimoo
Hood, or ia theie alvatiou out ol
UhNSL" A cordial iniritatinn Im a.rlj.r.,1-
ed to all to both of these services.
Hon. Ralph Moody. D.D.G.E. B.,
and Henrv Griffin. E. ft hth i Port
land, are among the e in tbe city W at
. ,1 a 1. T 1 1 l . . - . ...
suu iu biu imnquec tonigni. lbia
promise to be one of the moet elaborate
banquet ever bald in Albany. It will
be given In tha atnr. mnm .uunH.
cated by F. E. Allen 4 Co., and will be
gin at 10 :30 o'clock i.l.t attov tha
of tba theatre, when the entire Smith
company will attend by invitation.
' J. P. Combs. Ana nf tha Arml uin.
of Ochoco valley, died at bia home in
Prineville laat Sonday aged 79 year.
Mr. Com ha waa an nwMi
erred through aeveral Inaian wars' dur
ing ui eariy aays in this state. He
waa a man whom all rantut f i.i.
sterling qualities, and was one of the
ior moat citinna nf llmnlr
Combs waa a former resident of Linn
county, ,nd bu many relative and
hiendahera who will regret the news
of hit death.
J. E- Cvm. al &!- at An. tint.. nnn.
prietor ol the Albany Lunch Counter,
and Dr. Todd of tha him nl,n loft l
night tor Uolquin. Cuba, whe're they
wm uuj lauu ami locate, ur. loud oas
a brother there who wa at one Urn ehief
engineer for tha insurgents tbe
troubl with Spain. Good land can be
bought for $1 aa acre, npon wbfch any
thing can bo raised.
IJvervman J. A. Pn haa
a dwelling lot from J. A. Morey, paying
therefor $200. We would : like to say
that thia ia nna nf tha vara haa.
spots In all Medford bat aa tha property
jiuei onto tn mtie tnree-cornered
parcel ot realty which The Mail owna a
sansa of hlnwi no Atla ma n hnra wa lif
Perry's thou id er eomes over na and we
. j . ... . . .
win uarn way U. xia Will : probably
build a nne residence thereon tbis 1 inm-
mar. Madfnrd Mail. M mA i u,.
Perry are former Linn county people.
sASii. Thins
. j-N?-
t. j
..! 'Vr-tsiiurrMiiOE.
- ,'s.
heio DAT the
awsalfl MaMhrT he fteeit fnto a rMfrtrk-L"L-.1lowea MonLhlw.
' i r. pig
M Their on tAiirue ia a rauit deprtmen itore bol)e4 6ktATL-tlir)te Conatritloti. N
"The estloro la oeiHsU-ily m mere hat milM encrr ro paedlJk' Chtoarro .psrortb. Herald.
w"4A it. Khould be pawtated ctMnpeUlng thueot thi cstAloae In ll public sx-hoolav. The Hon. O. A Routfetoee
We eoold quote thonastncU of aimllavr xtrctcte. flaer4 IS wesaka x4 esat 4 ywaa -rill weeNsj Um 4-gasjaxl )-k fcy rsawy
Walter Davis, of Salem, la firing on a
freight train on the 8. P'
Mr. W. E. Arnold, the popular merry
go-round man, ha been in tb city..
Don Rot cam op from Portland lat
night to attend tne Elk' banquet.
President J. J. Hill, of tbe Grtat
Northern, arrived In Portland hit night.
Louis Barse is tb nominre on tb
union ticket of Douglas county for school
Hon. M. A, Milter, of Lebanon, a as
bare last night. Mr. Miller has bien
traveling over tb state with Mr. Bryan
and congratulates the people ol Rote burg
and Douglas connty on tbe completeness
at tbe arrangements for the reception of
tbe treat leader bere. Tbey were fully
atual to the preparation made by any
other town in the state. Mi. Miller be
lieve tb Bryan sentiment to be coo
stantly increasing and be will be the
nerin November. KosebnfgKeview,
Tnere will be a union prayermet ting
at 2 :S0 p. m. at tbe W. C. T. U. hall led
by Ubbe Peters, to which all christian
are invited.
United Presbyteries : Moraine wor
ship at 10:30, aocject of sermon, "Tbe
Great Gift Implies Letter Gilts.". Sab-
oat n scbooi at ll :45, Junior Endeavor at
3 :30, Senior Endeavor at 0 :S0, evening
worship at 7:30, subject. "Delight in
God's Win.". All are invited to attend
these service.
Christian cbnrcb : Tbe owning theme
will be 'The Lord's Dsy." Tbe evening.
The Abolitioo ol Poverty." a cordial
invitation ia given to ail the service ol
tb church.
Rev. McLean, ol Vsncouyer, will hold
services at 11 a. . in St. Peters Episco
pal ebnrch, to which all are cordially in
Presbytensn cbnrcb : Morning wor
ship st 10:30, subject of sermon "Jesus
Weeping Oover tbe City," evening wor
ship at 7:30, subject ol sera on, "A
Daily Crott." Sabbath school 11:16,
Jnnor Endeavor J :30, Senior Endeavor
6 :30. A cordial inaitation to all tbe ser
vices is extended to ail.
Baptist church: Morning subject,
"What are you doing for tbe Lord 7" In
tbe evening tbe pastor will begin a aerie
ol atrmona on the Lord Prayer.
The Elks Banquet.
Tne B. P. O. Elka gave a haoquet laat
evening, that wss one of the most elab
orate affair ever presented in the city.
Previous to the banquet a social seat ion
waa held in the hall, atttnded by over
on hundred guest, including beside
tbe Elks, msny prominent Lutine s men
of tbs city and several members of Have
ou Seen Smith company.
Remarka were made by the Grand Ex
alted Ruler Ralph Moody and Henry
Griffin E.R. ot the Pcrtland Elka and
there were aoogt and talka jy tbe Smitn
crowd, el a humorous chancer. Henry
Griffin waa appointed rhairmao and took
the gavel with Chas. Bnrggrai and Chat,
Rawiings aa special policemen. Every
man present waa taken before bis honor
and fined, lor example a brother news
pasr man waa fined 25 cent for being
an editor and 25 centa tor being in the
crowd, a banker 50 centa lor being one
and 50 centa for being guilty of loaaing
a railroad man 50 cent, tbe railroad
man having been fined 60 cent
for being conneetad v.ith tbe
Christian Endeavor Kailroad. Agent
Turner waa not only fined but given a
live lec'ure for paat offenses, John Hol-
man had to put up a dollar for SDeaaina-
to tbe show women and for being a
foondryman, and so it went from one to
another, and it wa about 1:30 o'clock
when the company abiournad la tha
banquet hail in the Tweedala hall.
where an artistically arranged room and
a complete sptead prepared by Meeier 4
McKiiiop at a cost of S1.2S a olata await.
ed tbetn.
Tbe menue waa eWantlv onttan nn
embracing all the delicacsa of tha u.n
doing credit to the caterer. It waa fol
lowed by aeveral impromptu toast, in
which Mr. Moodv. Mr. r.riffi m.-
Da via and denry Hopkina am other
were heard in remark suitable to tba
Eat Obangks. Get them atW a rin.
At O E.Brp-nnells.
""V . i"rou"ge, on apru 4, by
Kev. Fred Lark, of Lebanon, Mr. joi
ot"ebVnon M,ggia Bt0TJ' bot
- . - ,. . " en bv tha
sounty court of Lina couuty.Oregon. oil,
appointed adminutrator of the entafa 7
Wilfaelmima Hoflicbeceated, KilL
eoonty, Oregon. All pe1VvinVciaim.
Bfaintt th'aatata f La a. " i"5 el1Bu
b, required to pretent them to the unde
-"v? vrspon. within .;.
months from tbis date.
Ihis 13th nay of February, 1900.
Rudolth rj0-tiCH,
Wbathkrfcbd 4 WtattT -
au ys tor Aum r.
,Um llM.aiwrt. itmt nt.d itwt. prtev.i ftal;v.
THI L0WtSTWH0USUFC!s,..Aa8 ?(tlCcS '
. .-ia. w.v.. v b. TauT. MO-att. Tt"iir.
Katruskrwf tw.-. A -utMe,l ljisiUt l'wrwJSirr, tlrti , W ,
Mvi;-, f bsb4I.Iw, 1 tnattt- riwv wUt i.:rfcatl.
1-arniaJhittf tiutaa, K. l-i.l Tuklr. Bit --. . pl.ii
iia, , TetifT ji.s aim ;wir dlon kf f-tr l lu.r r-.tttHi putf for
-tr-i'thtnff h huf M..-M i.i prawrn hiia from orervr. r-;-. no
anvtliatiar yon huv; cxpitiiuajust how to order, bw ttwr t'-ifM,
xprtMBt or bm.I) ml! t on anythinr jonr towi lm
itotirly 1.f, the poftair) alon i SntB.
uiiH m1. eat jm vua ut a i z
3 cnt8 iot&ir. a aval tW llsr mm will WimI rt-a II kdl
1 ecvtt in ttttuiti W .
T anftll swt4ausd If yosdonH think U U wrth lWttroevtlie lftcenl
you wnd, as at Key to the lo watt whole.) pntMo(eTryUliiT.caj
WO atnd 99 win lanaBsllala'lT rsMarw, WtaTar It -wwtw-Vv
HAT INK fMKfia HAYS AHttl T Till CATAI,t.rKi
Mt is a atiotiuiuciit oX anuliiajM lixXoJixmU,H Miniluli (MiUnJ
"A wonderfol plet of wti.WfaaAfTrtoii National Tribune,
'The CataKHru i worker. Manrhtr ( M. H.i In Ion.
''Settrm, Koebuck et C. U o ot k iauVwAa twuaH oC it fclA4tl
Ot,4ro.M--hisaTo lnWrOcesatBa
fjauavioaTue larxnm ee ox ne pnsjgr nsioppm mwnnm hmsv