A Bryan Papar. With la a recent pper on "The Men tbe Iloe" Bryan taid : The accamnlation ol wealth by boned meant it to be encouraged, bat tht lint matt bt drawn between honest wealth Uii reward of brain tet vice or motels service rendered and predatiry wealth, which defies tba law or lures government Hull into a mschins for the plunder of the public. Tie indolent cannot expect plenty an der any just form of government, neither can the vicious expect hsppinees, but under bad laws thota who woik tht hsrdeet may have the moit. Bat tht remtdy: flow will yoa ever straighten np - fhii shape, Tonch it again with tmnioitality? Give justice to every cmtare jatiice in the metbodt of government, Justice in tbe d etribution of tht burdens of government, justice in the tnskieg of tht laws, just'ee in tbe interpretation of the lawe, jutth-e In the execution of tbe lawt Janice first and charity afterward, Jnsl'ce will not eliminate distress en tirely, bat it will greatly reduce the nomber of those who coma within the description of the poet. There mill still be some poor, come destitute, torn des perate. Generations of vies will trans mit tendencies toward vice, which mast be reformed. Soma will be victims of unavoidable misfortunes they will need the aid of the more fortunate. The cr phaa will need a foster parent, the wid ow will need a friend, tht aged without relatives will need a benefactor. The weak must be encouraged by tbe strong; those who fall mast be lifted np. Love is tbe sntithesis of gred, and will inspire both justice aad mercy. Love and love slone ean regulate the re lations between man and man and plant hope in the breast of every child born into tht world. When every mar -made wrong is rem died there will s'ill be suffering enough to enable every person to prove bis love toward God by manifesting his compas sion toward his fellows. In monarchies revolution it the only weapon ot tbe oppressed ; under oar form of government wrongs art righted by tht ballot; bat even here tbe longer a neces sary reform is delayed tbe more disturb ance its accomplishment cauvee. Victor Hogo has described tbe mob ss "homan race in misery." We cannot afford to make people miserable. Life ii secure and property rights are re spected in proportion as tbe people End life worth living. Happy will be tht lot of all when each member of society mskes to society a jatt and adequate re t in for that which he receives from so ciety. Happy will bt the lot of all wban each member of society recogo'sM tbe indissoluble tie that binds together the highest and tbe lowest, the s Iron get t and the weakest, tbe richest and tba poorest whea earh mem jer of society aids according to his ability to givt back to the poet's subject. The upward looking and tbe light;. Rebuild in it the music and the dream; Hake right the immemorial infamies, Perfidious wrongs, immedicable wow. It Is Interesting to read tl a comments ol republican popers in which it Is d clared that Bryan's reuarka art wt h at thought, that there is nothing to ttirui but words. With these narrow minded papers there is nothing tJ anything In ita that they disagree with. That is if they think not, then there ts no thought to it. Oueman in a speech said recently that to far as brains go all men are pretty nearly equal. That what trie world wants is more hooat men, men upright and reliable who can btuepeudad upm Our offices thoald be tt.lmi by huoeet men who will do their duty. That it tht makeup of our tickstfor rounty offlcet. As usual tht Rhode Iiland Democrat! areWihind the times. They are reaffiirnr ine tbe declaration of Independence. Tbeycouldnt have read Mr. LOdga's masteily demonrtiation that the declar ation was a little confidence same pot up by Thompson Jefferson and a fe kindred spirits upon a worshipful poster ity. -Pfriogneld Republican. The ticket nominated tbit meek by the democrats aud peop e part) 's is ,ompcsjd of reliable. sutstattiM men, from tbt judge who as a member of the last legit iature madetbe be recoid of any mem beriu opposing grsfta and sustaining measures in tbe interest of the people, to the coroner, wholdoricg the past two years has filled tbe office efficiently. The republicans bave already bugun tayicg it it a weak ticket . Tbey did the tame two years ago loader it possible, but now have to admit that we elected eoiue of the moat efficient officers who hava ser ved the county for good government in tht entire state. The men nominated this wees: will serve tbe people just as faithfully. In svery instance they are competent to fill t'e posilione nameJ even thensh they haven't been ftllinl offices all their lives, and under their management the present spit nd id county government will be continued. This is a fact. Investigate Don't bs fooltd by the old chestnut nf calling everything weak not republican. Tbe present brat cono'y government in the state la under the samt hind of weak men before they were elected. Oily FUurea. The New York Journal furntthes ths following figures showing the great pro fits earned bv tht Standard Oil tn.tt tbowing how the dividudi bays jumped in site from 1380 i 18ol l2,O0O.00d 1803 H.OOO.OuO 1So3 12.000,000 ISM 12,000,000 1893.' . 19,000,000 1S90 31,000,000 mi S3.ooo.ooo 1S08 80.000.00 1809. Sl.uw.tiw 1000 (estimated) "7 80753bOo0 Incorporated at $10,COO,000 originally. the capital sicca was Increased In 1802 to UO.OCO.COO, of which 1100,000,000 la common stock and 10,003,000 Is non cumulative 6 per cent preferred stock. All ot the Utter issue it still In the tress. ury of the compaby. Blx years ago Staodatd Oil common stock sold In the market for fl67 a thart A few daya betort the transfer books closed tor ths dividend on February 15 last, fJ47 a share wat paid for it, show en Increase in the market vain within six ysars ot t3SO.O0O.0oO. Of the 3,000, stockholders less than a doaen insiders own 10 per eent of tbe stock and control abtototely tht work ings oft be company. II the Standard Oil's profits nt ISO, 000.000 in a year were a normal return nf S per eent aotua ly Invested capital, it would represent 11, 600,000,000 or near ly oue-eeveuth ot all tht money, gold, tilvtr and paper that it in circulation In tht world , Bryun's Sayings. Most ot th deegatea elected to the re publican congressional convention In tbe counties of Ion, Marion, Benton and Clackamas were elected in opposi tion to loogua delegates atter a warm The Tjnited Slates is baying cedar for all purpose in the Philippines, because the aunts over there eat np all other woods. When ws had cedar forests tbe Governmentwnold not bay from as, and bow that onr wood hat been turned Into pencils it is making- the Pacific Coast rich. It a ai ever thus; tea years ago. if Florida bad advocated tbe eeisare of the Philippines far tie parpoee ot extending our markets, we thoald have been laugh ed at ; now wt are wondering that wt did not see the poiat before. ximes. Mr. Russell ttagetayt n uelieves in lacky suits of clothes. If tbit supposi tion is general, we can understand why some garments are refased a rest wben their good looxe go off; bat in this par ticular case It is poasible that imperious necessity has bred the faith Mr. Sage professes. If bs really needs help Jack eonvi.lt might tubtenbe somithlng, if tht campaign b jidisiooely conducted . Times. a. rife, henct it it reasoned by soma that they will oppose Tongue from beginning to ecd.in tbe convention. From tbit it 'a reasoned that he may be defeated -But tbe truth is the indications are that be wili get enough delegates to start with to insure bis nomination after tbe first ballot. It should be tbe policy of a paper do desirs ths weakest nomina tion possible on tbe tie opposite side, but lbs Dkxocbat admits that it Uses to see Ood men put in nomination on all ticketa to that however tbe election goes it will insure good government in the field at atake. And it is lor tbit resson j it wonld like to tee Tongue detested in ; be convention. This may not be good politics botjit is a fact nevertheless, Men of Mr. Tongue's calibre should be dropped just as toon as possible without running any risk of their electico. 7 be manner in which the big railroad are being permitted to exchange woiib- is land off sevsrsl thousand miles for corns of the finest timber lend in ths world in this state is a disgrace to the government of tbe United States which permits it. but it Is for a fact a sample of the style of doing basiott of the present administration, which gtves tbe cor porations and trusts all tbe advantages possible. The time may come wben tbe whole United Statee will be looking to this northwest country for its timber. It looks now as if aboot.tbat time the rail road companies and the big eastern syn dicates who are clashing with them in ths mad strife for timber land, will have a monopoly of it, as tbe big guns are bar ing a monopoly ot nearly every thing and Oregon will be in the clutches about tbat time of aa enormout timber trust. The situation it one tbat call, for a bait. But there will be no baits in these mutters nntil there ie a change of administration gENDJJS QUE DOLLAR Tjal UK mm. W aaj ara la mm Uk l., aa . Mil ail palUItii Ikk Tm MaiualM U ilrm aMWI Iwlikl acaat, lal if yaaSaA It HWIrH rwareaeataA, aka ( ra wr mm mm hriwi.tt- mrwrnrnmaimrl'mi byatiwataniwiMj, .. frall www rriv IJ3.9V, . mr & mm u4 najMrtatW. TNt PLOS CIM kw ( aMKUIll A nurrut Voixa hum mr From tba UlaatimUoa aaQam, whlcfl 1. anfrraved direct from a pbotof-rtpfc. yoaeaa farm apaaldaof Itabeaatlfol appaaraaoa. SultltaaMlM aaartcr aaw4 MllrwrimiltoW, intiiilil mmj Mip, tmm itmii mmij. mm4 mau ilkt It ate KIT LAlurr mu. IUK PAKL4IU M U tmri klrhTil laehM loc, SS tnrbw wldnd weigh US pao4c coouuu . oewT, u nop, mm rouowti in . rn.1,,1. aiiitn. oiin. ci aciiii,twutiir. 1 M S-dL t tmu t n1il Tmmmrn S II I Pto 4 uurr I Stf SI hn UmmHtm lull. 1 Mat r mrtnmmx vutni mmmmm, g mm m mm wmm ,n mmtmm Ummmm, I r n wmn HHIIPJ rrfMMl THS PARLOR) CM mrUom eouirtaof tb vmcb mrm nJrwHiilMMft. RRN Will I i ml I r o t Krm&m 1st YniniM.tlM bt ft th lit ra bbar eloth. Smtkarla tj. THl PA th, t pi Wtt IrMawra, ., mmilmmt J bltw tock M flnct ei LOR CEM la furnUhxt rlUi HiU bTtd plat rro-i mirror, nbrkal nUtod I edi trmwamw mnm mrnmrf yodrn t m prtyr rraeoi. . I jw-l-tfrliiliiBirt;li,liM l mn mjm tmmtomm . V,, GUARANTEED 25 TEAM. 22 TT.!1! I"""" in v y.r rumrmnt. bj tba '"2" ol hlrh 8 mmj part sit oat w tl 9 SI f Among tbe terse thingt taid by Mr; Bryan In a recent'addrett were these. No king on earth wonld have tbe nn- imited power ot tbe 1'resident, It tbe peo ple approve tbe Porto Rican tariff bill. Tbt republican party is borrowing from England all tbat is bad, but wilt not laks the income tax wblcb it good. If tbe people a? net 2 at tbt trust qa?s- ion in tbeir heads, thev will get it in their necks. Tbsptea ot destiny is ths p!a ot cow ardice. No nation It strong enough to do wrong . Admiral Dewey should bs made to cor 1 respond with Lafayette and not Led Clain. Conqneet does not mean desiluy but covetousnesssnd temptation. God does not Inspire one man to cor q or another, and inspire tbe other to die for independence. It Is not tbe producer, bat the nonpro- ducer of wesltb, tbat makes the lews. So long as tbe farmer lets tba monop olist make the laws, they will net meet stsummer resorit. Monopolists opposed tbe democrscy be esost it wat tht party ot the common' wealth. Ii tbe republican paity destroys trut it will destroy th goose (bst lays Ibe geldsn egg. i No larger standing army ia nseded. The country is safe in the hands of ths volunleera. Government should be made so tbat every citizen will be ready to die to pre serve it. SATURDAY WIGHT THOUGHTS I The most Interesting Itature ot tbe week has been a few small vlotorlst . In bt South African war In favor of the Boert. The English had beta mailing things to ruuoh tnemtslvst that thtie little vlctorlet surprised them and opened tbelr eyte to the fact that the war watu't ytt ended, There !t to bt nior fighting and tLt preiwnt aggrestivt style ot the Uosr.indicuWi that It will bt of a vtiy live character. While it It a fact tbat tht general ivnipathy nf the Amtrloan people Is on tht side of tbt Boert It . it alio a hot that there are at least flvt hundred Amertoant actually In tbe con test on the tide ol the Doers, ons pnmi nentofflofr doing business under an as sumed samt wluolnga ttriklug victory. V la tht United Htatetlht pasting ol the Porto Itioan bill In tht Senatt bat been a leading event that hat been watched with great Interest by tbe people and polltiolant alikt. The levying ol a tar to on mtmuert ol our own country It a ntw thing tbat has opened the eyat ol tbe people and caused Indignation among many, particularly Tamoog the newspaper n.en regardless ot politics, who really abos everything bolleve In jus'loe, as na'row as roois of them soms t:ms'gst. Ws bad belter keep under ths constitution and never go back on tbt Declaration ot Independence. It le worth standing by them. MISFITS. The olty ot Portland hat tilue'ytunr law suits on its hinds, of all charoiere from a demand fur tbe damages resulting from the bursting ot a water main up or down, 1 he city generally wins. An exchange credits an article to tht Portland Oregon Ian, formerly Uepubll- tan. Now it It said that Mrs, Dewey Is ths rtal candidate lor president ol the Unit td States. The Salem Journal tayt Ilia republican party has been In a row ever sln e J. II. Mitchell ha been lu politics, ahuili be gin In 1800, The Deity scheme won't work. Pewv ty't day politically wat when lie lauded In ise orsoo nit return irom me Phlllpplnet. Hit polUlai though have been ascertained aud that It a pleating thing, lit It a dtmocrat. Tbt mannar In which timet ran bt twitted around It dlip'.aytd in thf aay tbe Eugene ftigittvr gives the demo cratic nomlnet lor therltl. Ibey havt ItOto. M. Cbargue. All Sorts. A Dublin man has laft Ireland for Vienna to buy 1,000 boras tor the Butith government. Tbe corporation of Scarborough, Eng land, fats decided to name a new thor oughfeit "Ladytmitb avenue." - One of tbe benefits accrniog to Canada from tbe war it the Increased probability of an all- Brkitb cable. A huge wint barrel, weighing seventy ons, has just been built at Nancy for the Paria expoiition. Its cost wa $30,000. Ths stereoptlcon the other nigh showed a class ol itoorsnt natives o Alaska as they were taken by a mission ary, and the asms class just a year after wards as they had developed through tbe power nf education and Christian example. 1 be transformation wat won dtrtul. education can take a savage and put into his fsce a look ot Intelli gent tbst makes a nsw being out ol him. Add to this a Christian character and yon bave a being before whom the Qodlttt millionaire who bat spent hit lift accomu'ating wssllh should laks oft his I at: In politics, this wsek has had a bomb thrown into it by tbe annoonremsnt that Admiral Dewey is a candidate for president. Investigation has nsultsd in the proof of tbe stattmtnt. Tbe ad mlrai came to tbt conclusion tbat btlng tbe greatest admiral in the world was not nearly so big a thing as being tbe president ol the greatest nation of the world, ibis bse which bed been buss ing in hie bat tor eeveral montha finally tore through and tht crash came. Tbtra wae a time a hen the announcement would lavs been received with cheers, bat as it cornea now it seems to be more a matter for amusement and jokes. And this Is tbs sams'sdm'ral wbo continue, tb bave a warm place in tbe hearts ot the pople, tbe hero of the Philippine wsr. Really ae roach as anything elae it is Mrs. Dewsy wbo has caused the change. Washington, April. 6 .Tbs Iteoubllo- ana la the house agree on the passage of od already has two in its colomnr. Mr. Bryan was ot considerable Import ance la Portland after all regardless ol hia so-called wordy add rest. The Ore eonlan (voted eight editorial! 10 him and the Telegram in the evening ol the tame day five. Total thirteen. Tbre thould be nearly two thousand more names rmtialered before election Don't wait but register now. It wat thought to he somewhat ol an innovation to see a nominee of the dent octatic party with a white ribbon boldly Dlbtiuu on nts coat, nut tna. wat wnai wat observed last night at the court house and commented upon. Mr. Higgi it aa eilkleot in all he duet at be it leui perate. Roscburg Plalndealor: Bob Hen drlcks, ex-member ot the state central committee, and who will soon be ex chairman of the congressional commit tee, announces tbat he win support a part ot the Republican county ticket in Marion county. That's the kind of a Republican Bob Hendricks is. Now that Admiral Dewey turns out to be a laD-fledged democrat the chances are thst the repnbliran press will prove within a yssr or two that tie never wblnnadtbe Spaniards on Ibe first ot ol May, 1808 in Manila Bay. The anni vertary is almost here Will itbecele-brsted. Old Bill Anderson, Salem's famous saloon keeper, bsvlog announcsd Llmselt as a candidate tor sheriff oners his drug store tor sals or trsde lor a hop-yard or niune orchard or any other bueinese that does not require much labor, Ula BUI la considerable ol a humoiist. One Salem naoer accuses another ol having received aa much lor campaign nap at it bat evtr made legitimately. Of count an exaggeration, but thowlng Ibe spirit of tbt tge. In Lino touniy tho newspaper la lucky it it bat a candidate as a straight subscriber. One psper though ts charging 15 for campaign cards Among the Filipinos. Su, a wnua blcni. term, and eoodluoas Try It moat aad will rroalr it tnm af ayfund toot imbt if yoa. ar aot parfcetljr amt!.ftd. sue rr en organ win a oia a, sS.tvt vjUfAVAl AT SUCK. IMT HKLAY. Cur beliabiliTY is established lfj d cavil with uaat your raiif htxrevoJt i&j- write nm paDitt-aeyr fx auia psvptyr er KwvprNi4ta ftavtioasY. Btuik, r Corn rUnk, of CbtoettTO) or OtiirtiaMi KatcluuitT bsuik, hew fork I tnr xmitremd or xpnaM wmpaar la Ckieo. wti aVas t. ea4ial sje? mm imM., oorapj mtlr m t Ui iavrrsw bwlnexw block ia llticMro, mn4 employ samrtr I M jmouIi Is ear mwm tiHainf, wa psub vswug at n.vsw i E I ia?e asiTtejsi fl 0.0. Bilyeu, a son of, J. A. Bilyea, of Solo, ia writing borne from Naic, in the Pbilllppines, says: We have just returned from a 800 mils march, bsve been marching about two months. I wish yon could have seea ns coming in some of tbe boys were without shoes, some without bate Ob, we were a sight. Just think of marching 300 miles and packing from 80 to 40 pounds on your back and figbting.couing roads, aad making rafts, wading rivers and sometimes swimming one man was drowned and some were shot. Borne times we wonld march all day and come back where we started from. The Filip'nos ambushed os twice, and fired on ns but we drove them off. Wo nave been on tbe firing line aver since we landed on this island. , I got a chance to shoot a Filipino, be was only about 40 yards from me, bnt ibe captain wouldn't let me shoot. Ob, I could have killed him with tbe greatest of ease.Jif tbe ctpt sin bsd not interfered. It mide me leel fucny when toe macs devils commenced shooting at nsbntl didn't mind t much, after a little while. Oct lellow was tbot down right close to pie. Well. I only with tut march was over f T L. I ( 1 1 k. aI-m kAm. n.nf r. I lur a miug wa will u, uiui avu.v y ..., soon after it it iaover. It Is setting hot- ; ier and hotter a tbe senate tariff amendments, Locrisbo MARQUIS, April 6.-The Boers repulsed two sorties at Mafeking. Largs bodies of burgher cavalry hava returned to BioemfontaJm. Ntw Yobst, April 6. The Herald tare Dewey'a candidacy ia a acheme!of salt ern democrats, in bands of Gorman. Shanghai, April 6. Russian Japanese war departments continue warlike ere . , - . paranons. Japanese cans out naval re serve. Fbankfobt. April 6. The 6apreme court has decided the election case In fa vor of ths democrats, six to one, tbe two republicans concurring. Los don, April 0. Gen. Roberts re ports tbe Boers captured thrse compan ies ot Irish fusiliers aod two companies mounted Infantry Wedneslay near Betbarny. The Epworthians. Tbe annual di.trict convention of ibe Epworth League of this district was opened la the M. E. church last even ing. Tbe president J. W, Menxies, cf Lebanon, was In tbe chair. A tier a pre llminary song service MissOlsra Gard dslivered sn excellent addreee of wel come on the part of the local league, among other things tbe fact being pre sented tbst there are now over 1,800,000 memoers oi tne leaga), tnowing a won The Bryan crowd at Eugene, which some of tbe republican papers, as they bave been doing right along evidently bv previous ordsr Irom tbe bosses, re ported not very large, wat eaumaiea oy fair iodoee to bave been between eight and ten thousand people, an immense crowd to bear any apeaker. The troth It Brvan received an ovation all through the Northwest, a lact that caotot be downed by falsehoods. From the Peodletoo'E. Ot Tbe Portlsnd Telegram, which is sap- Doted to be;a newspaper, la a recent news report of a political meeting In the Wltlametie valley, said of the speaker: "They tame to bear a atstsiman and thev found only a talking machine, a sort of graphophooo with only one sbsst to pisy irom. lie nsa poor aooccie in holding hit crowd, which kept leaving him all tbe time." No wonder the read Ing pnblio hold in comtempt this so- called newspaper, when It forces upon Us readers ths personal opinions oi its pesnut coT'eenondents in tbe space tbst should be filled with news. Tbe Kev. Mr. Arthur Dressy, of Oswe go, ttld In bis isrmoa last Babbatb t "The world's need is Christina msnll nes. Knowing this, I shstl no longer ride on railroads for half fare; what is good enough for yon Is good enongh for me. Pieaae do not discount goods to me becsnte I am a preacher. I ought to pay my taxes, and my charch should not be exempt. Christ did not borrow, beg, be seech bis bread ; ha bought it like other men. If I am bit follower, I will pty mvwsyas be did. fear mends, lor derfnl growth. IV. M. Newport socks on bebsllol the church. Mr. Mens es, the jrwayas ne ata. wesr irienaa, ior tA. ti .,.. .u..' I loar Ion i vesrs roar bearty support and """ l"l'l WUILH mo I... - , L,-Am bsve enabled me to do buiinsts on a cssh bssis. I fesr none; bat stand in he power of my manhood ale as." suaience aajonrnea to the parsonage where a social was given aod the visitors msdeat home, This forenoon wss devoted to tbe re ports of officers and chanters showing a general improvement and growth. Tbs afternoon session alter prellmln ary devotional exercises was given np to special papers by Ernest Rooades, "Loose Spoket in the Epworth League by Minnie Poreter on "Linger a Little in Literary Lines," and by Miss Orousbeck on "What tbe League must do to Justi fy Its Continuance. Tbe program tonight will be entirely under the charge of the Indlans.of Bilstz and will be one no one should miss. Tomorrow there will be four services. murine prayer meeting at O O Clock, a Ksnsss City Journsl. Garacre was dispatched lo their relief. Metbuen surrounded General Villeboiss a ii. . a w r s s t t .1 men today sna siuea viiisdoibs sou seven men, tsking fifty prisoners. Tbe British losses are light including two Yeoman csptains killed. Cecil Rhodes arrivsd In London this morning and wss cooly received. The sermon by Dr. Ford at 10:30. the Lord'a Pbllc ,,,0,r,a not n'" sapper at 8 p. m. and addresses In thellnblm evening by ttevs, Lee and McDaniel. rnii (lit., mmm w io rm-rtlilnir (a anultal ln.li aiaaat, at lawaat wholwal, artoaa, Writ rm riaanwiail atfyaaaUaaaaaaaalaallaatTiiaiiataataliigna. art Hum, iSiaw. aaaB A 0. ar awaWf ,,M,al, saia,! SEARS, ROiSUCK CO. Oae.1, Fsltee, DpUiMS "krwasiUu, CHICAGO. ILL.' II the time. If yoa were tb. h,h:.7.Ti; tXhVYm? J-XZ over here yoa wonld appreciate tbe Ore- raphy.' r on ralr. A large and fine Hock of cigars and tj bacco at Conn A Hueton'a. fee the dis play. It Wt n't Worn. Nsw Yohk, Ap'il 4. A Washington tils i atoh to the livening Telegram tayst It hss developsil that . the announce inent nt Admiral Deweys candidacy Is a psrt ot a wall laid plan of Eastern detn crta,to head off Uryan'a nouilnatloo, Ths Admiral will not admit there Is any organisation behind his candidacy, or stale wl ether he would like the repub lican or democratic nomination, A Ciu Fire. Kansas Citv, April 4.-Convention Hall, Kansas O.ty's pride, whe-eln the Democratic National Ooiventlnn was to have been lieM.JiiJ 4J was laid In ruins In less than 30 minutes till' alternoon from fire that started Irom sn unknown source at 1 oVIuck. The bra burned with sucn fury that it was tviiluut al moat from Hie start that the structure was doomed. Audncintjis lloeia. London, April ft, A A. M. It looks to day as though ths Boers had cono Ived the audacious plan of attempting to in veal Irfinl It jlwrts at llloomfontola or at least to endeavor lo delay hit northward advance by harassing the British lines of coiniiiuiiicstloh. On his side, Lord Huberts Is concentrating his forces, and preparing to laks sveryiidvaiitage of the bold bvt riskp tactics of theeneiny. He Is not likely lo strike st sny of their forces until ho is certain of delivering a crushing blow. Relief tor Mafcklnu. London, April 8.--A dispatch to Mia Dally Mall from Mafoklng, date I March W, by runner to Uaberones, says : Levi night we received the welcome news ot the dispa'ch of a column by way ot Vr burg to relieve us, Tbe messen ger reported thst he had accounted no Boers on the road, Otli-r runners from the no th tell of the rapid approach of Colonel I'lhiner's column. The Boors continue the bo.nuardutoiit. The Dewey CanJUncy. Wanhinoton. April 4. Admiral Dew ey's annoiiiiceiiient of this randldaco for the Pieaidency hat caused more surprise at ths captitul than anything that has happened in many a dav. The surprise lnjeleo coupled with. No one regards this Dewey bandklscy seriously. After tna Prince. Bei'ssLts. April 4. The! Prince! ol Wsles was shot at while leaving the rail road atrtion here, lift wat not hurt. Th. attempt occurred at 3:W P. M. The wsuiube aaeaatin )etn pea upon the loo' board ot the i'rlnce't tatooo-car aa the trsintwas starting and flrrd into the csr, aiming at tbe Prince. The man was im mediately arrested. Around Me faking. Ixinoon, April ft. A special dispatch from Lourenco Maniocs says sharp light ing occurred April 2. In the neighbor hood ol Msfekpg. Tbe gsrrison nade a sortie, while Colonele P.umer's cavalry attacked the Boers at lismatlabama. Boers attacks were repulsed. Twenty of Colonel Pluraer't men were found dead on the field, and tlx others were made prl.oneir. 1 he federal louses were small. The War. Iain don, April 0. The War mfce la- sued no news yes'eodsy and little was allowed to coorne through from tba cor relpondenta al Bloemfontelo, According to the Btandard's rvpreaenialtve there la no sign that the Boers Intend taking the offensive. General Clements ia so dis posing his forces ss to guard agalnat snp surpriae attack. ' Hawaiian Hill. Wabminuton. April 5. The Hones did not finish the bill to provide teriiiorlat government for Hawaii today. Wben tbe hour fixed tor taking a vote, 4 o'oclock arrived, less than half the bill hie been covered and so many amend nienls remained bat It was agreed to continues the consideration of the bll 1 under the Sveminnte rule it was finlsh-td. " Emloree McKlnley. Eixbhsscm, April 6. Tbe Stato Re publican Convention today elected eight delegates ot the National Republican Convention at Philadelphia end instruct ed them to voe lor ihe reoomtnatlon of President McKlnley. Tbe only issue ba lore the conventioa was the fight for rarty supremacy between the Wilson and antt Wilson forbee and tva result was an overwhelming da eat for the former. A Woman for Cortgreae. Boiss, April 6. Tbe Bute Prohibition convention held here today nominated a full atate ticket and chose dwlegstea to the National convention. Tbe ticket is beaded by Kev. W. J. Boone of Caldwell for Governor and Mlas Amanda Way, of Boise for Representative In Congress. Hawaiian Bill. Wasoinoton. April 8. The House af ter four days of debate, today passed tba substitute lor the Senate bill providing tor a territorial lorm of government for Hawaii. The bill now (goes to confer eoce. Rooms for Dewey. Kansas City, April 6. Jonn R. ivAnBAs jiTx. apru o. jonn it. ale Lean, brother-in-law of Admiral Dewey, has engaged elaborate quarters at one of the iesdlng hotels tor the Democratic convention in July. The rcms are very choice and it is reported that they are to oe suareu Dy aamirai uewoy. V-. 1 r- . I . . f i t, , - ,t , Sit 1 Htltl Ms stA. ltsS ,.: iN M t-at-SIt iru HUrtf lr-i t i t ft- ar'-'tttd Lty ajl iniat) p-hA h. m I vpwillsrHil tin l., r;r.M?i.tCMAVi . . a.M-Jfs't Im r, hilfullult. til - ur ror 1 1 t 1 tit . ta- t if t'(i I mrtVfi.f VV ssiat. lass ia la jets e-T,e mr tveartif. 4 fhHV fit fttirrB 't?t tsUI tsrlsal .. . .' io nrt ta fuf "ewik A t I A mil, THIff , V ttGT 9TYLC 4. I' . ' -S -tf I.a, ' IFE IIH DA L anfl Atil T , T-.eii- w" ' "-.a,-..- I 1 WIPiTSn. man f. m li. S ,S .It l tlMawMiH ...mIm Uii.lla lira llli.' Inrhr lone, Terr ,'u. I en. I 'b i mwe rap., "r I r larr .Wfw i. baul. rullr trlnillian a HI 'l tr Initima.l -iili Hit w. ! iiHr wlita two w,ol m. walMlr Srplai r.-i button jri.tinmutt. TkW -M H Slallr lap.utl ""it riMl I irai.rt thai anllAS Bior. Ih.n ht Iha prli-a. Writ. 1r fnwll., C.lal,. 6EAri8, ROCSUCK l CO.. CHICACO janrw aa A a. -t lawnitli r1'.l. Sall.r.)