The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 13, 1900, Image 3

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    T.ndiea Rillr WhiftisL
y ) : " . ' ' ,v
Uod material. Good
to 110.00 each.
wcrkm.Dihlp. New style, $7.00
Merceniw.l cot I on. Looks like litt. Wesra, e.'(wfll
ilk. IVpuUrcoIo-n. $1 C0to$,20a!h,
For tine tklrt llnlnv tod for rhlrtwaiatr,' Twelve (hades.
- flOu psrysrd. ;
8. E. Yowi4Son.
Our hats have a dainty touch her
and tlioio that dlsttiigtihiliee them
from ordinary millinery. A touch
that stamps them "pietty.!
We havo collect a splendid
allowing of Ladles-Tailor Mad. Suit
that will stand a rigid comparison
with cualom work. Tailored Dream-a
will b mora popular thla season than
Our linra embrace the naweat fa.
brfca aod the latest model, ranging
In price from $rt.00 to 25.tO.
Your Eaater aul'a can be we'l te
lected from our assortment.
Ladle Tal'or-Made Jacket, of all
I wool cloth, the oaweat spring at) lea.
15.00 and $3.75".
Early Closing Agreement.
' To Jay evening, April 10. ,
1'rewnt Mayor, marshal, afreet u
perlntendent clef engineer, Council.
iua Danne!, rfslffer, llloherd, Ralston
end BseHy. :
In the absence of the reorder Coon
cllman Ralston officiated
The following bille o'dered paid i
Sam Conn, 18,00; Albany Electric Liabt
All A.k. ti Uf JKf.L. I9H tlM.l.fl
A Troutman, M 00; Y M Westfail, N0;
V Kromao, nolo; & a I'erner, iio.w;
Mayor and counclloien, 140.00; H C
Mariner, $2 00; JH Van Wlnkle,$2d.20;
Water Uo, $3.wj; b (J Held well,;
MisStetter. IttOO.
City Recorder Van Winkle reported
that all tre acsouat of ez-Reoerder
1 Ionian hut tutan lu lull, and nixin
motion bla bondme& were ordered die
I The reporte of the recorder and treas
urer sliowtd the luilowlng S
I ItuLoiDta:
I Kal in treasury $ 384 79
I Ta set. license, ete 1 273 23
, Paid out:
Mayor and eouncllmen ........
.Ohl-f of Police ....
jMgbl police
i Recorder .....
Huptol Btrcete
2 00
190 00
145 OP
168 20
135 00
25 00
332 10
llond Interest
Variants outstanding
Bond IndebUdnes. .........
2S 80
119 76
661 77
22&C 76
12.073 63
93,000 00
boaldbe at" white end Irewaenlate ,
taster li.l, end with, Ibe sam. beentl
ful finish that make them look like
fronted anow. Our perfect msttods of
laundry work are the only oo that will
Insure thla to ton If you want It spoil
aod faultiest la He beauty. Our w..rk la
uorlvated. Teat It j and It will be proven.
MAUXOUA BlfcAl unviii'iii.
We, the underslgnad budnets men of
Albany agrej aivl pledge oorelves to
elose our place of buslnesa at 7 o'clock
p. m , on erery wek day except Sstur
iiny. excepting during the month of Dao.
ember, aod excepting oa Such special I Treaawer
d.ys aa may be determined by the buU 1 f re department 332 10
net men'a coinmltttie, beginning April '''an" ' "
10, 1U0O,
Blgned by J, Oiadwohl, K. E. A II. J.
If amilloo, 8, E. Youug A Hon, J. M.
Weaver, V. II. Havana A Co , F. M,
French, O 0. Parker, F. F. Allen A Oo ,
Will A 8trk. Albany Trading Oo . Alb
bany Dreseed iteet Oo , Hopbine Bro ,
U. l'ronhnow, Froniati Hroa , I. K ; Bor
u hi, Joe. Ilutchlneoo, OhlingA Hulbcrt,
K. U. Will, J. A. Koian, McFeron A
I'ouilineon, Conn A Huston, O. Myer,
l arker liroa.. A. O. Keam, J. K. Haiti
more, E. F. Kenton, W. U. Worley. Alb
any Furniture Co., Kcliulii 'At ., H,
Itrodere, O. K. Ilrownell. T. Wendell, R,
l Edaard, Uoltra A Knrabaugh,M.E.
Howard, li, J Joore, A.Hcnmidt, K.E.
Mail, L. Uotlieb, W. II. uutx. Thoe.
tv Ink, HUniey Biewart, Uul Viereck,
Mr. T. Aahby. W. if. Miller. O. M.
Turner, Ulila Olotblog Co., Biewm A
Hut ile-Jw. Oo.
J. 11. Uoimr. pastotof ibeOhrlitian
I church, anoounces a aorln of 8unday
foliowst April 11, "The Holy Hplrlt,
His I'ernonality." April 22, "Hie Holy
Hplrlt in Ke'atlon to Christ and the
Apot:e." April 20, "Tbw Holy Bpirit
i . Kelstion to boirtual Character."
May 0, "ThMiilUol the Holy Spirit,
Ortllnaryaad Extraordinary."
Judge Stewart and County Clerk Luts
of Lincoln county passed through the
city today for Fort and to attend the
stale convention.
C. II. Ilurggraf, the t rchitnrt, hae the
contract for the plan for a new school
house at Itoseburg and a residence in
Hon. W. P. Elmore, prohibition nom
lure lor congressman of tbla district (
itav. Hievensoo, Henderson and Hood,
delrgttee, returned this noon (rojo Fort
J. It. Licer. the corresponding sec re
try of tti tjeiton Cbrlttlao Miaslooary
Koilely, will speak tonight at theChrUt
tan rnort h at 7 All ere invited.
A white horse yesterday afternoon ran
away ei ng r irst elmel from the eaat in
reckltee manner, but doing no' dam-
ape. "v
Ilov.SIr. Lnceride3of Ensene will hold
eeiviceaat St l'etets Epiacopal Cnurch
una eveniuw at :au o cioca.
" Oeorg O. Blakeiy. formerly of Prawns
viH,.bae twen nominated for county
Judge t Wasco cocniy .n the democratic
rbone 323.
.Albany. Or.
Wall paper the Utest designs and
rhadea. hook our line over before bny
iu elsewhere. We save you money.
Heme it art A Lxt.
Your home made beantiful with the
latest ahades of wall paper. We aave
you money. Ilea hast & Lxr.
for the erectmn and fwmpietion or a
church bulUiing to be erected for the
vim fthrl.tian ehnrob of Albany. Or.
Plane may be e'eenattheollire of Cnae.'i
11. Uureran. ercrmecr. iiiuni reeerTru
to rejct ny or all blda. Signed
Call at Will A
Stark for your engsfrement of wedding
ring. An elegant stock to eclect from. .
Eat Okanoxs... Oet them at20c a do
At 0 E. Bronoelle.
23 Jewels,
In solid gold
23 Jewels
New Model
" Fine Train
New , .
$107,973 62
The Uarshal'a report showed $86.14
txe col'ected ,2 1 arrest during quarter,
166 meal tickets Issued, that tramps have
been given one mesl and bed in j'l and
conducted out of the city.
Keversl walka.were ordered built with
In thirty data. How to compel the
building of a walk la front ol the Hhield'e
property was diecoaeed.
bids lor a aewe across Hill street were
ordered adverllaed for.
The matter of eewert between Madison
and Main itreela wee ordered led to the
committee on itreete and public prop
ertv to consult with city attorney.
Albany Engine Co. So. I asked the
privilege ot erecting a new etable in the
rear ef the eoeine house. Not granted,
as it i In fire limit.
CivOTux Lixx T'ttrr. Tbla morning
oo arlaing Mr. Hi Klum diectveied bla
clothes line, on wbicb teveral articlea
bad ueen left the' night be'ore to dry,
empty. He telephoned Unlet ol Follce
Co ate who baatened to the depot just a
a freight train wa leaving for the north.
Tbe train wou'dn' atop, but Harry Coa-
noway lumped iclo a box car and se
cured a bundle of part ot tbe clothing.
Three tramps who fsiled to get oo were
eaptured, but were released, ai tbsv bad
notblna to (bow tor tbe matter. Seven
were oo tbe train when it disappeared.
Several over and ondertbirte and draw
er were taken away with tbem.
Bksto Cocirrr Tu x it. In Joint
convention the following ticket was
placed In nomination yesterday by tbe
democrats sod populists:
Representative, Cheater Skeel
Clerk. Virgil E. Walter ?
Sheriff. M. P. Harnett, .
Recorder, Grant Elgin..
Oommisoloner, R'tbard Ecwln.
Treasurer, W. A. Buchanan.
Aeeeor, Howard L. Bush.
School Superintendent, W. C. Swan.
Burveyor, J. D. Hokill. - A ,;
Coroner, B. N. Wilkin. .
TheMnalcat Club will not hold It
monthly meeting tomorrow afternoon.
The eame baa been postponed until .next
month. .. ... :
Juda U. II. Hawltt returned, thla
noon from a visit to hi former borne
taanof McMinnvllle. .
Cbas. Loaus.of Portland, a well-known
batcher, a brother-in-law of Louie Miller
of tble city, dropped dead yeeterday on
the etreeta ot rortlaod. , i .
Ore not now, but buy your Eaater esc
aye at toe ogar uowi, a aireei.
Bpectsl prices to nsrties. chnrcbei. etc,
tor colored caster esgs.
IV. Ixitran. ot Pbiloiualh. wait In the
Attn . " 1
Lsaaxi and personal
V i'fcj . ' -. " ' '' ' " ''
CO. Lee left this morning for Port
on .busioese trip,. . ,-5
MccErrna Benaon went 40 Portland
on Hie liuth tola morning. ' '
Mr. Prof. Walker will leave next 8at-
uaday on a vlait to her former home in
tbe eaat.
Miss Ora Simpson has had another t-
tack ol appendicitis, and It la thought
lanoperation will be nececiarr.
W. O fiord Kash of Eueene pasaed
through Albany yesterday afternoo for
Portland to hear Jgnace Faderewki.
Mra. J. II. M yere and daughter went to
uauae on tne boat tin moraine on a
visit with Mrs. Myers sister.
Tbe name of 8. M, Garland of Leb
anon will be presented to the convent
ions in rortiand tomorrow lor district
attorney of this district.
W. B. Lanier came down from the
front laat night after a trip trip into
the Lawler mine. There is
some snow there now and nothing beibg
done yet.
Mr. Hutchinson,! of Portland, haa
been In the city on a visit with bis eon
Joe, tbe barber, before leaving for Cape
ome alter gold, fir. iiutcianeon ua
also spent two years at Dawaon.
Baae ball baa beenCbegn in tbe eat-
ernlstate. Amona tne best players In
the Western league ie Lee, one of the
& itch ere for the Kaneaa City club. He
i a brother of J. Otto Lee of this city.
Prof. W, L. Jack.on. the eceumplitbed
nrlncloal of tbe feodaville school, i
aMlttlogin tbe teacher's exsmination in
tills city, tbli week. Tbe professor is an
experienced teacher and a man of terl
ing worth.
Linn county bat not got a better man
iban Ed Meeker, union nominee for re
corder. Helen native of the county.
honest, accommodating and In every
wav oualifie I to moet acceptably fill the
position. Jefferson Review.
Rev. Parker, of tbe Congregational
cbnrcb, will leave tomorrow for Inde
pendence oo a viait with hia brother and
will bo thence to Cb'caco. where be will
accept tbe paatorate of a Congregation
al church. Hia children will remain In
Albany nntil the cicea of the present
school year.
Mrs. Dr. Kelly yesterday afternoon
eve a reception and tea in honor of Mra.
i.T. Moor, attended by k number ol
Mra. Moore's old friends. It was a very
pleasant affair. Mra. Moore, wbo baa
been visiting here for a few weeks will
retnrn to her home in Olympia ia a tew
days. ...
C. E. Brownell, Rev. and Mrs. Smick,
Mr. and Mise Pratt. M its Ada Morris,
Miss Dora Page aod Mr. W. H, Lee and
daughter, went to Dallas tbla morn log
byway ol tne wiuameue to aueou
meeting ot the presbytery of their
chorcb. Mra. Smick la president of tbe
Women's Missionary Society aod will
deliver an sddreae, and Mr. Lee ie sec
retary. Among the capers announced
are one by Mita Morris. Miss Prstt,Mis
Morriecn, Rev. H. L. Reeu, Rev. C)e
land and solo by Miss Page.
Mra. A. O. Beam. Mrs. T.J. Stites
snd Mrs. Grey laet night gave a One en
tertainment to tbe memoir of tbe Home
Forum. It was uniqr.e end original In
its features. Tbe member were lead
front tbe lodge room to tbe banquet ball
by Mr. Henry Horkio ia marching line.
Tbe Uble waa epres-1 in a captivating
manner with all manner ot eaater eggs,
cbicketifl ha!! batched, ete., including
some wi'.h pictures of Bryan, McKinley,
Dewey, Hanna and other celebrities in a
beautiful neat. It was probably tbe lin
eal display ever presenteJ la Albany and
did credit to the artists. The surround
ing were In keeping with tbe least.
... m " '
. The Weather.
Tonight and Thnreday" showers. Sta
tionary temperature. River (1 feet.
. ' F. M. Fasttca
.' . . i i Displsvmaj '
Are you going to buy any candy Easter
eggst Tbe Sugar Bowl baa a very fine
assortment. . , "
Deed Jana Bivsnt to Frank Over
. redder, 210.70 acres ,.. $262ffl
Morigat-e for $776. Release ol aor'-H
xaee for 1650.
Circuit court. New suit ! Lltzie
Propit act John F Propst. Divorce.
j'robatei Firt account Sled in estate)
of i R Temnleton.
3rd account filed In estate of J J White
andftth account in eststeof Jos Harrison,
with pet itlon to eeil personal properly.
When traveling Z
Whether oo olaeure bnt or busfaees,
lake on every trio a bottle of eyropof
r in, a It act DottPieaanur and enect-i
uallr on ibe liver, ltd bowel.
preventing- fever, neadacbes, ana oiner
orma of i;knei. For tale in 60 cent
bottle by ail leading d-uggiU MaaH
u'actnred by the CeJiforola Fig bprop Co,
Seekers After Gold
Watches will find
the finest line to select from at Will A
btarxa. Also a superior line of the best
makea of aiiver and nickel watches. 1 1
wsys see tbem before buying. I
All klnda of Easter egga at Vlereck's
Sugsr Bowl, 2nd street.
with our schedule price.
Columbia , $75 00
, 60 OO
40 00
Hartford 35 00
80 00
Vedettes 2S 00
Pennant 25 00
Alto second hand wheels, in goodie
pair, from $10.00 to $20,00.
Bicycle ricera. all over tbe world, ac
cept tbe "Columbia" aa tbe etandard.
We sive von tbe best value for your
money, aod id case of accident fnrniab
iepaira promptly.
There are Diamonds
In other places
besides Boutb Airica. will Btark
keep a choice line of goods in this line
in nogs, ear rings, etude, etc.
f OUND. Ladies black fascinator. Cal
at Joseph's Cigar store.
Mcll wain's
17 Ibe. Best Granulated Sogar...
Arbnncle or Lion Coffee, per lbs.
Sack Beat Guaranteed Flour ,
8 lbs Rolled Cream Oat.
3 Cans Sugsr Cora or Tomatoes.
1 1
OO -
Large line of New Spring Goods
have arrived.
Your Home
Is not your home showing tbe marka of time? Ton can paint it now
with tbree-fonrtbs of the paint that will be required in another ytar or
two. Ia not tbe waRa abowlng aign ot torn and disfigured jrptr. yea
can paper it now cheaper than you can in a year or so. -Let ua talk to
you a boot paints, colore, and priceo, we think tbat we can interest yon,
erperially in our line of wall paper. Tbe latest shade.
Burkhart &
In aolid colors are very mncb in use now and you will find a nice assort
ment of shade at , -. . '. ( k ......
- The'Fwiif , - .-
s Also all kin ) of Curtain Clotb, Portieres, etc. Please call.
Dueber-Haitipden Watches.
The beat' Railroad watch made. ' .
F. M. Frericlitlie Jeweler-
We will begin selling out at cost and In tome vaiea lea than cost
oooda on hand only.. We want to clear out thee god his week.'
uaranleo freab we do not want to mova ilium,
elf. TERMS, CAell ONLYv , r I
rrlce for
All goods
Come and examine for your-
$ 301b
su id
TWni Gun Powder Tea,
Beit Japan -.
f ..roe Can Corned Beel
3 Can Alaka Salmon
8 Bed Tomatoes
.i R.irA- (Jlnnamon and
Allmlce 05cau
3 nice fat Mackerel.... y.-Mv.
Lamp Ohlnney. cn. .. , . .
Our B.t Sugar Syron... ...... 65.
Best Milder Leg Tea.
3 pk, Celluloid Starch
uan t en uyatera
.1 pk Seeded Kaiatna
4 h- Piin Mixed Oandy
3 Largi Herring.,;...
3 pka Mince Meat. ... ....
.1 lbs Csrioon Orsckera...
2 lbs Beet Walnuts
4 Large Bottles Blueing
.'. . .$ 30 lb
2 Choice laoie ru . . j,.
All good In proportion..
while you em save money.. - V' ' - -.i
ALBANY TRADING, CO. BecondBt,, Vance Bldg.
i Con a and mj onr goods and lay In a good supply
Air. Gradwohfs Business.
I w'lHh to. inlotin ho gsneral public
that 1 have come to tbe conclusion that
mv business will be In the future Whole-
tale and Retail Grocery, and that 1 will
not add liquors or patent medicine aa I
intended to do, but 1 will keep on selling
all my goods at reduced prices for net
I also call the attention of the general
Xublic and all my customers to tbe conee
-oiler for" Job price for net cash, the
same aa I sold for fojmr prices as stated.
Mocha and Java coffee 80c per lb., reg
ular price ivc, lavorue couee ioc
per lb.. Tegular price 25c.
S cana Finest Tomatoea 25c '
I desire to buy some tgga either In,
trade or cash, ' .
Sugar whoieiale and retail price aub
ject to the change of tho market.' ;
Albany, Or., April 10, 'tKW.
Choice Dried Grapei 81.
. . At C. E. BrownnelLj.
Plibne 4-ll'44
Bicycle and Machine Experts
Work called fof and delivefd jrompt.
We rent wheela and jnachlnes. "
Merrill Bros;?
; Y; M. C. A. Building
Cipthiiig i or: men and boys,
The latest styles in hats,
A iiiie line of furnishing goods
; ;up with the date,
Stilish and substantia 1 boots
H and shoes, "
Everything at safisfaclory
rrm oood iusimcss to wkar
Atthe BLAIN eLOTfflNG Co's