The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 13, 1900, Image 2

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t i
! if Otlt Ml'i natch 'AqolnaUo, h
tin tappren i newtpa'per now end then
Upto date a
hav endorsed
. more
Ricaa tariff
John L. Sullivan bai coo hack, to ths
prlrs ring. -Nainrally! Old men art
usually talkative. .
When Hawaii came In aba did tot
know how near aha would come to being
kept "outside tha Constitution." ' -- ;
Eastsiu democrats are having lots o
fan devieiog combinations for the defeat
ot Mr, Bryan for the nomination tbia
fall... ; ' v.,
When Raaaia and Japan finally lock
boms, which one of tbem will claim to
bt fighting tor civilisation and bnmnn
Uy'ttakeT Krk Hanna and the administration
Lave "beast tltnt assimilated'' sever
al of the erstwhile free tradera of the
Both the republican and popnlitt par
tial in Texaa have split. The democrats
bow have some alight chance to carry the
atate this fall.
A western scientist has declared that
western sir la have smaller feet than
eastern ones. It Is suspected that lie it
detirona ot running for office.
Meters. Flaab and Straight areoppoe
eg candidates in Weat Virginia. Ac
cording to Hoyle the pot should go to
be ft ret named.
If the feeling in regard to Porta Rico
goes on increasing. Teddy Rootevelt may
bave to accept the second place on the
Republican ticket to eav the party.. It
would be too bad to shelve him tbia way
Speaker Hsndreson eays that the Pres
ident was heart and aoul with him pase
ing the House bill. Yet the President's
friends declare that he ttili stands by bis
plain duty proposition.
It is worth noticing that the repre
sentative! of the German presa of ten
atatei bave met at Chicago and decided
to oppose the republicans this fall be
cause of it eir subservience to trusts and
A paper that opposed Bryan leva.
Bryan will make a speech in Portland
on Aptil 1. next Wednesday. Thousands
-wiil hear him, Bryan is a great
Ui . opponent admit that
' Carnegie Frick $180,000,000
Company will receive protection as one
of the Infant industries, and at tha earns
time charge the government $345 a ton
for armor plate. . -. i
Now that the automobile ice wagon
has made it appearance, we may expect
that "How would you like to be the lee
Man" will ran through another enmmer
eaeily without wearing ont.
The Porto Rican tariff question seems
to be settled until next Congress, when
the successors of those who' voted for a
tariff will bave the pleasure of voting for
ree trade.
Well, what (Iom the administration
think of Consul Macro m ? Wasn't be
a pretty f.llow to pick oat for a poet of
each importance? The ouiy reason for
choosing him seems to have been tbat
be wet an Ohio man and a personal
friend of the Pieaident. .
Director Herriam baa caused a great
flutter in Congress by notifying the
msmbers that he wants 1,500 women to
operate punching machines this sum
nier. He aays tbey do far better work
than men. This, however, does not con
tent congressman, who retort tbat wo
men nave no votes ana tbat this is a
campaign year.
Here is the way Qaeen Victoria was
guarded on her recent trip from London
to Ireland .
Train started at 9:39 P, M. '
Pilot engine half hour ahead.: .
Tracks absolutely clear.
Cars bad been over route in rehea
saL .
All appliance serupabasl tested.
Every rail on lines examined.
Every switch tried.
Every signal inspected. .
Evry lamp matched.
Every railway official on doty.
Every station-master, telegraph oper
ator and tra k band on the alert from
h)lf an hour before train is due until it
.A correspondent of ' the Brownsville
tei save : ; ' . ' . - . . -.
m correspondent etterded. the Bryan
"I In Albany last week and recefv
'tat inspiration therefrom. The
eled arguments of the great ora
V forceful manner in which
eliTwed was a re relation to
neoorse assembled at the
"Uttre. Democrats and pop
"? firmer in the faith, re
Our Ticket.
: It is outtotuary after an strctloa to rt
flaw the ticket put in nomination by
puty, showing the fitness of tha ven
running for the positions tor which tin
bare been nominated. Tbtsa are gen'
erally taken according to the polities
the reader, and yet some times there
something in them that is appreciated
even by those opposed to the ticket.
Our ticket ia representative in
character in double sense. It la competed
of men taken from among tbe people.
It is pot atlccet of politician. And
second it represents the different sections
ot tbe county fully. The twelve men on
the ticket are trom (en different pre
cincts, only two places having two can
didatee. Notice how they are spread
over the county : Scio, Lebanon, jSod
vilie, Orleans, Brownsville, Albany, Syr
acuse, Harrlsburg, Shelburn, Shedd end
Craw fordavi lie. Could a convention
have treated every pari of the cooniy
more fairly with U elve candidates for
thirty one precinct. The grtat need In
office now is honest, upright men. who
can be depended upon to do their duty
and who will account for every cent
that peases through their bands, as will
at administer the different offices in
batinrai way. We present a ticket
this chaiarter.
The representatives are men who can
not be bought or traded into endorsing
bad legislation. Col. O B. Monta&ua is
a fine speaker and will work tor economy
and against grab. Mark Perry ie a
live Oregonian, a young man with
clean record and fine address. He will
do at Salem Just what be ears be will
before be goes there. Tbat ia his past
record, and tbs Democrat will bant oa
it. Mr. W. H. lagram, a former repub
lican who left tbe party because of its
shortcomings, Is a man ot worth accord'
ing to tbe report from Sodavil'o, bis
home, is a fair talker and a tood reacou
er, who will be found on the right side
according to bis judgment ol every bill
tbat may come before him as a represn-
tativefrom ro important a ccuatv as
Ths judge of an Oregon county, ehoold
be an upr'ght man who knows ths
needs of the county and who
willwoik in the intrets ot the res-
pie and not rrerely of hie pocketbook
a man ft good judgment, economy and
discernment. Mr. U. M. Palmer, our
nominee it such a man. He is in the
prime of life, a man of splendid babits
and good attainment. His record in
the last atate legislature as passed upon
by the Salem Journal beads tbe list of
tbe entire membership. Tbe position be
took on the different bills will endorse
tbe judgment of the Journal. Tbe low
est levy in tbe atate with a farmer at tbe
head of tbe court indicates tbat a farmer
can make a good county judge.
Mr. George Mc 9 argue, of Brownsville,
tbs candidate for sheriff, ie a pioneer
resident of the county. Brownsvi'le
peop'e speak In high terms of him as a
naighoos and a eitizeo He li a fearlese
man and a rustler, a man capable of fill
ing tbe potition;well.
W. F. Hammer, a resident of Linn!
county for nearly twenty years, it a
young man of excellent enarae'er, faith
ful in all tbat be does. He possesses
good clerical ability and is one ot ice
neatest penmen in tbe city. He is
every respect deserving of the position.
Ed Meeker, Is another Linn' county
pioneer, and though farmer, ia entire
ly capable of filling the position of Re
coraer. lie is a geua penman ana is a
reliable man. Some ef our beat recorders
have been from the farm, and Mr. Meek
er will be one among them
Our ticket ia particularly fortiooate in
having a man of the character of T. J.
Anderson, of Harrisburg, on for asses
sor. Be baa been a clerk In tbe store of
May & Senders lor about fifteen yean.
and is peculariy well fitted lor tbe posi
tion besides being popular taitbtol.
Hs is about forty years of age, ia a mar
ried man with five or six children and
Harrisbutg people cannot tar enough in
his favor .
Mr. R, B Miller, of Sbelburn.nominse
for treasurer is an old reeidsnt of the
eonotv. man who has been reliable in
all tblnge.His accounts will be kept cor
rectly aecordiog to the opinions of those
knowing him well.
, The Demecrat has never met tbe can
didate for cmoty school superintendent
f'yot. W . L. Jackson, of Eodaviile, does
n't even know bim by sight, but bis ro
cord is sufficient to give him a good
standing as en educator. He is a teach
er of several ytars experience, it said to
be a bright yonog man of good appear
ance, and is spulao ol in nnmittak I
term by those where be has taught.
A better selection could not bave been
made for county commissioner. H B
Sprenger ie a live, ap-to-date farmer of
Shedd precinct, successful in his un
dertakings. He is in touch with ths peo
ple ol tbe county, and can be depended
upon to work in the intereit of the
.T. A. Biggs, renominated for surveyor
from Crawfordsville precinct, is on of
Linn County's most reliable pioneers.
He bat shown bis efficiency as a survey
or dnriug tbe time he bas filled tbe office
and there ia no better teet than tbat.
Mr I G Norman . renominated for lcor-
oner, it' a resident of this city. - Be has
attended to the office correct! v. The
Democrat bat n Hiced tbat be bat bad
other thing In vlw t-ao simply gsttlog
his teas, , la several cam raving" tha
county the expense of aa Inqutn where
eonsldered it necessary. He hai attend
ed to tbe duties promptly and a 1th Judg
ment. The De a crat will keep Its readers
posted at the campaign progreese, en
deavoring to treat all men fairly what
ever ticket they may be ' .
Mrs. Dewey is now compUtely out ol
the presidential race. It la a dull day
when Mrs, Derey does not eauso a sen-
U -7
Senatot Clark, of Montana, It is re
ported will be unseated. Bat he I at
had a million dollars worth ot fun aid
notoriety already, and that It about til
senatorial lift amounts to. Statesman
ship is rarelV the DOal that mnlnii
Dewey has teen nominated for sheriff
ot nougiaa county on the union ticket,
. i r7,.,i , "wv
mi tu unn anTtumir in a name.
The present congressional horoeeon
it as ine jjkxocjlt lias predict id rrl
t r
alontr. tbat Tontrua will h nnmin.t.,1
It own looks now as if he might get it on
the first ballot. The remihlirana
saiaenougu against turn to entitle him
to ueieat.
The Salem Statesman republican eh
dorses tbe nomlcation ot the F. E. Fin
ser, on the union ticket ot Marlon nmn,
ty, for county clerk, and says it hopes to
see mm eieciea. inis H soniethinir now
1 . r . .... f.
ia aiarion oouniy pontics.
An Oakland man, who is too modest
to permit the ore ot his name, returned
from Albany yesterday evening and re-
poriauiat vaaiana is iwir ahnul nf
Owl. He had better keep his name out
vvuuii moinjuuiii. ii,k inn
oi prio. ii ne wisnea to keep out of the
Tbe Botrs are having their day now
and a live one. In warfare as io other
luiuvB ii is not always well la ronni
coicaens oeiore tbey are batched.
The Portland Telegram fa making a
specialty ot reporting gold strikts io the
Sampler district, and tha
district ia making a specialty ot furnish
ing mem.
That I a f jan s:tuition la Marion
county. The Statesmsn, repobllcan, is
ppoeed to tbe r-eeciioo of tbe renabli
can candidate (or cocntr clerk, and th
Joornai, anti republican, is in favor of
The Portland University is to be con
soiidated with Willamette after being
separated from it several years. This is
proper, it was small business when it
wae divided in tbe first place, displaying
a soirit that ahould not prevail in educa
tional mailers. i
uoo.j. j. bents, who delivered , tbe I
inree ana a nan nour speecala . Albany
two years ago, dd more than anr other
man to kiu tne infamous Laud bill, and
it looks nowaa ifitwaa killed taata
dead. It is to be hoped so. Thanks Mr.
Rev. Meminger's Address.
Eorroa Democrat:
It was enough to hnmiliate a thinking
person, some ci tbs . talk ottered
at the M."E. chorch a- tbe laat
meeting before the delegates of the Ep
wortli League dispersed aud before our
citisens as well, tbe talker did opposite
to tbe preacher Uet Sunday morning in
tbe tame pa pit. Don't you think be
honored tbe Ore.'oman and Mr. Harvey
Scott bigber thau he did tbe New Voice
and John ii. W joIcv. and also went back
on tbe party I. bad beea voting for and
said be never woold vote for the prohi
bition party again, and told the three
dog story in order to carry bis point, but
Bam Jones said once tbat a nenan enniH
alv.ays tell wbich dig was bit by tbe
yelp (wben throwing a stent in a eang of
them.) Mr. Memioger alto atated that
tbe New Voice waa the worst mod slinger
at his church (M.E.1 of an naner Llt
he knew of and that John ii. Wool
would be out here next month thromi
mud too. said be amid talk, hot ha mm
at one time a lowfdoan drocken Uwyer,
uu u wi tua iaia. no aouot the sa
Ijoo element and many politicians would
bave said amen to it.
Atvur J Casotuibs.
" Example is Better
cThm Precept
His not xufut ive s&y, but
nuhai Hood's SarsipurUU
does, that telts the story.
Thousands of testimonials are
examples of. what Hood's
has done ', for others, - and
what it kuill do for you.
6crofula " Banning scrofula sores,
made me shunned by neighbors.' Medical
treatment failed. A relative urged me to
try Hood's SaraapaiUu. Did so and In few
months the sores completely healed." Uu.
t. M. Hatch, Etna, N. H.
trrflewimcftory FheumatKam - " Two
attacks of tbe grip left ma with inflamma.
lory rnaumauam. Am w years old, but
Hood's Sarsaparllla cured me and I can
climb stairs and walk anywhere." J.lora-
S79 rargo Aye Buoalo, N. Y.
Hood's rills aara arr HUi tha aoa-tTTttotlin aa
ilj eathartle to tako with Hooa't Hrprig
Today's War News.
j London, Apiil Il.Tho British killed
and wounded at Wepener Monday fllly
two. Lord Roberta hat - proclaimed
martial law In Cape Cylony. The Boeis
are shelling lannslaagto from three
position. General Gataci-e Is'atout to
return to England.
, Doers on Top.
Inpoh, April 11. A dlspaloh to the
Daily Mail from Branefort dated Sunday
Yesterday General Deret inflicted the
intra aeioat on the British within a week
at Merkatsfonloln. killing and wounding
500. lie bsptureutHX) with 13 wagons,
losing five Uoers killed and nine wound-
The Daily Mail publishes the following
dated Apail 10 from 1-onrenco Marques:
The Nttherland Railway Company
tirujuaaoa io nave received a telegram re
iwting a Boer victory near Kroonttad,
i io ocrs capturing WW lirilltbr
Etmlnnd Ashamed.
Ixndo., April lie But that the War
ofllcelhaa Issued no news from Lord Rob-
eri uuring tbe :iat throe dsys there
would be little disposition to place any
credence In the Boer reports of another
British disinter. The unexpected rally
ing of the Free State : commandos leaves
ilia mi ti! ii In u.u ...nAti.i ..lui..
feiring everything.
A Long Campaign,
LoXKOM. April 10. Britons are now
beginning. thou?b reluctautlv. to realiia
that Lord Rober'a is ia foj a winter cam",
paiuu, laaiiiiK evrai monins. rnia ia
end in a tew words, ot the liiah hows
tiased upon Robert's brilliant dash to
Klmberly ami B'nera'ontelo.
rreparatioiia t- )lne made lo hold
Dloemfonuin agniiu. nuapris s.
SurrunudlnK nf ntcin.
London. April 10. The l.i.-mfunttn
correspondent ot the Dailv ii-iK-ranh.
telegraphing Sunday, says:
Confirmation has been received 1 1 ll
report that tlx Boers are in laaser n
considerable force with guns at Dookers
spoort, 18 miUs southeast. The British
scouts rrpoit another liodv atill closer.
The lion petrols have grown very dar
ing. A Big Job
Wabihsoto!. April 9. Great eHivltv
waa maoiftM'ed in the House today in
getting out the full vote for he ap
proach bnal con to.-1 on tha Puerto Rico
bill. Tbe urgent telegrams sent bv sue-
porters'of the bill to absent members
brought a number of responses, but ft
was developed that tbe number of ab
sentees was unusually large and the tel
egraphic exchanges gaue no positive as
surance that all those absent would .re
turn. A Big Elephant.
lV..nilnit A Q Tl.. .11
ing conditions in lb Philippines are giv
ing the rerublicans a great deal of un
easiness. Tbe administration hoped
that the troops which had been sent to
General Otis woo id be sufficient Jto put
down tbe rebellion ail over tbe (islands.
bnt it now appears tbat the guerrilla
warfare ia iust as serious aa ever. Geo.
Otis and oti -r officer bave suirirerted
tbat more troops were needed.
" ( , . Injury to Fruit.
4aaAjrr'a Pas. April Josephine
county was visited by heavy frosts . Sat
urday and Sundao nights and the favor
able fruit prospects bave received a se
vere blow. Toe thermometer Sunday
night dropped 25 decrees, the coldest
nighttof the winter, the frost settine; in
about midnight. This mornieg the out-
looa tor pescbes is simost a tout failure.
:. Fruit Ruined.'
Bozut ax. Mont. An il 0. Show haa
been falling for the past 40 hours, and
level.. The storm Is the heaviest in 12
months.- Farming lands needed snow or
rain aud tbe benefit will be great.
England Sorrowful Agai t.
lillnn. An:iO A JO a . TIT 1 I.
i npin v, v.-iv 111. JlUfl IM
is borne in mind that all tbe disDatrhet
from tbe front are sevrely censored.
tlirrr is little in the news to bring satis-
lacnon to &ngiandr AMurancee that
nothing need be feared, even if tbe rail
way -and telegaph are cut snd Bloemfon-
tein isolated altogether, with the news
that tbe ladies and ,othar civilians are
being ordered away, do not augur well.
There are rumors from Can Town
that teles ranli u ires were alreadv cut
' Plenty of Fighting.
Manila, kuril 8. Rerjorta of Senconn.
ters between the Amwricaas and the in
gnt continue to arrive from many
point. On Friday, Captain Sturgis,
while reconnoiterins struck an insurgent
outpost of tbe Nevalichee road, five mile
irorn manna, killing two ann capturing
10. All were in full uniform, Unfor
tunately, Captain Sturgie force was not
arge enough to pursoe tbe main body.
Wheat Sals. mmn A fit Q T t Vl.t. .(
opiiidt k . mil., vi
Athena, lias just sold 60,000 bushels of
wheat. Quite a number of other farm-
era of Athena and vicinity sold last week
tne aggregate probably reaching over
10O.UU0 bu.- Dave Tay oe. a wheatbuver
stated today tha prices had ruled dur-
I ing the week from 39 to 43 cents for No.
1 standard Club, other ciades selling st
.rireg based upon this No, 1 qnotation
A Big; Boat Capture.
mirroBiA, April . it is omcially an
nounced bar hat at the Bloemfontein
water works the republican (orcea cap.
tared 11 officers and 862 men, with 11
guns, two ammunition wsgont, otbe
wagons and mujea. ., ,
The Texat Floods.
Hocbtov, April 8 As a rule, the Tex
aa rivers are now falling, and there Is
not.much danger ol a general fl jod. Tbe
crops have been damaged over a wide
area, but there is still time for farmers
to replant if they can get tbe seed Corn
has been planted over once, and will
have to be planted the third time, .
A Starling Ramor, "
Washington. April 8 A renort was
in circulation here tonight; . that Mrs.
Dewey had left the Catholic church and
had become an Episcopalian but no ver
ification of the rumcr could be obtain 'd I
' Some Nominations.
Lno Co. Union t
RepresenUtlvr 0 E liar wood, Levi
ueor, t, iv Kipwortti,
County Judge 11 R Klncald.
, Commissioner J R Hill,
Clerk-Harry M Milllorn. ' '
Hherlff-W W Withers.
Treasurer A 8 Patterson.
Assessor K R Parker.
) Kurvsyor Lincoln Taylor.
' Foliool Superintendent W M Miller.
yo-onor w 1, Ulieshlr.
lleuton Co. republicans :
Representative It J Nichols.
, Clerk John A Oollaty. t f .r
Sheriff J M Cameron.
Recorder W D Tomllnson.
Assessor 11 II Ulaasford. '
School Superintendent (.1 W Donmtn
. Commissioner Casiter Zlorolt.
Treasurer Miles T Starr. '
Surveyor (Jeorgo Mercor.
Coroner J B Irvine.
Marlon Co. Union s
--.". . VVIIU 4. WVIIIIV, M J""
ulist: John W Jory. Poptlist: E ilofer.
Independent: A li HudJleeon. Demo
crat; John U Diniick, IH-ruocrat.
uounty Judgt W W Elder, democrat.
Commissioner W W Culve". demo
Sheriff Frank Durbln, democrat.
Clerk W L Ziiiser, democrat.
Recorder J W King, democrat.
Treasurer J O Matlock, populist.
AsseHKir J W Hubert, republican.
Coroner j y W hillock, democrat.
Surveror A Uobatot, democrat.
School SunerlntenJnnt A J (tirlanil.
Polk Co, Republicans:
Senator B V Mulkey.
RepresonUtlve O L Hawkins.
County Judge J 11 Hawlev.
County Commissioner J It Teal.
Clerk-U 8 Uughary.
Sheriff -R 8 Conner.
Treasurer J W Ca'dwell.
School Superlnlendent- Leonard Starr
Assessor 1) L Ureen.
Coroner Dr L N WooU.
Crook Co. Republicans i
Sheriff M J LUter.
Clerk Arthur Hodgei.
. Treasurer V F Nichols.
AsatNwor Ed LaughUn.
Surveyor John N
School.Soperlnlendenl-WlIlJsm Bogll.
vuruuur it J it Koaentierg.
Tne Oaklaod.Or , Owl, lathe name ol
a new paper that will hoot In Oregon.
NewipaUinte arcs J D Atkinson. Kat.
tie. Wash, hand power for MevcU-a; J P
t;armr. Portland, Or. J I; )cKlnnon,
luniauu, vr, air compresaur (3 patents)
Aiur completing th case of La Due
gi. oavage ei ai. lo the circuit court
Judge Boise reserved his opinion and ad-
L .......... ...! .....
wuri oniu may j, when sevetal
matters will be heard.
The meeting of Ihe grievance comrolt-
wi irom llie various ra rrutl Ai .n -ml
youis i: nuotington in Han Francisco
is.i weak, resulted in the 8. P. Co. with-
urawiog wie Heiieiaaeociation which was
v acuoraiiT Duncin IO h tha am.
Abere have bevn twelva aa mttta
started op In Lsne county within lees
uin a ysar, says the Junction Bulletin,
? Probably the leaat ha a capacity of
of 6,000 feet per dry, and op to 100,000
feet per day.and there will be more mills
ereciea aunng tbe season aa lumber ia hi
great demand. Register.
une ot tne prettiest pieces of electric
work seen in Alban la a millM. r..
'of red and whit llghta, the co'ors of ths
fir. V. ",u" w in platform in
tbM. fc. church during the district
convention! olrf tbe league. , Mr. Joe
Ralston waa the artist.
W. C. Stellmacher has so'd his deliv
ery bnsinea in this city to O. O. Lee,
who will use charge of it the first oi
next month. Mr. Lee will Jkeep up tbe
excellent repu'atioo of the Stellmacher
Brothers inauring a good service to the
The new txpree system hst been com
plted in ibis city, every residence hav
ing a telepon being connected. Fifteen
new places have uken phone recently
mo"'Jr residences, and another cauvas
will be made- It ia thought there will
be at least two hundred Bity phonos bs
when this Is finished. Ths telephone Is
becoming more popular as tb Itstol sub
scribers Increases.
Asch Brothers, of Millers, recently
sold to Lee Miller eight head of Cotta
wold sheep that avenged 164 pounds
apiece. Big fellows, Mr.G.AAecbe
recently sheared 27 head of anata that
averaged ft pounds to the goat, and eight
of them are only yearlings. As the pre
duct ie worth 27 to 30 cent per pound
it indicates a paying business.
Tip Humphrey, of the Jefferson Re
view, tells of bis recent rnnawa na.l.
euoeln Albany as follow: "In an in
stant both vehicle were onset, and for a
brief time thereafter -our observation ot
pasting event wat s ightly confuted, for
riding in an overturned bugy top at the
late of about a mile a minute, bitting
tbe ground about every SO feet, it not a
pleasant mode of traoalt. Finally the
top broke off and we tumbled out. A
turvey of damaget showed a wrecked
buggy, while nnmerou bruise and cuts
adorned various portions ot th anato
mies oi mr. bbuits and the writer.
WASdwoTo. April 9, Arrangement
have been complete forth session of.
strip ten miles wids to build the - Nicar
aguan Canal. ,
Niw Yobc, April 9. General Otie says
Auiruinaldo has been out of Manila ence '
New Years aid refuses to offer a reward
for Lis apprehension.
i I
Nw, York, April 10. An evening f be undersigned, George Koox.waa on th
World ; esclal aays that Admiral Dewey ' 1.0th 9 ot ?,rch' I?J,by tb Honorable
has decided to withdraw bis candidacy ftf;
for the presidency. of Margaret Kaox. deceased. All persoss
..Washinotom, April 10. The river and having claims against tald eata'e are
harbor WIJ will contain Co'umbia river Der,b' "otifled to present tbem to tbe nn
- nnronriailnfi - - ' j eVrsigned sdministrator at his rssidence
appropriation. . , . in albany, t)retfon.duly veriflod as by law
W. N.Mil'er launched his str Ixxt
host on th Williamett and Ca'aDoola
yesierdty. It it going to work sll rivl.t
Q'uy's fate will bedcollel oa April 24
Unn County Council P. of II.
' evawawaw
Ths Linn County Business Council was
bsld with (Jraud;prlrlo Orahg No. 10,
April 7th. 1000, At th appointed hour
th ball was filled, to overflowing with
leading granger from far and notr.
Worth President 0. Lfhaw presided
The work of tha day opened with a
song sad then prayer wat offered by
Chaplain 0. II. Walker.
Uranges represented were: Oak Plain,
Tangent.Charlty, Harmony, Sand Ridge,
Halsey, ralrmount and (Jrand Pralrlo.
Minutes ot previous meeting road ajid
adprovod. ,
- The resolution In regard to ths road
law was taksn up snd after being Hior
ovghly discutssd was sdoptml. - .1
A resolution from the hoard of trad
ot th city of Chicago was adopted, also
lloiiss bill 8717 known at the "Grant
bill" was adopted and a petition onitred
tent requesting th passage ol tald bill.
Dinner bulne annoitiiMul il nr-lil..n
declared a receia for ons hour which was
spent in feasting and fraturnal greeting,
the sisters of Urand Prairie gtange,
tbs banner grange of the ttate, had pre
pared one Of their best dinners and aver
one returned to the ha I filled, and with
pieasing expressions to tans up the dutie
ot th atternoon aud also thankful that
they bolongod to such a noble and bene
ficlent order.
Afternoon session opened with a song.
Mrs. Can '! favored the council with a
splendid recitation. Mr. O. H. Walker
read a paper entitled "A Man With a
Cow" which was Instructive and very'
The questions given out at previous
meeting in regard to woman's house
work ani in regarl to reducing the ex
panse of oar county government wss
Uken up snd sbly discussed.
Th following wer selected for discus
sion at next meeting wbiru with
Charity Orange.
1st. Rksolvsii, Tbat parents itioulJ
furnish more home aniusuinont for their
children. Leader, Meadaniee, Lee per,
Swank and Bond.
2ad. hat plan can we adopt to per
manently increase the productiveness
of our farms? Leaders, C. L, S-aw, J.
II. Scott and M. V. Leeper.
A full delegation Is requested lo be
present st nc at mewtinir aa soma lmivnrt.
ant butiue is to cone before tbe coun
cil. W. W. C.
OLsoftb most enjovshl events of
the season was a masquerad parly giv
en at the U. A, it. hail hut eveolng by
Ihe poplar young girls ami hoy ol this
eity. Usroes wer Indulged in till a I at
hour when th company dispersed, l
having stood lima. Tbo present wre:
tJhaperouee Mm. Ketehnm, French, .
Parker ami O'Brien. MiFlinu and
French and Mr, Hopkins,
JersieU! Orsndmother of 1776,
Margaret Ofina-Japan.
Visiao It Star and Stripes.
Nallle Miller Mhepherdee.
Nltla Chamberlalo-Jockey.
Beesle Cameron Butterily.
Bessi Prkr Red KidingbMd.
Millie Ootlieb -Hels girl. '
Kva French Drummer girl v"
Eva Hammer Tarklsh girl,
Orpha Krown Liberty.
Floe' Knechl Folly. . A '
Russell Wallac-Dar and Night.
Floyd Kamp Oeioaiaao.
. Iaaae Butler Robinson Crusoe.
Lloyd Bem8oldlr. . i
- Harvey Parker Kaceptloo.' "
. Kunsst Barnes Cow-boy.
lieni Moe Clown.
Mn or lelsora-Johrf French. Tom
tven, Lowell TweedaU, Clarenoa Par
ser, Jlaro Ketehnm, Wilbur Francis.
Harrv "saver. Ray Ndhm, (Joyd
Hardman. Rufot Parker, ddi lea
ning and Roy Parkr.
Tb vol lor conereesmsoat MeMlnn.
lllyesterday stood 'leogu93, Oalch
27, SrowoH17, Hewitt 14, Carter 11.
J. B. David and Ueor Steel wara
lctd dlate to tbe uwtlooal conven
tion and J. A. Wilson alternate. Tb
gold standard and McKlnlsy wt n
dorted. Senator P. R Keller was elect
ed Linn County committeeman and Dr.
T. W. Harris, of Eugene, chairman aal
O B. Winn, of this city, swerstary of
by virtu of an order of tb County Court
l I I.. f ,...- f td . Ik. omu
day of March, HkiO, aotborising and sea
powering tbs undersigned aa administra
trix of tmtiliiiof liMtis v Rammer .de
ceased, to sell tb Northwest qaartsr of
Seoiion Fourteen, Township 10 Soata
Rog 3 at ia Lion county. Oreooa.
Tbsreloie. I willoa Saturday the Slat day
of April, 1900, at tbs boor of Ons o'clock
p m at tbs front door of tbe court bouse
in the olty of Albany, Linn county, Ore
gon, stll to th highest bidder for c-sh ia
band tb abo described real property.
marca zi. ivuu,
Flosknoi IlAMinia. Adm'rs.
HO WATtox.Att'y.
the nnderrsigned bas been dulv an-
pointed by the County Court of L)na
County, Oregon, m tbe executor of the lost
will aud testament of Orsc Ana Davis,
deceased. Any and ail persons baring
e'aitns against said estats are hereby not
ified to present ibe same to tbe under
signed at Albany, Ofgou, within six
months from Us oats h reo', do y verif
ied ssbylaw rMoired.
Pited this 12th day of March, 19C0.
" KB. Davis, Fxeculor.
AsirnxaroHD A Wyatt,
AWjs for Executor,
v 'liri'Us Wl(,a,u wim iuudiui ironi
Dated, Albany, March 10 fa, 1900.
Ubobo Kkci,
Admlstrator of Ibe estate ol Margaitt
Knox, dr oui ted.
Geo. W. Wsioht,
Attorney for Administrator
t 1