The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 06, 1900, Image 6

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    V pTnUTTINO, Ed, and PropT
Bntered el tha Poat Office lit Albany
" " ' ""
44 Pat Money
In Thy Parse.
Nobody suffering from train-(g. Uck
of energy, or "that tired feeling" ever
pais money in his purse. Lzssilade and
Ustltssness come from impure, sluggish
blood that simply ooaes through the veins.
Hood's Sarsapara makes the blood par
and gives U life, vigor and vim.
Men tbould be elected on their
not by palling other men dowu,
Daring the coming campaign don t be
lieve everrtulogyou hear. Always la
veetigate. ' ?' 11
In onion there it strength.
be itrag poll together for
nominated to-day. .
Which really causes the moat suffering
war in the Philippine or peace in
Porto Rico?,
It it at least to Lord Salisbury t credit
that he bat not jet taid anything about
'benevolent assimilating" the Boer. ,
merit I The Dak of Cambridge, couila of
Queen Victoria, bat reoelvtd more arm
pentlone than any other member of the
English royalty. In 1360, on tht decease
of bit lather, the eooatry voted him an
aoattity of MOjOOOa tear. MIS yean
of age be became a colonel ; at a n
jor general ; in 1843 a lieutenant general ;
two year later a general In lull pay i tlx
years later a field maltha! at W '
year aud in 1SC1 he wat appointed a col
onel in the Grenadier Guards at $10,a0
a year. Hit residence, Gloucester honte,
be of court oceuplva rent and tax free
equivalent to about 112,600. Be bold the
rangnrthip of St. Jamee, Green and Hyite
parte, which increatee hit annual income
by about ttl.OdO, bettdet over t20,000
Weet Albany 0 H 8leart,
ion, u u Turner,
if a W.
LI QL... L ...... u
Payne; Oliver Bn.iihell. I O Dto.e. VV
0 Hteiluianher, V J Buillay.
Albany at Senders, Dr J r Wallace,
K J Miller. OG Hurknart. VV It Bilvsn
J Oil Lee. ) M liafston, Leo Cohen,
Frank Peterson.
jLait Albany J K Wtttheriord, Frank
Parrel, K J Hetler. Peter Kiley.i Austin.
WAQox.Mvee Miller.
North ilrownevill 0 B Standard, A
A lotting, F M i'oweli.Pettr Uiiber. J
OUalloaay, H Avwrell
S Hrowiuvtlie- l b Bilyeu, J F Henry. .
M P Fruit, J U Horney, VV B Smith. f
i jiarnsiura i j intcaey, 4 a
r beat ii and enjoyment a-" mr to be
,0iiitht yn a iruid blnyvlM, and 1 1 ere It
none tht can beat the 1000 C'ri'trent or
tlerlt(g wheali. Many follow 4u none
lead the C'etcent r Hterlin i Wheel any
where. They t'O alway't ahtad ' and
maintain their tuperioilty over any on
the market. ' Careful, hooett and .killed
eoni'rurtlott and apeed It the aeniet ol
Utinooett. llit m at $20.00 lo
which be dwt yearly at MnUloF hi weipl a BuiVv. ? .
Mow that Carnegie and Frick have
made op again, armor plate contractt
will once more be let at exorbitant
I eitate nr4r Wimbledon.
The great republican! of other dayt
appealed to tbe contciencet of the peo
pie; modern republican! appeal to tbe
pocket booka of the trnate.
There it one point on which McKinley
bat never changed bit mind and that it
I at the the advisability of hit own re
"f he Sag doet not mean one thing
here another In Cuba and Porto," aaid
Preatdent McKinley in a public apeecb
last Augutt. But it tree trade here and
15 per cent in Porto Rico tbe tame
Best Company cf Comeiiaiis Eisiit
A Changeable World,
But Will
Stark keep up with the times. They j
nave Uie utett novelties n silverware,
cut glass, chains, souvenir spoons, etc
In fact their stock of jewelry is complete
ana up io-aate.
Painter- a rid " Paerhar :3rCTl
3rd and Lyon Streets.
Ordinary Paper hanguie 10c per roll.
Batting Ingrain 18c, houra liuiog 3c
p r yard.
Other work in proportion
Ail work warranted.
Xhe chtidren ol Porto Kico are crying
out, reinforced by the entire prest wad
people of the United Slates. But Phr- j
oab, represented by tbe republican! ' in
Congreta b ardent hit heart. Unfartan-
nlely lor Pharaoh, the people will have
a whack at him next fall and what they
will do to him will be a plenty. "
Mr. Fred Roes left to-dayfor Wallace,
xaano, wnere tie win worx utia aummer.
Miss Pearl Shelton a student from Cor
vailia it in Albany for a' lew daya visit
ing freinda aud reUuvee.
Mrj, Anna M. Nichol, for many years
manager of tbe Portal Telegraph olllce
at eaiem, naa reaigned her position and
win goto t ape wouie toaeex tier fortune.
Mr. and Mrt. Asohleman, of Colfax,
who have been visiting is the city, Mt
today for Albany, where they will make
a thort visit. &alem Journal,
A London paper ttatea that it hat been
discovered that Feyne gtraban Moore it
a member oi a London chorus In tbe
Messenger Boy. Mrs. Moore was offered
big inducementa to go on the ttae in
Mew York immedlatelv after the trial ol
ber husband, and tbe Uchooiat doubt.
very mrcn inat mat aiie le a cborut girl
in London, but it ratiefied the ia with
ber mother in At'auU, lit.
Attorney General iiripga baa awarded
the contract tor building a penitentiary
without permitting tbe public to kn3
tbe amounts of tbe bidt tendered and!
without permitting any firmt except
those with strong republican pulit to
bid. 6risgs can always be depended
upon when there is a job to bs carried
Now Senator Lodge and Representee
tive Hill want the provision for a dele
gate to Congress from Hawaii stricken
ont of the bill for tbe go moment there.
Fortunately, tbe Porto Rican matter bat
put the fear of God into tbe hearts of the
republicans and they did not dareto
again yield so toon to corporate and
trttitinflsencet.1' " " '
The Albany Hnrsersies
Offer a general assortment of Fruit,
Shade and Ornamental trees, vines,
plants, etc for spring of 1900.
the items given below. It may interest
yon, if you wish to improve and embel
iiBh your home :
Choice two-year Rotes for immediate
Large flowering sorts of Clematis, in
purple, blue, pink, crimson and white
Cream, pink, light and red Peonaa.
A fine assortment of Weening tree,
including Cut Leaf Birch, Camperdown
Urn, Killmarnock and new Air erica n
Willow, Teas Weeping Mulberry, and
Weening Mountain Ash.
A gool line of hardy flowering Shrubs.
Magnolias, White and Pins Thorn,
English Hawthorn, English and Golden
Queen Holly.
Also a few specimens of that greatest
ornament among Oonif rs,The Arauearia
lmbucata, (Uhue Jfine.)
Orders delivered in tbe city or on board
cars free of charge.
Phone 713.
Albany, Oregon. -
It teems that Lord Salisbury denist
positively that be hat either apologia id
or investigated Mr . Maerum's ebargea.
Reatly, our State Department shou'd the
m are careful to reach a definite under
standing as to what the British govern
ment tbe w!U "stand for" before claim'
ing too much. It is humiliating to
be called down. . .,
General Groavenor it going to -investi
gate tbe assertion in tbe Washington
Star that it waa atated by 'a republican
member of tbe honae that tbe Porto Ri-
ean bill was made op at tha request of
tbe trusts, who promised to furnish a
big campaign fund for the repibdcana
if it went through. Both Groavenor and
Banna have denounced the writer of the
article with much vituperation.
Buy your
Hariiare ii Tinware
Paries ail Grass Seeds
Mr. Bryan's trip tbroujh the North
wet baa been a" continual oration. Oi
courts tbe republican pres endevor to
make it appear that there has not been
very much enthusiasm. Tbe Immense
crowds that have eeme long miles to
bear him speak for iLat, and bit remarka
bare been received fwith more favor if
possible than on bit format trip. Bryan's
clean manhood and sterling worth rt a
man, as well aa bis judgment and bril
liant oratory bare given him a; strong
place in the hearts of tbe people that
caoaot be taken away by ridieole or
false statements- " -
mil Mdics 0C"ig?
Beauty is made or marred by tbe blood.
When the blood is impure, tbe cheeks
grow sallow, the eyes dull, the hair loses
its luster. When the blood flows through
the veins in a pure, rich current, the
eyes sparkle, tbe skin is clear, the com
plexion beautiful. Women who use Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Mstovery, find
that It is a genUine teamtfier-ByTnnV
fying and enriching the blood it puts a
bloom on the cheek and a brightness in
the eye, which tell the story of perfect
Having been left wnk from fever but Oc
tober. 1 wu under the doctor, care here," writes
Mrs. Alice . Oucbter, at Crawford, Dawea Co.,
Neb. I look medicine, but did not Mem to
train very much. I was tired all tbe time, bad
no appetite, bad wandering pains all over ma
nore or less, and waa very BerroBa, aa I bad
been tick all the summer. I was all run-down
a ad didn't know what ailed me. I (rot advice,
from Dr. Pierca. tstlmg aw my trmHnu Seller
Man I amid dexrib I hem mystlf. and also telling
me that I would have to take care of myself, and
bow to take tne medicine. I took fowr bottles
of 'Golden Medical IMacuvery,' and five of ' Fa
vorite Prescription. and gained strength right
along. I took one bottle-of the ' pleasant Pel
let,' also. 1 know that these mtdlclnes will do
all that ther are recommended to do.
Use Dr. Pierce's Plersant Pellets for
doggish liver.
Ohlfgg & Hulburt.
V the annual meeting of tbe Albany
Sung ft Milling Uo. will be beid at toe
ce of C G Bnrkhart on April 28th,
19(10, at 4 o'clock p. m. of taid day for tbe
purpose of electing sevn serve
for one year and the transaction of such
ober basinets as may lesralle tome before
meeting. By order of the directors.
C G fJuBKHABT, President.
C. E. Bbowkbia, Secretary,
Painting and Paper Hanging.
Residence in Pierce Building.
First class work aruaranteed. ,
Paper hanging 16 cents per roll.
Eeferenees famished.
WOO Reward $100. ,
Tbe readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there ia at least one
dreaded disease that science bss been
able to cure in all its stages, and .that ia
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Core iaine on
ly positive cure known to tbe medical
fraternttv. Gatarrb be Ins? .a- ronatitn
tional disease, requires a constitutional
'reaimeni. uairs i alarm Uore is taken
internally .acting directly apoa tbe blood
and mucons surfaces of tbe syatem,
thereby destroying the foundation of tbe
disease, and giving tbe patient strength
oy ouiiuiug np we constitution and as
sisting nature in doing its work. The
proprietors bave so much faith in Its
curative powers that they offer One Bon
dred Dollars for any ease that it fails to
core. Send for litt of testimonials.
Address, -F.
J. CHENEY k CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by drnggists, 76c. , -
,. Hall's Famy Pills are the best. j
Worse than War.
Hundreds are kii'ed bv wsr.bnt bnnrlwd
of thousands sre killed by consnmotioa
Tbeie would be no deaths at all ranv.r bv
this terrible disease: if oeonle eoaid U
made to understand tbat fihitoh'a Canuh
and Consumption Cure is a sure remedy if
taken in the earlv stages 25 ets. fiO eta.
and f 1 .00 a bottle . Dmgists will refund
the moner if a cure it not iff acted . For
sale by Fred Dawson.
Still Lateriews. "
I inf jrm the eeoeral Public tbat I will
nave in tne future Wholesale and Retail
Orocery store and liquors lor medi'
cal nse and Patent Medicine. I shall
keep on selling all my -good at reduced
price for net cash.
Mochs and Java coffee 80 Cts per lb.,
regular price 40 cts,
My Favorite coffee, 15 cts., regular
pnee, zucie. -
10 lbs. Drr Granulated autrar. 11.00.
Come and see me personally and you
will be astonished to see what reduction
I bave made on all my goods for net cash.
I wont charge yon anything to give you
I bave no favorite in business with my
wholesale houses. 1 bar from tbe one
that gives me the most for my money,' I
desire to bny some eggs, etiher in trade
-)r casn.
Albany, Or.. March 10, 1900. ?
- Signed by . r
Music Miss Mildred nurmeetei
eacher of piacf or organ. System tbt
Mason touch and technique. Residence
Fifth crreet(fp7oeit U Pehureb. ' -
I Miss Long makes upio-iate picture
n tbe highest style of tbe art of photo
8 Ha.rltbure I O Drinkard. T
Grimes, M W Center, Walter Hutton. i
8 Lebanon M A Miller. 8 M Garland.
J O liilyeu, j K Charlton, B B Burteu
snaw, Chat a fcmith. i
N Lebanon K Keebler, 8 O Wallace,
J W Burkbart.F C Hansard, Ed O'Neill, I
Parley McKnight. j
Fox Valley F Kearnt, Henry Lyons, !
w a t'otter.
Shedd John Duncan. W W Poland. R
M Lamar, Ed Zimmerman, C J Shedd,
Orawfordsville John C Green. C A
Morris, J N Rice, P J Philrot.
Precint otllcers J :u Oreen juatic. 1
Todd Abramt contUble, Chat Uice road
supervisor. i
Tallman W W Crawford 'Jae Swank.
Hiram Parker, wm walker-
Price A Hackleman, Mart Miller.
Leslie Pavne. Tbos Rhoadcs.8niith Cox.
Wat.erh.o-L M Taylor, Btnith, L
U Rice, 11 C Rose. I
N toio T J Munkers. J A Bilyeu, Jas
Bilyeu, Mart Peary, Joe Wesley,
8 8cio J A Bilyeu. M E Bilyeu. J It
Haleey-T E Fox. L B Palmer. II 8
Owent, 8 8 Leeper, W J Ktbelin,D8
McWUiiami, u T Hocbintmltb.
Sweet Home A J MtClure. J K
Green, John Weddle, C F 8igbee.
tio.IaviUe.-J. Ayee, 8. 15. Cooper, H.
w, retry.
Tanaent 8 0 Cooper. J E Jenks. I, F
Smith, T ii McGhee. 11 W McKloiUJry.
Syracuse, II. W. Foreman. 3. T.
Crook's, Ben Custer, John Winkley.
Santiam. Frank Smith, Enoch. Mil
ler, 11. llecker.
Orleans, A. S. Stone, Porter 61ae.
Center. Jack Alpbiue. 8cott Ward.
Thos Coiper, Perry Parker.
roater. s v rickens, it u wa;ttr, J
J Gilerland.
Jordon. II B J 8 Calavan, D
Clifford, C W Rkbardtrn.
La.-omb.-J H Peery, J A Smith, W
R South.
8lelburn.-U S Wllliamt. L E Miller.
J.L G ainGf o Devaney.
PKort,cs PBTV.
Price Thos Froman.CL Shaw, James
Shelton. Ed Tryon, J Clem, 8 W Reece,
A D Hale.
East Albany W E Kelly.J G Morgan,
John Morgan, Frank lUtikint.
West Albany C Neal, A Lewelllog,
ii m l aimer.
Albany W F Hammer, C C Hogue.
North Browntville J B Uendsrson,
Jos Rivgs.T J Edwsrds.
Fouth Browntville D 0 Cotbmsn.
N tisrritlmrg Levi Douglaa, B A I
Bemis, O E Maxson, T J Stephens, F M
Kit r.
8 IlarrUbore J J Baker. Lee Bovles.
J R Alford, Jerry Hay, Wm Roach.
Fox Valley Wyatt, G McLane,
J Haley, E Morley.
ueld J A McBrido, U B Spranaer.
man, S P Brock, V. W Koboett.
r Sweet Home W B Thompson, 8ber
msn Wood, W J Laurence. B if Burnett.
J P Orchard. - ?
Orleans D. A. Wade, W.- Pott, A. J.
Bleyioa, R.L48mitb, Arch filler.
Syracuse. J. B. Davis. Wm. Oi.nner.
joe uonner, wm. ttainey.
Bodaville W 11 Ingram, O Ingram by
D M Jones proxy,N Bridges J A Wilson.
Rock Creek T J McClary, I Kitchen,
Ed Wolfe, EC Hester.
'Tangent J J Beard, M B Case, W J
Smith, A Blevina.
Tallman D B Troutman, T L Dogger,
3 & Swank.
. Wafrloo-J 0 nutlon, W II McPher
on, U C Bogart, C Cummings, G P
Steirs, Jas Harkin, R R Umphrey, J D
Hudleeon. -
Jordan B H Irvine. B M McDonald.
J Uober. W R Ray. Lee Shelton. J P
Shelburn F Darby. 3 Smallman, W
Miller, F J.Denny, O F Culver, 0 Munk
Eist Albanv B F Rsmo. J S Mores n.
F B Honkina, G W Younn, J G Norman.
Lsoornb J M Hassle. J PPlummer. E
L Plummer, W D Miller.
N Lebanon John Bsrr, J Blacklaw,
Wm Fronk. GO Davia. J O Swiok. Ben
Bantiam M C Gaines. J W Ew ntr. W
Orabtree. J T Brock. F L Smith. Ii
8 Lebanon CB Montacue. A P Black.
hum r 1 C T. . I . t,' . n T a I...
andor, G W Munkers, J 8 Compton.
8 Scio J J Barnes, A F Besrd, J B
Crsbtree, D Myers, 8 P Munkers.
- N Scio Tbos Allison, Ii Carey, W H
Steirs, J F Lefifar.
Center Wm Anderson. W winklev.
Tbos Morgan, F Al Guyder.' ' ' '
urawfordsville and Ualaev not retire.
stuteo. .
.A New Store...
A new line of
Groceries and Provisions
opened at the corner of 2nd and Jtcion street!, tlbany, Oregon.
fully Invite one and all to call and tee ut. '
Lost in Admiration
of tbe exiju'ritn btauty aod unlnce cle
tignt of our new tprlog ttork ol carpels.
Kvtryone ia that lapecU the Cresh col
orlng and t'ylet tliown in our Axuiln
litre. Mt liqueurs, Vslvelt, Tapestry,
Brostelt and lasrain carpet, Let lit
flgttrge with you about repltrlng your
wort.otit crjia. We have lh laigrst
stock south oi Portland Irom which lo
.Vjtifttuilc t vmplc lluil 'init.
and tbat ihouittit, after full contldora
tion. wtt tbat it would in every way. be
to their advantage, to trade with F. M,
Allen A Co. became they a'waya have
tbe rat or vita lno in line eatables of ail
kinds. We have mild California Cheese
and th celebrated Wood'and Cherae and
we pride ourselves on the best Ouflee in
the city. Jutt Oiened up a tine lot of
Eastern Htmt ard !iratk(t Itsc iti
Seeourtfio window for Dried frutta
and Table delicacies In tbort we are
prepared to MrnlMi ynu the best goodi
to be had at Ueaunabls Pi leu.
Di. W. wixin, lUly Hill, N f, aayt
'l heartily recommend One Minute Cough
Cure. It gavu my wife immediate relief
in tuff jcattng natbma." Pleasant to take.
Merer fails to qiickly cure all coughs,
colds, throat and luag troubles. For tale
by Fosbay k Mason.
Thomas Brink
list the oldest ettablithed Furniture
touts in the C'ly. lis keeps I he
Duett work ol rtirnlture In the val
ley. Give him a call and look over
hit una loodt and get hit prkee b.
Lounges, Couches
Bedroom tniu, eoarte and fine
Rorktrt, Daby Carriages, Oq carts
Bedding, Bprln mattrestet. Matting
Side boards, tins extension tablet
Quiet sales and siil profit
. J. J oseph. Proprietor
Lilller & Littler
Albany, Or.
Beo. Collins D D S
A. Jack Hodges D D 8
.Udd Fellow's Temple, Albany, Oi
M. Senders & Co.
Eaj aid Oat Warehouses
Btnaota ana Kaiiroad streets.
WOTIUE TO COXTBAOTOB8, Sealed '' . (. ,
bids Will be received bv tbtj Under 1 Wa ai a nvanankr! tn taha An . alnraos
signed nntil 2 p.. m April U, 1900, J baled hay, wfii bny your oat in. an
lor tbe erection and comDietion of a
church building to be erected for the
First Christian church of Albany, Or.
Plans may be seea at tbe office of Cnas,
H. Bnrgraff, architect. Bight reserved
to reject any or all bidt. Signed
Boiunro OoMafima.
qnanit at top market price. I-
v.utt bought in car lots at any thlp
ping point. . -
Insnrance, Hay, Grain and Wort.
Bran new, taken
on advertiring. for sale cheap. Kc old
machines needed. Call on tbe DiMoewat very Saturday evening at X. O. T. M.
man. 'ball. Visiting Knighu invited.
- C. 8. HABNISH, Commander.
1HE K. O. T. U
That Tooth '
, needs attention!
Remember it can be filled
or extracted withoor ocin
DR.J. L.flILI ;
a rbyildap and i . ' geca,
Hill Block '
Albany, Or.
Stanley Stewart,
The Best
In Albany by the
Long Hhoto Co.,
.f; -
In Fromaa Brick.
Theje-tdlnggallorvof Aloany. -.
s ."be onlynp-tOHfate Unit clai
tudio In town.
All work to nleaso.
For Bargains
In Farm Lands. Timber Lands an
City Property, call on or write
til V7 a pfrr w . .
. Albany, Oregon-
Albaa? .Oregon. "
Offioet Sank of Oregon Building.
Only tec of Abttraott of Una Ooonty.
twup.vie mji maps ana pistt.
l!S.H,.'J!.r.,,,r "
a.r.kiniur Ummo kakit, naviaviiaCL
a. Tiiri
leunt. kur
bum m nnu utrwiii.irnt
la haalife, aarv.c
't"rrfarrafaa f.