THURSDAY." 60 2000 Ori V ha AlUoimlt loOW Sluioni, lA-uitoo, 7JA a f& Holt to C It IImIi n .,.. find llarr laburg property ....... l.aTNaUio'riiualiblara.ttal, p deodt to ulvsrt tract ol land. M Urlme to Alice Urlroei, lltf ri. , . ' Ulthoiii to U 15 Ulllioni, iOX Jure, I'uri i h uum to It U DeVaney, 120 iflrai ....... . Hjo J l( Wilson, 100 acres. 15 Patent I Jiitfwa 10 Wm McLeod. I.w ard property, lirownsvllle tK Irk Patrick to Kd ward Mvara. 1 Ijhmk, Lebanon V Cobb tolIsaMle!Klrkiattlck ilock Lebanon o Howell to K H Upmyer, 1 lot, coanon goii to O I Kiiighi,IU.24 aaret. V. y to J 11 Howe, 2 low, Jruwutvlll l!ron to 11 If Oklllman. I lit. itrownavllle, .' Mortgage lor 1200, tW0. and $150. f tuiactum ;ol mortgage for $1000 w and tuuu. )uhate: :i titnte ol Jan pvrtonal pron- uruereu so a. Jiuui uronertv ra ted wild. letato of Margaret Hammer, K Itond, 11XW. 2050 100 MOO 1 100 29 400 300 VU fetato of Margaret I ,lljiiJ. P. Halm, ol lire Wa I'M 1 rownsville la In city today on busaeit ,V K. Box returned last night from a i uom trip to I'ortiaou. nr. RoliL Andrew! of &unnvvlea- jie up irom i oruanu tine noon. t It reported that 1'rof. Chae. A. Gun I will make an i tended tour throiiuh east in a lew days. Lebanon Crl- 1 ayn Brldgt ford la home from ami medical college, Laving fin second year court. He will tier during the summer la an omce. Thorn peon went to Albanv last a wiier ne win make nadiuarler ie onviiig e ptuitry anu egg wagon, nil travel through ilia county pay ash. Lebanon Criterion. K. Tunnlcliffe, the Western Union ator at title place for aeveral wont hi r, win leave in a lew days to take g of an office at Dakar City. V. J. 'lftnan, of Y equina, will take fall place -i . itoaeourf jieview. nDJ pdgs Dut.can, who In the recent con m ' ltloo waa the ebolee of the Linn county boJl'bllcan for dtetrict attorney, and . ia Ha l. it. hi mm jMHtd " " " ......... ... M.V. ... VU "f1- 1,1 iiwii ia. .tinrv mrm muter canoiuaie we"., it...... .... ... .... .i . i .. w wuunu uuv jbi out oi cue II. fAt trl 53 nir oft fori ant tloW tm toe bdg WUltoey. II. O. Watou and 6. iarland returned tbit noon from lioltday trio wltb Mr Brvan to (m. Tber took a boat lutnlfitit think t wat the regular Albany boat but fan inapaiidene boit. and they i Mm omiged to remain at that a over night. ie Modern Travelera will bold their Lai bualneea meeting tomorrow (Krl- afternoon at n o clock at the home rt. McCoy, The election of ollieert ha eneulng year and other loinort jrwelneae muet lie attended to at that . It la deal red that every mem tier reeent. Hy requital ol Ka. commit- Anotlicr Candidate. and dalrl thai n' upp Tna Joke atitu aye! re poil ated bom' Hon. give L. Centpbell telegraphing to tbe i pt Eugene, aayt : Today the nam : J r'amrtliAlt tirtttttilnnt ll.a KliU f t College at Monmouth, ha been tenlioued hy many ai a tultable to for congreai in the Kmt Judio tet on the reform ticket. Moat 111 1 .Ink it would be the right tiling II lie will accept iucti a nouilna 'will have cicellont chancea ol j Jt. A pretty good joka la related la at f 0f RrownavUla'a drugglata. He I oventlve genlui, and during recent il bai perfoctod numeroui invuntlooa iN worth. He recently comf loted ha wl uct Ion of a churn with which - - w IUI t. maatalltf nlABaihl fnflltnflP aVitiflillini it would prove a pronounceu luoceaa greatly feci 11 tat work ia family t. When bia churn waa ready for nittal teau. he called at tbe home ol ghbor where he had arranged for a ly of eraam to make the deelred teat, good farmer'a wife perpetrated a on tbe confident druggiet and tub ed whitewash aolution for the Jer learn that bad been ordered. It ia I 4ed the drugpiat actually manlnuU t the daaher of bit churn for four I before be dlecovered tb aubatitu-i-Stateaman. That woman could Turner tome polntera, la vounn men John McLane and T. MUh . J . ontgomery, were nnea a ana coet . tbie forenoon, for being drunk and derljr. Iba nnea war paid MWiB-MMBfBeaaaBBBBM V Irvan train made the trip from to Salem in 38 minute. The aceompanied Mr. Bryan and k and furniabed tb mualo for the reception giving aatlalaction and Ins many oomplimenta there as Ibere for tbelr excellent playing, Oakville. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION u tooa turee paiiota to nominate a county ichool superintendent, E. F, Oarltcn waa tlia lucky or unlucky man, receiving 00 to Aldarman'a 87 votoe. . f, il. Davie waa nominated commit- lienor, M, Wygant lurvayor, and Dr. Jayne coroner, by acclamation. Vot representative O. L. lteea, W. X. atreet have-been grublje-l out or cut 'Mr. W. L. 8t. John, of Ior,t'nd, ( vlalting frlenda bera. l'rof Alderman, of Bronsevlllu, wai (alter laat week, Miie Marian Barton ia vialting ber many frlenda here, Some of thold oaki along" Church Miller and F. M. Drown All but Hinltti were fioin- Smith, K. J. were named. itiatod. For chairman of the count runtril commltteiJ. It. VYvattand V. F. Hard- man roae together but Uie chair recou nlaod Mr. Wyatt and he named Dr. W. il. i'avli, which wa aenondl by Mr. llardman and the election waa nnanU uioua. j.. n. r minor waa aiterwarua i.....f .i.. .... 1. -1..... ..I . .. V IIIV Wi T.MII WWII C.Wk .n,v.i,. i wvur wh ch CBuaed h m to look The following detegatca to the republi can eUte convention were elected 1 YV, II. lona;a. J. C. HUndiah, J. C. bablu, r . m, iinxmi. ah rrurn. job. iiume. n. Needham. J. A. Limhuraon.J. W. I'uah. J. C. Hardin, Onff King, 1'. O. Oiover, 1, 1.'...... . . ' it. 1.. u iiiiu, w. a. njcreron. idea cioifitatoa are what waa nre- viouely known aa anli-Uardman. They down, They will in greatly inlawed aa t.iey are ancient land mark that have aeen many genorationa of tb human family and their ahade waa welcomed by tb weary pedoatrlana and the tired borate and cowa, Mr. Bmlth aet hla wakh br the clock In the court houee at Albany laat Friday afternoon. On Monday evening he was taking a it roll In weat Oakville when be eu-ike at bit that Good for Markham. Mr. C. If. Matkham, tbe live general freight aud paatograept of the South am I'acidc, It maklcg arrangeminta to ane Run), the elegantly gotten up magnaire o ih company which baa been publidiel tevrrai veart, io the in teraat of the valley, making a aperialty of tb Vkller. Whttm l,rl(i(nr baa gotten moat of the wrlfenpa. Ailany I School Sa perm ten Jen t F, T. IftSTlJ, will come lo for l:aiii A iuiiil num-1 o ooft)iirn. re great time rlecei'wer lieatlng In UnUml 8tata. Thia iiain, and now we feel the need of a I ur acc'-ons tor me men craze among time ilcc and be then .discovered th unlao clock in our town, The people of thla place are anxioua to have a akimming elation ber but ac cording to "Cumtux" we are not quite ready vet to uee up the akiru ml'k. We ber of auhjcriptlona will be aenr ffo from Albaoy for three mnniha, and nametcan di 'en witn the merit of title .ty. A flue opportunity forrantern ttttd know about tbta y.llpy. f rthe H. P. never doe inch thinw" by rmlvet. X" Sjiiriii. A review of thecenaua rpora all! convince the moat ekeptical that lbe"rfiiiitha' iTttdouilual all overl may in a meat- Marion County Republicans., REAIIT! Off OFfl'1 uLMunruL miu Soft Whito Hands Luxuriant Hair aticite Tb following county tllcket wai eboaen yeeterdayt County Jodg-Johh U. 8cott, 8alem. BharitjCharlee A. Marpby, balem. Clerk-W. W. Hull, of Woodborn. Hecordr- J , II. Kowland, ol Jeffereon. Aiaeator Cbarlea Le in bi ke, of Bilyer- ar aolid for O. K. Wolverton for u- fpngratulai th poople of Tangent in all thei t-iiterpritea and wiab them tucceai and an Increaae in the patrona of the akimmer. We aent two dulegatee to tbe IVob! convention andaix to the Kepublican and have men enough to tend to all th other convention. Home of our meet ardent republican taid they wouldn't Dawaon, It. V. Fieher. C. K. Hot, P. H. I go at far aa Albany to aee or bear Dryan Keliey, M. Acbvaon. VV. W. Hailuy, jeo. but they didn't object to go aa delegate Wheeler, K. E. Lartnior. I to th convention and in order to be Follwlng ia the central committee with ihere ln time they went the evening be- the exception of Jordan. Hvracuae and w re (but not to aee llryan.) Tangent t J. O. Irvine, D. e. llardman, I Whan free mral delivery fa eatabtiah- W. V. TweeIale. K. A. Kvaoe. A. M. I ad between ber and Albany, tb Daily prwiiie judge, and i. N. Duncan lordla- l'lt attorney. I be lollowing conureaaional deletratca wore elected unonimouaiv altera live vi'ueh by Judge Hewitt in whose favor may are aoiidiv; AI. II. W da. n. I-. W. W. Francla. C. L. Morrla. J. H. Van Winkle, Dr. W. A. Dooth. M. F. Templeton, U., J, D. Kolle, U. J. Parker, J, C. ftabln, L. U Laaaelle, J. 0, (tlandlab. J. C. Hardin. A. Doaaier. T. C. Peebler. John II. W, David Hhe.rer, C. D. Il.vler, M. H. Wilda, O . Jobnaon, M. N. Uicbardaon, K. A. iatlon. We know ol a lew people w!jo will aubacribe aa aoon a the route ia atabliahed. Why not make a move in that direction? With ome extra work on tbe road the mail can make the trip The Registration Law. Jayne, Or iff Kin, E. C. Kueaell. A. P. I every day In th year atleaettlx day r lory, ueo. Mcivniglit, J, II. 1 urpln. 1 in a weex. some of our nootle will hear Bryan if .1 1 . . 1 " . 11107 let uieir piowe aiaao. Phllllo Kale ahot a hole through bia 1 .... . . ..(.. . ... obhu iaai weea witn a toy piavoi, Mr. Krvln IXiw notnlnBted for iviauirro!, uregon, March Z8, 1000. road tuperviaor at tbe primary laat fiat- LhiToB DutixuAr; inraay. Allow maaoac throuuh Lha coiuna I The clock at Albany waa heard by of vour naner to -mr.. I, ii,ntfi.i. Oacar D.licy laat Monday aa it ttruck 12. ' r r t "w r n with reirard la the re'.aLrtlon law ... I l.itti.b ivoia oui. ed t tlie U lit Bton of Ilia RLala Ttrla. latur.' The law at a whole 1. a good . ".D;"i"b? pun c?iuruaT nvraupn iauiimuu m antbort and manageri for title having the word hmiili a a fundamental bate. Hi nrat of tbe lot and undoubtedly th moat mccmtiiji ia nave xou Keen Bmiin." a farcical comedy which In augurate th aeaeon of aughter in th'i city. Ho eooner had the tucceaa of tbia attraction become known than a boat of imitator aprung up, but thf7 do not aeem to Pave eucceeded in accompliah. mg aorining ou,er man cresting a atrosg deaireto ate tbe original Hinitb entertainnient. Treaid-er-A. L. Dawaln-. at Rnhiim. ly. ' or B B Hrrick, of8alm. RenruMnUtlVrt J. M. Poorman, o' Wojdburn; tieury Keene, of Stavton: i. N.Hmith.of S.lem; PH, i Balem, and Cbarlea llardman. of Bcott'a Mill. A: of the bar expreaaed op poaitlon to tb re-election of McB-ide xcept Hardmao, and be aert that b aa made no dUiIum nrt h ..i... nee. Judge Wolvron for aurjrema inoge ana uiaud Uatcti for congreaaroan w. .uuuriru Tu Raw Tma Iablk of tbe 8. P. heretofore mentioned will be eubetan- ir rrprie. int) new local win leave Albany at 7 a. m. arriving at Port. land at 10:10, and leaving Portland at o'cloca will reach Albany at 7:10 p. m. The morning overland will run aa at preaent re-cblng here at 12:10. The nuiht train Booth bound will leave Port land at 8.;W p. m. reaching hereabout midnight. Tbe north bound will Albany at about 4 a, 111, pate am. Kami. Ik I. -1 . . 1 . , u,u - t own. iuiii. i, iivuiu vuir mvinj I ii.u ,..," m ... t?: . t,.i ... tha ciUM of 3000 ln..tlr.nLt .ml 1 " - iu.,rin.v .... over; but I pre u me tb law bad to be Mr, B, M. W. liinddisD. nf Kialora Oroak couoty. in tbe citv on bui mug u-re 07 way 01 lue uaiiet. Loyd Irving ia now working In' Heg- cio wuumiiiv maw, roniana, Having reaigned bii place with th telephone company. Both Big and Little Mack Montuitb. aa they were known year ao, have A Sample. Thia ia fromCorvalllf : It wat a piclartfiae train that went out of here thia morning with txcnrtion bit to aee Bryan at Albany. Tb rail road company bad calculated that two coacbea would b aufficient to accommo modat the crowd. After tbeae coacbea had been added to tbe train, and after every tpot that would accommodate a paawnger wa occopied, a large Dumber of people, all provided with lickete, atill atood on tb platform. Keconree waa then bad to baxcare, and aa tb train Anally pulled oat, after balf an boor't delay, it compriied tbre coaehe. a baggge-car and two boxcar. ot only were tb platform, alalea and aeata packed with people, but paaeeoger oc enpied placea on tnp of th boxcar, on th wood, on tb tender, and on tb cowcatcher. Tb train left tbitatation with 449 people on board. general. Oilier claim that tb law la I uoconatitutlonal. Well It may be, but where ia tbe tingle voter that would be willing to teat th conetilutlonelitv of I in iw. in rigntoi iranchit ie th I 01 oat eacred of all American rlshta. ex cept the right to woreblp Mod according Irt ml, nitn mnarUnM f TK. Ittfk Amm of March there were 2:22 voter regiater- eu in tn varioua precinct in the coun being only about one-ball th voter In th county. It thou Id be remember ed that all who wieli to rot either at th Jun or rrealdential election in Nov ember moat register letwcn th Int of anuary and 1Mb of May. isow let me eay to all voter who love our country and iu lnalilutloni aa they were handed down to nt by our father, and who are opposed tj miamle. truata. combineand monopollea, glv tbia mat ter apeciai attention and reittater with out fail within the retinired time. Thia matter ahoutd be railed up and dtacua- ed in every precinct in the county on the oay oi tn primariea. 11. . W II.L1AMH. FRIDAY. ditorl Sbntl Saleo i -J lr ,M. 'I I !Vf'i.'i. 3e s'.N 1 . . . .. f V . i uuiiw aA. .'." ,M,i' u( ""' ftUt. Jf tt' C's 1 f ..t.l.i. Hint num. 71 V -L&h t"! 'r i"i'Ui. .nttti.u fcwir.i -iSfv'-' "k f ill mii ibi. fit t 47. ...,'( tu vomlnntlMt tl irll. fault It. i ( (r uu fl' " ti f 'itit.ii rfjl) Uf1.rl...t fa.'i.a tt frf JV tit M.t) ft-lBkMM Mrnrn tw ..r bBHr, .4 imv lit tn-M viiirpripryaT.B, I w el lr taVartw. C I i'i-w ohiryu , vol vrr 44 to vft.tej tor trh l.tMr mllM. THIS TEST STY L C FOU FALL and vw 1 r 1 vi pi wumuw from an viira la v4 -tyali w-t htmtk r Mar raamlaita fa a ri lata Bato VL 3; fllfllftt toMaT. Vnr ru.l ail, ll.'a "IJa Himar I 4 fiMl. I VVr rr 4 luv aUrat lauti. wmw iWrt nt'U kirk PtntM arkl lr rrtr cap aWtih f ib thrva ma id roilar fith lwo-:wiof anrathBl w aiinli th button ariiatnarita. nna aaaa at SEAR .giiH.fkl ar.d aua)l.ea tbavlMtlM I ... Mi (litllfiv tir iirii-j. rrni i"rirea mmm vwaijyj, t ' , kOEOUCK A CO., CHICAGO aa m vh wa taarvavai gaiiaaaan mmtl rf -Jf 'h-i fit Tb Albany ice worktttarted notodav lib Mr. Lou It Bruckman In charva of - ... . . ... .. . . ... p me iay won ana w. u. Scott in charge 01 tu nigiu worx. Bob Tarlor. th great fiddler orator will be in Albaoy on Frfday, April 27 and Lebanon April i8. He ha bean governor of Tecneete. Tb addreaa Mr. Bryan at tblt city vet terday ia recogaiaed at the abltt effort in tn political line prH oted in Albany, No apeaker before tb pubho la fairer than Bryan nor more oourteout In bit treatment of hla opponent, and yet bit argument! are cuttinii becauae the are act. A grlnly bear wat recently kill In College Notes. On thousand dollar Lai already been promised on an endow meot fund. A baaaball team will aoon b organ ia4. Will Barrett baa been elected manager. Tbe college banding will b repaired next lummer and tb commercial ball will be enlarged. There are more atudema beta from Monkland, BLerman county, than from any other town except Albany, Browne villa ran kt next. The ciliaent of Albany ara being: praUed in th paper all over tbealate for the manner In which they responded when called upon to belp rata tb col lege debt. W. P. Coulter and J. C. Lutk lalt for their home tnChenoaitb. Waah.. tbia morning. T. C. Morrleon accompanied Tb man who baa been telling 34 cent whet etooee for 25 centa, ha gone to th weat aid. ; Talk count in tbia world. Wbeat ihowt a email advance, being quoted at 43 centa now. But that ia pretty , Ti. uaa.i.... r i iw?ilnibfiCity,,Vie ,ormerniluraiD8 I Wood of Portland, at the lead of the lortland tbia alternoo. A?cUtlon ol Indian War Veteran, a U. White, tbe miner, ona of whom I hard ahot from tha ooen. withntit inf isga wae enipniaiea eeverai weekt ago , I tree intervening. inu .uk . i . .,,reeM Everyday tbe Prineyill tUge goe out - v. v.uwuo. t veil laden witn oaaaenuera. aoma of Mr. K. L. Burkhart tafia hla mnmtn-1 . lor rorllaad to meet hit titter. Miaalaearch of homea. while oihera are bent Iell WOO baa been enendlna eevarallon nroiBeciinir th mine of Trout Creak moDibB i romerov, vtaan, where ber I and vicinity. Tn Dalle 1. M. uraun nat oeen greatly benefitted. i Dereon-ar emnloved on different Dan J. Kirk la here from Mlltn tu I work, tn nnwraaa in th naar tnarn nf day. Mr. Kirk wa married In Albany 1 8naniko. Tbey all board and aleep in on March 14 to Miaa Jeeei Komina, who I tenta. There ia only on wooden build lormorij ungnt ecoooi in thit county. I mg yet erected, and tbat it a mere tern The moat effect Ira ikin purifying and beaatt -fytng aosp In the world, w well m pnraat snit awMtaat for toilet, btth, and a unary. Tbo onljprrrentlreof pimplee, blackbaarfa, rad, rouKb.aiHl oily akin, red, rooich hand wlih, Itcblng palm and abapele nalla, dry.tbln, and falling hair, and aimpl baby blemlahea. becanee the only pnrentie of tb eatiae, via., Innammation and clogging of tbe l'oaa. SATURDAY. xr. Kirk bat leated hit Athena ranch (or threw year, and baa removed to Miiton, whet be wiil live in the future. rendieton t. v, A letter from tbe Nash boye, who are now aa iaweon, aiate that tbey leave auortiy tor uapa noma, fercival at on time bad intereet wortb f 150,000, but mux unaoie to meet ni navmenu and eome otner obligation!, lost tbe bulk of au nil holding!. Corvalba Gazette. Mrbam Logan who ia now In tha mercantile buinea at Troutdal on tb uoiumpia, arrived in Albany tbia noon on a viait with hit mother, who ia 111. t-am lie one ol tbe former Albanv ho. To recognize him you will need to be toid tbat be naa added nearly a hun area pound to bia weight. Ex-Go, ernor J. II. Fletcher for aever al year editor of th Salem Independ- cm db eoiu nia mtoreet to nil partner If. -..Ill . l .:n . , porary aback, which it need at a aalooa. Men and matnriala are pouring into tbe new town every day. TERMS. aiLv Dtair,.BAT. ZocuntB oer month 13.00 per yea. ,in advance, Z0i permontb not in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over moot ha. Single eoDieaoo. Wxbxlt. 11.25 In advance: (1.50 at end rf year: 1 1.75 for aeoond year: $2.00 for ihird and preoeedica veara. when not paid tn advance. Club of five new aubaenber at5.00. Beg-innins tb 15th cf tbt month all local railroad agenciea will be diacon tinned, and the bnainear will be done en tirely by the regular conrpany ageota. them. Tbey will return next Sep'e nber i Mr. Guild and will, try but fortune at and pontinue their work in tbe coram? r cial department. A Undent in the Rhetoric claee save th following at an x imple Of argumen tation : No oat baa eight tall. On eat baa on more tall than no cat. Therefore one cat hat nine tails. Native Daughters. Corvallit bat a cabin of Native Daugh ten, th aigbteenth to b organized in tbe Hate. It wat Inttituted laat Monda Crooa county that weighed 1600 pound, evening by tb Grand Preakent Sarella mi teet were nxteen inohet long, ne I u. Miner, ana tne name manna Ayery wat at tall at a two year old ateer and Cabin wat chosen. Itt offlcen ara wat lolly twenty veara old. W.T. Van- among the moat influential ladie of tb dervort, Jeff Howard, George and Billy county. Tbeir namea follows President, dbii went into nuaen, ana sail nred tb ueien virawiora ; vice preaiaent, Mr, fatal thot. Ut la laid to have killed five Uolll Waggoner: 2nd vie president. ana tlx year old steert and at blab at I mim uortene urenoz; 3rd vice preel f 250 bad been offered for bittcalp. idant, Mr. Mae Irvine; patt pretident, Evervbodv'a Mairaa ina for Anrll . aatner tteaa; tecreury, isdna enta a verv attracUve annearanca. ai- yrom: nnanoiai aecretary, Mabel Da pearance, and it content are otetpecial value and iotereal. The aeoond artlcl in the triea, "Gret American Induat riea," treat! of the enormoua Heel work! of tbe Carnegie Company near Pittaburg, Pa and explain! in a bright and inter eating faablon in what manner thia comp any win mat tbia year profit! exceed ing 140,000.000. Tbe fourth in tbe eeriea of "tllmple Explanatloni," take up a fascinating lubject, ana on which hat undoubtedly been a myetery to nine tentha ol tb nmeatine reader that le. the method of navigating a ibip by ob ervatlon of thi tun and atari. ia; marthal, Rotalla Greffox; Inaide tentlnel. Beetle Irvine; oat tide aentlnel, Haiti Hoover; truateea, Mn. Mary Hoover, Mra. Gertrude Irvine. Mlea Hattie Hoover. Mn. Martha Avery alter whom tbe cabin wai named, lift! retldet at th tame place in the touth part of th city where the took op ber retldenca In 1847 Gazette, That Hat. Agent Haya for Weill Fargo, tblt city, had a qneer vieitor Tueaday. It waa an old bat that hat traveled by the courtety of three differ- MARRIED. tivr w?t atnteeuM.. w. miL.uB.0.. iUKtiNX,iii. in Aliiany, on Tbaraday, March 29, 1900, at 2 P. M. at the noma ol HberiR I. A. Mun kert, Mr. Manley W. Miller and Mlti . Alio McKeozle. both of Sclo Mr. and Mn. Miller ara twoettlmabl youag people of S:lo, who deaerve life'a beat bleaainoa. Thevhave tbe beat wiah. et ol many. enter creel comnaniea over a crrv.d nor 19 I tion Oltbe United Statet. Where it waa ' itarted from it a myatery, but it it cot 9 ered with tagt placed upon it lojibe var- lout omcee mrongnont tne country. Tbanktklving day it wai at La Fayette, Kentucxv, and bear a meatago from tome jubilant football tsam. Cbriitmai found it in California. It waa itarted from Oorvtilit with appropriate eerem- oniet. (Jorvallia union Gazette. Tbe am on referred to by the Iiimocbat teveral day ago. vertli riillr Itimm BRA1TAIN-BARCU3. On March 23, 1900, at the court houte in Albanv. bv F. P. Nutting, luetic of tba peace, Mr. Grant Bratiain and Miaa Oliva Barcot, of Peoria. Mr. and Mil. Brattain have toe beat witbi ol many Irfenda. BORH. v WIftTZ In Albany on Wednesday . afternoon. Marth; 23, to Mr, and Mr. Prof. G. A. Wlrta, a girl, AU doing well. A Faki. A man hat been in Albany paaaing himtelf off aa a member of th Salvation Army and collecting money for a horn eome where in the vallev. The Captain of the Army here, inform! th Democbat that be ia a fake,1 that he doee not belong to tbe army and that be nat oeen getting tbe money timply for ,-himtelf. Salvation Army collector al wayt go in uniform. Died. At Crawfordtvllle on March26, George Kendig at the age of al year. Cape Nome. We will miaa thorn tran-h. ant flings at Col. Ilofer and the evils of the day. May the gold dust run into your pocKei, uov., enougn tomake np tbe de- ncu oi years ot newspaper experience. Mitt Itba Cbear!l bat been engaged at teacher In tb Evani creek diatrict near Woodville. There were a nnmhar oi applicant lor tbts school, and the se lection of Miaa Cbeadie bv tba board la evidence ol very sound judgment on their part, aa daring ber brief term in tbe Grant Paas echooli, tb baa prven bertelf a thoroughly competent and able teacher. Uraota Pare Courier, A surprise party took place March 28, atineuomeoi ui. ttiiey Hutcbina re siding arjoot three miles south of A!' bany. Th party was given in honor ol tbe twenties birthday of Mr. D. B. Smith. A very sociable time waa had. Tbe evening was pajaed in sociable talk and playing gamea, after which a delic- ous lunch waa served. Too- present were: Mr. John Ivta, in Misses Alma Movers, May and Mary A r get singers, Alice Ltbner, Ida Knapp, Rath and Eibel Hutcbins, Jesea Johnson, Katie Davis, Ruth and Rhoda .Smith and tb Messrs. D. B. Smith, Wayne i. . n . ...... . .. . neoa, ivot uuicnins, caai itlboer, Wl'lard Davie, Virgil Loooev. Iyan Smith, Everett Davis and Jubn Need- nam. SOUTH and EAST -TU- SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Rev. Board man of theMcMinnviile col lege went to Lebanon to preach. Mis Ella McAllister of Eugene is int the city tbe guest of Miss Mary Montan ye. Miss Minnie Stanard of (Brownavllte, was in Albany tbia week on her way to Adams, E. Q, i where she will teach maaic. - The Lady Mace bees laat night tend ered the gentlemen of th Maccabees a reception, which wa a fine affairs great ly enjoyed oy au attending. Mr. Reman M ver news aeent on tha a. P. has invented an endless SDirsl wire arrangement tbat la very deceptive and mgenius, wdicd ne sell lor ten cents. Ana. Costal returned Sunday from the- 8t. Vincent boepita!, Portland, wbere ba bes been for tbe past several weeke for tb benefit of bi faea.tb. Aahland Tid. ings. ProL W. J. Crawford wa deafeated for - nomination for county school a a peris tendenton tbe republican ticket of Mar ion county, receiving only 29 votea out ol 253. . It ia reported tbat 8. A. will be the conductor incharg of the new Albany local train which will be pot on tb road April 16tb. Aablan fid ings. Mr. Jobn Bryant and wife,fathr and mother of Mr. Hub Bryant, have moved to Albany from Jordan, where tbev have resided many yeara. and will make AI. bany tbeir borne, residing in a residence next to Mr. Hab Brvant'a recantl d. ' Last night Mr. Harry Connowa ant. tatod a oartr of ooeo' twnninf rw. gree of Honor in a very happy manner. As an entertainer Mr. Conoway is entit led to a long dash. Hi popularity ' among the young people ia ateured. FriJav nisht. Anril f5th .in k. . .. timawitb the Albaoy Elk a. Amn.. mente are being mad for a banquet tbat -will aurpae anything given here lorn longtime. There will be one hondred plate, all ocrnnied bv atan. inin .u. - everal from Portland and other west ern Oregon towns. Tbe Albanv Musical flnh ,.. i.or . invations for a musical at th HroohD far. tan church on Tuesday evening of next . week, which promises to be one of tbe flnret musical event in the history ofe Albany. Invitations vill m .e- tbe door. Ex-Marsbal CO. Lee haa nrMtnA.1 a private detective and information bo rean in thla city, and will attend to ail bnsineae intrusted to bis eare. Mr. Lee is one of tbe best postsd men in this hue of work in tha valla ,m ..n k. pended npon. Rev. E. A. Holdridae. tha avaifvaltar was in Ashland last evenincr. m,n;.. to Portland from Vi..i;. n.i , Holdrida haa accentMl a -.n i .t... byteriao cburch in Viaalia anri .m turn to the field of his labor with his family in a few days Tiding. SOUTHERN PACIFIC - abuasta Koute. The SDcialtii : Yon Seen Rmiih Ka m ! rwaiw -mmmj a.vs wavewaaw wwia wvuitv 1 BUUU Ul IlinryBniat wv ltk Z 1 way stations at 5:43 a m. 3 :10 p m . city, are not ol. JZ1. " SL" ,B - - J ""'va vaBiAJiiiar in imbiti. Leave Portland 8:30 a m im p ml f! ' the h,7e !" Ht of novel- llhanv 12:80 pm 10:50 p m Arrive Ashland 12:33 a m. 11:30 a m Sacmmsnto.. 5:00 p m 4:35 am San Francisco. 7:45 p m 8:1a a m 7 winr new and riiffor.n t. speeiaitlMCen , ftw eomfdie8 tbe Arrive Ogden Denver....... Kansas City a. Chicago 5:45a m llS am 9KK) a m 9 :00 a m 7:25 am 7:25 am 7:45 am 9:30 am DIED Arrive Los Angeles. . 1:20pm 7:00am , Kl Paaa. . . . . H.-nO It m R-CX) n m sort wortn.. o.i'Jam 6:3U am City of Mexico 8:55 a m 9:55 a m Houston 4:00 am 4.Xlam New Orleans.. 6:25pm 6 25pm Washington . . 6.-42 a m 8 42am New York. ...12:43 pm 12.43 pm DAm8VT?tti.lbB'7 on March 81. w,iMuara, aangbter of Mn.Bl R. Davis, at the age of 22 year. Tbe deceased was a ni, IfhJ almm1'of..ChriatiaB ebnrchT Kb Lad lived bera nni. . " month. mwui AOIf i NISTEATCH'S K3TICE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN TBAT" th nnderaiirned b.a k. C Zl Pullman and Tourista care on both '. u" onaereigned haa beon k .i.t n.L. t ::: . . ikh.;. rh mi. Kn-an.. i. looan tonn m . ....... im vmiiui omce acinowieciiraa a i "Tr-"? - I'vaw , . """"i. urezoa. tn " th' li""." v . . . "' 'a'y , 0,m- a l:.rrrT, " 01 raeu ina aooa rjamor. Air. John k. iu . .. . . . . . -i t -b- . kwdi Dinna . hammer. rtitrvtM. k 5 . . Connecting at San Fra seised with eev- againat tbs estate of aaid deceWrf . 7 nl ataamahln llnea for Hoaoluln Jan.. I bv rrauirad in r,.t ti.""8 bsre- " rTr.:L:i" . . . v . ,tr""T."Ba to rne 1 1 tnese parties on wednesdsv ol nxt week. The opportunity, is good for the ciwuuu.ui tne enure ucsetu tnia it done. In base ball the double umpire system hat been abolished thla year. In play ing a bat ruonet can take a bai ra a balk, but not the batsman. Theralatalk ot allowing four ttrikee. Tbe home bate seventeen inches square will face tha umpire nun a point en his side and a quare towards the catcher, ;cn entirely saw ibape. the base of it beimr tha aa tne ouitiat point! oi tbe old base. Tbl following Indicates that thara la ach a thing aa deeiiny : Last fall.wbile Tlelting the state fair at lakima, Sena tor jonn u, iv neon wai robbed of his iroia.timepiece. uist Uhristmaa iri.r,. presented him with a hsndanma mm watch, ana also gave him a Waterbury watch, with instructions to weat tl-clatter when be visited falrt hereafter, Monday night, while making aa addreea to the local McKinley club, a burglar broke into the senator's residence at v - wnt -r . ...... i , . i unwira ijonir. a.; r-. A, 1L - AdmlB,7' PorUaid, Or" ; rTaUTHMtrcan Wtatt. i :. ' Att'va for Adm'. - ' ' 1 a I ii.Ki?:! : 4 1 well, uitj .v ,,. il. i !" ,kr" " '. 1I .. H ..i. T J'". Sr. t . . p j, ....... ". si tii j-rt ,.,.:r M ;.:,. ,';', , njUumi-iBbi:i:;e).,iiM i !o. u.oror.h.-tu.i- "r"" 'J "in o o rwtr 1 . - t . . ' !; ""rl T l.. Ih. K.?toc tion, I. 3, lili OUR FREE OFFFB. t-utu.uad.nKu. " ' T T -III) ' ..m. . j v. uun iinintiiit worm iwnmf. Tr - , "V"j"d'i" low "lltl PIM( OTWywuti... J'""1. '""'"''J ?w l -ifc . JltfA'-T" "i18 AOlT THI- CATAI .: Ft THba.fc BK"UBcM ot vtulBciia int.MM- tn-vi.r , , " '-""t1 P w.rtr.-w.rtrnrto Katltm. I TrilMaav . -"P" tWtTM I. a voad.i-.t-Muicb-.trr ( N 11. i Inlon. 01 lajKaata.Mua.oi lai kladt. Yt vur.arir inwrvivsjaa. At! Brownsville on March 28, Lewis A. Spokane, and th only article he aee are 1 t7 A a.M.-imi t 1 1-t a, n aA tt at 7 HAS aaam AL:. 1V a - 1 . a "VV1MB il i uvi, an tuv ago vi vt ; vaifl. WII IUII n mWTVUrj WtwlCD aoald - i onrcatatoiraa n a Tan tMpartnant Mora toiled dowa." atlanta rV,rfn,Mn. O. A. Booth toa AR9. ROEBUCK CO. (IncA CH.CACOriTuNO U. i. KtOWj;u - .: