The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 06, 1900, Image 2

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    Ths tuost sanguine democrat would
rma bav e ventured to hep lor such a t
nation tires month! ago.
Tht Botr war I a tittle behind tjhe
Philippine one In the matter of timee it
"baa been crashed, nut U will catch op
before long , '
The Doer continue lo be In the fish
occasionally being heard from In an em'
phatio manner. It ie thought difficult to
wMS more than one result ahead. .
A month ago, the republicans assorted
that the people would approve the Porto
Ktean tariff when tbey nndentood the
-question. Weil, when are they going to
diuln tto understand IIT According to
tepb!ioaa Ideas tbey are daily finking
deeper and deeper In the elough ot igno
res, .
?4 first e'eset'eket tomorrow will mean
be election of every man on It. The op
portunity ia good. Let atrong men be
tint od. ana let the offiees be divided to
-that this will be possible. The commit
tee of conference ehonld be reasonable
men and tbey can agree on the arrange
ment of the offices after a conference
feat than half an hour. .
Hon county's present splendid finan
cial showing Is aprrecinted by the people
ot Linn connty, and it la safe to predlit
that they will ebow how they stand In
the matter in tbe lane election .
It was a choice between party and
country which Oolonel fStillwell II. Rue
sell of TeiM made when he abandoned
Republicanism and enlisted recently lo
the rank of the Democratic organisation
in bis Stats.
It was not without regtet. this Texas
Republican Announced, that ha severed
his old party affiliations, the Republican
party, boa aver, bad wandered Into inch
dangeroos paths of government ft to
threaten the Rennblio'e fabric, and tbe
.-The Porto Rleaa bill. hs BMed . .tbs
senate 40 to S. This wilt prove an ele
phant around the necks of those who
passed It. ' ;
Alread v this year, after ' "tht- war has
closed" there bave been 83 Amerlcani
killed and 163 wonnded and HM Jasnr
eent killed and many more wounded In
the Philippines. , . . . . . , r
Cow driving acrots the river has le-
gun again. Attend to business, toys.
The National Democratic Committee,'
Texan. as a lor.t American, fonnd h!mL. McMBlcy , Dr.,
,7 77 . . .. ' l o material lor use tn a na
self unable t support tbe admialstra
tlon'a policies. "There unorthodox pol
icies." he declares, most be abandoned
ortbe Republic must eventually perisb
I hope for the eurvival of" the Republic.''
tional platform..
uueap enougu,
Davenport's Birds.
The House Naval Affairs oommittee
vepoited In favor of paying 1543 ft ton for
armor plate, and the big firms are willing
to furnish it at that rate. Last year,
-when prices generally were much lower,
-the firms asked exactly the same rate,
'The queetien ie bow up to them. Did
' they aek to much last year or too little
this year. One or the other must be tbe
'Secretary Root says tbe Chief ot Engl
-seers recommended the granting
those mining licensee which Senator
"Turner ot Washington (republican) bse
denounced bo bitterly in the Senate.
Mr. Rjot should study the lawe and
realise tbat the Secretary ot the Interior
-and not the Secretary of War has eon-
vol over all the mines in Alaika, tnclud
dz the immensely valuable Bands of
-Cape Xonie.
Everybody In Weston almoet wbostay-
d away from the excureions, walked
down to the depot to ere Bryan. Some
of them ran. by tbe way. 1 bey were
.disappointed. Tbe train went by "on
-the fly," and nobody saw Bryan except
one entluniast who miatook a colored
. porter for tbat lam ids personage. Good
humor prevailed, bowever. Many of
tbe crowd were normal girls, and one ot
tbetn remarked, "I hope Bryan will run we did." Leader.
"BUhop Potter baa returned from the
' Philippines and etatee tbat a atndy of
conditions there baa convinced him tbat
expansion is all rigbt. But it tnrna out
tbat tbe Biiiiop was in tne rniuppines
ior only a week. He reminds one of a
'newspaper man who went to Honolulu
same years ago to study tbe new Dole
(.government, and wrote and mailed ft
three column letter to bis paper before
rielanded from the steamer, declariag
"that tbe United S'atea was totally igno
crant of tbe true eituation In the islands
The Bouse ot Representatives baa de
cided to investigate the statements made
by former Consul Macram after bie re-
torn from the South African republic.
lu view of this fast. Secretary Hay re
i fusee to diacuta the latest charge brought
against the admintatration both by Herr
Wesaela in London and by Mr. Macram
in the United States, who assert posi
tively tbat a peace c inference was held
at Bloemfontein, before the beginning
of tbe war, at which the United States
representatives were preeent as well as
represntativee of Preaident Kroger and
tyn- At the direct request of these
last, Consul-Geheral Stowe cabled to tbe
'State department, begging it, in tbe
-Damn of the two presidents, to intercede
"with Great Britain to prevent her mak
ing war against tbem, and practically of
fering' to agree to any terms tbat Preei
dent McKinfey might think just. This
was before tbe war began, when a word
iront tbe President might have prevent
ed the frlzbtful bloodshed tbat bae oc
burred. '.-
.From tbe Journal of Eugene.'
Bryan teems to be tbe only man of nat
-imal reputation who bae tfcs ability and
tbe courage to deft bd tbe Declaration of
'Independence, the Constitution and tbe
govern meat as it has exit-ted under Wash
inntoo. Lincoln and the greet men wbo
founded and guides the great Republic
fora century. -He is the only man avail
able for president wbo seems to have tbe
ability and courage to resist tbe moneyed
Aristocracy who noised tbe government
-of the Uoited Statea in 1896 by taking
advantage of the odium of Cleveland's
. goldbngiam and tbe eclat of little Billy
McKinley'e "tariff fof popularity only.'
Whether menev can rule in a republic,
-it baa done in monarchies through
countlesa ages; the battle at tbe polls this
year will decide.. .Four, years more of
sHannsism will end the republic as it
..has heretofore existed, ard wU found on
. its rains despotism ruled by fbe "cohe
sive power of public plundersby moo-
-ay. office holders and ft, great, standing
ThaW. C. T.U.will hold ft business
rmaetimr tommorow afternoon at 2:30
It was "Homer Davenport Day ' it
Madison tquare Garden recently.
There wae an asure glint surrounding
the famous cartoonist's exhibit that
canted many ot bis beautifully tinted
pbeasante to tuck their ebapely heads
under their gaudy wings In very shame.
A bluj ribbon the highest prise
enow a in featherdom for each and
every one ot hie pets is Mr. Davenport's
Twenty exbibite, and twenty blue rib'
bone I
Mr. Davenport's eagee were fairly
ablate with the highly prised decora
The aristocratic bipedr, tbe feathered
"tOO," which Mr. Davenport has gone to
end lea care and expense to secure, breed
and develop, appeared to be just
proud as their delighted owner. They
strutted around, prinked themselves,
flaunted their brilliant plumage and
axed at their lowly neighbors with be
coming dignity,
As lor Mr. 'Davenport, he wae kept
busy all da; in receiving the congratula
tions of the thousand of visitor and
many friends.
Eighteen pairs of pDeasanta ot various
breeds and an exhibit ot mandarin ducks
and upland ducks composed Mr. Daren
port'e collection. Tbe pheasanta in
elude tbe tares t bieeds, manv ol which
are entirely new to this country.
They are ot the following varieties :
Peacock, Hima'ay, Twin Hyes, Hy
breds, Mebanotue, Silver, L'neated, Ca
bote, Reeves.Lady Amherte, Torquattua,
English, Elliot, Penicatee, Golden Im
peyan and Hoai.
While Mr. Davenport was temporari
ly away from hie cages, "Bob" Fifxiiru
moas with bis wife strolled op. Mr.
Davenport's assistant kindly explained
tbe good poiot of tbe "birds" and men
tioned the Impeyan pheasant as one of
tbe rareet in the world.
"Fits" with an incredulous smi said
Oh. rats. I have a friend out in East
Orange wboee pheasants can knock this
show silly."
Later, when "Fits" met Mr. Daven
port, whose birds he bad meant when
speaking of East Orange, and found tbat
tbe exhibit be had derided was his
friend Davenport's, the ex-cnamplon
pugilist looked ae if be bad just received
another Jeffries nppercot.
Mr. Davenport wae congratulated by
the officials of the Poultry and Pigeon
Association as furnishing an exhibit
which wae foremoet in promoting the
suceeeeoltbe whole exhibition. Sew
York Journal.
Whenever tbe British get defeated by
the Boers they call it falling lb ft trap.
There la ft good deal ot smoke la this
world without fire. In Portland during
siarcti ttiere were -j are alarms, with
total damage of cot over f 1,800,
Early in the season the Democrat pre
dicted the reoominatlon ot Congress
man Tongue on the ground that it had
been ordered by the boseee, Tbe pre
diction baa not been withdrawn. Tbe
indications continue to point that way,
Ae many ol tbe countiee ot the district
heve candidatee it will nrobebly take
several ballots before there is a oomina
Mr. Tongue's paper eaya :"
As for Gatch and Hewitt neither of
theee men bave ever been honored by
their county by being given seat in the
state legislature. .1 be state knows notb
ins of tbem. Tbev are untried and de
sire to jump from tbe walas ol private
lite to congieee at one stride "
from a non-political ataodpo.ot better
no legislative record than such ft poor
one as Mr. Tongue has. As a matter of
fact though Judge Hewitt and Mr. Gatch
are both pretty well known in the dis-
Bridge Warrant Paid.
A special meeting ot the city .council
wae held last evening.
Preeent mayor, recorder, and Council
men Dannals.Pfeiffer, Ralston. Ricbards,
and Seeiey. i
Upon motion o! J. M Ralston the
proposition ot D. P. Ma on, agent of Dr.
W. S. Dodd, to late up tbe warrant and
intereet due the King Biidse Co., thus
ssvlng further litigation, by accepting
another warrant pay able at tbe
regular 6 per cent rate with 4 per
cent discount, was 'accepted and a
warrant ordered drawn in tavor of W. 8.
Dodd for itf.848 73. The vote after die
cuseion wae as follows: Ayos, Dannala,
Pfeifler, Raleton. No, Rhharde, Seeiey.
xme eetttea me oia Driage account in
fun and stops ail. oi tbe city's litiga
It bas been tn ex penal re business, of
the amount now to M& paid only about
$1800 being- principal, the intereet ac
cumulating with tbe mornsy on band to
nave paid tbe principal bnt icr pending
litigation. ' ' :
Work in the third decree K of P to
$257 was realized out of the G. B. Mil-
loy property paying eleven cents on the
At. Salem tomorrow night I. N. San
de a. E. U. Kirby, J. H. Bobnett, F, K.
Brown and F. R. Bowereox will grad
uate from tbe medical department ol
Willamette Univeersity.
Tbe new exDress system ban already
been beeun on a few phones and will
gradually take in all in tbe city. It is
working well.
Some one recently scratched the win
dows at ' Burkbart Lee's evidently
with onefof those coarse! grained stones
sold by a street fakir. Of all things this
ie about as low as one gets.
Tbe county school superintendent el
ected this year will go in for tor four years
under a law passed by tbe last legislature.
Tbie is an important fact for voters to
From the E. A:
u:.. it-. i :... nr. t, t
visiting Miss Isabella Garland, returned
to her home in Albany yesterday.
J. A. Cumming. of Albany, apent Sun
day on bis ranch lew east ot
Lebanon. '.
Fred Geer.son of Governor Geer.eoent
last night in Lebanon, visiting Dr. Barr.
Miss Sue Breckenrldge, ot Albany.
visited her sister in this city a few days
C. N. McKniklit bae reeisneil as deDu-
ty bead comul of the Modern Woodmen,
and will soon go tv work in a loggine
camp at Berry.
Enoch R:daay has established a rep
utation ae a wa.ker. He had business
in Albany laat evening, an J mining tbe
train, walked over, reaching there In
good season, r . . f.rJ
O. Arnett wae c candidate for coroner
on the Republican picket, but failing to
ret there," Is now wuiin to accent tbe
nomination on the Democratic ticket.
His trlanus are giving him lots of en
couragement. Charley Ralston, Jr., wbo is now trav
eling f rtbe Breyman Leather company,
of Portland, will be in Lebanon this eve
niog' . "Jack" btan work in a miner
position for tbia firm ftoout a year and a
half ago, and . bas received a number of
promotions, now coins "on tbe road" at
a good salary.
Vmu s poon H oi eiiivinva iiv4
tmtaeituraoa atom n ItW i.pooH
Edgksi Cankkxt. The property of
tbe Eugene Canning A Packing Com
pany bas changed hands, tbe new pro
pnetor being W, K. Allan, of Kewberg,
wbo recently purchased the Salem can
nery and has successfully operated it.
Mr. Allan paid $4,000 for the property,
which inelndea two .acres of land, tbe
large cancery building and all tbe ma
ehineiy and equipment. Mr. Allan is
tbe patentee of tbe "Allan" dryer, one
of tbe beet, if not the beet dryer ever
need in this state, and he will place tbia
dryer in tbe building. He expects to
spend abont $2,000 in .improvement be
fore the trait Mason beglos Guard. .
Mr. Tucker, of Portland, was in the
city today on his way home from a trip
to Detroit, where he had been to attend
to the disposal ot the remains of bis
brother, recently found after being lost
nine years. The remains of $5 bill,
some old coins and a gun left no doubt
as to tbe identity. Mr. Tucker says
there were two toarks on f he bones in
dicating that a bullet had boen fired in-
tobe body, either indicating an acci
dent or foul play. Tbe remains will t
taxen to rortiand for burial .
i L . .
eremei jo eatn jo pum -peino
Tt II peaenM nvidarg s.poon "pent
stMt V ptrs pawpjosrp lot snopud
sen emeaae jf .-aunwwal peuu
1JOX neiz nsoimvnJata
exjg VO KX "tMxn9;e -M. ,-peddois
edeareg s.poos I pu eidasp mi
m eAWSOd, 4MME( in-tcl9dAO .
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-9 POH I seneqt q qtaa pooiq
nnsi anaatAn alAaTTTrw ' vfkATf Afll AmTT
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yonj of jstuf 9jdo?d Cuvpg
.. t a ... Ths) tlftwaitarr Blk
WisntNOTON. Atrll 3 -.-The House to
day entered upon consideration ot th
substituted for the Senate Hawaiian ter
U.t.l kill ,n.l1. inl.l .1,1.1,
will bring the question to a vote l'hurs
day afternoon at i o'clock. Tbe debate
was In committee ot the whole and three
ol the six speeches were perlluont to the
Dili. ,
AppcaslrtK th Iilah
Ianimn. April 8.Uueon Kictoria who
lott indsor Castle last night en routs
for Ireland, arrived at Holyhead today,
Tht authorities ot the place, ollluers ot
the warships tn the harbor and a guard
of honor lawatted the arrival ol Her
Dawoy ftr President.
New Yohk, April 4. A special to t he
World from Washington says :
Acmirat Cewea authorised the. World
to announce to thd American peoplo tbat
after mature reflection and in response
to earnest entreaties from all parts ot the
country, his fu-mer decision not, under
any circumstances, to run lor the Presi
dency is rescinded.
Democratic Congressman.
RALT LAXr. Utah Anrll 8 Klna r.lnmi
f r Congress, is elected over 1 lammond
(rep), ilia majority in bait Lake was
751. Returns iroro nine-tenths ot the
precincts in the state indicate that his
majority will be about 4000.
English War. I
London. Anril 4. No naaa 'haa
been received ot ths x peeled battle be-
V ween uenerai French and, ihe . Jiners
There is now but n'vemSte nrosnect ol
the capture ot tbe guns. This, howovsr
is regarded as quite trilling, compared
nun ie preeent eiiecta oi tbe ttlsastof
Our War.
Manila, Ap.U 8. General . John 0
uaus naa reaceiviiy occupied Hurlgao
Caittyan. IJIgan and Mlsamis, in the lal
ana ot Mindanao.
, .. t . m .
a nuniuvr oi nues and cannon war
captured. The presence of the gunboat
iwiwwii, wanna ana r-anav nravnniaii
v.,.niHV. .,w".U,
In tha East OrvfflUlUn. ot Pnmllntnn
ol April 0th, the speeclavthat William J.
vryau niaae m renuieton, the same as
inaue in Aioanv. win t nrinuwt in lull
Just as Mr. Bryan delivered It. Copies
of the paper can!be had bv mall. Mnittn
ur auurvsi, lur e cenis,cacn fB
P J Porter et a aet John O Elder.
raruuon. uontioned.
Assignment Clark Uros. Continued,
Assignment Albertlna Krlesel. Con
Assignment A F Hamilton. Continued.
Killed by a Pole.
6tAm, April 2. Frank Wood, an
employe ot the Seattle Electric Company
watkilled today by being struck by a
falling telrgiaph pule. Tbi pole was be
ing placed In position, when it suddenly
began to sway and be ore Wood could
get out ol the way be was pinned to the
In ths MiUippmca.
Manila, Feb. 23 -The news that civil
governments i ..n to be established In
the Philippines giv. he greatvet; satis
faction to all rest u (Vilegrauacame
last week to two Manila "imptr an
noncing tlat;Pretdeut Aivh .'y wculd
send a commtseiou no bogi.. , on
some subtUntlsl form of govrrnu..- k and
modern sysu-ms of laws and ta..u- '.
Twotmihtary censors sundretued n.,
meeeagea but the news was too vitally
luipuriam 10 oe aept secret.
Taffy for the 1, Mi.
London, April 3. Queen Victorin left
vtinueori.1 V:aUlast evening en rouLa
lorireiand. Her majesty is accompao-
ted by Punches ChrjeUln l.nd Princess
uenay ol liatteobervUnd ie attended bv
the Countees of Antrim. Ztlon. Harriet
Pbipp, 8,r Arthur ltggs, lrivate Kecre
Ury to the Queen, ?Sir Fleetwood Ed
wards. Keeper ot Her Majesty's Private
Purse, and Captain Ponsaby
Belmont's Opinion.
ftiw i orb:. Anril 2. Perr Ilalmont.
wbo supported Palmer and Buckner In
law, Hunks that tbe democrats have
mat opportvnity to tlect a Preident.
tie said last night:
rr i ..... . ... ...
x ue repuoucan party is assailing an -
be democrats ard defend inc tie J nati
tution and the Supreme Court. On iha.
issue tne democratic nartv can win. nm
viding it select candidates in whom the
Michigan Electors.
Dbtboit April 2 The democrats made
v.vtbi .i I& iu it nini in me mnnimnai
and townshlf elc ions held in all Mich.
igan cities today, except Detroit and
Port Huron. At Lanei-g, IJ F lleromel
was elected bv 316 majority, tha fir. I
democratic mayor in 10 years. Mayor
vrmirv it i errv. oeniocrat. waa rM icb
ea at urana its pus by 1388 majority.
A Boer Victory. .
Lokdox, April 2 General Buller'aan.
xioue inquiry wnetner otneers will ever
learn tbe value value nf scouting, cmee
back with enforced emphasis to the Brit,
ish public today, on receipt t,t tidings
that convoy with nra has walked do.
libMately into a Boer amuush within
about 20 miles of Bloemfontein.
Six ol tne 12 mine. comDresina two bat
teries, all tbe wagons and. it I" feured,
many men, fell into the hands of the
Boers, wboee daring, displayed so near
Bloemfontein, shows tbat they are rapid
iy recovering heart after their recent reveries.
Brutal Mnrdci.
Kansas Crrr. April 2. Harborine im.
aginary wrongs, John W. McKimm aged
z years, tnisaiteruoon shot and killed
Dr. 11. B. Shaw, his brother-in-law, as
ths latter sat reading tbe Sunday school
lesson to bis 6-year-old daughter. Dr.
Shaw died ins..tly. McKimm who bad
been an inmate of a sanitarium and is
believed .to be ins ne, threatened to kill
the other five members of ths family,and
was ouij resiraioea alter a straggle.
A Brave Woman.
Skattlb. April 1. Mrs. Laura McLan
rie, who conducts an employment office
at Ballard, awoke at 2 o'clock this morn
tag and found two masked burglars In
ber room. She crabbed a revolver and
beganlflring.v One shot took effect, and
tbe blood of ons of the burglars spatter
ed over he walls The burglars re
turned tbe Are. but did no damae.
J M Mover et al aet Allan
Mlll ..i
Milton Hale aut Pint N.ilnn.l
Partition. Continued.
TUB Schooling et al agt 0 A Row
land et si. Partition. Continued.
Assignment W FRead. Continued,
Jan Nanny agt Louisa D Beltltiuler.
Partition. Continued.
Sam T Munkers agt B F Uunken
rarution. uoniinued.
W A Lane agt Martha 8 Una et al.
Partition. Report ol sate confirmed.
JotS Ames sgt' Vary E Ames. Bull
tor land. Cout'nued,
John Bradley agt Adelia Mercy et al.
Partition. Jtepottof latcoonffrmed.
Annie and K E Kewbter agt Joe and
Mary Smith. Partition. Report of sale
couarued. ,
O II Waroock et al agt Mary R Green.
Partliioa. Dutault. Guardian ad litem
appinled for minor defendants.
Hiram Humphrey agt W 8 Clineetal.
Foreclosure. Default and decree.
Board'School Com agt A L Hester et
ai. rorecljsui.. Deiaolt and decree.
I M Scrogghi agt W B Donsca st al.
rertllloo. S.ti led.
Am. Mfg. Co. agt W L Armstrong.
F orecloture Default and deare .
I L Garland agt W 0 Roblnett. Fore
closure. Continued.
J M Settle admr agt W C Petervon et
al. foreclosure. De'aolt and decree.
El'xabetb Devlne agt T M Devlne. Dt
vorce. Contlsued.
I W Gait oi agt SM Daniel et at. To,
-)Ulet title. Nonenlt as to S M Daniel ami
Board 8cb.0m. agt M W Miller etal,
Confirmation. Con Owed
Board Sch. Com. agt. Lavioa Cling
man. Confirmation. OanOrmed.
Milton Hale agt P Q Morris st al.
Foreclosure. Default and decree.
Thos P Hanna aWt Mary P lianna. Di
vorce. Continued.
Hoard Sch Fund Com agt Jno 8mnll-
man. Foreclosure. Continued.
Views of Alaska.
. X!i firrWr solorerp -tlMre,' carefully
chosen, and ot great variety are used In
Dr. Fink's lectures at ths Presbyterian
church, Tburadajr nd Friday evenings.
Dr. rink has Just corns from California
where be has given 130 leotoies In lbs
past five months. Sines leaving Califor
nia he hss given one or more of his ssr
lesol three lectures In Portland, In the
First Presbyterian church and on ths
East Bids; In Astoria and Oregon City
od belors going to Washington gives
two lectures in Albany,
Thursday evening, Alaska. Nearly
oos hundred dissolving views,
Friday tvtnlng, Strange People of our
Land. The same number ot beautiful
An admission of ten canti Kill lia
charged. Lett ure to begin at 8 o'clock.
The State Y. P. S. C. E.
Ths tccal Commutes of this citv l.aa
been notified of t dd'e ol the state
conveullon lo be held this tear at this
city. The date just fixed by the ex ecu
tive committee is May 25, 2d and 27
(treat attraction ol the convention
will be an address bv John 'i. uw..
Another lesture will be Tlsiofs pictures
ot ths life ol Chri.t.
New tenia: J. li. lfanka rinti.n.i
Ca'., liitUnce ineasurlug Inatrumentt P.
Madden, Bold lot a Home. Ijm Anrolti
county Cel. Hernial truss) J. F. lie.
Henry Holllster, Cel. Lamp chimney ;
J. Naeh, Dayton, Washington, leveling
attachment for vehicles: JO. II. nhlelds
and A.Shaw, Spokane,- Wash.. Fire es
cspes I. D. Stockton, Penrose, Cel.,
Cultivator; 0. W. Thomptoo, Ontario,'
Cal., Washing machine.
The Future of
A child's life may be
blighted by the diseases of
youth, such as Rickets,
which is characterized by
weak bones or crooked
spine, and inability to stand
or walk steadily, or Maras
mus, that 'wasting disease
characterized by paleness
and emaciation, or Scrofula,
a constitutional disease , of
the glands and ncck.(f
Scott's Emulsion
of pure Cod-liver Oil with Hypo
phosphltci of Umc and Soda wlQ
prevent and cur these atonies.
It supplies hut tht material needed
to form strong bones, rich red
blood and aoMOuh, It wiO atx
reach ths Ward throw t the moth.
crf mint, and be of ths freatest
benefit to both.
Al all dfucMi far. a4 ft
smrr a now wk, uwiiw, n
Deedr? .
D 8 to M I Cameron, 190 acres, 11
El......... .Patent
Wn Bogus sx to Fred Bluuhart,
Di.miscrea am
J R Keebler to J V Keebler. 46W i
acres, llasd llwt iraa
A C Hausman to John Green. .40
acres sqq
U 8 to John C Gieen, 100 acres, H I
A VftaUtai,,sf,,i ;i .Pt,eni NOTICE 13 HEREUY OiVKN THAT
A K Daniel to J W uainea. lflj 1 1 ... j .t..
m aHLII iiifl'.'I VaVi " " 1 19' LiBn County, Oregon, made on the 2oth
HiSfi Mh 1 r ' March. 1900, autborlaing and e-
Ham McLeod and A. 0.
admitted to cltlunshlp.
Hausman were
Letter List.
Lo.idox, April 3 Tbe Boers still oc
cupy Bloemfontaln water works.
Fuller's news of fiusbman kop don't
Im prove matters for tbs British. Bat
tery royal horse artillery was captured
entire without tbe Arlng of s gun.
Carrrowv, April S. Mass meeting .ol
20,000 resolved incorporating Boer re
publics into Queens dominions. '
New YosK, April 3. A ipeclal ssts
tnas uaptam teicnman, omcer eoua-
mending Boers in ambusb,as sn officer
of ths Amsrican army.
Loncox, April 2-There is great Boer
activity along Veal river near Bloemfon
taln. Colonel Broadbead lost seven encs
Notice is hereby given tbat tbs under
signed, administratrix ot tbe estate of
Miranda L WiUiams,drjeased has filed ber
final account with tbe county clerk ot Lino
county, Or, and April 8,at I p m, bas been
set as tbe time and ths eennty court room
as tbe place for harina- objections thereto.
Land f jt tbe settlement thereto.
P .11 u u n ,fvwi
;Mt Wiluams, Adm'aw.
fuxr m CuaL, Attorneys.
tpd poof) s&vcrhjy j
and wagon Ira'n, easualtlies three bun
dred and fifty, Detachment Royal
Household Guards, two batteries eapi
tured by Boers. . . v A , '
Lokdow, April 2. Ths burghers are
closing around Bloemfohteln'. Com.
munication between Roberts and . Kim
berly is interrupted. . The Bloemfontein
water works are cut off. Gen.' Robrrts
; with tsn .thousand men is In a big en
t,agement. , ., . . n
Following is th 114 of letters remalnlnk
In tbe Postoffioe at Albany. Linn county.
Oregon, April 8. 1000, Persons calling
tor these letters muat givs the date on which
Bronze, Mr Herman Bstler, Mr Amos
Breedea.MIss Myrtle Blun, Mr Fred
Marshall, J F-3 Gltbens, J O
Medcalf, Mr John Morrison, D B
Moulten, Mre Jennie Morton, D R
Ntckernn, Mrs E M Wheeler, A D
Winkler, Miss Clara Warner, W A
Wilbeims, Miss Fida Wolfer, J H
8. 8. Taint. P.M.
ceased, to sell tbe Northwest quarter of
aecttoa Fourteen, lowaahlp Id BoutU
Rang 8 East ia Linn county, Oregon,
Thereto e. I will ea Saturday the 21at day
of April, 1900, at tbe bour of One o'clock
p m at tbe front door of the court bices
in tbe city ot Albaay, Linn county, Ore-
ffAift. ttlt ta fcha tilctiftat hl,tla fnv A..k In
.vw cvm iv.' V 1 ulri J
March 21. 1900.
Fioaaitcn Hanuu, adm'ri.
U 0 WaTsoN, Att'y.
Notice is hereby gives tbat tbe nader
slgned,sdminls ratrii of the estate of Julia
A Kendall, deceased, has filed ber final
account with tbe county e'erk of Linn
county, Or, and April 0,at I p m, bas been
aet as tbe time and the county court room
as tbe place for bearieg'ol-jections thereto,
and for tbe settlement thereto.
Atha y. March 2. 1900
..Mart Wiilmmp, Adm'ri. 4
SL , lli... - l J
appointed vid confirmed esecutor of
tbe laat will and testament of Rlcbard
Farwell, rteceaet. by tbe Connty Court o
Llna coqaty, Oregon, and all persons hav
ing claims against tbe estate of said de
ceased will preeat tbem duty verified to
tne undersigned at his office ia tbe city ot
Albany, Linn county, Oregon, within sir
months from tbe date hereof,
March 12, 1900. f
L II Montasyi,
Esecutor of (be last will and testament
oIKicbardFarwsll.. ' , "
XTOricfcilBtHSKfcuV utVfck THAT
IX ths nnderrsigned bas been duly ap
pointed by tbe County Court of Linn
County, Oregon. ss tbe esecutor of tbe last
will aud testament of Grace Asa Davis,
deceased. Any and all persons having
oiaitns against ssld estate are hereby not
ified to present (be same to the undtr
slgned al Albany, Oregon, within six
months from the date hereof, dsly verif
ied at by law required.
Dated this 12th day of March, 1900,
K fc. Davis, Ecutor.
WiiTHfcaroKD WraTT,
Alt'ys for Executor.
Notice is hi rehy given tbat the under
signed, administratrix of tbe estate of Jas
M Williams, deceaseo, has fi ed her final
ascount with tne county, clerk of Linn
count, Or, and Artil 6, at I p m, bae
been set as tbe time and tbe county room
as tbe place for hearing object ions thereto,
and for the settlemeut thereof. - .
Albany, March 2. 1900. ' i i ' .4
Mhv Wiluams, Adm'r.
KelltACubl. Attorneys.
(lav Ar,SSi(i; ' : "
Dr. Hobtw' Si.mrm. ii Pill, mr all Sl1 nsjf III. Saw,
ale f re. 4d Starllni BomMr Co.. or M. f
the undersigned, George Knor.was on the
10th day ot March, 1900,by the Honorable
tbe County Cturt ol Linn county. Oregon,
du'y eppoinUd administrator of tbe estate
rf Margaret Koi'i, deceased.-All prsons
bavmir claim, against aid esU'e sre
hereby notified to present them to tbe nn
derilgwd aiiministrator at hie residence
in alhtsy, Uregon.dulr verified as by lew
rqrtind, .witbis six' months frpm this
Dated, Albany, March lOtn, 1900.
AdmUtator,o the estate ef Margaret
Knox. d tested. i
Gao. W. WaioHT.
Attorney for Administrator
. . j teTeHeTrav rtyCeiv"," ! '
" Ouaranteed telweso habit eare.rMlM weak
saaaawoos. blood pure. s.sTAUaruffu!a,