The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 06, 1900, Image 1

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hi K
NO 35
r 1 1 ii ir
I i i i: I i .1 t
A y
London, March 81, B 'ri ar leaving
Brent end are going north. England's
caiualtlea Friday killed twelve, wounded
hundred wventy.
Can. Botha euoceede Joulierl.
Pana Surrendered
MANii.A,'March, 31. 1'unn the Chinere
guerilla genera' who baa I citn duVAatlrg
1'enay haaaifrondered.
The Woodman o( tha World on Dowry
day, May J, (.rojiote to give tha flnat
ban oi Die eeanon, prvcwiw. i y me uauai
balloon aaconn Ion.
Acts glntly on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
cleanses the System
im iMi ar aw a ma a na ana.
A perfect crank
Direct pull on
No leverage,
No friction,
Sprocket runs,
between bearings.
Multnomah Democrats.
I'ohtlamu, March 31, Democratic
convention today Including ilWar repub-
licant, (oal n democrats and popullat
element, .'. I. Mllno was elected tern
porary cl.ulrman defecting Judge Bweek.
Vote, Mil no 72, 8 week 60. Convention
will probably adjourn (or two wteke,
alter election state delegates, ah mem
ber oonventlou except three claim their
aopported Bryan In 'VO,
Near Uloeinfontcla.
London, March 31, The bead of the
army of Lord ltobhrta la now about 21
mile nonb of litoemronteln. It occu
pies a cluster of bllla woo from the lioera
after a stiff fight, in whibh tbe Britlab
loat seven oflicers and 100 men. Tbe
Boere have been uilng theae kopjee aa a
base for niauraudJng hands that have
been beating up tlie country adjacent to
liloktnf jntoin for supplies.
Quito Lively.'
Wamhinoton, March 30. The republi.
can aenatora were grieved and pleated
today: Grieved at l'roctor'a apeecli,
which they eay I bey tblnk la tbe woret
polalble utterance that could be made for
demobratlc campaign material. In view
of the determination to paas the I'uorto
Iiicen tariff bill; pleated at the manner
in which Petlus, of Alabama, poked fun
The Main Thing.
Ht. I'avi,. March 30. Speaker Hndtr
eon haa written a letter to a Minneota
friend ecoring the opponenta of the I'uer.
to Bico tariff bill. Theapeaker alludea
to the "10,000,000 savagea in lie rhllir.
pinee," and make plainly the aaeertion
that the main thing the tariff men are
flrht'Dg for la to eelabliah the power of
Cortgreee to rule tbe eocalled colonies
ouleide of the Conitllutlon.
Fust Traveling.
Hkaohav, March 25. Mm. Mahoney,
wife of one of he mauagera of the North
American Trading & Tranaportation
Cdmpany arrived here laat night. 8he
came from Dawaon to Bennett in four
daya and 20 hours, thereby break ng all
recorda for faat Wioter travel Tbe trip
waa made with dog teeme a part of the
way and with bcree teanii the r main
tier, t
A Proclamation.
Londo, March 31 The Bloemfonleln
corrrapondenU of tbe Daily Chronicle,
tvhntraphlng March 20, eaye: '
I'roeident Kruger's latest proclamation
warna the women and children to leave
Bloemfontein within five daya, aa be in
tend! to bombard and dealroy the city
and to ahool tbe burghera whom he cap
turea there.
Photographer Crawford sacured four
or five floe vlewa of Col. Bryan and the
big crowd liatnifR to him. Fine me
men toot for thoe denl'leg toremamber
the occasion eo pleasing to moat of those
wbo heard the noted orator.
hanger meansjeasyjinnmng niactine. "
For I Sale
Department 2 of tbe circuit court wll
convene in the court houae next Mon
day, B. P. Bolae J tdge, Following le tbe
docket s
(' J Porter et al agt John C Elder.
Awlgnment Clark Broe.
Alignment Albertlna Krleiel.
Alignment A F Hamilton.
J M Moyer et al agt All any" Woolen
Mille. '
Milton Hale agt Flr.t Natlonil Bank
TUB Schooling et al agt OA U jw
landetal. Partition.
Alignment W F Bead. '
Jan Nanny agt Louiaa D Settlrmier
Uura Caldwell agt Ella 0 Caldwll.
Bam T Muokera agt B F Munkeir
W A Lane agt Martha S Lane et al.
JoiBAmeeagt Mary E Amee. Bolt
for Imd.
Tboa Morgan agt P li Marie. To aet
L8LaDaeagt John Savage etal For
mining claim.
Inhs HrsHUv mat A lull Mam. .1 ! '
Annie and E Keebler agt' Jot and
i. . . . t ....
raaryomttu. reunion.
C II Warnock et al agt Mary E Green.
Partition. ; : .
Juliet IlamilUin u Km M Inn..
al. Bee real prop.
Aitmette O Banker agt Jaa Banker.
Illram Ifnmi,li mat W tt r!llao mi.
Board Aehnal Cam mot A T. M..,. .t
- p - " wgivi v
al. rorecljeaie.
Annie B Beard agt Henry W Bea u.
II O Dl avt Pnrll.n1 Ir Mf C I.
celverehip. ' .
B I Fayne agt Suiao Bolea et al. To
quiet title.
V W Wbltimieragt Donna Wbitvmier.
P M Scroggin agt W B Donjca etal.
Nellie Giddbge agt Hi'aa Giddinga
Divorce. O'P Coehow ast Prank Xf.n.flot.l T
qolet t'tie.
Am. Mfg. Co. agt W L Arm.uong.
Arthar it Cos avt ft R Umm.i i t
qoiettitlo. w
TI Anderaon agt Andrew Auderaon
Suit for ded.
LotlU 7.nmmAarl mm BaIk l.1 .
foquet title.
7" I
Ioa Flndley agt Matt Muneon; To
qclet title.
Jennie Moollon agtO LMoultvn. Di-
I L Garland agt W C Bobinett. Fore
cloaure. ,
J MJSettie admr agt V7 C Peterion et
al. Forecloaure. , -;
W 0 Tweedale agt Alice Blcharda.
Forecloaure lieo, . - ,
8PM AFCoagtEdna VAl'en. Suit
to equity.
Naacy Olio agt A J Olln, Forocbtnre.
aoerd bcb. Cum. agt J H Flaugher.
Elizabeth Define agt T M Devlne. Di
vorce. 1 W Galnci agt 8 M Daniel et al. To,
jule title. '
DB Monieitb agt A Parker et al.
Board 8 li n it ur r:n . .1
Board S.jh. Com. agt. Lavioa Cling
nan. Confirmation.
Tcachcra Examination.
.Notice ia hereby given that tbe regular
teacher! examination Sor Linn county
will be held In tbe court bouse. Albanr.
Ore., beginning at 9 o'clock, Wedneeday,
April 11, 1900, and contlnaing for three
daya. Applicationa for certiflcater anouldl
Dot fail to be rtrdaent at tha ntunla. nl
tbe flrat eeacion. Tbe program will be
5 W Mir!'! 4 V-Pff it ma ra Mr kt...-
thograpby, reading. Tboreday Written
arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar,
ecbooi law. Friday Geography, mental
aritmetic, pbyaiolngy, civil tovernment.
Tn foregoing are for county eertiflcatee.
Wtdneabay Penmanahip, ortbogra
pby. reading. Thuraday Art of que.
Honing, theory of teaching, method-.
Tbe lore g-j'mg are lor primary certific
ate. a Dated at Albany, Ore., tbia30th day of
March, 1900. -
"A. 8, McDojmld, County 8opt,
:: This and That
Suuiley'a Ciean Printing. s
Op.n till 12 o'clock p.m.etSielter'f. .
Dr. J. II. Krakine la now In tbe Foater
Block, 2nd atory.
Vor wlo. irod carpeting, 33 cenla per
fard, by r. 8. Alexander, east end olotb
. rbe beat meat of alt kinda and good
iretLnieol. at tha Alhanv I i I
Corepany' market, just djwn Second
rreet. ulmI weight and prompt attend
ion, .
Choice Dried Urapee 8e.
A, At V. E. Brownnelin.
Ga in XI ia. rn. I t , l
ographa, and do not Jorget to take along
f - y m (- 1 ""'
Ro-To-fM for rirty Oat. .
OaaraakaTT tntMuim h.M. -1.
vwm parra. mm. at. jlm flrucriMa.
The Hest Machine Money Can
Postal Telegraph Office.
The IClnd You Have Always
la use for over SO years,
-( r "- - anH
rVV -? It sonal
"cc . Allow
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are hut Ex-t
pertinents that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment,
Castorla Is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric. Drops'
and Soothing Syrups. - It Is Harmless and Plea-ant. It
contains neither Opium. Morphine nor other Narcotic1
. substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverlshnes.' It cures Diarrhoea and Wlndl
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation!
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tbe Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. ,
cENuirjE c ASTO R I aIl WA YS
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always BongM
In Use For Over 30 Years.
m arnmwa mammmmr, rr
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxativs Baono Qciaicb Tab
Ltra. All drcgjrinta tefan 1 the mjoey if
t faili toenre. E. W. OKOva'atigna'nre
on eich bjx. liSs.
Ur H H Haden. Bnmjiit. a la. a&vi. "1
think Kodol Dyapepiia Core a eplcndid
medicine. 1 prescribe it, and my ronfid
MM 4n It MAW. with M.I!t...J aA ,v ll
digesta what yon eat and quickly com'.
uT(pcp(a ana inaigeaiton. r or paie dj
roanay c Maon. , -"
Canned Asparagrus
- 'M
Bought, and which has beta,
has borne the signature of i
liaa 1n milrlA flflllft III IMP
np;rvlsIon eince Its Infancy.'
no one to deceive you In thin.
Signature of
nrM atr. new tom errv.
Lafiripp it alter effect", annually
ie-troyt tboaand uf people It may be
iiiicky cured by On Minute Cough Core,
tbeonlr remir th-tt pr.lae immediate
raMilu in coaht cA. cr -up, broneoitie,
poeumouia and threat and luoe tronblea.
t ill prer.nt cnnmp'.ion , For aaleJby
ttVatay it Htwia.
iTM'i TiAirc. Spit e hmmkm (nr ijlt Away.
Ta Quit tolraoeo easily and torercr. be icao--aUe.
lull o( iif a, urrs ft" J titot, take Ko-To
H ip. tii itoixlcr w..rkcr. that ikk weak mea
atrtxic. atl dragffTsu. Mearat. CuresaantDp
tend ' Hook list n.i tumint frea. Adilreaa
Bterlinj R.aMNly a nraaa H Ifw Vark.
E.lorara Tour bnra Wufc ;aaearata.
Cim-lr CKthnrtlc. cun forever.
CV. If 'J. C C fall, iim n.wi-'-4moaa;
Prod nee.
Balls in hubs,
Wide bearings,
Easy adjustment,
Absolutely dust
v proof.