The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 30, 1900, Image 7

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FM Daniel to W A Ewlng, 17
mm nar8clo... $ 6000
iurj tt uoietonarton w urooas.
tocorrectdeed id ail July 2,187. 700
viieea vreeiand to Mary Ureen
balgh, IdOacree ,,,,
Fred U Clow io Melfene' Cure
nets, quit claim lo7l aorca..... 80
mortgage for II 00.
Chi mortgage for !), $180 tad
, Kelense of mortgage for $600.
Tli ahrrlff hat rsrslved bvar $2000 oo
ui iovv isxes,
Probate Ouuiti
Petition to release rati estate from ad
ministration io estate oi Joint Urown,
In atUta of John Sterling, exerrpt
7 vmnrvu eoiatiueanu pereonai
propf rty ordered fold. .
, HrgUiratloD, 2530.
A F.-Tii following waa fonnd In
bottle Io Iha ditch Saturday evening
by an Anderson boy and turned over to
tbe coroner t "Albany. Or.. March 81,
00. A by person fiodlng litis bottle
and paper will ptoaaa let my i-eople koow
that 1 drowoad inyealf In ha Lebanon
dltoh.ooe mlla east of Alhany.end oblige,
(Signed) K. Bteu'da, Ta linen, Ore." It
U o( couree a faka. In ninai-tlrm mitu
It a boy medium want alonv Ilia ditch
and located the body u.idvr iha Klklot'
fallf. Jt wai not there of ru tree.
Witbubaws, Frof, W. If. Lo, who
waa elected one of the delegates to the
republican county convention rcuuest
the DkMoc&AT to i late that bia name waa
used without bia content and that be
desires It withdrawn from th Hat of
delegatea. II will not have time to
serve aa a delegate, nor doe he wiab to
acta one.
Recorder A. If. Martin of the A. O. U.
W. haa received a check for $2,000 lor
Mrs. John Chiawell on account of the
death of her huaband. which occurred on
Marcb 4, and the same was paid to her
today. This is a sample of the charact
erlitlo promptneee ol the A. U. U. W
being ouly ilnoe weeks.
.1 N WINI KE. In Ualeer, on Moo
I ay afternoon, March 30. 1900, of
conanmpllon, after a lingering lllneas,
Mias llertbe Van Winkle, at the age
ol about twenty years.
The deceased waa a native of Linn
nntv, a aiater of Kecorder J 8, Van
Winkle, and waa a young lady beloved
by all knowing tier,
K I'll. V. Florence Edith Kuhn. Inlar.t
dati;bterof Kandolph and JetaieO.
Kuhn, atBalem, Hunday, Marcb S3,
- 1000, age seven mootha.
Funeral aervlcea will Im held at the
residence ol T. 1. Ilackleman, Tueeday,
March 27th, at 10 o'clock a. m. Fri enda
are Invited.
" : ''"!' ' .t '' ' '.
'' '"' " . .-v- . ' . '
Best, Cheapest and Handiest
The increasing business of th f-l-
BAone oomoanv at till, mtv ., nt...i
Uted new hoards, and aome fine onea art
ueing put in uy nr. friendly of Eugene.
I ha Merrll Bros, are opening a cyclery
n the old YM OA roomi, which they
have fitted up nea'.ly for the purpoae.
The Weat Albany delegates elicted by
the republicans laat Saturday will meet
tonight at the council chamber for the
purpoae of nominating precinct officers
and attending to other business.
The Shanlko Ultima will t. ti...
of the first paper at the new towu at the
wrui noua ui tna Uolombla Southern,
liig thlnus are eilMu;td Inr tUa
Can a paper with such a name navigate.
iiie uoiuinuia Southern now ha 600(
men at work lav na track. The
progreaslng nt the rate ol 4500 to 6000
loet nnr da . The Una will hn rr..nrJ,.f
ed through to Shanlko by April 16.
Oharlov Kurrull kt In utrllr,
Hill at a man at the Albun I.nn, l.
Counter misted hlra and bit the window
causing a fracture ol the evne at the
joints. Mr. tarred waa eanortiul to the
calaboose. As Charley has a strong
blow it was lucky lor the man that the
glass was the recipient of the shoulder
An eloctrle headllabt haa
been added to tome ol th
X l'n-1 An.
locomotives on the Southern
Thellrfhtisby far more poworful than
the old oil lamps and It is sld tho track
la well lighted for a much icreaur die-
Uuce. Theitt lights, it la thouuht. will
reduce thi acc dunts at night t mioi-
mum.' r..
J. J, Walton, this loroooon entered
nto a co;.tr4t with the H. I' It. it. for
especial train to bring Wm.J, Bryan
here. Jt will leavo Portland April 6, at
0 a. m , arriving In Eugene at or before
10:30 a. in., tame day. The money,
amounting to IW1.80, waa paid over
and a receipt taken. This ioaurea the
presence of the greatnt orator in Amer
ica here ou the alwve cate. Jurd.
In the primaries Batarday In the
middle ward 60 votes were cant for all of
the delegatea but k-ur. who received fift.
one of these being the 8. P. agent at
the depot. The other railroad men,
who sit up nights figuring, have inaJe It
out that the vote that did thia waa Mr.
Fronk's. It gives the lour a material
lead and estaulitbes their prominence.
According- to a canvass of the HbrarUa
and book stores ol J'ew York Cur the
popularity ol tbe current novel of the
day was'n In laef il'owiog order Red
Pottage. 1'he Light o( ifcarthey. Richard
Carvel, Young April, Janice Meredith,
A Oenttemdo irom Indiana, Davht liar
am, When Knighthood waa In Flower.
Tbe Market l'laoe, Red Ruck, etc.
The Davie it Miller livery stable Is
being raited a story, when it will make
a two and a half story building, a mod
ern livery stable. Mr. Crawford, the
owner la generally Improving bis proper
IT. ' - -
A C k Ecar this noon run op the main
track end a ewiicb at tee aame time
until about square acroaa the track,, it
careful manipulation of tbe car it was
gotten on the right track inside of ten
minuets with no damaire.
Several prominent Albany men have
tlfir name In the Toledo Leader thia
week. Cau e, non-payment tf Lincoln
couoty taxe.
1 2 'u-"
moved to
...... ,. I, .
. . v . .
Mrs. I. Fromsn,re!d!ng near this city,
was stricken wlvh pir,is yesterday
and is in a serious condition.
The man who predicted snow before
the season ended, tills morning had an
inkling that he might win yet. Rut will
Mr.Tayler If III of Crook county past
ed through this noon going south.
Mrs. W. A. Bants of Portland Of (
viaiting witn Mrs. U. W. Harris of thia
Mr. and Mrs. Cant, of Philomath.
spent Sunday la Albany tbe gnette of Mr.
Jut. V. Powell.
Ir. Lowe Is in town and (s stopping
mm ncvere. ne gs back to ttugene
tomorrow night.
Rathbone I Sinters are requested to
meet at thelr.hall, Tuesday afternoon at
i o'clock, Mirch 27, 1000.
At the K. of P. meeting tonlgbt there
will be won In tbe eecood rank. Let all
members attend.
Miss Carrie Oalbraith left this morn
lor Pullman, Waah.where she will be the
guest of M rs. Will Lyon.
Hollo, Hello, Mr. ff. L. Walden re
turned on the boat thia morning from
Corvalll where he spent Sunday,
Mrs. Knr.pp, of this city, left this
morning for Miuuetota. on a visit. She
will visit relatives in Washington oo the
J. B. Van Winkle returned from Hal
aey this afternoon, having teen called
there by the last illness of hi sitter Mite
Bertha, wboditd this afternoon.
The Central W. O. T. U. will meet lo
morrow after noon at tbelr bal , to which
all members are earnestly resquetted to
be preeent. A procram will be presented.
Hon. H. IJ. Miller expect to start for
Waahington, DC. about April let. Miss
Laura Miller, in all pro) ability, will ac
company ber father to China. Guard.
Conductor Dave L. Houston, of tbe B.
I'. It. R.. la ment'oned aa a democratic
candidate for sheriff of Multnomah
county. The Dkmochat seconds the
nomination. Dave la all right.
Toe many friends of Mrs. Ima Mon
leitn are glad to koow of her gradual im
provement a'ter she had been as eloee to
deatb'e door as It Is poisible to be asd
Mr. Sam T Shaw waa taken sudden
ly and violently ill Just before train time
this morning. She and Mr. Bhaw were
som polled to remain here while the reet
of the troupe took the train for Yreka,
Cel. Eugene Register,
At the circuit eon. t in Eugene last
week eighteen divorrea were granted be
ginning with January and ending with
Lincoln, with Bueh, luth, Wald, Keen
ev. Drew, Mania, Pearl Thomas, King,
tftlngly, Boag, Jonee, I.awrnee, Mc
Urath, Kissinger and Lamb in between.
R. J. Keeney, a brother of our towns
men, E. J. and J as. Keeney, baa been
viaiting them foi some timo past, lie
returned to but home at Halaey the first
of the weekend intends returning to
Morrow count? with bis family in the
near future and will embark in the stock
business with bis brother James. Hep
ner Times.
J. Parker Doak a few days ago while
bunting waa mistakc-n for a deer by bia
companion Warren Bulla rd and shot.
b eing killod instantly.
First Street, next
WaV Paper
Wall Paper
Wall Paper,
Wii Paper!
Wall, Paper ;
Ei-tenator Dawson was In Eugene yes
terday. License baa been issued for thejmar-
nage oi v. w. riodaii and Hits ueii
Mr.B. F. Ramp hs been appointed
committeeman of the neonle's tartv for
eaat Albany to succeed Mr. L, M. Curl.
' Mr, Casper Vnndran left today for
Snmpter to try bis hand at mining oper
ations. Mre. N. T. Moore, of Olympla, for
many year a resident of Albany is in the
city tbe goest of Mrs. O. W. Warren.
A dance at the A.O. U. W.iiall neat
Baturday evening. Admisstsn to all hold
ing invitations to former parties.
A slated communication of Barzllllal
Chanter Ho. 10, 0. E. H. will be held In
the Masonic Hall Tueeday evening,
Marcb 27th, at 7 -M o'clock. Mrs. Mar
garet Lutke, Giand Worthy Matron, will
be present and a fall attendance is de
sired. MaJ. M. II Kill, assisted by his sister
Mlaa Hurt ha, last evening at tbe 1. O.
O." F. ball gave a delightful party in
bonoi of the anniversary of the battle of
Malabon, in which'the members ot tbe
2nd regiment distinguished themselves
in a manner that bss redounded to their
credit and fame aa roldiers, I Co., par
ticularly doing aome splendid fighting.
Nearly all the members of 1 Co. in the
city were present with their sitters and
friend. Several hour were sient in
games, the parting of a delicious lunch of
ice cream and cake, the listening to an
excellent program and is aociabiiity.
The program consisted of a piano solo by
Miss Lora Vance.two songs by the Mitee
Stuart, a piano solo by Mies Emma Sox, a
vocal solo by Mis Or Dubruille and two
vocal solo-, by Mite Ellis, all greatly ap
preciated. Maj. Ellia was voted as good
an enttrtainer as he waa a surgeon on
tbe field.: . Those present were Maj. and
Miss Elli. Cant, and Mrs. Pbillin. An
gus and tbe Muses Graham, Frank and
Mies Stellmacber, Frank and tbe Misses
Htuart, Lealie end Miss Viereck, Will end
Mise Merrill, Orin and Miss Beam, Jo,
and Mis Torbet.Krull and Mies Howard,
Sam and Mia Worrell, Roy and Mis
Saltmarsb, Messra. Turner, Ilergreave,
McDougaU, MrClung, Kober, Wallace,
Cyrus and Girerd.Mintee Oalbraith, Ma
eon, Vance, Ellison, Whitney, Dubruille,
Ketchum, 'Marshall, Sox, Payne. Mr.
Swann and Mr. and Mr. Nutting.
. -
Before Getting Harried
. Call at Will
Stark for your engagement or wedding
ring. An elegant slock to select from,
TINDALL - GOOCH. At tbe Court
Houne, this afternoon, Judge Barton
olliciating, Mr. C. M.Tiodall and Miss
Delia Gooch.
These are worthy young people resid
ing at Shelhurn in thia countv. Miss
Delia, being a daughter of A. F- Gooch
Esq., the prominent lumberman of Sbel
burn, j .
Republicaa Convention.
Additional delegate are;
Tangent J II Scott, Cat, fiaott, M
Forester, James Uanter, Win Obermey
er. Laeorob J O Hsrdln, John Gsmber,
n uueuaeiu, nenry Mine.
Waterloo M 8 Bellinger, J II Tnrpln,
R U Keene, J M Llndiey, K U Hard
man, Dayton Harris.
8antiatn-M H Wilds, Clsy Powell, J
L Griggs, If Downing, Wm Mr-ore.
Orawforcsville K Glaes, EP Large,
J O Fox, J C Morgan, R B Stoward. W
II Morgan, D F Robinett.
Center A From, K Fiom, Geo Wheel
er, A Freerksen.
Tallmsn Geo McKnlgbt, L A Wile v.
L, H Trnelove, Oliver Ba.'t'more, - -j
origgs, t A Kigg.
Sweet Home. A 0 Buck.E V Roasell,
A K Pbeipt, S W Moore.
Tbe outlook this afternoon la that the
ticket will be: WM Brown for judge,
SA Starr for clerk, Cnas Warner for
recorder, M D Phillip lor sheriff, Jat
Elkins for treasurer, Bruce McKnight
for atressor, sod Ned Carlton for super
intendent, with tbe representatives mix
ed and decendinc on circumstances ex
cept aa to George Rees. Likewise as to
surveyor and coroner.
Tbe delegate of West Albany last night
nomiomea tne louowing : precinct offi
cers: W. li. Warner justice of the
17 - -. I- I I . L , C. .
Fieerksra road supervisor. W. C. Twee-
oat committeeman.
The Centenary M. E. church of Port
land recently prejenfed ' Queen Esther."
There are said to be 80,000 balee cf
untold uopi in uregon.
Ex-Conot7 School Sapertendent Cnrl
naa formally announced blinself aa a
member of tbe repnblcan party.
New Patent : J. Nash, Dayton Wash.,
leveling attacument lor venictiies; V.
U. S'lields and A. Sha w., fire escape. '
Parties going to Lebanon tomorrow
morning should remember that tbe train
will leave at 7: 10 o'clock, a. m.. which
is an hour earllerjtban usual, and will ar
rive from there at 9:30 o' clock in time
for the Bryan speaking.
Tbe contract for bnild nsr the new
bank building for the- Eugene Loan and
Havioge Dank bss been let to L.N
Roney at 115,091. This does not inclnue
the vault etc. -
Tbe wire are bnmming today from
tne amount oi pulling that I being done.
The convention will bediatinct'T Hard-
man and anti-Hardman, Mr. Hardman
seeming to be a mncb an ieaue la tbe
candidate. The indication are that
Hardman la on top and that all of bis
candidatea win ne nominated.
We bave it from good au hority that
tbe timber ranger in Coo county are
bere in the interest of tbe Southern
racioe railroad company. Tbi com
pany baa located in ihe paet year over
40,000 acre of land in Douglas and Lane
countiee,and has filed 60 contetta against
limner applications in the latter county.
Uverow applications for land patent
have been filed in toe U. 8. lam, office
in Rosebnrg since Jaanary 1st, eo if any
one in UMe county is desirous o I loca;
log on vacant land now is the time to
ct before it is too late. MarsbSeld
the Bank,
Coixro Athletics. The State Un
iversity paper contain an article on the)
College Athletic Association,: of whlsh
the following I a pattt "The leading
editorial In the March Albany College
oiuuoui is a rare specimen. or cur
riloua pettish nets of thought and neraisU
ent evasion of fact it haa few equals. Ia
the course of four paragraph the college
represenUtivee who met at Salem on
February 24th, are dubbed ''hoodlums,"
"silly" and hoodlum athletes," wire
pullers and . men incapable of sober
thought. Mt. Angel ha a good base
pali team but they I ave taken no part in
collegiate sport. Albany ba spas
modic foot-ball team which, oa their
field, makes a fair antagonist for our sec
ond eleven. In track athletica both are,
aa yet, unproved. Too many Inferior
athletes compete at Salem every year."
Under this program a smaller college la
to be given no chance because not with,
tbe top notchers. Thia i narrow'
Frank MrTanlel, !thi Portland mur
derer of Adelaide Clara Fltch bat been
sentenced to fifteen year In the pen
tentiary, lie continue to declare ma
The organisation of the convention,
appointment of commit'ees, etc. abowe
very plainly that Mr. Hardman bas not
got bold of the teina today. Street talk
doesn't alwaye count. Ihe probaouity
now is that the delegation win ne a
Dnncan one, and tbe management of tbe
campaign will be changed.
A little son of Smith Cox was sitting
by tbe fire in bis home at Knox's Butte
yesterday mornicg when hi nightshirt
ca ight fir. Tbe boy rutbed Into the
yard and rolled the fire out but not nntil
be was considerably borned, and it waa
necessary to tend for a doctor to attend
nim. Dr. Hill did eo.
Old as tbe' Ills
art the paint asd achee ef
are as taxes ia tie ewe ot
St Jacobs Oil