The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 30, 1900, Image 4

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    lie Qcjajwat
MoKInley hat given Loubet hi Lafay
ette doll -r aod told dim to ipnd It fret
y bat not to be exiTavagant.
Bonors continue to b- heaped on Gen.
Duller for his heroism in relieviog Ltdy.
smith after Joubert bad reen forced bv
Roberts to rale the sle,s.
I( one entence by President Harrises
bat almost brought the republican par y
to Ita senses, what would whole tpeeth
jrom him dot
Now some one ought to introduce ft
resolution of . sympathy with Senator
Mason. Every time be geta the floor I he
senate goes into executive eeaeion trd
Billy loeee bia audience.
Some tima ago, the re publicana . were
asking on what itiue the democrat
could poetililymake their fi-ht tbie fait.
Now they ar assing which of many If
sues that party will empbaaiae.
All Sort
The word "eamock" il Turklfh and
meana '"Ire man" or "f ree laucv. '
Berlin hat fourteen perron whoee an
nual income ceedt 1230,000.
Th number of certone cremated In
Qsrmanv from 1873 tol89 wai 3,110.
r.a vetr there were 3 ur in
r. b and 101 live wor lost irom
that caute.
Some ot the Eogliab towne are.betug
inteated by n trandlent collector for the
war fund.
Or. hundred wounded Germane wtre
found in the horptral at Jacobsdal, . in
South Africa.
Roumanf ta to have three new rail
way line conetruOc at a coat ot $16,546,-
000, exclusive of lolling ate ck
The Quicksilver Bnda In Brewster
coon'y,.lxa, have already proved the
nsoet extensive In the United State.
Among the staff In the Boer laagtr
near Himberiy aeixa cy eu trco
twenty case of champagne wtre louno.
From tha Republic
Il Secretary Bay w ar In charge of an
English department hla reelgnation
would come promptly upon tha change
of lua Noaresoe Canal treaty by the
Senate Foreltn Relations Oommltte.
That le etiquette In England. Whan
Cabinet officer restet to represent the
sentiment and the spirit of .the country
ha makaa hie farewell bow quickly eud
e.ept out. It It different in Atactica
Here a Cabinet officer hoidi Ma place
natil expelled by tha man who ba ap
pointed him.
The United State have, however, a
method worth two of Eoglaod'e for die'
posing ot Cabinet officials who do not
catch the American apirit. Tbey have
an election every fourth year, in which
they reviae thlnge, and thte it tha year.
Secretary Uay baa not represented the
DMDle ef America for aoma time. lilt
attitude In tha Maornm caee waa at un
American as poeelble. Ule Nicaragua
Canal treaty as as .bad. In both of
theee transactions ha wat at British as
any Eriton. lie should oirry hit Angle
mania a ttep farther and follow tba cue-
London medical paper dlecut an ont- ton that prevails among members of the
break ol typhoid fever at Exeter, which English cabinet
General Oitt in taid to thick that it ie
simply outrageous that the insurgents
shoa'd begin fiyhtlng again just as ha
bad them hopelessly scattered. :
We snppof e that there are two eides to
be Porto Rican question, bot the re
publicans in congnse are on one aide
and the whole American people are on
the other. '
The Britirh will not al ow any rebate
on tba war indemnity becaure of the
magnificence of the Boer struggle against
hopelree odde. Rather they will make
it heavier. When Britain gets ber ene
my in the.docr, abe beiievea in eraehlng
bat been traced Jto coeumplionot raw
Through etat eld vheie hav ba n
built in New Jersey about 450 allee of
k.nt nuiti. Counties, bnlOUghe. town-
ehipi and other munlcipaUtiee have con
ttructed as oianv wore.
Eraser ia not whipped yet. Ee prob
ably simply deeired to put himself right
before the world and is quia) certain
that be baa done so. Tbe announce
ment of Lord Sal'abory that England
would be rontent with nothing lata than
tbe very existence of its victim, will
nerve tbe Boera arms and raiee .them np
ft hundred evmpatbisera wbeia they bad
but one before. Oom Paul eertainto out
maneovrea the Briiitb in every way
in war, in peace and in diplomacy. 1
People every where a'e getting tired ot
tha knu mttm of oolitic in vogue in
the United Statee and are brrakina loose
attest a poseble from it
a fi-m Orltana man has bought one Paris exDoeilion tickete at half
price and will aell tbemat lull pric", tons
making a clean one hundred tbooeaud
dollars. These Soutbernera are becoming
regular Yankeee.
. The Senate aat down quick and bard
on Senator Hoar' scheme to give ex
Qieen L:I, ol Hawii, $20,000, and a year
ly pension of $10 000. We haven't rescu
ed tha etaaa vet ot willingly payiog pen-1 br tlx feet three Inchea in diameter, and
leioos to ex-royaliets, either white or will k, tbe first ot eight columns wwen
chocolate colored. ;
Curious Fact.
a ahinment of American black bat
..m..U to France, and tbey have
flourished eo marvellously that today
are common article ot diet In the hotels
and reetaurante. When the bas were)
introduced the Fianch stream were
practically deeerted.
During tbe Franco-German war tha
German artillery fired 340,000 shots and
the Infantry twenty million. This terri
ble ball of shot and ballet resulted In
lan of forfv-flve thousand men to the
Pnneb. Thus evsrv Frenchman killed
Involved an expenditure of bullet uf
ficient to kill ft regiment.
A big piece ot granlta baa been c-i
from tba Palmer quarry, five mile from
Vinalhaven, Mo. It measure tn lb
rough etat sixty-four irei in ieogio
and ia eight teat alx incnee tnict oy
erven in width, tha total weight beiog
. at a a a
310 ton. When turned into cylindrical
form it will b fifty-four feet in length
Tha Boer war occupies the first tplaoa
at tba end ot another weet, though there
has.been very little fighting during the
wetk . Preparation art golng ahead
whloli Indicate a big battle within a lew
days, Ou the serf ace the English are
having everything their owu way with
tba ohaucea all In their favor, in fact tha
future program It talog mapped out a
It the victory was already won, Tha
Boer continue to state that they will
light to the last ditch, and though libera
are repoitsotovertures for peaoe lha 'act
creeps out that as matter ol fact there
have been none at alt. '
Our own war which, has ,ben ao-
couaced ended for tome time a a .mat
ter of leal Ie la progreia lust about at
much as ever. More than that the re
port i that there have recently been at
many catualtlita and that tha Filipino
have captured ae many ol oar gun
w have Ihe'rs during th past weeks
The Maoris are at much of an elephant
aa ever, and we may expect alwaje to
have trouble tbvre ipatmodleally at
Now watcfe tha bl mill grow. It will
be an Interesting tight to Albany people.
It Mr, Bryan had been elected and was
running for re electlou on forty cant
wheat ha would have hi hatule full,
These eaatern Oregon mltioi have to
report a ne w strike ever day or two In
order to keep up tha movement ot the
credulous gold aeukei .
The mountain baa been in labor and
Only men of abeetute integrity of char
acter aboold be put np for office, men who
have established a record by tbe custom
ofoftvirc their debts cromptly and of
ha brought forth ridicnlou mouse. ' tratiag all men fairly in bueinee. Of
The republican eeoators have argued
and argued and finally decided to do
nothing for the preeentin the hope that
eometbing will tarn ap loanable them
o decide the Porto Rican question satis
factory to everybody. Wa there ever
a more igrominiou case of pleylcg poli
tic? The country will know bow to re
gard such cowardice.
fites should be filled by men
ran their own basinen well.
... A..f,nmA ta tanoort the great dome
of tbe Epleccpal cathedral of 8t. John
.. . . V
tne livine oi i'w "- ;
T th. Yellowstone National Park la
r,k of nature. Along T mil
frequented trail leading to the fooil for
'ett stand a great glacial boalder, twice
While tbe members of tbe senatorial
junketing party are tnjoyiog ibemeelvee
iu Cuba living on the land, it tunst com
fort them to ren ember that their ab
aence from Washington is offered a an
excaee for tbe poktpooement of action
on Porto Rico, and that every day they
delay means starvation and m-'asry , aad
death to some hapless Porto Rican who
cheered when onr forcea landed in tbe
island, thinking their presence meant
liberty acd happiness.
Tbe fact that the Stata Department
aeema to take no notice of tbe steady in
crease ol British military power at point
.contiguous to the United StaUa, men a
Etqoimault, B.C., St.
and elsewhere, hae led
New York to introduce the following re
eolatioa rtqaetting iuformation on the
eubject: 'l'hat the Secreury of War ia
hereby directed to iuform tbe Houee ot
Bepretentattvee aa early aa pcaaible
whatforiificationa Great Britain is erect
ing, constructing and completing along
tbe northern frontier of the United
States, especially at Paget Soand and
other place po tbe Pacific ocean con tig'
nso to tbe Btftte of Washington and tbe
Diatrict of Alaska."
who bava I .. Urea at an ordinary fltroet ear, which
baa been split apart from top to poiiom
by a pica tra. Tbe tree le thirty or
forty year old, and It growa entirely
through this block ol granite, epreaomg
tba plccea wide apart on one aide, while
on the other tba ereylv remain com
paratively small. Everything goes to
liomanv read and Indue. This may io-1 .how that the tree ba ' tba roea oy
code prix figlt and many other thlnge J in own force, perbap easisted each win
The newepaper iato record the new ot
the day. That i its firat object. It
should do so io a clean way, bnt la doing
it it neeeeearilly matt narrate many
things il does not endorse, that the pab-
aa bad bnt not tie detail with their di
tingnieting featnree. Editorially tba
newepaper should be broad enough to
cover the field of patiivgopiuion of tbe
day ia aa honest and open way. Any
paper.tarted to b mn In . a channel ao
contracted as to be narrow will undoubt
edly fail aa a permanent institution.
tee by the lea. It aeema to nave tirivea
on tba taek. . Though it ba movea apai
theee massive fragment, each weighing
hundred of tone, It i tba healthiest
tree in that locality. .
On tha 1st of February fiara wer
ftjventy-three new cotton mill in placet"
r Mn.irnetion.ln tbe tooth with 784,810
Tbe amendment to the Nicaragua Ca- .ninIilM Ma . capital ol 15,000,00O. It
nal treaty, giving this country the right ,. M,im..t ht daring tbe month of
to defend and control tbe canal in time I Fhriiar 125 000 more aplodlea and a
of war. all bough propped by a republic- r.nit. 0t $26 000.000 were added to tbie
an-eenator Davie.- ae a democratic tri- tmC0Dt Moieover, great knitting plant
ompb, berante th ammeodment ia an I . oroDaed .and one factory weot to
unqualified endorsement of the position I fjgwp)rt Hew with a capital and anoth
Ukeo by tbe demoi rate when ibe treaty I f 8tmleiTnie, N. C. with f2.fi00.000
capltalatso from tbe north.
This wesk ses th political pat ot the
state cf Oregon at sim'o brat, with
signs 01 a oo'i in aue lime, i ns van
points to a livatorui ahead. Little la
side whirls and outside twists. Tba
best way ia to keep cool and do right
though the) mountain tall .
The receipt during tba wetk of copies
of the Fopeka paper being run at the
editor ot the week believee Jesnt would
have run it hat brought np diicuttion of
the running of newspaper gvnrrallv. Il
I an intereetlng topic, particularly to
tha editor who ba to make both and
nisst or collai t. Th general plan with
tbe average paper 1 Io eet tba aditorla
machine to running In tba morning, and
then grind out whatever cornea along
seasoned with an occasional comment on
politic and "things." Tba next day
tba same thing le dona over. The big
paper hav more elaborate plat end
many detail, bnt wben lb paper Is pre
nid Hi readera In the morning or to
tba eenlng the retult IsJJust tha same
whatever name It la called by .- Tha av
erage reader aoea through with th pict
ure and th big head of U a big da'llet
Jutt about aa quickly ae through a small
f alio daily in which ba la Interested in
verytblng that appear. Tbe policy I
to make the paper whatever it ia ae
readable aa possible, filling Ite field
whthr big or email. Tha letlow who
le not running it know mora about bow
It ought to ba ran and can elaborate
Immenee plan. Some time he doee
get a paper, and wnat paper it ia when
ha ba lurnsd hi crank for a tew Ittus.
Thar h on thing though that tba pub
lic should dtmsnd and that I oteanlt
neea. .''No paper should be taken Into
he home that ia not clean, and tba car-
er the ton tba bettor. But whatever
alM nay ba taid the public most ba riv
en tba new in tbe field In which th pa
par la published. Tbey want mora than
An exchange declare that the rol
dent hae become 10 expert tlistt he can
change hi mind In full view ol hi au
dience without being detected.
Albany people get most of their tun
and excitement out at the depot. Salom
poople get their outot Th Journal.
Journal. Thl accounts for th long face
ot Salem people. .
Mr. North and Mr. South were reg
istered at the Revere House yesterday.
Mr. Eat end Mr. West were not there,
perhape because Mr. Cant wa.
There waa one thing about tha Topeka
Pally Capital. There wee no question
about how It stood on the teim-eraoce
question. It waa a plain a a lull moon
in a clear night.
There ar tour hundred men on the
trail toCapcNoiuo unwllllni to wait lor
the sailing ot the hoata In May, willing
to brave enow and lo In order to get in
ahead ol the rush. Hut they will II ud
the field pretty thoroughly covered.
Cougi essuian Tongue 1 doing some I! v
squirming In relerenr to hi position on
th Porto Rico bill. With SenatorMlmon
endorsed bv th Portland chamber of
commerce for faking a directly oppoaiti
poeltlon ha hardly know where to lay
When it come to Senator McllrMe
the Oregouian la considerable ol an a nil.
Mr. fkott frequently display th satire
ol a Junius; which make Interesting
reading when some on else I hit. In
Hanator he ha a aood tubiect,
tor Mcltrl Je lias undoubtedly mail tha
weakest U. 8. senator Oregt n ever had
wa firtt made pubic. A ammended.
i-ucia, W. I., I the treaty will probably receive the velea
Mr. Sulxer of of nnnvh democratic Senatora to maka
it ratification reaaooably ceitaio, al
though there are feat a 'a, in it tbtt will
prevent some democrat Ircm vcting foi
it ratification.
See French tbe Jeweler if you are in
need of a firat clats clock. We have bargain.
The people of Albany have now done
their part to eecare tbe big mi L The
subscription ba been entirely made np
guaranteed oy aeventeen reeponeibie
baaioae men, and bat been tamed over
to tbe Uarti Uimoer Co. Under tbe
agreement heretofore made . with them
this will be followeJ by a transfer of the
land and eventually the eatablithmeot
ot me mill. At tbe plans and epeciflca
tiona are ready the track ie now clear.
When work will begin cannot be Mated
Big bodies always move (low . " "
yaa Urn H aiMtlr mm MmanM, Ihm gnmi nim. r nr
pous paifl tjao. Jn; . 4
swurriurv Tv.. h im utU. From tk UlaMiaUoa
kavn. vblcm ia mmgnmt atm f ran a pootovnwli 7ra cm tan
oloor iubosutUiil wiauuH. Ikmmm CrvaolUI -sartor
mm, ar mm mmmwm, imiw Hia,UHaiMr,
III J MO pi,W MM mMJ MM, .III III. I ftl. M I . I
mmU. maUmm k tk. TUI buHIHrU. TlltPiltUU
tKal totteat hla-B, it lacfaal loot, a lot vtdaaatf vriEtaa nt
ukmm. contain, oetaTaa, 11 atop., aa follow i amai, Manliil.
Wa I
4 I ) rtmm J4
nil, lartartl ' f
toaa rrl.a,.! J
aMoiaof vmm f
Utaaalck- f .
laaaMa Vtrta al fas Baaaaai t Mm bqlin, 1 taaa ana,
wii.a aiiiai ta.a na
mmmaa Bwaa. I aXaT tl raw atobala
Oawahalf artlaaat Caan mmtm, 1 tat af 14 Biak
anaaai tMUm, lata' Wl gihlHi m
B-aav TH rSLOS CEM aactoa aoaHstaot
CiIii1i.wi ai.M. UcaaraaDjjt.aaMlUtaakuia
aataradallutniitiaeu; Sliaa Vila Umiiil Can aMl
Vac tiMai a o bat lalx talta, leuaara, ate., aellova
th. . " ior rH, i p' j bl!riw. atoofc an4 Saaat
katurinwia. LOK CI M ti(uraiba
wttli aloii. oavalMlpla Iraara mirror, aickel eate
dt fraiuea. mmm ..'J Kaoaani Improreaieni, vr.
raral.fc r a ..Maal arf aa awal m
ttaaar" '
(EUARAM i J gS YgP8.
KWHia a wrUtaa bituliaa; avaar
aamaaad aondlOoaa afwnlra I
rrnair it Aaa af akaraa. try it ona month and wa will
Kfnadjaaraaoaaytf yea an aot perfectly atlnd. aW
CltlUMormD. aoui a. VJUfJLJa
lealtaltliaaaakrourBaiKlitwrabouttta,rita ,
tha of tula mm
Mattoaal tank. orCoratii
r Oannas Ezetaaiia-a Baak,
railroad ar axpraaa eoaipanr
kaaaonlllM Sta..
na or tha lanra awtnaaa aiocaa ia Laiaaa,
WHfc atT fi
Mv wm
by (fa
per or Mefropoiiiui : - Jr "1
it. Bank, of Ctakafot
hew York; or nr t
In Chic. W I
, oocopt emtlra h
,v n
and employ nearly t.mao paopla In oar owa . - - v
lutlAmgT W mill Oal Sl.a aad ay, "afmu ua t A.
lb cot in the dividend declared by
the augar trust, accompanj lag a rlae in
tbe price ol It croduct to wholesaler. I
explained plauaibly by tbe officer of th
company on several grounds. The one
xolanatioo which they neglect to give.
and the moat probable one, is that it wa
necessitated by tbe campaign eontribu
tioo pledged to tbe Republican party in
return for favor to be granted In connec
tion with trad with our new possess
The tobacco trurt feare tb competition
of little Puerto Bfeo, Before kwg will
com tb Philippine, and theie tobacco
ia both grown and.,manntactored loto ci
gar. If th Philippine ball be admlt
ed a part of tba Integral territory ot the
United Statee, everv cigar factory in tbie
country migH aa well ebot. up abop
while IU proprietor can aend what I left
of hla capital over, to Manila, there to
start a nw plant, manned by cigar ma
ker with wage at.6 cent a day.f
Mr. Abraham 8. Hwitt, a bo know a
rood deal about the iron bosinetJ, y
that tha government, ' by returning tbe
duty of 40 cent ton oa Iron ore, I mak-
ing a Ipresent to r tuaraegie, wu.
work torn out half the eteel made in the
Tr.i..j Rt.i. of filO.000 a day. But aa
th net profit cf the Carnegie wtre only
$10,000,000 tbie year oo $25,000,000 cap
ital.itwonidbeapityto deprive it of
$10,000 a day. It would greauy reooc
tb cost of steel to the people, cot
nld ba too bard on poor uarnegi -
CJT-Fort MadioBqa.) IXmorrat.
Motic - Mis ttiwrea Burmester
Peoples Party Primary EJectlou.
Notice I hereby given that th Peo
ple Party Primary Elect iona for Alb
any, Eaat Albany, arid Wert Albany pre
cinct in Linn County, .Oregon, will be
held in each of aaid precinct on Satur
day, March 81st, 1000, for the purpose of
electing the following delegate to tbe
Peoplea Party Convention :
Albany 2
Eaat Albany 6
West Albany , 8
Tb poll of aald pritiarr election will
remain open from 1 until 6 o'clock p. m,
of aaid day. Th wting place ar a fol
low: Albany, at the County Court room;
Eaat Albany, Farmers V arehouee; Weat
Abany, County Recorders office.
The following named persons will act
aa udgea of aaid primary election :
Albany. C O llogue, W F Hammer,
and C 8 Uarnlah.
Eaat Albany, George Patterson, F B
Han kin, J 8 Morgan.
Weet Albany, li M Palmer, Ata Lew
elling, Geo D Barton.
Dated at Albany, Oregon, this 24th day
of March, 1900.
J-'. J, (lailln
Secretary People Tarty Central Com-
An Es tay t : It the .Loud bill, know n
at u u 0071, uouid twoom a law
would destroy all th weekly newspaper
In th United Stat. Loud visited Eu
rope laat ummr and la nowltryirg to
model our poatal law on a monarehlal
basis. . In thoee oountriea small weekly
papera do not exist, only a few great
uailiea which are carried the same aa
merchandise. Tha Loud bill la in the
interest ol the treat dailies, ot which
there are lea than half a doaen In Ore
gon, and agalnat th weeklies, of which
there are perhaps ISO. We bop no sen
ator or repreeenutiv from Oregon will
vole for thl bill.
Tb fol!owingoro tbe Oregonlan ba
attracted a good deal of attention hate
The moat ludicrous thing yet 1 tb
appointment of "Arcbfr' Johnton, of
Sclo, to be bank eismlner. Johnson I
one ol Mc Bride' dlscovvrie. Fowl My
he might be fit lor omthing, bat not
tor bank examiner. lie would be Quite
aa fit for a position In tb Naval Obaer
vatorv : for he know iut a much ot
aatronoiny and navigation, and indeed
of any and every other science, ae he
know oi Dnance ami uanaing.
The subject! to be dlnoexl at the
Ohrletlnn i-huroh tomorrow will be as fol
lows! Morning. ''Habit of Mated
Prayer," evening. "The Day bur" All
are Invited to attend.
Ouniire.fttioual fhurcht Morning wor
ship at 11 a,m,, utent nl sermon
"Urlevlog the Holy Hi.lrlt." 8uney
Sohoil tt Uilft, Jr. 0. K. 8. at StSO p.
m.,0.E.B. at 8:30 p. m. Preaching al
7:!l0pm. All not attending elsewhere
are cordially Invited to all these service.
PresbvteiUn church i Morning wor
ship 10:80, evening worship 7 :!W, N li
bel It Hcnool IIHo, Jr. Endeavor fiuW,
8r. Endeavor !!W. Kuleoi ol morning
sermon, My Church." Evening mi.
mon, 'ib Way, the truth, th Ule." A
cordial invitation to ail ei
leudedUall. United Presbyterian enurcht Morn
Ing worship at 10:30, tohjatt ot sermon,
Assembling lor Worship." Nebtiaiu
suhool at I1M5, Jr. Kudsaor at 3:30,
St. Endeavor at 8:30, evening worship
at 7:30, subject ol teiaion, "Divine
Owner. hln." Annus! roll-call ot the
convrriiailon at the morning service. All
are luvitid to attend these services.
lialll Vliurvil l mufiiii.g auwj'-v.,
The lloui ol Mv Maxtera llethren."
evmilug tuhjei i, ''vSVuld Jesus Jula a
Club or LotlgeT
eaeherof piaac or organ. Byitm tns
- - . A ...t,nlina Raaidence
Still Later News. '
I inform the general Public that I will
have in the future Wholesale and Bttail
Grocery store and liouors for media
cat ua and Patent Medicines. I shall
keep on selling all my good at reduced
price lornei casn.
Mocha and Java coffee 3d eta ber lb..
regular price 40 cts,
My Favorite coffee. 15 cts.. regular
price, zu cia. (
18 lb. Dry jGrannlaled tugsr, $1.00.
Come ana tee me personal! v and von
will be aatoniahed to ae what reduction
I have made on all my good for net caah.
I wont charge you anything to give you
I have no favorite in bueinee with my
wholesale houses. 1 boy from tbe one
that give me the meet for my money. I
desire to buy some egg, either in trade
it crnih.
. Albany. Or.. March 10, 1900.
Signed by
Vuioa, Sllt-ee aad art alao ererrtauur la mlal iMatramaela a lowaat wholaaala prlea,. Writ, far ftaaauaalal UaSOO touch Bd teCbnlOUe. Xoi
aBiaaaaadmaloalUatraaaaniaatak.tiM. A4dxaa, jSaaaj. laam.Ca mmm.mmmV, mmml, SSm S?fhr(at fDOOSit U P ChUieh.
CCAR8, RO'AVCK CO. 0mv, f aHea, Detelaiaas s as "tqaiaa Its, CHICAGO. ILL.
' French'the Jeweler make a enecialtv
of engagement and wedding rings. ,
m ay m .m
Mis Long make no-to-data nlrinra.
Beeidence io the highest style of tbe art of photo
well known that a high general level ot
knowledge ot tb teleoce and practice ot
banking prevail in the Fork of tbe
Santiam; and we seriously fear that
'Archie a ' standard m not np to It. At
any rate, we are informed that there are
many la the rorta who are uoodiiu!
about it. But Johnson' real qualifica
tion and actual merit for tbe poeltlon
reet on bia treachery to Senator !Dotpb
and hie Intrigue lor McBride in the Leg
ialaturejpf 1SW. and on bia rabid aup
tort ot Mitchell iu tbe initiator ol
1897. Through all tbe heat ot tbe
truggl for th gold standard and down
to the final victory, ho waa a (ilverite,
because he knew nothing of money or
iu law. "Archie" for bank examiner
la a spectacle tor god and men. -
There will be a packed house here to
bear Bryan, and It will be out door
McBrid got down on loth Mar
ion county republican prlmar'e. Let
tha whole itat follow olt.
Tb Salem Journal nominate Til Ford
for Joatice of tb peace, Andy Gilbert for
eonatabl and A. Both for road lopervhv
or. Thl 1 really funny.
Carnegie and Frlck have mad up, and
now look out for another ris in ttel
good. The aUal will be continued. The
dissolution wss long anough to give th
public Hot spicy Insorination about
xorbitant profit.
Tbe whole Willamette valley I talk
ing dairy, and there I a prospect that
tbia will be one ol the greatest dairying
sections of tb United State. Dairy
ing la a cash busiest and will mean
better timee tor those engaged In k. - All
thl can be I rated to tbe influence going
out from tbe Albanv creamery, whose
splendid management baa tat other to
figuring and thinking,
Brown, who bad hi hair cut, waa co' In
it with tbe Dxmocbat nan who bought a
new spring btt yesterday. On every
corner it wa something likth!s:
"Hello, tb Dbxocsat man bat a new
"Wall, here' tb ukmocbat man with
a new bat." - -
Did you ever, tb nan about iown
has a nw bat."
'Lookatbere, nutting got a new
gotanewbat "
...rt J! A .i I, 9f
n nere oiu juu i.
"AtthaBlain Clothing Go's, wber
tbe biggest stock and best display in t
tv may be seen."
Manila, Feb, 13-It U a strum elate
ot affaire, that evlat in the Phllippinee
today. OUII govvinnienta are rapidly
being eslith ished In everytown of lm
parUnua and jet It le an undeniable fact
that since January I the Insurgent forct a
have!'antured a number ot rlllee and
tiuantittiea !of auimuiiltlon from the
Americans, almost eualliii the sum o
tal ot American capturea from tue in
torgenlt. .
Beside thl. th casualty ret for the
last two week will come aery cloee to
being heavier than at any other period
of the Insurrection.
No Peace OAcriure.
London. March 23. 4 A. M. It ha
bvo learned that no peace overturea
have been made to Lord Sallabury nor
are any eapeoiot! at preeent by (Jrevl
H' I tain. The telegrauhlo eorrestiond-
ence haa been cooliaeu to'tlie treatment
of British prieoneta, I-ord Saliabury .tho
Preahlen' of the Kouth African Itenub-
lie repontible. The question of th
ofety of Johannesburg and th gold
mines tnr hat not beer, raited.
In Kentucky.
i a.fl.rvnii w.v. . www ..v',
recygnitlng tn dsmot-rallo tiovernoe,
IJeckham, ar in poaseasion ot th Coun
ty Courthouse sod Jail tonight, aad will
do military duty her under order from
Governor Beckham during tbe .examin
ing trlnl ot th republican aecretarr of
Slate Caleh I'awera, Captain 8on Devi
and W If Cuitoo which ar set for hear
ing before Judge Moore tomorrow.
1 he Proper 1 hlng.
WiiixoTON. March 22. Alier a spir
ited discussion exteoblng over three
dap th Loud bill waa recomml'Ud. by
in nous to sy to to coinmiiue on
postofllc. The mainlty in favor of
the motioa to recommit waa ao decialv
that it ia regarded a nnlikaiy that th
measure will appear, again timing tb
present congress.
Intercated in Otcutun.
Washijuiton. March 23 Oonafderabl
intereet I manifested by tbe Kepubli-
cana In tb wnate ia th Oregon coevee-
tioo a they are woncrlng what peal
tlon will be takea by the republican
regarding Puerto Rico, and whether th
Preefdent'a freet-ade meeaag will be
7, , i io'loreed or th Mooee and rkaate com-
" I mlllM. hmImiIah ..III
mltlee'a protection bill..
HritUh RepulaeJ. '
Kkoontapt, Orange Free State, Mar
20. The Boer, commanded by General
Olivier, have engaged the British troop
under General Gatacra ia the vicinity of
Beibulle, repulsing th British with
heavy loes, and capturing many of them.
Krugcr Will Fight.
Loro March 22' A dispatch to th
Daily Mail from Pretoria, dated Monday
March Itf.aays:
Prtaidaat Kruger returned from Kroon
Ud yesterday, lie aaya the fight In the
Free State will be drapers te. I a.n In
formed that the Tranav! Government
ha taken no resolution to destroy mine
or property a last resort..
AahanicJ ot Themselves.
Lixixoton, March 21 A meeting ws
held here today, attended by the leading
ciliaens ol tbi city and turroundiog cit
te. Th object wa to put on foot a non
partissn move looking toward action to
retnevd tb reputation o) Kentucky and
ob iterate tba reputation the present
complicated state of affair, and th acta
leading up to them have given It.
- Ao Alaska. Murder.
Skaoway, March 18. The story of th
sensational ol a man and hla wife irom
Oregon by Indians on Lynn Canal, ha
Just com to light here. Tut victims ar
Mr, and Mrs tiert Morton, of Eugene,
Or. . . ' i . ,
The murder waa committed in October
and the fate of tbe couple was not known
hen until within the last week, Tba
secret wa divulged by on of the mar
derer who lately became converted in
the Salvation Army in Skagway. and
wa prompted in his rellgl .us testimon
ies to speak of his crime.
A Strike.
Clsvblaks, March 22. Rtrdresonra-'
Uvea of 2000 macbinest In th city of
Cleveland after an all-night meeting de
cided at 2 A. M., to go ou a strike this
morning. Between 1600 and 2000 men
will go out, Tbey are demanding! a
hour word day with tb pay heretofore
given for leu hour.
A Chinee Raid.
8aj Fbancisoo, Msrcb 21. Tbs polio
hav mad a raid on tb Chinese high
binders and arrested six of tbs most no
torious members of the Suey Sing Tong.
Each of tbe men in custodv is imnuH i
at least one murder, and several are sue-
pecreaoi nsving asaaednated two Of
more members of rival tong, ,
Jt Talk. , v
Ka Tour, March 31. fte'v? W. D. P,
Bliss tb Christain Socialist lecturer
spoke last night before thejSoclal Reform
Club on "Th Social Reform Movement
in th Wert" and predicted the re- elect
ion ot President McKlnlev In
quence of an immense vote that tb So
c'.LDffiS5?cJr1,w,,,'h,fa,ta "" poi
n th Middle Western state.