mIIIS tv VA I Wr III II m JS I v ' - - i ' - - - I 1 n,.. t .... - . . , ;, , v ; . , . i r 1 i i . .) " ftxiiau sav bB. . j a 1 1 v ijwr maw v .lAnra s m .hit rh . i ' Clo jBiKo Rits. Weekly Okmocrat ind - Examiner $2.50 and Thriee-a-week World 2.00: and Remiblio 1.76t and Oregon lan $2.25 and San Francisco Weekly Cell .2.00;and Salem 'Weekly journal z.uu. JU Btldges, Eittor "Deatoerat," Lan . star, N 11, wy, "Om Minuta (tough Care it the best remedy for croup l ever ated.' Immediately relieves and caret! toughs, colds, oroup, asthma, pneumonia, trooohitis, gripps aad all throat and long roubles. It prevent consumption. , For ait oy t osnay a Mason. "I had dyspepsia fifty-seven year anu ever faaad permanent relief till I used Lodol Dyspepsia Cure. Now 1 am well ndt tike a new man." writes S J ftemming, Murray, Neb. It it the best Jgeta known. Cure, ail forms of in- atUAitinn Phcairi.na agartaham nra cribe it. For sale by Foshay ft Mason- LaOtrippi with its alter effects, aanua'ly destroys taousaad of people. It may b joicky cured by Use Minute Couth Core, the only rem Jy that pr-idae immediate ramlu in coughi. cold), crvip, bronchitis, poeimjju and throat and luog troubles, t will prevent onsumpUon. For sale by Fosuay & Mason. Jill V Hani. . .M.tiill. 43.00 Dar Va. in advanaa. Sl)a narmnnth Mot in advance. By carrier, 10o pet woea. iv per ceo i aaaedii allowed to ran over months. Biugle copies 5a. Wuur 11.25 In advance; 11. 50 at end a nur ft I 7 trxw u.J ....... it) n.1 ... ihini Ami nnwuiliMii mam m-V... laadvanoe. Club nf fin lUinhinnKa at $5.00. Heart Weakneiss Nothing LIk It. Ton should remember that no other luvuicine (( 1JM BQUob's Consumption Cure jo any respect. If other remedies naye ailed to relieve your cough or cold, lha U .11 tl , . mor" reason wny youi sUould try Shiloh's. Alwava sold nn.Ur a positive gusrantee. It it does not he p me druggist must give back your uavuvj. ijgn.,og otS., and Jl.UUJ oov iv, tur nn aj xrea xawson. AGmdThing. Our GreaUOrsnilni)thsr. i.i. tained the lirni hrl nf all k.ii.. i I wm HIMIlUa SLVUHI in Karl'i i:invp Rn,. T. Ti.r onr anoatM strength, kept the blood pure, uu win uu mo hois ivir yoa it you say so. Price 25 el and 53 eta. For sale by Fred Dawson. The hMrt la the most vital ergaa el the se4y. It Is tka tnglue Utet praaela the ainsolos aae switt stutsiiance to the asms an brain aae to all the organs of Us body. A Itw la lit aechanUn. to eertala to give rlae to eertoai Naulta. WaaknaManotat tht prasence of slaw. It la a forerunner of some thing mors serious that It to ooeur Ton are ths eatlnaar. took to yout antlna.' gae that no awl dantoooora. HUDYAN uwbatyonaaad. HUD YAM wUI sttengtban ibt haart. HUDYAN will make Uia htart wuaolii stroag and hard. Do nol delay toe long. BlaUit m of HUDYAN bow. HERE ARE YODR SYMPTOMS: IALBAN Y CO LLE G E OFFERS A TilOROOQII High-Grade College Education T every boy and girl that hat us emuuion lonuain one. fril To) aTT iXMo la Th's Plata Enough? o wmmu . ai. losing Qmq, so to a drug store, and get a oottie or ohiloh Consumption Cure Take two-third of it and then, if you are not benefitted, ratnrn thu hnKIa tn ka drmrgist, and he will rotura the money. If yoi suxar f roat ten ieraess or rullness n thi rijrht side, pains under shoulder ladrt. AAnnrinati.in. kllanAMMa. vaip. eadache, and feel dull, heavy and aleepy nr uvena torpid and oogeeted. 1M- Pi. r ;m c.i- i? : m in . uibin i uibcii win vuiv rvu i urunr in. ana iirumuuy.pieuani.ir ua permanently oy I inn t UUt lairr iNOsaaoould aia- mnr removing the congestion and causing the 25 eta, Si cts aad $1.00. For sale by Fred vr.iv vuuia iv un3 am uu. -aurii. i iawaun. rnar iki oood pii.iji. a wuuuu i we " iwvui isu " 11. o vi iivii " Haul Stive for any consideration," writes I A Few Pointsrs. "Thna R RS.idM rantnrfiAia O . Infallihlal for pilm, cuU, burns and skin dif eases. , 't!8AiM .of 0,9 mberof .Hswaraofojaaterfeits. ror sale by 'os- IZTr.iT 0 tS, T9 mJoritydie ay A Mason. with caajumptioa. This disease may 1 -wim mu maswj firml6t Your er knew whit form of Wool poi- Kemp's OiUim for the Throat ami r on til follow conttipttion. Keep the I which is uranted to cure and relieve all liver claan by nsin DeWitfa Little Early leases. Prioesfw. aid 50a. For sale by" niHii akiau juu mu btuiu iiuuwiyi. iui are famous pills for constipation and livet and bowel troubles. For 3alo by Foshay .k Mason. CASTORIA For InfaoU and Children. (to Kind Yen Hare Always Bcnghf Bears the tSgnataxeo 4& TICKET'S To all poirta East via (wfu t Vti n - ii . ..vi.uviii nmiwav. For ratea. fi Idera anil fnll : I I . , " u.uiuauuii gui) orauuresa H. F. Matuuix, Agent Albanv Deaaty la Blood Deep. uean blood means a clean skin. No beantv withmtt i P.H.i. 1 i.. ... . t tie clean your blood and keep ii clean, by an 1-8. THBOBBINO IN TUB THBt rI.ES WHIN L.TINO DOWN. HUO- VAN will eauaa the throbbing to disappear. 8 0. R1NGINO nr TBS BAKS HUD YA N stops tba rtngtni and bnaalaa la a aherl lima. 4-5. AXTSRNATB PALENESS AND flushinq or iaa ohkkks, huo- TAH wiu restore tbsetreulattoa at ths blood to Its normal condition aad keep a constant miur svuw in uia cnasss. T. PALPITATION OF THBHB ART AND IBBXOUIiAB BBATINCK HUD- TAR, er etranctbening tba haart mnsclas and the aarvaa that supply It. will stop the palpi tattoo aad Suturing and eauaa the haart to beat ragviariy. 8. THBOBBINO IN THB STOMACH ntiuiua. Tnia inreooing aad pulsating 01a- appear aosruy aitar tna oaa ot HUDYAN Tboasanda have baea enrad of Keart Weak naas by HUDYAN. Yoa skeald be eared toe. HUDYAN will care toil HUDYAN rrora yoar Oragftas, It U sold in au arngatoTM lot aoa. par paekaga, or Bakagaa for ri.50. If yont druggist does aet aa-p it, aana airaoi oue HUDYAN RCM EDY COMPANY, Baa rraactano, Cat ConaattUie HUDYAN DOrtadb FRCC. Yon may call and sea them aad hare a nee eonsaiiatlotv. If yon cannot call on tha aociora write to tham for advice, it m be glvaa free far the aaala. Addraaa RUOYAI REMEDY COMPANY, Car. StaaMaa, Markat aad Cilia Ita. SAN FRANCISCO, CAU Tht COUrte la eomnlnta. end arnhniun il,. LANGUAGES. SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS, HISTORY ENGLISH AND ELECTIVES 0 ii ..I Tl, Ni...l i. . i. .-v..m voum iraai dp to a STATE DIPLOMA, and the Uommerclal Couraa bag now become a Business College ' is!"! .N?w "rtrUd catalogue. Board at tba -..... v.uv wtuai gun pnes, rar particular) write Albany, Oregon. WALLACE HOWE LEE, President N. W. H. COLLEGE OF MUSIC AMD ART. I If. PARYIS, Mas. Doo Nrector. MRS, J. N BROWN Principal of Art MwKd Art MlhoJ. Fu 0 ths Principal lira nc l,c. 0 In Muatc t Plana, Organ. Voloa. Italian Singing, Violin, Hand Instruments Uarmonv. Oounterno nt. K.iir.i. i.ii.-. m.."iT,.i J ""f.,r"B u. nirumenn, , t- 1 J, rauiuai vumpoauion, 010. AlnalB lJln In lliaimi. ana V. ..I.i .1 . r ' w.w. umssj w.;;.i ir. ?:y?iu z. wmaponucs. n,w ...r.ViVK..rn7--.Vr"r.VV.""" ,oun gwen work to ... wwwimih ti UllVai AUUUtlwIOQa I tirrin up tiie Jaay lirer and Ul lilC anish -ro Cure in. it! nallun Take Oiwartu Caudy CalUai tic If C C. C Uil to cum rutK'- . ref jrtr. 10c crfia una trowj: puritiee from the body. Begin to-day to "j r". !.''", uuncnea, Diackneaas, and that sickly bilious enmnlo-ri.... K t.v 7l l 7: -- .jr uiiiuus comuiexion ritr1 r f a"'J for ten " All drug. I " ' .-v.u .uaiaiHtto, 1UC, ZX,OOC SOUTH and EAST &.i (best salve in Amei VIA- SOUTHERN PACIFIC Shasta Route. Trains leave Albany for Portland and way stations at 5:43 a m, 3:10 p m. Leave Portland...... 8:30am Tfflp ml " llhany 12:30 pm 10:50 pm Arrive Ashland 12 :33 a m 11 :30 a ml " Sacrament o . . 5 KX) p m 4:doam " San Francisco. 7:45 p m 8:1a a m Arrive Oatden 8:45am 11:4-' am " Denver 9KX) a m 9:00 a m " Kansas City... 7:25 am 7:23 am " Chicaira 7 :45 a m 9:30 a m leo Nolan I, Rockland. O.. savs. Mvi roriy years. Ue Witt's rm enrn) hor. It 1. tk. best salve in America " It heals every ium ami cares aii aiseasfs. r or sa e bv I . I a. . i " J r usujjr a iuson. FOSHAY k MASON Wholesale A Retail DEUBOISM AND BOOXSElhJE. tLBASV. ORKOON Pare Drnga and the finest and Largest oa 01 oiauonary and tlooas " tba Market. No-To-saM for Fifty cnta finarantaari tiiiuw. h.wi. i. . . wbu. sure, ujBKVi i weaa i tdea auong, blood pure. too. U. A)i druscista. OIX PER fJRNT Olimited amount of Albany Market. Wheat 41 "ante. Oats 27. Egg 13 cents. Butter li to 17 cents. Potatoes 30 cents. Ham 15 cants. Sides 10 cents. Shoulders 8 cents. Arrive Loe Angeles.. 1:20 pm " El Paso 0:00 pm Fort Worth... 6:30am " City of Mexico 9:55 am " Houston 4:00 am New Orleans. . 6 :25 p m Washington . . 6:42 a m TM a m 6:00 pm t:3U am 9:55 a m 4Ka m 625 p m 1 :4Z a m K.(oii Dyspepsia Cure. Blaests what yoa eat. Iosrtlflclally dlgegta the food and ldg Vttan in strengthening and recon itrnctlpgthe exhausted digestive or gans. It lithe latest discovered diffest ant and tonic No other preparation r.niAntinn af Qant airflnriail Willi IA.lltantf K.lt.wA..4 . eral steamship lines (or Honolulu. Japan. I Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn. n.rai ana oouia i r mtuience. bour tStomacTi. Kinui. Sicklied ache.Gafltialgi a, Camrjs,aad allother results of Imperfect digestion. mpored by c C DeWiri A Co. chicopo. ror sale by Foshay k Mason . ' New York. ...12:43 p m 12.43pm Pullman and Tourists cars on both trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Ogden and Kl Paso, and tounst cars to Cntcago, 8t Louis, New Orleans and Washington. China, Philippines America. 8ee C . K. Faosa agent at Albany rta tion or address C. H. MABKHAM.tr. P. A. Portland, Or. IQRTHERN PACIFIC R. R, i Pullman Sleeping (Jars, Elegant Dining Gars, Tourist Sleeping Carp' St Paul Minneapolis Dulntb argo, TO Grand Forks Crookston Winnipeg Heletiaand Bntts TXROUGH TICKE'i TO ZUcego Fasbington Rjiladelphla toatonanda.. SAinta Eaatand Booth Tkroogh tlckdts to Japan aad Chna, v Is toa and Northern Pacific stearashir. sji Aaaeriean line, mformation, time cards maps antf call o or writs C G Bnrkbart Albany, r. htait -v4t 3sd Pass At d 0REGOx VIAVI COMPANY Cer. Morrison & Park Sta. LEWIS BUILDING. Portland Oregou LOAN8.-I have a - vwj mr svrawu VU Drat-ClaHst farm aMriitcv lnn.Us..j wvvws till Lriuvru business property in Albany. Interest six per cent tor particulars call ou or address. H. F. Msbbiia, Democrat building. Albany, Oregon I ..i iiwui, vmaua, han Mail pm ... City, Bt Louis, , prtM Jhloaifo ami ' r I - Snokgna Walla w.ii. o... L . . 8ip m Paul. Duiuth, Mil. l oT,,,, nnuan, VUlcagO. at East. ,. 8p m ?0EAN 8TKAM8IHPH 4 vi mu rranoi.cn Salt every II vs da v. 8 b in mr iTunti Ti,.... I.. . v ...... 111 I I. H t ... a-KBunday MTICAMEKH if. n F i Aam Will in .. it. v ,7 n,i i t; hi v. 4 ;to n 7am Win iiimti. . tbntt., Oregon City, iL,' "M am W ( LLa M ETTE III V 4 ,0,1 end fiat. --"'ngs. wd. ' , anarrl LvEiparla 11. aany IV. II. Iltinr iiMBit. 0. g. ra wtiKoS" iV. AaentAlhan. ' '0,nd,0r, 1J1.1, . i.-r? fity Titka Ag7". ' S00 PACIFIC LlfiE. Diroct ron In in .n.i .1. 1. . I - a. ,v 1 m iiit r ca, Tbrounh 8r.t cIa. alrepltig Bd tosiris cars (rotti coast lo lojris f IN AL ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby given tbat the nnder- iirnfd adminialralH. nf i n-- lei Hooik. deaaieJ. ha 6Im1 h. fin.l count with the county clerk of Linn Oonn- IV.OrfthTAn. and tha Mnalt nnnr n$ mmlA 7 1 . " "J . a w. Mill county has fixed. Monday, the 6th day of "v;o wy ice ocur 01 une o clock p. - -HV u7 VWUIIIUVUi OF flald conntv. ut th r.laA fnp Iia u.. . -- rfv a'a ftuo MSTItl ing of objections to such final account.and the settlement thereof . Datawt at Alhan. ll.au..,. r "j m.mi vuiiuij. VIHUU January 31, 1908. LaasJ. Hocck, 3w. W. Wbioht, Adminisj'atria. Attorney for Administratrix. am DA II ui I it till Tpnwrb MOJVTilEAL Without Change. t wr -.t-i ywira oui, nviaa sa mm Yaav dir. t Bad ciilnrrk of tha ftoauu-Li annii... ul I .l.V i . i T .7" . " Pronouitead It W!ry eal.nlna.or sail Umm, to, mhlS SStStZfZ loa war raaorlad to. Tha au.i .i.ki i . iii inaaaa Jhbor ioitttW taw to try r-" iI ' 'S0f 0 aoauJi etHZaaadTld aaooUa without rnarnhloa war reaoriad to. Tba aaUi-nt wotahnt n wr, 11, m. oppciiia. rariviaJDoa AftaM. ttaanar IUm k . ... , JTREET RAILWAY NOTICE. TbAfnAtW An fh AlKeiffiv RfrvtAt llal. Will rJMnikH nniinnr witk alt - .- r.mM.yVj Bill usuutlVIII from tbe depot, dy and jit-bt. 3 Il x . ? . ' I . a a opeciai npa win oe rotue at spevi rates. K. Mocrk,. (V eul I if J i 5 -1 II 1 I M tT. Wl k4ww wa " aka h..i h. . . ... I alina.ajM,lw I M) iiimmi aaHl I J -- " " T 'y'T'mmm i"' tlllv. a i as a a HAIR SWITCH 6S nrwTg a a.ti in ... . ; . mi floyal Mail Steiij m TO CHISJ, J1FAH and 1UST1LIA Fo' full infnrmatl... . . priyto. -"M,,,r II. If. BB0Tr, Albany, Ore. E. J. COYLE, "'Vn A.u. p. A, Vancouver, B. 0. "IS iL" a'iif?iursrEss vun wrrtw; h" aa eat aan ama rai.'iv turiMa.. wajwhli roor moMr. VBkYrrta.aaa.iu-.. .... Mj.k ( . 7 mn iim . "i . ...hi. isai aau Tz?W?. l.0"' aaon ma, SI.SSI . Sl.SOi a-o Vom- SWa len, ahurt' at. '".aortrt.fn,S.aS i.ai i f l i' a a2J ;r.-.r.-r.'Tr'. "T UCD"i- a co.naejChlesaa, - aw iinaaaaiii win in s a FOB SALE. Some Al oat bay at 0 loose on the farm of W. 8. Toole aiso some gocd potatoes 8t 3 V i ,V i I f i HQ C. Second near Lyon street, Albany. Sella Chi iV..'.'! rici, Chinee Haiol not ml. f OUR CAPACITY iLrneualed In the Valley. OUKWORK . I Una u rpai eu In Oregon. o have the best stnrlr seiect irom and our prices are always the Jnweet. considered SMILEY. Ail.aiijr. The Prater BIGGLE BOOKS I J 1C A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical, Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive Hand someljr Printed and Beautifully Illustratcd By JACpB BIQQLG No. 1-BKiaLE tlORSG BOOK All about Horses a Common -ftrni rrtatiae. with om 74 illuatrationa ; a standard wotk. fricc joCcata. No. 2 BiaOLE QERRV BOOK All about growin. Small Frulta-read and leatn bow conuins 43 color ra Ur-Hkeri-produciionofalllrdiD varieties and loo otuer illuatrationa. Itite, joCrnta. no. 3 BIUULE POULTRY BOOK au a do ii i rouitry ; the beat Poultry ti ci tellaeverythina' : hj colored life-like rr product ions yi ii we principal nreeaa: wltn 101 oilier iUu 3M vmw. Price. Eook In eabteneei iroductions lustrations. No. 4 BIOQLB COW BOOK AU about Cowa and the Dairy Business ; haTina a treat sale; contains .colored life-likereproductlonao'eacll breed, with 13a other illustrations, trice, 30 Cents. No. 6 BiaOLB SWINE BOOK Just out AU about Hos:s Breeding, Feeding, Butch, cry, Dieeaaee, etc. Contains over go beautilul half tones aad other engravinga. Price, jo Cents. Tbe B I (KILE BOOKS arc unique ,ori(rfn.I,urful-you never aaw anything like tbemao practical, aoarnaihle. They are navinf aa ewormoua aalo-Kaat, Veat, North and South. Hrtry one who keeps a Horae, Cow, Hog or Chicken, or growa Small Fruits, ought to send right away tor the iHUGLB BOOKS.' The FARM JOURNAL Sf f'!.,!20fl,, not " la years SalLfwiJ2Lfii1!?'dwn- MhMiail-on-t'- bead, W. Z!Z'l????rri.d it' F KouwhbM paper In rri.;"s PP"i"aite in the Cnited Butie of Amerka iiaru orex a million aaat a haUregular rtadera. Any ONE of the BIGGLD BOOKS, ami tie FAJUH JOURNAL finTteltwar" andtoojlwiUbsamt bym.U aamDleorPABM JOIJDNAl..rf (..i..i..u. mm .v.uaa iKwiDug oiuui tMioaa tree. witwia ATxnrsow, CHAS. F. JSAKIHS. Aexlress, intiflMar.' fHiLACsxraiA Coiral & Mm BailroaJ. TIME CARD. No. 2 For Yaqolna: aram leaves Albany 19.45 n N0.1 r.7;t.:"H!"-" ,M p . " Corvalli. 11. o . Arrive. Albanv llX?' m' No. 8 For Detroit j il p' m' liSBVea Albanv. n.ui No.4Ketorning: -wa. n. Leave. Detroit 122rt m Arrive. Albany. " a ? One and taa KAnnaet A All a Oorvalll. with R.,:,h"7. "iy?"' a port and adjacent beaches. Trains for tbe mountains arrive st Do trolt at noon, a-lvimr 11..1. .1 : " . camping groucds on ths Ureitenbosh ana Dsntiam rivers lbs asms dsy. ' a Af" f, A. J.Tcbmsb, Agent, Albany. LEGAL DIRECTOR Albany W R Bilya, Fosbsy A Mason block Bryant, P O block" ' Anderson Cannon, po Wock. J NDaocan.PO bloc,. ' Jn5.- uw ?, P"J tock H i Ilnmpbrey, ''yACurl, bank building, OESog.PO block. i,n'.nn'B,nk building. 0Wfbankballdii7g. Whl tn!. A A W'MA Bk ""IH Lebanon. H Garland. Brownsville A A Timing. TJ Wilson clo. Irrrcri.i a -J-J u NEW YORK WORLD Thricf-n-Week Udillr-D 18 Pages a Week ... 158 Papers a Yeat For One Dollar r akllshedsvery t Iteraalt Bay saeetgaB f4IRtlT N ATI 0.4 A L BANK , f Ar.BA,oaaaon VMif'aal.. nearraalilanl.n!" .. ..I f LINN mmim. , S I YOUNO w. IAB0U0N a Ma fs-k (as rraaolaoo.Ohliagoaad riilaa L.3TI0SI alADCnn tatoratls arms ... acaaoroaai riOossvni L, ru)jr a ' 0 I. fiiss, ioTB,&r. uu WO iresnHMa. anmranm J i.. .. I . iWHiaoie Barai.naiif TTTT--- Us contents Ti i:! .7. "uu T",eir .rreal SB dailv V 1". ,e"l, ?'. . weegiy, its political news is nromrt .... r"tl V saw IVf DllO fcai aifi,E,."K5!,lI."S .. . .... MVUlWi UialHm nrainiia VSainr.uaBva AND C0PTRIGHII inVirS Sa TA BITrirrami i. amwa. u Book "Uow toobUin P.Ujnts" 1 & 1 C l PATEfJTSr ore, y J. 1 1 Mi Hrt rai 11 . 1 vnaraas tModmbt. No fas till patent la aecarad. ' I0aratsandTrafls arkaobtalnd and all PsiS -.,..ri. i. ' . . "ura,noKi weadvi wtmita bla fro of cbarsa. Onrfxai... 3iffai!!T,'Ll:vA "jiat -now toob- w mm 7 " " ui BMuiay 1 v ina I Mi toifix ooooirioa aal froa. ioUrasa! i vuDuuenuai. AOdr ", WsshiBotaarD. C. I a. or.ow & co.