MONDAY. .... ...i i . ,m,i.s.;i,' 1 , Court convened at 0 o'clock this lorr noon with Judgejllurnett m the flnt oo cupant o( iht new bench. Tbe docket of mirty cwi was run through In twenty minutes, most or in mii being settled and only four or five announced for trial. W. 0. Tweedale end W. II. Warner were amiliileU bailiffs. The following caaaa were dlannaad nl i II llryantagtO L Roach, reo money, tuwiiiuuiib voitunuia. Rubin TroUke agt FA M InsOo, man date from supreme court. Battled. Bolin YYIetorwlla et al ant FA M Ini vo, mandate Ironi supreme court. Heu tied. Mrs E Klrkpatrlok agt II Itarnea t al, reo money, attachment. Continued. G W Wright ant Melvlna Fletcher et al, reo money. Mettled, R L Habln avt J I' Hohn, reo money, attachment. Keltled. Meier-Frank Oo But J I' Ilabn, recov ery money, attachment, Huttlud, It L Bablo ict J I Hahn, rec. money, attachment, flouted. 8 F, Young ait Albert Thoiua. re money, attainment. Judgment by de fault. J It rtnrber t al agt 8 J Archibald. Settled. Z If Kudd agt 0 Jenning et al, roe money, attachment. rk'ttM. Klrt Orawlord agt (i It Mlllov, rec tnonev, attachment. Judgment by do fault. 1111 A Oaliovun ant Thome Largo, rec money, attachment. Judgment by de fault. K Klioff agt Mona MIIW et al, rec money, alUchment. Com I iued for eer vice. Warner agt Klxer, confirmation. Upon motion of Judge Hewitt Andrew Nkear wat admitted to tiUaeithlp, re nouncing hia allegiance to the Ktug of Hweden and Norway. WitnetMi, Judge tlowitt and lion io Chambt rain. The two caa of the State a.t Morrla were t ei for trial tomorrow moi nmg. At 1 o'clock an indictment wat pre sented by the dlitrict attorney agalnat J. YY. Thompson, charged with forging the name of I'. J, fcimiley to a check fur $13 fiaraed on F. 1,. Kelt. N. M. Newport wa kihi1iiUnI attorney and tomorrow morning mi Mil lor pleading. The lirttra.a tried In the new court houne was C. K. lirownell agt J. J. 8pat Ingor, called this afternoon. The district attorney aa given until tomorrow to report father indictiiienta, under new law indictments being preacntod the drat day of court uulee furil ertim it given by (he court Deed : Patilet Archer to IteUcca (irlllln, 40 acre t 1 17 8 to Jawib Oplinger, 10 Ko.... Talent laniel y Miller, ol Nebraska, ty will, to Mary K Lewelllng, E A lUevineand (ieorye file viu each, tjl2S and aixllt part in certain real estate , J A Cain to It H Martin trustee, 45.31 arret., 1 It 8 Martin trualee to ,0. W Mo Klnley, 45.22 arree 6 Robert Kobe to K U and M J Mae tor, 100 acree...,. ......... 1000 J II Ifowa to lwle A Warner, 1 blm-k, lirownavlllct C00 W It Kirk to L A Warner, 4 41 feet Iront, llrownsvillc 200 Mortgage for 1 700. l'rohate business: In ettato of Margaret Knox, George Knox apnoliited administrator. Value of propert, $IAuO. In estate cf ICctiard Ferlow, Inventory filed. Value of property, 14215. to catafe of (trace Ann Davit, will filed (or probate, h b t'avit executor. 1'ron rty lelt equally to IS K Davia, Arvilla Fuller, I'avia and 'I Davit. Value of nroirtv. 11000. In estate of Jot I-ceper, Inventory filed. A Housekeeper's Monologue "Ufa aee, what Have I to do thia week? Washing today, hope the clothet will get dry. Tneada it Ironlug day, and I want to go to Mitt tlrowoell's Mutical In the the evening. Mean to aik John for 25 cen'a. Wednesday, I will hake tome of tboae lemon piet before my bread comet on, and there't the W. U. T. V. tocial In the evening. They are alwayt pleatant. Wbat doea the paper say about HT "A Tbank Offering Social" That It all right, we have much to be thankful for. "Bright ova minute apeechee by the pat tortfof the city." Mr. made a bright ten minute ipeech the ether even log, gnat he could do it In five minute too. "Muilo Interspersed," I do like mutic. I tnuit try and be there. Re freshment" too. We'll gt Mary to atay with the children and John aod I will both go. The remain of Lvman J. Kelrey, a prominent young man of Corvallia for many yeare, were taken through Albany todav for Corvallia for burial. He died at Manila on May 29. 1HU0. H waa a member of D. Co, of the 2nd regiment. Mr. George Kuox baa been appointed Administrator of the estate of tna late wKo, Margaret Knox, deceaaed. - A very interesting entertainment waa Klven March the Heard Hall in Tan gent by the teacher and pupils ol School No. 25, for tho'purnoae of reouring funds for a tie 1 1 for the new school huuse of District 25. A large audience waa pres ent and wat greatly pleased With the elaborate and well rendered program, which consisted a', recltatione, dialogue, drills, eorue very beautiful tabl-us with several tongt lntertpened. Messrs. Ed Shoel, Willard and Everett Davit greatlv helped the displays along by ex hibititigtwo well dolivered darkle dia logues. The entertainmeot waa a aucceaa over eighteen dollars being taken in. l'lenty for a nice bell. At i'A Maud Beard, o1 Tangent, i the teacher of No. 25 tchool, the inccesi of the eutertnln nient it mostly due to her, Midi Heard I n estimable young -lady and gives, general satisfaction aa a teacher. .... j The First National; Dank Ins ona of those new money changure which it a very Ingoolout and convenient Institution. dr: hill home. Dr. 3. L. Hilt returned title morning from New York where be bad been to take a twat graduate course In turgor, file fHOO itatio X-Uy machine If follow. iriK. iiia ut. came tacK by way of Washington and Chicago. At Waah Ington he met the I'realdent, who treat eu liim like a brother, and Mark Hanna. wna or wnose iuiki no ii aaiu to have se cured, whom aerioutlv ha reoorta aa a very plain, every day kind of a man. At Chicago he visited witL Joe Sternberg In me medical college, who la making line progress aa a aiuurnt. 1 no Jjoctor re lolce at being In the tend of erten vrasa and llowert aa far alwve Now York for weather aa thu Wathinglon mo'irnt la above a torn! stool. Cart Cailton hat been admitted to cllUenthlp. William Currier, of Koaeburir. waa fa the city yeaterday, Mr, D. Brltow.ofCottaaeOrove.lia been In the city. line. It. A. liana!! eaute aver mm (he bay tblt noon. T. 0. Hendrlckt and wife, nrnmln.nt Eugene people, have been In the city. Mra. lfonry Godley arrived In Albanv today on a and la the guest of Mr. nomine near ni's city. Mr. William Toner, the expreit met enger on the C. A E., cme np from Halem last night and returned bl work on the road. The Examiner containa a notrait at Ml. Oxa Waldron and announce that he la now an actreaa Mlaa Waldron 1 the daughter of the well-known llaiititt preacher. License haa been lesuat for Lh mar. riege of William Currier of l'. and Mlaa Maggie llurkhart, daughter of i. W, llurkhart, of Lebanon. The cere mony wat to take place today at the home of the brtdo'a p rente at Lebanon. The K lent Journal rav : One Oratfnn I'lillinplne hero In nubile life aava the canlldatee for office who exoect to lu electe.1 on their lat war record will be beautifully left, and he ehowa bia faitb by declining a re-nomlnatlon. In Roaeburg tonight Nellie M. Lamb- eon, Deputy Hunreme Commander La diee ol the Maccebeee, and Dannie II. Ktovall, Der,uty Supreme Conunan.ter NOignnoi ine Maccatwea, will g'v lec ture on the ordert ol Maceabee. The young ladtra of the Y. W. ft. A. il the Albany tJoll.-ge will givi an tntetain nient next Friday evening March M. in theOollege Chatel. All aie cordially invlied to attend. 10 ceot admUion. Rev. F. W. Parker, pattot of the Con giegational church, yeaterday tendered hia resignation aa pior oithe church to take efhiel Mrch 31. He be an offer a lecturer ol the Woodmen of the Wor!d and wilt probably accept the eame. Mi Flora Maaon baa returned from her California flp after a pleaant ex per'.enre. Mia Margaerite Uopkine w"io ent with her It neitr Phoenix, arlaona, the guest of Mr Kate a former Albanv chool teacher, and (Mi PfeilTer 1 at Oakland, Calif. Hon. O. i. Waseoner. etiatuni' aaent of the U. 8. at Wh.te Pa. berondSkae way. arrived in Albany thla noon acrom ied by hie wife aod wl'l remain for a da or to t ejtues'.aof Mra. Iloock. Mr. War goner, lor many yeai one ol beatoa county's leading elfeaBO.dse'n't like the cold of the north, but it it uiulnrss lo be there now. William 8'event left oo the fiuth this morning for l'ortland and thanca to Cook'a Inlet, where be will assist in erecting a caonery lor Capl. Lutxcna, Lo came over irom the llay today and went to Cortland to Join him. Stevens ia an old time aeai Usher and he wa longing to tee rait water again. He will be gone several monthe. A new lodge ol Ratbbone Bittere wa organixea at isrownaville lat Friday nlaht by Deputy Organiser Mra. U. W. rtocntieJier atalated by fourteen Katb bone, of Ihit oil. It carte with i metnberihlp of abut foirty-flve. Tbe aioaoy leuie naa a nam time aod w re treated royally. Hold yoor breath while you read iwu bunco paper: wnat a ouy pot the northern end ol the mill race i. what a whirr and buxa of machinery; wnai a raining ana eiogiog ol ttrong wi tert aa they turn tne machinery ol the mil la . Tblt oortioo of Euaene la a mat.. Uiacturing district ol no mean nronnr. .looe, oui mere le water power going to naeie oi amcieni ttrengin to turn many wueeiB oi commerce. MARRIED. WASIIBURN-HULL-On Sat. evening ."srrn iu, ai me nevere uoue, in Albany, by Rev. A. J, Sturtevant, ol tho llaptitt church, Mr. N. It. Washburn, a prominent merchant ol MieiDurn, and Mlaa Nettie Hull, a i . . popniar young iaay oi bcio. .: i- j ittey nave .lie oca. wianea oi man DIED 8HEA. In Albany on Sunday morning aiarcn it, -iuwi, ot Heart disease, Walter R. Bhea. second eon of Mr. John Shea. The deceaaed waa born in New Zea land, Sept. 7, 1881 and came with bia parent a to tbe United titatea shortly afterwardi. They resided in Browne vlllo for a number of years, coming to Albany a few veart ago. Walter waa mauenger boy for the 1'uatal Telegraph Co., at one time, and waa a dead v, re liable young man, well liked by all knowing him. The tuneral service will be held at the Cxtliolic church, of wh ch the deceased was a member, tomorrow at 0 a. m. BORN. BUOY .On Monday moming, March 11, 1900, at To' Hd, to the wife of the p pillar agent of the C. A K , a boy, . weight 8 pounds. The admiriug -friends of tho family aa an expression of-their interest in the now comer this afternoon tent . over to Toledo acradto made. by. them, a hi nursing bottle ami a barn 1 of soothing syrup. There will he joy or consterna tion in the Buoy household when they arrive. Stayton's Creamery. From the Mailt ' ' Tbe work on S: ton' cramry waa began yeaterday ' mornlog. A all 100x200 feet Jtaa b o pdrohaaad of Lee Brown oo what I koown aa' the liar Jan place, convenient to tbe burlnrta district and tbe foundation work la proceeding c Bnepuero. a competent mutoo. ua charge of tho brick work . At totn at lb louoaation la completed Henry Uruer will teot tbe building, will be 20x28 feet In dimensions wit.'i 12x20 addition. Cement floor will be laid. K. J. Heeley, tbe projector of tbia new enterprise was here Wednesday from Albany, and made the arrange ment. The machinery, ail new aod drat elate, bat been ordered, and it It ex imcted the tdant will be In operation very toou alter April I. M. t). litur.otie of the prominent ttock men ot Linn county, near here, teya be think the milk of not lee than 10U cow will be lurnWied tbia creamery from tbat tlJe of tbe river tblapretentteaton. Drowned in Washington. The Dkmocmat hat received a marked copy of the Cathlamet, Wash., Gazette, with an account of the drowning of J. VV. Bavage. a young man 23 yeartof age, while working on log near that nlace, He fell from a log alter working two and a half daya liiere.waa swept under a raft of them and wat drowned, though gotten out in eooui too mtnutea. ine uaxette aava: Ilia name waa learned from a bundle ol lottera addieaaed to him at Rutaell ville, Multnomah county, Or. He ha two tltert in Albany, Or., and a broth er in Eastern Oregon, fcol Imel eayt it ia poaeible Mr. Pavage'e parent live at Antelope, Or, Judge Kelly baa written to the marshal of Albany in bopet of finding tbe drowned man a tiatert. The eaddest event in connection with the deatli of Mr. 8avge ia the manner in which lie wia neglected by bia em ployer alter he wat drowned and of no uae to him. The Btar Logging Co., through it manager, treated the dead employe and hia funeral with cold blooded indifference. Clyi'e McOcy it carrying a hand in a sling tbe of a fall, tbat canted a prala. Tbe annual echool eltfction wat in pro great thia afternoon with L. M. Curl and J. M. Ralaton in the He'd for director and Virgil Parker for clerk. A tmall buy eayt a man aero the rirer tiled to commit auicide, but tne item cannot be traced to a bead. The free delivery tyttem ia lo bo tried around llalaey aud bhedd. and the peo ple In that part of the county are antici pating great privilege from the Innova tion. Wherevrr tried it haa been re ceived with great aatiafactlon by the farming commuuity. The flam boo Club, a, II be out tomor row night at 7 :30 o'clock aud present a drill on First Street previous to the en tertainment at the A. O. U. W. hall. It will tw worth witnessing. The Club hare been well trained by Capt. Fhillipe. P. McCarty, o! Galea, wat brought be fore Juatice Johnson tbia morning on a charge oi telling liquor to a minor. He waived -xaminaiion and waa bound over to the circuit court tinder - 'S9 "bonds, which he furnished. Salem Journal. Tho following ticket waa-being voted on at Stayion today, with ctruUnty of election: Mayor, E. F. Bennett; Ooun cilmen, W Y. Ricbart'ton, G. B. rask, W. W. Elder, Lee Brown; recorder, W. II. Qaeener; treasure, W. H, Cooper; marabal. J E. Yoeman, W. W. Wait, a miner, waa recently fouod murjere J near Sacramento. Cal1!. Tbe Examiner ia devoting a good deal of pace io the matter, in an effort to ferret out tbe murderer. Watte wat a resid ent oi Corvallia lor a number of year. TUESDAY. His Valise Back. Among those who attended the For eater of America excora'on to Corvallia recently waa our friend Mr. Finch, ot the Herald. On coming home he forgot bia valUe, which followed him today and haa been inpectet. by eeveral of the curiou at tbe St. Charlea Hotel. The DxaocBATman didn't have time to see It but Mr. Tarnei, ot tbe CAE., wnoee word can be relied on aaya it contain aouie ciiiarette packages, two beer bottles that are empty, aome oyster cane. etc. eto., with 60 cent chargeato collect. When Mr. Finch eeea it tonight there i tald to be some fun in store for the audienco. Pecu'iiar Accident. A very peculiar accident happened at Lebanon last Saturday evening. Blonde Carlton wa sitting on a borea rack smoking a pipe, when be slipped and fell forward upon hia face. Tbe nine stem was driven up through bia nose. mating a note tuat caused the nse o eight or nine stitches in dretsing it. A large cls of students waa given practical lesson thia afternoon by being permuted to attend court tn a body. They were present when Judge Rurnett gave bia excellent speech to Percy Far rail on stealing, and duriug some of the triat of ex-Uounty treasury .Morr s, coargeu wun a wotsn aina 01 straurg, Eureka Hameas Oil la tha best presarTatlv of new leatber and tha best renovator of old laathar. It oils, aoftons, black en and protaota. Ue Eureka Harness Gil ea your brat bama, ytnT tM bar Dna, and your oarrir top, and tn-jr will not o-'.y look bltr but war lonor. Bold mrywhrr-ln cant all Maw rrom hair pint, m St (KUoaa, 14. kr (TAiaiaa eta ut. . Oregon agt P G Morrla. larceny nob lie money, ru0-'9a. On trial. . Samuel Day den and II. O. Wataon ap pear i or me Bute), and U. a. Hewitt and K. Vteatberford for the defendant Considerable pains waa taken In the sei ecuoa oi a mrv and aist-Mn man irin. ined were rejected before a Jury wae ae- cureo. following ie the jury: A. J. McOlure, John Cocbll, Geo. Alford, K. L. I'lummer. Jaa. Mortran. 1. D. Grif. fin, W. A. Hartley, G. IL Bplawn, 8. S. Leeper, C. 0. Ulce, Joeiab Weddie, H. jwaratena. A M Cannon admr agt John Meinert, reo money. Will be tried Wednesday auircn D A Terbnne agt John Tweedie, rte money, rjontmueu. v ij vrowneu agt i i r. pa linger, rec - M n . ,m money. )vtm trial. Verdict under in Btrictiont of eouri for plaintiff, for , Ol . It " The Piano M'fg Co agt F Ackarman. recovery of money. Simonda M'fg Co agt DC Smith, rec money, attaebmentfl. Judgment for piainiiB, . Upon motion Max Banmorart waa ad- muiea to citixentbip. Oregon airt l'ercv Farrall iml Elm- ii atelier. Larcenvfromadarllinir. In. dieted by dist-lct attorney. Will plead tomorrow morning. By content Percy Farrell waa permit ted to plead guilty of timpie larce-jy, and Judge Burnett alter giving him aome splendid advice to never steal again aod lo get out and atay ont of euch thinga, better putting hi hand in the fire than stealing, he gave him tbe light sentence of two months In tbe county jail. J. W. Thompson, tbe printer, after presenting evidence of bis condition when be committed forgery, was sen tenced to two years in the state peniten tiary. Whikyit undoubtedly the cause of bis fall like tt at of many others who touch it. ibe district attorney presented a true Information againat J. V. Ilabn of Sweet Home, on the charge of assault wiih a dangerous'weapon on A. L. Weddie last October, .hecaae waa continued by con tent, after tbe defendant bad plead not gwi'ty." . College Notes. The Y. W. O.A. will given social next Friday evening. MinDora Page, '9S of Oakland, i taking a court In muic Pres. Mrong, of (be U of O., made a talk to tbe atudents in chapel Mar. 9. If Julio Caesar wa now alive be would be 2000 yean old this year. If Cils good wehti er contltnee It will soon be time to organize a base-ball ttam. Several of the young ladiea enjoyed a Carty at tbe club laat Friday evening in onorof the birthday of Mi Perry. The U. of O. delegatea to tbe orator! rt conlett were visiting with n Mar. 8. Prof. Straub made an intereting and bomortua talk in chapel. couNfy'SisFNESs. Deed : N J Henton to Sarah L Dawson. . I lot, bl 7 EA Albany...... $ OACRRCotoJB McDowell,40 acres . ; i ......;. II Bryant to Chas Freitig 49.07 - ecrea. 10 w2 ; W G Gulliford to Ellen GulliforJ, 4 acre R G Keene to W R Dempcey, 6 acrea, WaU-jloo 10 120 1200 75 Mortgage for 11200. Cbaiel mortgage for 200 and $127. Satisfaction ot mortgage for 1800. New cases in circuit court : M Hale agt P G Morris. Forecloseure mortgage. Kelley A Curl attornej a for plainun. Thoa U Hannah agf. Mary P Hannah. Uivorce. Kelley A Curl attorneys for piaiotin. Hannah Rrecner agt Linn county. Writ of review. J N Duncan attorney for Plaintiff. License was iesued today for the mar riage of D J Kirk and Jessie Romine, daughter of Robert Romine. Mr. Vernon Ramp will go Tbe Dalles tomorrow with a view ol locating. Rev. R. C. Brooks preached bis fare well sermon in Eugene yesterday. Mrt. D. B. MonteitU I Win at har borne in tbia city serious y ill with heart troutle. Hon. M. A. Miller, of Lebanon, waa In the city today on bis way home from iua n est oiuo. Mies Grace Riley has returned from McMinnvil.) after an absence of three mootna. A sister of Mr. Steve Riley. Mr. Austin, the i.owling alley man was kept at home last night by a new comer at bis home. All doing well. Do not miss Misa Brownell'a recital to night It will be one of the tert mutical tresis o( the season. At the Congrega tional church. Mrs. J. I. Livingstone today received from the United Artixantthe sum of $2, 000 oo account of the death of her brother the late "Jack" Or. el. A L - ... . . . - Mra. Rufua Thompson, mother of the winner of the Intercollegiate oratorical I conteat. whose bictttra aDDeara in In. I day 'a Oregonian, returned thia noon from I Mc.Minnville accompanied by ber eon' F? Duj.i.L. ' , ipEriDrJOfONHY ."- w wt ''u;JAISSWemirSIIIIICStWIM!AClll.j Slateaman, business manager of the Pa- 1 TfouM.imiiieit journMroattrtytiitdc 1 ' . 1 . . . I pw-MUrMtUf-n-rj.ciAetl a. r-pr-otd. vmi lituu iiuuiniMU rhu viiairuiau Ul Ilia congressional committee, was in the city last evening on his way home from a trip to Corvallia. He had bia famous typewriter along. Mr and Mr. .William Currier arrived ; in Albany last nigbt from Lebanon and left on the overland for their I future home at Koseburg. Mr Currier and Mia Maggie Butkbart were united in marriage at Lebanon yesterday in a very pretty wedding. The bride ia a orignt and popular young I nly who ha many frienda In Albany as well as in Lebanon who will unite ' in extend ng I ! tbeir best wiehe. to tbe habpy coorlaT J f I r.rti WOTSJ-lt.5. fKcM &ZVKUtt g A ' 1 tl; IV I irfaj ?m3"T. ",";' T,'"l' 'lilVa,carTJ,pan.led.-- ' 4 ., fiVI IN 1 l5 0lf'f J '',-duJ;.:.rilrahlnat6nlh.nii nickel dnnrpiiila.niuoitM .nit men report a splendid ouUcxk alij IH 5 'J -CM '.p".'t" ui,n T,i,r.tir it.tmi7ViitT.i for fruit generally ana particularly for U1;V! G a L i. J3vi '':ctaitnn patent fennoniiberator.tmnro.-dioaaa. prunes, with the season ruffic!ently r d- ihii . 5-.! e'.i 5rS?fOT3i 1 I!?,01 Io;,iLto,beV,f'-- The wu nif-,te iiM iXt TFftrj 1 : "-tt-cJ&tXS& XTXSTZSlZStt Valley Will OO Itself thia jer according . ."I'li WS'ii J -.tittiea Eoik J),;oI,uwaiiyi,BaeanrBnitaaddoaitharplalnora- tft ntvnt imlintti.ina iu l'y jtn. i '-1-u.'lu.iiGaanaiMintwitli-.aiyniacliuM. 1 loprvsentin.ucaitins. 3 IT CZTS 3V v "HmQ t-"-ia.i-n .., h il Delioi.iui clam bouliijn at tie Sugar J' ..H',r . It BiWISna.tree'.. AitcSS. BRYAN COMING. Hon. W. J. Bryan will speak in Al bany on Wednesday Mareb 23, and at other placet io the north west following. He will arrive In Albany on tbe morn ing train and win probably speak in tbs rorenoon.go to aiem on tne afternoon train, wbere be will apeak in tbe even ing. Arrangement and the hoar of m eat ing will be msde hereafter. Mr. Bryan will arrive on tbe mornine- train from California aod return east by fjr vamvrnia. Another Round Up. Tbe Salom Journal gives another round up of the votea of members of the legis lature in the last session. As usual ac cording to the opinion of tbe Journal the Linn county members, that is Palmer and Whitney, lead in good voting in the interest of tbe people. Jones, s usual. gets a low record. Tbe Journal aayt : In Unstable. Palmer. of Linn.ia aealn at the Iront, He makes a record ot 15 food votes to 4 bad oat and 1 absence, his gives tbe palm to Palmer at be stand at the head in all three round ups, being tied by Stump and Whitney in the special session, and by Palmer in IU0 ll-l utuio. Whitney again comes in the third mm having 13 good votes to 5 bad. For low place Stanley and Moodv are practically tied with 2 good vote each. Of the union members, McAlister falls lowest with 0 good votes to 10 bad ones and 4 absence. Donnelly, Jonea and Sberwin each come in with 8 good votes as the aeeond worst union showing. Jonea vote h 8 good, 7 b d and 6 absences. School Election. The school election yesterday after noon passed off qoietly, tbongb energet ically, Ave hacks being used to get voters to the polls. The contest for director waa close, aa the following figures indi cate: M. Curl 162 J. M. Ra'.eton 154 Curl's majority 8 For eUrk Virgil Parker received 311. scattering 3, blank 2. These annual content Carrie J on in a friendly way are a good thing to keep np the interest in our public tcbools, tbe pride of our city, bringing out a discus sion on school matter that is bound to result beneficially. Oar schools are in efficient htnia aod are being well man aged both by director i-nd teachers. At Tt Postal. Recwiveo. a lre bipment of "Chi cago" typewriter yesterday. Have a rtenoynpher from Southern Oregon. Owing to increase of bia nets. HAVE IT READY i Minor eeddeats era to f raqnrat aad aacta hart ao troablcaom bo bourhoM ahonld ba wito oat a battle of St Jacobs Oil PERFECT CURE . for PAINS ACHES ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVfcN UHaI the undenigoed hu thia day been appointed bt tbe County Couit of Linn County, Or., administratrix of the estate of Robert A Irvine, 1 1 1. " w. Cimeu. aii person- tmvin( ciatma against the etta'e of aiil deoeaw-d ere required to I present tbe ame, with proper voncber. ' ! e undenit-ced at ber retidence in A 10- y.Or.. rithin six months from the late leof. ated February. 19. 1900. Sakam J. Ikvims, int-tratrix of the esta'e of R ilvce4ted A ------- mnla .-, and TlU bluulllat lunuil vol. IflLllUlBOr.Mt eMASl.a A.:.,aS1F PA r, ; WK'-iI unci r I . tc C fJUtct frvtKbt charjrcaV Haw bit: lasiiisi lit k- ' . ,iri ir iHtl wrmT cvnu ior oacn ami niicti yrarowtBon,rd wewUirejto famUna B.lJ.afttaeiM 8.ut llAca.a smmism -vraiaaf-aei ouii.a loruu PHur , lBi ta (jrvailaMfi eTtrr 1tcr4 fey :,, . i i '? 1 ' for e lactast fe E asth p world knows P ttise jfe g &jBr,4Kt'II' BEWARE OF IMITATIQjjg tv tlMiMDUiOflerllte amaaaawa skScLlSM Ul, J-r V: tiXuaOaU.., W.'D aatwa,ta-K-?eematta. WHtetasswa frtwital h1tteitalkta WBkyrli3!H jrwd - -1- THE DURDICK W..n:J.Vr,iV-Vi uuiii riu xn.x. ?- fa. srs 5T,zi tLw4 tuW. ,"- ' --ac'jf.PCJ SOLID CUARTER SAWED OAK OFBtseAimn, it 7; TT, . . 1 Una ah EA The Pioneers. 0. Q. Walker returned this noon from, Portland wbere h lad been to attend a meeting of the pioneer association of .hastate. Portland was selected as lb next place of meeting. J. C. Moreiand of Portland aria aalAt ed to deliver the annual -nri Cyrus IJ. Walker, of Albany, the oldest nsilve on of Oregon, tbe occasional ad dreae. Rev. Robert Robe, of Brawn. ville, was chosen chap'aln. Letter Llt. Following ia tt list of letter remaiiiinjt In tbe Poitonlce at Albany, Linn county. Oregon, March 14,1900, Person calling for these letters must give tbe date on whichv advertised s Apal. Mr Richard Anderson. Win Jr Cunningham, Mr J A Evans, Mr Georga ration. Mr R M Fhher, Mrs G W Fuller, Miss Birdie Harris. MrsGeali Miller, Mrs Sophia Miller, Mra Amelia 8 S.Taaiw.P. M. MSIFFSAU By trru of an execution and order of ale iued out of tbe eircoit court of tbe state ot Oregon, for the county of Linn, to me ouiy airre.ed, delivered and dated, tbe 13tb day of February. 1900, in a cer tain aoit in laid court whereia S V Own b3y wa plaintiff and M E Brink aad Rova Brink were defendanta. in whi-h said suit the aid S V Ownbey aa plaintiff recovered a judgment against tbe laid defendant U IS tfrint, on tbe 20th day of November, 1899, for tbe torn of $427. (X) wiib interest tberonaitberateof 10 per cent per annum from tbe date of said judgment together with the costa and diaoanementa tried at 10.0j ordering adiudtriog and decreeing that tbe real prorr-rtt described in tlain- tiff mortgage and complaint towil : Clock no 1 wo (-1) in Blackmats ad li tion to ibe city of Albany, io Linn county, ere gnu, be sold to satisfy said judgment and cos's. Aad a recommended therein 1 will oa Saturday tbe 24th day of March 1900 at tbe hour of One o'clock p. m. of said day, at the front door of tbe conrt bouie, in the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, tell at public auction, to the highest bidder ,for cah la band, subject to redemption ac cording to law, tbe aboe described real ettate to tatufy u 1 judgment and all ecta Dated tbia 16'.b day of Febroary. 1900. - 1 A lloSKtB. ADMINISTRATRIX SALE NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVES THAT by v:rne of an order of tbe Ccontv Coort in and for Umatilla county, date of Oregon, made and entered cf record in aid court op tbe 12tb day of February, 1900, authorizing an? licensing me, aa tbe administratrix of tbe estate of Andrew J KichaiJaon, deceased, to aril tbe real prooerty hereinafter described, I will on Saturday, 24th of March, VMO, at the bour of One o'clock, p. m, at tn front door of the County Coort ncme of Linn county, Oregon cfler tor sale at pub lic auctioo, to tbe highett bidder, for cash io band, all of tbe right, lit e an" inter est of Aodrtw I Richardson, deceased, in and to 1 he following described real prcp-e-ty, towit: bVgtnning at tbe North gi corn, r of Oo alien Land Claim rf laM'eCUT p ol. aod tbe heir at law of ReuVoCUj pool, d coan d. tbi an rue I pirn? Noft&ca don No. 2315, and CNiut Ko 4S, in Towns' ip 13, South of Rang' 2 VV est of the Willamette Meridian, Oregon; and running 'hence Sootb 20 itree Wwt 9.40 chains, t bene J South 70, degrees ast 52.20 chains, thence Son lb 29 degrees 45 minutes West 25 50 chains to tne South boundary line of said claJa. thence South 71 degre East 17 30 cpains to an interior corner on the Southern boundary lire of said claim, tbtnee South 19 degree West 20.60 chain, thence Sooth 69 degrees 30 aainutee East 60.13 chains to the South east comer of said claim, Iheice North 19 degrtes 30 minute East on ibe Etstern boutdaiy line cf aia claim 46 10 chain more or lee to tbe center of a county road, hence in a Morihwester'y direction along he center of said county road 40.70 chains, more or le-a, to ibe Northern boundary ine of aaid claim, thence North 76 degree West 94.87 cbaina to tbe place of begin ning, tontainina: 482JM) acrrt.more or less. i 1 Linn county. Oreyon. Excepting from he aocva described prem'aes so much thereof as is included in tbe grave-vaid on aid premises Dated tbu tbe lBtb day or Feb., 1900. Rebecca E. Gaixnan. Administratrix of the ettats of Anrtrvw J Richardson, deceaaed. N&TICE OF UNAL SETTLEMENT Not 1 03 ia h- relr given tbat tb nnrlor. signed, admiomtratrix f tr-ee-tateof Jaa Al wuii-ma, oeopasea, baa Bed herbnal ascount with tne county c!erk f Linn count. Or. and A-ril 6. at 1 p m, baa been aet a tha time and the count room , a the place for hearing objrctiois thereto, auu lur tur aeinmeuT meteor. Albany, March 2. 1900. Maht Wiluams, Adro'r. KelltACukl Attorneys. WtT"T9SS tttSfl.-utthla a. o it an't to 11 and W.!.i.U..MWmi. tSuatna; -"i MS 1.141 in ... at V.f4Bt " IUH4 t r-a t g wi nuuniaa J(K to iV,0ii, -roar fTVitrht turttnt thai 1 fifL -, .BJ - I , iMX'i I h4 - la.W M "gf - J tsi J V. - ' ?- ay-aj --a. s rxz 1 IV -i ..'i.. aiSJSUail as Ba 033 21 43 . uiite mnihi Tot. ny you ail not Mtull4 OUiU tOBavC. I't a!v re'lmttlei, -;uor. 1 r.cEUCrt 4- Cy. Cr-cJ Chicago, ill.