The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 16, 1900, Image 6

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    F P. NUTTING. Ed . and Prop.
Entered etthe Pot Oflroe a. Albany
ngon, m neoond olua mall matter.
' Albaht, O?., March, 1900. '
Editor Dwoouti
Tho follo"ior m editorial iu the
Albany Herald March lOtn. 1900:
"Judge Barton a posing just now at a
treat "reformer" and baa made a low
tax levy tbit year for political efiect. It
it so lew that It will not raise sufficient
.,rw4. tn mMt the exDenditures of the
county thii year, and the county will be
n. tr, na interest tor want of funds.
This it bogus economy. Last year the
tax levy was io nuns, me owum m
recent years. There is no grounds for to
much economy."
I submitted to them (or publication
tk. tniinKinir statement of the facta in
the matter and they have refused or neg
lected ta pablish the same. I wish you
would K'.ve it space so tnt tax payers
can draw their own conclusions, whether
they arc taxed huh enougn or nou
. ' Jl'DGE BBT3X.
RniTOR Hirald;
:.x.Wii editorial statement in your
owning issue ot the 15.h inet. that the
levy made by the county court for 1899,
would not produce sutheient revenue to
pay the cum-nt expense of the county.
Knowing the Herald's deai-e to make no
unfnmwW or mia-leadint statement of
fact, 1 would be p'eascd to have you pub
lish the lo' lowing uiuie u wmw
county revenue applicable to the cur
ia... Kiunuia tit ihn county for 1900:
The sheriff has just turned over to the
court the assessment rou oi io-, uw
ins 130.212.54 uncollected tax. There
will be at least I20.0CO of this sum appli
cable to payment of current expenses
for 1900.
Uncollected tax roll 1893....$ 20,000
Tax lrom county levy .roll 1899 17,173 60
" 2190 pollt " "
estimated collection ...... 1,530
Estimated receipts from Re
corder 1,50J, Clerk 12,000.
collected last year $4,0i 2. . . 3,oUU
Cash in hands of Treasurer at
this writing.... 1-ow
Total revenue $43,173 60
The exact penditure for the
year ending June SOth,
1S97 was...? $ 34.166 64
Balanee'for contingencies! 9,006 96
The sum of $35,000 is about an average
of the annual expenses oi me couuiy
when no nsnal building is being done.
Thia iav sd.OOO of a surplus to
This statement of county finances be
ing true, will correct the erroneous im
pression you enterUined when making
the statement that the county would be
compelled to stamp warrants tna pay in
If agreeable to vou. at some future
time I would be pleased to submit to you
for publication the amount of interest
paid and contracted by the county dur
ing the four years previous to July 6th.
1896, during which period of time $11'.
069.75 more taxes was levied in Linn
county than during the subsequent lour
Geo. D. Cahtos.
Giant Mush 3 lbs.
for "lOcta., is very
C. E. Bkowseli.
If your liver is ont of order, causing
Biliousness, Sick Headache, Heart
burn, or Constipation, take a dose of
Hood's Pills
On retiring, and tomorrow your di
gestive organs will be regulated and
yon will be bright, active and ready
for any kind of work. This has
been the experience of others; it
will be yocss. HOOD'S PILLS are
Bold by all medicine dealers, io eta.
iVlerrill Bros....:
Expert Rtpalrrs
Manufacturers Ageots.
Sole agents White Sewing Macbia a
and Bicycles. Kys Sperm Oil, Excelsior
Needles, Darts and supplies for all ma
chines. Second hand machines $5 np,
new ones 125 no .
Send your address if your machine
needs attention.
'Our Native Herb Tablets,"
Tii8 Great RIood Purifier,
Kidney and Liver Beplator,
Guaranteed by onr KEGISTEBED
GUARANTEE to core all diseaees aris
log from Ixvcri Blood and iniative Livib
tKidhys. ; '
I have used"0ar Native Herb TableU"
for Constipation and Liver Trouble of
avar twenty years' standing. They enred
me aher all other remedies failed., Ai
asf&T Cadobbt, Overseer, Border City
Mills, Fslt Rfver, Msss.
11 B Case, Agent, Albany, Or
Medicine mailed upon receipt of price.
BEST LAYERS. Purebred White Leg-
t,nrn and Barred Plymouth Bock eggs
' for hatching for sale by F. C. Dannais, 1
JUb&ny, Oregon.
American roi It aoldjobseptr;in Pari
Frai.0, than In Philadelphia,
American agricultural ji inrilemeute ait
lower in brjtee In SU Petersburg, Ruitit
ttian tn Bt. Pant, Minn.
Mst ot ths gold democrats are quits
wllllne to com homt If the past a ill
only be forgotten. ' '
Oot can't help wondering how differ
est things would be, It Porto Kico had
(aw electoral votes.
Tbt civil service ejmmiasloo should
include in its list of question! ont at to
what country Porto Kico it a part of.
Tbt Shah of Persia It going to visit ths
Queen and bring his harem along. Will
the Sultan ot Job do likewise when hs
omet to ree hit great and isocd Mend
American tewiog machines cost less
in London, Euglaud . than in Leven
worth. Kan., and American boots and
shoes are cheaper in Birmingham, Eng
land than in Boston, Mass.
Flour made from I nwicau wheat in
Europe Is cheaper than in the ITmtsd
States, and meats shipped to the eld
woild can bt bought in tht butcber stopi
there for less than in our own.
General Roberts has triumph!, and
verv British naper is proclaiming that
tha Rnra are thoroughly whipped, and
that the Oraoge Free State it about to
sue for peace. This explains why Great
R.itain bas calkd for 100.0W more
Pennsylvania does not want Quay and
tbs senate will have to reverse the pre
cedents of a century In order to seat
him. But neither fact seems to make
much difference to that angutt body.
Th nnramft court of Wisconsin has
rebuked the impudent attempt of an Ic-
ferior judge to enjoin the common coun
cil of Milwaukee from passing certain
lobulation. This injunction business is
getting slightly too numerous, as it
Kentnckians should beeJ the warning
uttered by Senator B'ackbnrn and Edit-
or.Watterson and repeal the Goebel law.
I necessary to re-slect William McKio-
lsv this fell, Kentucky's vois win u
thrown out beyond a doubt if the elec
tion is held under tbe Goebel law.
It is a pity that we shall not have time
nnnih to amsod the constitution so as
to permit an Ohio man to be named for
Vice-President along with McKinley this
fall. But ptrbaps tbe republican party
mav decide to make iU nominationi
"ontside tbe constitution."
Where did Congress get power to act
outside tbe coastitationT - Its ower
were delegsted to it by the constitution
and it has nont not to delegsted any
more than any other body of respectable
old gentlemen, as Secretary OInsy once
called tbe senate. Once It goes outside
the constitution, it goes out of existence.
It is only by the constitution that it ex
it Is at all.
Representative Payne, chairman of the
Ways and Meant committee of, tbe
House of Representatives was fairly
stumped tbe other day. Be announced
tbat tbe President bad increased tbe
value of the Porto Ricaa peso from 41 to
62 cents by a decree. He wat at occe
asked by Mr' Norton of Ohio, why tbe
value of the United States silver dollar
cenld cot similarly be raised by leg
islation. Mr. Payne could not answer.
Can any one do so 7
Strictlv biuunesA.
French the jeweler.
Will 4 3taxk, jewelers.
Crescent Bicycle,
Hopkins Brothers, agents.
Best bicycle for toe money.
Crescent bicycles at Hopkins Brothers
for only $20, $30, $35 and $50.
Have yon tried our Italian Nangat,
Viereck's Sugar Bowl, 2nd street.
Be sure and see the anti rust tinware at
Hopkin Bros, will last a lifetime.
Go to Verick'a shaving and hair cut
ting parlors for first class work. Hot
and coi l hatha. Clean towels to every
Worse than War.
Hundreds are kil'ed bv war.bnt bnndrcd
of thousands are killed by consumption
Tbeie would be no deaths at ait-canted Ij
this teirible disease, if people conld be
made to understand tbat bblioh's Cough
and Consumption Cure it a sure remedy if
taken in the early stages, 25cts, SOcts,
and tl .00 a bottle. Drugists will refund
the money if a cure is not effected. For
sale by Fred Dawson.
'3- .-'w-. '
"Tt makes no difference now bad
wound if you use DeWitt's Witch H
Salve; it will quickly beat and lane
tear. Foshay s Mar on. ' .
French the Jeweler makes a specialty
of engagement and wedding rings.
Mtrsic Hist Mildrea Burmestet
eacher of piano or organ. System tht
Mason touch and teckniaue. Residence
Fifth etieetfeppoeite TJ P, church.
The newspapers are np in arms
against tht paper Jirost, Tha American
Newspaper Publishers' association held
a meeting in ;Nw York and. arranged
phns to light tha trust In congress. Tbs
association was unusually Bryaolttlo in
iti vigorous denunciations of tht pulp
octopus. In IU resolution ii was speci
"That the puee of paper bat bsen er
bitrarlly increase! from 69 to 100 per
cent without reason.
"That It was coamou belief that a
trust did V.
Repteee riling 22,000 newspapers, it call
sd upon ongress to investigate and pr.w
vide a remedy.
This benevolent concern will pay thl
year about 160 per cent profit, with a cap
italisation of $35,000,000. Tbit is Prick's
statement nnder oath in his bill in equity
egainai Carneg'e.
Mr. Carnegie estimated the value of
his interest at $500,000,000. and U Is well
wotth It at ths abov percentage of an
nual profit.
"Thit Is due in part to the tarin.'
says tht Denver News, "which placet
tht home markets at the mercy of the
tiuct, Tbere can be no outside cotnpa
tition. It it ouly a matter ot money con.
centrstion, and the swallowing of the lit
tle nab bv the big ones.
The President says lLat every one it
against imperialism. Trua enough I
Everyont in this country is against what
hs considers Imperialism. The question
is one of defiuition . The President does
oot coosidr it imberlalism to told sev
eral millions of people at subjects, gov
erned by an alien people, without repre-
U.llllilll .1.1...
Congress may see fit to bestow on them .
If k. J!J I :.t - ... . .
u uiu ug wuuiu ninuoir ion sen oi
thing the rankest imperialism and they
would like Mr. McKinler to teil them
ust what be does understand.
And a living proof of what Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery will do for
weak lunra, It makes new biood, and
blood is hie to the lungs, aa well as to
every other organ.
"Golden Medical Discovery " contains
neither alcohol nor narcotics. It is not a
stimulant bnt a strengthening medicine.
Adm ating .boot five botttn of Dr. Werc'
Golden Medical Vaetmry my boy .era. to be
.11 right write. Mr. J. W. price, of OniL
Monroe Co., Ohio. Re to very bad when I
commenced to fire him the 'Golden Medical
Dncowi).1 The doctor claimed he bad con
sumption, and we doctored with htm until he
pmMt walking, it ha. been ten month,
aince he Mopped uUna roar medicine and be
U aUU in good fceallh. Vc are very Lhankfui to
you for aaring oar aon."
Children appreciate Dr. Pierce's Pleas
ant Pellets. They're easy to take and
do not gripe.
$100 Reward $100.
The readers of thit psper all! be
pleased to learn tbat there it at lean one
dreaded direase tbat science has been
able to cure in all its stage, and tbat is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the on
ly positive cure known to tbe medical
fraternity. Cstaru belrg a constitu
tional disease, requires a constitutional
'reatment. Ball's ( atarrb Cure is taken
interually,acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of tbe system,
thereby destroying tbe foundation of tbe
disease, and giving tbe patient strength
by building np tbe constitution and as
sisting nature in doing iti wrk. The
proprietor! have so much fsith in ita
proprieioi. nave eo ujucu laun id k r
coritive towers tbat tbey offer One Hun-
dred Dollar, for any case that i, fail, to
core, tend lor Ii-1 ol teetimon
F J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Bold bT druggists, 75c.
Hall's FsmilytPillt are tbe best.
- f
CeV.... f!ntfttin Uopplml
JJVIWI W mws m aM I
Unit at Will
Rtarks for vour entrasrement or weddinir I
ring. An elegant stock to select from.
A large and fine stock of cigars and to
bacco at Conn & Huston's. See the dit
play. '
Electrical Supplies.
Telephones, Door-bells, batteries, etc
Call on us for estimates on wiring.
Umce, telephone no. nil.
Residence, telephone No. 735.
: Achxsor A Ralston.
Notice is hereby given that tbe nnder
signed.adminitlratris of tbe estate of Julia
A Kendall, deceased, has filed ber final
account with the county e'erk of Linn
county, Or, and April 6,at 1pm, has been
set as the time and tbe county court room
as tbe place lor bearipg'ohjections thereto,
and for tbe settlement thereto. "
Albaev. March 2. 1900. '
Mabt Wixliaks, Adm'rx.
BIXT & Ccrl, Attorneys.
The Old Mill of Romnnco
is nice to read about, hut at a factor in
making the bent Hour it's "not in it" with
thd modern mill, sucn at we conduct witu
the best impioved machinery and appli
ances, that turn out higher grade Hour at
lower prices than wst erer produoed be
fore. We will grinl your wheat at 40 lbs
per bushel, or we will rail you the superior
brand Magnolia that we make at low
Buy your.
Hartae and Tinware
ParHeii and Grass Mi
UnlinC Ok. ilUlDUrt.
good second hand geuts bicycle. A
genuine American buffalo overcoat,
milts to match. Fine 'or Alaska proa
llran new, taken
on advertising, for eslevhesp. No old
machines needed. Call on the Dbmcchat
watlnir diseases, all effects of tclf-
abuse, cr cxcciu ar.d indis
cretion Anorvottmiearxl
bltMHl btiiii"r. ItriiiRS the
pink glow to pale checks and
rcatorra the lire of youth.
By mallfOc per Ihjx; O boxca
for $J? 50; with a written giiaran
o to cure or refund tho moucy.
Clinton Jackson Et, CHICAGO, IUU
For sale by Fred Dawson.
J. Joseph.
AGENTS WANTED for "Life of D L
Moody" by hit son, W R Moody, and
Tra O Sinkey.1 Largest, ricbet and
best. Highest, pronts paid. It is the
only crucial, authentic, endorsed life.
Authorised by tbe ian.ily. Beware of
fakes and fraud. Outfits free. Freight
paid. Credit given. Drop all trash and
clear 300 a month with tbe official, re
liable life. Our reference, any bank in
n v inm n Addreat.
Tbe Dominion Company, lett J.Cbicsgo.
BEAUTY PARLORS now open a. Mrs.
Hy macs' by a Dermstoglst from Port
land. Up-to-date toilet articles for the
ladies. Instructions given.
School Election.
Notice is hereby given to the legal
voters of School District No 5 Lion Coun
ty Oregon, tbat the Annnal School elec
tion of said district will occur on Mon
day March 12th 1900, tt County Asset
tori office, at County Court house from
ibil o'clock d m for the purpose of el-
rii.U,., i. thren veara
" & ria Jof FeSrnliv 1900.
L. M. CtKL.Cbsirmsn.
WANTED A light riding or driving
horse or pony. A good thot gun, me
chanic, tools. Partus interested apply
' a, mm thia
, ,
once, iuii u"""!
NOTICE it hereby givm to all persons
interested tbat tie nndersigned has been
duly appointed administratrix of tbe
estateof O.E. Petrgs late .of Linn Coun
ty. Oregon, deceased, by the County
Court of Linn County, Oregon, therefore
Ii persons having claims gainst said
estate are hereby notified and required to
present the same to me at tbe law office of
W. R. Bilyeuln Albany, Oregon with the
proper vouchers within six months from
the date hereof. ' ... ,.,.
Sabah Paoet, Administra
trix of D. E.Peggs, deceased.
Dated tbis 12th day of January, 1900.
Notice it hereby gWen tbat fnnde are
on band to w 7,
7 oclnaive of tbe issue of 180O. late,,
taid warrants will csase with th a
tbit notice.
:. r., Dec. 27, M9
To lit) p riprta
! For war It tha ecrett way for thlt net Ion
to maintain peaca. me it u e vhui
of tha attest itattsmen. It it qoJ
troa that to be prepared (or spring It the
best way to avoid tht peullar dangers jol
tha season., Thit It a letn loiillltudet
ara learning, and at thlt lime, when tha
blood It sure to be loaded with Impurlt
let and to be weak and tlugglth.tha mil
lions begin to take liood't ttaisaparl U,
which purifies, anrlohssnnd vluliasstba
blood, expele all dlsessa germs, creates a
good appetite, alvts strentb and energy
and puts tha whole system In a healthy
condition, preventing pneumonia, fevers
and other dangerous diseases which art
liable to attack a weakened system.
Thla Paper
One Your.
Frtrtn Jnurnnl
6 Yenrn.
PBy up and gel both papert at price ul
"wt want more new subscribeia to our
Weekly t therefoia continue our ar
rsngetuett with the farm Journal by
wbico w can senl tbs
Farm Journal 5 years, both for $1 .25- And
we rusk i be suuia off -r to ail old subwrib
ers who will pay all arrearages and oti
year tn advance. , , ,,
You know what ours is end the srtu
Journal ii a gem-praitical.proKrrMlve-a
oiean, honet, 0'ful tmaer-tul Of
Kumption. full of suiubln, with an Im
uienw circulation among the tet people
everywhere. Youonght tutake it.
Daily subscrlocrs psylng in advance
an also secure is.
IN the undBrlgod has b.-en duly ap-
poinet by tbe county eourioi mho wm..
nrJo. estcutris of the ette of
Ueorge J Morns, deceased
"- aoklLit said
All peison
estate are
II N T I II U im,u" '
i. i "..,ir...l to uraaent same with tbe
.nrhrn to the um'endiincd xec
itrix at her boms at llarri.burif. yreon.
within lix months irom me om v. .u
IUUhI.Jso 19. 1900.
Klahna a Moaats,
HC Watsoii LLSwam.
Attorneys for sxetulrU.
f TB ClMPl tT COVKT Of Tltt KtAiK Of
Oawio in iur Couatr or Utr.
Dttpartmenl 2. ,m ,,,
Nellie Oiddines. i.lainliff s lllram
(J iddlnirs, defendant.
r Hiram tilddlDU. tlie awr. naineu
1 Oregon. You sre hereby required to
sppear and anaeer to ths complaint tiled
against you la tbe eUt entitled suit and
court within sis weeks from the date of
tbe 8t publication ol this ;m0B'
wit, on or before lUlh day of March, 1W0,
and if you tall to so appear and anwer
raid complaint fir want thrreol the plain
tiff wi'l applv to tbe court for tbe reliel
demanded In tbe routplaiol herein, toit :
A dtolution of the marrie contract
m eiiatinir between vou and tbs plaint iff.
for the control and co.iod of tbe miner
children of yoo and plaintiff, to-wit: Wil
ton, Usssl, and Wilher Uiddtnes and lor
tt MJtmlSa Bl BkH ti.lMirwmenls of tblSSUtt.
Tbis summons is puldi.bed l y order of
lion Geo I) Uaron, county )otige oi iion
tounly, t.L rf Oregon.
Made 22nd day Jan . 1U0O
J. Wbitbst.
Attorney for plaintiff.
The Best
In Albany by the
Long Photo Co..
In Fromao Brtclt.
The letdtng gallery ot Albany.
Tbe' only-up-to-date tint class
studio In town. .
All work to pleaso.
For Bargains
crassa-asse J
In Farm Lands, Timber Landaland
Oity Property, call on or writ .
3 8. N. B TEELE & CO.
Albany, Oregon
H. F. rierrill
1 1 ollectiont promplly attended to, cor
respondents solicited. Office in Dsno
bat building.
Stanley Stewart,
Albany .Oregon.
Office! Bank of Oregon building.
Only set of Abstracts of Linn County.
Complete set ef maps and plate.
HeHrt. ritfe m vhathur yon annua.. m
a.rrkllll tonioo b.bll. M 0-Tt.a(T I I
raova thadwlr. lor tobaaco, .lia-Sf f ; M
3(aaioa.Mirm,aipai.alegB ,1 1 1 1 ,,
Una, aanaaa tba blooa, ra4fTj I IJJi-'
tor. bt aiaDhaea,T .1 cJS'aW low
Bafc. Toa Mraac fT 111 1BmiS. 4004
lak.H.aar.'Tf kil'lffcM.ifijr. any
Yf l "la01 II AC rt-
Itmmff TUIaB-tllartM.Ta.a STw"l
I l'A rUI,al-Ur,)aralaaar . Sm
I kw joM. at, aisaHe (mrt i aoaaa. S 4
Jaaa,,ialii. Saaar..arw rnain -ay. a
Wllllamelte Camp No. M.
..... .uin,i .nil fourth Saturdays o
each month In the OAR Hall.
tn ui.tnbsrs are Invited.
U u ovn.n" t
E R Ui'Stoh clerk.
V 0
tnry Saturday evening at K. O. T. M,
hall. Visiting Knight. Invited.
0, U. IIAKNISIl.Coiumamlsr,
Bridge Notice.
Notlut It bsrtby jlven thtt at a regu
lar meeting of Lite Oommon Council ol
the city of Albany, Oregon, lielJ on tbe
13th day ot February, 1000, the folio
ing resolution wat adopted and order
Ksnotvsn, That the wgon hrlitge now
located In ll.etity of Albans end extend
Ing across tht Willamette river and be
ing partially In Linn and He. it on count
ies at tbit time unsafe to be ured by the
traveling public.
Then-tore it is hereby ordered by the
Common Council of tbe ityuf Albsny
tbat all travel be eupnri3l on said
bridge from iris time until further no
tlM given by the raid conncil and that
due unties be given to the public of the
suspension of iravel over s ml along said
bridge by publishing a cor-y of this reso
lution and or Jer In the AttiAKV Dsno
cmat a newspaper ol geueral clri iilsilon
In Linn and ileotoii counties Orr-gon.dur
Ing the plessure of s. td Council and fur
ther by posting prlnieJ ooplrt of thlt
resolution and order at the approaches
of tald bridge on vllher side thereof lo
conspicuous places.
Done by order f the Common Coun
cil of the city of Albany. Oregon.
In witness whereof I have heieunto
sei my hand and reused to be atllxed tbe
sssl of aaid city.
J hit Nth day of Februarr, A. I). 10C0,
W. ii. Davis,
L S.j Attest!
J. 6. Yam Wmki a,
Recorder ot the city ol Albany, Or.
Oliver Plows Hew p
HOfKlNS JIU.'., Aa-Mits,
AlJnjty, Oregon
"Oliver save the world tbe chilled plow
And it ha. saved more nn)
to tbe farmer of America
aiiyotn.r im.tlnment ever produneJ
In Oliver eh. Med are the twel on
, Th Oliver Is a pronoter f bappi
on the fs-m, and the dealer who Mis
ws he i. handling the beat. L wlc
r immitattons aii'J touch nothing but
enuin goods, made only by Ollrsr
d plow work.. SoutS Hod, (ltd..
th nnderaiuned has bmn br the
county conrtof Linn couutr,Or(On. ouly
appointed sdnilnuira'or of tbe fat.'e ot
Allislinima liofliahrfieceaaed, tale of Linn
county, O'rgon. All peranus having claims
against tb estate of .aid drceaard are here
by rrouired to preaent tbom to tht unter
signed at Albaoy. Oreimn, wl'hin six
months from this date.
Tbis ltb day of February, 1000.
Rodouh llortu II.
WcATtiKtroan k Wtatt,
Atl'ys for Adm'r.
To the Music
Those contemplsting tak'ng np tn
study of music will And it to their inter
est to investigate tho advantages offered
by Albany Col lope. The following
branches are taught!
Mr. Wirta, Musical Director, is a grad.
nate of Hie Chicago Conservatory o(Mu
sic, and bas studied with tuch artists ae
Seeboerk, Kirgfeldt, Koeiling, Kalk, Oar
wood, Huff, and tho late Dr. Karl Vert,
These men are masters In their respect
ive departments and musicians of world
wide fame.
Mrs. Wirts, Instructor In vocal mush,
Is a pupil of Mr. William Nelson llurrltt
who it known to be one of ths best voice
teachers in A merica tod ay. M r.
ttudled eight yean in Italy and tevert
yesn in London.
The mothods nsed In Albsny College
Conservatory are the latest and most ap
proved, being the combined result of
superior instruction received .experience,
and the acquaintance with the methods
of our eastern conservatories.
Tuition reasonable. Pupils may'entei
at any time.
Fall term opens Sept. 19, 1809.
or further information call on or ad.
Frsssldent Wailacs Howe Les
M. Senders & Co.
Eayand Oat Warehouse 8-
Seventh and Railroad Streets.
. We a prepared to take op storsgt
calea ray, will buy vour sua in ana
qnanlt at top markst prie.
v-tt bought In car lott at any ship
ping point.
Insnrance, Hay, Grain and Wocl.
Go to Mist Lones for hloh ,ti
tograpbt, and do not forget to take alone:
he money j "