The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 16, 1900, Image 4

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    Sayings of Bryan.
We ere not trying to nnay one .)
against nnoi I er; we eie trying to teach
Mb class its relation to every ether
The person bo wsrms by the fir met
na forget the h i k', brings the cojI
tim lit wine. The person who eat at
the table mint not forget tbe men whose
toil loads the table ith bountU-s. ThJ
parson who can clothe himself with the
but that the loom produce must not
lorget thoee whose muscle end brain ere
ate the cloths. Shall the bud, bloomirg
la beauty and shedding its fragrance up
OB the air, despite tbe roots of the rose
bush because they come in actual
Oeieral Wheelar af er being on
Fbltippinee ehelf for o tne time is in
United Statee again.
There 1 a big split In tbe republican
ranks in Texan. Come to think, what
the odJs in that state anyway.
The Porto Rican tariff bill wilt be a
m il atone around the necks of thoe wLo
passed it in congiess. Even tiie.Presideu
admits Its injustice, but tbe party lash
will no doubt cause him to sign it.
ttct with the soil? Ton may pluck the
b id and other )buda as beautiful wiil grow
bit destroy the roots and all the buds
will die.
Men have expressed many ideas of
neaven, but no one has yet pictured one
heaven fir tin rich and another f r the
poor. If the rich and poor most mmgte
together in the world to come, I want to
Reports from different places indicate
hat the wheat crop will be light this
year, forty cent wheat and tbe spirit
of diversity that is prevailing will be tbe
cause, 1 tie farmer that wanti to get
con-1 along is not going to depend upon wheat
Senator Simon is opposed to the Porto
Rican bill, but will probab'y vote for it
because the paity lasli is over htm. Mc
Bride will vote for it from principle. It
is about hie si ae.
Senator Simon's aot.-Qjav speech Las
given him quite a reputation in tbe east
get acqaeiotei here s that they wiil not and hi8 pic,nre u, tppiartd , th.
have to be Intioduced a lien they cross
tbe river.
The civil ainon which does not em
brace within its benefits every worthy
member of society is a fraudu'eut civili
sation. We must have a civilisation
which gives rt.ope and inspiration to
tboee who woik in the kitchen ae well as
to those wbo sit iu theperlor a ciiK
ration which will can for tbe man ah
drives the carriage as well as for the man
who ride within it.
Victor Hugo hai described tba mob as
the human race i-i m.eery. Beware bo
rou make people miserable. Withdraw
hope and despair wiil fill the heart, and
with despair comes .drsperation. Life
and property are most secure when
every citizen leeia tbat the world has
come good in it for him.
Favoritism to a few breeds discontent.
Injustice practiced by government cac
not but maae the victims hostile .toward
tte bentfiaiaries. Clase animosities will
disappear when each class treats the
other w'th justice and demands from so
ciety only that (or which it gives an ad
equate return.
Th6 republican party is not what it
was in the dure cf Lincoln. Tbe shell is
tbe earns but tbe contents of the egg
have pdergooe a change.
b g papers Some easterners think he
has a pretty good sn-d head for a small
man. watcc lor bis wires, lie has
tin nly fit u. Coutit on
The) Porto Rican Bill
Our Washington correspondent says
Senator Jones, of Arkansas, said ut the
ttitoted ol the democratic Pension to
ward the Porto Rico bill: "The demo
crats accept tbe issuee tendered by the
The tail of the lion which was being
twisted at one time in an agonising man
ner, at leaat for the lion, has been no
looted, and the lion Is now roaring so ae
to be heard around the world. Mr,
e tt . M a r. l I. , . 1 a I wr ww wwtm tu
.or in. uoer, wno witu n.s inadequate ntd H v s u , ,ntgn
! roswi iu ... .rniy ol in. country. The flag proclaims our
four or five times at Urge and the luevl lJWfl,igBV lhtrt, oa the constitution
taoie is approaoning to tue regret m tue iaawt. . in. ,nhlloan
1 : t I i t L ?. t.. ,. I r
tiwsr.y loving people oi tan un . tL th.t . r.. .n.nt Hi.r.rlmln.f l
States. It will not be many weeks in
II probability belore the Uoer hae to
give in to the lion and truckle down to
hie edicts.
legislation against the Porto Hlcans and
Potto Rican products is monstrous We
will fight it in the Senate to the limit ef
our extent, and we will fight it before
the people from now until the ballots are
flis most interesting thing in congress oast in November.'
the past week was the speech o! Senator I Instead of avoiding the collision of Im
Stmon of Oregon, at least so tar as Ore-1 perialistu and protection, as the Repub
gonians are concerned. It seems to jlicane who fathered it Intsnded, the Por
have caught on, In the language of the to Rloo tariff bill seems likely to preoip
street, and the senator has been pictured lute the rollislu, and the republicans
inthspaps-s, to be called on ti say whether the
I country shall give op the Philippines or
But tbe greatest of all problems before I the protective tariff. If tbe bupreme Oliuug King has been con armed, Mr.
uinar... I. t,.t In In It riant UOUlt decides, SS UlSUy believe It W 111. "er will soon IWKin ma u.iwioimry
Ei-Queen Lit is to be
$10,000 a year. What for.
With fifty thousand men General
Roberts put to rout ten thousand Boors.
Ureat Is Usneral Roberts,
About the worst reputation any one
can have outside of the niwepnpor bust
uese is mat oi a street runner.
xPrcsidont Harrison Is proving to be
considerable of an anti. These are days
when we need anti In some linos.
Of course the tail end of the 1I east
ern storm had to strike Orvuon, 1 1 Hop
ped over the mountains full of wiitor.
Corvailis people have discovered a,
chicken Unit bed consumption sa indi
cated by lis liver. Iu Linn county they
don't get old enough for that.
II. 11. Miller's nomination as consul to
Still Later News.
I thought I would Inform tlta general
publio that I intend to add to my busi
ness liquors and patent medicines. I
shall keen on se'llnu all invuoods at re
dured price for net cash.
Aiouha and Java colTos) 30 els tr )!).
regular price 40 cts.
My Fa voi lie coffee. 13 cts.. reuular
price, 20 cts.
id lbs. Dry urnnuiated sugar, I1.W.
t'on i e and see me noraonallv anil voti
wilt be astonished to see what ruductlou
I have made on alt mv nooda for net cash.
I wont chamt) von anvtlilmr to ulvo you
1 have no favor tu In bus nets with in v
wholpsalu luiinies. 1 bur the ono
that slvna mi. LIih iiuwt fur mv ma mv. I
deairefto buy some ruga, either la trade
or cash.
Albany, Or., March 10, 1000.
feigned by
This is from tbe New York Times, a
republican paper:
The President is too good a politician
not to know that his party is in a t lid
way. When Intelligent and influent
members of it in the House, such men as
Mr. McCallandUr. LittlefUild, openly
refuse to be dragooned into tbe support
of a party measure, and when they are
sustained by the overwhelmirg opinion
of tbe party and of the country, tbe par
ty is in more danger than ;t bas been in
since tbe beginning of his term. The
democrats had no iteoe a fortnight ago.
It looks now as it tbe republicans bad
provided them with wbat comes very
near to a winning issue. And all be
cause the ways and means committee
bas reported ard is trying to "jam
through" a measure of meanness, cruel
ty and perfidy to the inhabitants o
Porto Rico
to place a revenue tax on the Porto Ri
cans, particularly in view of the expan
sion policy of the administration. If
the government has a right to tax these
people in this way when they are a part
of tbe United States it loose some as if
we are going back on the principles of
our fathers, wbo fought against taxation
without representation. Even the head
of a common every day man can't see
how the goyernment bas any more right
to lay a revenue tax against one part o'
it than another.
All Sarts.
Near Ashcroft, British Columbia sever
al soda and borax lakes have bean found.
One of tbem contains about 20,000 tons of
tbe powder.
Mora tban one third of thestndents
the University cf Geneva this winter-269
cnt of ,053 are somen. Of these 115
study medieine.
A higher doty is briat frantically da
maged by the automobile manufacturers
in Germany loketpoot tbe American
au!o. Tbe newspapers are sounding tbe
The tramways, omni bases and under
ground railways in and aronnd London,
within a radius ol five inifos. carry eaeh
year, it is calculated, abrut 433,000,000
A woman in Frederick county, Md re
cently circulated fcr signatures a remon
trance against tbe grant!Dg of a petition
for tbe pardon of a man setting sentence
for tbe killing of her son.
In Borne tbe hard tims seem to le
over. Atany rate, the hundreds of emrty
and half bnilt booses tbat have bn
seen tor several years are being filled and
completed and a number of new onis
are in tou-se of erection.
The conviction of a fellow cU.z-a oi the
eeriouaerime of rape ahould make every
yonng man whose ways are not aa cir-
enmapect as they shoold be pause and
consider before he gets into the elntche,
of tbe law . Many a young man just ae
guilty bas escaped. Ttiera is only cn
rule of life good enough fur aoy man.
Keep your chancier clean.
flaw Are t car KMarri f
Tr. riobbs' Spanunu PUl.caiwsIl kidoer Ills. gun.
fie tree. AHA. bier ling ftcaia Co.. Ctuam of N. i
An Eastern paper says:
r ormeriv the nen lata ancut liu rgfcs
in a year; nowadays, under the forcing
i of rich, nitrogenous alimentation, she
lays zoo, in instances zou. The iiigb
pressure civilization of our race demands
this, for the egg goes with tbe beefsteak
of tbe well groomed Anglo-Saxon wbo
goes forth to successful butioesa. Tbe
Mediterranean varieties are tbe most
fertile of tbe feathered rrce, yet for the
Ittlians the Leghorn yielded only about
175 ezgs per annum at the best, while to
our country men she gives a hundred
more on compulsion.
The modern well-bred ben is an egg-
making machine which tbe scientific
keeper manipulates almost at will. With
tbe r.eb, nitrogenous feedsluffs with
meat and bone and grain he harvests
eggs in plenty ; nnder this regimen, even
the ben of toe treetope can hardly resist
tbe invitation to lay.
This week a young roan, a resident of
this county, bas been sentenced to the
penitentiary for a crime against parity
it guilty tbe eentence le a proper one as
much as we regret seeing one of out
number receive such punishment. The
welfare of society is the thing upper
most. Our laws on tbia subject should
be to strict tbat tbe young girl trav
eling alone would be as sets
as with a body guard. In tbe lan
guage of Shakespeare you steal when
man's purse you steal trash, but when
you do anything to put a blot npon a
psrson'scharacter you steal that which
laonot ba replaced.
The Dxuocbat man bears enough talk
smong firmer to know tbat they are
getting their eyes open on tbe subject
of diversified farming, and they see the
advantagea to accrce from raising many
things tor tbe market, io II at they will;
nave a steady income instead oi an ur
certain one and one tbat Is payable only
yearly aa in tbe case of wheat raising
alone. And yet the farmer will do well
not to go to any extremes. Wheat is
bound to continne to be the great crop
of tbe eonntry . The times, though, de
mand other things in connection with
the crop. This should be the program.
It wheat sboula go np again every farm
er wonld kick himself because be didn't
have a good crop io. Tbe idea uinst be
to have tbe wheat and other things also
of a diversity to insure an income "nring
the entire year.
that all territory owned by the U. 8 , in
constitutionally speaking a parr of the U.
S.the choice wilt have to be speedily made
and Senator Foraker has openly said on
tbe floor of tbe Senate, tbat ha would fa
vor giving up the Philippines.
Ssna or Siewait, a ho bas been counted
aaaconnteoancerif not an actual sup-
portsr of imperialism, said iu a spech
against the Porto Rieo tarift : "I don't
want any tariitory in which the O.nttl
tutiun doss not follow the Bag. We can
not oiacriminate against any section o.
our own couotiy. Ifour principles of
free government are not bioad enough to
overany territory under tbe flag, then
we would better bring back the flag."
trip, lie hits the 1kmccrat's sympathy
The world is evidently getting better
The playing of Sapho In New York City,
the den of bad tiifngn, has been prohi
bited. A good beginning, but a poor
place in wuien to stop.
Tbe open door bm-ineai the papers
have been doing so much talking about
is itself simply talk. Like a fools head
there Is nothing in it, so far aa the
ernment is concerned.
Here is a slam on Eugene from the
Uuvd : Iliram Copeland, aged about 11
years, today appeared at the sheriff!
office and said he wanted to bo to the
StaU Reform School, as he cou'd not be
good in fcugene.
An address of David Jordan, .j 189
contained the following t
The essence of manhood Ilea in the
growth of the power of choice. In the
varied relatione of life the power to
chose means the doty of choosing right
To choose the right, one must have the
wit to know it and thewlll to demand It.
In tbe long run, In small things as In
large, wrong choice leads to death . It is
not pnnisLed by death,' for t ore
knows nothing of rewatds and puunh.
ments. Death is simply its Inevitab'e
result. No republic ran live, no man
can live in a republic, iu which wrong le
tbe repeated choice either of the people
or of the state.
Democratic Prospecta.
VTe agree with'the New York Journal
that tbe democratic party never began
tbe arrangement of the preliminaries of
a national campaign under brighter aos
pices tban thoaa which exist at this
Tbe portentous danger of Hannaism
bas loomed up so large and dark tbat
every honest man in tbe land can see it
Daly would o out in the wooda and set- "d ' P"- f
iQBCoaoury tuw moat luwiiigcu uu pa
triotic citizens ate deeply disgusted by
rK. nnr.A nt nrtlitif.! .r.nla. Th.
If Montana had bed a larger popnla- ,,,.,. .. i.n.k. th. tmnht. n ,nn.
r war ana juarcas ceaI tbeir maipaUtionsi. Their
uair bad dot had so much money, poll
UnroNTxix, March 8. Roberts In re
en t engagement captured 2$ Roer Krup
guns, with ammunition, wagons and
London, March 8. Mafeking garrison
ia despondent. Elsewhere conditions
A few middle-of-the-road populista
continue their sideshows in different
places. Recently C. D. Stein and a tew
others met In lbanoii and resolved In a
live manner aitatcst the democrats
They will according to Indications vote
the straight republican ticket.
Well, well, well. Doesn't It beat thu n
der how quloa a paper can change Its
pollttce these daya. Mat week tbe sen
tinel was a bloomin' democrat. This
week it is a rabid republican. Hewiider
ng, but true. Salem independent.
A piano and organ factory le reported
in siithtol Portlnnd. It takes a teles
cope to see some of these thlnas li st are
io sight. Tbay need the mustard plaster
of a big bonus to bring mem to a need.
A very amusing IncWeot occurred yes
terday afternoon atths shop of Mr. 8. II.
Cievenjer. A gentleman too old to be.
long to any of the new orders bad been
are hopeful from British point of view, telling the boys sit about tbelr inula-
Waiiinoto, March 8. Opposition to lions, etc., going into tne minuiest oe-
norbina nromnlinn Uva .t-ti.rn.nt frm . BUI ue uluO I BQOw WIS) WtlOfe
. . ,, , , business after all. When be came into
Colonel Morgan, superior officer to Cor- tn IU0D on lb, ,,0 n, iaM
bin in the Civil War, saying tint Cor to take a seat In a chair set out for him.
tie did eo. There was a tearful explos
ion and he flew high la tbe air, tomlng
down ae mad ss a wet hen. Ue had la-
ken a aeat in a isnoon belonging to the
Foresters of America. It be Isn't Ini
tiated he is very near to iv
Tne Montana Senatorshlp.
No matter what view may be taken of
Senator Clarke's case, Montana will
nver have much standing as a place to
visit for bargains in politics. Wasb'ng
tm Star.
If this were France we might have
reason to hope tbat Messrs. C'ark and
tie their scandal with swords. Chicago I
Times- Herald.
tics in that state would not bave been so
thoroughly corrupt for the last few
years Chicago Tribune.
A Changeable WorlJ,
Rut Will
ctarK keen no with tfaa time.. Th
havefthe latest noveltiea in .il VAC ttrtitan
cnt glass, chains, souvenir ioon. etn! I rl rights of tbe inhabitant.
In fact their stock of jewehry is complete I The canal treaty has demonstrated the
ceal their manipnlations
no lonser disavow their designs .
A war begun for humanity has been
brought to a close in an effort to degrade
and revolutionize our form of govern
ment. Men wbo are in favor of tbe ex
pansion of Amer'can ideas and American
'ibrrty bave suddenly become aware that
the party in control bss seized territory
for tbe purpose of confiscating tbe nat
bin was an abject coward, hie conduct
in battle exciting ridicule. Corbin of
fered Morgan his resignation, subse
quently withdrawing 1.
Faiaco, March 8. General Wheeler,
who bas arrived here, declares the Phil
ip pines ready for territorial government.
London, March 0. Kroger has re
quested of Salisbury suspension of bos
tilities stating tbat he would accept
peace, but waa refused. It is believed
the war will end in a month.
Capbtowii, March 9. The Free States
are demanding of President Steyne tbat
he sue for peace, but be remains ob
OercNTtix, March 0. Kroger
Steyne were both present when
British routed the Boers.
and up-to-date.
serious nriE POLLAt?, -T-
.. - ...
swurrcar toil.
tea. Ife
33. so, jam tmit, V
AKLOW CiCM b at mam Mataka
hav vM to. nrr.Tl direct trom . photograph too eu form
osMldMof lutwMiUtel .PpMnae. fa .4. f ..lli Tl
"r"l ?.uuL. "l S.aM toy u., iui mm,
bmmmm, Mmu, tnmmm, Bu, Cam, Ml, CW7, '
mmrnnt a iar SI tmn M H.M. mm., liUrflj '.
"'"'PAL )"nX
subserviency of tbe republican leaders
to foreign interests. Nothing Is left
now but for Hannaism to declare that
I Congress bas a power and authority not
Mmited byjthe constitution, and tbe re
publicans are preparing to make tbat
It seems to ns tbat there is nothing to
prevent tbe defeat of this political con
spiracy at tbe polls. Atlanta Constitu
SmmJiTiJ.iri 2 n" 1UMM, rrmJ
Jf( fU CIM KHn Kmautiot tM JF
MnMImSlMKwMu.HlrutilllM.Uft. r
innrommt: Btted with 1-n.r.iVi.l
ip tart Dole, felu, Inthera, etc., Mlaw.
t rubber cloth, (pi; Mm Mock ana AdmS
Mth UxU blcd pUU F ranch mirror, nickel slMwl
PUI (itfflH, J)4 mrerj mod. improremenC H.
mmm tflwal C
wrirtMn biDdiOtT tb-yr gruwrnatee). by Cb sggv1'" i
Pull of Points.
orgmmwill b. sold M fi3S.60. OKUtJt
delt with u.MliTouriwIijhbor.bout u; writ. Bnk, orCornVM. Enk, of CIUoi f
or GrmM Cxchuig. lunk, N.w Vork; orT,r f
nllrMd or .iprM.eoieD.nTi. Ohir. it. I
Tbe taylor always bae a fitting reply
I for a cutting queatioe,
A woman can easly destroy a man's
peace of mind by giving blm a piece of
I her mind. ,
j, If yon want a busineas man sized np
to a bair, go ask hia office boy's opinion
ol bim.
ttLet a man all in love or fall heir to a
fortune, and the change In him will sur
prise bis best ftineda. . :
IIOO Reward $100.
Tbe readers of this naner aar 111 K.
pleased to learn that tbere ia at laaat ana
dreaied disease that scienca bas been
able to core in all its stones, and that ia
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the on
ly positive core known to tbe medical
iraternity. uatarm beirg a constitu
tional disease, requires a constitutional
reatment. Ball's CaUrrh Cure is taken
tntemally.acting directly upon the blood
and mncnil. tnrtmnam nl tk.
thereby destroying tbe foundation of tbe
disease, and giving the patient strength
by building np tbe constitution and as
sisting nature in doing its work. The
proprietors bave fo much faith in its
curative powers tbat tbev offer On Hnn.
dred Dollars for soy case that it falls to
core. Sena lot lit t of testimonials.
F. 1. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O
Bold by drnggists, 75c.
Hall's FemilyiPllIs are the best.
!tnctlv business
French tbe jeweler.
Will 3tark, jewelers.
Crescent Bicycle,
Hopkins Brothers, agents.
Best Bicycle for tue money.
Crescent bicycles at Hopkins Ilrotoers
(or only 120, 30, 135 and 150.
Have you trid oor Italian Nangat,
Viereck s Sugar uowl, ind street.
Be sure and see the anti rust tinware at
Hopkin Bros, will las', a lifetime.
Oo to Verick's shaving and hair cut
ting parlors for first class work. Hot
and cotd baths. Clean towels to
t mer.
"Graso All and Iota all.'' Many are
so intent on "grasoing all' tbat tbey lose
their nea'tb. Iiood s aaraapariiia baa
helped many a business man on the road
to success oy making sad keeping him
Hood's Pills aregentle.jet effective. 25c
There are Diamonds
In other nieces
resides Houtn Africa, win a btark
keep a choice line of goods in this line.
a rings, ear rings, siuus, etc.
6EAR3, ROWBUCK OO. 0ns.). Fulton, Oesplalaes ssS 'rasa gta, CHICAGO. ILL.
-A'larue and fine stock of cigars and to
bacco at Conn &. Huston's. See the dis
n T. v . .
iAPs stoM i cave, a lew n.ore see-
ond class tickets for steamer Elder sail
ine May 15, 1900. Parties wlahlna- tua
snooiu secure tneir ticaeis early as tbere
win ne a gieat rusn. Bailing dates are
May lotn, zutn, zotn, and every 10 days
Worse than War.
Hundreds are kil'ed by war.but hundred
of thousand sre killed by consumption
Tbeie would be no deaths at all caused bt
tbia terrible disease, if people could be
made to understand teat Bniich s Cough
and Consumption Cure is a sure remedy if
taken in tbe early stages. 25 cts, 50 cts,
and f 1 .00 a bottle . Drugists will refund
the money if a cure is not effected. For
sale by Fred Dawson.
It makes so, difference now lad
wound if you nse Ue Witt's Witch H
Salve; it will quickly beal and leave
scar. Fosbay k Mason.
Before Getting Harried
Call at Will A
Btarks for your engagement or wedding
ring. An eiegant stock to select irom.
French the Jeweler makes a specialty
oi engagement ana weauing rings.
Eat Osakoes.
Get them at 20c a doz-
At O E. BroTonells.
Canned Asparagrus
At 0 E Bbownkl
tiuy your spectacles and 6 ) glasses at
r reach's Jewelry More.
SMITH. On March 0, at Oakvllie, at
the age of 60 years, Mr. I. ft. Smith,
He came to Oregon from Keokuk,
Iowa, in 1873. He was a man of exemp
lary character. He leaves a wife and
several sons, among others, Dr. Smith
one of Salem's leading pliys.cians, and
A. Y.Smith, the well known newspaper
correspondent of Oak ville.
(in the Hcticnt.
I.OS1.0M, March 0. 4:13 A. M. The
Iioers tt car to have made no stand
whnivvtir, ecept that while In retreat
they iwleeSrrpulsed tiruvrnl Frvmm's
cavalry wlui ri Ho-tire, As no refHirt liss
lieou made of the capture of prisoners,
the enemy probably got away with their
the entir force. (Uiivral French is still
following llitmi and kteping brtwve?
them and U'oemfonteln.
Will Fffclit It Out.
I'Mrronu, March ft-Krcretary of Htate
1 toll a has Usuml war bullullna. In
he says:
The uovernmrnt rtinaina aaanril n.i
the surrender will not diacourage the
buight'rs in the dtfrna of thuir tn.U.
Ieudnue and standing as a nation. The
airuuBlw thus Ur has shown that the re
puhlicas have vindicated themselves as
an imlpndent.
In spite of all rporte, the spirit of the
fighting men as to the outcome remains
lietter Unit.
IXJ.MKJN 'Msrcil H-OllOBIl Vl. lnrU .n.t
the iHKiplo of the greiti city in her
fciiiplre to-lay celebrated tne vli tris
Which tlieV brliava liava lnin.f..r,.,u.l il..
campaign in tfouth Afik-a fooiu tme of
rewrse tj one of ucoe. That I the
only exrl.nation of thn unlmumUt ...
paralleled eniniiaiasm with which hun
dreds of thotiaanils hailed their sover
eign C
1 he IIi.'Miictfrt Treaty.
WaaiiiKimiK. March l'nblio
ment bas bcn at work anioMx thn ,,n.
tors and reiireavntnive.aiid tiiea f.-aring
..iw i-uDviui , aiinti alliances tiotwevn
Uniteu Hutes and Oruat ltriuln in
the treaty Is adoptm!. are now rroito.ln
an amendmen. ;which will practically
nulliy the neutrality provision rol the
A Party Affsiir.
WAaiim.wix, Marttl B. The Houtn
unseated Mrston A. It jUru, demccrat,
from the fourth Uialrirtu! Alabama ....I
seat-d in hia stttad VV. F. AldHch', a re
publican, who has bren f thn i timta a
contwiant Ir in tne s une diati'ct on thn
ground of fraud and alio is ro given
hte scat forth, third time bv a,-.
an house. The vote was stric ly a part
one. ...
Killed by I kctriclty.
HaitTta. Marr-h H r",ll -v.,..-
employe of the bnoqualma Fafls i'Jwr
votupany. as patrolman on the Hue be
tween Auburn and Tacoma. raa klllu.1
near Auburn last nlult be oonila in
contact with a live wire. Eight thous
and volte of electricity leased through
hi. MUUjr.
WHI Fight It Out.
LotHf, March 8.-A. . ; Hales, the
correiKndui of the Dally News tele
graphing from Hcrkslrom, Tuesday,
sayss "
While I was a prisoner at Itloemfon
toln I had an Interesting Interniew with
President Steyn. He said the Ihurghers
wre determine t to fight to the last man
and that the strnggle Tn the Free Sute
would be child's play compared with
what would follow In tbe Transvall.
Preeldent IStayo predicted that the ca
nitu ation of I'wtoila would be preceded
by events which would astonlab Europe,
In the Intcrcat of Banks.
KkwJVpaa, March 7-Advicee rsceived
by local hanking intcroals today from
small towns and villages throughout the
United Staus indicstJthatsuts banks
in all sections of tue country sre peeper
log ,o Uke out charters under the na
tional system as soon as the cueroncy
bill becomes a law. Now York bank
already making effortg to secure tbe
buslnees of these Inatiutions.
The Fruit Men.
I'ohtlani). March 7 Tim
Orefloo. Washington, Idaho and llrlUah
Columbia, met In j'conventlont on here
today to orttanize the Cured Kmii
elation of the Pacific Northwest,
H. 11. Miller, of Eugene, was choson
chairman, and F, I,. Wheeler, of I.North
i annua, secretary. A committee of 7
WOS appointed tO formillhtn a nl.n r.1
1- - - - rtm wi vi
attiou, and a report will be mado to
vuu buucuuoa tomorrow.
A Republican Split.
Waco. Tex.. March 7. Tm .t.,.i i
epl.t in the republican convention of
Texas developed at the opening of the
second day'c ression or that body today
Ever since the rollfcall on thn vni til
lemporary chairman yesterday, when
Wm. McDonald waadec ar,!,i i.
SUte Chairman Green of Jtho executive
commutes it was annarmt (i, ....
of delegates would apply for scats Q the
national convention at Phlladelnhia.
-T J A Wyoming Man.
Ohbtbuns. March 7 Hnn vi...m
D. Brown of Larimiclwho was yestorday j 'I
nominated by the President .. ti J '
Jiidne of the District nl At..b. i. r" '
old, He was lrn in Main and cams to
Wyoming in 1807 sinbe when he S
been practicing law.
' ' Cheap Hup.
PlIVtrATI. WmnU JT m i
soldatChehalis. TJ.e pri.'hTveranTed
from 6,' couts for one small lot to ilu
Unfetter tban 7 coots for one of the beet
Mosic-jaies teitarctj flurmeetei
icher of n ano nr nr n o... r11"'
Mason fouch and "'BJemr,tl
riabeireet.cppo.ite U Fchuicb. nf