Teachers' Institute. Th Institute for this district will b held in Albany Fob 10th and 17tb. Vol lowing ia the program t rmoAr bvcnino at 7:80.' Mimic. "Oregon Literature" Prof 3 B Hor- nor. - t Holo-MIs Kthl Bedfleld. : 'Education o( Teacbra"-Prof W H Lto. Muiio. . ; . ( .. . , .,, t r. " ATUMUV AT 9 iSO A, M. Music. "Child Study" Miss Anna Yantls. 'Gradation of Rural Schools" Supt a n aicixtnaid, "How Shall the Children b Govern d" ltv F W l'ufk.r. Duct Mr Clyde Fox and Mill Edna IIowaida 2 :00 r, M, Music Clan Chorus. Rccltatloa Miss Grace Stafford. "Clan Work" Miu Wlnnlfred Wilde. "Muslo la the School" MIm llda El kins. "English Grammar" I'rei. P. L. CambelL Muslo Ladloi quartet. Address lion. J. 11. Ackerman. Mutio. All teachers of this auction of tlio val y art Invited to bo present. ' Oratorical CMtsU Tba eighth anoaal oratorical contest of Albany Oolltige will be held at tba I'm bytarlan church on tomorrow night, be- ginning at 0'uioca. , , . Following la tba program : Opening by the orchestra, Invocatioit by Rev. F. W. Parlor Oration. Individual initiative h. l. aoruei, ww, Oration, The Pilot, by George T. Piatt, Oration. The New Day. ! Frank n fttnllrnak. '' ' Robin A'dalr. Iharmonlsed by Dudley J uck, by Mri. Nelson, Miaa K.lls, Mrs. a. . loungsmi Air. Winnard. Oration. Modarn Onimrtimlttaa h John L. Aclilaon. '02. Oration, Buminum llor a in, by George I). Uyere. '03. Music by the orchestra. Jlldue'a daclalon anil awar.llnir rtl ma1. The former wlnnara antra M.rv fun cilfl In W, Melvln Williams in 94, Abble Fry in 05, Bert Wight n W, Kd Stewart in vi, noil wjgnt in oh. alio of the Hate contest, and George Pratt in 99. uuicer ot association Lyle Bpoer pres Idem. Owen Beam vlca piesldent, Ibwsle Merrill tec. Edith VatiDk treaaurer. Sliedd Notes. Lebanon. From the Criterion l Capt, Phillips, of tha Second Oreg.m will inot't the boy ol Troop "A" Thure uay eveiiinir at th armory. ltev. II. Gould left the flrtt of the week for Meligh. Nebraska, being called tiioro by lite serious inneea ol liii moth' or. Mra. J. A. Weaver, of Albany, la In A basket aoclal wia elven at Aahawall Jan. SO, 1900. A very good program waa renuereu aitor which me beaket were old to the highest bilder. The basket were very beautiful, almost a beautiful aa the owners. The proceeds amounted to about I K) The Shedd lirata band furnished music lor the occasion. Tba United Preabyteriana are holding protracted meeting at tb a place. Her. Wallace, of Portland, la oreachinir. jusrs bkmj Biienuence ami good COUNTY COURT. Tba lollowlog supet visors were ap pointed t llt. 24,.,.,,.,.,,,.,,. . A. plitmmar tt aU tontion. Kvervbodv is Invited la coma rJ.lai.n l.vlav. vlalllho l.ar rlAl. Mra. nJ 1mP. " Tb first Week of U.C. Parker. the meeUnge a show came to town and rof. Shriiberd. recently a teacher m.i.i ..2 . L'rl: inpton, Is in Lelmuon with a view of lo cating close by if tba climate agrees with ma health. 6. B. Honnels and J. Pool, ot Indian Territory, are looking for a location in this vicinity. Titer are after a stock ranch ana will breed thoroughbred stock. W. II. Luti has bought out E. It. Case's barber shop In Albany, and baa assumed control of the same. Mr, Luis la a good barber and we predict that be will do a good business la Albany, The Drst enow ol the season fell on Tuesday. The mountains were covered for about two hours and then It melted away. It looks as though we are not going to have any snow this winter level, so they attend church. Several of the youna- men of Shedd are joioing.uie woodmen ol tba World. lota 130 050 Deeds filed : 3 M Moyer to C P Church, 2 urowniviue John Cbltwood to John Flnley, 1 lot In Astoria and 320 acre In Linn county. U 8 to II P Drennen. 330 avrea.. .patent j nawyer ei ai to mm. eprmgs College, 2 Iota Dodavlll J J Kawyer to Min. Spring Baml- ary, ptee land in lirowasville. . Lather Wblt to J J Hawyar et al llrownsvill property C 8 Huhn to J M tluchdamer, M acree IS W 4 AO King to 1 McDowell, pioc lend in liolley OA O B It to It K and Wm E War- ner, eoacree 15 W 3 C I flow to K 8 Masters, 20 acres 11 A Stafford to A T McCulley. 2 Iota bl 7 li s 8rd ad and 2 lots lUieey Chatel mortgage for H0, 1 200 93. Keleaae mortgage for $1400. 4100 62 320 300 1700 and An Exciting Exraaisxca la reported to the DsnocaAT, Recently an Albany saloon keeper on leaving for bia home at night waa seen to take with him a aack of money. After he bad retired awhile a nole waa beard in an adjoining room Tb troth at one flashed on the saloon keeper s mind. Quietly arising and tak log a gun tnat was in the room he faced a man in the adjoining room beJor he waa aware of what was up, lfo.waa or dered to kneel and did it very auickly, Then on account of a long acquaintance and circumstances tn man waa permit- ud to go, promising to ao oetter. Gaud or Tiianks, Tho undersigned desire to express their sincere thanks to 9 r.t A .1 r-. t. ..t . , i i i iiiwui ivrr tuvir uiaujr i;iv ui Kiuunoaa in their hour of sorrow, before and after tue aoatn oi their husband and father. Ma. K. A. Irvink. Mas. E. L. TiiOMPaoN. oiaa. LILTKV, Dr. E. L. laviNit, Dr. J. IL laviNB. ac- A Card or Thanks. We wish to knowledge th kindness and oonidera tlon of the many friends who tendered their help and sympathy during the ill- jnessend suuuen aeatnoiour sister, Mrs. . jv eater. For such services we can offer fn I ii aiip mmt ffratAlnl thanka ' - AIH. If AUK lSURMKBTUt, Mas. A. K, Stewart, ONLY G2.7G SGNONOMONBV. Cut it, i. l. out, .ml wimI to oa, ium timr ItU fc.lnkl, alto u. .rof liivbH nruundbwy n it ... mrrk. .nil nlM-nil thu i .it H..mi(jirt to rxmoilrMUon. i ou aii siiMrna and try u oa j"r nfe7irwwi ixnrM or ih-vBMi u round i aasejasswssary, naeii a rr- v--wivi mmm mmi awlrfWI jmm S9 ry vprw jr Atnl mm prll san r ipiaa if . 7 is 1 ahirffa; Mprs) char will ftvernn H 1,00. milM. THI8 TIT TV L .V WINTiW. auid. A from an .itr. Su mm4 V knn,.UmklMarUM vJr.latk. f Inrbn Innr, Try full awup, iv ik )p.r cal,.xtra hill, rpm ..p. ... I.v ttarm (imuU. fully tnmmM with M.w S.itt. ...I far, apper e.M frlnimMl ivtili tlir.. mw. and collar with two w. of a.. H.li.lr br.l.t clotk buttun orn.in.nti, TIA. a.p It The hop a rowers association ihiaweak aoid HU bale oithop at IS cnt. 1 1 OOSta I I0.S40 to rn n the atat a n n! r. elty last year, of which over 30,0U0 waa paiu in salaries. The many oily uictorea In the windows at least have th merit of showing up iua laieai iaaa. Boy under sixteen will take nolle that they most been lb streets after 8:80 p. m. at which time tb corfew bell will ring. By order of tb eblef of poilc. Two big damage suite are beina- tried In Portland, one for 120.000 and the other for 111,000. It wouldn't b safe to offer 100 for th total Judgment of both ions. A man Is In Portland look I a for lo cation for a condensed milk factory, and baa t2),000 la th bank with which to start it. The proper place I th dairy center of the auto, Albany. Come oo. W are ready for all new enterprise. A. T. McCullv haa mad a trade with Assessor Stafford la which 33) acre at Or Valley K. O . consideration f 2:00 is eichanged lor a business block In Hal aey an i two lots in th eastern part of the city at ?1?00, with th balance la favor of Mr. McCully. At th March term of th circuit eonrt Mr. Mollis New will brina-euit for dam age In tb sum of 15000, for tb loss of ber husband. Stephen New. who waa croshsd to death In this city, on Monday uttooer win, ibvj. wnu scava(in ewer ditch beck of Pearl atreet in the alley between Beveotb and Eighth. Eo geneuoara. Kev. J. P. Mays, write from Wallula to a rasco paper : There must be soma darksome receaa in one of th remotest corner ol boll that could be ntllised as receptacle for the withered souls of th miniature clibr,weasend faced kicker oi religion that l meat tula locality, who, Ilk jackals and cayotea, tear to pieces th lamb because it offer no riaistauco." It la reported that Mra. Molli New, wboee husband was recently killed la a eewer bar, will aas tn city, or th coa tractor, Masr. Darker A Mommy, at in warcu term oi court lor fduuo dama ge. It Is also stated that th widow has employed ae attorneys. WeatberlordA wyatt,oi AlMny, and II, fc. MoUlnn.ol Portland, no attorney In Eugene being willing to take the ci on a contingent IT I 10 ., Richard Oroshaog 18 Edward Palmer 17,, Edwin Young 18 Wm. May 14.,..,., .K. H, DeVaoey o... a. a. Mcuarcney 28 J.Chesbir Bill of A. 8. McDonald for 122.10. eon. tlnutd. Petition for vacating nart of Klrk'a ad to N Brownsville. Application of llyker et al for county road, granted. Petition for bridire at Mlnto. contln. ued. Bills allowed: A0CO0MT rOOB M IIoHlch I 11 40 13 20 8 47 8 00 64 CO V 82 - 2 35 20 00 10 00 5 00 8 00 6 00 ft 00 1 25 1 28 8 25 8 00 10 66 1 78 83 65 6 00 FRIDAY. V E Allen A Co HtowartA- Box Tno Brink V WBpink Magnolia Mills Albany Dreseed Beef Co Hopkins tiros Ladies Aid Hocicty.. Ileory Watson,.,.. . Archibald Harrison. Win ISilllnirs K C McClain O W Burkhart AUBhoperJ M IIOI1ICII B Erickaon..... ., McFeron A Tomlinson I C Dfckey Fred Iawon , E C Brown ACttH'XT COCMT HOVUB. Meyer Frank A Co, K L Iemons Portland Ue E L Co J O Mack A Co 3 A Gumming Roht Crosby J WCusick for Welch Bros Stewart & Box F E Allen A Co Fosbay & Mason Hughe A Troutman , , Oregon Furnitnr Mfg Co Albany Elect, ic Light Co Miller A Blewart P W bpink Adrian Jack,..., I AMnnker Hopkin Bros.,.. FredMacyCo. rw... Welch Bros..., FG Dannals... John Catiln II niihee A Troutman ......... O M Weatbrook, 12 00 210 00 40 00 107 05 3 &0 13 60 60 00 35 2 00 17 21 7 60 66 00 11 42 (SO 1 22 3 76 19 80 660 5 05 91 SO 41 SI 65 75 1 60 18 00 75 75 O II Burggrafl 138 95 H Known In The Dalles From th Chronicle! Charles Bsosjn, who was employed in Parkin' barber shop for few months last fall, has gotten into serions difficulty In Albsnv. Althonnh at flrat ha a.. d to be a worthy le:iow, Mr. Parkins soon niscoverad he did not meet bis fl naneiai obligations, and at tb time of tb flstlal encounter, which took plac uuwu tn river, n loos locn decided interest la the (ilatrraceful s flair that hia employer, deciding b had no lurtber nee lor mm, gave him his walking pa pers. He then left town, leavimr hfila to the amount of about 110. While here benaon amnlnaH a laaraoa and commenced divorce proceedings agalnat Li wlfa, bat suepiciooing him, the lawyer dropped the matter, an.! haa sine learned that be cheated fcalem law-' yersinth same kind of a deal, and proved m nisei ( an all-around bl.k. FIVE ORATORS. TtlE OALIYAIEN. J 4 ; A lara audisnc was present last night atth Prsbytriao church to hear fly yaung men of th college combat In ora- torfi an vent of inach local Interest In this city. ' Lyl B. Speer president of tb orator leal association presided. In opening Hopkins orchestra pleased lb audieoc to Mia Bella, Kv. F. W. Parker offered th iovoca Jos, E Torbet of tb class of '00 spoi on Individual Initiative, well defined presentation of th power of Individual and -rigfnat effort both In bubllc and privat life, giving the r. cat war as aa xampl and sugiettiog eontin- aed expansion by EogtUb sneaking na tions. : It was well delivered. Ueorg T. Pratt, winner of tb eontest irt fr9,preeentod lb Pilot with fore sad Following is th program for b meet ing ot th Oreg o Dairy aiu' Associa tion at this city next week: I xoxdat, tn. 122:00 r. k. . ' Moslc. t Address of Welcom by Jadg H, n, Hewitt. : - Response by Tbos. Panlisa. . - Masia. Psner. "Sollintr C.mnm Ci W VBl.. Salem. Diacoseion. Mavis. i Ppr, "Building Up nod Caring for a iry Herb." O. L. Shaw. Alban. m. east ion. , Mesle. tMt'M- " AJdrf . "1fannlar.,.d ,J nH. a -- Vl jlu vrer mail Music. Addfaaa. "D.l.ln.n4 i. t.i..i - the Fertility of tha Soli." r, j.. oji.k. yeomb,CorvlU. ' It Is said that tb Miss WattV. whom J IffTH - rl?,1? M P0,'?1 "r0B b married la Albany last 8atrrday, .I.I.A.I kl ...1. .1. I ... .. ' ,ii.u uiu, in una ciiy last ISII, , Th T. M.ssysi reopieoi jrnevalles shed no tears wneo voariea Kenaon. tha nr flohiin. baiber, shook the dust of the town off bik feet, Ihronab soma resratia.1 ih.t tbey heu extended credit to th lrre poniiuie lenow. Corvailis Slandered. in Aeiegram says! "The steamer City of Eugene Is due today from CorvaU Us. She has aboard a eirgoof street car rails, consigned to th Lost Lak Lum- ba Company, at Hood 2iver. The rail in n ased in coaetroctioa of a logging road at tb company mill. Tb raila ar tb last ot the defunct street railway at Coivaliis. A car was operated oo the line laet summer between tb depot and tba hotel. Passenger were few and far between, so the lin ceased to operate, and tb rails a ere sold to tb Lojt Lak Lumber Otmpaoy." The Osteite Says: "The report Is ut terly without foundation. At a meeting of tb board cf director recently, it wa decide.! if the present business kept up, to put on another horse. Hopkins liro.. t Mtreoch. (I -Inw ROAD AMD BJUDOE. Dalglesh A Everett. Stewart A box. Trier A Bennett. Norton A Mc Meek in. tlarrlsburg Lumber Co. Y liueiiner W C Mutter A Son J Ionard W Newman.. P WSpinks Hanson A Landoa Hutcbin. sup WONicbaieon, ....... ft Bilyeu. " J J Leonard, Thomas Turner, M Parker. Ubb Peter, II D Bnrkbait. W B Right. John Dunean, W W Poland, 26 20 94 87 440 40 5 90 60 00 1 00 1 60 19 13 10 00 2 83 760 6 00 15 19 2 69 82 00 15 00 4 00 64 00 21 00 40 00 6 00 68 00 19 00 20 00 11 00 6 90 2 65 20 00 2 6u 21 00 7 33 5 00 7 40 42 20 12 00 12 00 0 60 6 00 76 85 1 60 11 10 13 00 6 70 15 00 60 00 tJlr iitmHfaM mid emi&l C 4M1 that Mil rtrllt AC nr. than umilil. tti. nrliHf, .SCARS, ROEBUCK A CO., l tMn, UjvlmU tv.ui IkMiMtMr Ml CHICAGO D. II. Jsmea waa dolos bnsin In aim ytrdy. J. D. Daly, aspirant to congressional honors, waa in uie city today. Mr. L. Bllveu and ton Cok returned to their bom at k'ugan this aftarnoon. O. M. Elk Ins. of Prlnevill. le in th Oltv tb gueet of bl father, while on a trip to uanierote r . . t " Mr. W. F. Brock, tharastllng Oregon' Ian route mao, is In the city in the in terest of that paper after a trio to South ernuregon. A the Salvation Army Camo Meeting tonight, Capt. Mr.. Kuhn (nee Mtts IIackieman)of Salem will have charge. &ii ar invited to attend. Mr. Wllkloa. president of th Lebanon and Waterloo railroad passed through tne city tnis noon on hi way south no now reside in rortand. , ' The Native Danablera will meet next Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the U. A. K. Hall. All eligible who wish to loin will Please m present at that time. , . T. P. Welch .of I he firm of Welch Bros returned to Albany today after spendimt s lew uiri itu ins lamuj m r. irairu reports thi wora on i he Albany court hourecomp.eteil. Kalein Journal. ( Judge Duncan, of Alhanv. was in the el'.y last Friday It is understood that be is a candidate for the district attorney oo the tepubliran ticket While her h was the guest of the Kev. A. J. Hun saker McMinnviile T.R Judge Dun can returned home today. A rlenaant birlhdav party was ten. dered Mrs. k'cFeron yesterday afternoon at the home of her daughter Mra. Plum mer. on Washington street, attended bv all her sons and daughters but one. in cluding Mr Jas. McFeron oi this city, and other relatives. 78 were the num ber of years on the milestone. , MISCKLIAKBOI'S. M E Dyer Foahay A Maaoa. etationary r J Builley, BR Msrt.o " ... KantlamNews, .... S H Train, ... Olaaa A Prudhomm, " . . . , 1 A Munkera, . .... I A Munkers, board prisoner.., R C WatKio. deputy sheriff.... J O Bilyeu. .... TJStevena " " .... 0 8 Harahih, etationary... 1 A Munkera, acct fuel. TA Klggs. surveror , Ota A Prudhomm, acct lee.. r J Smiley, acct election.. ..... Ptate va J W Thorn paon. pr ex. . D C Smith, prea own book....,. O D Montague, acct election Liavid o xoung A r osbay a Ju a- son n la Peter Riley, poor and fuel. ...... 6 90 0,W Isham, pre ex..... 7 00 rre ex J r llahn 2 70 I D Hodgea 13 05 " 2nd case 18 25 Fred.Dawson, stationary 15 85 Alice Brenner, acct tax roll 8 00 AS McDonald , 60 J M Burtenahaw, rebate tax.... VI 60 Wm St John, deputy sheriff. . ... 11 00 Albany iron woits, u u 87 75 Hopkins bro. OH 401 15 8P4FCO.OH 428 30 DP Mason, OH 72 90 H O Chamberlain, O H 283 60 Welch liros ..1093 48 which was the final bill on th court bona contract, being payment in full, with the cash U the treasury to par it. Sugar Pin Mill and Fixtur Co.. (U 00 T A Kiggs, surveyor 12 00 ' Bill Hammond Bros A Stevens 128.00. disallowed. Tlie Advertisement ot Mr. D. 8. Young Albany, uregon, appears in these Col omn today. We can endow Mr. Younir . ... . - as.Detng ui best tapiuary on uie raciao coast. walla Walla statesmen Junction City Bulletin : The chief of police of Albany came up on the over land Sunday night and got Leslie Mas garu, a young man ii years oi age, who waa running away from home. Ha was arrested by Marshal Curtis upon a war rant. A poultry show will be held in Walla Walla next wtek. Geo. W. Down. ni rortisnd, wiuiuagetn oiras.and Downs about as good as any ot tnsm. Don't forgit tb v.cisl dance Saturday night at Holland's Hall. , - M. Hofllch has been aorointed admin istrator of th estate of his late wife, with bonds placed at $5,000. , : : . A Crxam eav fob Salxji. 3Alem is t have a creamery. It till be established in thi city by T. 8. Townasnd o I Port land, and wi:l be la operation bj April hi, ana poenoiy tb utter part ot March. Th capacity of tb plant will be sufficiently large to handle all tha ersam that may be available. This eon- losioo was reached by Mr. Townsend yesterday after a conference with Marios county dairyman who were in attend anc at the Farmers Googrees. A build baa been selected in which th plant will b installed. S-atesraao.'. ; , , T. B. Hatch, cTAshiand,' has btn i the city. X .. ... N. I, Cornelius, of Helena, Aloa.. baa been in the rity. . ' 1 Miss Cecil Re ropy, of Harrisborg.is in the city visiting Albany frienda. - - Frank VT. Dunne, of Portland, and Jag. Dunn, of Corvailis, were la th city today . . Mr. and Mr. A. L. Peter, of Eneene. ar visiting in tbt city th gueet ot Mr. John Wlnkley. Regular meeting of the Ladv Macca. bees tbl Friday evening. Installation of officer. A full attendance ia desired. J. E. Keeler.of Sacramento, and W. P. D. Mercer, of Portland, prominent Wei la Fargo men, have been in tb city today. T. H. Wilson, an expert barber of alem, recently with Oeo. Myera, haa accepted a potitioa in the Combination bop. ...... : i Mr. H. O. Coltoo, of Portland, earn np on th noon train. Ilia son wa al ready here, being on a visit th guest of air, ueorge. , . Mr. Dawson, brother In- law of Mr. G. S. Aehicon, left today with hia family for eaatern Oregon with tb expectation of locating some where near Pendleton. Miss Joyce Brownell. pianiat of Alb any, arrived yesterday morning, and Friday evening will play two selections at ui u. oi u oratorical contest at Yil lard Hall. Eugene Register. While Welch Bros., of Salem, do not have a Klondike to show for their, court house contract, they leave monnnent to their good workmanship and . an . ex oailant repudiation as builder and con- troctcr. . ;r-- . i . Among native Kentuckians realdimr In Albany there are Milton Hale. . A. rarker and J. . Troutman.all neaceable mn,w&erwaon would judge from press reports that a Kentuckiaa had to b on the warpath. Rev. Raymond C. B ooks has accented a call to the pastorate of a church at Oakland, Cel., and will soon leave to take np bia new duties. Eugene people generally win regret to lose Mr.-and Mr. Brook from their midst. Gaard. Joaanin Miller, the famous noetand explorer, will striae Oregon on lector tour coming from the south on Feb. 21. There are two parts to hia lecture. Les son Hot Fonnd in Books, tnd Our Arc tic Empire. J. N. Hoffman.who haa been at 8o mo tor several months, arrived in Albany last night on a short stay, being obliged loc-uit work tor awhile on account of lame nana, ue reports matter very lively at Snmpter with big prospects aneao. emphasised. Bismare in Ujite4 (km. any, Gladstone in Great Britain, Wash ington, Alexander Hamilton, Clay. Grant and Lincoln to tb Coited 8tal, and tb futur will bring men to this na tion that will mak it belt th globe. The New Day was the subject of Frank O. StUlemacbei'a subject. Th centra agar of th effort wae Cavour the fa mous statesman who took Italy after A centuries of depression and made a na tion of it, showing the power of organi sation ana euntinned effort for mbt. Now w are faced with severe problem la oar own country tLat need a Cavoar to lead in the patriotic spirt of advance ment Oat cf the present confusion peace will follow in a clear sky. This waa splendidly presented in a manner to en thuse the audience.aaiong tb best in th eight tears cod ten. , JohnL. Archison orated on Modem Opportunities, giving som splendid ttoughl suggestive of tb many oppor tunities of the day that require beiog taken advantage of. and as Lveurena had brought Sparta up into an organized na tion so we need a Lycargas to take ad vantage of tha great opportunities of these time. . Geo. D. Brers SPkoii Snmmnm Ban. am giving the true object ia life that tak on abov th present wars founded in selfishness into the berghts of lev. It was an excellent sermon well presented. intersperaed was onc bv Hiaa Ellis and Mme. Nelaon.YoJng and Wionard, "Kobia Adair." with aq appreciative en core responded to by a short song end ing vim me couege eii icr Albany cot President Frank Strong, of the etate nniwiity, Rev. Hayee of Grant Pas ana r,. j. uronougb of rortisnd bad al ready judged the comooattion of tha or- ". p.ar.mg loroer nrt, ttteu- mscher's second. Bvera' third. Pratt fourth and Acbieon' fifth. The judge cf the delivery were Rev. Davenport of Lebanon, Rev. Cieland of Eugene and Mai. M. H. EMia. Thev. aa wU aa a. majority 4 the audience, dared Stall- macber flrat on delivery, sivimr them a tie oo grade. Tb percentage were taaen wbien gave Torbet 93.70 and Stall macber 93 31. Mr. Torbet thoe receiv ing tbe cold medal and Mr. Stellmacher the ailver medal. - The college was well represented by all tbe young men, wbo are a credit to tbe Institution. Rev. Cieland announced tbe decision tnd the entertainment closed with a se lection by tbe orcheetra. Tbe California letialatnra will ad inn rn Saturday. Of tbe 117 cases of smallpox ia Spok ane there bave bean onlv two rU.tha Aneaiaease has become so common ia Spa Cane that very li:tia attention is glv ea to it any more. Ex. The Wlllard W.O-T. D. of this city will give an . entertainment tomorrow evening at the C. P. church. There will be an eotertauin program, including some selection on th phonograph. Ad mission 10 cents. The Masons ot Portland ar about to bnild a cathedral for the Scottish Rite Masons. It ia to be erected at th ner of Morrison and Lowndale street and .ia Tto cover 100x125 feet. It will he one of the finest in tbe United States. In 1880, 102,000,000 chickens produced 456,000,000 dozen eggs, while in 1890, 258,000,000;chicken produced 817,000,000 eggs, showing an increase in ten year of 160 per cent in the production of chickens and 80 per cent increase in egg. An Iowa man haa nat,ntA a ,u.ni. cl for lb dirt removed from grave, th ca Attend. ji.a v t j . ..... I w-v j a . fuaabAT,g. 1310:00 p. m. . Al - A . . Till rr ,. iT?.v,0T"r etor fn Dairying," O. II. Walker. Aihei. riw Address. "Mitfc fm i.. Paper, Effect of Feed on Bntter-fat," F. L. Kent, Oorvaliia. - 2:00 r.n. - , , . -Bnsine meeting. Reports of officer; """"" '""" Anoual addrees by Prsldeit Psulsco. election of officers. Mosir. Address. "Kevnlns Cowa tar Prnrll ' 8. M. Douglas, Springfield. Discussion. snuus. Address. "Tb Commercial filda of Dairying." T.G.Farrall. Portland. TA, cuasion. 7 iSO Tt at. Address. "Butter Substitute." Prof. G. W. Shaw, Coiyalli. Discussion. , Vnsie. Addres, "Transportation," C. H. Markbam, Portland. COUNTY BUSINESS. Recorder's office: MatMontea by sheriff tolas Fia . y.ta deed 180 ere,......... $ 5 3 F Beard admr to Ambrose Bear 1 95.28 acre and several Tacgeot lota . 3000 W B Donaca et al to P M Scroggin', 22x69 feet, tbe bank property Leb anon 4000 Francis Bellinger to Ellen Bellinger. N 8 Bellinger, J N Bellinger. D C Bellinger. Grant Ballmsnr ir w Bellinger and Ellen Bellinger, ia ?f1?n..deKl,f,,,eP,n,l ract 1 D O Bellinger to Ellen Bellinger, for life 659.57 acre I Probst court: Final account filed In estat ofS. Cochran. Heinricb Broder admUted to citizen ship. Circuit court. New eases: Arthur M Cox to Oscar B Moore to qniet title. Weatherford A Wyatt for plaintiff. Louis Zuhlesdorf agt Robert Earl et al to qniet title. Weatherfotd 4 Wyatt for plaintiff. - T I Anderwn agt Andrew Anderson snit tor deed. Hewitt A Sox and J J Whitney for plaintiff. Ina Findlev art Mat M.nun tr. Utle. G W Wright for plaintiff. Jennie Monlton agt G 8 Moulton. di vorce. W R Bilrea for the nlaintirT REL10IUUS. Rev. W. E. Cooeland will nni nM..w in Albany Sunday, bat will be here on will be Abraham Lincoln and hia .in. glon. Baptist Church. Services as usual preaching both morning and evening by A. L. Black, of McilinnvillA k.ki.u chi otI t c looe of morning service, B. Y J. u. .v.dv uiu. juwi weex prayer aer vice on , Thareday evening at 7:30. A cordial invitation ia extended to all not' attending service elsewhere. Rev. 8. M. Wood, of Corvailia. will i Cumberland Presbyterian -church babbath morning at 11 o'clock and also at 7 :30 in the evening. A cor dial invitation ia extended to ail. .u dirt being enclosed in the box nntil the coffin is in place, when tt ia moved over the opening and a gate opened to d it charge the dirt, making a much quicker ana easier operation tnan anoveungit in. Adjourned meeting of the Prohibition Club will be held Monday evening Feb. 12th at 7:30 o'clock. Report of com mittee concerning banquet Feb. 32nd will be received. All are invited. - The next regular meeting will be held Feb. I9that7:30p. m. atthe W.C.T U hall. . , , . -.1 The Corvailis Gazette says of the haoiz- ing of Magera : Many sheriffs and news- uu.iu .ouyicnaD. Aiorning wor ship at 10 :S0, subject of sermon, "Sacri fice a Principle of life". Sabbath school at 11:45, Junior Endeavor at 3:30, Sen lor Endeavor at 6:30. evening worship at 7:30, subject "Gambling at the foot of the Croon. Meetings every evening of next week. Rev. Huber Ferguson of rortland will preach each ar invited to attend these services. -The Sabbath school of tha fii!.t;.. church tomorrow will meet ss nanal at 10 a.m. Preaching immediately follow. ing on the subiect "The wnrb- ,k. Apostolic church." Yonnu - " 1; - mnatinn a , A W I.. .T. V f. f paper men aiienaea toe execution, ;-s u w evening, me snb- among them Davenport, a brother of the artist, representing tbe Examirer. Mr. Davenport baa been press correspondent for nearly 50 hangings in different narta of the United States, among them that oiLiurranr. ue says no murderer tie An immense crowd attended lb Mid winter Campmeeting last night to listen Rev. D. V. Poling, wbo spoke on "The uiory oi the fbysicai and bpiritual Life.' Hi address wa most effective and at tbe close of tbe service four per rons were converted, making fifteen converts since the meeting began. Tbe fanes unronicie. Fred Dawson and D. O. Wood worth have formed a partnership in the drug I a . . ousines ana win move into the room. being vacated bv T. Wandel in about a month. Tbe Yaaulna News, a Tin bog and M. Bride oisan svi: "John D. Dal. 'a chance tor election are as emote aa the building of that proverbial "railroad to Mars.H Hicks, the astronomer and weather prognoaticator. predict there will be a heavy etorm next week, beginning from 1 the 13th to the 18th , nd lasting pro bably until the 24. i bas seen reminded bim so much in die- Sabbath school at 11 :45, Junior Endiivl nmilinn mil ihHah aI Ik. Mimln.! .1 ik. rn. a. Q.on c .- v . jectof the evening sermon will be "The -- uioiuucnuip oi me church is especially urged to be present at the moxnmg service. .. . -Presbyterian church.. Morning vor- elR.10'-?0' .e,ening worship at 7:30. position and action of the criminal ol th century as thla man Msger. . ', " . SATURDAY. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Bernard Jakwav won the nralnrln. al contest at Eugene fsst night. ., , ,. Mi gees Lacy and Clara Gard.of Alhanv . tn Ik. .I.w n n . . U I - . D. Palmet on Chemeketa street. States man. or at 3 :30. Senior EndMvor n.n - Subject of mrming sermon," As an Eagld that stirreth np her nest",evening-"Sal. vation-God provulee it." A cordial in vitation to all services ia ex -ended to all. " Congregational church : Morning wor ship at 11 a, m , sabject of sermon, "rhe Origin of Sin." Sunday school at 12 :15. Junior C. E. at 3:30 p. a., evening er- ..rJL m ' V',11 T?bJtof wrmon , "In More Abundant Life." All bot at wnding eLsewhere ar eordialll invited to ' all these services. - - . w , , ' . R. Case. who recently Cottage Grove, haa bought out store and opened a barber shop in necuon with it. Misses Evlvia and Winnie Hfnnl.m were home from Albany and spent Sun. day with their Parent. Mr. and Mm. T. J. Munkers. They were accompanied by Misa Chamberlain, of Albanv. who visited with them until their return Scio News. Bow Ar Yawr KMa.ra f '." j Dr. Robba'Spanwo. Plllacnreall klOaar Ilia. Sun. al f ra. A4d. bMrliu RaoMdr QQ-, Cbicaco or M. V. JM?. D' s,."1f of Pendleton arriv- moved totTti!" A . rl?oa on a visit with , j iireuuu. oua wa a ciintr ' , ir ' rT . a'ompaniea ; . " 7 i.-ivi;icr iiua. 40UH lioghe. The Weather. This afternoon and Tonight, occasion al rain, Sunday fair stationary tempera ture. River 5.2 feet. . , F. M. Fbshch Display mao