The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 16, 1900, Image 4

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    A relinking People
Mas 0"W1v thf Kilmloer,
A lew days agt I walked lntof the of
Cot of Grand Central Station, on forty
second street, and aaked tor a ticket and
Bleeping berth for Toronto.
"Wall, Low are ton?" laid tha elm
behind tht counUr.
"Last time you came here," he added,
'I gave 70a a ticket for Oberlln, Ohio.'
"Well, I gueee," eiJ I knowing the
American laa.oage, "that wae fire years
.. .go." '' ;
'I guess that' so," ha raid.
He guessed right.
Yot go into an American hotel and
sklf Mr. John Smith U in. MPatIM
says tbs clerk to the hall boy, "go and
ee if 876 u in." And John Smith baa
per ha pi onlr been a day m the houee.
I have watched the hotel clerk tort
handrede of letters, and place them, one
after the other, in the bozee of the rack
without once looking at the register for
Yon mav live at the Savoy or at the
Cecil Hotel in London for a year
Every time you take the elevator the at
tended will ask you, "What floor T'
After you have oute told the negro boy
wLo run the elevator ot any American
hotel what floor you are on he knows
where 10 land you.
I have seen boye etand outside the
dining-room of American Lotele sod re
ceive in rapid succession a many ae five
Lnndred hat, all derbre, all alike, no
name inside, no Doesible war eo far at
I eonld eee to distinguish one from the
other. The ownera of thoae bate came
oat in an altogether different order from
the way they ent In. The boyi banded
the hate to thoae people wit hoot one
mating a mistake.
A.few months ago I wai in a hotel in
Leede, England. We were tnree men in
the dining-room. Before I entered it a
hoy etandios outside gave .me a ticket
for my hat. When I came oat he gave
me the wrong bat. How I did pity tba
poor young Briton. What an inferior
being 1 thought be wae compared to tha
ordinary nezro boy ot an American ho
tel, r -
The conductor of an American train
may bave over five hundred prasengere
under Lit ebarge. The have all come in
at different atalione, tbey are all going
to different stations. At they come in he
collects their tickets, rhet'a settled ; he
remembers tbe damnation ol every one
of them. Not one would be allow to
travel farther than the station ha bought
a ticket for. In Europe, when the con
doctor bae examined your ticket be
locks the door of your compartment to
be sure ot yon at the next stop. Dear
old Europe, dear old museum of antiqai-
ties! ' ,-
I have beard Americans repeat a lect
ure, a sermon tbey bad just listened to.
All the points were at their tongue a'
A Earopean interviewer calls oa you
with a ttenognpber, if he ia not one
htmeelf, to take down every word that i
uttered either in question or in answer.
Tbe American interviewer calls on you.
has a chat with you, seldom taxes even
as much as a note The next day you
see the conversation in print. It is cor
rect. But I have eeen better than all that,
I baye eeen American ladies leave home
to pay ealle at No. 413 West 128th St.,
No. 329 East 136'.h St., No. 293 West
126th St., aod half a doxsa mare. . They
remembered tbem alL J 1 :'
An American may live at No. 3432
West or East 429ih rtreet.' Be is ail
right. lie always remembers where be
ives. " '
1 ' ''
Tbe 1 Bivere and Harbors com
mittee baa decided not to report a bill at
this session of Congress. Tue majority
of tbe committee know perfectly well
that millions will be loet by the failure
to prov:de fands to keep improvements
already begun from going to ruin, and
that hundreds of localities wfit. suffer
from the cutting off of needed appropti
tlons. But that is nothing to them so
long as they can keep down expenditures
until after the election. Then tbeywil
have a time. :-l"s
T1 IUM.nlul wr-4 U with ai., H4 , wU wm
tarao-u riaiAa eu (huum, rMttit ., MMf
Utm. Tvjw,nli,llll)Hl acaraM rretehi 491, am tf f
ymm BM It ckmciv m rrjTMeat4. tMjmll tcIm
M-H OUR PRICE 835.SO. Irtt !- . r
rl(MelurM. TH t PARLOR CEM Umm ml k Ml
abb mmKxi hi tu wjinin, Mr UN. , rron mm
Hon, men u or&vfla oirma iron a paofogmptt rou eA lorn
aw ldM of It. bwatlful AppeumaM; MAc trmm ! IS Mrtcr'
mmwm mm mw waUHt mm lerM, mtmnum mj uip, r.n
mmtm. makmm It M TIKI eVrrk&TSTYLI. TM
km mamu li tmm ..f ,lli.r mmwm
F.D UfM high, II iodic lonc, toefaaa wMsAnd
MWIMl HllWli til...!., 1,1 MWH-l7RHUMV
Ulliill V-rto Hi Tx M.M...; MsnMlra, 1 Im.
1 ttnat Owmmm mwtm, 4 mtu Oi it hIiHT-m Iii-Jii, rtmm
Oulltr Unlit, 1 Utrnt 11 ta Sw-M a.Mto ...... S-t-f '
TH ff PARLOR CEM Mtten eonMittot thA
Hi. 1 0-1 mj rMni mmn MWWi rn-l.q
Cilinlil.- vhlcliu onljr nwdlotbahick..
Vi AHo btmt DoUl folU. IntlHn, sta., beUowi
inttnunniu; nttM wltn luwl laila mmi
btllaw i
oera. mm.t tmxmwu
flotk ana Sunt
oc .bv DAM raDOTCioui. pit O.H
Wtfa-rlaralra. THE PA ftt-OR CEM K fuml.hMl
wttb a ltaU baralM plaM ranch mirror, nlckal piau4
pedal (raam, and arary aaodarn ImprorataeiiC, w
araaai h-, a kaaAaaa arfaa awal aaa lat Ml aqaa
Imim a written btudloff sVyear raarantea. br tha
aaima and eonditiona or which ii an part ciTaa oat we
repair It an mi ekarf. Try It ana month and wa will
reread yoor money If -oa an not perfectly at!rfli. w
of the organ will to anld at S3S.SO. OJUIU A
AT once. BOUT DKLAY. -
th pabllaher of this PPr or Metrpoliisi vS
uonaj rMunK, or torn s. itsxnK. ot ijuKeTor
er Grm&n Kzehsuiir Bnk, Kew York; or evnT
n.llrov4 or xpnaM compeknj Is CtakAffo. w
hsieo mHi mt errwr ?tssOe OoetlpT smtlrsj
on of ttM Urgosii bnflnesw blocks la Chicago,
mm empioj iwinj i.w psjopio in oar owg
PU us, llk,aa m. Im erythlnir In MinlcJlnftraiBt. a UWMt wtool 1 prWa. WrtW for (m rp-claj
wrcaa. Haa aaa rauaioM UHrum eawuosii. aooraaa. .. .1 l hi. . u wr -n , ihhtia )
SEARS, ROEBUCK A CO. One.), 'sites, OesplaiAM anS WarsMS Skk, CH1CACO, ILL.
New Things.
" Tbtr. Is nr. thing more intereeting than
the progress made ia j inventions, , The
following are new .
' Mayor Johnson ot Denver, Col., le tbe
inventor ot a collar button which aa
eastern authority eaye ie worth 110,000.
' A resident ot New Zealand has patent
ed a liquid tor branding cattle whicn
can be applied with a brash,
A weeder on wheele ia a new departure
wbioli has been receUly patented, in tht
way ot farming implements. The pat
ent was awarded to tha Standard Harrow
0 v of Uiica, N. 1,
Alfred L. Overcaahier, a colored barber
of Pittsburg, Pa., hat been granted a pat
ant on anadjaetable stand for bootblacks,
tha footieitaof atlrh are cLaugial leas
to tbs distance from tbe chair.
An old railroad man, M. E. Patereon of
Rockland, Mass , has patented an auto
static sand box for trolley care, which
sopplies tbe sand to tbe track just as it
Is needed.
A typewriter machine which writes
in cipher aod translates automatic
ally ia tha invention of Frank Sedgwick
of Chicago, III., and the device ia being
tested by government officials.
W, a. baton of 2iaaboe, M, ti., was re
cently granted a r stent on a loom itu-
provexent which be imtuediatly trans
fined to the Draper Company ot Port
aod, Maine, and Hopedale, Mass., tor
a handsome consideration.
Jatuea Uall, the negro blackssuitb tf
waycroes, Ua-, who last year Invented
a traveling corn mill that would grind
a bnsbel of meal while the farmer was
driving a ui'e along the road, has alto
inveo'ed a cotton-stalk puller.
A tobacco-stemming machine, tbe in
veotion of a. J. Bush of Kaufman, Tex
as, was exhibited recently at Houston.
will separate the stems from the eaf
ae fast aa a man can feed it. and one ct
tbem will do the w era of eight strippers
V. T. Bray, a locomotive engineer of
El Dorado, Kan., ia the inventor of a,
pring leg for the aeat ot the engineer in
the locomotive cab which relieves the
body of all shock or jr resulting from
By the uee ot a flexible abaft a Berlin
Arm ia making a motor which can be
placed in any small boat without any al
ternation or fitting whatever. The abaft
between tbe engine and propeller parsed
hroucb a iteel tube which ia carves
over tbs stern ot the craft. -r
Baoyedand isUasted nets have been
experimented with in France for tba
purpose of stilling troubled water, and
tbey have been found to be Superior to
oil. Baron d'Alleeaacjro beg perfected
tne idea so that it ia applicable lor ' nee
oa shipboard as well as entrances to har
bors. ' .
Dr. L. E. Niles and L. L. Wooley ot
Springfkld, Ohio, announce that tbey
have discovered an entirely new gas
with which they can make daylight.
Tbey say that a couple of dox?nt of lights
of their building would light the whole
of New York, and that 300,000 candle-
power would not cost more than ' fifteen
CSntS.. '"L- i:.t
Benjamin L. Miller, a marina engineer
aod draogbtaman of Seattle has designed
what he ealle a beach dredger and'
which he will send to Cape Nome.
With this machine be says be can gath
er the golden eands from points from 900
feet to a quarter ot a mile and bring it
on shore.
", A ebeap substitute for wood bas been
made by O'iver Johnston of Brooklyn
wbo bas been at work for many jeara on
this matter. The base of tbe new ma
terial ie straw, and it ean be failed, or
screwed or treated in tbe same manner
aa wood, and, as it is more solid in its
structure, it ie eaid to be much more
Thomas Edison saya that he ia at work
on a method of improving the telephone
so aa to enable it to , be worked under
water and at very lung distances. He
see a transmitter which is 1000 timss
more powerfaf than that found on tbe
ordinary telephone and very powerful
eduction coils.' Jt will be tried first on
the Haitian cable in a few weeks.
" ii i -
See French tbe Jeweler if you are in
need of a first elass clock. We have bar
gains.- -
m tkt, MM (
Jm rcr mw 1
eS4.M a 4
weight IM
m-lpili I
I f OftOAtej I
llSValMr'ajQ. I
A Word to Refortnera.
Editor Democrat t As some of our pop
ulist and Prohibition friends are oppos
ed to a anion ot reform foroee in the coin
ing campaign, permit me, through your
paper, to offer tbem a tew words ol frisod-
ly advice. That both of these parties
have done tnuoh in the way ot educating
tba people, ia admitted by all who bave
watched tbe trend ol political movements.
But tue time bas coma when partylim
should give plaoe to patriotism. Ufa is
too short, and time la too valuable to be
spent building parties. A a organised
arty Is necessary only when vital pnnol-
lea an endangered. Populists, Probib
Itioniats and Democrats are all seeking to
check political corruption and to tally
establish democratic simplicity. This
ean asm be dons until the people bavsa
chance to approve or reject the work of
legislators. An Intelligent public Is much
safer than a truckling official, We have
reached a crisis ia the affairs ot govern
ment that douands prompt and decisive
action. The Republican party is folly
committed to the English system ot
finanos and expansion by force of arms
It is practically a party that ia doing
more tor monarchy than all ot the old
empires combined. It is now also la
full sympathy with the money trust, the
whisky trust aud all other trustee.
Now it our Populist and Problbl
lion friende deelre to make short
work ot reform, let thera unite with the
real democracy ol Oregoo and and place
ia the field such men, and only such, at
will command tbe reepect and confidence
of all good cltisens. Every vote for a di
vision ot reform forces ie aim ply a vote to
perpetuate the moat ua American ad
ministration thie government, has ever
bad. We can be represented in congress
by statesmen next term if we will only
act wisely. I am satisfied tbat a major
ity ot our peoEie want 10 au rigni. now
my Populist and pronioiuon insnas
let as be sensible, and unite on one good
man for each office. We bare no right
jeopardise the welfare ot onr children y
actiog otherwise.
STKratM Jbwiu.
Grants Pass, Ore.
Pcser v liae ng,l ug.
Rey. Joha A. B. Wilson, ol San Fran
cisco, in a funeral sermon over tbe re
mains of Amy Murpby, tbe victim of a
wine merchant, advocated tbe killing all
men wbo betray girls. Ho said C "
' Friends : Every time I am called to a
f josral of this sort, I thank Qjd tor my
8)utbern birth; for in my country we
kill men (or tbe offenses; that lie back
of this tragedy. And I want to see tb
day when every State in tbe Union wii 1
mike it iuatifiable homicide lor th
brother or father of a wronged lrl , to
kill tbe fellow whose intamone footsteps
crossed the threebold of her borne. '
This is strong langcsge, bnt tbe time
has come for strong language. In tbe
TJoited States one hundred and sevsnty
girls are lead astray every day throogh
the infamy of men . Doeen't it call for
all law abiding people to rise ia their
might for tbe protection of their bomee.
There is a held right in Albany, a city
tbat bas its share of men watching for
ai opportunity to tate an. an rage 01
those whom they should protect as gen
tlemen. Tbey bide themselves nnder
tbe infamous lie tbat It is no more their
fault tbsn tbsir victim's. Capitol pun
lehmeat is none too revere for the de
spoiler of the borne. But let tbe law
msks brovision for it and not leave it to
Judge Lynch ot the 800th.
Tbe war department ia preparing. a
statement to Congreae abowmg- a bat
earne have been collected and e. fended
fa tbe various talanda. It is reported
tbst tbe accounts are In a greatly tangled
condition andtbatit will be impossible
to account for a tithe of tbe expendi
tures. Bumors of corruption are plenti
ful, and it ie csrU'.a that the Department
would never make public tteee accounts
unless compelled to do so by Congress .
Americans ail respect Queen Victoria,
but it moetbe said tbat she was moat
diaingenuous in referring to bar eausless
aggression against tbe Boers as a rstlst
aace to tbe Invasion of hsr Sooth Africsn
colonies-" ';." ::
A missionary in Utah savs that Mor
mons derive a Urge part of tbeir wealth
from their plural wives. Each of tbsss
bas to work and all bsrE earnings go to
tbe husband. Polygamy seem ta have
a distinct boefneee flavor. T
A Live Chase.
About i :30 o'clock yesterday afternoon
a boy in reform school clothes was seen
rushing through the city along tbe binks
of tbe Willamette followed afterwards by
a couple of men. lie reached the bridge
flat acroee it. but the men were
elose behind in a livery rig and sucoeed
e J in capturing him at the other end ef
tha bridge. The boy was Charles Roper,
of Ashland. He bad escaped from tbe
reform ecnooi uu uureu7. imimiui
tr w Pearson and Watson Towasend,
ot the school, caught him at Jefferson.
In the morning ney wr waning tue
riADOt tor Uie overmnu wwq , jvuog
HODOr Wuv urn www ' j " m v " r w
form suddenly skipped into the adjoining
boehee. Though the bridge was guard
.a .1.. tittle le low in some way got
cross tbe wagon bridgs Into Linn coua.
7. ti.m men fol'owed in a livery rig.
bunting along the way, getting him bere
im oere
""""( " " j .1.1." 1... 1
(er Bg d iu ;,im.5
ed in tUS cr.j ji over u'bu u
's en home tbis moraag. j c- j
Auothar efforty Boiler to go to the
relief ot Ladysmith keeps the South Af
rican war in that direction, and the
flower of the English young men eoutln
ns to be taorlfiosd in the conteet being
waged thousands of miles away from tbe
hemes of the psople fighting nndsr the
British flag. Already it is said twenty
five thousand of the English soldiers
bava bsen taken in diilerent ways from
active service, some by death wounds,
and tome by disesee.aud theend is not In
sight. Coming right after tba Hague
peace conference It looks as it the civil
lied nations ot the world should nalte la
their efforts at mediation, so that tbr
war may begstopped and bloodshed
ceass. It It must go on then In tba ln
terett of freedom it it to be hope the Bo
ers are suoccaatul. Tbs Dkmociut Is m t
biassd. This spirit Is In him from tbe
battle ol Bunker Illll.
Nxt in the United Slates the Ken
tucky election contest ie attracting
tbe most attention. It le hoped that
out of al! tbeefcaosforder be reetored aod
that that slate take Its place among tbe
oivlliaed ccuimuulttee; of the world
without a sign ot the spirit of auarchy
displayed when Taylor brought ooai
Iboriaed a body of men down from the
mountains armed In hie interest. There
bae been wrong ou both sides. Now Is
ths proper time to turn over a new Irat.
This week a young man while drunk
up io eastern Oregoo shot h'e grandfa
therand tried to il l several others.
The act is a totple ot what whiaksy will
do when It Is once turned Iwse. Run
ning or standing, In the paUce or In the
hovel it ie a curs, to whetevertooehes if.
If there Is a redetinmg feature about lbs
whiskey flaek and its coolsntt this arlt
er doeen't know what it is. It bae been
decided that It woa't even cure rattle
U Mr. Hicks hadn't predicted a big
storm tor next week sometime we would
praiae our winter weather, certainly re
markable when taken all together. But
ws fear praise might breed a vacuum
followed by bad weather. We are not
yet out of the woods.
Recently a stranger wbo had been
here hardly long enough to get acquaint.
ed la a very few day wae decidedly ia
the swim and where good solid men oft
en go years wltbont getting a wifs this
man was married id no time aod besides
bsd borrowsd sod ran io debt to tbs
tuns ol several bnndred dollars. Tben
be skipped on a very thin pretest. It is
time tbe public set an example with
such fellows. Tbe right kind of a man
doesn't want to ran tbe whole city In a
day, bnt will bide his time, end it is a
very good sign ot bad wealber when be
goes to running in debt tbe first thing.
When tbeee fellows come around, what
ever their bualneee or mission don't be
An Anti-Boer Subscriber.
A California frienj and subscriber
takes the Dihocbat to last because of its
position on the Sooth African war. Io
defense ot the English be charges that It
was tbe Boers sho took tbe aggressive
and tbat the war is being waged on Eng
lish territory, tbat tbe South African re
public is republic only la nsme, thst the
Boers bomee sre ia no danger, not a hos
tile sbot baviog been fired on tha soil of
the Transrsal.that theen C'hiletian Boers
baI beea preparing for Ibis war for
eighteen years, tbat at one time when at
tacked by th Kaffirs thoy applied to this
tyrranlcal British government for aid,
and did not call in vain, tbat this simple
pastoral Christian Boer was formerly a
slaveho'der and would be today if bo had
uva iww wfur0.iu mj give toerai up, auas
Kruger is so afraid of books coming into
tbe country that he leviee a 100 per cent
tax on tbem. He declares tbat Boiler to
not entitled to tbe title of "butcher," re-
urrea to Dy tne ubmccbat and other pa
pers. This In a nutshell is tbe English
side ot the matter.
In this country it is nrobabta that it la
not appreciated by nine out of ten peo
ple, wbo, notwitbs'anding many o, tbe
narrow laws of the Boers, look upon them
as a people of a free republic fighting for
their liberty, no matter bow long they
bave been getting ready, so much tbs
better, against a nation who are simply
reaching out to get the rien fold and dia.
mond mines of Booth Africa regardless of
mo ngaie 01 ine peopie mere.
Lckdom, Feb. 8. The war office says
British forces bave been checked as re
Fbankfort, Feb. 8. Gobels funeral
was held today. A big affair.
Washimoto, Feb. 8. Tbe National
sufferage convention met today. Mrs,
Duniway ia among those present.
iDWAKD JfAawo'e WiLiw The last
will and testament of the late Edward
Failing was filed for probate this morn
ing. James F. Failing ia nomlnater! a .
ecuter and Oliva Henderson Failiog,wlfe
of deceased, as executrix of ths nar.
Io bis daughters and son be bequeaths
aui um mivreai, in tne estate oi nis latner,
the late Joeiab Failing, share and chare
suie. cmcu asugnter ana the son will
also receive a portion of the estate ol the
taie avoir caning.
To his wife he bequeaths the sum of
195,000 out of his portion of tbe estate of
bis brother; the household furniture.or
naments, etc, and en equal one-half of
ail other proterty tbat he wu n..
of at the time of Lis desth.
The remainder of his share of th
A t a I 1 i r ... war
taie vi mo mie nenry r ailing be be
...1.. .u a l.. ' '7 , P
41 - w iu uauiuwri 01 aaia Honrw
failing. Telegram. '
Bard beat Burns .Mljfv,.
What Is the matter ol .-v lbany Ce
lestials. They have Iia'.'!y inn . ulse
this Chinese flew Year.' .uhscii.
' Owners of hogs will have somsthlng
to show for the hog Industry even
though an empty pocketbook laces them
on the wheat proposition.
There is liable to be trouble In Oregon.
The startling news comes fro'u 8alam
that the niw Captain ofK Co., Walter
Lyon, Is a Kentucky man,
A big smslter Is the proper thing for
Portland, whose location dauisnds such
an Institution. It Is time that city
showed the world that it is not sa.ser.
There are hopes ot Kentucky yet. Thou
sands ot people have recently said that
you couldn't hire them to live In that
state, anl yet there are Indications that
ths natlvus there are coming to their
The man across the river who was ar
rested for stealing the team of a China
man and held for the circuit court, the
DanrcsAT ia Informed by a Soap Crock
er was simply playing a Joke on
loetial. Kalhera serious ioke.
the Ce-
than sitting on a pin.
In the intonse in U-real taken In the
South African war the Philippines are
almost loet sight of, hut there Is the
same old kind ot bushwhacking lighting
on the part of the Filimnne, who bob un
afgravatlogly from almost all quarters.
An Albany man sayt a person doesn't
have any show at Dawson against the
avaricious officials. Cane Nome will
soon leave the Klondike in the shads. It
is very gratifying to know thst tbe
Boers tweed some pretty strict laws
holding the English in check,
Miller, tbe New York man at the bead
of the syndicala tbst was going to pay
Io ves'.ors ten percent per wees, lias
been arrested and le In Jail. The lovee
tors who pot nrarly a million dollars In
to the business oogut to be arresisd
or put io the ineaos asylum.
There is to be a greater affliction In
San Francisco tbsothat ct Frankfort,
Ky. The Jeffriee-Oorbett fight ie to
come off there. This means wtod storms,
rlascoes, iok shots, loud boastings, etc.
Let the people come down from tbe bills
belore it Is too late aod pnt a stop to it.
A spinning top constructed on sclenti
tic principles has been made by Prof.
Charles Jacobus, who for many years
was principal of the schools at New
Brunswick. N.J. In the nrecenoe ot
tbe Bo-ton Society of Engineers recent
ly It spun for nearly an hour. What
boy coutu.wait inat long.
From.the CorvalUa Times!
Brownell's beet recommendation for a
nomination to cowgress ie that tbe Ore-
gonlaa rubllcly and pointedly calied
him "a miserable liar," and save fullest
specifications, to all of which Browoell
pleaded guilty by making no reply or
defense. Thus recommended by the
chief republican paper, Brownell would
cut a beautiful figure as tiie standard
bearer of bis party.
A Swiss Inventor has patented a clock
hichMightc and extinguishes gas Jets
automatically at prearranged periods, an
auxiliary hand on the clock being set at
the time It is desired to light the Jots,
when the mechanism turns on the jras
and operates an igniter. That's nothing,
an Albany man has bit alarm clock at
tached to an electric light in such a
manner tbat when it gcee off in the
morning it puts on the light which
awakens ths sleeper. t , ;
Several pamphlets rscelvcd by the
Dxmocbat are very suggestive of tbe
spirit ot the day and tbe titlss alone
make pretty good sermons. They are:
Protective taxes favor trusts.
Trusts and tariff.
Tbe tin plate trnet.
Trusts and remedies.
Tbe window glass trust.
' Tariff responsible for trust.
' Printing paper trnst.
A steel trust episode.
Tbe tariff the mother of trusts.
Baker City may be a booming city, but
It It antiquated on the light question.
Tbe Democrat says :
The Baker City Gas and Coke comp
any bas 63 improved Welsbach gas
lamps on tbe streets of this city In filling
tbe five years' contract made with tbe
city. In lighting tbe lamps one of tbe
gas company's employes, Jeff Perry,
nses a horse sod it requires about one
hour's time to light all of tbe lamps in
tbs svsning and about the same period
to extinguish tbem each morning.
From tbe Boseburg Review :
W, 8. U'fien, tbe Oregon City popn
list, so-called, bas been forced to show
bis hand at last. He bas been travel
ing over the state ostensibly to advance
the cause of the initiative and referen
dum, bnt really to help Senator Joe Si
mon carry out bis scheme of nominating
and electing Brownell to congress. It
seems that at Astoria II 'Ken talked too
freely to a republican ' newspaper man
wbo indiscreetly published, his words,
and tbey were taken up by an Oregon
City paper which asked U'Een io , ex
plain. Seeing himself cornered at last
tbe whilom initiative and referendum
champion cause i to be printed a letter
In which be admits that he is an agent
of tbe republican tarty. : ; ; .
Chicago, Feb. 8. The b! labor strike
is spreadiog. ? '
Milwaukee, Feb. 8. Wisconsin demo
crats announce Gov. Peck for vlce-preel
dent. ! .,'. ",. ' ;'
Mrr-To-VHe for Vlfty Cnta
OoeraBteed tobaoee habit eure.malo. weak
awn strong, Diooa purer sue-si. au oroggisie.
i: .U
The meeting of ths Rspubttcan Editor,
lal Association In 1'ortland will prove
efiulal to the country , editors. They
.iskea up measure o which they '
unltsd as a means of self protection
n correction ol sbuaee. It is safe to
ay tha thoroughly harmonious coun
try nrea- tuk llM" 10 tl "m
Ina uamP-l-u Kngsne Krglstsr. The
ahoses re'rrred to aie the noo-paymert
during a csinpal.n for various things
dons by ths pspers, heretofcre every,
thing being sponged "tree grails for
The Proper Thlnu. ;
Naw York, Fob. 8. A special to the
Herald from Washington savst
Maior-Umieral Otis wilt he detached
Irom duty ss governor-general of the
Philippines and commander of the de
partment of Uie Pacific Immediately after
the arrival ot the new Philippine com
mission, anil will he ordered to return to
the United States.
A Yuuiir Fiend.
Walla Wali.a, Feb. 8. It. F. IKvre,
a welt known farmur. was shot and killed
this evening, at tile home twelve from
here, hv his gramtaun, Frank Itoyce.
Krauk Koyir left the city this afleanoon
In a drunken condition. When bo
reached I ixle he became invol veil In a
Ugh i with Kufua Woods, biting the nose
of the latter nosrly off. It iyce prmteed
ed to home ot his grandfather. Woods
followed In pursuit of Itoyce. Frank
itiiyre j.ulloJ a uun.stmt at Wood, but
iiiUih! him and kllW his grandfather.
Young Kovrs then tired several moro
shots at Woids, but without effect.
Kuyos sot lire to the house, which
burned to lae ground and the old gen
tlemen's body was comsumod.
Krauk ttovce shot lour U tun at V. M
Skinner, a railroad employe. Fortun
ately thinner wae unharmed. Hov.o
then proceeded down the road with a
Winchester in his band and coming to
thep'aceof lien Pitcher, fired
shots through the house and the fled.
The sheriff e"d a posse are in pur
suit of Royce.
Tin Ilacv War.
Lokikin, Feb, 9, 4 A. M. All the mes
sages from the observers lib tienvral
Butler throw In a phrase or two about
"the strength of the lloer positior s" and
the Mitlleulilce of (lenersl lluller's
work" but thsy do not carry evente be
yond Tuesday evening. Their last also
der narrative leave tbe British advance
on Yaalkrauu, In the center of a semi
circle, where the troops are exposed to
the Boer artiller on both sides and ia
the center.
Holds Ills Puoltion.
Lawiio, 'Feb. . A cable dispaUtt
fro.a Tnearman's Canin under'a
date savst
"Holier holds bis position 5 relict is cer
tain." Duller cabled Uie war otfloa that the
approximate British casualties In tue
fighting at Polgieler'a drift tin In nnnn
Tuesday are: Olflcera.S killed and 15
wounded : nonoommisaioned otlloer and
men, S16 killed and wounded.
ratnl Wr.clt.
EaCAHBA. llich.. Kh aTla
A Northwestern pseaeuger train, which
runs between this city sud Metropolitan
was wrecked In a rear-end collision at
Ford rlnr switch at 0:30 tonight. Nine
persons were killed, 8 are reported miss
ing, 8 are aerioualy and 4 slightly In
ured. Big Storm.
Sr. Lot'i. Feb. ft. Tha town of
linsvilie, 111., U ml. from Hi, Louis, on
the Vsndalia railroad, narrow I v aarAnl
deaUuction by a tornado today, r our
term persons were Injuml in the imme
diate vicinity: ot the village, some of
them fatally, and there was much dam
ags to property.
Advance) ''licukcd.
Lohihjk, Feb. 8. A special dispatch
from Kpearman's Camp, dated Wednee
day, leb. 7, says:
Onr furtner advance is the moment
prevented, es the Boers enfilade us from
their poiiitions on Splonkop and Doorm
ktoot. Our casual titte, altliough estima
ted at StIO, are trifling considering the
great importance of the movement Just
i ! In Kentucky.
FeA-xrwrr, Feb. 7. So far as Iheleit
nation in the eomrovrrsy over the gov
vernorehlp of Kentucky le concerned,
there wss practically no change today.
It ia stated on excellent authority that
Governor Taylor has decided not to sign
the Louisville agreement in its present
shape. r
The Proper Thing.
NgwYog,Fsb.7.-Asi)eciaI to the
Tims from Washington says 1
It I learned that nnder tbe terms of
.TeMif w,,lch ,,M lmi
ratified by tbe senate, an effort will .be
made before long to exertjsuch hfllree as
mao properly be exended to the bulliger
eats to bririg.about a Urminatlon of :the
war in South Africa. '
tur Wur. ' :
Manila, Feb. 7 The insurgents havo
been urlven out of Legaapi, province of
Tb"i2,,!?,,0jT,'r.b"er- conveying
some 800 Spanish prisonors to Libmanan
and on srriv ng, tbe prisoners, exhaust
ed and starving, revolted and dispersed
their guarda with stones and clubs.
They also captured a few rifles.
Electing Senators.
Wamiinotok, Fob. 7.-A minority re
port has been made to the house bill for
the electioa of senators by the people. It
concurs with the principle of the bill,
but urges direct elections without await
ing legislative approval for a change of
system as proposed by the msjority,
, ,-, Duller Stopped.
"BraAKMAif's OA, Feb, 7. 6 T. if.- '
General Buller commenced the advance
tor the relief of Ladysmith Monday! The -naval
puns opened at 7 in tha morning 1
and a feint attack wai made in front ot 1
our poriUon. ."Three battalions towd '
toward the Rrakfontoin, with six bl '
teried. At II o'clock the lre opened
with artillery flre.sml seD veralKe r
among the tfrlttah infantry, whKred "
one hour Uter i t " "uurui,rea
Uncle Tommy Anderson continues to
have trouble. In consideration of his
being taken care of tbe rent of his life T
.A.?f """deeded t Andjew Anderwn .
iZJi ' . j MuiurB(. acres or. Ms farm -t
y1? Andr"W hl received the doed he
insisted on receiving theotber Llf " "
rt,.iuihfln,ttre,a9ed' ftnd not wiDlng '
?.:. ..01,1' ..-J-V & ii-J-j-;.ryj X