r ,. " ; ----- - - . - . . . .. rt- n I ,1 r r . , , . 'i'"'":""". ' ' . . " '' "" "" " 1 1,1 1 ' 1 - - VOL XXXV TELEGRAPHIC HOME AND ABROAD. 15 'ATiRANV. : rin.ttftn'N. I7I7TI. a "V t .i?iityt a l)Va itinn - ma n : : 1 Sao I ) .Va know or nothing better to tear the lining of your threat and lungs. It la better tl.an wet feet to chum bronchliij and pneumonia. Only keep It up long enough and you wilt succeed in reducing your weight, losing your appetite, bringing on a alow fever ana making everything exactly light fur tba gorma of con aumptlon. Stop coughing and you will get well. f I filers n curea cougha of every kind. An ordinary cough disap pears In a eingle night. The racking cougha of bronchitis are eoon completely mat tered. And, If not too far along, the cougha of con aumptlon are completely cured. of n 1 1 Auk your drugglet 'or on Dr. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral Plaster. It will aid the action of tba Cherry I'cctoral. tf yna bait an MMnpUtnl r ll4 tain Vtio HilulH'al 4lr yntt rmm Imt.lttlf tlUlu. rtwinpi -fii ' "f ! dIihI lu (a .,, AMrr., Vlk . V. Alt.ll, bVWll, UH, PH.J.L.1IILI rbjiclo andl ia, Hill fllo - - Albany, Of. LiffleriLillto Brosdalhln Mt., Albany, Or. A Battle Impacted, Lokdon. Fell. 3. Ilollruramal flashed from LuJvNinillj three daya ago eald that ina iioer invt it moot Jinoa are tbinning, andltha bt' ittere were moving in force toward the 'J uuoln. Indicating that a col lislon waa expected there. Tbia" Intelli gence Mara out other ilna that (Jeneral liullcr ' projKiaea anuthur attack. Tim war ofllc conlinuea to reveal nothing of what Ima haptenud In Natal. . A Clhh Feared. FaANKfoar, Feb. 2. Tlie Drat claab Iwtween the escutlva and judiciary powera of th?Jttate occurred today, A mill crealrr claaU la Imminent tomorrow aad beyond lliepoaelullitioa of tomorrow Hue a eoa with alUse ao lowering and ot ao atoruiy aHct that no politician of either party uaa predht where it will carry tuo Kehtucky ahlp o( ataUr. There can be no loiter any ouncealnant ol the lad mat aiiaue in una aiato are noruer Ing nKn eouflkt in arm. Will Live. FuAKKroirr. Feb. 3. At 12:30 o'clock thla tnornlnu Governor Cioebet waa aa comfortable aa he bad been at any time during the day. lie wa able to take a little uoiirlahuient at midnight, aomelce cream being given blm. Tuo indication it tor a goou uikiii. in laci. mr. uwc bora!condltion la conaidered better than at any time alnce he waa aliot. The iron will and determination ol the wounded man that he wilt not die by anaeeamin'a bullet in. nowever, atill zconaidereu the main factor In auatalnlng him. A Mg Report. WikaitiNUTOH. Feb. J. The president today trauamitted to congreaa the drat volume ol the report At tin ruuippine commiwlon. It la a volume of 3i4 page Including the appendix, and It le eigned by I'rok-gior (jchuruuun. Admiral Pew- j ey L'olonul D.nby and 1'roleaaor Wor-j water. I The nr nciute tubitct dealt with la the iilau til isoverniuieui urop.aed by the j com dilation, An Fnrthqunltc. Adiii.rrkk'uttU. 11. C. Feb. 2 There waa quite a auvere earlliquake here loat uight aeiamie diaturbtncea being alnnt un prvcfdunled in Una part ol the country. No teriout tUmas waa done, alibuitlt Uinliea rattled and plastering wat cracktd. - An Aatotln IUII WAauiNOTON. Feb. 2. The tenate to day paaa d Senator Mcllride'a bill grant J lo the port ot Attotia tne privilege ' init to ol iinmceiate trauaportatlon. iUo. Colllna D D 8 A. Jack Ilodgea D D 8 COLLINS & HODGES Dontlats. Fel.ow'a Temple, Albany, Or. riOfKlNS 3H0S., Agnt, Aluy, (irrgna "Olivrave tba worl l tha chilled pliw And it bi tared more tnone) to the .inner of America my ifiir milmiil r produced. intOHvr ) -IU1 are the beaten , r.! OiW.ir i a pro-notrr of bappi oi tlii fam, anil tba de4lr who 6ltt wi hi ii 'itailingtbe boat. Look r imniUtionj aul toa;h nothing but Vila lii mila only by Giber vl !. 1H Uad, fed.. Brownsville. From the Timet : At the family home In 8)Uth Browne villa, Thuredey , February 1, Mr Weeby Ceooett, aged about 67 yeare. W, B. Piper, ton-in-la of 0. V. Stew art, who went to Nehraika atxiut two yeare ago, bat decided to return to Ore- ton, lie tare llili place It the beat on earth. Horace MrKInley. the well toown timber man, had lb pleatureof wttnett Ing a rare eight, while lo the mountaloa nar thla place The objreta lo qaeation weie two eoow while deur, the firet ever twn in thia ptrt of the country. Fred Bruckman, of Platnvler, waa in the Interest of the creamery he proposes to establith here. All be atke ie a lot on which to put a firtt elate plant, and the eowi to keep It running. The people of Browntvllle are only to glad to larnUti the drat and the second will come with the taking. Mr. Bmckman enjoys the reputation of being one ot the bret bat ter makers In the atate ol Oregon. Mrt 0. Urav it In receipt of a letter from ber ton Wallace, now la tbe Pbil ippioet. His opinion Is that the war ia nearlng ao ent and tbet be will be borne by the first of June. He eaya Ihe Filip iuoa ate laying down their arma by the bundreda. We are informed that . M. Barnea the gentlemen (T) who baa been defraud Ing to many people throughout Oregon, came very nearly doing hit dtrtr work with Uartnan A NewUml, of Oottege Grove, to the extent of 11,600, but fortu na'ely they were on the alert and tuo Ceeded in bringing blm to term. Ue de frau'led the Oregon Milllni 0 ., o( Port land, cf tome 1,000 and will toon be tried In Oakland, Califoriiia.ior the tame Ores in .'mixed, fancy mixed, petite mlxe, broken mixed, plain mixed and French mixed candiea at the Sugar Bowl 2nd street. j ik W carry K ' -rt I. - I. li,iaD,uaaoo Wtnetlra from 10,000 la S6,U00 leiura my dy x s . ' LI 50 0 luiitm 77, Miaa;.; it :.1taaitti;ii." From tbe New: . Mrs. Albert Cole wat at Albaany tbia wees, aeieotiog a etocx ol aprlog and aaromer miunery, , ' IUrnltli, the Albany photographer, will be at lila Holo Gallery, February lOtb, and remain three daya. "Uncle Billy" Pant waa In 8clo Wed nesday, shaking hands wlMi bia numer ous friends. He It thinking aerionrly of moving to Southern Oregon to reside. 8. W, Ouggar waa shaking bands with hie many frieode In this city over Bun day. He bat told tile botineet in Inde pudnoe, and It thinking of going to Ban Franclaoo to locate . The Bclo Creamery Company baa de cided to pot In full complementof cheese making aacbloery and prepare for tbe manufacture of cbeete aa well aa buitar the coming summer. Orandpa Allison It Quite III thle week. and la under the care of Dr. Davis. o( Albany. Hla advanced atte makea booe of bia permanent recovery doubtful. A farewell party wat given Mist Anna McDonald and Mrs. Busle Uilveu. at tbe home of their parente, Mr. and aire. A. K. McDonald, three mllee eaat of thla city on Friday evening. Janaary 26. An enjoyable time waa bad. Messrs. Cotter and Husk two of the Albany college boy a, epent Saturday and Hnoday at Munkere. Tbe former made a first elaaa waiter at tbe oyater topper there Saturday evening. J. A. Bilyeu tbla week banded ua a let ter Irotn bia eoa, C. C. Bilyeu, whw is now with tbe 4Mb regular army, at Man na, une. eeemetotoweiiaatiened with ble aoidlfr life, and wae anxloua to take. part in a battle. Tboraday last Mra. A. O. Prill re celved a teltgrara from Dr. Prill, aent from a point in Texas, requesting ber to go to New York at once, but offering no explanation. Mra. Prill was considera bly worried regarding tbe matter, and immediately gave up ber position in tbe publte ecbool and arranged for her jour ney. Bhe went to l'ortlaad Friday and from there proceeded to Kew xork tbe came eveolng. Strict lv buftincs. Freoch the jeweler. Crescent Bicycle, liopkina Brothers, agents, Beit UtryUe for tue mouey. Willft3terk,jeeiera. - Crescent bicycles at Hopklne Brothers for only fiO, f 30, 133 and ttO. O R Winn, ettv ticket agent. Tlckete to all points in the eaat. Be sure and see tbe anti ru't tlaware at Hopkin Bios, will las', a life-time. Go to M tea Longa for blub priced pho tographa, and do not lorget to Uka along me money. By allowing' toe accumulations ia lb bowels v remain. tbe entire svitem U pots oned. DuWiift Little tarly Risersregnl ate tbe bowel. Try them and ou will always use them. Fbay A Maaon. Ilenrfa na Sturdy as oak." If tbe heart ia to be aturdy and tbe uervea strong, tbe biood mint bench and pore Hood'e Burtaparilla makes hearts sturdy because It makea ffood blood. 11 gives strength and courage. Ilood'a Pilla are non-irritating, mild.ef-fcclive. A Fw Point era. Tne recent statistics of the number of deaths, show lht tbe large majority die with ooasumptioa. Tbia disease may commence with an apparently harmless cough which can be cured Instantly by Kemp a cUliam tor tbe Throat and Lungs, which ia guaranteed to cure and relieve ail case, iricezw. at a &uc. tor sale by all druggists- I he Excitement Not Over. Tee ruth at tbe drag store atill conlin uea and daily scares of people call for a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs for tbe cure of Cougha, Uolds, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. Kemp s Balsam, the atandard famil) re medy, is sold oo a guarantee and never fulls to giveontire stifaction. Price 26o. and 60s. Dr. W. Wixn, lUlv Hill.: N 7. aays "1 heartily recommend One Minute Cough Cure. It itavit my wife immediate relief in suffocating asthma." Pleasant to take. Never fulls to quickly cure all cooghs, colds, throat and luag troubles, j ;For sale by Foshay t Mason. Moaio. Mlaa Mlwreo Burmeatat eaoher of piano or organ. System tbe Maaon touch and technione. Keeidenoe riitbitraet,oppoeiU U Pchrucb. GotoVerick'a ahavingand hair cat ting parlor for first class work. Hot and ootd bathe. Clean towele to t mer. every For good clean work Viererk'tTontor al Parlor ia tbe place to get aiccm mod-ted. W. have .... . --a tka i.Umi m-rr.ntll rjulldlnc in th world over ,ooo,ooe euaiomra. wnin nun nn """i sngafod filling out-of-town orders. OUR GENERAL CATALOGUE is ths book of the people-tt quotes WholeMle Prices to Everybody, hu over l.ooo psgei, it.ooo illuttratlom, snd to ooo descriptions of srtlclee with prices. It eoits yj cents to print snd mail eachcopy. We want you to have one. SEND FIFTEEN CENTStoshow your good faith, and we'll lend you a copy FREE, with all chargea prepaid. -ro Car Cubtttrwttun Twiovor. Tnko OiMvnrets C'unilv Cutlinrtla looortte. It C U. C. fall to our. ruui'" rv.'unu rrow. Ono Doco J0HT8GMERYWARD&C0. Mleklgsns.asd Midlien Street OHIOAOO .Tells the story. Wben your bead aches, and you feel bilious, constl 'pated, and out ot tune, with your stomacn soar ana no appetite, jusi I buy a package or Hood's PHIo And take a dose, from 1 to 4 pills. You will be surprised at bow easily Ibey will do their work, cure your I headache and biliousness, rouse the i liver and make you tcel happy arain. gf 25 omits. Sold by all medicine dealers. "Dancing ecbool" every Toeaday night sun oatoroay afternoon at Holland's Hall in Baltimore Block. - LaGrande't new tehool house will be occupies on the I&tii of February. Only 10.SS Inoheiof rain fell lo Astoria latt month. This waa below tbe average Tliecaeeof HiiKhes agt. Linn county la to be beard in the supreme court next lueauay. j valley exchangee generally apeak ot trouble with boboe. Tbey are more troublesome than ever thr inuh the slate. sneaaing anu saucy. , Mr. Arthur Beemla bat sold 05 acres of ble farm acre a i tbe river to O. if. llush- son. for ll&jO. Mr. Kueheon will d vote it to gardening among other tbinge. Captain L. P. Adama . who died at Ra- lero on the 2oth, bad an application penaine lor an Increaae ol Deneion from li to $72 per month. It waa granted two aays alter bit deatn. The Baleia Base Ball Club nlaved with Oorvallialaet night being defeated 18 to v. uorvains also deleatea Albany. He ace a ft game may be expected to night at the armory. Probably tba moat tax ridden cttv in Oregon le Astoria. Tbe total tax a near ly 60 inilla. Tbe ecbool levy bae juat been placed tt 10 miile, five timet that of Albany, which bat fully at good acboola. Tbe Kclo Newt aivee tbe following ad vice: "Let no man reeeiv a vote, for a tounty office, wbo la not known to be noneet, reliable and capable of filling tbe position to which be asn'ree. Above all things let blm be possessed ef a clean record, and vote for no one wbo la a pro fessional office eeeker." MarabSeld'a telephone exchange now bat 130 subscribers, end tte Sun boasta that ManhBaid now eaiora tbe distinc tion of having tbe best and mon thor oughly equipped telephone service of any town on tbe Pacific coast. Several larme on tbe Coot river are connected with tbe tyitem. Ex. Mr. C. II. Markbam. of tbe Southern Pacific !s encouraging such inJuatriet aa creameries in tbe valley, and ia making a special effort in thle line. Mr. Mark nam baa a good brad, wbicb ia level in ma:tere appertaining to the development ol tbe interests of tbe elate, and tbe peo ple oi tne valley tbouul back blm up. Tbe supreme court bat aet the bearing ol tbe case ol Jennie Bmiteon, respond eat, ve. the Southern Facifie Company, appellant, for next Tuesday. It wl I be renembered that Mise Sinilsoo, of HpringSeld, recovered a judgment in tbe Laoeoointy circuit court same time since against tbe railroad company for 110.000, tbe lady losing both of ber legs in tbe train accident at Springfield. Mra. 8. L. Moorbead bad left her watcb with a Knlgnt Templet charm at tache 4. with Mr.Orain for repair only a boat two hoars before tbe robbery vc eared. It waeviakea with tbe rest. It waa a present from bar parente on her 18 b b rthdsy and a reward ol $10 will be paid fur lie return and no questions asked. Tbe case waa eoarared as fol lows : From parente to daughter, Mary h. ttonuam, eignteentn Dirwaay, J inctioa Timea .AVegcbU Preparation Iw'Aa slmilating t&roolandRe$(uLa Bug tbi! Stnianrfaflial I toads cf. fit .' iTDnotesTsOonXimM' Tiess aMEsLCootalas ndther Opajnrf orpbine nor HkKraL Not Nahc otic. JUft. A Bcrecf Remedy forebnsfina. doh.SourjStoiaach.DianlioeA, WTiiSMrrvii!sions,Fevtnshr ties? andLOSSOFSLTZR Tac Simile Signature of VTEW YOHK. tXACTcopyor vrappcb. mm iiii Tor Infants and Children. Tha Kind You ISavo Always Bought Bears the Signature of AA In Use For Over Thirty Years ill Pi) llllil ft mmwn wmmt, tMa rr. Ur il II HJ-o, 6am jit, a la. savs, "1 think Kjdul Uyspepiia Cure a splendid medicine. 1 prescribe it, and my conSd ence in it grows with continued use.'1 It digea a wbt you eat and quickly cores dyspepsia and indigestion. For sale by Fosbay A Maoa. Sugar Mr. Graiwobl inform na that be fa aelling 17 pounds of granulated au ger for $1.00. Kow ia tbe time to buy as it ia liable to a up at any time. Tbie ie a net caab proposition. All goods dcltvered free of charge. Tjie Danger. Naw Yori, Jan. 30. A 'London dis patch to tbe Evening World today eaya : Buller'a danger ie now forcing itself oo military exp.rta. The committee of na tional de'enae hi gravely considering it. Lord Roberta, it ia reported, cabled the committee that nnleaa Buller and nia forces arrive eafely frim their present position to the south of tbe Little Tugcla river tuey will be in imminent danger oi Having taeir communications cut. Miee Joyce Biowoell will take np her piano claw during vacation through the winter. Tbe beet German and Eastern methods. Leave word with W. F . Rend DMIRATION IS PICTURED ON EVER FkCE that extminet a Columbia wheel. They are tl4 acme nf beauty and grace, and g!i le l t ie rotd asift n I true at Oupil'rtir io.i mstJen'e heart. Tiio x wlu wis genninc aatkfaetl m and . enjwru-nt when ri-'in a wheel sbould procure a Columbii. It is the beet high grde wheel made.' Stkwabt A ox Haidwbc Co. To Cur j a Cold lit Uue Day Take LixiTivt Raoao Quifisa Tar bars. All dregghts refaa I th-s miuey if t rail i cure. & Uxova'a signature i ja etch bx. - 't eachers Examination. Notice ie hereby given that the county auperintendent of Linn county will bold tbe regular examination ot applicants tor atate papers at Albany, Ore., on Feb ruary 14, 15, 16, and 17, aa follower . - Commencing Wenesday, February H, at 9 o'clock a. at , 'and cbutinuinar until Saturday, February, 17, at 4 o'clock, Wednesday Penmanship, history, apelling, algtbrv reading, ecbool law. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, book-keebing, physics, civil government. Friday Pbtiiology, geography, men tal arithmetic, . composition, physical geography, Saturday Botany, plane geometry, general history, English literature, psy. chology. - Dated at Albany, Ore., thla Mat day ol Jan.,190J. . i A. S. McPohald, County Superintendent , Doat Tvbaces Sell aa Karake Tear Ufo Anaj. quit tobacco easily and forever, be u:g netlo. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No To Boe. the wondor worker, that malte weak men strong. AU drutglata, too or tl. Cure (uarar teed. Booklet and snmple free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chinago or New Vora Don't Use Hig WordSe...... In proniu!iing oureinterir cozitalionsorarticnlaiingtriperScial sen timeiimiiue aad piiiloeopbical peycholoyical obeervatione, beware of platitudinous pii- d -rosily. It your ronvereaiiona pcrifeasa clarified eon concieenvs. jiiirrbecsioleueee, coalescvnt consistency and a toncaten ated voKencv. -, . . .. Fecliew all conglomeration of flatulent garrulitv, jnjrne babblement and asEinuine aif-ttione. Let your vxiemporariroaa descantinsa and unpremeditated en aliations have Inteliigihiiity and veracious vivacity without rodonionfkde oi ibrasnniral bombast. Sedalonsly avoid po'vsvl 4 labia proluod ly, pomponi prolixity, venuitcquia) verbosity and ani1o quint vapiditv. . ....... In other words, Go to F. E Alleo A Co'a rtore and set the best Java and Mocha cifTe to be procured, in oilier word, yet will be treated light on any tbins von buy of them. " ' F. E. ALLEN & CO. ..Our OfTeriiigs. In CARPETS arid other kindred goods are of the latest patterns and colorings, our rug and art qsuare iries are very strong this season. ALBANY FURNITURE CO. masonic Temple BIdg.v Albany; Or. Thomas Brink (la the o'deet established Fornitura 'ouse in 'I'e ci, He keeps the Goeet slock nf Furniture in tha val ley. Hive biiu rai ard look over bia fiao vonds and get bia ptices be lore you buy. ingl'f' 'l tls' twtlliL lWK mm tJiall Lounges, Couches , Kedrcom suits, cane aid fine Kot kers, Bahr CarriitKee, Go carls, Bm'riing, Spring mattrerses, Matting, bide boards, one extern ion tablts, etc. Quid sa!ei aii sil1 p5(s. V