Handkerchiefs wtberla driving ira ,,,.'.', , We bavt loti of Hendker. chlef. l bad thtm Imported specially for tit last lanimtr. -. Wehavelbeniat 2Xo ch and for 3,0O each and at boat twenty price between. MTOl r,d "ikrohUf. by tbe hundred, loo, ZOd, 2oo,Mo and a very flueeii.brolderrd.h.mnltch.l llandk.rchlr ai WJn. Ilanokerdilela of ihear lliien wlh lac t trim at 60c J look Ilka li.ey would ci w V Utter iae t 11.60, ll.Tft and 13 00 eeeu? Kid Gloves Come to the front tl.li time of year and we art ready for Irade. Wa have nearly on. hundred doner, ol lh new e arn glove, W .have t,,., ,t $0o, i.2r, ,,, ,t 9I.M per pair. Alrmm any trade, any size. Then wa lb" w rifih?.'1 ,1,76 C,0r' "d 12 bl,ck' 8.E. Younw&Son THE BAZAAR. 1900 JANUARY SPECIALS 1900 What's more welcome than a timely bargain Cud.r.iiuallii ealea art ju.t now h dclng tay In larger enter, of trade And wa makt a timely offering of tbaaa goods totba ladletof Alnaar. Jiut placed on our counter, it an assortment of Nkiiit Rcae, 0 Mantua, Coa.rr Covaxa, Sjrawm. and Shut received direct from manufacturer. Eaeb artle'e I choke, a bargain, and election made now leava you tima and money frae for later purchases Art fJflod M nob fine ntedlo work It dona at tbla re too. All interested should Uka advantage ol the tot prlco on BTnrt LiKiKt, lUrrxnuaii Pananaa and all Amt Uoooa. Winter WaMa AvoOoriMa Flamhbl Gowita I pricea thai w III eurely please I hoto wauling theatMaionabla article. LE.& II. J. HAMILTON. Foresters of America. Mr. J, O, Ikemnn, ttate o'sanlier, assisted ty about f)ften fialem Fore.. era hat night org.oixed Court Liberty No. 24 with nearly fifty charier mem bara. the largest darter membnr.hlp of any court In the stst.. Alter the Iniiia lion and organisation the iemb?rt and their Halein friend, adjourned to the .um ruuuit di noiitr Kennedy. w'ere a flue spread was terved. Following are the lodge', drat officers: I'aat chief raogar, W U Warner j chief ranger, C O ilurkbarl; aub chief raogar, Adama; financial secretary, JArincb: recording secretary, Ue Kdwarda; een lor woodward, John Maxwell; junior woodward, KaOaaevjeenwr beetle, J E Koet: Junior beetle. Hit !am.,hii. truster.. R L liurkhart. IV l m,ii.i.' . , . . y - aa KbVIIU UiO VAndrAQ rniin -n .... Johoboia.t phyalclao, Vr M II Elba: driugUt, Fred Dawaoo; di-puty grand rblef ranger, t red Daweoo. i Stop at Will & Stark's For Jewelry i Ti?y ''v,''ltnJ elegant Una o many noveltlet, Kaa their aouvaoir ipooot . Hee their diamond.. ree their beautiful rloai. Bee their many allver noveltie. See their pretty chalue. Hee their cut glaaa. Kee their gold and tilver watcbee. Mee their canaa. And man nth iUim ii.... of tuperior quality at reaeooable pricea. Bee Frenrli I-tr . SCHOOL MEETING. A aptilal acbool meednv t a w va aj trie oentral achool bouie ia.t eveoing for the purpose of levvlnn a t fnr ti. . " tuppori oi tne acboolt tba coning year. u. . uon, chairman, prealdtd, and the clerk Virgil 1'arker read the call. iiieciiairaian read tba following re- port, anowmg a an anilld eondltion r.i . . ... - . - airt tor Aioany'i acbooll. Ti the tax-Daver. of Achi ni.i,i No. In Linn Qjunty, Oregon. Wa liardln anKm It f. - . I I . - --w.. ,u( juut cuneiurre gmwanrw, an annual report of Hi" condition .f tt, hi y Wa are gratiled lo be able' to ttala that wa are in the mldat of the moat tocceee- ui Buiiuai w mm r m nrtmu n a . i. v. I . . OUr DUhllo .Clwin a ' .Tll.?C0l,,,?.0',,,udr'M '-"iwd. uU nprova. each lncom inn viae, vlaa milh ..... i 1. .... vwvr id ue deavor to excel, and a promotion from rrV mi meant mere than ! . " r" na.recueii an allotted nor. tion ol time to a particular teacher, it ..... vu.i too pnpn i0na an(i knowt the work of the particular grade. Wa eonirr.tn I.i.ii.. JTi.i ... .11 .r ninlaing public acboolt that rank ao iu ma eniimation of tin Depart- " ""perintenuooce, and cbool generally inrougbout the ttate. taOdam a tiaa haan ..t...l ...i re conndwnt that betora the tpring term v "7 ! vur ,"inen win reacii at leaat tijht buodml. Tbia Increaae bat been ao atead that tha ..!.. tloaal teacber bat been required, but we "" wihj me number wo now uv, arrangementa can be made where by the achool. can be managed during .... .u.uiMV 7rr. iu iui connection, wa deaire to aav that mn. hi.ra.iit i,i be given 8operiotenaent Martindale and mi esceiieni aeei.taate, for their kiod neaa in aoidln ih.aatan.il i.u;.. on account of .uch Inoreaaed attendance. ay tueir aralHan a, comMoatlon. of gre.iea nave been mad which have re- eu tea in eanm niar.i.i. ... n. .i.. jt. - ..iiu w lug uc The board hava at all Ofad A maintain a at .loll. A.. .1... public acoool, one of which onr citlcent ia vw proua. ana one ol which the board are juetlv proud; and while we are reaecoably well aatltfled with tbe reenlt of An. I. Km.. . l it .... ... . i . now 01 id. emciency ovue, 11 ia eepeciauy gratify ina to ba ahta In - ' lv" mi uu.uvi.l condition of tha dielrict wat never be fore better than it ia to day. There it a iua naniia or ilia riarir .v,. time, the earn ot four tboueand dollare ia rouoa numoert; weeatimate that tbe deliDnuentUx liaU In tbe band, ot the eberifl for mllartlnn ..in u i. . " " :r j j ti r"uwa ivaaii yuMBu aouara, ana DMea upon apportionment Heretofore received from tbe funda (tialrlhnia k .. . acboo toperinteadent, we eatimate that .... ill... Ill - ! .. ... unmet win receive irom me appor vum-Dii mi. year me aum of four JONH A. CRAWFORD. Death of Thla Prominent Pioneer Citizen, John A. Crawford, one of Alhanv'a moat prominent and beat known altlsana died at bit borne la tblt city at 9 o'clock toia forenoon after an illatat of tevtral year., Albany thnt lose, one of h. beat frland. Tba deceated waa hnrn In Tral.a.l V.k. ruarvll.iHU. w. i.. t..ia. ' -- - .w ..u.w WV II J afylUty coaet In I860, locating in California. remaineo iwo year., coming to Oreson In aaftllna i ah.... t. . , , - - ...... . .. .iiniii, liwil he played leading part ia ale charact eri.tlc way in tbe development of thla city and aurroundiog country. For many yeara be with hi. brotbererun the Magnolia mill., in mj aelliogto . H. roater & Co., and again about twenty vaara later aHln .nni.,.l ty, which be efterwarde aola to the pree out owner, together with tbe canal property wbicb be owned moat of tbe time aince ita conatruction twenty yeara and over man. Ha l.l.nimi uu . good many of tbe enterpriaea of tha city. Mr. Orawford't face waa familiar not only to Albany people generally but at n mi iicui:i 01 nea'ern uregon. and rjartiinlarla tst tha -....1.... " i. - r ; w .... piwuiiuoui uiir neer botineat man of Portland, whom be met (onunoaiiy is hi. frequent trip, to that city. Ha waa navav m..r:u ui. ji... . , ' " - . . ...a ui.uv" aitloa waa one of kindoeaa aod of a ben. avolant eliarartap ( t,i. i.,i;i.i i doing moch for tboae around him. Tba peopie oi Aioenr will alwaya remember ...ft. LIlkJltA.. ill . ... .iiu.uiuuni mie piojeer ciiixen. A brother Knhtrt ah w.,. ... .1 of the ettate which the three brotbera ccnmmarAfi- ani .f.... vr -. . .1. ... " " " . 1 a. ui ia and liiaa Catharina P..BI I . 1 - ------ wt--iuiM( vur.iTO biro, and were at hit bed.ide at bla oeain, ..Tbe faaeral tervice will take place at the re.idence tomorrow afternoon at 2 o clock and will be conducted by Key Keed Of the Praah.t.ri.. .t...k ill - - - n. ..u vti All inena. oi tbe deceaeed are invited. HOME AND ABROAD. RrtlMma tiaa .... "ejton having been pronooaceof by Pre. Harria and iVlcklin to bare the uiwa.e. The aabvwi f f. ' a TT i n bnnr. waa ohhat ...I...I.. i . I. inn L.T,.',E.". r.ug oi li "."" a. o. aiainewt and iu veicingiog 10 iae taiooa. Tba Fruit ftrrMvava lml.ll.. . r . w. . nwi.jwu vi ure gon met at Corvallie tbir afternooa and wiu u 10 aeMion lor three dava. Mr Iirownall altar.. Iu4 r, aik. . . .inuT auu oili er. Irom the country. Tbe leading; fruitl men ot tbe ttate will be pretent. Frof. W. H Hifh.. li l-- vrowfoot thla morning for a few day. avwuui vi uipmena in tbat yicinity. The two cbiidrea of Geo. Cortir.near the Ktiooi tiooae, art both afflicted with that awiui aieeaee, wblie teveral otben faave veeo expoeeo. expreaa-Advance. . Mrt. Brannon, of Albany, who haa been viaiting her brother, Thoe. V. Mil- r, oer tnu city tor a few daye, got on a horae thla mnmln. ... r "." u i.iiuu uume. The how became frightened at a valige a .m vuto me aaiaie and lgan L i1.' to0"1 Mre. Braonon off and, a.wwu uvw Lima ane ia uurt. Lebanon Expreaa Advance. Buy your Harfliaic ui tafto aii Grass M i OF phling & Hulburt. Electrical Supplies. Telephone.. Door-hella ha llarlaa. aA C I'm' ,or ,ln),t wiring. "'" laiapuooe no. Oil. Reeidence, telephone No. 735. AcnxaoM A Rautok. L08T.-Ie Albany bet wean tha va.l. dance of Mr. Zuteman and tbe rea taorant a gold watch belonging to Mre.. h.R. Caae. Pea.a leave with Mr, Caae or at the Dauoa j . " W .MV ceive reward. tro-Te-Bae for Firty Ceaea OmnDtaad tohaeeo baMt care, milM weak Ben iiron, blood pure, local. A'J UxuagiatT Koirar Mr. CSra'tanhl l.f...ii... he la tellin 17 nonnrl. ftf M...I.I.J .- gar for $1.00. Now ia tbe time to buy aa lit ia liable to an nn at ana Tki"1 1. 'a na nmmh ..nM-:.: j. ww. ..... rivW.lftiU. All good, delivered free of charge. COUNTY BUSINESS. Affair, at I he court hone, era .... jr E quiet toJAj. W . a , IS1?" ctrpentere have about quit Our Specials. Good for stock on hand. We have a rioeulai High Ora le Coffee tbat cupt a. well at many h gradee. Our apecial price Soo lb. Try it. Cur Vinegar rannot be equaled, and wa atili hold the price 15c sailoa We wilt give ycu S pk. Extra Choice Mu.h for only 25o. We Lave a full line of Giocerlet and Provi.lcne at rra.onalle price.. Call and exainlne our good. Albany Trading Co. Vance Building:. Second St. nve oanarea OMiara, making the entire eetimated recelpta, tbe aum of "'" luuunnu ova nnnurea aoiiart. Wa aal imata tha .ira.uai .i-..i .... wa uiiiiiwiBi talnlog tbe acboolt for tbe coining year iuiiv.i . Taarhar a.lavlaa a crtrut nn Janitor, aaiariea 450 00 550 00 Intereat bonded debt 1200 00 lu.uiane nn 'w .. av w fitting, for extr room 100 00 Watar rant am r a locidentaia 600 00 ... . . F U.Tv .WUI UUi., the Welch Broe. packing their thinga in.y.iMurj vu reiomiog 10 tneir nomea at N. Um I.. -1 1 VI..SIUK no ia now in nrn. ereaa. Tha eltvir m k. 1- ,. .1 V tbe and of tha vaalr recoroer't office only a aatitfac- v a HivriKBge .or tuu wa. aied. In the Hark 'a nfnn. . !!.... t lued for tbe mvrugeof J. C. Uaye and Mlae Llxxte Lindaey.tbe former form art SlSaMtHivna Ri.i.l..l. . " " inm piugrna- iuutw uom ioe ceantry tban Irom ritft ry few taking ad vantage of the dark 'a nffina twln. ..Z i j Saturday nigbta. Thoee from tbe coun try ahould know tbeir towotbip and Let's Be Honest! fJnr- Ar-b!ea , io? B. t.bP't. '"d it ia our deaire lor tbe and nrf thi. l!lc,pa,0Iy 5,l,h'1 nd Mtimete butiaeie and upon thia baaia we a.k for your patronage, at tbe tame time we UI ll nJJ' f,Tor; W don't offer P'81 diacoaau or apec- wUh Jf Jt LJf' W,a ? rml- , Wo Mk 'oa bnya' medicine iT. f ct confidence, and with tL- diatinct naderetanding, backed b;f"Pf' nnte, that, if tne reaulte are not ia everyway aat tafactoryyoo can have your money back. Thie it Honert. Burldia. GOOD RESOLUTIONS are APPROPRIATE at tbit time of the year, but T T 1 Try Parker Bros, For the best Groceries, Baked Goods, and T r - Fresh Produce and Fruits. -jr-r TT 4-POUriD CATALOCUn FREE IN a B U CmTALVUUb faia iaa aaava, u tuui moiwa U,IM IlluWraUotif, HUiya alailM l.wKa MlnlM.. M.hiuu. mill, tl! i2.i..hU..i.i.Lid... ...... 'C".ilUlvi ivlfrjHiMlbau&tUUV fiuk CI.IU4, Halt, tiwatakiM KM, .... InWy, Unas OT.rwwM .wn., immiM aHWltt, mWM iiawfc atl rnv anM a.niiUM, cv7, ihr. riuMk Ihimi h..ir.-i. Vmlrtaa Nnik ttaM, imlim, twK Xlya.i r.l..MH ami. tw. T.llt JuH what roar Konltanr at ham. mart p.. tor enrrUiinr h. bajaanil wlllnTaTrnt him rroai ov.nk.nrin. ron oa aaythlna jdo eujr i axplaln. Jurt kow to ordM', Bow MS"b lb. Mrkl, Ka vr a.u will ba ea anythlaf to four ion, .aa tola weak PVR FREtfCFFIEW. ta'Jf. balip ! lb M oviita jMMtur, 14 ih Be .towa. will Im aa-tl ft. yttVlU krr aaait aaUaia.lal. anrt If vnu rTna't ttalnkr Ulawrorth ltttlmaaiha la M&U a tfata. Uwaat atlinlaaala tuaaaa Bf avarvlhlna aaw u 111,430.00 Tbna It will ha aaan that tha .t. . com of expenditurea oyer recelpta it the a., aw akff a 1 flirt L I . .a . . . uw vi fi..w,waica muai do raited by taxation. Thumnnnt nf taw.hl. . vuni In the diatricl aa ahnsn k. tha . iu. wuuvr ciers i. toe aum 01 II, 43.. .24.00. If tbe tax could all be collected, one and one-half milla oa the dollar wonld ralae th.nacea.arv amount, botaa m M.I.I. . .1 A . 1 . . - f"'""" "e ax ieviea aiwaya re main, nnonlln- tarl it aill Mnnl.. . ... of two milla 1 1 meet tbe expense, to be Incurred la export of tbe acboolt for tUe en.olngyear. With bat few exception. non-reidenta DOOlla have ualil tnltinn nMmnll. .-j toe aama haa haaa nlaaa to .. mmAit .( - -7 . w uv vvti. vi tbe district with f 11 nil a la tha h.l. -I the clerk. . . . . . At a genera! rale, we be.lera tha nat- lona are nnltarf in ih.lp.n..i.i.n.L. ourecbooleacredit to tbe city, aad we earaeatly reqaeat them to vialt tbe var lou. room., that tbeir Dreeenee nit prove aa encouragement to "Boy-Hood, briebteattiavi" In conelnainn. wa MMnnmil ik.. . , , . . . - vww.vuu Mia a BDOCIal arannl taw rJ tmm. ntn. .1 V ,, .. . .ww mnia vu mw dollar upon all tbe Usable property io u- .enow Gi.irict, oe levied for the par DOae nf tnaintalnlna tha nnkl;. ..I V. .1 . . - " . ww iiuviiunuvjll ui a IK... c. it.. 1 ft uw roauiog year. Very respectfully aabmitted, L. M. Curl, School Board Diatrkt No. 6. Albanv. Or 1 Hpll!mo,ioi,,"of nIinone ii.it .1 1... 1 a 7 oar isry waa aaiuonxed aieviiDg aajourneo. Invltatlona are nnt fnr a tt...,I xr.. - 1I.W1IUUW nee ball at tbe hall of tbe lodge on St. VaJenline'a day. Committee ol arrange, menta are . If. .Clevenger, V. A. Cox. Floor managert . 8. Van Winkle and a, n arner. trance uefceta f l. , . There will be a matt meeting of mem bera nf tr a famwatln " - iwi. var.T and silver !rennbliean nartiaa lt itk.-I .- Mr , M. u . vu i-.iniw; ivc uis purpose 01 max ion arrannmeata for the June Mmnilan j and diacuaaing methods for tbe nomiaa- won ox a 1 cxet, eto. Tha Weather. Tonight and Thunder, latir lUtionary F. M. FaiKca Di.pl ay man Tbe beat meaU of all kind, aad treatment at tha Albanv Draaaad Compajay'a market, just down Second treat, bood weight aad prompt attead ion, , ., ,. . ....... I. O- 0. F. There wiQ badtonw nr. tonight. Eoiouniinir brothera aa ..li at members are earnestly requested to be preecnt. By order of the N. G. II. Barnes. Beet. " I-ADixa Aid 8oaxrr.-The regular meeting of tbe Ladies a id Society will be held at the residence of Mrs. L. E. Blain i tnurao.y me ntday of Keb. at 2:39 vile HONESTY aod TRUE VALUES are possible ONLY on a REASONABLE MARGIN of PROFIT. . REMEMBER we have ' "SPECIAL SALES" TJil,,rd7 d we request tbat yon investigate, both tbe H ONE31T of oar PRICES, and tbe TRUE MERIT of oar good.. Peacher & Matthews, Trustee thie week I 11.00 aod upward. We FIT them free 11 PROGRESSIVE PHARMAC.ST8. "Iftha r n V.tm It tt l. boils, nitnnlaa. vmln a .oil .1 -1 mtf wm BUOIIUI, UTS pepaia, rheumatism or catarrh. , . jurt the one that should take flood', gar. teparilla, for thia medicine cures all these WVUUIOW. flood's PHU cure all liver til. Non trriUting. Moaic Mist Mtiarea durmeetei eacher of piano or organ. Systemthe Uaaoa touch aad technioue. Reaidenca Fiith ttraot,eppoaiu D P church. HE- Our apecial China Sale it unloading great quantitiea of goode better investigate yon may never have another auch a chance. ' t Respectfully, J. A. WEAVER. All aoaldpoartbly be Mnt Into a dlitrM." Unroot Monthly, obkawo. "7 nnrNHunp. I. . nn Dawnmmi non .oii.fl ao soanaw.iiiiaaMi.iM.M.mrM.itMin. WHAT THE PHtCli. AV ABOUT THIS t!ATAWOTT "ltli obiuwM lit biuUMH latontiaUoa." MIbm.wIH taiajL Tribune. "A wondrfnl plana of wBrfc." WtaMwrton Wttlon.lTrtbena. . "Th cataioru. I. a wond.r,'-MaBdftMUr ( . H. i Voion. m aaM.Ho.ha.kaco.lioB at la. largaM bowM at IW UagUt 'in. oil tl 1 l.a. ka aalli.. tk...u.f tVl. LT.I. .la .1 1 ..lu.l.t. . .1. ajTT- 1 a aBritaaw. eaa. Aaa-ttt, AR. ROEBUCK at CO. (Inc.), CHICAGO, ILLINOIt, U. 0. A. Mro Intoroomn. nn (or uu on of lb Saail bopptng BMdhua. tbat i. "r- 'Bon. 0. A. iootbtoaw. TVi. .ahIiih. rlin.lna m.. W. . 1. I I . jl o I n i i I . ' out me ougar dbwi oas reM cueaauu, Delicious clam boallion at tha Sugar Bowl 2nd street. Have you tried our iUliaa Naugat, Viereck't Sugar Bowl, 2nd afreet, itm mil r anartaMaa anil a. a nl.au. French's JewelryStore, i OfrSMtfc ir fj?jb aw. rk JpttTlMIMfc 4eHk J SDougDIful Careful clothing buyers never , consider quality alonea or price alone, Its tod happy union so fully met with rlglit here that strikes home to our consciousness like a bullet from a rifle. You know this make 1 ' a.m . a- ja 1 '"ivw. 'li. j.. wav TO! UHt Q TMt AMoUS f .7 ir"" iMi.t."Ut.vwui'iivwi.i L....- . At the BLAIN CXOTHING Compan