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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1900)
ClviAWO Rat. Weekly Obvocbat tad Kinrairter 12.50 ana i irice-a-wees. World 13.00; and Republic 11.75 J and OteoaUn 2.25 and San Francisco veeklr CU 2.00 ;nd Salem WmUj Aor-ial 100 i - " ' , J D Diidm, Editor "Democrat," Wa iter, N H, ay, "Ooa Minute Cough (hire it the best remedy for croup 1 ever efed.' Immediately relieves aad cure MUgDS, O01US, O'VUp, wima, (""""p hbnehilis, grippe and all throat aod long rouble. It pro rente consumption, tor al by Foshay A Mason. "I had dyspepsia fifty-seven yean anu aTer found permanent relief till used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Now 1 am well d like a new man," write S J Ramming, Murray, Neb. It it th beat etfmttaat known. Cur all formi of in digestion. Pbyiiciana everywhere pre sarlba it. For aale by Foshay Mason TERMS. Jkitr !).. eat, 25 vnt par month f.00 per ad vane, sua permontn aot in advance. By carrier, 100 pat week. 10 per cent added It allowed to ran over month , Single oopte fa. Wbielt. 11.25 in advancei SI. 60 at end rf veari 11.75 for aeoond yeari 12. 00 for Shird and preoeedtna- yean, when not paid in adrtinoc. Club of fira i subscribers at 15.00. ' v ... WMrs DISEASE ALBANY COLLEGE -OFFERS A THOROUGH- Change of Time. BMlnntni. Doc 1st. the O. R. A N. I will rnn their SPOKANK FLYER via Willnla. and tha 8. R. V. R. R. : Train No. 4. will leave Portland i arriving at Spokane i No. 3, wui leave opt' tai ortland at 3 -.45 p. m. , J at 7:11 a. m. Train j I kanaat 4:30 p. m., I . nd at 8:00 a.m. j j h tha above tralne. I LaGrippf with its after effect, annua 'ly dNtroya thousands of people It may be Licty eared by Un Minute Cough Cure, theonly remedy that pmduet immediate reeulta in coughs, colds, croip, broncaitis, aoenmouia and thront and luojr trouble. will prevent consuuipJon . For sale by fkabay t Mason. a.tii ftrrm eft Portland In oonneetion with tue auov traine, tha O. R. N. wilt put on a patten var tialn. leavlnst Devlou at 0 p. m. and Walla Walla at id 30 p. m. connecting at Wallnla with No. 4. from Portland at U ;20 p. m., and with No. 3, from Bpok- j ana at ixua. m.: leavmc nwna IS :10a. m., and arriving at Walla Walla at 1 :30 a. m. ana Dayton o wo a. m, Of Cartalo lalaatnatlea et th Kidneys Is a vary eomtnon ailmeut. Uk aU throat dlixuot tha symptom, ton Ob Insidiously. Jt proper traatmsnt tt obtained tn tt early aUges, Bright Dlseass may t cured. ODTAN will turt Hit tttatakaaUttm. avo. tan wtu ralltr all th symptom. Do not delay WW lOUf. UK') M . HI your caa becomes In curable. Begin th as Oli1VTA!BW,hH K 1 High-Qrade College Education To every boy and elrl that hi th ambition to attain one. 7T1 FoY o 1 Tha court la complete, and em bract tha LANGUAGES, SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS, HISTORY ENGLISH AND ELECTIVE8 Fad Mall Halt Let, Denver, tt Worth. Omaha. Kan. Mall an City, H IjOuIi, 6i45 p ghlogoandEU Bpok an F'ya 8:6 youmaybnrd. Th Normal Oourte Irada np to a STATE DIPLOMA, and the Commercial Court bat now become a - Business College o-poktn Walla, WalU, Bpok Viver ana, Mlnneapoll. 81 1:10 pm l'aul, Duiuth, M waukee, Chicago, 4 Bait. 8pm OCEAN STEAMSHIPS For Ban FranoUco Ball every fit dayi THE EARLY SYMPTOMS IRE : Equal to anything In the Stat. Now illustrated catalogue. Board at th Student Club at actual coat price. Far particular writ Young Mothers. Groan is th terror of thousand of roanir mother because it outbreak Is so ' !! 1 .t-t.4.1 Okllk.. If vou suirer from UnJereeM or mllaess iOoajh and Consumption CureacU like atherijrht aide, pains under ahoaldor- msgio in cases of Croup. It has never 1. CXrRnwTn armr u . , eeadaohjl HUDVAai.k..urjli Alba.nv. Orairon. Will IK. I..-.,' Z-.-. 1 O - HwwvMi imuiuf. -3. rvyrnitin i ... Immn mi. V... . maun T. . .J " x,'itlon of uivui.i WOTUB. UHUFHT Mllnviu will mom Ua attra anonat at flul4 i ba .v ut oiooa ana ba aiii..j, v- tXa ri.ln.. lada. consriDation, mlousneas, eict- aadache, and feel dull, heavy and sleepy or liver it torpid and congested, be Witt's Little Early Riser will , cure yon awunntl. nleasanllf and permanently by removing the congestion and causing the bile ducts to opea and flow naturally. ' ABSSOOD FlUA. The worst cases re- Prices 25 cte,. and "I wou'da't be without DeWitt' Witch (fuel Salve for any consideration." write i&nTB Rhode. CenterBeUl.C' , Infallible fr piles, cuts, barn and akin ditesse. Bware of counterfeit. For sale by Fo - Hay A Mason. You knew whit form of blood poi taa olow concttpation. Keep the liver clean by osins DeWitt". Little Larly Uaars aad you will avoid troubles. Thev we famous pill for constipation and liver and bowel troubles. ForasaJe by Foshay ft Mason. eea known to tail. ieved immediately, ou eta. and Fcral by Foshay A Mason ; SVk Headaches. Th cars of overworked womankind, are quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover Hoot Tea, the great blood purines- ana tisane builder. Money refunded U not aatitfactorv. Price, 25 eta. and 60 cts. For sale by Foshay & Mason. V- TICKETS To all ioir t East via - Grt Northern Railway. For rates. fHdere and full infot nation ealli or addles H. F. Mujuix. Agent Albanv Beaaty la Blo4 Deep. Clean blood maana a bImk akin. Ka beauty without it. Cascareta, Candy Cathar tic eieaa your oiooa ana Keep it clean, by sumng np we lazy uvcr ana anvwg ail im pantica from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotchea, blackheads, and that sickly biliona complexion by taking Cascareta. beaatv for ten cents. AU drua : giau, aiiwaniongaarameea, IUC,S9C.0UC CASTOR I A For IsisBtJ and CMldren. 1. Vt.4 V.a Uava Ifurev PftflBM V IBS Mull IUi naifl nimajm K9i i f . y,m wife bad pile forty years.' D nfr7sXiJL' I Witch aaael 8alve cured ber. It I best .airs in America " It head nuuiA wui rsaioraia clrouUUon to It normal condition and huh a. .vk. Jlinva. ,1. . ..wviM.a win aumnauiaa tha an ..j uusola el tb kaart and aaaka it .. ..I rarUat ta It baaUajs. ' VXilSKM Aim Var HUOYAN WUI MOM tha kMn... " Uiairrunouona proparly, thawby raUarln. Us samsAdwtakaaat. H Oat BCD VAN at oaot and taka It .1...- VDTAN is sold brail tanla, f ' . aak.M . a .1.- f 5iT-"- k-p athmnB. aasa-w 14 K H A l(T Baa T. tbeavoTAWDooTORa r... . ,SSf ate tbsm. II to eannot ealL writ. oisaadthaywiaadTlt-roa. ThtadrteewlU btftTaafraa. Addraas . hudyajj remedy company, Ce Staattaa, Marfcat aad CJlla tla. aa rraaaltta. Cat Harmony, Oountaroolnt. Fuaue and hla-har Mualo UHSio laatana in itarmouv ani uonniarnnint uiuait 1 1.... m Method of Normal Trainlnin t-aohlrT. pfan; -.7-""- '.T astiit In obtalnlog a Mutloal JucaUoo. 8pa COLUMBIA RIVER ip Sunday 8TKAMERH. Kaflu(U WALLACE HOWE LEE, President F ' I ....... .SMrtWMM ffttlf J lUI . 6am Ytiuui x . j " '"V Kittun. Oregoi Ultv. Nswberg, Et Hun baleui A W iy-Land t am WILLAMETTE AND 8:30p etday, YAMHILL, itiv. onoa Aurs.. Orsgou City, WajlM, Wd. and bat. and Wayuanu. anuoai e.m WILLAMETTE RIV. 4S30P Tuesday Portland to Oorvaill rutfU. Sd"J vv"-UDd,nM- f Uinarla L Lswlsloi JsSOam SNAKE RIVER W Dally Rlparla to Uwlston Dally N. W. N. COLLEGE OF MUSIC AND ART. f. I. PAR7I5, Mas, Doo., Pirector. MR3, J. N BROWN Principal of Art Atsoclat Plan. Litest M Pull fl.i.i UnaU ttsa lata " " w eas .w a MUVi'll UHUOUV1 Ul aaatawiv aiivi ami m 11 music: nan), urgan. Volo. Italian 8lnlo. Violin. Itaa.i Tn.t.....,. : . ... .-I.I . . uai vompoaiuoo. aio. Geo Nolan, Rockland, O., Boars th gjgaatureof 1 SOUTH and EAST -VIA- SOUTHERN PACIFIC ' Overland South Bound Leaves Portlan i .............. '00 P iiw-i Albanv 10:45 pm Saves Albany.... Arrive San Francisco North Bound. Uave San Francisco Arrive Albany... Saves Albany.. Arrives Portland lOH) pm 8: lo p m 8:05 pm 6 36 am 5 :43 a m 9:15 am rMifarnia Expreee-South BounJ aM::::::::::::::S:: If ives San Francisco 1 9 ; Oregon Express-North Bonnd. . 0n Vranrjaco 1 m 1M . CW - drives Albany Knaves Albany.. Arrives Portland 1:47 pm 3:10 p m 7:00 pm Tibanon Branch- Dailey (Et. 8onday) rJUv Albany for Lebanon. Arrive at Albany Slave Albany Arrive Alt any . 8:10 am .10:30 am . 3:25 pm . 6:05pm Direct connections at fan Francisco with stasmehin lines for Hawaii, Japan, fJbina,Tba Philippines ana Australia. For through tickets and rates call on raddree. o'.K. Fronk, Depot .Age ,nt, or O. B. Winn at weiis, rw(v Alb.-y.ur. aHMAEKHAM, B. KOEHLER, G. F. and P. A., Jlanager. Portland. Or. sav. My ue wnt's i the heal everv thing and cure all diaeasn. For sal by rosniy s mason. .... . a Important Difference. To mke it apparent to thousands, who think themselves ill. that thev axe not af flicted with any disease, but that the sys tem simoli needs cleanainar. i to bring comfort home to their hear is, as a costive condition U easily cured by using Syrnp ot rigs. HauUa'Hared by the California rig byrup Co. only, and sold bt all drue- gists. Albany Market. FOSHAY 4 MASON Wholesale A Retail DSU8QISM IIDB00muW (leakt. oacaoM. Pore Drag and th flneet and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books th Market. Wheat 43 unts. OaU27. Egg 37 eeot. Better IS to 17 cent. Potatoes 30 cents. Ham 15 ents. Side 10 cents. Shoulders 8 oeata. 17 a ssas ea f10RTHRn y PACIFIC B. B, Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. IiarUfielsllTdlirestatbefnnrl anA Ma Fttore in trecgtheaiDg' and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It Is the latest discovered digesV ant and tonic No other preparation can approach It In efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permanently core uj spepsia, inaigesuon, ueartDnrn, Flttt.lllnnM Rnnr Oinuli VT..... SickHedache,Ga)itialgia,Cranip8,and au oboer resaiu ui lmpenectaiffestlOQ. -frpard bw E. C. owit: Co- Cblcaso. For sale by Foshay k Mason. OREGON VIAYI COMPANY Cor. Morrison & Park Sts. LEWIS BUILDING. Portland Oregou vf vnai uuj.i s. i bave a wlimilsa amount nt mnna i. Ia., nrst-claas farm security or Improved business Drooertv in Alhan. (iz Per Centfor narticnlara o.ll n. address. fi. F. MsbrilIj, Democrat building. Albany, Oregon ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tne ooderttrned has been dn l id. pointed br tbe Coontv (Vnrt nt T.inn county, Oregon, as tbe administrator of tbe estate of II A Davit, deceased. Any aad a!) persons having claims Mains t said estate are hereby notified, to present tbe same, dulv verified aa bv law rennirwl in tbe undersigned at Harrisburg, Oregon, wttbia six months from the date hereof. Liated tbissthdarof Noremoer, 1899. EE Daws, Osaca Ass D vis. Administrator. WXATBXBrOnD t WfATT, Atty'sfor Admr's. row it u is y zx?u mmww VT.II. 1I0RLBURT, Usn. Pass. A gaol, RAW LINOS, Portland, Or. A gsnt Albany. 1XD S00 PACIFIC LINE. Direct route lo and front M E v a ' L-nmMi tbrouir't HwliRAlU biT SCENERY America. Tbroosh Brstela sleeping and toarl car Irom coast lo TO 0ST0N Without Change MONTREAL 3 Ai mmm wtt riaiytu, ulfcwl wll h fmitM im mmr rteh -" TJ"" a af .ta a,jr tuptm tmUmmi taaaaya aTaWa and aad ky Saw ar i.t, a bas "i rmatai -TO CHI51, JiPlH and AUSTALU ito-i siis th. "a'tsraw had aalaad alawsa uiMta. aJ tat Tnl kMaaiartiMttfahi ' t - JJSrg.!!" . " Fo' f-iU Uformatloa regarding ial ele. apply to. D, ii, ot rrwi II. II. BBOTT, Albany, Or. Asent Portland, Or. E.J.OOYLE. . , n A. U. r. A. aocouw, v, v JTREET RAILWAY NOTICE. Tne motor on the Albani Street Kali will conned prvmpty witb all train toai from tbe depot, day and jicbt. Special Hp will be made at sped rotes. R. Mocbs,, CrrifKl lit iCaCJ I (Swi. Sm HAIR SWITCH 65 CENJS. OUR OFFER; ciaiaadaiaa4e4 WUlMl(MttW4aM4 m wU bth aai ata to P"r po. aad aw ta, UM mm m mw ana mm h yoa bv .'yp.l4,I If tb .r. nnt anlS au.-naa. rvtora lludw, wUJ limawllanir loaa-. loaa uml aa. "la. laac.ahortaana. SS.SSI H oa. w-l: f"n,"a,H'lli as at Mata. aa. Koaa ikm PMrmat., at i a. asiana M arada oa tha p--. "ma tor rraa cauiefaa lURS. 10EBUCK CO.flaa.) Ctileaa m Ml 4T Pmlman Sleeping (Jars, Elegant DiniBg Cars, Tourist- Sleeping Oaw Minneapolis Dnlntb Fargo, jO Grand Fork Crookaton Winnipeg - Heleaaand Butt TiaO'JGH TICKEV 1 TO ONG WAIT TUNG CO. Second St near Lyon street. Albany, Sells Chi- i mti;t i3, Oaiaase rice, Chinese Ijeand nt ml. K.O.T.M. very Saturday ereoina at K. O. T. If all Visiting Knights Invited. U.YV UOFFOomiasnder. rbloago Washington JsiladelphU ewTEork !?SS?S.taSd South ongh Uckdt-to Japanand Cbja, . Taiomaand Northern Pacific teamabir fte an American lino. jet std O'. 9DR CAPACITY -UUoequaled In the Valley. OUKWORK Is Unsurpasaea ' In Oregon. e have the best stock u select from and our pricet aro alwavs the lowest, quality ciiiiflidered SMILEY, An,:,, 7. The Pr;. iter r BIGGLE BOOKS a ..Jt, 1 rM-- r A Faro Library of unequalled value Practical, Up-to-date, concise and Comprehensive Hand somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated, , By JACpB CiaOLC No. 1-BIGQLE HORSG BOOK AU-ibout MorMS a Coiiimoa-Srnac Treatiae. with ortr 74 illustration ; a atandunl wot k. Itk. ju Casta. No. 2 BICMLE BERRY BOOK All about grewin. Small Fruits read and learn how cooUina 4 color ra itc-Hke reprorluctlonaofall If ndiuf varictica and las otner illuatrationa. frica, jo CcaU. No. 3-B1QQLE POULTRY BOOK AU about Poultry i the beat Poultry Book In eslirtrace Uila everything j with!) colored life-likertnroductiona of all the principal breeds; witb loj elucr Uliutratioiu. rru, jo cenia. No. 4 BIOOLE COW BOOK All about Cows sod tbe Dairy Buaineaa : harlng a gtcat aala ; conUins ( colored life-like reproducttotu ofitacb breed, with ijj otber illuatrationa. rrice, jo UnU. No. 6-BIOGLH SWINE BOOK Just out All about Hoga Breeding, Feeding, Butch ery, liaeajra, etc Contaios over 80 braulliul half, tones and other cngraruiga. Fries, jo Ccata. TbeCIOOLe BOOKS are nnique,origltiaI,tuerut you never aw anything like tbem-eo practical, oinihle. They are having n enormous sale But. Weat, North and South. Every one who keeps Horse, Cow. Mog or Chicken, or grows Small Fruits, ought to send right away far th. BICJOLE BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL Tj your psper, msd for you and not s nlaflt. II la ss year dd : It la tha great boilcdKiown. hlHhe-oll-oo-the bud, quitnerouaveaid-it, Farm and Houachold paper In the world tbe biroeat rjanv nf Hm .1- 1- rri. u,., of Atocrica-fcarmg over a mllilou and a-haLf regular readers. Any ONE of the BIGGLB BOOKS, and the PARK JOURNAL wampiaoi rAKM JUCKrtAl. and circular describing BiaOLE BOOKS Dec. Address, FARM JOIUKAI. raiLADKtraiA wrtwsa a tk ik so jr. caas. r. jcjiauia. Corral & faster. RaH 7:2 p. m. TIME CARD. No. 2 ForTaqolnat Train leaves Albany 1 " Corvalhs " arrive Yaquina.... No. I Bsturnlnct m mi a - . .Leave xsquma b:oo a. ra. Corvallis Arrive Albaor 12:15 n. m. No. 8 For Detroit: leaves Albany 7:00 a. m. I Arrive Detroit UiJJO a. m. No. 4 Retnrnlnfft leaves Detroit , 12:20 p, m. Arrive Albany,.... 6 Hop. m.l On and two connect at Albaor and Corvallis with Southern I'aclflc trains,! gtvine; direct service to and Irom New port and adjacent Deacnee. Trains for th mountain arrlv at De troit at noon, giving ampl tlm t reaeb earoptDK grounds on tn iirettenDuab and Ssntlam river tb same day. Edwik (!toni, II. L. Wsliisn, A'ansger. T. F. & P. A. J. Teams, Agent, Albany. LEGAL DIRECTOR Albanv) W R BIWeo, Foshay A Mason blot, U Bryant, P O block. Anderson Cannon, P O 'jlock , J N Duncan, P O block. T P Uackleman, Peame clock Jndg U II Uswitt.P O bice. KeHyA Ourl?&lnlt bulldlnf , L H Moat any, l'earc block( J C Powell. P O block. 0 B 8os, PO block. L L bwasn, Bank building. 11 0 Watson, bsnk building. Weatherford A Wyatt, Bank bnildiwf Whitney 4 Newport, Culck block. Q W Wright, PO block, Lebanon. 9 M Garland. Brownsville A A Tutting. fcclo. TJ Wilton NEW VIRK WORLD F II BUT RtTIOsAI, HAIIK, OS AM.AMY,0BMOlV a-S Thrlce-A-Week Edillou 18 Pages a Week . . .' . . . 156 Paper a Yeat For One Dollar l abllabedavar aitoraaleDareseepttaad Th Thrice-. Week Edition of Tb a A aw York Woblo It first among; all "weekly' paper in size, frequency of publication and tbe freshness, accuracy and variety ol iucoi'tent. It nt all the merit of trreat $6 daily at . be price ot a dolla weekly. It political news is prompt, com fraaldM,! . ruw rraaldent ,., ItsUarM.., ,.. .. trLIHH t B VOUVO B. W. LAMODOB TUBgA0TtA0EaiALbaa1ttU AUOOUMTS KBrr mbjact ie ak'h IUUTB10BANOB aaatal.f raphla W aalar, tt a Maw T-k Saa rraRlaoo,Oalcage aa r-Hlla H0TIOS SAOBan tatmM sasossasq Toirn w Lae P 4 Ooasvra L. Fuwll t O S. fuss. tMiiftUiti pmtmutw ft mrohanic.41 or fnvailr ailnd PATENTS t v V V . V DEtlONS TRADE-MARKS AND COPYRIGHTS OBTAINED ADVtCI AS TO PATENTABILITY fTH"1 Kotlo In " Invantlva Age " L I C I Book "How to obtain f events" I 1 1 Isa CBunram mafarnts. No faa till natnt la aararad. t Letters atrtctlf oonfidantTal. Address, ; fr.. , aiaCERt, PsUrrl lawyar, rVahlngton, , D.C.j io un rana Kipo.ltlon, wltSauo aiarr aag paiq. tnouia vrua yATF.wt liKCOBO. ilaJtlmora, MSJU B awa'aafifafiiai vjim ai r OavMtssndTrads MarksobtatnedsndallFaii antbnaloMSeondnctdrrModrrt Pees. S Benamoari.arawinaorpsoto. weadviaslfS 7tmiuljla rce of clurja. On r faa a ot due tlllf patantlaaaeared. A Pamphlet "Uow toOb-1 iiMvrKniH, - wua co.f ot earns iv ins Ummm aadtorainooanlitossaattrs. t illriai. & A. 8NOV & CO. C Ore. Pavcwr Ornow WatHinavra. D. C.f