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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1900)
a of w. a. Lawler IW a VaUeel Slatee J' APPLICATION NO, 3, Untied Blaine Lsnd GAto., OrKon City, Or.. Nuv. 4, law. Nutli I liaieliy -given tliiU In luru hum ul chapter of tula slot the v'"f Hlaluua of lh iJnlled Watts. W. W. I.itwler, wlion jtoUI address If Al bany, Linn county, Orro, Malmlii tUS.fci sure of olttowr Krouuil. eoiiUliili aula, lying nl Twin situated wiu,'"1,V,'J tluurlsvllto mining Ulstrlot, No. , oouiity of Linn una stale of ," ,'""a itliuuilim lo the Uniud . "f patent for the Iw''.'",u''UBdJ,'j!J MlnUi Claim, "Jt tiit!r claim, comprmlmi llf ,f,t',,2 Lwlr.lur!inioioprt n Slid Cutties IU iilnoor olttlm, comprising iu WJ ar . wl.l'h wit elelme i. fully demrltad no lo metef and bound by the i.mlsl tlMt herewith posted, end by the llnld iM'i of survey thereof, now flled In Ilia U of Ilia rlatr of the lVi.lld Htetee litnd olHoo ul Orun City, whli'li field note of aurvey ,i;rlb the boundaries and estent of euld claims on ll stirraoa with mitsiietlp variation at ) to U dr. mill. ii., aa follow, to Wit; lied Ilork riaeav. tlnalntilng at oirner No. 1. a hawed homli k poat 4a4 liiuhe- by 4 feat long. J It Inuliu III the) ground, with mound of etuiira ei-rlbed 1-aa: whtnc U. 8. M. M No. 1 Ure H, St de r. 84 mill. W. JM feel. A hemlcKk ir.a blaaed and mirllM-d 1-331 HT, alwut l l.sohea In ' alr. N. XI deg. 46 mln. W. St.i r , and a hemlock Ire II InvhM In diameter, blaaed and acrllwd ' br 16. 16.7 font; theme N. 16 deg. H ml". W., variation ! d.'f, SO mln. M.. m feel 10 cornr No. i, a litiwed hcmloi lt poet 4x4 Imhee by 4 feel long, aet 1J inohea in tha ground, with a mound of atuua acrlbed I-aa; whenca a hemiocic tree f Inchea In dinmrier. J'led and acrlbed $-W IT. beara W. IS.4 fet, and a lieinlo. k tree 80 ' Incbe In diameter. bled and acrlbed f; M ! ,!... 4U mln. W. IX.T feet: thentn N. 74 dea. U mln. K variation A "ewed hemlock poet 44 Inchea by fet Kng, aet la Inchea In . Jlw gr nd. W Ith mound of atone acrlbed hemlmk tree SO Inchea In diameter, blaae.1 and acrlbed I-gJl 1T, beara N. J d". So mln" W. 7.1 feet, and a hemlock irei Inchea In dlaineler. blaied a id crlbl HT. bear. H. 6i do mln. V. W.1 feet; thence N. M d g. W .m'";.w,i: variation 1 dea. 60 mln. I. 144 feel to corner No, t. A hemlock treacut off IH faei abov. Iha ground, hewjjd Inchea a4iiara, with mound of a onea r"!!2 -law: whenca a hemloik trea MJJJ? . In diameter, biased and '-rlbrrt 4-a HT. beara N. II tea-. 10 mln. W. 4 foet. ana a nV tr M Inchea In diameter, blaa and acrlbed 4-3M ftT. Jau . 44 dja. W. 14 feet: thenca N. 44 de 66 variation 1 de. 60 vif Jt: Waaon road running eaelerly and W' erly tm feel; drv gulch runnfng weaterly Iw4 feet to corner No. 6. hewed cedar nit 4.4 tnche. by 4 "',' '? Inchea In iho gruund, with mound of Ln, iribed whm. rt in diameter, blated and 1IT bear M. If) dea. mln. W. 17.4 feel. inJ rS-lok trra 4 Inchea In dlam-ler deg, 60 nun. iu.. m iwi tu corner No. . , i h o i - - - . a . i u ...i .,.-,tArf a3za ii l . neani n. o, do. ft tnln. K. iu iti iif" 74 M 67A rwi'locornrr No. A hwl bm. ,.i w wariaiuin l ari, av . . a i al a. al an ins gruuinii meier. biased and ''.Vl17: 1 .4IT. bear. N. M deg. B. 60 mln. K. 44 feet W eirr biased and .crl.ed 7-SM 1 T. bears . 21 d'g. 60 mln. V. 17 4 feet, and a heml'H-k lr 14 Im-he In dlameler. biased Va .i i. fail! thenca N. degT . ..V V v.h.h 19 dea. 6ft mln. K.. 7TA1. .iiamainr. hlaaed and scrtlied KS IT, a'! 46 mln. W. 73 feat. an4 ?JfiMJVWVL-rri7.S 2, w 'T lien tt. 7 deg. "4 i.. U' Varla Ion SO deg. 10 mln, ... w ii f,.ai ami a hemlock trea feTthenc, N; U-eg.6 mln. W.. W J!"". uftt7il ''U f0erto'7oVner'.No: 10, a hewe.1 hrmlm k ixwt 4x4 Inche W l feet long, aet M incne in ; aiih mound of tone crtbod ground, 10 JU; JET. ir?. dlamater. beara o, 'wriit foil, and a hem- . m into.4Mk In diamelpra biased m.A ..riivaftl 10331 TIT. bear N. 17 del leg. u.'. XV & feel! Ihenc 8. W deg. .06 mln. w. Oulch runs southerly W7 feet to eornar no. . .. kamlitck noat 4x4 Inche hf reel variation w ag. i !".. ... "- ... - - . . i . i r . , long, aet 1 Inche " ,rS..h7nl5 mound of atonea acrlbed !-: "'"ff JTSr trea M Inche In diameter, biased and acrlbed 11 SW 1IT, beara . 14 drg. K. K.I ndil r ire. It Inche, , In U etcr. blasl and acrttwd ll- T "J!? . 74 d'g. mln. W. 41 ft; thenca 8. de 48 mln. VT variation 10 deg. K. iwmK of 'ridge running northerly and southerly Wl feet to corner No. 11 a ftt?we nr poat 44 Inche by 4 feel long. i?.Wff iSIhETla tha ground, with mound Of ... . . - , -.v.. he.llem.ock po 414 Inch., by 4 . .....i. Mft. fa,.! in corner feet lth a hemliH-k trea 41 Inchea In dlameler, WaSiT and acrlbed 13-32 HT. bear 8. il deg. 10 mln. W. 10.4 feet, and a fir trej 4 feet In diameter, biased and scribed 1S-32H HT. bears N. 41 deg. SO mln. W. lOfeet; henc. 8. 13 deg. U mln. K.. varla .op 10' deg.. B;. r feet to .rna- H ..14. nw n,""", .rci... ;v.v .e-Tmii: feet long, aet i inn ".V ,.,. ,A,n.! of atones scribed..- 14-32)1; with nr iree r 'Vj' l.lnxc-d and arflil 1 1 .fl XII. Oram ft-. 4 d leg. 2S mm. n. ."" r 3 hemTock tree SO Inches in oinmeicr, '" SnT acrlhed 16-S28 HT, beara 8. S deg. MTi nil. in4 a hemlock tree I" " ". -ft." m-.i anrllinM 14 tncnea in ommciei . HT. liears 8. 14 Incnen i in oimr.rr. u 1.4 feet; thence N. 13 deg. 11 mln. W., variation 10 deg. K.. 1S feat, to corner Py feet Ion?, aet M Inch.. n the irround wed iwmimn puei n - niuiiu, 14-S2S; ra'aSd' scribed lUS r BT. Wr. 8. it Jfii Mi mln. K. 4.6 fet, and a flr tree 14 mcliea In diameter, biased and scribed l-sl UT. benra 8. 10 deg. 10 mln. W. 147feel; thence B. 78 deg. 47 mln. W., variatTon 10 deg. E 14M.6 feet to corner No 17. a hewed hemlock poat 4x4 Inchea i?4 fiat iJng. aat 11 Inches In " with mound of atones scribed 17-S-S; w'henc a hemlock tree H Inche; In dlam eler blesed and wrllied 171821 PT, haara B M dog. tV. l.l feet, and a hem fock trVe 10 Inche In diameter, biased Lnd crlbVrf I IT-s-SM BT. bears N. 17 deg. 06 mln. W. f-t: thence B. 11 deg. 47 mln" B. Vnrlntlon 11 deg. K.. Ill fct; wagon roBd running eaaterly nd weater iv So feet: dry giilch run we.terlv 11M.4 feet t corner No. 11. a hewed lmlo-V tree 11 Inches In ' diameter, hlnsed and acrihed 14-M8 BT. beara B. 17 deg. 40 rnln. 5T 1 feet- thence 7 deg. 11 mln. W.. variation deg. B.. 6M.I feet to corner No IK a hewed hemlock poat 4x. Inches b' '4 fieflong. set M Inchea In theg roun d, iLith mound of slonea acrlhed 15 j&l A 4x4 nches bv 4 feet long. -t 1J P".' w!,n..- a,imd with mound of T.; arrlhed l-3?: whence a hemlock lT': Vi"ilS HT. beers N. 1 deg, "V;" tr 03 fe and a flr t S Inchea In dlnmeier. "a Kf7 thence N. OHM.. a, ftvorOftad 18l-,r .Vn,rM mln R. variation '19 dejr 60 m F 10( feet to comer No. 19. Idn- fla,. . , f ft ,onr;i ,et wit" i wund Inchea in tne it-i Native of AppltvatloB tones scriia -.. r "V, ; hawed hemlock poat 4x4 Inchea bv 4 feel JJ 'SaT.V !. Ts 7 deg mln. K 11.1 t W Inchea In tha ground, with VJ' ihJmiock mil 11 1 Inches Iri. mound of stones scribed 4-SSl; whence a eet. and a nenilot K tree w im , r. , )nch , rt,meier. blaaed and dlamater, piaseo. am r-,-:: acrlbed 4-2ii HT. Wra N. m m., nr. min !"r. m deH m V.. Variation 24 feet, and a hemlock trea'llnche thenca 8. 75 deg. min. "., '"" n d amir. an.l a..t-it..t a- m ... 1.1. lfftX feel: rioring u;n i i 1 " ; - 7""..'."jr?..,Tvr: ."' saith and atenaa scribed -iM: whsnce a flr tree M jnuliaa la diameter, blaaad and lorlbed l-iu JT. M . M d. , riln. U. Ul feat, and a hmlo:k tree I so ...I lnulis In diameter, biased and aurlbcd lHm UT, beers H. IV dog. W. la foot; iliBiica N. U dug. 26 mln. IB., variation Ml d", tt., S06 feet; vuliih run north wo.iirly feet, to corner No. SO, Iden tical with corner No. 4 of survey No. m. (lold (iuloh lode, and corner No. I of lied Dull lode, aama survey, a hawed hemlock poet 4i Inches by 4 feet -lie-, aet i inunea in ilia around, with mound of tone surlbad SSm; whence a hemlock tree ii Inches In diameter, blaaed and Mcrllxid V-m I IT, boare N, it dag. 10 mln. W, iM.I feet, and a hemloitk tree 42 liichf III dlamnler. hlnaod and aurlbcd llO-itt nr. uenra N, w a,,. 46 mln. W. U.l feat ineiusf m, w a. w mln. U.. variation leg. mill. 1U.. Mil fool, to coriMir No. 21, Idnntlrul will) corni'r No. of aurvav. NO, i2t Ued Hull lula Hawaii flr x Indie by 4 feet long, aet la ln h. In Ilia ground, with mound of atonea acrlbed H-42XI whonc the center of a ahnft 47 niche by 120 fuit deep beuia N. b dg. M mln. W. II foot. Tha wealerlv cor- nr of tha oftlra building of Ijiwlor Uold Mine, Mmll d, 10. 113,0 foal: a peara IN, M Org. mln, hemlock atump 24 Inchea In diameter nnd V feet IiIkIi, blared and acrlbed ll-Kt UT, beara N eara M. 7 dea. 10 mln. W. al.4 feet, and a hemlock trea 10 Incheo In dlamater, timed and acrlbed 2l-aa TIT, bear H. Ii deg. M mln. hi. Z7.I feet; tlwnra 8. Ss deg, M mln. H., varla. lion SO deg. ifl., ml eel lo cornar No. 23. on Una 6-1 of aurvey No. aza, lt.t Hull loda. a hewed fir pnat 4x4 Inchea by 4 feet long, aet IN Inchea In tha ground. With mound of tn scribed Si S 3JH. A liemlock ire so Inchea In diameter, hlaaed and acrlbed C-t aa HT, beara H. a dg. 26 mln. V. 11.6 font dlatnnt, and a hemlock aiiimp SO Inchea In dlnmeler 2"'iJB .'HT .h,-'h blaaad and H?rlld 22 fm JlT, ber B. deg. 40 mln. K. IS "i m mm. varia tion SO deg. K., CIO fo.,, to corner No. . Lawler I'lttcnr, thl aurvey on line 740 feel; wagnn road running eaaterly and a feet; gulch run northwetr ly 1110 feel; wngun road run northeaal. erly and aouthweeterly I24S feet; mouth of Klk tunnel running aoulheaatvrly IS foet. left at right anglea SiMl.l feet, corner "j?- ,bd hemlK-k poat 4x4 Inchea b..i ,Mt '"I" "", w nchaa In the ground, with mound of atunea acrlbed t33H: whence; a hemlock trea M Inchea In dlami eler, blaaed and acrlbed 2312 HT, bear fli i"',.K-J!t n'' hemlock tree IS ,Shl.fJ"L'""m,"r and nrlbe4 114 feet; Ihenc H. 16 deg. mln. .. variation 1 drg 60 mln. ft., ta feet, to corner No. 14. a hewed hemfock poat 4x4 Inche bv 4 feet Inn a.l in l..kTi- . i. - rounJ. with mound of alone acrlbed 14 - ,ift ronuin ni isuilion lunnal. ntn. nlng auuthwealerty. bear K. 70 4 ei mln. K. UH.8 feet; a hemlock trea I Inchea ml". maa and acrlbed 14381 and a hemlock tree 14 Inchaa In 4 1 - in-Bift n. iu ner. IV mm. K. IK fMfl e!er iiaaed and acrlbed l-ja rrp. bear r. w urai. cu min. w. iv a rk v. a.. a 0 deg. S& mln. K.. variation 11 Am in i IfMW,,! gulch, a tream I feet "- nwrin'riy em reel, lo No, 1 of plac of beginning. Inler Plarar. cornar liesinning at enrnee Kn 1 i.i.,,.i corner No. 1, aurvey No. 'as. ui ...... Hold l.ui aS tt .1 Ma.a-H lvl a . ' ... i r furvey No. Jta, a a i.i a . ; iwft, ift flffwai namlfu.lf iHMit et IS Inchr In ,mm- fl T dlatant?. fir fra Mef7r5,'i5ch S',;ft!'l,! W T. l-r. Picer thl aurvey, ani on hoH-'l'v f ?ftl'rry "I?' K lole: M dTa? l- nadT ."'" variation . ft,-vni ' pl-eer, thl aur- , J foet 4X4 Inche. " . r "- mm. w, 27 - mp n inches In rV min4 "": "". (leg. 60 ; ' ? ft"; .K.- M feet " HT. hear N. 16 deg. K. 14.1 HT-j X'"rlS: Uth"Pe- .: .'rh running northweaterly mi ri to corner ginning. No. 1, tha place of b. t oaraa Uold riaeer. Dcglimlng at corner Kn. 1. Iilamtnal a.iti. corner No. Ill of Hd ltock 1'lacer. thla aurvey U. U. M. M. No. J, beara 8. U Jf. al. B, 2704.11 fet dlatant; thenca Vi- IT, Ii . vanaiion is oeg. W mln. K.. IUO.6 fei to comer No. Identical with corner No. 17 of Hed ltock placer, thla aurvey; thenca N. M deg. 41 mln. W.. variation 11 deg. K. loio feet, to corner No. 1 a hewed hemlock poat 4x4 ground, with mound of atone acrlbed 1 1; whenca a huinlock trea 14 Inche """"" "r ei iuoi, aci is incne) in ina n uiamvivr, uiasen anil scribed I TU HI, taut, and a fir tra inoha in i.n..... e ui j, w nun. w. it reel aia biased and acrlhed x S2X H P haara H ai "fg-.w mm. k. u reel diatant; thenc . w org. m mm. w., variation 11 deg, w ftiui. tu.t t-.i ieei to corner ro. a. N. 6S deg. 49 mln. W.. variation 10 Arm. 10 mln. K., 77 fuel; gulch running aouth- weaieny a. ieet; guicn running south wealorly 604 feet, to corner No. 6, a hewed ctKinr poat 4x4 incnea oy 4 feet long, set 11 Inches In the ground, with mound of eurtn acriueu b aai; whence a cedar trea 8 liii-he In dlnmrter, biased and acrlbed S-aSM HT. bears N. 14 deg. 16 mln. W. 11 biased and scribed 6 S28 BT, bears 8. hi deg. 36 mln. V. 1.1 feet; thence a 62 deg. 68 mln. V.. vurlatlon 10 deg. E., SKI r .... f Mlt.l a nr fraa u Ini.hftft In roct to corner No. 6, a hewed hemlock poet 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long, aet IS Inches In the ground, with mound of atonea acrlbed 32S: whence a nr tree SO Inche In diameter, biased and scribed 4328 BT. bears N. 8 deg. 36 mln.- K. 17.6 feet, and a hemlock tree 14 Inches In diameter, blnsed and scribed 4328 BT, bears 8. 11 deg. 10 mln. W. 6.1 feet: thence N. M deg. W variation SO deg. E., 648.6 feet to cor ner No, 7. a hewed melock poat 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long, set 18 Inches In the ?:round. with mound of earth scribed 7 2; whence a flr tree 3(1 Inches In diam eter, biased and acrlbed 7 828 BT, beara 8. 10 deg. so mln. w. 19.7 feet, and a tlr tree 41 Inches In diameter, biased and acrlbed 7328 BT, beara N. 61 deg. 30 mln. W. 4.8 feet: thence N. 81 deg. 61 mln. V.. variation 10 deg. E., 198 feet; dry gulch 4 feet wide flows northweaterly 141 feet; wagon road running northwest erly nnd southeaaterly 647 feet to corner No, 1. a hewed hemlock poat 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long, set 18 Inches In the ground, with mound of stones scribed 8 328. The southeasterly corner of a log building known ns the Hrynn City hotel, beara N. S deg. 67 mln. K. 839 feet dtatnnt; a hem lock tree 24 Inchea In diameter, biased and scribed 8328 BT, bears N. 40 dog. 35 mln. W. 19.5 feet, and a flr tree 18 Inches In diameter, biased and scribed 8 328 BT.. bears 8. 73 deg. 15 mln. W. 18.1 feet) thence B. ! deg. .04 mln. E,,' varia tion 13 deg 20 mln. E.. 1336.8 feet, to corner No. 1, ' a hewed hemlock poat 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long, t 18 Inche In the around, with mound of stones scribed 9 SA; whence a hemlock tree. 14 Inches In diameter, biased and scrllwd 9 lf8. HT,. be Am 8.' 87 deg. 45 mln. E. 18.4 feet, and a hemlock , tree S8 Inched . In diameter, biased and scribed 6328 BT, bears N. 85 deg. 40 mln. W. 6.1 feel: thence 8. f2 deg. 18 mln. W variation 10 deg. 15 mln. E 149 feet, to corner No. 10, a hewed hem lock poat 4x4 Inchea bv 4 feet long, set 18 Inchea In the ground, with mound of atonea scribed 10 S28: whence a hemlock tree 24 Inchea In dlnmeter. blnsed and acrlbed 10328 BT, beara 8. 63 deir. 60 mln. W. 80.8 feet, and another hemlock tree 21 .Mb a te trea ftv ftiui, ... .-via iei 10 corner P.O. e. a No. is. a . r oa min. y. a. a ieet: tnenc Inches In dlnmeter. blnsed and scribed 1ft 328 BT. benrs N. 42 deg. 20 mln. E. "a !" so' jp 9 -a ojun t it ., ... 7. fact, to rerla-tlon ' l?iiu poat 44 eorp.r No. b""4 , .,1 In Inches by feat tone", set U UK-naa in tli ground, with mound of atona acrlbed J I 32; whence a fir trea 41 Inche In dlamater, biased and acrlbed ll22 HT, bear 0, 40 dig. U lulu. hi. ltl.6 feat, and a fir trea Is Inche in diameter, biased and Scribed 11-32 UT, bear N. S deg. W mln. W. 20.1 feat; thenca . tt deg. 66 mln, B., VarlaUon deg. B., (04 feat: gulch running northerly 1476.7 feat to corner No. 11, a hawetf hemlock poat 4x4 4ncua by 4 feet long, act Is inchea lnh1 J!ro.und' mound of atone acrlbed ii-m- whenca a fir trea U Inche In diameter, biased and acriiuul iiji UT, benra N. 77 dear. 14 mln. W zi.i fot ind biased a nd sari bad uduw irao incnaa in Olamautf. U-St HT, beara N. 81.7 feet; thenca H. ' ok. tu mm, w, ililifi." mL"' variation sa deg, la, 74 faaii gubjh nwatng northerly tvJT f lo corner No. 1, tha plac of beginning. . . Area. Total area of Bad Uoek n1ae lianu n ang. 41 mln. K. acre. ' ' lotal area of Trawler plncer, 11.171 cre. Totul area Of Couraa tlol.l nlair i7 IM In Tlha '1! ;:l,,uer 0'alm I of record J.o.,i.- of l,u county c rk of ald .of atata of f5regn, at page v.luro'.i4 ot Mining Hecord of I4 county. It ( bounded on tha iouth we.t by tha Cpor Gold plar claim; on ttl 2lliht''."tiib? !." w" Pi" llm. tha Had Hull lAa .lalm an.l ftV. t,J Oulch lode claim, and othorwlea "by tin. WJT, a1v",nn, lmna- Ther are no pllcant. nil . " w ln anowicag 0f ap- Tna Jwkr nlacer claim la of record in inn onica or tha couniv clnrk r.r .m county of lJnii, atufa or ri.ft...n .ft -""". , ui aiming jtecoros of said county, n bounded on ih. a,ih. or volume at by tha (lold jt,...i. t,. J- til SOUthWeat bv tha Itad T1..II l.t. on the northwest by the Bed Bock placer claim, and on tho northeast by unsur veyed government land. There are no conflicting claim to tha knowledge of ap plicant. Tha Cnaraa fIM hlaaaa i . ..a . - -- - ------ f a ap x g vs'WU III tha office of the county clerk of said county of Mnn, state of Oregon, at page 324 1 of volume 4, of Mining Records of said county, ft Is bounded on the north east uy If, ued Rock D near claim and ?,h2rwi!.? hr tinaurveyed government and, 1 here are no conflicting claims to the knowledre of annuitant Any and all persona claiming adversely the mining ground and premises or any portion thereof sa daacrihait ,.( I Platted and applied for, ar hereby notl 5f h-" unless their adverse claim are Mvftruiiftj to law ana in regulation thereunder, within 60 day from the data hereof with the register of the United ftiatea land offloe) at Ore gon City. Or., they will be barred In vir tu of the provisions of aald statute. CHARLES U. MOORK8. Register. MONDAY. THE HEN SHOW. Tbta il the opening dy ol th but I'oultrr 8bow. It is all right. It will be a greater success even than last rear. Today is one mostly ol preparation, but there is anougli io sight to show the the show up io a favorable light, The entries have boon over three hundred more than last year, and there is an im provement in the stock. A sleeker looking lot of birds could not I gotten together in the United ttateg. A proud, stuck, op brigade of fowls. Many of the old exhibitors are on hand, with their birds as glossy a .they could eshibit. . - . Mr. Fenwich, the genial secretary is at his post and Mr. tShedd is proving an ez cedent superintendent. Mr. Hitchcock, the judge, wrivla tU noon trsin and is ready for the -jainataking business ol figuring points from feathers and bodies. There will be pieoty to see tonight. Begin right off a ad go ever night. Royal Ncianuoits. At the regular meeting of the Royal Neighbors of Amer ica at the G. A. It. IM1I last Saturday night the following officers were in tai led: Oracle, Mrs Liuio Winkler. Vice Oracle, Mrs Clarissa Coster. rest uracio. Mis Mary Adams. Receiver, Mrs O M liurkhart. Recorder, Mrs O A Archibald, Marshal, Miss Emma liurkhart. Assistant Marshal, Miss Carrie Burk- hart. Chancellor. Miss Letitia Chambers. Inner Benliuel, Mrs J Archibald. Outer Sentinel, Mrs Martha Stereos. Manatrers. Dr Adams. D Bussard and F Bergman. At the close of the installation a de licious lunch was served and all report a splendid time. This order has only been started uere a snort time and is to a flourishing condition and its rs and members are among our beet towns people. Mr. Gus Boenlcke Is up alter a short illness. President Lee of the College returned this noon from a trip to Portland. A suit tor divorce has been began bv Mrs. Nellie Uiddings agt Hiram Gli dings. Rev. Hill and lamny and reveral of the IftSutls tiased throiigu Albany this noon for California. The Central W. O. T. U. will meet in their hall tomorrow afternoon at 2:30. A full attendance is requested. Col. Frank Parker of Walla Walla Statesman, went over on the afternoon train to Toledo to look after I is goats. Mrs. John Isora has resigned her po sition as manager of the Albany Tele phone office and succeeded by Mrs. Margaret Blodgett. Joe Waldron, who once run tor Con grats on the popuulht ticket has accept ed the pastorate of the Baptist church In Prlneviile. He is now devoting him self entirely to his church. Mr. Charles Schmitt the veteran Ben- ton .county hotel keeper was in the city today on his way to Cane Nome after some gold he heard was lying around up there. He proposes to keep after it un til he strikes something . A Rnn Francisco disDatch savs that Joel Booth, the medical stndent. whose skull was fractured here a week ago, is improving, and bores are entertained lor nis recovery, air. uootm acme is in Lebanon, Or. Old papers ten cents a hundred at the Dbmochat office. Now is the time to get an ironing board or clothes rack, manufactured by E. B. Davideon, under patent. Fine things. Try one, Leave orders at Hop kins Bros. F.P.Dunne, better known aa Mr. Dooley, is in Portland, on a tiip. There are people who think his writings very entertaining. He at least has reputation. Announcement As a result of the recent change In the the ownership of Cammlng's Pharmacy, we take pleasure In announcing to our patrons sod the general public that, commencing with Saturday, Jan. 27, 1900, we Intend to inaugurate a system of SATURDAY SPECIALS I J which will embrace our elegant Una of Drugs, Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Glass, Stationary and Photo Supplies, etc. M BX C l-J 13 - PBiiivTTUTtfttiv, tu uuuiu aiauiigcia aiiu uiucid uii EQUAL CHANCE to derive the BENFFITS of our SWEEPING REDUCTION in PRICES, we will for THIS WEEK offer a CASH DISCOUNT of 15 PER CENT on all purchases of DRUGGIS'S SUNDRIES etc. in addi tion to our general "SATURDAY SPECIAL" DISCOUNT. NEW GOODS are constantly arriving and WE M UST make room for tfaem. KEEP AN EYE on our windows! 1 1 Peacher & Matthews. PROGRESSIVE PHARMACISTS PHOT0QRAPHIO MERCHANTS 4 Famous Minstrels. A well-conducted mlnstiel perform ance affords an excellent source of good wholesome enjoyment, and time and time again has been approved of by lead ing clergym;n and moralists, w he have drawn the line at other forms of rical performances, but have found con ductive and innocent recreation in the minstrel and circus performance. Rich ard APringle'a Famous Georgia Min struts wiU appear at the Armory Wed nesday evening is considered the clean est, brainiest and most amusing aggre gation of fun makers appearing iu the city this season. It is a pronounced won der in its way and embraces every die criptionof vaudeville act that can be consistently embraced in minstrelsy. It clings to the enjoyable and ever popular traditions of old-time minstrelsy, besides adding many more np-to-date features and strong sensational specialties, that brightens and blends in a performance that shows the fertility of experience iu catering so long and successfully to the seekers of something to laugh at. Apology for Bad Conduct. Manj people who wsre annoyed last Saturday evening at the Armory are justly indignant.'at disgraceful perform ance enacted in tbe.rear of the ball by several water-brained, would be hood lums (who's names are known) who wers-: trying' to "guy" the atage. I would ask the people not to be too strong la condemnation, aa Uiey do not Know any better, their association with decent people is so limited they are not expect ed to srtpw what common decency or manners are. l am sorry to tar that some ot them who heretofore were con ceded to ha sentlemea have by their diagracetnl acts forfeited whatever claim they possessed ol that title. It would be well for them (and any others who aspire to be "tuff") not to repeat such a pertormanco or they may learn tne 1 same lesson tnat cost a similar crowd !$I75 in a neiirhboring city to learn, namely, "disturbing an assembly of people is a serious offense." ., CmzKX. From Sumpter. S. K. Steele is back from Sumpter, where he has been prospecting several weeks. lie will return next Thursday and locate there permanently, - in the real estate and mining brokerage cosi ness. He reports things on the boom, with about two thousand people there now. Seventeen new business houses a going up aud a $100,000 hotel will be erected. There are seventeen saloons and five more in sight, one church and another organization and plenty of bad ness houses. Prices are pot high, board being only $0 a week. Sumpter expects a population of 10.000 people by next fall and 30,000 within a few years: The fold is being gotten out to hack, it up. here was about six inches' of snow when he left and it was not cold.) t- . Mr. Corbett's Gift. From the Portland Welcome: Rev. W. II. Lee, president of Albany College, is in the city in the interest of that institution.' Among other things President Lee is looking after is tbe col lege indebtedness, amounting toeveral thmiaanf! firtllara. Aa arvnri aa tha matter was nrAanln.t tni lion. 11. w. uoroeit, me latter, alter in vestigating the affairs of ti e college, pre sented President Lee with $1000 in the shape of an interest bearing note. This isreaiiy oetter man an out-an-out gift of that sum. While Rev. Lee is not makingan active canvas for funds, now that Mr. Corbett a- has taken the initiative, he should have they aie of the opinion that te would be , F. M. French, Mr. and Mrs. A. W Bow 1 a no dillicu:ty in raising th $2hh3 or tSOOO the choice of lmglaa county. Eugene ersox, and Mr. ana Mil. frank Ketch- iicrceearjr w ttifvvuft. feua .uuuweuKieSB.VJUa ru. SVii - a ttfl ft.4-aa.ra v Stasxaas TUESDAY, Peoria. We are Having nice weather and grain is growing well. Some farmers have be gun to plow. hon. M. A. Miller, of Lebanon, will lecture at Peoria next Wednesday night, Jan. 24, at 7 o'clock, on Modern Wood men of America and the Modern Wood men will organise a camp at Peoria. Tbey have eighteen or twenty names and will get more before they organise. The MethoJiet Sooth will bold their quarterly meeting at Peoria next Satur- vsj sou ouuuay , n ana o. Mrs. A. M. Cannon returned this noon from a Portland visit. Mrs. Cockerline, of Eugene, is visit ing her father in this city. Hon. Jeff Myers of Salem was in the city this afternoon on business. Kockey Willis has been promoted to engineer of a switch engine at Junction. E. E. Uammack arrived in Albany uiis noon irom Bpoxane, where he now resides. . , , j : -.- Miss Edna Breckenridge le tamed this noon from a visit with her biotaer in Portland. M. Cockerel, 3. ' Tan Orsdell ."and T. Oolvig, of Corvallis, visited Albany friends Saturday. Miss Marine Wanner returned to her home in Portland Saturday after a two weeks visit with Miss Lillian Laoning. E. F. Willis, many years ago, with gtaver A Walker, of Portland, Is in the city, traveling for another firm. A stated communication of Barxillai Chapter Ko. 16, O. E. S. will bj held in the Masonic Hall, Tuesday eveningJan. 23, 1900 at 7:30 o'clock. H. W. Youmana is serving a five day sentence for selling goods on thj street of Albany without license. John Maxwell has begun proceedings in bankruptcy with assets given aa $555 and uaDiatiea aa 4vy 49. The bondsmen of J. C. Luckey ex-In dian agent of Warm Springs have just paid a last 1300 on account of their re sponsibility. That is business. Men should never go on bonds without tbey are willing to pay if there is a shortage. Ecobsx. Mrs. P. Biddle, of Albany, whe has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Biddle, has returned to her home ia Albany. Mrs. Frank J. Miller and children re turned to her home at Albany this after noon after a pleasant visit with her mother. Mis. J. O. Gray. This morning while running wood into the engines at the electric light power house, a large stkk fell over on the cran ium of Superintendent Jas. F. Robinson, cutting a gash which needed the aervice of a doctor to attend to. J. O. Watts has decided to remove bis opitical business to Seattle. Guard. Chas. Bxnsow, of the Commercial Baths, has secured the services of IYof. Wm. Msrriot, chiropodist "and tonsor-ialiat- Those wishing specialhair cut ting or treatmemt of face and scalp, will do well to call on Mr. Benson. No old plush chairs. Every thing bright and new. Exquisite service porcelain baths. The finest of imported and domestio cigars. This is the only place in Albany to secure satisfactory service, liydraul- C Chairs io waiting. While in Roseburg yesterday we heard some discue8ionof probable nominations on the Union ticket, tne name of 1m Bilyeu was very favorably mentioned by prominent Democrats snd Populists for prosecuting attorney. If Mr. Bilyeu should consent to become a candidate 00 oo Haa.1 4 .La s aaft- ii4 THE SHOW, The Poultry 8how Is now ina fnll cackling condition, with sa fine a lot of fowls in sight as can be gotten together anywhere in tbe United States outside of the fancy breeds like Homer Daren porta pheasants. In tbe standard breed tbe display is a magnificent one. From a 38 pound brenze ' turkey to a bantam yon can see the best in the dif ferent breeds, solid Plymouth Rocks, high beaded Cochins, aristocratic Wyan dottes, proud Spaniards, industrious Letrhorns, grand Langsbans, etc. The largest rooster ia the flock Is a light Brama of E. Carlisle, of Portland, weigniu, pounds. Mr. u 01 key Has tbe lsrgest barred Plymouth Rock, weight 10 pounds. There are two Black Laogsbsaa that weigh 10 pounds, and a white Langsbsn weighing 7. Last year there were no white Langshans. The heaviest P. Cochin weighs 104 pounds. Silver Laced Wyandottes are not bulky, tbe heaviest weighing 8 pounds, the heaviest white Wyandotte 9 pounds. The black Minorcas strut con siderably but not on account of their weight the heaviest weiuhintr 6K nonnda. The weight of Leghorns and several oth er onea are not given , that being a minor matter, quality counting. Tbe general interest taken mar ba seen in tbe manner fn which birds hare been brought here from a distance, as shown by the following list of exhibit ors : Corvsllis Mrs J Buchanan. Mrs ft ft Lindermann, Wallace Holbuit, Austin Hulburt, Alden Hulburt. Jefferson Mrs Ella Conner, J W Houck, T B West. Stayton Geo Chriaman. Portland B L Paeet. E J Lad J. J W Fleming, OPiSCo, Carlisle, H8 Loomia. Brownsville 0 P Knight. Belem Selwood Bros, A E A uf ranee. Bellview D M Kirby. Tallman Geo McK night. Roseburg- Roy McClalien. E A Erase. Tangent D S Bridsefarmer. Mra Tie. dale, WW Green, Mrs Witxel, Grant Nichols. Silverton J W Brown. Eugene George Fisher. Pleasant Hill Wheeler Bros. Monmouth Mrs L L Whitaker. Oregon City Jas Merrill. Goshen Coshow & Keener. Shertd E Dow. C 8 Shedd'. Un Ma. lha lbompson, Grant Thompson. iftawrence airs jodo Johnson. Tremont A W Powers. Coburg Amos Wilklns. Harriaburg Doug Wassom. Oakland. Caiil L L Cobbledick. Dallas Robinson Bros. Oakrilie J W Barton. Alsea Oscar Tom. Amity L D Mnlkey. AlDanV F A Rorkhart n w Harvey Parker, Fred tthults, Geo Wash burn, DO Wood worth, CG Rawlings, Chas Davis, P J Baltimore, Ed Schoel. A W Blackburn, Frank Dannals, Norman Gerke, LW Rosa, G D Barton, NM Newport, A 8 Hart, Lather Bartlett, W A Kimsev, Thoa Froman, MrsOT Por ter, Win Royce. A Chubs Mxrrrso. There wereenougb, men at the court house this afternoon to indicate a; political meeting, but upon careful investigation it was learned to be only a churn meeting. 112 than in a county right lor a new and wonderful churn had been sold and the shareholders were here to organize for the purpose of Belling the chum. There mere promi nent dairymen here from different parts of the county. A delightful whist party was given fast evening at toe pletstnt home of Mr. Geo, M. Payne, The even in j was greatly enjoyed. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Psyne, Ex-benator a ad Mrs. Daw . Mr.and Mrs. W. 0. Tweedale, Mr. ana un, r. M . Kedneld. Mr. and M.. nm.