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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1900)
TfV., t4raftjetttlrl urn x,A44.vuau Mayor Davus Mimm F P. NUTTING, Ed. and Prop. Entered at thi Poet Offlo ml Albany tfregon, second olia mall matter.1 ii - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Electrical Supplies. Telephone, Door-bells, batterle, etc Call on m for estimate on wiring. Office, telephone flo. en. Residence, telephone No. 7SS. Achwoh A Ralstoh. Notice It hereby given to all person claiming any interest or right in and to the wheat stored in either of the warehouses lately operated by i . J . iilack, deceased, towit: The warehouse known aa the T. J. Black warehouse at lialaey, Or., the warehouse known as the Camming'! warehouse on!the Willamette river wett of Halsey, and the werehonte at lVrry, Or., to preeent their claims to me at Room 402 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Cr-, duly verified on or before the 1st day of March . Dated at Portland, Or., Jan. 19, 1900. A. Wbxiur. Receiver. Particular! Are you particular about your laundry work? If so we want your natronae. we like to work for particular people becaae we believe they appreciate our effort! to do first clasa work. We are el wave willing to relaunder free of charge any article which may be aent home unsatistectorv. We run our laundry on a system. If we promise yon your bnndle on a certain time you'll get it. Bend in a tried order and be convinced that we are turning; out laundry work toat win pieaee. Telephone SI. Magnolia Stxaw Lauhdmt, Albany, Oregon. To the Honorable, the Common Council of the City of Albany, Oregon t Gsntlemkn: lo accordance with the requirements of my office it become! my duty to preeent to your honorable body such review of the preceding year as I may deem necessary, and, to offer such suggestions, for the present year, aa may bejproper. The financial condition of the city commands your most earnest considera tion. In order that we may go through me ensuing year in a creditable manner there la oca principle that should never be lost aight of, and that It economy. Economy should and must becur watch word. The economy that consider the most expedient means, the proper one ; that makes the moat of every dollar and leavea tomethla gto ahow tor the effort expended. During 1899 the receipta of the city from all sources were 115,495.47, and the sxpenditutea were IU.2S0. 19, leaving an excess of receipta over expenses of $1109.23, uThls yon might hop to eiual if not excel, wet it not that unusual items of expenae threaten you. The estimated income tor the enaning year ia as follows : Estimated tax collectible from county roll and now unpaid for 1890 1 2000 00 Estimated unpaid tax city roll , 1896, 97, "98 According to Mark Henna and John J. Ingalte, U. S. Senators should bear the matk of dignity. They bear a mark all right, but It Is more than apt to be the dollar mark . It la curious that the Philadtphia pa per, owened by Cha. Emory Smith, the Postmaster General, Is exceedingly se vera In Its comment on the Uag custom deal. A German stock broker in London, who rfuaed to hold a place open tor a clerk who voiuiiteeied for the Tranevaal war, baa been aet upon and nearly iuur deredbyhla British associates. Thus England shows her love of fair play O uality .nd uantity i, C uestioned never in our store!! The speech of the venerable Senator I Veit In defense of his right ' to dlacuss I Philippine mature without being called a traitor, and bis protests against the ef forts of the imperialist tomuaal all who 1 disagree with them, fill a long felt want. Free speech was never needed more than now. OUR PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT is an especial feature of our itore. We realise OUR responsibility In this respect and are eorupiilously partloular In every detail, using only the beet and purcat drugs and chemicals with guaranteed accuracy, OUR LINE of Drugs and DrugtiH Dumfries Is unsurpassed, and we aim to aell as we buy, namely, Close frloes and High Grade Goods. QUALITY is our business maxim. Peacher & Matthews, PROGRESSIVE PHARMACISTS. PHOTOGRAPHIC MERCHANTS. AN KXPKIUENOKD Dermatologist and Klectroiyaist is in the city a short time. The ladies should take d vanlaveof this rare opportunity ami call. All facial blemishes successfully treated. Moire and siiperliuous hair removed with the electric) needle. At Mr. 1). T. WymanV,tcond street. CC0 00 Saloon licenses 4000 00 General liceneis COO 00 fundi! 100 00 Estimated tax to be collected. . 7000 00 Poor Mark Henna 1 Philadelphia has paid 1100,000 for the Republican Conven tion and Pittsburg ha proffered tJOO.OOO to campaign fund far a speech from Mc Kinley, and yet Mr. Haona declares that the Republican party is lost nnl the trusts go down in their pockets and contribute freely. New List. Hickory Nut.s Horn made Mince Meat, Black Fig, White Figs, Popcorn, Maple Syrup, Sweet l'icklea, Bulk Olive. Silver Prunes, Fresh Hominy, Bluer Kraut, Ceiery. AC.E Bnowkbu.'. Total :0 00 The necessary expenses for the ensu ing year may, (without counting extra ordinary items) be tet down a follow: City officer $ S) Fire department 1100 00 Street (gravel, lumber, etc.). . 1000 00 Interest on bonded debt 5700 00 The rest of the Cabinet Is said to be ap palled at the trankneea of Secretary Gag In sending to Congress such incrimina ting letters They declare that he lack political sagacity and that hs should hav don like the teat of them and forward ed only correspondence that could not injure himself aud them. Kilnraie Tone lloweu MTttn imnl4 Candy Cutbariir. cum nwaiiMiiM . KKJ- It C.U.C. (oil. onwi. 11 rotund awns. WANTED. Bright btuloos woman to take charge of good paying business. That Tooth need attention Remember it can be tilled or extracted without naiu DR. ADAMS. Thi Paper On Year. Farm Journal 8 Years. Fay up and gel both papers at price tit one. we want more new subscribers to our Weekly) we therefore continue our ar rangement wtlh (lie Kami Journal ly whicn we can ten J the Pmoc,hat and the Farm Journal 5 jeers, both for II .VS. Ard we make Ihe same offer to all old subscrib ers wbo will par all arrearages and on year in ad ranee. - ion know what ours la and tne Farm i , , M . aVH huh wiiRt uuii i ii , i v r IKMJ LOST. White I-eweilyn Setter Jouraal ii a gempractical, progress! - . l l as. . a . . . j car om. oiaca rpoi around right eye uu on ngoi erne, answers to "lobv, HO will l e payed on return to A. M. vauoo, Albany. At Second and Ferry. Mr. Julio Grad wohl will now be found id hi own store at the above location better prepared then ever before to serve the public with a first class' stock of crockery and glass ware, and standard groceries. - - The ligheet place In Albany. Every thing in sight. Good goods at low prices. Mr. Gradwoht has always dona the square tiling with bis cost mere and will Continue to do so. Also writes insurance In ret clasa ompanies Mr. Lenta of Ohie, make the positive charge that (Jeoeral Groevenor, ol th same state, told him that the admlnlstra won bad teen to it that tbe protest Total.......; $11800 00 agalnstt Reappointment of Utah poly Deducting this from our eat i mated re- jfamlsta as postmaster, bad been destroy sources there will remain a balance of i . uen. Groevenor is supposed to be 12500 to our credit. I the personal mouthpiece of th Presl- Thi estimate of exnenses. I think, la oent. not less than will b required and, p r- Clothing SUMUOXS la TH ClBCCTT CoTJBT OF THI STATS Or Obkooh roa Lorn Cochtt. ' B M Payne, plaintiff ts 8usan Bole. 8 L Durando and George C Thompson, defendants. To Susan Boles,8 L Durando and George C Thompson the above named defendant : TNTHE NAME OP THE STATE Of X Oregon, Yon and each of you are! . ... hereby required to appear in the above ea- mu" u" '.. p op . titled court to anrwer the complaint of I expene oi in city government, and posaioiy leave a margin (or paym ent of Laps, yon may b abl to devlae way of increasing your Income. The assessed valuation of all property in tbe eity for 1898 was $1,091,895. For 1899, $997,020, showing a decreased val uation of $94,875. This, as in th city of Portland, or more properly, Multnomah county, which ahow a decrease from $42,870,460 in 1898 to 131,000,000 ia 1899. or over $11,000,000, la not th result of decrease in property, bnt th effect of a ' lower assessed valuation, and applie more particularly to city realty. In thi connection I would suggest that inch measure be taken as are nec essary to amend the city charter at th next eeesija of th legislator so that w may raie our levy to 10 or 12 mill; as may by thought best. This wonld as- phunt'ff filed in this cause against you, on or before the jaat day of the time pre scribe!1 in the ordw for publication of tnis sumdions, wnicn period or time is six week from the date of the first publica tion of this summons, said first date of publication ia January 19th, 1900, and the last day of publication is March 2nd, 1900 And you are notified that if you fa 1 to ap pear and answer said complaint, the plain tiff will apply to tbe court for the relief prayed for in his said complaint, towit: That said defendants, and each of them be compelled to answer and set up and disclose tbe estate or interest claimed by them and each of tnem in th real prop erty described in aid complaint towit; Th Sooth Kast quarter of Section Si Township 9 South Range 4 East of the Willamette Meridian, Oregon. That the claim of aaid defendants and each of them be decreed invalid and of no effect and that plaintiffs title to said preaiaes be for ever quieted and it be decreed that plaint iff i th owner In fee simple of said Semises and the whole thereof free from e claim of said defendant and each and all of tbem and that defendants and each and all of them be perpetually enjoined from hereafter aaaertins: any claim or in terest ia aaid premise or any part thereof ana tor sucb otber lurtner and general : lief a to equity may seem meet. This summons is published by order of the Honorable Geo D Barton, county judge of Ltnn county. Ore on, made at Albany, Oregon, this January 15th, 1900 H C VfAwn ALL Swanr, Attorneys for plaintiff. Miss Joyce Btowoell will take op her piano clasa during vacation through tbe winter, ine best ixermsa and eastern methods. Leave word with W. F. Bead Seat Tekeeee Btt aa naak Tear lib Avar. To Quit tobacco easily and forever, be mac- neUe. fall of life, nerve ana vigor, take No-To ll ac, tbe wonder-worker, Mat makes weak nwa etroog. AU druggist. tOe or 11. Cart guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Bemedy Co.. CMcaco or New York. - a See French the Jeweler if you are in need of a first class clock. We have bar gains. iElWiTA viTALrnr, LOST VIGOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and wasting: diseases, all effects of self- abuse, or excess and indis cretion. A nerre tonic and blood builder. Brines the K 'itJz rlnk eow to pale cheeks and ' restores the fire of youth. By mall SOc per box; 6 boxes for $.50; with a written guaran tee to core or refund tbe money. . ; NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A Jackson St, CHICAGO, ILL. leFred Dawion I ths bonded debt when it come do. The public health eeitainly demands yonr care. The effect of the sewer sys tem now established is so plainly evi dent it need bnt to be mentioned to be believed. Tbe part of the dty where sewer were bniit and vault and wait pipe connected ha bean good, and that part which is not 'connected, baa been bad. Ia th cast part of town, where there is no sewer connection there hav been ease of typhoid all tbe past sum mar and fall. In th west part of th city typhoid fever is almost unknown. Where sewer connection are poesibl tbey should be enforced. There are ether qusation that I wish to present for yonr conldrationf but will reserve them for tutor occasions, I have th honor to be, Your humble servant, W.H. Davis, Mayor. How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollar Rcwaid for auy case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cur. F. J . CHENEY A CO., Prop., Tnladn. O We, tbe undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 16 years, and be lieve him nerfectlv honorable in all hna. inesa transactions and financially able to carry oni anv oblhrationa mirla h t.i UIIU -!TT,JAX Whole! Druggist. Toledo, O. WiLEiHO, Kinnax A Mabaiv, Whole- iTBHini, loieoo, u. -Hall' Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, acting directly upon the blood aod raucMi surfaces of the system. Price per .bottle. Sold by all Druggists imonials free. alt' Family Pills are the beet. I want every body to know (In our midst) that I am an authorised agent for American Woolen Mill Co. world lar. geet tailor Chicago, III. So people plea let me hare your orders. Suits to niea. ore 16 00 and upwards, pants to meas ure 3.00 and upward, overcoats sad oU stars to measure io.00 and unwanla. Also I am sgent for tbe Dundee Rubber Corporation, largest makers la the world ol fine mackintoshes. Chiram. 111. Gentlemens mackintoshes from 3.00 up ward. Ladies mackintoshes from 13.21 un warns, ii any one wants to see m very nnneaou cnoice patterns ana style just eimpiv mace is anown by postal cara or otherwise. Remember I hare near a hundred patterns and style for you to select from and guarantee satisfaction or your money will be refunded to you. A word to the wiae is sufficient. a cean, faoneat, useful paper full of gumption, full of aunhine, with an im mense circulation among tbe txt people everywhere. You ought to take It. Daily subscrioer ptying in advance a also secure i;. EXECUTRIX KOIICc MOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 the ondersianed has been duly ap pointee by (tie county court of toon coun ty, Oregon, eitcutrix of lb eatate of George J Morris, deceased All persons navina claims amaat said estate ar hereby lequlred to preeent same with the proper voucher to the underaitrned eseo- otrls at her home at Harrisbura. orciron witbln ii months from th date of this notice. Dated, Jan 19.1900. Euuukiu W Moaat, Executrix. fICWATeoaLL8wA, Attorneys lor sxecutrlt. - Stop at Will & Stark's For Jewelry Tbey have a hue and ales-ant Una n jewelry, silverware, watches, clock and many novelties, See their souvenir spoons i Bee tbeirdiamond. Se their beautiful rings. Se their many silver novelties. See their pretty chain. See their cut glass. See their gold and ailver watches. See their canes. And manv Other rtinti llnaa rtt .mJ. of superior quality st reasonable prices. m Fresh trickled ttirx rirlW olives and manyother delicacies at Par ker Bros. At via J. CAaoTusas. WOOD. For tale.some big fir, dry, oak and second growth Or. Call on J. K. llridgoford or leave order at rrd Daw son s. iei ivcrod In city. FOR SALE. Some Al oat bay at .60 loose on th farm of W. 8. Tool, a iso some good potatoe L1VEUY STABLE for sal at a bargal or win traue lor aneep or other stocl or land. Inquir at th Dmoct office. air, uryan is certainly entitled to one virtu even in the eye of hi op nntnta. Hs has never been afraid to let tbe country know where he stood on any question ; in this, furnishing a great con trast to oar jlly-like President . This and That Smiley's Clean.Printing. In novelties Will & Stark lead. Open till 12 o'clock p.m. at Blotter's. Dr. J. H. Krskine is now in the FimIaf biock, zna story. Oysters cooked any wsr too wlah at Stetter's, Leare yonr order for Fresh Ovstera -4 . ... ' atoieiiers. Oysters onened esh everv daw at the T J! . - jjeauing Aeetaurant. French the Jeweler makes a. snAcialtv of engagement and wedding rings. Fresh Sodavule soda-water a healthful summer drink, at Burkhart ALee's. For tale, rood carDetinc S3 eenla tvr yard, by T. 8. Alexander, eaat end ot th street. A Lure and fine stock of cle-ara and in. bacco at Conn & Huston's. See the die play. When you want a choice steak a nir roast or meat of any kind, call on Henry arooers. ae keeps the best. The best meats of all kinds and onnA treatment at the Albany Dressed 1w Company's market, just dawn Second treet. Good weight and Dromor attend ion. crease mm Exercise Gcsisn. Exercise Is a splendid thing for a healthy person. But when the body i weakened by disease, exercise strains rather than strengthen. Exercise will not cure a "weak" stomach. It may in- the appetite, but it won't cure dyspepsia, and an increased appetite is a curse not a bleat ing to the sufferer from dyspepsia. Take exerds by all mean but also tak Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Dis covery if there is a deranged or diseased condition of th stomach and other organ of digestion and nutrition. This medicine is not a cure-all but a specific for disease of the stomach and diges tive and nutritive system. It strength ens tbe stomach, purifies the blood, end increases physi cal vigor. There is no alco hol contained in "Golden Medical Discover? " and It la absolutely free from opium, cocaine and every otner narcotic It ia strictly a temperance medicine. I wish to say that Dr. Pierce's Ooldca Med ical rXnco-err has proved a great Meeetaff to mc," writes Mrs. Ellen g. Saeoa, of Shuteebury, rrouu uJinif, jnaaa. - rnor so atpteuiDer, t au wwwrw wtr vy stomacn irounia nr going utrougn a any real kwntfit. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J.Joseph: Proprietor, Special School Meeting. Hotic is hereby given to the leg voter of School District No. 5, Linn county, Oregon, that a reclal school meeting of said district will be held st tbe UentrsI school building on th 3u1b day of January, A. D, 1900, st th hour of 7 :30 o'clock, for th purpose of levy: log a tax on th taxall proDertv of tbe district to support th publis school for toe ensuing year. Dated this 17tn day of January, 1900. L. M. Ccmi., Yuan Pabsib, Chairman. Clerk. w.- c ir s eral rears, going through a court of treat- tji wiukiok idt raai Hiunt. in .niimnii I bad very eick shells end freer won ; ment could cat bat UttU. 1 eoamenced in September, 1097, to iac ur. nercrs tnecucine, and la a short tlmt I could eat and work. I baee sained twenty pouada ia two months. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are a cure for constipation. The Real Test O' good flour is shown by the demand for it and mere is a demsnd tor Magnolia Floor For twice the capacity of th mill, t price considerably above ordinary valley nour. it i always mau irom Fo. 1 Old Wheat Every Sack Guaranteed ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested that tk undersigned has been duly appointed administratrix of tbe estate of D. E. Peifgs late of Linn Coun ty, Oregon, deceased, by tbe County Court ot Linn County, Oregon, therefore all persons having claims against aaid estate are hereby notified and required to present the same to me at the law office of W. R. Bilyeu in Albany, Oregon with the proper vouchers within six months from the date hereof. Sabah Pkoos, Administra trix of D. E. Peggs, deceased. Dated thia 12th day of January, 1900. CITY TREASURERS KOTiCE Notice is hereby given that fund are on band to pay city warrant Nos, 1 to 87 incluaiv of tbe issue of 1809. Inter. est on ssld warrants will cease with the date of thi notice. Albany, Or., Dec. 27, 1898. E. A. Pabkbb, City Treasurer. The Best Photographs In Albany by the Long Photo Co.. In Fromaa Brick. The letting gallery of Albany. The only-up-to-date first class tuaio in town. all work to pleaso. MARIE LONG. Prop To the Music LovingPublic. Tlioso conU'iiihlatliiif taknif tin tri study t( music will llnd It to their Into est to Investigate the advantages oflored by Albany Oollivo. The lollowin brnncliP are taught i VOICE, PIANO, OKOAN, VIOLIN. (ilMTAlt. MANDOLIN COttNKT. II AltMON V, (H)UNTE 11101 NT. COM I'OSITIOS and II1STOKY OK MUSIC. Mr. Wirt. Musical Director, is a erad uatu of the C'lilcRttO Uonatsrvatorv ntHa. sio, and line studied wt Itt siiuh aitisja a SeolKwk, Zit-gfitldl, KiMilling, KalkrWar. wood. Kuff. and the late Dr. K These men ar niantera In their resist Ivedejiartmetit ami musician of world wide lame. Mr. Wlrta, instructor In vocal music, la a pupil ol Mr. William Ntlsoti Ilurrilt who ia known to tie one ol th beat voice teacher in America tmiay. Mr. stuiiici eight year lit Italy and teverai yeara in Iximlon. Th methods uaed in Albany' Colleg Conservatory are the latest and most ap proved, Iflnif tlm combined reauit of ufHtrior Instruction receivd,9xprience, and th acoualntaiice with the method of our eastern conservatories. Tuition reasonable, Pupil may onto at any lime. Fall term opene Sept. 10, 1800. ror further lu formation call ooorad dre Proseidont Wallace Howe Lee. M. Senders 5: Co, Hay and Oat Warehouse" Sevenl! and Hallroad Ktieet. We r nrnrd to tak on aloram baled hay. will buy four oau in an qoanlty at top market pr'or, SACKS FURNISH. Oat bouabt In ear lot t any shin plug point. SENDERS & CO.. ' InhH? M,'' 0r,la J WcLO . . elr : i)( For Bargains In Farm Land, Timber Lands 'and uiiy rropeny, can on or write S. N. STEELE A CO. Albany, Oregon H. F. Herrill INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. X Collections promnllv attended to. cor. . i. .. - rewpoooence ouciteu. Utuc in Usmo- BAT DOlHllng. Stanley Stewart, BICYCLE REPAIRING, AND LIGHT MCEINE WOBK o ALL WORE GUARANTEED. LINN CO- ABSTRACUCOMPANY Alb&nT'.Oreeon. Office, Bank of Oregon building. Only set of Abstracts of Linn County. Complete aet of mapa and plats. CITATION la tb Gjun'y Court of th BtaU of Ore- goi for UmatiUa county. Ia tb aiatter of tbe estate of Andrew I Richard aaon, deceased. To r M Ktchardeoa, A Mors as Richard- son, William V Klchardeon, Ituth Rook (formerly Hutb Kicharcson) Ella tty ormerly Kila Klcbardaon) Olive Anirlia formerly Oliv Klchardson) Ueo 11 Kicb- ardsoa, Klv Daniels (forwarif lv Klcbardaon) lirroo Daniel and Norma Daniela.minor belt of Amy Daniels, now deceaed, aod to all otber IntereMed in said eetale, Uretiag N TUG NAME OF T1E STATE OF 1 Oregon, you are hereby cited and re quired to appear in th Cooaty Court of tb state ot Oregon, for th county of Um atilla, al tb ccurt room thereof, in Pea dletoe, on Monday, tho 12tb day of Feb ruary. A. D., 1900, at tea o'clock is he forenooa of said Jay, and then and (here to show cause, if any of vou or eithat nf you have, why an order of sale should not be made aa ia prayed for in tb petition of ltib"ce E Uallagber, tb adminiatratrii with tb will annntied of tbaeetaUnf aoarew J rticnaroson, aeceaeed, and now on file with the clerk ot the abov entitled court herein, of u following r'etcribed real eetale belonging to th said estate, to wit lleginnlsg at ths Northwest corner of tb D L C, of Ibella Claypool, and th belr at law of R-ubea Claypool, deceased, th same being Not. No. Z315, and Claim No, 48, ia Towntblp 13, South of Rasire a West of th Willamette Meridiaa.Oreiroai nd raaoing thence South 80 degree. Wst 9 40 cbaia. tbence Booth 70& de trees East 62.20 chains, thence South 29 degree, 45 minutes, West 28.M chains to tb South boundary line cf aaid claim, thence South 71 degrees, East 17. 30 chains to an interior corner on tha Hnnik boundary lin of said eiaim tbence South l OMrree wat 80.60 chains, th.. South 69 deeTeee SO minute eaat fin ta cbalna to tb Southeast corner of tld claim, tbence North 19 degrees SO minutes east on tbe Kaatern boocdarv Um nf a.u claim 48. 10 chains, more or lees, to the M!?Lr ofAcoon,,.,rov1 nclna Northwesterly direction alone? tha ..).. of aaid county road 40 .78 chains, more or less to the Northern bonndar Una s ..i.i claim, tbence North 76 degrees, Wt 94 87 fh,,,I" foL,h.5 I,!c of w.innisg, con taining 482.60 acres, more or laa. U t.i.. county, Oregon. .sceptiK from the above daamth. premise so much thereof a. ia L. j . . tu m gmvjmia on saiu preuiites. Witness, tb Hen Bean, I E. (L. 8.) fteaats vltk yea wkathar roa eoatlaaa th. arTa-fcUlla tsbaeoo habit. nevro-MA nn..ti um ooaira lr hdhh, .11 uaa, aarisaa in. dio Moras Wat I r-ll 3 waa.isat . o. tk rait s-jot """"f a i .m s gj to,.. '. 1 V Iti I IS J-" LP U-HACtroa a2E ewraaf i ova aruriLt, wba I fnr n. T . . Itwlia 1ILDUaaUT. MrlllulUT ( -v-.v.i .r eur. a o,w m r-el-cd to .r., or w. rf uad mnn9. aMMjfva.,wM,aaMrwfcaelij tddsm of Ika f'Mi.t. Court of tbe SUte of Oreaoai for tb County cf Um.till with the Seal of said Court affixed, thia 28th day of Deo ember. A, D., 1890. B. 8. Bbbboooh. Clerk. WANTED.-Trostwortny persons to lake order, for "War ia SoutrAfrica and ',Dar.k Continent from Savagery le Ciyllisation,' by William Hardlngtb famooa traveler, cable edilor, and au. ih,0T' ..Prf" W ."wonderlully com. plow," "grapblo dewriptions' bril liantly written,' "sumptuousfy Illus trated"; demand remarkable; sales on. precedenledj prices low. We shall dis tribute 1100,000 in (told among oar salt. kwk vr uni uon't nuts tuUcnauc: also highest commissions; book on 80 A avt m' ....ii . I.J.Li . . . "j - wnuti irriiib ana flu ' samDtj ease free. Addrau ri, ion Company, Dept. V, Cbicsgo. SO duty paid: i Pomia-