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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1900)
"THURSDAY."" Lebanon. From Hit Criterion i MIm Abblo Fry went to Albauy Mon day (or it two weeke visit with friends. 0. W. Criiion has opened an office In tht old Advance ofllce on south Main atresia, lie will be prepaid to register Totere for both Lebanon preclncta. One of our oltlxun wan "pulled" laat week lor loading horse over a sidewalk. He refused to pay bii fine, which wae aa loaned at 10, and ai a remit tbe city had a boarder (or a low dayi. Dr. and Mri. J. II. Kelley and two children arrived ho re hut Friday from Momlainoii. Iowa. Mr. Knlly It a lis ts ol Dr. booth. The family will re main here until spring, whon Dr. Kelly wf probably locate eoniewhere in the It hni Iteon leirnod that the injury to J. 0. Booth wai caused by hla being run Into by a milk wigon wid e riding Ml bi cycle. The leteit report are that he la doing well and wi I recover, which la very pleaaant to till many frienda. Alex Davis who former! y run a candy atore at thla city, but wao haa been erv log a term In the penitentiary at Han Quuntlu.Cullf., lor being Implicated In a swindling deal at foa Angelee three yoare ago, hai Uwn released after aorving 81 uiontln. lie wai never thought to bo reall the guilty party, but only a "cat paw" for the other follow. Judge Barton made a butlue dip to i umaou ytiieioay. George F. Teller hn been elected cap tain ol Ullbort Camp No, 4 of I'ortland. The Iniitalatlon of the new oirtcon of (he Knigliti of the Mamalx-oa wlU be held next Haturday night at their Ihali, whon a fud attendance la deelrod. Dr. K. 0. Ifyde haa been appointed coroner by the county comt. Thin I. good appointment ai the Dr. la ejual to uie emergency, rnueviuo Jteview, Tuoniai GourUy, a former Albany young man, now a proaperoua Tacoma blacksmith with a wife aud two or three children li In the county on a vltlt with hla brother Mr. nam tiourley. He will pay a vltlt to California before returning home. Arthur HtaJget, fur many years county eletk of Jrook couutv. and Miss Stella Pearl Uenor, of tUleta, wen married In Salem ylrday by Kev. John Parsons. They patted through Albany Im( ibtcttt for California, an a ten daya bridal trip. Albany frienda extend eoiigrulatlooa. Beveral former Linn sWiilW- people hold olllct lo the differe'-Vlgea of rrinville, Mlaa Kthel Llggeil dSJcorder of the Drgree ol Honor, and L;1 v.. -Liggett la one of the inaiue of honor ; Frank Klklne la Chaplain of the Maccabees and It. H. Price aentinel ; I.. N. Liggett it O. C. of the Knlghta of Pythlae. Mr. V. II. Caldwell baa the thanki of the Dkmocbat man for a Missouri meers chaum pipe, which waa given him In lb factory at Washington, Mo. The factory employe about 75 handa and manufacture over 20.000 rlnea a dav. The plpee eetl lor 6 cents, this particu lar pipe win pe sept aa a reuo. W. R. Bilyeu and i. W. Wyattwsts m eim yeeteruay to argue tbe cite ol J. A. Crawford appellant act. the AI bany Ice O, reapondent. Thia la a eaae on a note lor 12 ft made by ti.e Albany Ice Co. and transferred to tbe plaintiff wbJ was president of Hie defendant comp any until a ahoit time before tbe eooi mencemeot ol the art loo. Tbe conten tion la over the authority of tbe defendant to execute m note. Miee Marguerite Honk Int. Emma Pfeiffer and Flora Maaon will leave to night on their trip eouth.belng seen off by I acrowu or tneir many irienusnere.wuoee boet wlahet and boats of others they will take with them. They will go directly to Los Angclee. whereafter Hopping two or three daya they will go to Klveralde and remain lor awhile with Mri. Fronk, Mlaa Hopkins wilt then go to Phoenix, Arlaona where she will remain several monthe, Tbe other young ladies will after a longer atay come north. Miaa rial (Tor stopping at Oakland, while Mias Maaon will come borne after an absence ol a month. The overland from the aouth due thla morning will not arrive until touight.and the one due this afternoon will be aev sral hours late. Special traina though are taking their place from Uoceburg tor tbe local travel. According to Richard Ludwig,Walla Walla, Waahlngton, la having aulte a deluge. Before Mr. Ludwlg left noma a large livery bam bad been washed from its foundation on one of tbe principal etreeta in Walla Walla, and many bridge throughout that locality were swept away. Kcglater. The recent county Ghrletian Endeavor convention at Urowmvlhe ii reported a moceei. The mtetinga were well attend ed and a marked Interest diiplaed in the proceeding. Keeolutlon were pace ed thanking me people of Browniville lor oourtetif extenaed, agalmt intern perauce and SAbbath detecration. No other oounty In tbe atatewill be ruaonl.8A mill ut for the current county expenaes. There can be no an aible kkki thla year with tbesmalleat levy of any county In tbe state. Every other countv heard from ao far haa been ovtr 20 mills, with onlr 14.5 mills lor tht county. Tbe people appreciate a good thing. The Reslstrr lavs tbe following are Lane county republican candidates: Congreia, A. 0. Woodcock ; joint sena tor. 8. II. Friendly and 8. L. Moorbead; representative, J. E. Young; county mice. A. O. Jenninira! county clerk. E. U. XJvyj aiiviiii, as. v. 1'aae. J. H. Btllei: anoiior. D. P. Bur ton. It. 8. Huston: treaiurer, L. Gli al run and Geo. F. Craw: achobl auper- intendent, O. 8. Hunt, E. E. Orton, ,W. W. Allingham ana ugne cona. The new renial ration law is one of the ereateit fakes of the day. It la a nul except in the large cltiea. In this county it will ccet nearly 12,500, with nothing to ahow for it. The principal benefit to be derived ia by tha men who ,!! the booka and blank, and it is stid the law waa engineered through by such V men. nek Kev. E. A. Rosa, the evangelist, bai Ven in the city this afternoon, The Stayton Bridge. From the Journal i A latter was rolvd by Judge Terrel yesterday from UenryjKeene of Utayton laying that the bridge across the Ban- Hum at that place had been damaged by ihkh water anu waa impiiiible except for foot pawsengers. Three bents under the north approach (o tia bridge had boon undermined and the upper side bad settled aotut 4 feet. Word reached the Indira lateir that tha cltiaens had cleared away the drift from utwr hub, anu tne structure wai in no Immediate danger. Commniloner Dsvl went to Stayton thh afternoon to look Into the matter. Hon. John Myartdledln Portland yes terday, lie waa one of the niott prom inent democrats In the etate. lie held many ofllnet of truti. Ha wia .Imrlff of Ulackamai aeveral term, alto tenalor from that county, aa I wat (J.,nirhl under Cleveland. Mr. Myer wai an uprla-ht and finned citltnn who !ave a iplendid record. Peed Chaa Whitney to David Hill, 1 lot In Amelia i Deed 00 llogue and Ima Montelth admr lo 0 A Curran, teveral l.H and block! Albany in estate Cur ran A MonteiUi 2080 Deed M J Brldgeford to Emma L mam, a lota Bclo 206 v o to k u eal, J W acres 10 E 4 Patent Mortgage lor ijjo Chatel mortgage for 1806 weenie naa been Issued for the marri age of Avert Vanderpool and Etlle Jamei. i; M Bcrogglne agt W It Donaca et al. bull tor partition of the Lebanon) bank property. II O Wabon and H M Oar land atlornoyi for plaintiff. tW.hV.T l,,tB'''l Albany, 4V. in Went Albany ami 27 In nu.. 2B from Browniville, 15 from Price and scattering from others. As on'y about uityauay can be attended to it will be well to call early. If naturalised bring your papers, and any way find .out all lu.ll. ..... .--..It t . uurtcii ueiorc nana. Robert Dure. ,m te Ml years old January 2 at least in Ihe heart of tbe people. Aoiyorteault at Portland la Btsris itenaaii a.iDet Edward Kendall, two KJlio ' paopie marriod here in Thi locks atOreson Cltv are now nnen and the Kuth tomorrow moralns will make its regular trip to Portland at the usual iiour. T. W. Pllley, of Corvallia, it manufact tiring a bicycle and aelling it for M. He puts them up strong where they vuk' wueitrong. Air.LUiiey la a lorm er Hclo man. The chicken ibow next week wilt be inegreatett sooceas In the blitory of tbe tale. Ihe secreUry report nearly double the entries of laat year, which waa then tne bigglat year in tbe history ui me BiHu iBiioa. FRIDAY. Special Invitation. To you, doah A wlbinie frienda We dia special invitaahum extendi An axes yo'an'yo gal to de Armry Hall to beau u oiggara ling an' aquall. Georgia Camp Meatln we ling 'taclly quarter alter eigut, Ite eurab come urly so yo' wont be late. We baa one biir ual v lookin eauk Dat when heopena hia moul, de whole town win tan. Pe money to de Apolectin 'Soclatlon win go Bo cum fo'aho' to dla Mlnrtrel Show. (Jlbdla 'taahun andaquata at oedoah Ana two biu i r every gal or more . But cum fo' aho'eben ef vo cum white, Kaee for twenty-ave cents yo' can see an ue tigiik Pe fun In di year ahow is bard to beat Bo cum eat ly friens an'hab a good teat Pxopli' pAftrrr MatrriNO.- There will be a meeting of tha cential committee and members of tha People's party sen- erally at the county court rooms on Jan. w, luw, at to o'clock, a. m., which all members of the party are requested to attend. By order of tha chairman ot tbe cential committee, 11. M. Palmer. Last svenlna tbe new 8. P. fire antlne company while drilling did some prac tice work on tbe small 0 & E. depot Agent Turner who bat ere In tbe back of bia bead waa prepared for tbem with toe v. x nose ana tbe result waa a live contest resulting la a faatb. P. defeat. With each a preatie tbe C. 4 E. ahould be extended over tht mountain without lurtber delay. at The Bath went down stream tbii morning with a largely increased paa senger Hit from Albany, among tbem helne W. A. Klmtev and dannhtar. lira. I. A. M anker and danahier and a nieot of Judge Hewitt. On account of tbe last itream It wai a difficult matter to land. . , There wai a fierce gleam of delight In the eyes of Ed Pavldeon, ex-poundmaa ler, lait evealng. He had been count- 1 ig the cows straying loo;ely about the city daring tbe day, preying upon people' property, and there were ex actly twenty-two. Really there ought to be a poundmaiter ol aome kind, and tbe city council will do wilt to gat move on In tbe matter bvf ire the cow lake the town. MARRIED. VANDERPOOL JAMES. At the resi dence of and by Rev. Kufua Thorn pon Jan. 18, 1900, Mr. Averet Vanderpool and Mlaa Effle James. The groom is one of Benton county's prosperous farmera and son of the late David Vanderpool. The bride is daughter of Mtiee Jamea, ol Lebanon, They have the beat wlahes ot their many friends, COLLINS CONSTABLE. On Wed Ddy evening, Jan. 17, 1000, at tbe home of and by Hev. RufneThompeon Mr. Alonao Collina and Miaa Nora Constable, both ot Linn county. KELLY KAR8TEN8. On Thursday afternoon, Jan. 18, 1800, at the Run House, in Albany, by A. II. Freerksen, J. P., Mr. Lewia F. Kelly and Miu;Kote Ktrtteni, both of Linn county. French National Air. TH aUSMULW IIVM. (Publlthe-I by teoueat.) Ya sons of freedom, wake to glory I "'' u"r?' wuBimrriauibiuyoaneei Your Children, wive and e-ranriatra hoary. Rehold thtlrleir. and h.arthalr I "''J trrant. mlwhief breedin-, ""win uott, a ruiuao band Affright and desolate tbe land, While peace aod liberty lie bleeding. Chorus Tusrms! toarmiye braval me patriota' iworn umheathe, March on, march oo, all hearts resolvad un iiuerty or death. Arle ye children tf your country 1 New glory dawn uoon tha nrbi Ocr l) rnie baf eniug to deitroy us, iimir muuuj uenners Jiave unlurled, Already oc our clalna we heai tbem, ,, uiuriuura oi meir eavag boide, They threaten with themurderounword our nomrsaes, wive aod children cher- line J. Chorun To arm 1 toarmiye brave I Tbe hlreline fss afthata...! March on, march on all heart! reiclved wn iioeriy or death. What would they Lave, thla h.n.l of hlrcllnv. By tyrant kinm tovethar hronaKt? Tbink they with fetters to en"ave os nilicu loot man thair h... wrouirht7 It ia for you that tbey intend them ! Does oot the thooghtyour boom fire? The hiteful yoke thy now detire to iaien on your seeks forever. Shorot To armi, etc. 0 Liberty ! can man rulga tbee, Onoe having felt thy glorioos flame? Can tyrant boltaand bare confine tbee, . H A . 1. . . - .1 ....... - nun iiiu. uj oouie spirit timer TOO lone Our COUDtrv arant. Ii(lln9 Tbe bloodaialoed saord our conq'rors lld:: But Ireedom le our sword and shield, And all their arte are unavailing. Uiorce-Toarm, etc. Chinese Thankfulness. Editob Dukoctut: TbeChlneee wish, Mr. Editor, to ex. preei through tbe colomoi of your pa ner, tueir gratitm a and tbanka hr tbe klndnee ol tbe County Judge and com missioner, extended to the eick Coins- man, Jim Home, wLo bae been, for some two months as Inmate of lbs Coun ty mnrmary. The Chinees friends of toe aics man nave ratted funds to aend mm to rortiaod where be can be treat ed oy ooe ot tbeir pbyeiciaoa, but tbey with the County authorities to know tbat tbev can be, aod are grateful for mo atouoeea extended. Plenty of Them We have beard tbe following repobll can candidates for congress in this di trict mentioned : A. C. Woodcock, Ea gene; Tbos. n. Tongue. Illlleboro Senator Browoell, Orrioo City ; Prolee oi B. F, Molkey, Monmouth; Claud uatcn.Miem; J.K.Wyatt, Albany; J. O. Fullerton. Roaeburg; W. I. Yawter. Medford. iugene Unard. Alio Judge uewut. Hon . 3. A. Pawton baa been in Port land. License was leaned for the marriage of joun r merit ana Mary retroc. E. E. Lmimore, of the Scio Flax forki, baa been in tbe city on business Editor W. M. Brown, ot Lebanon, ia aid to be a candidate for county judge do tno repuoiicaa ticket. B. W. Cundiff. one of Alhanv'a aioneer ciusobb, i gradually tailing wilb pros I ecl of hia living only a few daya. Albert Bond baa received a letter from ble eon Barney who recently reached Manila. - He haa been promoted lo first sergeant. Barney ia a good aoldlcr and will do honor to bis native county. Mr. and Mrs. Littler and eon. father. mother and brother of Pr. Yard Littler. of thia city, left Iodlana thla week for Albany and will make this atata their home. Pr. J. C. Littler went to Port land to meet them. Tbe Modern Traveleta will met with Mlaa Elisabeth Irvine tomorrow after noon at 2 :30. Please notice the change in the hour and assemble nromnuv bringing with you the Marseille Hymn. By requeat of tha Prtaldent. Mr. F, U. Piper, formerly one of the proprietor o( the Seattle Poet Into mb cer, sailed Tuesday last. Mr. Piper haa no present intention of gong loto tbe newspaper bnsinei. He and hia astocia lo sold tha "P. I." for a rood anm. and can afford to take tbingi easy for a while. oaiem inaepenaent. Pr. Lowe. Dr. L-omls. L. 8. Loean. Prof. Lilly, M. O. Warner, William Pres ton, Q. T. Hall and A. O. Woodcock, of Eugene, we at to Portland to take the (brine degree wnlnh a a to be given laat night and tonight. They were accomp- oiea oy o. n, r rienciv, rroi. Mc&iroy, J, F. Robinson, F. L. Chambers, O. A. Petmerlngahd H. E. Ankeny heretofore initiated. Peed A B Pattarason to Everett Hols tela 20 45 acres $4C0 J os Laurent et ai to uottiriend urim er, lots 6 and 8 bl 128 and lots bl 120 Hackleman'e ad Otcar Healy to Hannah Newland. 4 lota Sodaville 400 Releae mortgkge for Circuit Courtt New cats. A L Weddle agt J P Habn, lait for damages on account of wounda recevied on Oct 21, 1890, by being atab- oea by aeieoaant. loouu aataa tor. o M Garland and H O Wataon attorneys for plalntln. Sheriff Munker'i fine Bt.Bersard-Pane dog diappeaied yesterday and cannot be found, it n tnougnt he waa stolen. He la a very tall, brown animal eaaily recognised. One of the delivery teama ran away lait night atopping near the corner of Second and Lyons atreeti. Dimtge small. ' Scio. From the Newii II. L. 8umner ha purubaied the bar ber Shop which J.N. Morris fitted up tome lime ego, acd it now conducting tbe same. Mr. aod Mri. Larimore wen! doan lo Portland Friday ol lu , fc, mwr, Mr. Larimore wai placed under Hie ciraof a phyalclan, ber health having befu vtry poorly for tbe pan mootti or to Mill Clara Warner, of Albany, vialled with her brother, C. A. Warner, in tbii city lait week. One day laat week ai W. F. Hobel wai driving over tbe bridge In tbis city be was thrown from bis wigon, and one of tbe wheel pd over U'.to, fracturing tbe left tboaldw blade and two ribi. A broken separator earned a ihnt down at the creamery the first of tbe week. However the board of director! rtaa Burnt concluded to ihut down until later lo the ipriog, ai the roade are in aoch bad condition that it ia almost im- poiole lor tbe farmera to haul milk to tbe creamery at the preieuttime. People oftn jump blindly at eonclue- lon aod aometlmee injure tbemielvee bydoibgto. An example of thia wai ex- nioiiea teiore tbe county court at Al Dane it week in tbe opposition to the extemion ol North ecio voting precinct. Tbe oppoiitloo got tbe Idea loto their beuoi i bat tbey were being- "jobbed." vu. .w-vwau u, vaiun aur quetllOOl pro ceeded to "remonitraii'' which tbe? did 1th auccee. Horn cince the matter haa been made clear to them tbey wish they "hadn't ipoke." And well they might, for the advantage of being taken ioto North 8cio precinct are many. Big Lumber Contract. The Harritburg Lumbering Company, E, E. Upmeyer butiuen manager, bat just let a contract '.o R E. Edwardt o Fall Creek precinct for a large supply of tawlogt. Tbe contract call for two and one-half to four million feet and provide tor oeuvery at Harritburg by June 15, two. air. cawardi win commence work at once. About twenty timber men will be required to gt tbe timber in abape ao it can be run out of Fail Creek on the ipring Ireibete. Tbe timber will be cut about eix mile a' ove tbe mouth ol Fall Creek, twenty rail fom Eusene. Mr. upmeyer examined tbe timber laat weea and ia well pleated with tbe Quality. If II Creek baa the reputation of lurnitb- ng one timber. Uoard. I tie bugene got an eirty atart to ward! rortland tbit morning. Revival meetings cootinue every night U.V . J bUUIVU WiUI iuctomiuk in- tereit. Laat nighgt aeveral manifested a desire to lead a christian life. A cbUken tblef last Bigot entered tbe ben boose of Mr. Wood, in tbe eaatern part of tbe city, and took away nine fine low sb. umeri nave aito lost cbickene. That Oekville man made a botch of Ma hit sent in to tbe registering office. Every name bis to be res isle red with tbe .erk, and for the purpose there t a parer, which ia eat off and pat in tbe general book. Tbe O. M. had done tbe parting himself, causing an Immense eight of work in tbe clerk a office. P. W. Semple, a fornrer Portland man, wbo ia known in Albany, ia (aid to have raced out ol Pawsoo tity juit ahead ol tbe police, who were after him for con tempt of ccurt. He made the lat twenty-teven milee ou foot in the now in leia than five hours, e'emple runs a paper in Oawaon and it waa all about bii criticiimaol the official! which tbey un- aouotea aeeervea. Commercial Review of Portland , Jan. 18: "With the clote today the wheat nrica had loet inet S cent a m-lthin a mk Coming on lop of the long and almost! nnilorm decline of tbe lall monthe, it tai bad a tendency to make the profei lional trade more beartrh than it hu been, v alley, 50 cent per bushel. Thin wheat coming in baa been Bold aa low a 34 centa per bushel, and aome ot it ia hardly worth that. Miller in the inter ior are having trouble ia aecuring So. 1 wneaw The Rents Santly Co. taitniirht diian- pointed people aeuerally. In the hrit place they did not give a load ahow ai tbe poatere indicated. In the next place they gave about aa poor a performance aa baa bewn pat ou here. It ia true tbat tbey were laboring under disadvantages on account of tbe email stage, etc , but roai ia no excuse lor peor work. Tbe Pkmocbat get! ita information Irom thoee attending. Albany taste aeema to be different from Eugene, for tbe Guard aays the company waa received with ev ident eatiaU'iion there, and that It waa a modern-op to-date company. Without a LICE.VSX.H. W. Yon mans, of Portland, waa arretted last night on tbe charge of telllpg goods with out a license, and having no money for bail wai kept in tne city jail lait even ing. Besides tome booka he bad three watcbea and ofier thing. Mr. Yon mani tayi he is patting in gas plants in the smaller towna and naa not violated any ordinance, bat several persons say be tried to sell to them. Hia trial will take place this evening before Recorder Van Winkle. The Native Daughter will meet next Tueaday afternoon at i o'clock at tbe Maocabee hall All wbo are eligible to belong are invited to be pre tent. It ia eeetred to make the membership as largeas possible.It will be a valuable or ganisation lor tb securing oi ntstoricai data In connection with the history of Oregon and particularly Albany and Linn coonty. Tbe performance of the darkey fan makete will commence tonight at 8:30, tbua Bivlng plenty of time for merchants and clerk to see the entire program. Tbe Wando'in Club has kindly consent- ed to favor us with a selection lu the special! lee. Come 25 cent. Tbe boa id oi school land oommiislon era bought In a couple of pieces of land today at sheriff's sale, paying about fo 000, which waa advanced several years ago. Mra. I. M. Munkers, wife of Sheriff Munkers ot Linn county, is in this city visiting her daughter. Jura. o. u. ants. hart. Salem Journal. Mr. Ira Phelos. bcio's geneial editor and high diver, was in the city today. ooutn African war rumor are becoming scarce. It at a pretty mtt wnen tbe censors won't even allow ru mors. Hooray, a boat haa sons all thai wa up the Long Tom to Monroe. But it waa in high water. What will even the Ulpy an when tha wat. loll. ... Tom ia full of an. Tom Reed aays K'lushnets ia mo tar of the huma-.i race, he jnt about trlxes i the nad on the head. It must be swept from the church before Christian ity win auvance as rapidly aa it ahould. The barber commie Ion have returned from a junketing expedition into East ern Oregon at the expense of the barber . autie. roruami it aa a to have aa many scraper aa ever. The University of California Glee Club on lheir recent trip lo t several hundred dollars, not nearly paying expenees. The only satisfaction in the matter ia the fact that the Stanford Glee Club, which showed in California towns run further behind. Albany will have to have a new school bouse or rent rooms, that ia all. We "rf growing fast nd need a place for our ebool children. If a building is erected it would be well to pay for it aa we bo. Albany ia bonded enon?h alreariv. Txt'a quit thia bonding business. uon't put en regiitering. Po it at once. It bai to be done, and tbere 'a no way out of it. 8everal havt sotten mad. and awore that they wouldn't do it, but mey win or win tote tbeir vote. Tae Prlnevllle Review man wanta hia aubicriben to pay no reeardlee of what century this ia in. tiood advice that will be appreciated bv newDtera een erally that do a credit bueineee. Every day adds tf tbe fake character of tbe new recietration law. It ia "torn- f ... ... .F a ... ins. an pBri;c ana people ana a aecio- ea DUitance in tbe country, tbougb un doubtedly tbe proper thing in large ciuee. Mr. Tongue ie not going to have hia own way for renominatbn the way tbinga look now. George Browoell and Judge Hewitt are both in tbe field for tbepoeition aod Speaker Carter ia at least half way there. Congressman Tongue bas tbe insir!e track with tbe support ol the powers tbat be. There are people who make a practice of bumming their local papers, hanging around tbe stores end tatting the first glance at tbem. Thia waa carried solar at least in one place that the paper was ordered delivered at the residence. A city without a newspaper would be a poor place ta live i, therefore every man ahould pay his o vn wsy. Tbere will be a loud time around tbe corner of Second and Eilaworth streets next week. Albany people generally will turn out to hear the cackling and crowing. It ua spread ourselves in allowing how we can support a ben ahow again. The poultry business ia one of the greatest in the world, and Albany will do well to keep the ahow here and make thia the poultry center of the state. Oock-adoodle-do. A Lebanon girl is abeadoCan Albany girl in the following way : The other night ahe.bad a dream. According to it ahe waa in badea. Tbe first thing ahe waa ordered to write down all her sins. and, was given a big box of chalk and a big blackboard lor tne purpose. Sue thought it waa a dead easy job, but ahe kept writing and writing and had con siderable chalk left when an Albany girl ruanea oy. "What, you here, and where are you goingT" "Vh, 1 am going tor aome MUKIS CHALK." - Most of tbe people of the' Willamette valley sympathise w th the Boera in their fight with the English, not partic ularly from any antagonism to the Eng lish, for there has been growing an in creasing friendship between the two na tions, but because they know the war ia an unrighteous one, waged for greed, and aa members of a republican form of government are loyal to the apirit which established this government. Hence the news of a Boer victory is generally received with a good deal of satwfaction, though not without sympathy for tbe poor fellows who gave np tbeir lives in backing their country regardless of the right ol their cause. College Notes. The A.O.US are arranging for an inter collegiate debate with Pacific Col lege, of New berg. Tbe Y. W.O. A. have elected the fol lowing officers: President, Edith Van Dyke; vice-president. Leona Francs ; corresponding secretary, Bessie Merrill : recording secretary, Ora Simpson ; treat- nrer, lunma box. Hon. H. W. Oorbett, ot Portland, haa promised 81000 on the college debt upon the condition that the remainder ot the debt be raised. By next year the college will probably be free from debt. Prof. Btraub and (everal stndenta from the U. of O. visited with as Jan. 12 while on their way to the Y, M. C A. conference at Monmouvh. Several students have expressed a de lire that a company et the Ore. Nat, Guard be located at Albany. Albany surely haa material for a good company. Why could not one oe organisea. Congreseman T.H. Tongue has pre sented Prol. Torbet with a Urge and val uable map of tbe United mates. The A. O. L. 8. are making arrange meet to give a social in the near future. If you hear any atrange noicea in the barn opposite the club bouse, just bear in mind that the oratorical contest is drawing nigh. t-. ae a a COUNTY BUSINESS. Peed, II Bryant toM A Fltzzsraxl. 100 acres, 13 E 1. $ 050 ueeu. vnaa r leeiana to E A t ree land, 80 aeaee, 14 w 3 l E A Feeland lo C Freelaod, 100 . acrea, In twodeeds... .......... 1 Probate court : . ., , finppiemental inventory filed in eatatc of Daniel Wilson allowing $1283.28 re ceived by executor J N. Duncan from Michigan. . Kelured, 41 In Albany, 4 in Wet Albany, 35 ia Ei Aloany, 11 in 8 Bronville, 2 in N Browocville, 0 in Price, end 4 i other. Total, 276. ELtaBiJiio, Wah., Jan. 18 The of fice of Tjoesem A Son, millers, three miles from town, waa burglarized last night. The safe was blown to atoms, evidentlX with nitro glycerine, and all its contents taken. The burglars secured ?300 in cash aod about tbe same amount n check. In addition thev took or U stroyed all the paper in the safe, maoy v. wuuiu were vaiuaDie. , New foatmastera. WaIII.10TO. Jan. IA A nnafAffloa haa been established at fclr, Crook coon ty,nd George Siy appyinted poatmaat or RepresenUtive Tongue haa secured the appointment of Postmasters R. S. Brad ley, at Garrison, vice C. II. Foster, re signed, and Robert McGilchriat, at Rose dale, vice B. J. Thatcher, resigned. Ten People Injured. Sfokase. Jan. 18. Ten per-anna were injured in a train collision on tbe Great Northern at Hillyard, four miles east of this city this morning. Tho east bound passenger waa standing on the main line by tbe depct. There waa a denim frxr. and a irvigbt train running at high peed crasb d into the rear sleeper.' . Battle Expected. LOSDOS, Jan. 19. 4 A. M. Military critics, in affiliation with the war office, consider ion uie expected Dame along uie wiue are iwid ana west ot JLady amith can hardly be delayed beyond to day. From Purban it ia reported that fighting baa already begun. General Buller'a foreea engaged in tbe flanking operation across the Tugela are aome 13,000 or 14,000 bayonets, 120d h orraa and 40 run. The disposition of hist other 15,000 or 20,000 men U not known. ' Wili:FlghtIt. WaSHixoTox, Jan. 19. Roberta cf Utah announces that he will fight bia case in tbe courts if he ia denied a seat aa a member of the bouse. Roberta hss been making his contention on the grouod that the constitution prescribes certain qualifications for a member, but he ought to know that the aame consti tution allows the house to be a judge of ita own members. , 'Across tbe River. Lokdoh. Jan 18 Tbe Timee publishes the;iollowin dispatch from Spearman's farm, dated January 17, V :20 P. M. : Tbe force marched westward January 10. Lord Dundouald, bv a: dashing movement, occupied the hill above Pot gieter'a drift, 15 miles west of Colenso, taking tbe Boers perfectly by surprise. Tbe tame evening the infantry followed. General Lyttlaton'a brigade crossed the riverfyesterday and kcxlay (helled the Boera beyond with Howitzers. General Warren force is now crossing Triabardt drift, five milee above, He ia not op posed, although the Boert are holding s position five mLea from the river. The Canal. WASHWGTOjr, Jan. 17. It is the in tention of tbe Nicaragua cnal bill to push it tbrougb, regardless of the fact tbat the last commission is Jnow on ita way to Nicaragua to investigate tbe sub ject. The action o! the senate commiiee will be fallowed by as apeedy action in the senate as can be had. Mu&to . Washisgtojv, Jen. 17. Tbe special commitee of tbe house to investigate the case of Roberts of Utah, today reached a final conclusion. On tbe polygamous status of Roberta the committee waa unanimous and agreed upon a formal statement of facts. On the question of procedure to be adopted tbe committee waa divided. Iu the Phllipplnts Manila, Jan. 17. Scbwan's troop in dependent of Batangas province, are about to move eastward into the pro vinces of Tayabaa and Lsgunr; Wbeaton ia moving on Lemeri and Taal, and haa the navy's co-operation ; casualties slight insurgents loss considerable in men and property, aa tbey keep np constant op position. .... . , .. , The Financial Vote. r Washington, Jan. 17. An agreement waa easily reached in the senate today to take tbe final vote an the pending bill fixing told a the standard of value in tbe United States Feb. 15. After several days of debate, the drag net resolution regarding the .conduct oi the Philippine war waa adopted. v GcltUg In a Hurry. Chicago, Jan. 17. A special to the Times-Herald from Washington, saya: Both Great Britain sad Germany have formally served notice that tbey will protest against fortification of the Nicar agua canal, if that waterway be con structed by the American government. havor the Canal. . Washington Jan. 18. Senator Mor gan, chairman of the senate committee on interoceanio canals, today presented a written report upon the Nicaragua anal bill, and decidely in its favor. Grand Chief of Honor Miss Maggie Barker, of Albany,oificiallv visited Mys tic lodge No 13, Degree of Homr,in this city Isst evening. After the lodge ses sion some invited guests were admitted and a pleasant social hour followed. Re freshments were served and an enjoyable time was had. Miss Barker waa lust re turning from en official trip extending aa far aa Lakeview. Roseburg Review. Ralph Stewart, well-known in Salem, ia a member oi tbe Rentx-Santley com pany, which appeared at tbe opera bouse last night. Mrs. Stewart ia also s member. 1 bey visited tbe reform school yesterday, and favored tbe boys with aome vocal selections, which were high ly appreciated by the boy and officers. Salem statesman. Bteatrt ws a resi dent ot Albany at ons time. Be has got ten into a poor company .