The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 26, 1900, Image 1

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l it i i' i '
j 0jr
Every cough makes
your thrort more riv
fnd irritable. Every
cough congests the lining
membrane of your lungs.
Ceaseteating your throat
and lungs i i this way.
Put the parts at rest and
give them a chance to
heal. You will need some
help to do this, and you
wlllfind It In .
j Cll I
ice tend
From the first dose the
quiet and rest begin: the
tickling in the throat
ceases; the spasm weak
ens; the cough disap
pears. Do not wait for
pneumonia and con
sumption but cut short
your cold without delay.
Dr. Aycr Cherry Pec
toral Plaster sbouli be
over the lung of every per
son troubled with a congn.
Write to (he Doctor.
until. u lo -
baair all ! Mriirautra In ft
Tll M. !( jamt ir-r
MUUI. .Alit,fll. ttlt.Jtfff I
glvtti. m awllc.l W
Fall . h.( tmar nwrbw. Iiw
tH -Mil tbTT r1wt. t
vill ! (.romp! tlj, allkml
AddrMA. Cli. J C. ATM.
rb)icl0 tktltl S fSXB.
Hill B!o k - A'Mf. Or.
Albany, Or.
Oao. Collins D D 8
A. Jack Hodge D D 8
vJJ Fl.o' Tropl, Albany, Or.
Oliver PlowsNew p
:OP3CtN8 BKCS.. Agwtte,
Albany, (Hxgoa
"Oliver gave tba worlJ lb chilled plow
And It ba eavtd mors mone)
to the farmer of America
Rnydtiw implement ever produced.
In Oliver sli.lled are the boat in
, The 0 Wer it a promoter of happi
o tbi fa-m, aad lb dealer who sella
wa he i Handling tba beit. Look
r iisalUttOttn aul touob nothing but
nulm Jd, only by OJi-tr
d ploirjrk4. SjatS Uod, Ind .
Hung Himself.
Ja, 20.-J. II. Wlll-rd airal!
Inn i rial lor tba murder ol L. I Vrtry,
bung Llmaall wltb a atib eord In l ho
county corridor tlila morning.
On to hHtiyamlth.
Jjntxm, Jn. 20. A Durban twscUI.
drtUd Tburadar DlKbt, aaya;
ii la reported nere mat jjru iuouon
aid baa annulled a ISoer convoy.
Uaneral ltull r la mUJ to be within 12
mllfa ol Ldyattiitri and Oentral Warreu
to be aout ais miloa to the rear.
Ex ccted Battle.
Bi'KAnuAtt'e Cauv, 'Jan. 19. Sir
Obarlea Warren and Ixrd Duadonald are
continuing a caiuloiu advance hourly ei
tMtctloir battle. There baa been a lluht
arillwry llrlnx lie re, at IuJyaiutihnd at
CbevulHy. Native report that the kopjee
are full of Itovre.
An N. I'.VIctoro.
Bt. Paul. Jan. 10 A eiwclal from Now
York aava:
The d antra betwoei the ' Northern I'a
.ltlo and the U. It. 4 N. Co., over the
right of tb.. respective roads to extend
thitlr lines in the Clearwater territory In
Idelm, baa been settled, and he North-
ern 1'aoillo la master of the aituatlon. AN. Co. baa withdrawn lie
clalnva to the Clearwater country.
Duitniwn)'a Plum.
Wasiiinotum, Jan. 19, Collector Ivey,
of Alaska ttaa resigned, Jhls resijrnation
to lake effrct npon the appolntuentnd
qualillcation ol bia aucceseor. H -u'or
Union baa been promised that the man
be reooiumenda fur the place would be
appointed, and in a conversation with
me prvetiient lie nainea Willis Uuonl
way ol 1'ortland. It was hie understand
inn mat the presler-nt wjuld send in ibe
name at an early date.
Hnrvcye IlaJ.
Cottaok Gaova. Jan. 19. Frank Har
vey, who was held to the circuit court
tor assair.'iiig Minnie Thorn, promptly
secured bondsmen, and rtwuiiimi his
former position as i mk.nian. On tbe
wllntss stand, Miss Thorn Wentilled
uarvey pereonslly and by the clothing
be wore, hentiuient Is ntrona against
llarvsy and lstiere(in. The lormsr baa
a wite rid two cbildren at Junction.
Of Course.
vt ASIIIAiiTiMC. Jan. 18. Tha sawetar
of the triurv totlsv sent a check for
io Joiin II. tiall. tbe United Stales
diatrict attorney at Portland, to be petf
lur iu hiom public building aite.
Badly Swindled.
U. F. Ch'dds. o' the Star Cheeta Fact
ory, about Dec". SO.sold to E. M. Barnes,
of Han Frtoclsc', through anaaen. here,
tome 11,0(0 pounds nf cheese, receiving
there,or a tn day draft for 13IS.?0 Mr.
ObUdt received the draft a id aunpoead
it to be eliliU until, while waiting lor
la n.stnrlty, he received notice bv tele
srsic l.oui tbe First National Sank of
H.n Fraaoieco UiaUit bad coo to pro (est
Mr. Cbllda immedisulv went to Hn
Francisco 1 tbe hope ol being able to
straighten matters out aatiefaotory. On
arriving there be found bla man who bad
acid bla cbesse. received the. money and
refused to nar for the asms, giving for
his raaaon absolutelv DOttitOK. laveeil
gallon at tbe banaa dleoloe! tbe fact
that be bad not slogls dollar's worth of
ruuertv and that Judgment would be
eouh notbiog. About taaamo time he
secured by similar methods, of O. L.
Miller, about 1050 worib of floor and baa
aa yet (ailed to pay for it. Mr. Uhtlde
returned to this city Tuesday, and baa
very little, If any, hope ol obtaining any
thing. itrownivillo Timta.
Itwaa very poor businss to tratt a
man for so much wiibout Knowing ba
responsibility. - ,
Under a nsw ordinance in Ashland to
secure license a petition must be pre
sented with a majority of the legal peti
tioners of the city on tl. At me roreni
mewling ol tbe city council four petitions
were presentsd. One waa cut down from
112 te 101, another from 129 to 116, an
other from 800 to 103 and tbe other from
274 to 98. Aa it required 113 to make a
majority all were rejected.
NoTicf,Thomaa Johnson, tb taper,
enced ablner, baa moved bia Uud to
Veireck'a Tonaorial Parlor on 2nd street
where be invitee hia patrons and all oth
ers who wish good work, .
The llsrvsrd football tsata cleared
127 ,000 the past footbsll year. This la
12,000 more thaoTVddy McOoveo baa
cleared at prise flghtiiig during about
the same length of time.
Wm. Faber, the Albany brewer, waa
in town Tu edey. lie couldn't Hod suf
ficient language in bla vocabulary to
even rartlsliy eior-ss hlmsif ami hu
Opinion of the Anil-Hsiooii League. 41.
Waddle was here vestardsv an J thought
tbe town looked "dr."A.i,i.n,i it.-
ord. '
The Balem Journsl bss dl.covereJ thst
thedifferenre belasen Ihetwo wsn is
that tbe Filipinos won't atsnd and the
Uoers won't run. If the Fillpmoa would
aland and the Hosrs wcull run, both
wara would bo ended at double quick
Astoria Tragedy.
Astoria, Jan. 20. Matt llllstrom, tbe
crazy man, a ho ahot and killed Ike
Moore last night waa captured by tbe
sheriff early this morning and la now In
the county Jail
Jo making the cai tare one of the dan.
ones was snot lurouvu me cneeK but not
seriously injured. Tbe men is a raving
maniac and it is hereditary aa It's father
and two brotbera died in tbe ioiaoe aay
Dolici.ius clam bouillon at tbe Sugar
Bowl 2nd street.
llav you tried our Italian Nuugst,
Viereck s Sugar Bowl, 2nd street.
Tbe century discumion ma be echetnut,
bat Ibe rJugor Bowl na real cbesnots.
tSiiv your apoctaclea and fce glasses at
French's Jewelry Store.
For good clean work Vierock'aTonsor
,al Parlor is tbe place to get ecoemmod-'led.
The annual meeting: of the McKinlev
club of Albany has been called for Feb-
A meeting of the middle of tba
populists waa belJ In Sa'em and It waa
resolved that there be no fnslon with the
rspubllcsns or democrat on tbeir plat
forms, Mo.tof their fusion tar has
been with the republicans, so ih.t the
mstler is not a verv erla n -ill. (ha! ruarv 2nd at iirht oVlnr-lt.
democrats. j Tl(r, w t go Jtvllle 00 TboM. Politic, are beginning to alula a little,
dv to tbe wife ol Prsaldent Ueck. of tba wUn ludicatlone of boilina hat at an
Judgea should be above politics, but. seminary there, twins. . early dsy. Tbie both naUpnslly and lo
oser 1 1 nee mat returning board judges n" amateur arama'Tony the Convict cany, osnsible people ahonld go Into
baveallowetl tbeir politic to influence f lh'!'ob'?,0atc"t" ? V" political eonet with tba intention
t&eu. TUia la to In tba Kentbckv easel '
A n "
ft . f 3 Sw
5ft M
Mokes the food more defidous and wholesome
W TK. J M.,mM.
8ATUR DAT MIGHT THOUGHTS. P'""' wn. It It mostly bottg
and abelia. Other people gtt tht kir
It loots very much a if tbe leadlna
vsotafor eeveral ysars will be war
news, a fact to be regretted in tbie eivil
laed age, when people ahonld be above
resorting to arms to asttle international
mature. At tba eod of tbia week aeifb
er our own war nor that between F.ot-
land and tb Boers aeee much change.
though tber are indlcationa of one la
lbs ease of the latter. Vary important
news may be expected of a character
tnst will pleas even tb devotee of tb
pi te ring.
and ha bern in msny others, decidedly
not to the credit of the bench. A man in
office whatever it is should know no pol
itics so lar aa bla dot ee and tb treat
ment of the public are concerned.
Th Eogeo Guard tel a tb followlog
about a boy named Col who fjr many
yeara was th eo!a oejro representative
to fcngene. In Cole's boyhood daya he
sou uovernor whlteaker reaided to
getner at ti e Pleasant Hill (aim. An
increase ol the pig stock having occurred
vote waa sent lo Und ont the number
keenfn thi i . . . ..
Amoog seven new dk -ca .nits In I I"r . -a uoi oranoing
contest mad eliog
Lincoln county I. tbatof tki. Scbmeer i:;",0:7 M ,00,, D
reeidenta of!""' political
disagree with
ant. Alice ScUmeer. former reeidenta ofitDm In a political con is it mn,l
'Dnr- ,n "d nam calling ara ar ni. a.
Of course all the achool children will eraments anil a-anm ..j ,
ha at ih. ,.ii.. of .n ..! - , - - 7 re.
. . " "'"-. ""'" ooea. mteillsant nanala r.
a minstrel is tbe most enjoyed by tb
reasonable In all things.
Keep tbe chickens in your head and
Sivaiiia ika . aU a. - T a. W
i.f.. w. hi woea. xou reopie wbo bavo an eye to bnaineaa Th-y a ill never atop cack- wUl locaU , . eountr ."'"V
Frank Dickey la a decided geniua. He "b "on alwaya la to avoid
has made an electric liirht for Nieht- ,lB0' etravsgsntly run. Linn
ibrr ol I waich MeClain at in .rlnh an arranxt COUntV nrobahlv nffr- k I- .
prospective porkers. Tiiensgroboy re-1 that it cn be sprung at an v time from ' eoontv in the .1.1. ...t i. ' ,T Z
in.nwi ti hi..ii f j . I . , i - . i whu u m nmmua
.v. u y.wiruiy luiuruieu iu KUT-iuaraoosa, that iM- III . .
erno.- that there were "Ave plga aod lour The Ohlnasa Ne Y.. .ill An.n Wl" conliB". 'tb noimprove
tog ability. hn.i nri , i f. but the resulsr tar l. rr.
uww , - j m WUU (BOS
liwentiein century ,n metier though tbsl can eatiiy rtad the sign on the walla
vmnuinAT urns nies oi tn uregon- """"""t ueiu muj, uome to inn county Orecon
tan for over fifteen year. Fifteen yea.a L,T.?f0b.,.h6 comleayof Mr. E.U.; ml
ago tbe paper was hot than I Win ,w will bav on of tbe beet piano ! . .
- m' a n a. 4- atMir Ms l.r.'l St. A. I Mm TIB anl nn a aK.. I a a
- a ueiw ejsj-aiHva taei ' w o tuvuiu UV BC
ptsno ires oi cnarg sod ol eonra a good down on. Neither ahonld be fed
nela and corn. A man ia considered
crasjwno will deliberately place bit
band in a flame, and yet tbat la what
many do. Wild oat mean ball a buib-
1 to th acre.
A new thing to think of la rgiatratlon '
in order to entitle on to vet aevera
montba from now. In Country dlatrlet(
tbia ia particularly a hardship and
care no advantage for honest politic, a
tbr baa pract'cally b.a no complaint
in tb matter. It fa a big and naslesa
sxpeuse, hot wbst la wore a noiaane to
many people. Tb next leglalata-
should repeal tb law.
Tbe biggest fool atatement mad by
any paper yet ie one by a Baker City pa
per tbat it waa tb big Portland hotel
tbat baa mad it tb city it la. A bot-
tentot would know hotter than that,
tbongh tbe hotel ia a fin on and a cre
dit to th city. It 1 undoubtedly a
good thing for it bat it baa not made it
by a good deal.
th Psmocsat, and Portland waa a city
ol about twenty tboueaod. Now tb reg
ular daily iaaue le three tlraea Ih s'x
aad Porllaod has a population ol nearly
on hundred thousand people. As a
newspsr-e: it ranke with tb best In tb
United Stales, snd it is for this resson
it occupies Its field in Portland alone.
Up-to-Date Show.
Rlchaida A Pringls's Famous Georgia
Minstrels em hod lea lb biggest, biigbest
and beet in this popular line of amuse
ment. Every feature presented I orig
inal and no-to-dst. Fifty wall-known
names appsar on Its roster ; two bir mil
itary bands furnish tba choicest music
fcr it big fra street parade; a well
trained orchestra of thirty piece supply
the muslo for It in-door performance.
To famous tittup of Arab, tb greatest
tumblers and acrobats of th century,
specially engsged for tbia abow, which
aleo locludee a host of vandavilla ntr
tatnera, mlottrs! amuse ra of tb blgnest
oia.e, and a score of spectacular ear
prieea, dialect songs, naro melodies,
comrdy, acrobats, trick-bicyclist, gro
leeque and fsncy dancee.tigbt wire walk
ing and funny comediaje. Altogether
preeeotingone of tl latest and geeateet
eflorte ol thi popular firm of pioneer
menagers. Kem ember tb big show will
appear at tb armory Wednesday even
ing Jan. 2.
went, ilonigbt Minstrels 2o cents, j
Tbe Brownsvill people will endeavor
to builj a wagon road into th Bio Riv
er mine. The correct thing to do. This
ia a matter of benefit to the people of
Ibe coif ty generally.
There are twenty eight ease on tb
docket if th January term ol circuit,
court of Liveoio cointy. O.K. Hawkioa
is attorney in ulna of the, B. F. Jones
seveu. r j
Tbe linn tounly levy continnee to be
trtetmallrst. Tbe Yamhill levy which
is generally among tbe lowest in the
etate, ia 18.40 mills, Wasco county 23
mills, Washington county 24 mills. i
The Brownsvill lima is in favor of a
Young man make nothing by disao-
mi babit. ji viewed a a bnaineaa
transaction It ia like giving II a yard
tor. caiiro. Xb actual return in
-Stnctlv fcusincsa
Sheriff Munkere hs foand his bier dm?. -
The notice in tbe Democrat last evening .
aia it.
Mr. A nee Stnrtevant of Lebanon ha
been visiting in the city the gneat ol Mr.
w. J, Rone of the excetaior work re
cently moved from Lebanon to Eugene,
waa in the city today.
Bon. M. A. Miller went to Portland
tbia morraing to attend a meeting ol tb '
aemocratie eiate central committee.
At tba bom of Coontr Treasurer Jack
Isst evening Mis Bertha Jack enter-
tainea a number of her friend In a
pleasant manner in honor of ber four
teenth birthday. Game . were played
and a delicioua lunch aerved.
Go to Verick' abaving and hair cut
ting parlor for first clae work. Hot
and cukl baths. Clean towel to every
t mer. --
French the jeweler.
Crescent Bicycle,
Hopkins Brothers, agents. .
Best Bicycle for to money.
Will ft Stark, jewelers.
Crescent bievclea at Honkina RmtkM
good wagon rotd to the mine, th unit- lor only tzu, ao, 135 ajsd $6Q.
ing of tb two school districts now msin- C B Winn, citv ticket agent. Ticket
Uined in the city, a cheese fac-ory and a to all point in the east.
d'av of" J v ,U" 0Prl,OD ty th 6m Be sure sod se,, the anti ru.f tinware at
I , a a BopktnBros,wlUlasialifeUme.
Portland of ovr 15,000,000. nd o tn r. r-. r, mu ,,, .
Seallie and Taouma each oVer S4.000.000. ' jl&Z&El2&&& ?
The total Ui paid by Portland people ia 2?lm5- fcrfet take an
82 mills, bv Seattle 24U mills, bv Tav-' "r
comaS3milla. The valuation of proo-oy.aJlowieg the accumulation in theV
er.y in Portland ia over 3S,0OJ.0yO, in remam.tbo entire svstem U poi.
nasiii. . 1 . a 1 ana in mtr in w'M m
A Few Pointers.
Tbe recent statistics of the number of
deaths, show that tbe large majority die
with consumption. This disease may
commence with an apparently harmless
cough which caa be cured Instantly by
Kemp's Balsam for tbe Throat sod Lungs,
which i guaranteed to cure and relieve alt
cases. Trice 25c. a: d 60c. For sale by
all drnggiste
No rUre. No Pay.
That Is the way all tbe druggists sell
Grove's Tasteless Chili Ionic lor Chills,
malaria and Billioutness. It is as plea -ant
lo take aa lemon ayrop, -60c
Mr. G. II. Sbepard and wife, of South
Dakota, who have been in this city vis
iting with J. U. Fletcher and family, l't
today for Alban v. si r.Shepard waa well
DeWitt'e Little Fsriv Ri.enratmU
ate the bowels. Trv tbem and joo will
always use them. Foahay Mason.
W. far .
Mock ol goods
nltMd at
Iron 10,000 la
K.UJ0 l.ii.n
mrjf Say
s;;S lit 1,
:,( !::
?:"' ;
From lbs E. A:
0. W. Mattbewa returned Wednesday
morning from a visit to Sompter. He
ssya th place Is booming, but there are
plenty of buaineee boueea ol all kinda,
and rents era very high.
At tbe meeting of th citv council
Tuesday evening tb marshal waa in-
atrocted to put a atop to noodiamiem ; to
not allow boodlnma to congregate on toe
street or other placee, end especially to
ses that no public meeting are disturbed
by aay one. Marshal asayer and fe pa
te Dell are niakiog a good start along
this Una.
Hon. M. A. Miller waa sworn in aa
mavor at tho meeting ol the city council
Tneedsv evening. II mad a short
sraech. in which be eaid tbat while
"making no Boorish of trumpet," It waa
the purpeseof tbe new officiate to give
tb city a busioees-like administration ;
that the street and eldewalka would be
put in good condition, and that th city
law would be enlorced aod good order
To Cure a Cold id One Day
Tak Laxatitb Promo Qoiifisn Tab-
u. All drcgpl'te teruni me nuney 11
t fails to core. E W, Unovs'ssignature
ion each bx. i6o.
I'he Excitemsnt Not Over.
L - t. a a a 3 a .
pleaied with thl.eection eOjrwj. and 'SSmST
says that he enjoy the rain. baletn wiLnf K..v RVi.-.i. .1,- -rl..7
mvp W SaiawslSS IVt . U V UIOWl
and LnnasforUjecarwof Coochs. Colds.
AtttkmA Rknclti t-Sai tavsrl PA..HMnliAa
-- s-y-avuvuawc--i auiu twuUUivuvu
Inquire of M. Sender.
5en0ers barn
To tlieAIusic
aemp s Daisam, us standard fa ruin re
medy, is sold on a trnarantee and never
fails to give entire satisfaction. Pi ioe 26c.
and 50:.
Wa have
. ..... .11. k.,iMln la tha world.
W . U.Vm. ..; h-nd -ea. are son.,.-.
ov.r s,ooo,. tnju- flllln
n.,D nmcilL CATALOOUB is the took of ths poopU-i Quou.
OUR OINtllAl. (.!.' ,.. is 000 Hlu.tration. and
" "!''- " . "... - voice. lth a 1 char... pr.paivi.
i vyr .
.and w.'ll .and you a 1
Mlehlgsa . and Msdlion ItrMt
Di.'tV. wizra. Italy Hill, N T. aaja
"1 heartily recommend One Minute Couph
Core. It vave mv wife imnediaie relief
in auff jcating atthnia." Pleasant to lake.
Never fails to qiickly cur all coughs,
colds, throat and IUJ2 trouble. For aale
by Fosbay A Mason.
Heat Tssaees Spit saa Kieaks Toar IJrs Away.
Vo eult tobacco paally snd forever, ba mag
setla. lull 01 Ills, aerre and vigor, take N0 T0-
Bao, the wnnilcrworlter, that manna weak mer
strops. All druagl.ta, Woor SI. Cureguaraa.
tel Booklet and snmpls tres. Address
Sterling Itemedy Co . Chicago or New Yora
' utea atrong, blood pure. aop. M. A'l draggia
Sugar Mr. GraiwobI informs as thai
be fa selling 17 pounds of granulated su
gsr for f 1.00 Now ia th Urn to buy a
it ia liable to e np at any time. Tbia ia
a net cash proposition.
O j All gooda delivered free of charge.
Thoe contemplating Uk'ng up " -
, . . .11 A.J It ,A thai. Iflt... .
eal to iuvTt 7a Thrad;; ofier, Sale... . Huth rated factory appoint.
t a fW. Th followira? on uncovered ground. Free samples.
Ky tal .aih?? lowlt 8evral ean. to $25 weekly. Some with
brancheaar taught w t Ojrporatioa, P. 0.1171
,t:TrDwiivT rnfpnQTTiriN no-to-bm u nrty coata
uicTARVniTMlTSIO. ! Guarenieed tobaooo habit euro, makv wek
m, Wlrta. Musical Director, is a grad
uate ol Uie Chicago Oooeervstory of Mtf
sic, and has studied with uch artist a
Seeboeck, z,iegieiot, n.oeuiiDg, ra,
ood. Ruff, and the late Dr. Karl Mesa.
These men are mastera in their respect
ive departments and musicians 01 woriu
widefame." " .
Mrs. Wirts, instructor, in vocal mwK
ia a pupil ol .r. William NIeon Burritt
who i knoa to be one of the beet voict
teachers in America today. Mr. Burr.U
studied eight year in Italy and sowrs.
year in Loudon. ,,
Tb method used in Albany College
Conservatory are the lateet and most ap
proved, being the combined result of
superior instruction received .cxperlenc.
and the acquaintance with the niethodi
of our eastern conwrvstoriee. ....
Tuition reasonable. Pupils may entei
atanv time.. n
Fall term oina Sept. 19 1899.
r or further information call on or ad
Pf essident, Wallace Howa Lea-
l)r H H Haden. SomiiL a la. aava. MI
think Kodol Dyspepsia Cure a aplendid
medicine. 1 prescribe it, and my conSd
ence in it growa with contiuoed use." It
tiges a what you eat and quickly m-o
dvtpeps'a and indigestu,a. t or sale .y
rosbsy aiaon.
Mcaic. Mia Mirarea riurmeetet
eacher of piar' or organ. System the
Mason tot'oh ai-dtechnioue. KnKtenre
Fifth ctree r-r joeite U P church.
- Daw Are Tear KMaayo S
Dr. Hobba'Spanunu Pill, ear al! kMmrW.. Saia
llatraa. Ada. Bwrhoa Hcomkij Lo.. Caiow ut&.t-
That Tooth
need attention
Remember it can be filled
or extracted without pain
by . .
Our Offerin
In CARPETS and other kindred
goods are of the latest patterns and
colorings, bur rug and art qsuare
Mrtes are very strong this season. ,
masonic Temple Bldg., Albany, Or.