The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 19, 1900, Image 8

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    i-U fur . (... ,:,,..
A.'ll.llAIHJN Mj.a, J
oil'.''!!?').,!?1'"."" 1'tt'"1 f'''.
Notl,. Clly, Or., f,uv, 4
TV"" wirf
I wily i! !,,Ld 'L i' i""1'.1 '''" are uiora
i:? fc: ft?1' "" hh prt
tll I (llll )lli,.. of niMaii ll, . i1
ii . i i N" I'll! err.
tilii. yy i iJ,b. co mm la
mara n, iff iii. milt w in iuJ
A hewed li. ml.u k p,Ml ,j imhea by i f,i
loll, ( IK l,,,!, i lh MrouioPwT,
Wound of nli.ii.' acrlh , iZm. ihJnii
hanilm tra So in. I,... 1,,"
lilHvti ami m rii.i k ltT Ultra N ai
T '"'' in Ii , ill.lrr. and
w'i'SI r'f .,,T.' ,M,t, H." " "
Vrl.ill..n 1 uoit. W mill. V" ( "in;
rriir Nrt, 4. A ImmUx It tr-o ul off 3H
?'4Hr''' ' lonv rllin.
N IimhI.k k lr H III. hra
in (llnmnirr, IjIiw! unit i-rlli-it 4-.1M ht
S"1 If," "f- w- f".
ml frtW .'IT, W, m. 49 d.n.
VHrlmiufi 3 ,ut, in mm. 13., ); f,t,
e-rly smi (mi; rtrv mill. Ii riiiu.fn wmrly
mwl 4x1 liu-tif liy 4 Uf .me, J, j,
In. hi- in ihq er..ini m, ,,timi
!n '"". hlMrl ami frlbrd S am
up. Ik-ji, h, sa j.. j min, w. i;i ri,
nl ii tnnili.ii irm II iuh.- n .li.un-i.r
blawit anil rilMKl HT. Iwarn N. m
'. n min. H. I c-i; hiir H 74
i?t'.m. XV" v"rlli.iii l .Ik. w ,
h.. 6.1 fr.,u..i..rii. r No. 8. a l,. wr, hnii.
J.Kk liiclira In ih arouml,
wl(h in.. iin. 1 f niuiir n'rlliv.! e-E'
llnri if liKmUu-k Irno II In. Iir In
mi t t. jl.t nn.l h. rll (I ,.3in IT. lH.ur
M. Mi itry. JU mm, W, S 4 f,. Wh1
nr iro :ji inh- In .1.m-i, r, lluj anl
' tlx-it nr. N. l llr K
" IS cr min. K'
VBflnllmi li w ,. ; H fr, ,
ritrfinr No T, n l'f,l I. .-nil,- k tu.i j
liirm. ,y 4 fci ,.lr , lh.
whanr a li.inl..rl tr.- In, 1,
in iiiainr..r. blnad ami rrMt nr
b.nia N. 44 4i nun. W. 73 r'i ami
a nr ro n In. (, in iliaittrtr. blnar.l
anil m nl-. a-iu HT. b. r, N in
M rnln. V. 7 M; ihn..-o H. T j
mill, VV,. variation M .1-, 19 min. .;
4l 7 frnt lo rorm r No, . a li nm h. rn.
!"' t"l 4tl III. hr bv 4 fr.-t Ion, a. t n
Iin Ii.- In the Kriniiiil. th in ..iin, I .if
aluitra IM Tll...,) wtu.ll.o n brmlork
tr 41 In. i.r In dlami-trr. blrir. im.1
a.nbr,l iT, Ix-ara N, U 40
mm. W. 81 f. t, n n, n ii,-m tr k tir
13 Inrbrg .limtintrr. I,lir.l mul , rib. d
I IT, brut H. jr. .J,.e. 40 ji. .;. m
frrtj tbrn- N. n !', Ui mm. w., vmla
Unit l lr. Ill min. K , inu frrt. (.I.ll. b
nilia oillliw.-i.lrri)- I IMj f,,,t t i c.ini-r No
U. a boaovl Ii. ml.i.k 4l Iin ,y 4
lc-l lunit, art is lixlipa in thn itnuiml,
wiih nixtina of atoitra acrllHHt
whanro n vm trcn 7 Inrb.-a In illnni.-i. r'
blnard m Id-xn HT, Iwura H
9 !. I min. W. lot fwt. nnd a hrm
link trre In Inrbra In ilunmtrr, bin.,!
ami bi'MIkm! In-3-H HT, m-nri N. IJ .l-
V. 3Z.6 frt; llii-n.-n H. 6 nV. mill, '.,
varliitl.m so nv. lo min. 67 fr!, tlul. li
runa aoiillinrly 7 f.-rt to irner No. II,
a h.-wr.l hmbx'k pnat 4x1 In. lira by 4 f"r
l.inif, ant 11 Inchca In iha lironn.i, wm,
m.nin.l of atoma -ritw..l 11 -,t.-; wli.iirr
a fir lre Sd Invbra In .ll!imrt.r. I,bn l anfl
arrllHi) H-!3H HT, bara H, 14 .1.. K.
17 & fmt, aixl a fir trra u Im hra In dlam
atrr. blnacl un.l acn In ii I IMS HT. lustra
. 74 dr, 10 min. W. 4( fcl ; thrnr.. B.
a rtr., 4 min, W.. varlatbni to nV. V...
7i fori: aiimmlt of rl.1K 1 uniilii nortbrrly
ami xouthrrly Ml f-rt to rornrr No. 12, a
howisl nr poat 4x4 Ini'hoa by 4 f.-rt l..nir,
a.-l M lmli In tlin grouml. with mound
of atotu'a a.'rllM-i1 12-3a; whnu a fir ir
14 In. lira In .llnni. lrr. blnx.-.l an.) a'rllcl
13-sai I IT, Uara H, 79 U. ! mm. .l
frrt, ami a h. inl.ii k 21 lin hm In
dlnmotrr, blainl anil acrlbnl HT.
brara H. 4J ilr. u min. W. 12. f.-l :
thrnpa H. 75 a-. min. W., vr liillon W
lr. W VJt f.Btj Hrlmr Nub-li runa
aotithrrly 1-4 fwt to .ornrr No. 13, a
hawed hrmloi-k iioat 4x4 Im'bra by 4 fwt
Ion, art U Iriclio In thn around, wllh
mound of alniiia arrllM.l 13 3S; whn-
n h.mliK k trea 43 Imlira In illiim.-fr,
MnxMt nn.l ai'rils-d IS 3in HT, b,nra H.
l .I.-. 10 min. w. 14 frrt. n mi a Ilr ir.-
7. niamrtrr, imn.n and afrlhrd
I3-32X HT. bri.ra N. 4 !.. 30 mill. V,
10 fratj ttirn. n H. 13 il... 18 min. 1C. varia
tion M (1.. K m f.rt tn rornor No. 14.
n hr-wril hrmlo. k at 4x1 Inc hra by 4
fart Ion, art IK lin-bra In thn arniim'.
wllh mound of atnnra aorlbrd U-S-l;
whrnoo fir trm 4'4 frt In illnmrtrr.
blna.d and arrlbrd !4-3iH HT. brara N
4 lb'. S& min. W. 10 3 fri.t. and a hemlock
licmlork trni? So Inrha In dlameirr, blnxrd
and arrlbrd HT, lirarx H. M ilr.
M min. W. lit 1 f,.rf, and n hemlnrk trro
14 Inrhra In illnmrlrr. blnard nnd arrlbrd
L'VT', .,,Tit,,rnr'' !W ' J,) "" '
M frrt; thrma N. 1.1 tr. 32 min. XV,,
vnrliiilon M dr, jwt f,t, to rornor
No. IB. a brwr.l hrmlork pnat 4x4 Inrlma
by 4 f.v lonir. art IS Inrhea In thrt around.
Willi mound of atntira arrlbad MS S'R'
whrnra a Ilr trra 4''- frt In dlnmetrr.
bloxrd and arrlbrd lit -32s HT, brara 8
M ilr. SO min. K. 4.0 frrt, and a fir Iraa
S4 Inrhra In dlamrtrr, blnxrd and arrlbrd
lj-3ijl HT, brara H. 18 dr. 10 min. W.
14.7 f rati llmnra H. 7 dr. 47 min. XV.
ynrlntlun M rtr. K.. n.5 fart to xornrr
No. 17. a hrwnd hrmlnrk oat 4x4 lnrlir.
y 4 fat Ion, art IS Inrhra In thr ground
with mound nf alnnra arrlbrd 17 S J"-'
whrncs. a hrmlork trra 13 Inrhra In dlnml
ftrr. blaxrd and arrllird 17 2 S28 HT
brnra S. 5 dr. W. 1S.S fraf. and a hrm.
lork trra to Inrhra In dlamrtrr. blnxrd
nnd arrlbrd 17 2 32S TIT. beara N. 17 dr.
.OR min. W. 24 frrt: thrner 8. 1.1 dr
47 min. a. variation 18 drr, E., M frrt; nA n .1 1 . n I .
ly WW fert; dry ulrh runa wratrrty 11 Mil
frrt to corner No, IS. a hrwrd hrmlork
trra 13 Inrhra In dlnmrter. hlaxrd and
arrlbrd 14 328 TIT, brnra H. 27 dr. 40 min,
H. 24S frrt; thrnra 7 rtr. 19 min. V
vnrlntlnn 20 dr. R., aos.g frrt tn oornrr
No. IS. a hrwad hrmlork pnat 4x4 lnih
by 4 frrt Inn, art 18 Inrhra In tha r round
wllh mound of alnnra arrlbrd 1831.
noat 4x4 inrhra bv 4 frrt Ion, art 1
Inrhra In thr ronnd, with mound of
atonra arrlbrd IS 32': whanre a hrmlnrk
trra ?4 Inrhra In dlnmrter, hlait-d and
arrllird 1S-1-32D HT, brara N. 9 dr. 20
min. XV. 23 frrt, and a fir trra SO Inrhra
In diameter, blnxrd nnd arrlbrd IS 1 S2S
HT. brara B, S drr. R, 6. II frrt; thrnra N.
7.1 dr. .11 min. T5., vnrlntlnn 19 dr. KO
min, K , 1W frrt tn corner Nn. 19. Idn
tlrnl wllh rornrr No. t of aurvry No.
32S. Onld Oulrh lode, a hrwed hemlock
rinet 4x4 Inrhra hy 4 fert Ion, art 1
nchra In the ground, wlr- mound of
lr bin...! aiJ 4r,,r,i 1T Inmia Una f" ,f ?uil ",''r! Ihia aurva una S
H. t min W. IT I f.. 'ami n lh.-n"a v T"y 'if' I Mil m.t"
. I 7S: HT. M,ra K .1 film m J' ,Mit " rir No 1 uJJ
14 mil. i; fm-; lWr N'. W .1. , " y 'f tV1 Hur Mrr. Ih a aor
win. W variation IS !. Ki ,, K.'r. J by 4 flT"1 ."fWHia k ,mn 44 T,)ti'I:
41 nrh by Ion, art I Hi.bra In i b. n,-!, naa a-rtlrd l!ri:
tli itl Willi uucimr No, 4 of aurvv N 't
,,.i 4,i' i. ; .' "i- J1
i."i in in. Htm uy 4 tvot nif ai.t ii
ir i 2l In, r,L Vr? w"io ft lirmloi k
t u,'n. - i" Si' i1"1 i!' w, sa.7 riwii
ii i . W.. 0"3 fo.'f. lo t'tirnnr Itfn
ilia iIV. M.M.i'?.iwt ,0"K- Inchiw In
21 -a" Jilr .i""" of ""it"" iuhi.4
io :i H i!''1: w"rf $ M d"- 'a ''"
i,rii,, i ! 1 ";. oniecii ami
.'..r'" .lr3-? IT. Wi N. 7 rt. ii. Hi .!.
mrh,-' i- 1,'' I1"' ? Iml.., k trr 16
i " ST ift. a"" !r"i
v.. V ..i,H..' l.i, 1 ft , III inriuii
nii.l n l,.,ii,l,,fl
N. I f l'V'biiJtt, " ''"rm"'
lrr I'larrr.
U4 lii'iM.a by J V, i ';' .ink .
III. l llH ll. Ill
-. I'. H M M N . i I ""If "'t'J
min I- - o. I. bra, , H. St ,3.
: n. brB I,, ,iiLmriT; "'"'"s "
tl- B. Ill .iB't;" P'J"-. W.. Vailaiirm
and n tn't , L.h p. 1 '"fhra m llnmetr
HrC Wr, h'.sb'f 11 " -rlbrd H
i'-l nialan? and 4flr' K W. 37
.llm. ,rr ,,? '"j "r 'J"P Inr . fn
Ion. a.-t jx mXa In ,""-h" 'Y 4 r-, f
mound ,.f atone, ""i. win!
"Pur. l..l....i.
.li, . "
i l rriMS .W
- --.imtrr,
lltn r a U
iw tt -..vr'"" i,';.r
r, rf
to' rw, ' ii ""T etery IS.) .
lirii-e of br-
ra 4.j .,art.r
""n. vv varluitoi, la . 43
rorm-r No. I a iVI ?T l,i0 fi" to
m. lira by 4 fWl U,,Z r',""',l k Poet 4x4
"round. Vlih '1 Js "' l In tb.
i whriira h .,. wrll.rU
J Ulamrtrr, bl.."4 nd a.rll t I1 .'"
';.' mm. jc 17 7-? !,',r; lar
N. 44 d.. 33 ,i ' J, dlatnii t ; th..ii, 0
nrm in k turn t 1.1 i i r
'"If. vl W Irn-f,, i 4 lah' "V i fret
"m-nd of aionr,,'?r,',.d',4lulV1'
Mr ei in,.).... v.. if wlu-nro n
rilled Itt'ffr? tndr,l"N",!l , " "3
W. 4.7 fret, am a b,r," V1. min.
lli.nirt,.rt blaxrd ,,, a! .,1 T" ''Whea
5" min. K J? f" V. ";i vnriiitloii 19 ,1. .
Weatrrlv irs.i"J? 1 runiiln boiiiK:
wriry f , ;-"' "'""ii aouth-
:r txni : art 1 in it -.....i "
.! aroiin. . wiih "
criot.ii & M'i..,V. 1 "..hi or
fr, 1. .. O'K. IB min. ' m
''""rd-and r It rd iti 'I "r ,n.
f t ta corner No li M ''j! E
I foal 4x4 l.i,.h,.i i...; lewed heml,M-k
"'.!"". around, with is "X hea
-.rued whZ ,"'" "I. onea
In ll'.m.VrrLlnxrTand .rM,,rrJ "
n... I . . ",'?
blnxrd and ,,?rfl,4f . dlametor.
lea-. 20 min. u- 6 1 fr't- ll I'.bK?r.H-
variation ) , . r' 's , N' .w ,,"'-"
'er. blnxed : r. :tlL? ."':!!.- Utam-
l rte. 80 mil," w it 7f. T. beam
trra 11 Ti. .' '-.T fwt. and a ilr
arrlbrd 7-3;S llf I rr. & ",,
niln. v aS . .' ''eara N. 61 dea !m
... iirM in in,. .. . . "
. '- leeij imuira Itf hi
irv ' U r.1" . . H.r IrxTfaa?
241 f-l- VaiJm JV"? northwralerly
liv 4 f,., ..:."" ? I'oai 1X4 inrhra
with mound of Itonei ar'riiJS Jh'"-""'d.
aoutheart "rl v rnrnrr, r'bed - The
If n n ta n - ' " ' l(T bullflfnir
lork tree 24 Inrhea lnelll'"R.,,,: h"m-
mm. w, las f,.ri .: . ur
.nrhr,mln dlnrr:e,!in."rd,,an"d "arr ,'mtS
. .".V ura r. 73 dr. tr, min w lit
fret; thrnra ft M ,i., "A. ."L ".x
Hon 22 dr. 20 min : E lis a V v.rl.'
rorner No., a "rwedlirmMrk " 4II
isofi, iinninii or atonra arrlbrd
-3.8: whence a hemlork trre 24 In.'hr.
n diameter, blnxed and arrlbrd ili'-l ,t
brara 8. 87 dr. in mi . .n. T.
a hemlock trea S" i;V.; i'- "na
l;'il and arrlbed 9-3?8 HT. beara N 85
l"5ni1f "HP' w- ': henoe 8 62 dr"
rtiri v"riB,l"n 1e. IS min. C
.49 feet, to corner No. 10. a hrwed hem-torl"-
"V 4 frrt lon,B a
., r" in "i. wnn mounit or
-lonra arrlka.1 1A . , ...
i. , Z ly .wn, ni.riire n ncmiorK
i t?. Zi .Lnc.h!:V'n dlamrtrr. hlaxrd and
inrk. j.r"''."""V,."r "."mior rrrr SJ
ia 4 1,4. "'"'nrirr. nmx,i ann arrllir.t
ia3 itx. hrnra N. 42 ,) rnin, -r
3 'Uiu jo- -gjp (i, -8 fK
1, l.nwl. r l'bi., r, i, mtrvlv m 1 ? ,,h "whweal by ih IN I , "J
Hmlnnlnf at corner N. t . ,
'oii,t,r N. Js (,,'5' I. Idrntl. 0 win,
'""r, (ilia (urvrv ti... "' 1 fr""1 ot
(I nniiitnr. i.i.,... ...''I .lr" JlcM- In
airlbd li-aii . ',i. "".' i atone
tifu Mruiiiifi Mill ! . v - v
In dllimoter 'l.h.:r. " ."r 'r". l.nche
u& i.i?m1 and'-acrVr ia-j!
HT. k,.MU ,'.r:.? criiia.i JZ-32X
Sf tfr" W hi? beT.1
To,., l ;', ; "r" to-
acrra, "ol P'acer, liB.ectj
Wl uru off rr.'"r r,"Tfr-. '
bit' ' -(ittia, uold tilac r, im.m
in umwo V';;,k ;:rrr.:'"n r 'record
...Id Munti""1.4L?'.' Kword'a tf
wrat by i in w . . '". on ""th-
aurvryrd Kovernni.Ti, l.rt n1" un"
Tim rniiMa n.i,. 4 .
tha oBir. e i l" ' "r.'.or. w?rd I"
-unly of IJnnValntrof'orV,?. S pft.
otherwTJ ti d. "rk 'l,!'r Klntoi '"'
pinrrwi by uinrarvevnl ... .
i. .1-1 Jr- '" rinimin aaverarly
Sulw n?iiU2L " are
ouly ll rd a arror.lln to law and tho
rnrula lona thernindrr; within CO day.
. .. "IV ."V "ereiir, w lh ha rrer
r- J. f. r" '.V wl" "9 nnrraa in v r
lua Of ilia r'fo.vlalona of aald atstntr.
v.llAllL,r.a u. Al'WIHKH.
The Ruth's Manouverings.
The Ruth rparhed Albitny iht inora
ing inlwent-ihrim f,t of watr, and
utmble to C'l under the bri.l j fit tin til
the .moke .lack had lxxsn lowered at I he
i.ii. irorouoin au It made a trip lo
the JJanoia miiia b.j a frriou.
tune ift uing out, runnitikt into tho nouth
apjrich to the bridtft,. While lower
ing the moke alack Mr. Houbeck, the
jeeotid fireman in rearhingout for a rot
(ejl info the water. II0 lwatn to the
whifl aud cl!mld ujkh the boat, a very
wet man. Then th boat .ucceeded in
pawing tindyr the bridge with a large
crowd of jH.-ctator. on the bank.
Dr. Twell Joiiea, of Lebanon, ii in
tt.e city.
Uwy.r Con lit of Sakui, una in (,e
city today on luinet.
Ml. )Ja llnitfht ha returned from a
Uo week, with I'urtland friend.
Mr. Martin 1'orim n,l ,,.,l.i. ,:.
Ic will lexvo thi. week for California for
me 1 tiieni 01 1 no ittiter . hcalih.
Itev. J. It. Kirkpnlrick. of Cnliforn o,
a former r.'n.lent of l-banoo. father of
the J .XrvB-Advance man, was in the
city to my.
Kx-mari lia! (' fl I... !..(. ,i.
noon train lr buiithem Onpon, where
I III I f -v. vxxva.t, uvib
i'n 1.1 ,iiiT..r-... ..JT. . " " 1: ' . .
lie villi nuin inr i rm i'. iiAm e 1 r ,i,ia,t.i
v..... .....v,:... .j.i.m,, 111, 1 . , n.i,
Il.n. . I I....!... ... ...
v .. n .. . l9 ,l-b.lf lli Ul I 41V
Laurenn rocietvand Ar:hurUamt)ereec -
. . , , " nniiuijxuiiirrii
rrtary of the I'hilologlan .ociety of the
lata university, both formerly Albany
young mon.
Mr. A. H. Martin and Mm. Walter
I arker went to Salem yet-teidav to at
tm d tho funeral of Mr. Max Mi Uor who
died at. Colfax. The deceaeed wa. a
nephew of Mr. Martin.
lr. V. II. llooth, of Iebanon, pasted
through Albany luat Saturday evening
'Or Han Franrim-n rnlU.I i..,. I... ...
cUant to hi. brother J. C. liooth.a med-
icai aiuticni, wno met with a fractuie of
the skull,
Harry Ilolgate rawed through Albany
hist night for his home at Corva'lia.frotn
Astoria. iiImM l.u i,n. i.u.. .n.,i..
l . ........ .. v OH. VVMU ICIV,bllll VF.l
the A.torian for several months. He
w:n .oon go eamc
MlMea Minnirilllni:n..,l .
- r - .. ..,..,u,ii.vt ..i.itiia
I feiller will leavo tomorrow for ttiver
tiide, Calif., lor the benefit of their
' 1 it " u ,na" K '"finpr to Sew Mex
ico Thev will reside with Mrs. Fronk
at ltlveraido. Tliey will be accompanied
t)V Miaa Klnra Uta.n .. 1,. ,:n . 1...1.1..
not remain as long at her compauiout.
T f i lAiw.rt 1 r. . ... 1 n 1 . .....
young lieetuan instead of trying to com
mit suicide, wa. simply trving to fool h.
L'irl ami nthnr. II. i.u inli, .1......
rm . ...m. ,,w ,uv. KIUIUII I1UIIV
of the chloroform.
The'Macnliaea will i,J.I.uci T'.. 1
entities day, Feb. 14, with a grand ball
at their hall in .bo ,o.,ir.,. .Z; .
. ... ...v w.w....., udiiiu m
vass over their carp. t.
Chailea Millnr. tha railrYlfli I mart
. , ........... vbm man n mm
in ma uty louaj r,a aj VRCK to
nia pirenu in Seattle.
av x xi to in -vr.r iv
INtiWDOrr. uhere lift will mni'l.arUw
hop. Hit fanul not go for two or
At ntltt AuA (irrivn. vAalavntaita Q TT
unaer fi,iou nnaer the charge of acduct
i '. : mi.
Min uiiiun inorn.
VSTBT7RN. On Sunday Jan. J4 1$K)0.
near oanaerson oriage to mr.and Mrs.
W. A. Eastburn, a boy.
The Pantiam la now not vnrv fo, lu
bind OloverJaia. Grandiatber Poug'sg
K'll in tllA rit VA.tMr.V AAlla.ll.
vingb g his hit and praising the San-
uaui buiiiiirv.
I ilia lytlWUr r.ln... .. .
Hugh PattrM,n Here Declircs
IIIxi InnocriCtf,
lllllfll Ptt,af,n t.l 11,1.
i AatJi&iJ a uiLHiwin. r ii i n ia nii m.i.m
, - w.,u u
ut eu n lmPclel la the
I UCCO BCGUMU 01 l)t)lfl Itllb Cated In the
Iti.. ..
h,ch tn " W. 1 in Alb.
f tor, hi. Innocence In tho ni.tter, .d
u .wry 1. ontioutfXlly .traiglit lcav-
in no doubt, that i( there wa. a crime
CoiiiinitUjd agalnut (he girl, it wai bv
.owe one elae. When the train .topped
". u, uviun ruacuinir Jyaumiri .
younn woman wa. .ecn by the track
pawiing alonir. At like m
along tho irain Hoifb .air a paratiol in a
cattle car and upon invctation founo a
yoiing woman there, the Thorn girl. He
noti led the other brakemen and the
conductor, and the girl w afterward
Induced to go into the cabooje. where it
waa warmer. At Hoselor the car wa.
not locked, a. reported. He never nir
a thing to indicate any ill- treatment of
her, uor knew of anything. When the
train return d pan Cottage Grove be
aw a big crowd and learned what w.
the caiiae, naturally he wa. frightened
and When the train enarl..1 '...
- - - . ...... wiiiukii;
got off and caught the flr.t freight for
o, w,in;U ne reacneu hfturday
mornlmr. Mr.
1. . . .iwiiuu, miner
of tbayoung man.who ha. borna a .plen.
did character here for many year., ay
there i. not the leaet doubt of Hugh', in
nocence of the charge..
A Coming Wedding.
From The Dalle. T M: j
II. n. Arthur Holife. count dorir r.f
Crook county, and Mi l.
daughter of Hon. Alonzo Ge.ner, will be
married at the Lome of the Utter in Sa
lem on the 17lb.
Following is .aid to be the proposal :
Ul.ri...ti:... ri .... v
j 4 nereujr announce
mye a. a candidate for your hand, and
I .l.All 111. .11 f.. - .1 1. . " . . '
. m-w n.t mi. aiiu uonpraoie mean,
lo Brcura the nnmin.ilnn 1 i.. .1
; v.. . . .nun .ncre
re many candidate, in the field, and I
uo.i?u ioug oeiore entering I he race,
but now 1 am in tn sfmv if- '
love and matrimony have often been ex-
juur neanng, and 1 will not
rcneat tlirin l.rrr V..., 1. r 1
the go d eUndard, of love a 100 cent
dollar love and a maintenance of the
.undard after marruge. If yoa decide
to confer ujwn me the honor I .peak of,
please fix a date for a caucu. with your
mother. I have no objection to her act
inia, temporary chairman, provided it
1. clearly" understood that I am to be
chairman ol the permanent organiza
tion. Should the reult of the caucu.
prove eatlnfiictorv, we can toon hold the
primarie. and reiect the date and place
of the convention.
"I have never believed in long citn
palgn., to if you have decided to honor
me I will ask you to make the conven
tion date a. ear.'y as possible.
, , , Itevotedly Youre,"
And the young lady telegraphed back :
"Caucu unneceaaary. Nomination, nn
uniinou. Come nt once aed fix date of
The Supreme Court.
From iho Telegram:
'.xe ig UMinc ViTUU'itU UUfU
i . .
1 ,U "'- county, m lie w.s
t .
elected .upreme judge before be waf Sd
year, oiuy tie i. the second native of I Inn
late 10 occupy a eeat on the supreme
bench, the fjnt teing Judge John B.
Waldo. Judire Moore was born in tha
date of Maine 55 year. ago. He came
to St Helens, Columbia county, in 1877
and resided there until bis election to
the office of suoreme indira in 1892
Chief Justice Wolverton was born in
Iowa in 1851 and camo fo Oregon when
be was 2 years old. In 1894 be was elect,
ed to bis present otlioe. All of the judges
were succc.'ful ; ractionersof the law be
fore being elected to the tupreme bench.
They arts personally of very plea'ant
disposition, and meet all visitors with a
kindly gieeting that ha. made them
many friends.
The imlees work in the manner mrat
satisfactory to t acb. Jodge Bean utual-
iv uivinvra vf w airnorupnvr. uuuiroi
Moore, as a rale, writes his opinions in j
f..i, m.: . t : . .,-. . I
iin, muiie viuai juoiico ll oivtrvon em
ployes both methods, the stenographers
not only typewrite the opinions, tut r
required to verify auihoritiee c'led or
quoted by comparing aith the original.
Thi. rlit.iwa tbo hl.broa l.f mnrh ' w,,rlr
...... t e ...w... . . v . -- , ,
and enab'es them to (.lvc more um to j
lie examinai'.ons ot cases mey nius; ue-
cide. Formerly the three judges occup-I
1...1 I.., .. . ntlA I... , .i u.n;n;.
..- w... w. v v.nv, vu. a. .(id uviuuiuk
rtf lut vA,ir rl.antroa vera mailA. an t bal
now each jude lias an otlire by himself.
This facilitates individual work, and
tiMtwnl. r. i . rt v in. in. lit, viailnva
wl o call upon oua oi the judges. ',
..wi.ur. a v.i.w.
Deed Wm Lvnch toGW Aker 80
acres $300 ,
Deed H Ilotson to J F Follis, 5 acres I
9W1 i. 100
Heater Ames to J A Lam hereon, 22x
? Lmber90n 22s ,m '
159 feet Lebanon 500 1
r:....t rinri
vinui, vu...
A new case is the California ' Powder
Works agt W E Chandler. Hecovery of
money, attachment. Client sued for
$108 23. Milton V Smith and Weather
ford & Wyatt attorneys for plaintiff.
22 have" reg'sterjd in Albany, 27 in
West Albany aniilo in East Albany be
sides a few in country precincts.
In estate of George Morris inventory
In estate of ETT Fisher petit'oa for
sale of personal property.
U,10enS3 wmb iuni lur too man inv ui
A Ion 7.o Collins and Martha M Constable.
. 1 f . K . ....
A rece.V liaa .ircii asavu lur , .w
. . . , .... I... O V . . . . CI..
nouae imau'eea o. ii im
,. -...'..-I k...l.. .& I. . ,
11 ItCiailllQI l.l-V.I ri.wu. a. uv. .
of wheat several thcnaod bnihelt.
1 A
m :
jCvV?tfctab!ePreparaliohlbr As
similating ttalToodandRctfula-'
in nif -luiiiwii mnnii mnrin
Promote s T5Tgestl6n,Cheerf ul-
Optumlorphine nor lliacfai
Not Narcotic.
JSmqlm Smi'
Arjcrfecf Eemedv forConslioa-
lion. Sour S tonne Bi.Diarriioca,
DCS andLossorSLER
TaxSlinile Signature of
cxact copy or vrappcb.
nriiaa llwi4ir t t a 11 ev 4iV ilVnw 4Klai
a v j j vaiiiv u y lev nivatiy ium
afternoon and took on a load of flour at
ttie Magnolia mill..
George F. Merrimtn ha. been appoint
I ..... . . . ,.., 1 ... . :
ea postmaster at Medford. Mr. Mem-
man is a oroirer ci wrs. U. xw. irona ol
The recently referred to Mr.
Pete Kuetner as the Heaviest man in
Vlbany, his weigit being 2S5 pounds.
Mr. II. F. Mcllwain now equals this,
having increased his weight ten pounds
the past yeir, and promises eo ,n to be
ahead of Mr. Hue ner.
Mrs. C. E.Hawkins went out to Woid
bnrn Tuesday mcroin wlnre she will
install the officers jf the Woodman
Circle ; from thence she goes to Scio,
Gates and several other points lecturing
in the interest of the Circle. Mrs.
Hawkins is a aood lecturer and energet
ic worker in behalf of the order she rep
resents. Newport Sews.
From S. P. Agent Johnson we learn
that tl e amount of freight hand ed at
the Jt-fferson depot during the year 1S!W
as 5, Zi2 000 pounds. Local charges
on same, $7,122. Tickets sold, $2,300.
The amount of freight received was larg
er than the preceding year, but there
waa quite a shortage in the shiments,
owing to the failure of our frut crop and
the fact that a great deal of the wheat
has not yet been shipped. The passen
ger traflic was about the same as in 1SV8.
Jefferson Review.
The editor of the Fomeroy, Wash.,
Independent asserts that ha was well
acquainted with General Jan Joubt-rt
during our late war. He says the Boer
general of today was then cobnel of a
Lousiaoa regiment under , stonewall
Jackson, and be got acquainted with
bim in Virginia. "Joubert went with
General Loring and other, to Erpt and
fought in the army of the khedive, aud
f hnn v nn a KiMirh A lrm f a r tropin
hiv aa si a vufcu ai( ikMa m tax- vjvu
often assigned bim to a brigade wben
1 --! a. I 43.1
uuiv cot unci, auuu ia ma ivuuueuvo
in him."
. Shedd Notes.
Pijkdd, Or- ., Jan. 12, 190d.
Mr H B Pprenper rehb'ated hi. fill
et birthday, by trivia, a dinner to
which he invited a few of hi. friend?.
All enjijed themeelvrs by eating a
heart) ilinurr cf everything one cou'd
wish. Ail i'h Mr Sprenger a happv
I ..... ... r ... A n. ...... . . . vi . . .. .1
iiuuir. - a. iv v y fi, . . v . . .... m .
Mia ft B Sprener and family, Mr and
MrtT ft Spret iter and part of lamily, Mr
and fr. W t I'lmrl. Mr and fra rhl
Powers and family, Mr and Mrs Chasj
l'ogn, air ana vv j runer, ur ana
1. .. i u 1 1 l..n.l t T.....1.. . n
- - - -
Shcdd. Alihoncb cot many have been
i i i i .... : 1 1
COQTeriril I' II UUniU U1KI U1XUT win ur
! ... l.. ....... ...I ...
Evi.irvbM'lv come cut and see what yoa
can team.
The water was so Lijo ye.terd4y that
f.tibai u aro rm loit . ai
BWIIir fin tcviv vwmyviww w m J
home Irorc church f.,r fear tht.." houses
womu uoai away wnue tuey were gone
11. II Kiddle has b.en appointed post
aster at The "atles aud J. P. Smith at
f. .-i.l .1... V. 1.
another Mg fi.e. Loss ',00,000. destro
ing the business part ot ihe city.
. --n
Letter List.
Following is tl list of letters remaiuin).
in the Postoffice t Albany. Linn county,
Oregon, Jan. 17, IWO, Persons calling
for the- letters give the date on which
advertised :
al en.MrlSr Bar.len, Mr L N
Blocky Js Sobrrn Orabtree, Mr T H
Haines". Mrs L-w Grant, Mr Albert C
r i 1 f llnairfl. J T,
Ilnnmr. Mr I N
nopper, ii r ai j
Logtdon, Mr T A
Rholes, Mr Jesse
8mith, Mrs Delia
Boverns. Mrs Jes-ie
r..d ii r.
King, OH
Morgan. Blssih
Pillar, Mr Been
smith. Mr Dave
C..n ITrank
Schuii.H. Mr J C
Th mpson. Miss Msry U
S S.Trin. P M.
!-' a..
iCTx, Fl !k
Tor Infants and Children.'
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the p
Signature fW
Mr mm t
of m
For Over
Thirty Years
Death of Mrs. Boggs.
Mrs. Kschel Boggs did at 5pokane
isterday, and ber remains will be
. - ''
jw'jt reinaina win , - hi.... .
brought lo Albaoy tomorrow noon for
burial betides those ol Mr. Botrgs. he
ws. about seventy-Cve years of ae.
The t'eceaeed was r ijneer resilient of
Lion co inty, and one of the leet known
among the rioneer women cf the county,
on arnnr.t a f bar mA
. . . ..... ...... . ... UU.I.J . uv,
sirtna chiractrr. She wa a sister of J.
W X - .H -t m
. ninifni. isne w. married lour
tim. 8, three of the csrt monies being per
formed by Rev. S. G. Irvine. Her first
bufebaaid wai a Mr. Jones. Alter hi.
death she wa. married fo Mr. Boggs,
with whom she lived many years, hav
ing severs! children. Her last ton Duroa
difd about a rear aroat Sodavil'e. rnina
daiwMe t tarvive her. Her third tins- d wag a Mr. Otnaiiitlie, from whom
sh was divcr.ed as d her fenrth Mr.
Miller with whom the did not live a. it
. . . !u rn.i.l I n.l I A I . A ..nil... nil.
" ' . . v x. . , . . . v . . . . . .. t . w ,ac
She ref nmed ber nt me i-t Botrgs and ha.
uvea lor mccy yiars in ine tla.e of
Mr. ami lr. Itrl " tl ra.lnra.o.1
terdry from a bridal trip to A lioria.
A pleasant snrpr'se party was tendered
Mr. W, A. yealerday sftet
noon. ManricA Winter- an.1 T.mi Sott'niin
went tip the river tiiU afternoon after
ducks or anything that twime.
The Misses Morrison, of Glendlve,
Mont , who have beeo in the cit sever
al months tha guests of their cousin Mrs.
1 1 . a .1 . i , ,
ui.air, iciuium uome yesieruay.
Mrs. T'llrtli Wfibrr..! 1. 1. -,t
this afteruoon at the Mac a bee hall waa
To-nigr t there will be a social session of
, V. . . I , . . .
ud iuciuoera oi ine two jojges.
Mr. acd Mtt. Fred Dvis left yeeter
day alternoon on the oier and for The
uai es.winun mey win make tne:r I ome.
taking with them the best wisLrs of
many Linn county friends.
E H Wood, manager f Richards f t d
Prmgle's minstrels is in the city li.aii
ing arrangi neuts for the appearance of
this Urge company of higli-c'ass min
strels mxt wiek.
Mr. E.I. Ka'l, the ifficie .t Portland
agent of the Ruyal Exchange Insurance
viu.Bi.jr nir iiiaiiv years, weni to can
Francitcu this afternoon to aseume
charge of the com, an ' busin f ,r the
entire coast. Portland loses a tmt-clafs
inmranc - man and citizen.
Dr. L. A. Kent and Miss Jen tie Clay
ton were reteutlv married in roiiulwx
county. They re.ideat Dillard. Yet
tenlay atttrbuon tliey paswd ihiouh
Albany oua trip to P.rt!n They
have tiie tet wiehi. of many of
the b'ide it. A!biny.
Gaifit'd Eotton, who srent several
weeks in Albany, af er bavii g relurmd
fn.m Manila wiib Drw.y, Las gone to
Sun t raucisco, where he bt.s i gain en
listed in the aavy d- iaitmtnt for four
years aud will coi.tiuue the H-rvice for
Unc'e Sam, hi. h baa been beun so
anrpiciouslx and cttd la- ly to the jcurg
Mrs. O. E. Hawtins, grai d manager
of the Woman o' W.Kidcraft, of Toledo,
installed the new odii-eri of the Albany
lodge last evening. I be installation wss
fjlloaed a eociai, dnrina which a
program was nndered coi listing of a
piano solo by Mis. L'llian Farrell. rec-
. . . U u .lull V.U.CII U BlU tj , J.
Scan, a piano tolc by Lera Yitreck and
a reui owuu oy uoiuy ouori . Ke.retL
inents were sir vert.
A tension oi iuo clrb waa
held luetvning in the W. C. T U. ball
with a good at'ei.dam-e. Preildcnt El
more delivered the adber,n ab e ef
ort for temperance. The i exc meeting
ill be h-M Jan. ?9. The annual rally
il be teld on tebroary 2"s.
The fi'St seteral kcoalet'ee that Hivh
Pa'tri-t n in Ibany as. leaned
ir tu ii e De.mocbat lastev-1 ing. It aas
iol.oveit t-y l is arret y Sheriff Mui k-
itre on a warrant wl.nh he I eld for him.
tie will be exuui'i e I in Lai e e only on
the ebariies agn t bim in c innei tion
with tlie alleied ou raue of the 1 born.
I If 1