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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1900)
&Itc jDctaflWiit. ! Mr. It ot decline to be a candidate for Vice President. Now Mr. Banna will have to select some on else. r'P.NvJIT.Nti EJ and Prop. ftUiorl ,, ta fust Dine at Altaiy' regor,..s class mall uiaur. j It it ra her new thing to hrarot "gal lant Britiah detaiise." Th old stories ucl to deal wl'h gaileut Rri!lnh attack. ' ; j Tu of the currency b.ll -will PflrtiCUldf! ;cjitliereibiicata seats lo the Senate Are yon particular about your laundry p0(n Montana, Nebraska, Idaho, yetu worn v ing and Colorado. If so we want your patronage, we like . to work lor particular people becaee we! believe they appreciate our effort! to do The Queen of Holland haa invited first class work. Leyd to court and treated biin to a We are always w iling to ro aunder five j ..... v 11 of charge any artic.e which way be and .cold boMI.., K ijland I borne onea:ia!aciorv. i cordially anctv We run oue laundry on a system. n c. ruinrm. lr nU" I of all the ..Ik about eoa.h.r. Bend in a tiied order and be convinced 'ynchin 109 statistics snow that there that we are turning, out laundrv work were fewer Iv the entire country in 1S90 Aa Irish Drigndo. flr hot ae- tbat wilt pit-ate. Telephone 31 JMaonolia Stiam Lackdry, Albany, Oregon than in any ye.r In the opiuion of Attorney General GritK"i the anti-tiuet- law never .ppllea to any ptitcular casa that may be Bub- SSome fine Baldwin apples, iu boxca&t 10 P1'6"1" " ' Parker Bros. Order at once, as good ! routed to bin for action. apple are rare. The Bast Food for Infants Nature planned that infants should have only milk for at least the first year of life. But thin milk, skimmed milk, will not nourish. It's the milk that is rich in cream, or fat that . W f floes the work. This is be- f I fit a. a a cause lai is positively neces j sary for the growing body. I Scon's osiislon j contains the best fat, in the $ form of Cod-Liver Oil. for all delicate children. They thrive greatly under Kj use Soon they weigh more, eat more, play better and look better. K$just the right addition to their regular food. The hypophosphites of lime and soda in it art necessary to the growth and formation of bone and teeth. At all druireists; soc. and ii so. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemats, Nn York. Itisacuima fact that R'puolicau jjurnat nowaday boast that the Dingley bill t.i ff keeps out foreign good and Jtheuolniia that (he customs receipt j bare been increased. exiale in Manila. lie our camp the boys (rate them a p'etty General Otis haa at last that corruption j could have learned it lens ago if hs had mitcu nuu mo reprcssututivv inwipp" er mt-n there. Tite first authentio tutvlligcaca con cerning the Irish Br'gads comts In a letter to au Irish pliydolao in Lindon from Patriot Oillmghain, the Transvaal's Irieti delegat to the '08 Ueutenary celebration in Dublin and now Cot,tnir at Sjprrit teadeut of the Boer army. The writer dmcribes the delight of the Irish Brigade ou crowing the bonier In to British territory, Hatuy: "We ate 1,800 hardy, resolute men, armed with the beet weapons money couu procure, our btndolter burning wtti Manser cartridge, and, though spotting none of the miiliuaiy uniform business, all .re dressed In the same ter viceable style, with jest a bunch of areen ribbon to mark the oolor of the true. Major John McBride carried a real Irish ilia into the enemy's country. When Gen. Joubert ordered ut to occupy Majaba the boys were in great humor. Tnen they uioan'ed Majuba with a ring ing cheer and word was pajd for one more cheer for another Fontenoy. "a enough, we bad a await Foote- y very soon, for in .the first nieut we bad with couple of hundred have been coming In juet like o'd friends eters to every otter day since, "It W.l a lot of Dublin Fiiaillura di covered I bagged first, and as New List. Hickory Nut," Home made Minoe Met, JtlaokKige, White t ig, Popnorn, Maple Syrup, Keet I'lcklvs, Bulk Olives, Silver t'ruoes, Kreth Hominy, Siuer Kraut, Oeery. A Or E Brownkli 'm. Special Sale. M. Senders & Co, - i- w . A v,ro, ei c ul amcS Eay and Oat Warehouses - """ e f"eveut:i and Htillroad Siierl. Kitueate Tour tow M tm t Hipareta. I'uinly mttturtle, ciiinj i.'onnlvnilon forever. Vfc.tWo. It U C. O mil. driuLlxtrnvrtitK) monej. I MAtiMKVIN'O t(AiSES and OOA1 PAM'KH EYES TKHflCD FBK, Call t4 net nrlaea huturm 111 I I tt it aIma M V IvIHrV IfOUt 0U lift l-intiLf tern Hlf fft" wt - s'KW A nVKKTl CEMENTS J. A. Cummins. Clothinp- I want every Vioily to know (In our wUWO that I " authorised agent for Woolen Milts Co, worlds lar gest tailors Chicago, 111. Ho people please ii 7 v , T ,"TV nnyourorder. ! tbtheEogiwb we took a uVeaoo ami upward, p (d prisoners, anj tbay 'ure f 2.00 and upwnrd', ovc we 8uits to nivas pants to mens- rvxHkta ana til- ineaHiire .vu ami upw.rus. Also 1 am agent for the Dundee Hnbhor Pimnrat on.- hrcii iiiaaoro in tne world ol line miu-Uintoehcs. Chh'ago, III. AOMil iSTRATOR'3 NOTICE. NJ OriCK IS HKHKBY UIVBN THAT l i itte ui.,ii'riiiiii'ii iiu bffin rin it i,., I t... .I .".. . . p.iuivM uf ito vuunty i iiurt or i.inn imuuFT, un-tfiiii, ailniinlntrntion of llif ea tale of J C. J omll, dmeuK d. A II pi rtpn H,.nh imiii! n.uuni sui4 ea'ttte are nereoy notitli it to present t m, duly Vir itied m by law reiiuirtd, io the umler- aitrniu HI I ii v. tlrHnin ill. in . months fr-mi the date ber,if. iM this IBtli day of (MoMr, 1800 T, J, HriTsr, AiliuiiiKlrntoi We are prettied to take op alnraat Imled he-, wi I hv nor In ne iiirtnlty at top msikvtpr'p . SACKS If'UKS IS ,dfi. Oils lunula In rai lots at nn v shlu plng.oint. M. SENDERS & CO. fnvurance, Day, (Irnln end VVorl.U CITA1ICN brought them to , Uentlemens roackintml-ea from 3.00 up it.... : winli. Ladiea mnckintosluva from 3.25 t.t:. L mJ, ... .k.. 1 un wards. It any one want to see my i. ..i Y , , . i very tlnneand choice patterns ana styles ly ashamed ot ihenmlvw, but soras ; just aimply ntske la known by postal loosed as black as night when they saw ' card or otherwise. , not destroy them. Otherwise they most bare been foots, and no one arenses them jot that. McKiolej put in the stocking rf every man, woman and child tn the United ,' States the neccse.iies and luxuries of lite A word Alvis J. Carotiikks. ta.60 loose on the farm of W. 8. Too'o, a iso some gocd potatoes At Second and Ferry. Mr. J uliua Grad wohl will now be found in bis own store at the above location better prepared tben ever before to serve the public with a fiist class stock of crockery and glass ware, and standard groceries. The lighest place In Albany. Every thing in sight. Good goods at low prices. Mr. GradwoM hag alwnya done the square thing with bis cost triers and will tjntinue to do so. Also writes msorance ompsnies ourgreen flsg waving above the thous! liemember I have near a hundred When tha trnata helnrd li el-r Me ' anda uf riflsninn ii.d .... I...I i ' naitrna and StVleS for you to Select Kinl.. : isnfi th.w rfi.t ,n .iih tk. ... nn t rout and Rttarante satisfaction or your aursnce tbat the Kepobiican party would J ' Some of the offloers wete very nice, ' ouwiee MufflclenL 10 yU' vue ai nne-iooKiog man as you WOOU like to aee. canlil nnt k ti Ilia tears from spurtiog from his ejei at be ' : Ing caught like that. H was everr inch .' WOOD. For sale.some big Or. dry, ojk a gentlemen, and .we did our best to and ecoal growth flr. CaH on J. h. make blm and the like, of him comfort- ' 'SllI'' V able v at a cost of 25 per cent greater than one t ienty of the Doblmers were glad lo a iiar P m li t out until the erst of My 1 yar ago. Kten the stockings cost more." i side safe, acd we have good . for hoard and care. Call on 8. A. ' Helena (Mont.5Independnt. hopes of the most of them. Eut even! Landis, Albany, Of !, -J i me most attperate could not do any- , yrn a ALE. Son.o Al oat bay t j Phelps County (Mo.) Democrat; "His-, imog eiea man surrender; our firing was tory repta'a itaaell" is an old adage and , too deadly. The fun of the thing is that : true one. Joat one centnry ago Thorn- , oar men weie trained to shooting by the ' as Jefferson was defeated for the pree'- mining compaotes when Omil Riift.' dercyoftbe United States, and four , and Joey Chamberlain weie orgao'xing 'years later was tiiumphaolly elected, fie Jameson iaid. 'jefferaonian Democracy iliomin.ted the' 8pktng of the grern dig. Uillingtism beginning of tbia centnry, and the same ar,: i Jeflersonian Democracy will nsher in ifce ' "'"u B mra are quite fojd aed prond , new century by the election ol another harp. 'There goes the Irish Jefferson in 1900. harp!' thy cry i'give the Eokl ah plenty i ofmniicl And we do. They dance ! The anU-trntt conference to be held in t0 tan. we give them." Chicago on Lincoln's birthday, Feb. 12, ' w' 1 bring togilher a number of men of 1 great eminence in the nation, and all noted for their intelligence, effective and utompromisin? hostility to traits. It will be remembered that a few wi-eks ago a conference was held under the aus pices of the Civic federation, which pro fessed to be wholly a discussion of the i Vt ttkt, ntin m met m I i "' Tir dftNDKO MONlV, t ut ilttai I. WUl. MIHl MUtlt kM t ltl Iovr eVaaCfcla ftlrtl hUlat mt ut livbNi ftUttU Is t ! mJ 4 ami w tsitl Nriitt tfti niMiiiQiuyia wsamiiiaiiuii. tahl If CaHiiid a-eesWitei "-"K s Mteteli ! a r M mt sa4 Vf lit aeprvet 4 fVM , t )rm f ft a awrwr 3 (a to Vnla tut IA mum. XVtB IS LA fl8T tTVLC WOP rL4.rtil WINTCst. lai.a. Vow ! a4 all ms4 feUai bisk fassje. HatlUH N ww NM BB sTT IRCBOtt VTT full (, (A Q. -I Irtmmws Uk Im fe.nw istn vptmr mm flpa,M(n rtlll. tolly trtmtnvd trimmm with thr toa r-J ctir tt iwu uf mm mmkmto WMi cloth feutUl KirMfni. Taw mm mmwrmtmrnw) W'qme ut nri-v, W rHa 110 T T'l'tsTsl . h'i I .'.IVi In JTUnZUfZl n rst tlass ; trust problem pro and con. It was tben ' that Mr. Bryan met and defeated tbe . bigh attorney of plutocracy, Barks Cochran. This coming conference is to SUMMONS 'differ from tbe latter in that it is to ba 1 made np, so far as its promoters can ar ls the Cibccit Cocbt or thk statk o? raBge it, only of men who are distinctly Oregoh fob Lisn Couxtt. B M P-yoe. plwntiff v Sosan Boles, 8 ho,u,e to tbe tr0ita L Durando aad George C Thompson, tie-; renaants. i i'o Susan XJoies.S L Durando acd George C Thompson the above named defendants : ! 1 N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF How's This ? mil n TRY MORMON BISHOP'S TILLS for all diseases arisln from dlslnation. sell abuse, excesses or cigarette smoking. In one over 60 years. Brings back 'your Manhood, cores depleted worn' . . .... ! I' . I I Ml . I . .1 1 na n.l all Out men, Diasca ricu uidvu hiiu iissi v. flSeS, makes JOB lisimngiy strong, cures impuism-v, pvnvr, .iiinawui, 3si of memory, bad dreams, ehruoken organs, despondeory, sleeplessoesa, varicceele and conetipation, adds !ns;re to tha ey-e, stops nervous twiicnings . i it.o s.i!na. Makes life worth living. A boon to young or ou. autiaufl BISHOP'S PILLS strengthen and restores small weak organ. Btopa loaaa br dav or night. Don't delay. Price within lb resell ol ail. eed to cure. Price I Mi box 6 for $2.50 by mall. Rend for .u mcnnp liill RRMVtlV HO.. Han Francisco. Cat. UUIfffl BVJ - v lij afcill - 7, For sale by Foe- Lay & Mason, Albany. all (iuaran- free circular. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. Joseph. Proprietor, I'm Asnomed We offer One Hundred Dollars Rewatd To Z. anywhere with my face in this Uregon. Xon aad each of yon are for any case of Catarrh tbat cannot be' me expression ot a very hereby required to appear in tbe above en- cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure titled court to answer the complaint off F.J. CHENEY & CO., Props., plaint ff filed in this cause against you, on Toledo, O or before the iaet dav of the ti,n tirr-' We. the nnderaiirned. have known V scribei in the ordr for publication of mis J. Cheney for tbe last 16 years, and be suminons, which period of time is six ' lieve bim perfectly honorable in all bus weeks from the date of the first pnblica-! iness transactions and financially able to lion oi tnia gammons, eaia nrst a&te ot carry out any OD.igauons maae oy tneir publication is January line, IWJ. and tbe . firm last day of p .blication is March 2nd, 1900. West & Tbcax, Wholesale Drafgiets Ana oa are ncunea tnat it you fa 1 to ap J xoieoo, u. pear and answer said complaint, the plain-1 Waleikg, Ki.vsak & Mabain, Whole tiJr wui apply to tbe court for the relief I aie urneeists, loledo, U prayed for in his said complaint, towit: 1 Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern lhat said defendants, and each of them ' ally, acting directly opon the blood and be compelled to answer and set np and mucins surfaces of tbe system . Price disclose the estate or interest claimed br them and each of them in tbe real prop-. ertj described in said complaint towit; The footh fcast quarter of Section 35 1 TownghiD 9 South Kang-e 4 East of tbe I Willamette Meridian, Oregon. 1 hat the claim of said defendants and ecb of tbem be decreed invalid acd of no effect and tbat plaintiffs title to said prenises be for ever quieted and it he decreed lhat plaint iff ia the owner In fee simple of said premises and the whole thereof free from the claim of said defendants and each and all of tbem and tbat defendants and each and all of tbem be perpetually enjuined from hereafter asserting any claim or in terest iu said premises or any part then of and Lr such other further and general re lief as to equity may seem meet. .Thii summons is published by order cf tbe Honorable Ueo D xSarton, county judge of Linn county, Oregon, made at Albany, Oregon, this January 15th, 1900 . Ii O Watso & L L Swakn. Attorneys for plaintiff. per bottle. Bold by a'l Druggists imoniais tree. all's Family Fills are the beet This and That fJEiWITA Ecuorts VITALITY, LOST VIGOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency. Night Emissions and wasting- diseases, au enecta or eeu- abuse, or excess and Indis cretion. A nerve tonic ana blood builder. Brings tbe pink glow topalecbeeksand restores tbe fire oi youtn. I By mailSOe per box; O boxes for $.50; with a written guaran tee to core or refund tbe money. fJERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts CHICAGO, ILL. T31 Smiley's Ciean Printing. In novelties Will & Stark lead. Open till 12 o'clock p.m.atStetter's. Dr. J. II. Erskine is now in tbe Foster Slock, 2nd story. Oysters cooked any way yon wish at Blotter's.. Leave your orders for Fresh Oysters at Bieuer s. Oysters opened eah every day at tbe Lending restaurant. French the Jeweler makes a specialty of engagement and wedding rings. Fresh Eodaville soda-water a healthful summer drink, at Burkbart ALee'e. For sale, gocd carpeting, 33 cent a per yard, by f. 8. Alexander, east end ol 8tb street. A large and fine stock of cigars and to bacco at Conn & Huston's. See the die play. When yon want a choice steak a nice toast or meat of any kind, call on Henry! arouen. ne seeps me oesi. Tbe best meats of all kinds and crood treatment at tbe Albany Dressed .Beef Company's market, just djwn Second treet. Good weight and prompt attend ion. natural feeling. To a beautiful woman an eruption on tbe face is the greatest of calamities, her very beauty seeming to increase the disfigurement. Ninety eight times in every hundred, eruptions are curea oy ijr. nerce s Uolden Medical Discovery, and the skin recovers iu maiden bloom and softness. "Golden Medical Discovery" is a medicine which acts directly on the blood, purifying it, increasing its quantity and iu nch. ness. Eruptions, blotches, pimples, etc.. are but surface signs of the corrupt blood current underneath. Discovery" cleanses the blood, and so cleanses the skin. For about one year and a half my lace was rery bsdljr broken out," writes Miss Carrie Adams, of 116 West Main St, Battlecreek, Mich 1 spent s treat deal of money with doctors and for different kinds or medicine, but received no benefit. At last I read one of your advertise mr,n'". and obtained a bottle of Dr. rieree's Golden Medical Uuoimv. ki.m t v.... ,.i one bottle of this medicine I noticed a change. and after takincr thrrr hntll.. I cured." Dr. Pierce's rieasant Pellpf term th bowels in healthy condition. StoSaMden Meeting. Th sirckholders of the Albany Cream er Association will bold meir annual tm e, i Ing at One o'clock p. m . Thursday, Jnn . 1 Jlth. 1900, for the purpose of electing five i directors and tbe transaction of nv othr business which may be brooght before the meeting. E . SrrtKT, 8. Froma!, Becretaiy. Prestdint. The Real Test O'good floor is shown by tbe demand for it and there is . demand lor Magnolia Floor For twice tbe capacity of tbe mil', at prices considerably above ordinary vabty flours. 11 IS aiwaya issur ,,vu. The Best Photographs In Albany by the Long iPftoto Co., In Fromaa Vrlck. Tha lo.viinr ftallerv of Alnany. Ibo onlyup-tOHlAte first class studio in town. Al) work to please. M AKIE LONG Prop. In the i' nio'v I! urt o' the Btiite of Ore- gui tm Uiimtil'a couu'j. In the uiutier of the rs'ate of Andrew I RiilmnW.i'ii, drrraacd. lor M Kmnarlk'in, A M org an Kli-lmr't- son, William v Kliharj.on, Ituth Kooki (foriuirly tn'li fticluri.aon) Klin Its, ( urineriy KHa KiitiHtilsou) tl'ive Anglln (f rnifrU (ilv H iiliiuJ.!') (iro II Hlcli- snl.on, Uv lMiiiila (lormxrl Kiva It cl ardnoo) Hvion Dunlwls and i'nusa IWtb, minor hilrsof Amy Dunhila, now tl.t'raied. and to H'lolhft intrre-trJ In suid estulc, Grwtingt 1 N THE NAMK OP Til IS STATU UP 1 Ort'gtiii, you are lit rely cited and re qicred to .iar Iu (he t'ototy Court of (testate of Ormoti. fir tbe county of I'ni- nt ill, at tunrtuil room llirrrif, in l'en- dii tiin, on Momlay, the 12th ly of tVe ruary. A. P., IU00, at trw o'clock in the forrnoon of said Juy, and then am4 there o st ow came, if any of eu or eitbwi of jou have, by an order of rail lu u'd not ie made as is prrd for in I be u tit ion of lb b"cra K Unihigl rr, tbe sduiinUtralris with tbe will ai nmi'd of the estate of Andrew J Fiiiuioxn. drcrared. sad now on u'e with tbe clerk ot tbe above ealttled court herein, ot the following r'ercrihed real estate beli iigwg to the said estatr, to- It Uisiitiirirat the Konbwt corntr of theDLC. of I ahella Claypoet. and the heirs at law of H-ubre Cist iooi, derraseil, tha same teing Not. No. S3I&, end Claim No. 48, in Towriblp Ut, Poiiili of Itaotie St Wssl of Ike wlitnuit'lteMcridlan.OreifOBt and ruKiing thence Soutn 20 degrees, West 9 40 chain, theme Botilb 7Ci de- t is KjsI BJA-O chains. O.enre fouth M (degrres, 40 minutes, Weal iu BO chains to tbe South boundary line if said claim, thence South 71 degiet. Kaa' 17.33cbains to an interior corner on tbe eoutbtrn boundary line ol ssl.l eiaim tbeoce Houtb 19 ojgreea Went 'iO SO chains, thence Houtb C9 degrees .'W minutes east 60 18 chains to tbe rkutheast corner of said claim, Ihfpre North 19 deer e W minutes east on the Kaslrrn boordary die of said claim 46. 10 chains more or less, to tbe center of a cointt road, thence la Northwesterly d rrctlon along iba center of said county road 40.75 chains, more or lev to the Northern boundary line of said claim, thence North 7t degree, West 94 b7 cbeins to the place of beainnieg, eon taining acres, more or lis, in Linn countr. Oreson . Kiwtug from tha above described premises so murh 1 her of aa is included In tbe graveyard on said premise. Witness. Ibo IUb. f E. H an, ludgit of the County Court of Ihe Hutte of Oregon; (L. 8.) for tbe County rf Umatilla, with the Heal ot said Court ailixed, tbia iWih y of Dec ember. A. I'., IS'Jii. li n. l!ei.oin. Clerk. For Bargains In Farm Lands. Timber Lands and City Property, call on or write C. I1, Ol E.J.',L,U IV vv. Albany, Oregon NoTICE.--Tboniae Johnnnn. thsi i,ru:. enced shiner, has moved bis Hand to Veireck's Tonsorial Parlors on 2nd street where he invites bis patrons and .11 oth ers wno wisn gooa work. No. 1 Old Wheat Every Sack Guaranteed ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE of tbe Coun Mies Long makes no-to-dala nirture. in tbe highest etvle of tbe art of photo graphy. JeFrcd Dawson ' ra Care Coustlpatlun Forever. Take Case-are ta Candy Cathartic 10c or ZSa If ft C. C fall to cure. ruggi'. refuod moner. . . i : L n j.11 Ma .An. Miss JovceB.ownell -ill t.k. nr. !,, . NO! ItB nereoy iano cl... ,i,iw e..f .h,AnTh 7.:: interested tb?t ue nnaersiwneu winter. The best Carman, and Eastern '7 i p Po-Vos tai of IA at memoes. Leave word with W. F. Bead e,l""1 '"l, V. .n- f!nnr.i rv..,rf n.innrnontv. Oreiton. therefore all persons baviogr claims against sa d estate are hereby notified and required to present the same to me at the law olhce of W. K. Bilreu in Albany, Oregon with tbe rropcr vouchers withmsix monms irom the date hereof. , . , . 6abah Paoes, Admiuistra f.ix of U. E. Peags, deceased Uated this 12tbday of January, 1900. EXECUTRIX kOMCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned haa twen diilv nr l.. .i . " . 7 ... ' r vuiuici uy iue counir court ot Ltnn coun ty, Orefron, executrix of the estate of ueorge J Morris, deceased All persons banner claims agakst said estate are hereby requested to present same with the proper vouchers to the uni'ersianed xec utrii: at her home at IlarriibDnr. Oregon, within six months from tha Ai,,f tui. notice. Isted,Jln 19.1900. Elbzamn a al Mokbm, fl Watsos ALL Swask, Aiwrneys lor jzecutrix. CITY TREASURERS NOTICE Notice is hereby given that funds are on band to pay city warrants Nos. 1 to 87 inclmtveof the issue of 1899. Inter est on said warrants will cease with tbe date of this notice. Albany, Or., Dec. 27, 1899. E. A- Pabkbii, City Treasurer. H. F. nerrill INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. tollectiona promplly attended to, cor respondence solicited. Office in Dkmo bat building. Stanley Stewart, bioycleTepairing, AND LIGHT MACHINE ffOBK ALL WORK GUARANTEED. INN CO- ABSTRACLC3MPANT AlbanT lOreeon OfGcef. Sank of Oregon Building. Only te; of Abstracts of Linn County. Oompete set of maps and plats. ft easts wttb yon whsthsrTntt snnttnaa thv DrTklllllif tubscra hsblt. M O-TU-UAIf eimoTci ths deslrs for toburo, wHAfT fl outasrvou3dlstrsss. xpslnleal .ills tins, poriass tbs bluua, -fim 1 1 itorH lost manhood. Til VI I SiAWu nakss joa stroos fT, 1 1 1 f MMtoli. anilpocKstsr.i VlEOTlll!rr Suok. Tal". vlroar own dnivel't.wlis l" "iiiTo-h r-rm. Tako itwiw L' will, p.r.lntontlr On sox,!. uauallr owrssi I bsiss, Slfll, iarnted toenrs, orwor.fsnd mine, Xt ttozm 400.00t PU BU SHERIFF SALE BV VliirUE OF AN ESKOLTlON and order cf aale lsu d nut of Ihe Circuit Court of the stale ol Oegon for tbetouHy rf Linn, to me directed, de'iv rred and dut-d on the 14tb of Ueumbcr, KI! in a cer.ain suit in said comt wbeie io T. T Cw, (iOernor, K. I. Dunbar, Secre'sry of cila'e, aod Char'es 8. Moors Treasorrr of ihe S ale of Ordgoc, const l tuiinw (ne b'.am of rnmnvlssioners for tbe ai; of sclioil and Ui'ireuity land and for trie Inveatrnft of the fund arismir therefrom were plaintiff and Lavina t liogman, Krark t'l:t)man and Oscar IVbayen were dufendants in which said suit tne sate plaintiff rerovereJ a juf'ir ment on 1'ie Jllih day ot November, lKin), against the said ufeodnnt Livin Clinir man for the surac' IHH5.88 together with the farther sum of $1C5.00 attorney fee, sod corts and rtUoursemen a taxed at '.'3.00 with iLtcrft thcre jo at the rate of o c: cni, ter tfnnuhi dom date of said judgment, aad, wherein tbe aaid defend ant Uscar Ucbavei renvt-uu a juilament on said date rgains. tbe said detendapt Lavina for tbe sum of tl047 10 together with tie sum of (70.00 at tornyse ftos, and ir teres t thereon at tbe ruts of 8'. per cent per pnnmn from dnte of said judg ment, prdci 'nqr .'d deerreintr that ina real pror.-rt; desilied in plaintiff mort- i tne snit to'iip'f'eito wit: iiniiigapor i iii-n ol Donation Lmd CUIiii No. 02 and Mxipa; pint of the cltim of Jesse Davi. ! rn.nm.nrlfiff nf Ilia VArllisa.t rn,.. .1 said land claim, I hence running Ssnlh 40 chains) thence West 45 3d chains ; ; hence North 40 chains; tbence East 4" 14 rba'p, to p'ace of legioniog:, all in Township i j feoutb Rasite 4 West pf the W llaoietto Meridian in Linn County, Orey.-o, an 1 conta nog 180 90 S'ircs, be io'-J to ail(' aii juUjtnieiM and cost and u .Iicq heieby aiven tbat I wl on Situ i-av h,. 20,u day of Jurm.y, 11)00. at the honr 0i One o'clock p. m, cf said da" at the f,n, door of tbe court bouie in tbedtrol .'y, Linn Covaif, Oregon, sell at ruhlic auction to tbe highest bidder for en.. . bard subject to ledtraption accorde" law. the above described rout Prop satisfy aaid judgments and all costs Jated tbt lata cay ot Ue&ml.r,. I. A. MUNRBHS Sheriff of Lino county, Oregon. LIVERY STABLE for sale at a bargain or win tracie lor sneep or oilier stock or land. Inquire at ti e Demockat of-ttce.J Yons Lives 'Will bo roused to Its notnral dutlet and your bUinusniHH, l.fmln.'ha and constljiutlon be cureil if you lulto Bold by ill di'iii;i;;s' l 2fl cents. Btrus 1 1... (klssss, bWllI, IS I Ki,