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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1900)
VlMUia KATM. WtMKiy iM(XMAt k4 Examiifer $2.60 and Thrice-a-week -World 2.00; and Republic tl.75t and Oejrouian $2.25 : and Baa Francisco WaJilf Call $2.00;and fialera Weekly ID Btidea. Editor "Demooraf Lrt - ter, N tl, says, "On Minute Cough - Out it the beat retaeay for croup 1 . ever ed.'' ImmttiiataJv reliere aid carol aamgbi, colds, coup, asthma, pneumonia, is, arippa aod all throat and lung rouble. It prarent consumption, r or -Ut by Foahay Mason. I had dyspepsia fifty-seven year anu mm found permanent relief till used v Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Now 1 am veil e4 like a unw man," write S J flomiultijf, Murray, Neb. It it th best atipnta it known. Cunt ail forms of in- iigestioa. Poysician everywhere pre . acVib it. For ile by Foihar A Mason TERMS. JaiLT Dane. at, 24 cants par mouth 13.00 per yaa. .in advance. SOo per month sot in advance. By carrier, lOo pet week. 10 per cent added II allowed to ran over month. Single copies oc. Wmklt. 11.26 In advance: $ 1.60 at ena f reari 11.75 for second yeari 2.00 tor hird and nreoeedina- rears, when not paid tn advance. Ciubaoffiv lubisribers atfS.OO. Heart Veakness Change of Tunc laGrippi with its after effects, annua'ly eMltroys thousaaas or peopie. n may o .$icky cured by On Minute Uouga Cure, the only remedy that prnduea immediate tasu'.ta in coughs, coias, crup, oroocuuu, Mnmmiia and throat and long troubles. t will prevent consumption . For sale by foshay Mason. - -11 yoa suirer f rom tenderoess r fullness thnriuht side, pains under shoulder la. la Miimrination. bllousness. v SICt adache, and feel dull, heavy and sleepy r liver is torpid aod congested. ie l.iltU Earl Riser will cure von ftromptly, pleasantly and permanently by Vaaoving tne congestion uu u-msiug iu. fail dact to open and flow naturally. - Tarrr a r good piui. I wouldn't be without DaWitfs Witch ri !) f,r unv consideration, " writes v&o. B Rhode. CenterfieW. O , Infallible r w rnia. hums and akin diieasea. ttowawot counterfeits, r or sale by o VyA alason. You r ct knew whit form of blood poi eoa tU follow conxtipation. Keep the 3wer dean by nsina: DeWitfs Little Early Kiaers aad yon will avoid troubles, lnev re faiocns pill for constipaUon aad liver d bowel trouble. For.a'e by Foshay ...4k Mason. CASTOR I A For Iafeats and Children. i Kind Yea Wm Alwajs Bonght Bsginnicfc Deo. 1st, the O. R. A N. will run their SPOKANE t ia KK ia Wallul and the 8. R. V. B. R. s Train Nn. 4 wilt uava Portland at s : p. m , w - " - ' - - - sr.. . rriin at ftnnkana at 7 :U a. m. , iram Nn. a. sill laava Htxikane at 4:30 p. ra.. and arrrve at Portland at 8 :00 a. ru. la oonnection witn toe auove train, th n. k. A N. will nut on a nac ger tiain, leaving Day ion at w p. m. ana Wall Walla at 10 30 p. m. connecting at al!a!a wita No, 4, from Portland at 11:20 d. m.. aod with No. S, (rots Spot ana at 12:05 a. m.: leavinsr W Ua la at 12:10 a. nt.. and arrivlns at Walla Walla at 1 ?20 a. m. and uayioa jwii.hi. Tbs hrt li ih moat vital r(an of th bad It ltlia nta thai prapal th uaaoias an ssndi aiMtauance to ih asms and brain as la all th eraans of the aod. a i. i.. Msohaalam is certain to tire rta to Mrlom (Malta. WMknwadrnctei uspNHnmor aBw. it I a tomonnar of torn. hint mors sarlous that U to ooeur Yon ar th nlnr. Look to yoai nam, am thai no t l dtatoeeats. NUOYAN uwbat yon Bd. HUO YAN will atitngthaa th hsart. NUOYAN will Mat Ua btaH mujoltl straag aad hard. Do not dalay too long. BatlnUs Mot hMBYARbow. ALBANY COLLEGE OFFER8 A THOROUGH- Hlgh-Grade College Education A- -rC I To amy boy and girl that hat the ambition to attalu ou. aSaWBMaWMMHBMfcaW tm40H0KR0BHRHI&RHl& Tha cottrs it complete, and embraces tlie LANGUAGES, SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS, HISTORY ENGLISH AND ELECTIVE3 8al U; Denver, li ast Worth. Ouiaii. mbii City, Ht liouli, 6i46p m Tha Normal Oouwe lrada up to a STATE DIPLOMA, and th Commercial Course ha now become a Business College Fast Mall linn Bpokat. Walla Walla, Spok- 1 :10 pm Paul, Duiuth, Mil waukee, Chicago, A KasU 8pm O0EAN BTEAMSIIIPB For Han Francisco 8all every Ova day Spoken rS B.wO n HERE ARE YOUR SYMPTOMS:, Equal to anything In tha Stata btudentt Cut now llluitraled eatatoaua. IWr.l .t ik. Club at actual coat price. Far particular write Young Mothers. la tha terror ol thousani Cf I roan sr mother because it outbreak is so ai(OQiaing ana ireqpenuy wuu. ouu Ooa;h and Consumptton Cure acU like masric in caaea oi biwih a seen known to fail. The worst caaee re- ieved immediately. . I'ncea so eta,, ana 60 eta. and $1.00. For aala by Foshay A Mason. S.Vk Ilcad&chca. Tha curse of overworked womankind, are quickly and surely cured by Karl'a Clover ttoot Tea. trie great Diooa purine? ana tissue builder. Money refunded U not satisfactory. Price, 25 eta. and 60 eta. For sale by Foshay A Mtson. TKB0BBTH9 XW TK9 T1X. tBS WHIN LTIKO SOWN. HUD VAN wtU eaaa tha Ihrohbtag to dUappaar. O. BXWQINQ nr XHHBAJStS HUD. I YAN stops Ih ringing and boaatag In a ahort Albany, Oregon. OO I.TIM ft! A RIVER let KkBonday HTKAMEKH. K6wil Aatnmiav to Astoria and Way WALLACE HOWE LEE, President ;... !T.m. ... EaSun. Oreaot City, Newbarg , K fcfun ktalam A Wiy-Land TICKETS To all joir (a East via Grw t Northern Railway. For rates. 6 tder and lull information call i oradd-eea H. F. Mbbsuu., Agent Albanv f ' Bears the C2gnatoxe of SOUTH and EAST -VIA- SOUTHERN PACIFIC Overland South Bound tve.Portlani JiSSS Arrive Albany 0s P a.VM Albanv iwsw pm Arrive San Francisco. . . . Beawtr la Blod Deep. Clean blood tneana a clean akin. No beauty without it. Cascareta, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and kep it clean, by stirring up iht lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin to-dy to banish Dimoie. boils, blotches, blackheads. and that sickly bilious complexion by takibg Caacareta, beauty for ten renta. All drug- gww, aauaiacuon guaranteeq. ioc, -JOC, 0OC Uao Nolan, Rockland, O., savs. Mi wire naa piles forty years, uewut'a Witch Hazal Salve cored ber. It is the beat salve in Amenea ' h haal everv- ' thing and cares all diseasi. For sal by ) r oshiy ft Mason. a Important Difference. To mike it apparent to thousands, who think themselves ill, that tbev are not af flicted with any diseste, but that the sys tem simply neeas cleansing, is to bring comfort hone to their hearts, as a costive cmdition u easily cured by using syrup f G.. If ... I L. i L. . 4.ttt : . Fiar Srr,in Co. ontv. and sold b all druo- PER CENT ' ' ' i. iii -6. AI.TS&NATI VlUmaa a m. rLUSHINO CW TUB OKBEKS. HUtV YAN wtU rcatoithtieolaUoB at Am m t Its aomal eondlUoa aad koB healthy color tn tb easeks. T. PALPrTATIOK OITBSRiia. AJIDIBHBOULAHBllATIWrt atun YAN, by atreagthsalng th hsarl mtucloa and th awns that sopbIt II will aiob th. Utloa aad gattariog and can th haarl to M THROBBINOIIf TnnSTOWAirt MnTAW w. ... . . . . - WA. Thonsanda aav been nrd ol Smu vk. naa by HUDYAN. You saoald h. ... HUOYAN wtU ear ram. p. HUDYAN from roar dnmtit. n i. U alt drogatora lor 10. fr paekag. or s packages tor H.80. II your draggtat doe no! iiiiiinnnui HUDYAN Raraa. tDY COMPANY uTwZrV.: Ceaanltth HUDYAN nnrrn FRCC. ToamarealtaDdaMtl...njJ: - "". yon aannot eaU en tha foetor writ to them lor dic. it vm k. glvwtrtorUiaaktng. Addraw RUDYAM REMEDY COXPAXY, Car. Startaa, Umtktt ,md glli, AN r)ANCICO. CAU am WlLLAMETTR AND 8:S0p edy, YAMUIIXKIV. Monda Ainr.. Oiagon City, Dayto, Wad. and 8at. and WayLana. ana Bat 1 W, N. COLLEGE OF MUSIC AND ART. rM DIDiriB w. n ni urn v iA..... ... .. .loam WILLAMETTE BIV. 4t30p a. at. tAiaiin, iaij, uuj mnjuuf. mttJ. i. n D&'JWfl frillC Dll Olin Tueadar l'ortland to Corvallia rnw-ia; A NiaAn t I a Dl a r AA.a f .sk. I . v .it n i ... . I rbnr.. aod Way-Undmgi. Mil a ru wour given in uia rnnoipai uranob of land Hat. In Music: Tiaoi, Organ. Voloa. Italian Singing, Violin, Hand Xnitrumuti, Darmony, Counterpoint, Fugue aod higher Mualo.l Composition, lo. Masio lesssn In llarmouyanl Couoternolnt given by Correspondence . New Method of Normal Training in Uaching Ptao. Youni Teacher g' vco work to assist in obtaining a Uutloal EJucatlon. " luur and l Lv Rinarla ' Lawlstoi Dally Hlparla to Lawlston ually FOSHAY i MASON Wholesale A Retail DRUS8ISM iHDloOKSILUt iLEAJIT. OBtOOM rnreirngaandth fineet and Larseat i sHuwirr nno oooa t tha Market. grists. 8: 15 p m 8:05 p m b 36 a m 5 :43 a m 9:15 am Albany Marker. Wheat 42 enta. OaU27. Eggs 37 cents. Better 15 to 17 cent. Potatoes 30 cents. Dams 15 cuits. Sides 19 cents. 8honklers8 cents. North Bound beeve San Francisco arrives Aloany " iSaves Albany Arrive Portland California Expre?t South Bound. itjaare Portland ,S:I" Arive. Albany lf -10 a m . ifve Albany 1 P m ifrive Sao Franciaco. 70 p m Oregon Expreee North Bonnd. tesvel San Franciaco 70 a m Ijrivea Albany VlllS leaves Albany.. Arrives Portland 7:00 p m fLebanon Branch-Dailey (Ex. Sunday) I ItartiflclallydigcsUthefoodtnd -Ida m PIMr9 ln atrengtneaintr and recon- .oopm Mn. Ittthalatat.ttannIHiM.- ' ant and tonic ffo other DreDtration in- mm tave Albany for Lebanon Arrive at Albany tlave Albany Arrive Alt an v Dyspepsia Cure. Diaests what you eat. gan Francisco, Keamsbip'lines) for Hawaii, Japan, ' can approach It in efficiency. I Tifn. Tha Philippine, anu Australia, itaallj relieTea and pennanentiy cu CJhina Tha I-bUippine anu Australia. , ,uaDnT en voina, au" i DTSDeDsia. Indltreatlon. IT rt hum -5r.Log V' Fonk lnot AgVnt. or , Flatulence, . 8our Stomach, Naui Tf Kwn At Wells. Fargo A Co's office, ' bica:Healache,Gastialgih,Crainpa,and ftiS'r fi aU other reaulta of imperfect dlgeettoa. milea imannt nr m nn., i... nrst-clas farm security or Improved boaineaa property in Albanv. Internet six per cent for particular! call on or address. fl. F. Maaaru., Democrat building. Albany, Oregon ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE 13 HfcREBY GIVEN THAT the ondersigned has been duly ap pointed bv tbe Connlv Ccnrt of I.inn county, Oregon, as tbe administrator of me estate oi a a uavis, deccAted. Any and a'l renins hav oir claims against said estate are hereby notified to Dreeant tha siine. duly verified a by law reqnired, to tbe undersigned at flarrisborg, Oregon, within sis months from the date hereof. Uatel tbu8 h dav r.f Noremoer, 1899. EBOivu. Uaaca Ana Dana, Administrator. Wkathkrford A Wvitt, AUy'forAriinr'. mat u J-irrAViA , o rm l W. II. H0BLBUBT, Can. Pa. Agent, RAWUNOS, Portland, 0. Agent Albany. TZftffZ'i"."? '' Palo on W t - h , .T!iTrg U"7mmK Si i pinsw isiaaj aaaawaBakaaaBal - J-r -miJ..7l TZZr .r.!!s.a-!MataiwtniBMi m. WJ!Sail5aSS HAIR SWITCH 65 CENTS, i uu uiiai mai a mrtMA to Ml Ulr u frM, eso . S, UA H hAMik.traubuat.ZauaM. C.H.MABKHAM, ve vnF.HLEE. G. F. and P. A., Manager. Portland, Or. prepared bv E- C 0Wl; Co CqIcopo. For sale by Foahay & Mason. 'Hi 11 3 ORTHERII PACIFIC B. R OREGON VIAVI COMPANY Car. Morrison & Park St. LEWIS BUILDING. Portland Oregou 3TREET PAILWAY KOTICE. Tne motor cn tbe Albani Street Ual. will conneel prompty with all train ton from tbe depot, day and .tight. oft;i' -"p win oe riaae ar apetf rate. B. MoCfik,, (VkkI OUR OFFER: f Mia4 Mfupl of tit .U.I abmdm w.nUMl umI mi, Ift oolu aw th roou M riM., latiam w (fto Mto4 u t Mu mm la fr MUft. nd . UI hk uw (iwk u ir Iwlr MM, And Mna la by f .11. DO.tD.Ul. .Ad lfM .r. u MIMI, Mii, rwtarn It am will ImiuAdlAMljr your money. mib. lua. I'.cf Mm, eUOl (ban um, OOOI -ot BH lxi. hor, ita, ,t9 Itoa. tv-la. Ion?, abort stem. ftl.Aai idl f M-ia. tona.ahnTttMm.Ba.aSliHoA.M-ln. tlonv. abort aiMB, a.2. StABAITa X i t -a woaa th. biKhot rda on th. I f f nrkL MVmaMu4rt ItmMlU nrlm. I.f M Mintf It jmm tn mm t. trM tor rm utuiogua ot ARS. 0EBUCK CO.ffne.) CMeaaa, k a U. ae. itiriMMy mum SWanl Pullman Sleeping Cars, Elegant Diniag Cars, Tourist Sleeping Oarr St Paul Minneapolis Dulutb Fargo, TO Grand Forks Crookston Winnipeg Heleb and Butt TiaOUQH TICKE'i - TO - Chicago rVaahlngton fhiladefphia HewTtork oeton and.. Oninta East and Sooth Through tickdts to Japan and Oh na, vis Tacomaand Northern Pacific steamshif XJq., an American line. T7..rmtlnn. time cards map act! ;.non or writ C G Bnrkhart 0.fiTUrMi :i.83cond St neir Loa strait, Albany. Sella Chi- it at;i J it i a t ric3, Cbineae II ill 1 n it til. K. O. T. M. very Saturday evening at K. 0. T. If al VUiting KniirhU inviied. ii.W U()F,.Oom uander. icketa eallon or writ unt. AiDany, wr A D Charlton A.t Gen Faas Atf 9DR CAPACITY i lrn equaled In the Valley. OUR WORK la Unsurpantfu . In Oregon. f te have the best stock u !... 1 . Biectirom ana our price 8ro always the lowest, quality considered SMILEY, Albany. The Pri. iter si a, Mnal- lk I CGLE BOOKS Conalli- & Eastern Bailroatl 800 PACIFIC LIKE. I Direct ronla o ,MJ".lK?vV- iwinl and Kurope throonH th'dSAf. IiTHCIHRV 10 A wet K'a. llircoakflr.tclawslwpii'i ojrW cars (row coast to ST PAIIL T0K0NTO . IONTHKALi OSTOH Without Change. Royal Mail Stsaisi Linos A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical. Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive Hand somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated. By JACpB DICOLE No. 1-BIGOLE H0RC BOOK All About Horaca a Commoa-AruH! TrMtlw. with orcr 74 illiuUAtioris ; a AUnoArd work, i ritt 50 CcuU. No. 2 B1QQLE CERRY BOOK All about Rron in. Smj II Fruits frd and learn how ; conlaina 43 oilorn, lie-l.k reproduction, of a 1 1 Imdiug varieties and loootner illustratioiiA. l iict. joCculs. No. 3 BIOQLE POULTRY BOOK All About Poultrj ; the brut Poultry Book In ezlstrncet tells tTCTythinjf ; wlthlj colored lile-likerrproductlona of all tbe principal breed; wilb ui otber iUustraliona. Price, y Centa. No. 4 BIQ(lLr2 COW BOOK All about Cows and the Dairy BuaineM ; having a vrrt sale; contAina Icolured hle-likr reproductlonaofeAta breed, with 131 other illuAtrations. 1 rice, jo Ccnta. No. 5 BIOOLO SWINE BOOK Just out All about Ho Breeding, Peedlnr, Butch, err, tHea.KA, etc. Contains over So beautiful half tone and other engrairiuga. Price, 50 Cent. TheBlOOLB BOOKS areunUue,ori-rlna1,naefut-youneTer jw Anything like tbem so practical, sosenslble. They arc havin-r ao eaormons sale Kaat. Went, North and Bouth. Kvery one who keeps a Horse, Cow, Hoa or Chicken, or arows Small Fruits, on-rbt to send right away for the BIUULK BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL b vonr paper, made for von an4 not a tnlsflt. II la 12 years old ; it U the areat txrflrd-down. hithenail-on-the-head. quit4rterrou4iaeiid-it, Farm and Houaehold paper in the world the Wjrgest paper of 1U sisc In the United Htatea " nmrrini BATugoreraiamic-B and a-halirgular readers. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FAUJI JOURNAL foobVdr1' 1901 "4 ,93' wlllb"' Sample of PARM JOURNAL and circular aeacriUng BIQOLE BOOKS free. Address, PABUC lOURNAI, s-JUi.ADai.raiA TIME CARD. No. 2 For Yaquloa: iralo leave Aicaoy...... WHO p, m corvalli 1 :53 p, tn " arrirea laqmoa..., i:n p, to ao, 1 Returning: Leave Ysquina... 6:00 a. m " Corvalli 11:30 a. m Arrive Albanv 12:16 p. m No. 8 For Detroit t lve AlUuy 7:00 a. m Arrive Detroit ll:Ud a. m No. 4 Betarolog: Leave ilotroit 12:20 p. in Arrive Albany 6:45 p. tn One aod two connect at Albany and Oorvalli witn Hontnern raciHo train. giving direct service to and from New port ana adjacent oracues. J rains lor tne moonuiini arrive at uo trolt at noon, giving ample lime lo reach campicg groucd on the brelttautb and Uantlani rivera the same day, Edwim groM, II. L. Waluxn, 1'sn.ger T. F. 4 P. A. J. Tcajtaa, Axeot, Albany. WTIUH ATCTHSOaT. CKAS. W. JCJIKUia. HEW VIM WORLD a Itricf-A-Wetk Ed)lio2) 18 Pages a Week . . ,' . . . 156 Papera a Yeai For. One Dollar ab l.brdererr lie raaleDaf exreplSa 4 I tie Tbrice-a-Week Edition of Tna Aa Yi'itK World is first among all "weekly' ulnars in size, freatiencv c( Dublication ail (lie frenhtMs, aceuriicv and variety ol lUcniiixnu. ltbasalltbe murit ot irreat $tt daily at: be price of a dolla eokty-. Its political news is prorart.oom PATEtlTSr DESIGNS TRADE-MARK! AND COPYRIGHTS OBTAINED ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY Notice In "iDTentlv Ae Book "Uowtoobtaio Patent" Charm moderate. No fee till patent la seemed. E. 0. SIGCERg, PiUitt Lawyer. WtlhingtonTb, C. j m OHIAINfcll . REE 0HI5I, JIPAH atidlUSTALU t To' t Information retfa'dicg ral etc. apt ly K. f , !, sir.t.iic, II. II. aBBOTT, Albaoy.Ora. A sent Portland, Ora. E.J.CQYLE. . n A, U. I '. A. v eocouver, o. v. LEGAL DIRECTOR albanv W R BlWeo, Foahsy A Maaon Uet, M Bryant. P O block. Anderson Cannon. P O block , J J N Duncan, P O block. T P ilackleman, Pearn clock Jodg U II Hewitt, P O block. N L llomplirey. Kelly A Ourl, bank bolldlng, L II Monlanve, l'earce block; J C Powell, P O block. OEBoi.PO block. L L dwaan, Bank building. II 0 Wataon, bank building. Weatberford A Wyatt, Bauk boildlkg Whitney A Newport, Oualck block. G W Wright, PO block, Lebanon. P M Garland. Brownsville A A Timing hclo. TJ Wilson OIKNT NiTIOJAL BA1F, ' f of Ai.aaMT.oaaaort ? rle. rrMMnt Ashlar, .. ..i.rLiNR I Touna , W. UtROliO TSAS SaTt" A7lAl i A L1i)bol AOOODHTS A KPT mblwt Is th.'S IOUTonANO ASdt.lSfrapbls lr Btfar, a Ns T-k eas rraaelMO.ChigAfe aa rmiaa L10TI0NI aADCea IawM. anas. KaamoaWrf9 Toes a r L. PiOoaaare I. FwasQI 0 I. fLIHA. Kllabl. Drami of A mwchantcl or luvantlrfi doalrlD a trip to the Paris KipoalUon, with larr and fxpnaca paid, ahuulil wri li. FATKNT IlKCOllU. li mind (004 It. InlMmnra. HA. gAAAW.AAAA' OaTMts and Trade MarVsobUtned and all Pat ent bnalnras condnRtad for Modarrt Pees, i riendmodrl.drawlndorphnto. WealYtM If i pAtmtiklo f ri' of oharsa. our fee a ot due tl 11 paUintis.niiKd. A Famplilet "How toOb-' Ulo 1'st.nts," with coat of same If tha II. SuadforciiiaconntrleaaeBifna, ddraa. A. GNOW & CO. Ifnew WMll.0T.-, D. C I Iss