The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 19, 1900, Image 4

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    Pis-Inly Stated.
The following la ths Stallls P. I. by a
former Salsm Presbyterian minister i
so Diain w. publish It. though already
having given eontlderuble on this chsata
nntty subject:
Two srrors to say mind occur iu your
quotation (ram the Chicago Pott nd
from the eminent astronomer Fiammar
ion, December 24.
First Tbsr both ssem ta Ignore the
Itct that tbe Christian era did not begin
with the year I, but with the first hours
and days ot Christ's Hi. The second
error Is in aisuming that the vear 1900
will not be completed until twelve
raontha hence .
No parent would think ol reckoning a
child's lite trom the year one ol hia ex
istence. You would calculate your too 'a
age Iron the very hour he cams into the
world by birth. Theo you count his aire
by birthdays in weeks and 'months. If
he shou'd die when eleven months old,
the year 3ne would never be written lor
him, but when the tw.lve months are
fully completed you say "my eon la one
year old." That year ia past. Trier
remains ninety-ntue year 01 ui cent
ury. If he Uvea through those nimty
nine years he would say : "I have lived
100 years." And they wou'.d be .all in
tbe past. Then -he would count one
month, six months, ten months and say,
"I am lOOyears and 10 months old."
When 12 months have pasted be would
ay, "I have lived 101 years." He would
not say, "Now I open my 2nd century,"
but, "I have lived one year in my second
century and It is gone . "
When Christ was born the world b- j
Ban counting. When he was & mooius
old, hall ol his Brat year was gone
When 12 mo Hbj were ended, year 1 had
passed away completely. When our
torelathers wrote 1800 they sealed tbe re
cord ol 1S00 years ol our era aa entirely
II a nole given in 1789,
Fabruary 22, Ml due in 1800. July 10,
the coin 00 written thus.
Yr. Mo. Day.
1S0O 7 10
17S8 2 22
la like manner when we wrote 1899
awedeclared that 1890 years of the Chris
tian era were past. Every banker and
business man, svery student , computing
ccounts would write tbe lima aa I have
written it. Last 4tb cl July would be
Yr. Mo. Day.
im 7
i. e.,7 mintba and 4 days of 'he year
1S99 bad passed away. At Christmas
we would write the time, 1899 years, 11
months and 25 dayr. And so wbsn we
wrote 1900 on Monday morning, we de
clared aa plainly as BBnrss can tLat 1900
years of Chiiet's life bad been fully
rounded out. Now we would write 1900
years, 0 months, 2 days. You ask me
"would yon take payment Zot that20.
that way T" Host assuredly. Lst ns
at, Jones owes me $20. Ha band? me
75 cents. Would he telisvs that b's
first century of cants must be credited to
to Lim as beginnl eg when dollar one i
completed 1 No. Be has paid 73 cents
on the first hundred cents and thus is
due $19.23 . Then he banda me 80 cents
nd I receipt to bm for 1.56, i. e., 6
cents on his accord hundred cents.
Then he banda me $10, that makes bis
payment 1,100 cents completed and 55
cents on hia twelfth hundred. Then he
bands me (7 end bs has paid me 1,855
cent, i. e., 1800 cents completed and 65
cents on his 19th dollar. Now for the
illustration in it, be hands ms 5M cents
i. e , ha has paid ma 1900 eenta complet
ed and 5 ouills in tbe 20tb dollar. There
remains 99 eenta and 5 mills to be paid
When be adds this to 1900 cents and
6 mills I hate 1900H cents plus 99 or
130, all paid up. And the 20ih century
of pennies is entirely a thing of tbe past
to him. The twentieth century began
January 1, 1930.
A. L. Hutchison.
" Certainly no deserter from tbe tJoloa
aany should receive a pension as Is pro
vided in a bill before congress.
Mr, Root baa pulled a hi eat root from
the publio'a jaw by declaring that he la
not a$andidate for vies president.
County polities are beginning to aim
mar aome. Now most any one can he
heard mentioned aa a candidate. It wil'
take a month or two thoush to get osn
didacies to a foeut so that the real can
didates can be teen .
Mr. Browned will have a hard pull to
get Mr. Tongue out of the mouth of the
dshrgatea to tbe next congressional con
vention. The bosseas have hold of the
root end. If nominated aa he probaoly
will be a good man will paralyse Mr
R.fiM mt Anllntlu at W
ler ior a iMsiiem vimivb mmi.
United States Land Office.
Oregon City, or.. Nov. 4. lima.
Notica hi hereby atven that In oureu-
anc of chapter six o( title ihtrty-two ot
tlui Kuviseii statutes or tne uiuteu But!,
W. 14. trawler, whose uostotric. addiem Is
Albany, or., claiming; iwu linear loot on
ouch ot the followum-named vein., lodes.
or mineral deposit, ocarina suia, to-
is inhu in the around with meun -tar. biased and aoribed 4-32S UT. bears aim of volume 4. of Mlnliur Records of said
mmr ut atones sunowi . wi . , ug. u iiiiii. a. .... .cut, hiiu Mi.-cuuiibri ii.iaar luo, w w.w.h.
..... ue In.ihu. In tllani.l.r. blamed and nlhar hemlock ie IS llmlil 111 diumiltur. the ueti. whleh I. well (ielln.d. The pre
scribed s HT, beam a. 44 dev. Bin. biased and scribed 4 3au u'l', beai b. 4 aumed general course or direction ot suld
hi. is feat, and a nr tree is inuiwi. uetf M nun w. e.s reei: induce o. w
ster, biased and scribed m. deg. M mm. W.. variation ID dog. mm,
Iter, Diasey au itiiumi . - --- uvk. wi nun i lhuii ......
i it dec. 0 mhi. W. .S feet; thence b. k.T tcet. Oulch ruuiilua souuwrty urn
deg-. Si niln. VV., variation SO dcg. ft,8t 10 corner No. 6. a liowad uiie post
67S.3 feet to corner No. , a neweo in wj ( 4x4 llChM by 4 feet long, set M inciios
4x4 Incites uy e ion io in tj,0 ground, witn niounu 01 ,um-
the ground with mound of stones scribed (jja30; whence a ulna tree 1
t-i-im; whence a nr tree hA" I tnchea In diameter, biased and scrioeu
wr, uuiseu anu wtiwu TTT I 6 H iw 11. oettrs n. m uwg. ,t. u .,
a Ilr tree tnchea In dlitmeter, biased ami , Uttl,a ,ini geilbed 6a- U'l', beara N.
wit: tied Hull. Hold back. OoldUug, pold k. iu.1 Met; thence N. 8a deg. .04,' min. hi., vci nation 19 dvg,
" iae, yoiden,-,.. variation i dcg. K., . .'' i K- a:Q.b feel. Discovery iiolnt
: , n iiowii aoutnurir -, ....i...P ....t,u,.,Ui,iT
Flneh, Ited Hair, Uolden
Ihunue N. M
Hi nun.
of lode
rliiire running aouthwosteriy.. anu
.th.,i.u,Mrlv 677.7 feet to COrlUU' NO. 1,
tTT. ..n n. , nii.l Intersect lino 1 ; ., i..,i,,i,,
... . ..V .T. ...i .,7...... k.. . .IIIIB pl.VJ .. ... ,IIO UIUUU w
wunui me siuurisyiua uiiuiiig uiatnci, no. ,, u,llr id- tine survey inai . - ta Hill laiile.
corner fO' A""'. . . "
uuia r luvn ..vuv
... Nit. 1.
iwgn U....H v ".- -I.,-,, ih In eurvov.
Crown, Oold Hill, Oold Uuleti, and Oold S Jl. creek I feet wldo Hows southerly
Cannon, each with surface ground tioa feut iJr, corner No. 1 Oold Klncli loda,i""
in width, all lying and being situated 'X .Tii'vcy on line and Intersect line 11
three, county of Linn, and state of Ore
gon, has mude application to the United
siutea for a patent for the said mining
ti0i...,ln ui rornar No. 1. Identical
r nnsit 'with corner No. 2 ot lied Unit' lodti, tine
" he5fil Zlrty, "ou'llne' jLl, of Oold Ktuch UhIc.
The soldiers continue to whip the Fit
iplnoa. Whenever they meet It Is a
foregone conclusion that the Americana
will whip. Then the Filipinos till up
(be gap with naw tueuaud the war
goes on, how long it ia a vary difficult
thing to say.
Ureal things are expected Irom Gen
erals koberts and Kichenor li the Tiaos
uaal war by tbe English. The Demo
crat predicts that Kichenor urt Roberts
will lesrn in a very emphatic manner
that there are some Boers around the
Tagela. Thev will have to fight like
Trojana for all thry get.
claim, mo eutu claims ueiiuc Known anui... .......... i.w a rAt imiir. set le n
designated as the iwler Consoltdnled I'J .round with mound of stones scribed ita aurvey. y.
oroup of Lodo Mining Claims, and being llth?tro.ut mtara"ctlon of line 4-1 ut Oold 83 dcg. 44 mln. K. M
more fully deacrlbed as to metes and iTt ",l0 and
Iwunds by the orllclal plat herewith Post-''' f S this survey; whence U. B. M. M. initi. ''noht Kinch lodo i,.id
ed and by the Held notes ol survey there- h. "Uurs N 11 deg. .U4 min. W. ml 1 respectively of Oo d Im ii
ot. now hied In the ortlco of the register 1 r'n? frse 18 Inches In "lamoter, i Oold ( iiinion 1 ode. Jbi.t of ''" ufrvX o
5s 6 feet. The .llcovery.pui.u J ',-"-1 L" '"' w"",Th ,n., is .lea. to
i r"" . u tot iltr Kf mm. JV. y. mm. v
theneo B. W d. 47 r" .n ttii'vflr Creek. ;.iuthwtr.y niul iiorthuHt
mm. i..
rUiKe runniiiK
Beginning at comer No. 1. Identical with ltm"Vlow southerly WW feet to 1 ,0 corner No. . WenllciU wi n corner rjo.
cornir No. 3. Oold Hack lode, this survey. i eet . "".V,, corner No.i uoltk-n Crown lode, tills survey tneiue
1! U XI M -J 1 luau rm H 1 Hv S l. OW. "t uii lllDnCO . W 37 dlU. M mln. W ., W"" " ' "."
ii- Yi,rV AVr,r h.-i.V, 4. (low . ooe, tm. w . - . K - ,y fM,. 0ui,.n running no "
with magnetic variations at 19 dett. 36 min.
to w deg. lu nun. east, as iouows, to
lt: . . .
Hen nun l.oae,
3 min. c'-, - , "ode. this survey; Mien?.
ttllotl. " vtr vrliltlOn l UCK- 60 mill. I'.-. r 1" ,...- i,
which la a wdar tree. 4 Inches In dlams- ! g, deg. ' a (wt wide, Hows erly SB8.3. feet to corner no . 4 .... -j
rwn.rai - . . . . . . 4 ..,.nAr iw.i s. n. nenni ihmiidii r.ttmt-' t"iv, - - - . ,
DUK. of
Identical with corner No. 3 of Oold i0"';; ".lr ' Tmltor. lilnsed and acrihed nr tree 43 in.
ter niaraeo tnue t.v) on two ames. oeura :.liv
8. W deg. 36 min. ti. ll.i ieei uistani; ,4 inches by
,tr in n,in. K S34.KS feet to corner No. i 1 huhes in tne g. ' ; .
4 feet long
with moui
whence nr
und of ,t Ht the projecting Jmm u Ilr tr ee.
tre 43 W,h mound of stoiu-s 4-lW. wnemo a
ches in diameter, lilnsed and
2 mi will, corner rto. v, viwu T" -. . itittvii i.i.u nr iren ...
Back lode, this survey, and corner No. 4 ,1"", T hears N. 4H cg. 46 mln. W. ,,.rlhed 4-3-326 Hi. neiirs o. .
of U. 8. lot No. 37. White Mull lode; U " " Inches In (Jlam- 2 reel, and a henllock tree M Inxhe s m
thence B. 11 deg. St mln. W., variation W ' "5 d ', n;ori,,7d S--3 11T. bears ,timetcr. blnset and scribed I 4--Wy l;
deg. 10 mln. K.?,3 feet to corner No. gier tosed and son c feet; thence N. hear. 8. 88 deg. W mln. b. W.J "'dn
and dlscoverv DOint or lone ou simmii ai '.- w variation w ua. N. W oea. .
dlscoverv DOlnt
ildge runnltur northwest
easterly on line 4 o or
de on summit of ' " w vnrlutlon 20 deg. N. 6X deg. ! mi n.
terly and south-itffleg. ra mm. w v hewed r E j fit. Oulcli
U. k lot No. 37. Sl 5 feet " " n'K ,t is Inches f,at. summit of
rminina northerly 110
rldae running nort i-
The number after the Alaska judge
ship indicates that it will he the man
with the biggest pull who will get in.
Therefore the chances are sgainst Ore
gon's candidate Judge Hale. It Is
doubtful if the Oregou delegation by
whom he is recommended have sufficient
standing ia Washington to carry much
weight in a general contest.
Mr. Bryan ia in favor of taking peo
ple into oar government when they are
intelligent enough to form a pait of this
government, but he is opposed to the
colonial government form. He deein't
want colonics of ignorant barbarians
who never can be assimilated. That ia
Whhe&ull ,E Shewed ifr peaTs tnchea Krod 'IKS of" itone. 'rff.JlV
fe. T ie post stands aKiilnst the south- In 'th'r. nmj , K M fet ,)f O..I.I tluljh lode, tnw "rv.
easterly side ot a hemlock tree 18 Inches llT. j''. o t eg dlamelor, hlased ,hnr 8. M tleR.
In diameter, which k, a corner of the loca- and a Ilr T x N, ri ,,,g. , K tt. f.t Summit "'.'3 I v
Hon being marked thus (X) on the south. " '"iC!1 VrTfeetl thence N. M ik northeasterly n u Z uam ut
easterly side, and Is also marked 8 325 10 min. v . ".'',.,,' m ,ieK. 50 mln. K., uu.i fMt to comer No. 1, the piaco o.
UT. A r tree IS Inches In diameter, nii.i. (;;.V'"ftr it0 s. a hewed Mr post winning. . , , .
blaied and scribed S-32S II. T. bears S. l4 S.7 feet "'J 0 g. sot 18 Inches j"" fld Onlrli ''''., w,,
.leg. an mln.. W. 30.2 feet. The center of .4x1 h"-".. mound of stones I panning at corner No. ' " '"'j 7'."
the Bed Hull shaft hears N. 44 deg. ffi in the KJ""'!"; "5ie ja of Oold Hill mftr No. 4. ltl lull l.le. '"""
mln. W. 70.7 feet distant. Thence 8. St scribed ""r' 0 whence a pine tree IS "in ;t4 of lied Bnlr l'le. this
dog. S mln. W. variation deg. 10 mln.. Ilo.le. this '""'""b ,led scrlhfd g. M. M. No. 1. henra B. J-
K. V.9S feet to corner No. 4, on line S-4 Mnch i In alam. tar a, m,. w. J,pylln, K, iiski.6 feet; H. W rt ' f
Red Bnlr lode, ihls survey, a hewed hem- Sr'1,Tn,1W2 nine tree 14 Inches In mhl. w.. vnrlntlon 1 "ly fjo ,
lock post 4x4 tnchea by 4 feet long, set IS 23.3 f't and a pme J, , guasb PT. ,'', "feet Oulch vinnlnir northerly .
Inches in the ground, with mound of , diameter, Wnaefl ' ""JJ i.e feet; thence J, ni.cnvery point '" Viv of
stones, scribed 4-1-325. A rlr tree 4 feet heare 8. 15 d.-g. mm. . .. 19 ,,eg J- ,.,.. Mos. 3 and t reapei vi ly "
In diameter, biased and scribed 4-1-3S6 N. an ock. 'corners Nos. 1 and d alr un.l Oold inn " ' ; "rrg.
BT. lers N. 80 .leg. 6) mln. R. 12 feet and to mln. " , lM nfl He f nn xln S59 feet. Biin.m ' r ,
a Br tree 30 Inches In diameter, biased 3 reepfctlxel "'UrVcy, on line feet ,nnlnir nnrlhweslarly and soulli ens t. r v
nA .rihd l-lt!5 BT bears S. 23 deg. Balr. both of this aurvey. o. . ...,- rimnina ,u,mlng northerly 6 !,'
4S mln. W. 4.1.4 A nemlocK tree as to cor,. - , 1-olle, ,nmr No. a, luemica. "hnlden
Inches In diameter, marked on two sides ,, it corner No. 1. hewed flr n , ,,,. and on line 4-1.
thus (XXXX). which l.i a corner of the ln 4 feet long. s.-J 1 , ,,. hih of this x"oTn-r
location, bears 8. 30 deg. ) mln E. 4.3 po Inch e "V fl wlh mouml nf ' , R3 mln. W. WI.7 fj. t . tp c
feet. Thence N. 3S deg. S mln. VT. yarl- inches In the ar. vMnce V. B-M. J A (den Kngle .JWed
ation 20 deg. 10 mln.. E. 1468 S feet, to 'stones srlr! If'j. 41 mlrj. V. ' " ,7, 'c 1407.8 feet 10 corner No. Sal. w
corner No. 6. A hewed .hem ock post set ,JJo 1 Ivears 1 4 v B. lot No. u,mllK.k post 4 Inch" hv wllh mound
IS Inches in the irround. with mound ot feet ... ,"''0,1" bears B. rfi deg. OJ,"1'"; Ut IS Inches In the "".VJm wl.ence
earth and stones, scribed 5-4-SM A hem- IWhlte Hull 'ou. ,h of a tunnel , ,, , scribed s-.j. , ,
lock tree 20 Inches in diameter, blamed and ;E. ''f'.hen.lerlv hears N. T n-"1' cedar tree 4 f" ' , Vr Bl deg.
scrll4dS-4-325 llT. bears B. 6 deg. 80 mln. ; running ao.l h"" A" nr tree 14 Inclj-. ""rtrafd HS?6 BT. .ar N. M
W 14 8 feet, and a hemlock tree 20 Inches 43 mln. V. olj JJT .-f scribed 1-325 BT, -v. 14.2 feet, onfl a hemmta j d
In dlamettr blaart and rlh1 1 r4-4a , In diameter, bias ed and s y 50 rn In dlnmer based nnd scribe.
FT. .bears N. 63 deg, 1 Kmln. W. W feet A bers ,VV Inches I". "lometer. blamed , g. ,,,.g SO mljl.
hrn nrK TivaM iz lncnsjHi 111 umiiwiit, m . 4 ear tit nPHrw n. o '- osi rssor iiiriiw ': ... ..tviitisT i
marked on two sides thus fXXX)
! . -nen,ip nf tho ItWAllon. beitT
"left .'rir No. 4
rlv KMH fetto
m,iih corner no.
tii-a null
.1 l .. Tln..,1 .nH dec. 60 mln. W. 131 reel. 1 nence c. 00 , v.. ;,.. 7g of II. Identical wnn ..
.... Pv.,.,u u. .... ideg. ! mln. E.. variation 19 deg. 36 mm. imtersecj .... - N 59 e. 4 mm. ... .- , llB mlrvev. r niln f...
baabeenfrom the Start. It doe.n't rJm.H JJ.J U .corner ;Kal aawed Sf-?AV JcoKScVn- thel-tce or
want tbe Filipinos because they are a
barbarous, "lousy" peopl-t who can nev
er be made a part of our government.
Inches In the ground.
stones eertbeo s az..
-1 or
A hemlock stump, on lhi ano im- . . nlscovery r".'' "" " oolil rssses ""-
hieh identified to me ns the stump lode, this survey ,"';. No. 8 on line
of a tree
ner. bears
The easterly
V ,V--.i.i vlth
Tleglnnlng nt corner N o . ... . '" fh)
............. ... .... - 1 1. frtl fCCt I" .'"" ..,. ...eveV.
s-nicn mnraea a lunmun ' n. ""-- j, . pinch lode. ,v corner no. o " ., no d 111"
N. IS deg. SO mln W. S fee . S-1 ' "'''flTt inches by 4 feet Mmr ;'ey. and on line 1-2 "f s,,''No ,.
ly corner of a jo-stamp mill ,hewed flr POt -round, with mound s. 1h!) ,IIrWv V. B, L The
i-ars 8. 2S deg. S3 mln. K. teet -iiw hi ";'"- fa i1-32. ";, ... hears N. SS deg V,ie hears B. w
muth or tunnel no. 1 Dears o. is ilea, n, or , ,nmeter. hlaseo . ,eovery noini
In. E. 5S4.2 feet. The month of tunnel 84 tnrhesln diamei . , mln. mn. ,0, sia.4 .fe';.
!:..t bf?..8..?7-, 'C-.-r? !T,"feTt. 'ami a .flr tree, 10 InrtJ- " mtn , : " corner No 2. "on" line 1-2
mln. E. 1151 feet. A fir stumn 84 Inches rtir.'''""'. -cy. 22 1 .V .1 ai of Oolden frown .
In diameter and 4 feet nigh, niasen ana . "'e- vnrlntlon
One of Homer Davenport's pleisanteet
exnerisnnaa was a recent visit to Admir
alDewsy. When tl..t pfac.ieal cartoon mou.'h'oT'SinrN'o VWdeaT'l -yiSSitJrff P
ol th. situation earn, out afi.r the houas '"...: J llr &J.K3 ?& "mt'.?.l -'; WS. 0
this siirvev.
v. hv 4 feet long.
on. newen . - rt,,r, wiin-m...
SpiaodS Davenport waa immediately ia- scribed -33S B8. bears N. 26 deg 40 mm. ts deg. Summit ot """",,, set IS lnhes tn tne flr ,r,c
vftcd to the Dew.,, wh.r. he X JILKS, "OS BlSi -Vor Hl -'HS " . ln 'mT
was treats royal,,, according to Icttsrs M 25 B8. JW sjr. ? mln. .W Vf 1? airr.-
raosivl by Linn county Iri.odr. Tba K.. variation 80 deg. E.. 142S.2 feet to cor- f, l""'4, ground, with - n,"1,d and srejlwrt 'nMnt; the-
admire too. a live int.reat in Homsr'. - ,.-fiSll"- i.s" f 'Smm.d .ftW f trn,.'?Vo' .'
nheauta. and .bowed , he great ? .
5.f".' tTe etTbiaadVndaern N. pj ishj HZ, w-- a
I. bears N. 18. 1 .S"1"; variation deg. !" "":n7"he. In rllamatw. Wse
nt. The 6S deg m ". "V)mnlnf , ; nw.. tit. irea IS lncr.-
,1.. li- .7 feel nno ",
toon is t oae of hia own stuffed birds
Davenport's blunt Oregon style captured
the Admiral and his wife and insurtd
him a warm place in their hearts. It
post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long set
in tne grouna. wnn mounu
scribed 1326 U. B. M. M. No.
71 deg. 61 mln. W. 320.1 feet distant
discovery shaft bears N. s deg.
discovery shaft Dears N. oeg. 7 min. fc. ,sns i.. -- N 4 it.n 1
2H6.6 feet. A fir tree 18 Inches In diameter. .3TS.8 feet, com er nulch 1'
blazed and scribed 1-325 B. T.. bears N. corner No. 1 t
biased . r V, 4 feet-
ennier No. In
k.. A reel cr m"" . tM vnr : -
ia aiaiea ior a iaci inai wueo a.ouvon e, ae(f 40 m,n. w. )8 feet, and a nr irea : this irv". - 4,4 incnes rt n 47 J' corner No.
draws the arlm ral'a nicture it will be SS ' ,r";hM ln diameter, biased and scrlb-d . 4. a hewed flr .post ground. onbM then K. ' V ,ncl?es hv 4 ("I
draws ths adm.rai s picture 11 win d. as j B 8 d M mn w 6) t )onKi ' 4 nd of stones scribed 4-3j. ner. flr , 4,"rn;r,,nmi. with
hisfriendand will not be in caricaluia feet; thence N. 56 deg 4a mln. W. vnrl,.- Irock. with mound o , L" 36 lon set 1 rh"rl,h4ls whence n
. Hon 19 deg. 60 mln. K.. 2 feet. Summit whence a nr ir Ti iotti s . , nes crlled - , nrt
' of main ridge running southwesterly and blase I and Lw 15 feeTand a flr tree jwim u inches In dlnmeier. g M
northeasterly Hio.n reet to comer no. neg. "",i-ter. ntnaeu ", - t ri.d 4 "' ", r tree 80
Mr OatT Identical with comer No. 4 ot U. 8. lot inches) In ' deg. 20 mln. 7"v 11.6 f't. and n flr tre B (T
Mr. VUy. No. 37, White Bull lode. A hewed hem- 4-32S BT. ben" f T ,J?v,l"1 43 mln. : In diameter, biased "nil crlbed
lock post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long set ' feet. r?rnCTN o. 8. M deg. min in nin ,,,g. ftl mln. ',, to
18 Inches In the ground, with mound ot wnite L V",. Vnence B. 65 a"- m 1 (wl .then N 6R nc. w 6 ,i,.tl-
stones. scribed 8-. whence a double ,E. 86 .8 eet. thencs min. ''..Pw. Jl deg K . 1" i" ',r n'ld Vlnch lode,
hemlock tree 40 Inches ln diameter, biased variation ,,0f U. 8. 1l No deg N , ( d e w
and scribed 8-326 B. T., bears N. 75 deg. 'lnterasrt ne - t rji deg. mt f,.,, "rvev. thence N ' r ",,, No,
E. 6.7 feet, and a hemlock tree 14 Inchea whit. JuH Imle. a Nc. 1 this deg. E . 899 ' ' 'J,,,,,, Flneh.
!"Jis?4l. .ri,""" fcfMLTr ,5- maT. ridge, runn .1 with J. ?,tn,W..
thence N. 61 deg. 6H min. E.. varlat
.lea. 10 mln. E.. 2:M.8 feet to corner
The British do ths talking, but Oom
faul keep, on sawiog wood.
Lets of men who swore off on New
Year's day, srecow wandering
it isn't belter to taper off.
Some 900 immigrants arrived in New
York on Christmas day.
Mr. Quay never takes his eyea eff that
plom ;tree now. Toledo Blade.
Mr. Qaay ia said to he flirting with
Democratic senators. His motto now la
"Help Wanted. Help of Any Kind."
Bmton Advertiser.
In relegating the speckled Pennsyl
vania boas ot private lifetUe senate ot the
United Stat es will not only purify the
personnel of the unpir oae, bnt it will
resogniz and sat forth tbe I'mitations
which even a plundering political boas
may not ovsrstep. New York Journal.
There are some indications that the ad
ministration is weakened on the tnrpo
of Quay and that tbe latter will have to
take another try before a Pennsylvania
legtalature. Mr MjKinley is friendly
enoogh to the Pennsylvania boss, but he
has troubles olhisown and lis does not
want to ritk'additional odium. Q iay will
heaaked to stand aside.. Indianapolis
No. t StfsiK j&mzz r;
A howed hemlock post 4x4 inches by I ,wy. ,4?i-4lnar . a. The Bed Bull claim 01 r- rounv
feet long set 18 Inches In the ground, with of beslnr1.",l1, ",eM'o4i Identical mce of the courly clerk or sai No
mound of stones, scribed 311-31.: whence eonier, Jct vely ' of I.lnn. state of ",,1Jl(n,,Ilirl iiecnrds
tS, L.'f ,lnd,!lZ' bltL Kglorie?. No.. 1 ,rrte"l 1. vnlume ; o' M'"" ,
scribed 31325 BT. bears N. 40 deg.
mln. W. feet, and a hemlock tree
Inches in diameter, biased anil scribed
40 with com GoUi 11111 !'" , j countv. uW 1 near ir. n,,ned
IIBBT. hears's. 15 deg? W. 14.5'feeJ,; "l'"'' wrlfttlon W d- Lh.V, vein i parallel with
tnence n. do oeg. min. r..., vuriat.o.. i
deg. 10 mln. E.. 180 feet. Oulch running
northwesterly 330.8 feet to corner No. 4. A line at "'a westerly 677.7 ie oold- erlv to southeasterly, "'.''"-.--ly from
"..rxe". ".vso 10.1, ". ,i deg. w "."iin.r"1;,-;sm n point or i'c.-
Last year tne iu to me uz yielded
Ureal Eriiain a revenue of 4,500,000.
send us ONE DOLLAR
rut tain sjsV awl aat pern U sm sjrHk !., M W Ml asm a fmm IMS) Ism
nraWvU TAMiM IU WUK, VJ ayMfw I. V. aa. , ST
Uam. Ts essfesi itiwlit li tyejsarr sasiaiisrt tWisr11
vm ftskes It xtMtlr M larsj-smtsysL tsW rsiliU n
asssl tss aaS)aVw ttiasi arga aW sstAsssl by stttssrw a mm aiasiiTi wrtsW
siptsst OUR PRICE 9.SQ. less, ua gi.sjsj issagii, asr vam.m aaew
ftiir.ra. THE PARLOR OEM m um sNliUI
AB WKXTBkfT TV1B t-ttsassiH tssw sMb. From Us) Uta(rtUloa
gtsvasrti. vislcii U swtjrtiwexl til reet from a phrtrmpfi yon caw form
MMldatAt mbsmsUfal (tppamruM. Msaic fWes a(al sjMrtsir
fawM tMl SW wausnt SM aveaairoaa.
ftl iimii i, aBaettaa; H Msa TEST lUTtaTT 9TliiE. 1H FAULUK
sQEM U IsMt kisTb, t iDCbalS Ion. B lnrbsM rtUsaasal welclu IN
ponsd. CoDtaUoi a oaHasvaw. II sTtopa. sM (oIIovb : l r4af ai,
fcilHsji, Mass Mi, Casaajaa. C n li I, sfaawCuplir, Csipl.r,
sWiafswii svsam aaasl T MsssSMI fl astes CsslsSS IIsmm tVanaO, ' f ,
1 aarsasai Wasl wsl 4 sWw a? Otskfcasitrwi Tssasssl Bassssilsn rtfw
tsaMty sWttst. IsMsjT IT rwsj ftsMsjt stsstsa EsW. ltMsyTII
a fclMaair-1 - ' 1 SsM aaf 14 Wtsk saMtsjar
aUaala. I sM srf riaaaiasr aWA eitslisaM Priasaastl
THE PARLOR CM tvetton eouaiiUof ta f
asM mea-afj Maisav arnicn re OBIT SMsja in UUt fluaTB
tMl rnate UtaKrajanentsi; fitted frith nil Csajujssisi mm
M awsw om uoin UiM, isun, asvc, mugwi
ss It,, ts nJi-hsllnM l.--tr mnA Snsrt
ItMLberlrt wslre.. THS PARLOR CIM Ufurnlabid
jrith ft ltsl to)led ptsM Vrtrh flUrr, nlrkci BsaXd I
Mdal frssMSMI, BBd VTJ fAOtlttris ilBWOTsySkeD f . Ws L
gwrmssifc ftrsw ihiliiii asrtasa saa4 ta-al ttss) fcsjasl an
lairnutviMl axrsadlUoafl ot which li amy prt sjIvsm ojt .
repssir I. sVsm a sAavsar. Try II on moatb sxad w wrtli
ref and yosjr smotMy If yoa are aol ptrfrrtty aaiiKflevl. j0
r tba orsjauru sn:. r aoid at fVMsaWa MJltK
tta tNtbilstsasyr
katloaai Mule.
er Oeyrtsatan tmatiiaaC4
nilrosvd or tiMWMnpurli Cktcaro.
aw sa4ta! af tsw 14jX4M.sja, oeenfry tratirsj
oaa of tit laxvswt barlna bloe-ks is L AMss(0,
aa sMBbaor aeany xnusi psjupt in oar
tuDdiaaj. Wl HU OttaJAU JT aw
riiMM, at1laV. aa ai aiao syrsrrrtJilnr In
t, pasaao ana msmubsu laaaxasnt ijasasioajaa,
mum oc wow aa VMiiVi waaartaar, jk.
attk yourncltrbborabout ua,tiia I siv.sjrTtsa 1 ;
4-r of thia pair or MopotttsV. ORGAN !L
a.sT,orCorahaLltaak,sf Cbiejoi 1 JZTJrr I h
LsatHaflffa Hauik, Kw Tort ; or tviT i ff . , , -j U
xpra wnpaay 1 Chicago. wi
I f! 1
swy auai. rsua paawa My, sat a
w aaaissaail tasassrasaliiasl i .fK; .- u..e-3ai.- 1
p h
nualcali IsssHnaBaato ft losrawi ra)laai artasM. Writ fnr fraa sma-etiJ
bciE rtiS rS Tnche-ln diameter bUwi 573 " SmTO mril-UAAi ia; HT Iwiira N 7 deir. W. t' KM feet. "!""." and OUtlift'""J'' ( ry.. Hv .he oold MUCK, ttni
...... . - - ... -- - -,- ' -.iha?Mienj. - KosriTl ni- . iijuiii"tw, -' on !" ""
. l5 WWa tr'mound'oJ ,wMWt
iSS's.-iiS: whence a u, norm
diameter, biased ciim. an.
'cr"",lnK2i B sn oca- nock ami
' BT' dar tree 20 rn n cor
et. an Iff ,crlbed r B,,pllcn
reel, uuicn running in- !i- , ar N, so - l)n. K., the omcq 01 '"",, ,r OreKon, ut pnK?
aiain rniite run.ii..t , hence N. " "JV i,u 4 feet to county or """,",; necords ot sum
16( feet to corner No. 6. A hawed. flr, .t feet: tneni m, b. 4X ' vUm 4, of Mln liiK ""'.,",r',,, bOIiii
4 feet, and a hemlock tree
diameter hlaxeri nnd acrlhed
bear. 8. 41 deg. 60 mln. W. .11.1 feet dl: :,; post. , "VVm.nrS. with. l tT northwest .by the, Y"?'i;cd
unt; thence B. nfi aeK. mm. b.. vans-, w lncne icrbed ""i,;-, biased iilm. and on tne eiaims. There
rant inence n. m uea. nun. .',i?i mu..v. , .crioeu 7T-',r Klaxeu elnlm. ana on iin,g There
!S. 5 : !t'J 5! .121 .V . "Jk'SJSSB H26J!rtrlWn"l!S. '"kBW Hick' and l-wtor plajrj iowledg.
oulch rannlna- northerly 1476 feet. Ifnches In .marneiy.. ,5 mm. i ue
runnlna northwesterly and southeasterly hemlock, tree iim. bears B . roe 2ft ..,?, Wn confllcllnB claims to the
672 feet. Oulch running northerly 766 feet .'and rl2faiVr?et, and a. '" icrlbed , Hppllcnnt. . , , , of record In
Kldge running northerly and southerly SW jr, mln. biased V. i Thi Oold Back clnm pj reco
post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet Ionic set 18 Inches
in tne grouna, wnn mounu or. aionw.
ncnoea b 3a,
in diameter,
T.. beam
other flr tre
15 mln. E. 109 feet; thence 8. M deg. 25 432a BT.
tnietl ftlouK
siln K l(T?eetrherar8. deg. 23H I BT. bea Inrtp." 'STode 'Vouiheaiierl:
l W.. variation 19 deg. 60 mln. E., 298, Bnd another hemMca DWj 4-S26 ii on tlw a,,ul
:. Corner No. 8 OolS Bu; lode this Iduimeter. biased "V feet; thjnce , t c
of discovery. The
- ... ; . .-. v ... . . " a dev. ... . v., new. w.mci ij ....... uoniiieiinv ..j
Beg,nn,ngUa,tdco?n"e-r NoT a "rirMrX ly""-...?.9
scribed -325, whence a rlr tree IS Inches , th P'af.JJiJ , fw '-"''Jl.ed nine rtliwest by on"p,Y,' ,, .f elolms lo
In diameter, biased and scribed 1-325 BT. ' "0,A"!?.,.r No. 1. a hewed pin nortliw sv no ront)Ctnl; claims io
78 deg. W. i.9 reel nisiam. anu - by 4 leet , nt knowledge or npi"..-""" ,, . the
10 Inches In diameter, Diaseo. pot axi "Ki roun. wnn . "" it B. I The Gold Bug claim
Kl 1-325. BT bears 8. 64 deg. hee in th; S,5: whence " ,6 . Lm?e if the county clerk of 1 cm ny
42.5 feet. Tne discovery pomi 1 tnes scr."- - N. n on.. v.m. , t.lnn. stntc ot ur'K .i,l ionn-
ailon bears.N. dg. 26. mln. K. M. M. V5fn7tr i""ef 'Ss nT. Solume i. of Mining Records of
The moutn or an om uinne. fet; wneo- - .crlbec 1 'TTiS and 1 ,v- 1600 linear feet 'j""":- ,.,,",-
northwesterly bears in. w oeg. w ,ptw, wasn. --M mln. w. ;vmM jn wnl(,h , weu '"".; - "-f .,
dtz tsst. 11 n. on. in. rty. i Lrs-ifi.
benirfl 8,
nr tree
and ecrtled
5 mtn. W,
of this locat
309.7 feet.
mln. V,
K in He. M mln. V. 2fI2 fet. Corner No.
ft of U. S. lot No. 37, White Bull lode. ft
re-entablished from its oeanng onject,
K. KR lietr. 2S mln. E.. varti
rioir ra mln V ifK S feet-. Tntemect
7j, or U. H. lot iso. -J., w nne jiuii isjm3, , mrnerr
rtrnr,V treiV 8 T H" m,me1 geni el with th Bide linen of
bear. N; W deg. 40 mln. R ISM feet: 6, "m,n. E.. t0,"Baln ridge. " uVheasterly. About 1400 feet c'.u -
he lone "'"":' ,.' ..v. (e north-
Nation 19, 0 Teet: tn' j gft Krfa-lerTy frc
t."S?!'"'rth?",!.y 2 0"ld Cannon and nolo on i'1MVfflr and about 100
at N. 69 deg. S4 mln. W. 49.15 feet from cor- , lodes, this wn corner o; w. - g
ner No. 8, 140.4 feet. Intersect line 4-1. Bed to corner No. 8. j" h p,,rvey. 'h'"" J n sa
Balrlo.le. this survey. 251 feet. Intersect . Cannon lode 1 varatlon 19 J'j; J"n,,nD .nd
! a 1 . IT a 1 17 Whlfa Hull Irwin 'a eta rfosT -IM HI in. " " .neriar NO. " 4" rll '',T' ' 1 ' - unaiinwyej p-
ine biwiihww
aa. alaim anil on llir li'"
ntvTS fdeg. 12 SiisT b: MI M Im R nVln". SW - VIW- W mound ' weit bPth Red lUilr. White Bjg nfl
ner No. 8. 801.7 feet, corner No. 1 of Gold,npWed in thfl ronnd, with oo?d Bk lone mining 'I"" .A'
Baek lode, thin lurvey. In line nn feet to yt 1R lnch n whenre R Jr tree oin ,n fl c with
corner No. S on line 6-1 of Oold Back of Ktnne- rcrieter tl T ?T 2 Tin." elnlm. blnff Includ In JV PP
lode. thl urvey. A hewed flr pout 4x4.15 InchM In dla njjt er ifi n j til "jonfor potent of whlh tm- U not
Inrh bv 4 feet long net 18 Inchen In the 9-925 PT. hear- N. ,n,nM jn dlnm-trr. of Bn(n claim. If In connicr
with mound of -tone. .erlM - nd R w r fvT.lwrj . -((h wh)t ,,, , c mm. 5; ;p
satsk'f hlourl an1 surlhaxl 939S T Kpfir I t.W IA tnln
X. 35 deg. m mln. K. 19 feet, nnd a nr , ns min, w..
tree is inenee In dlamMer, hmzed nnd ,?r. rer. . '''"".V", i-
rvrlhpd 2 S2T RT. hear N. M deg. K mln. erlv find sViltnriv.
wfl 4 i 4Vsasr
. ' sa Aotr.
.ifuit. Dull inna rillllll - . . ..
W.. V"""'"" running norTn- nr(l none other ronnicr-
PummltnfvVo corner No. Pn-
E. feet distant: thence B. 31 deg. sn 4. a hewed he.JVhe, In the Kr""J; Hold Tlnch elnlm is rc-ord n
mln. E. variation 19 derr. 50 mln. E.. IM ,4 feet lo'""-."',1 .Ce .rtlv-d , "mce nf the cmiMV clerk of si Id
feet. Oulch runs soulherlv 403 feet. Sum- IwH.i moim 1 ov n nPhes In dtnm- v of ,jnn ,tntc nf fireon. ut li iK"
vein 1. parallel with the aids Unas of said
claim, aa shown upon the plat posted
herewith, and Is about northwesterly to
southeasterly. About Wib foot la ululmed on
th. lodo southeasterly from the point of
dlaoovury and about 036 feet northwesterly
frum the point of discovery. The said
elnlm Is bounded on the southeast by
uusurveyed iiovornment liiud. on th.
southwest by the Uold Cannon lode claim;
on the northwest by the Oold Hill and
lied Hulr lode claims, and 011 the north
euHt by the Hold Uuu lodo elnlm. Thera
nr.. no conllictlutr claims to the knowl
edge of apullcanl.
rue Jte.i iinir claim is 01 recti,., in
ifllce or Hie countv clerk nf sul.l county
nf I, Inn, stale of Ori'iinn, l liM of
VOIIIllie Ill AlinitlK ll.'C.irne: n rniu
countv: 1M lineal' (cut Is claimed along
the vein, which Is well d. 'lined. The pre
sumed unneriil course or direction of sold
vein Is larnllel with the sldo lines of
sul.l claim, iih shown upon the plat posted
Iten.wllh. and is annul northwesterly to
southeasterly: 1600 feet Is claimed 011 the
lode southeasterly from the point of dis
covery. The said elnlm Is hounded on the
southeast by the Oold IIiik and (lold
t'inch lode claims; on the southwest by
the (lold Hill lode elnlm; on the north
west by the Oold Oulch and lied Dull
lode claims, anil nn the northeast by the
White Hull lode claim. 0.112 acre of sul.l
claim Is In conlllet with the White Hull
todo claim, the said White Hull claim bav
ins: heretofore been patented, and being
now owned by applicant. There are no
other rnnnictlns claims to the knowledge
of applicant.
The Hnuien Knine einim is or reenro in
tho nftlre of tilt, county clerk nf sold
countv r( l.lnn. stnte of Oreaon. nt pilKO
R4. volume 4. nf Mlnlnir llecorils of sold
county, ltwo linear feet la clnlmeil nlonft
tne vein, wnicn is wen nennen. -i ne pre-
nnmeil Benernl cnuree or direction nf Suld
vein Is iinrnllel with the side lines of
suld elnlm. ns shown upon the plat post
ed herewith, nnd Is nbout northwesterly
to snuthensterly. 1M feet Is nlalmed on
th. lode northwCMterlv from the nolnt of
discovery. The wild elnlm Is hounded on
tho southeast by the Oolden Crown lode
elnlm: nn the southwest and nn the north
west by llnsurveyen iroveriimeni innn. am.
on the northeast by the Oold Oulch nnd
n.0,1 lllll l.iHe ml.tlnff cln.lnte. There lire
no rnulllctliig claims to the knowledne of
n;.tiicnnt. . .
nl. n..l.len Prnwi. etnlm Is nf record
In the ndlco nf tho cnuntv clerk nf suld
countv of l.lnn. stnte of Oregon, at pnKO
RTi. volume 4. nf Mlnlna ttecorils of suld
llinty. IMI linear reel e .mhi- n e.
the vein, which Is well nennen. 111; pre
siimed itimcrnl course or direction of sntd
vein Is parallel with the side lines of snlrt
elnlm. ns shown upon Hie plnl posted
herewith, nnil l nhoiil norlhwestnrlv to
sniitheiislnrlv. 1S" feet Is clnlmed nn the
lode southensterlv from the point of dls
coverv. The sold claim is l.nunilefl on
the southeast and on the southwest hv
'itnsiirveyed irovernnient lend: nn. no
.......,...- k ,i.e n.,lil..ti tfnirie lode cn'm,
ami nn the nnrthen.t hv the Oold lllll
nnd fluid Cannon lode claims. There nre
no conlllellnc claims to ine rni"KiriiHc u.
the npnllrnnt.
The Oold lllll elnlm Is nf record In the .
nlHee of the countv clerk nf sold county
of l.lnn. stntc nf Oreirnn. nt nntre ins nt
volume 4. of Mlnlnsr Hecords of sold coun
tv 1W0 linenr feet la clnlmed Blonir the
vein, which la well denned. The presumed
nenernl course nr direction of said vein
In nnrnllel with the side lines of srild
elnlm as shown upon
herewith, nnd I- nhonl norlhwe.terly to lfl feel la clnlmed on the
tode nnrthwesterlv from the point or
dlscoverv. The sold elnlm Is hounded on
m .... n..i,l Wleh and Oold
ranrnn lle claims: nn the southwest hv
the Oolden Crown nnd Oolden Fob Is lodj
etnlms: on the northweet hv """".
nulch lode elnlm nnd on the northwest
hv the tted ""Ir lode etnlm. There are no
conflicting: eluims to ine .n..w..
pli","n,,..,J c-..l..h el.lm Is of record In
th. office nf the eonov clerk of s-llil
f Oreirnn at pinr"
Wf volume 4 nf Mlninr neeord. of ,.ld
eonntv. Krtl linenr feet Is clnlmed atons
the vein, which Is well denned The pr-. renernl ennr-c or direction of sold
vel" le. nnrnllel with the sine one- "
.nlil dolm. s shown linon the nlnt l-ostrd
herewith nnd l nhnut oorlhwe.terlv o
sonthensterlv. tSV) feet I. clillroe.l n.. to
lode northwesterly from th point "f HI';
overv. The snlll cin.n. ie.
he -lh.n.t hv the Tted rialr sod the
Ontd IHM lode etslms- nn the sniltnwest
J" ' n.,. Inrte eln it. and im-
surveved e-nvemment Innd- on the north
west hv the Tied Ttock nlaeer ct.lm. end
en the northeast nv tne "e.,
etnlm. There nr. nn eonici.nir c.n.i...
, the knowledge or nnni.cnni.
The Oold Cannon elnlm Is of reenrfl in
.. .en it, eoutilv elerk of snln
eonntv nf T.lnn. stnte of rtreiron. at pns-e
S volume 4 of Mlnln. Ttecords of snld
eonntv W0 linear ret is cnum".
he vein, which well nennen i -
sumed Kenerol course or nir,cuon n' m "
vein Is parallel with the .Me line, of S-IJ
elnlm as shown linon the nlnt posten
herewllh nnd Is nlmut northwest-rlv t"
rshValterlv. About SIS feet ! ' elnlm -d
on the lode southen.terly i"; the nn nt
of dlscoverv nnd feet no-Jh.
we.tertv from the point of rt'-covcrv. The
sold elnlm Is bounded on he so..'hn
hv nnnotented F,ounrt: "n ,he .outhwest
hv un.nrveved trovemment lend, ano nv
ll.e Oolden frown lode elnlm- nn the
no-lhweet hv the Ootrl VIII lode elnlm
nnd on the northeast hv the OnM Wneh
mere ere n.
claims to the knen-'e.Ie-e n' nnnlle.nt
Anv nnd nil penn. rli.lntlnr ndverelv
the mlnlntr rro.-nd .-"n. ""'"'"
nP nV nortlon thereof .0 de.erlhed snr
,'eved nlnttert end nnntled for nre here,
hv notllled that l.nle.. their .Jv''
eletm. sre dole filed n oeeerdlpr lev
nrt the repolntlons thereunder within sc
rl.v, from the dnle hereof with the ree
nter nf T'nl'ed Pttes l-nd o.nce nt
r no Cllv to the e'ete nf Orrnn t-ev
will ,e hn-'ed In virtue of the prov'e-
""M cVA'Al.FS TV M-
ITrnen tl.n rrliorinn :
John l'owoll and family arrived .here
Hie firat ol tlie week Irom Wisconsin.
Tliey.couie to locate in thia valley.
Mrs. Alvin Marks, ot Albany, came
over the first ol tlie week to visit with her
lather. It. l'.lotliiott, who has been
1 uito sick.
W'.-W. Irwin made n trip to 6alem last
Friilav for the nurnoto of examination
fnr a barber's certillcsto. He received
his certificate.
A. J. Kirk, oflBrownsvllle, was in.this
city yesterday. Mr. Kirk will be a can
didate foj shoriff before the republican
convention. Ho lies many friends 'n this
vicinity, who would like to see liimnoin
iuated. ' 1 "
There has been conaidorablo mitty
stealing around here of lato, and last
week Alarslial Dell took the mailer in
hnml anil auccuedod in roundinir UP snv
eral small bova and aeenrinz moat of the
atolen articles. The boys have made
some goodfpromisea to do bettor in the
L. 0. T. M. The regular meeting ot
ths Ladies ol theJMaccabeea will be held
tonignt ntttheir hall. Ihere will be
three candidates tn initiate and all nicni
lmra are urued to attend. A very plena-
ing program will Le rendered. The.
gtiurda are specially urged 10 attenu aa
their service, will Le in demand. Uy
order of I.. C.
Henrv Stone has been nwa'ded a con
tract for a bridge acrom Long Tom, lien
ton county ior $H25. The plans liaio to
be endorsed by the U, 8. engineers.
mlt nf rfdjre running northeaslerly nnd jwhence a rtm
southwesterlv 710 feet. Ouleh runs south
westerly 140..2 feet to corner No. 3. A
EARS, ROEBUCK eV OO. OaeJ, Fettea, Paaalaiaaa aaa Warsiaa tta., CHICACO, ILL. hawed flr post 4i4 Inches by 4 feet Ions;