The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 12, 1900, Image 6

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    V P. NUWiNG, Ed. and Prop.
(UiwraU at the fost Office at Albany
nuDi'.aiMciisdolui mail m alter.
An Awkward AUdt
A mow awkward altitude aevsr tM to
thalot ol any newspaper an thai
which now attach to the Oregonian.
Some daft ano it was writing up Oar-
nsrie in a snlrlt ol regents beoauss that
gentleman St to oppoes the forcible
annexation ol the Philippine, which,
in tha knini MolClnUv ia "crimt-
I aal aggression," when it unwittingly ad-
The County Coort yesterday selected I mitted that "the protective tariff has
the following too hundred property own'
re whose names have been placed in the
jury-box for the year. 93 jurymen will
ne (elected from the lift for the March.
June and October terms of court. Fol
lowing is the list:
been in their hands (the Carnegie )
I'm fortv tears an instrument of oohr
ail mhharv and ia even vet.1' tl re is
a c.infestlon that wul I brliu t'te blush
ol shame to au ordinary one bearing
false witness. Since 1SS3 the
Loos, out for squalls when the "ndof
the-oaotury" controversy reaches Ken
While we are talking of the brloery In
Montana when Olark waa also led to the
senate, why forget that in Ohio, when
Uanna was chosen T
Geo S Achisoo, W E Baker, Matt Scots,
8 r. Young, ucnrad Myer, w A tvimsey,
B M Pavne.J E Brown, Fred Bliniberg,
A Brownell, Frank Miller, E Thrall, A E
lllooai, John Briggs, W V Baltimore,
Perry Parker, B N Steele, TJbbe Peters,
H J Hopkins, 0 O Lee. A N Clark, 0 P
Dannals, Perry Oonn, John Comer, A B
Marshall, Js McKeron, LL Alexander,
F E Allen, Cooper Turner, J W Arehart,
F Jd French, Jas Barrett, U D Bates, W
MIBailess, I Beam, John Troutmau, W
F Hammer, Jas Dixon, M F Dawson, W
J Drummond, Edwin Tryon, Orant Fro
man, F G Powers.
Bhedd Frank Troutman, W V Po
lana, Paul Annie, A Ackerman, O B
Fogh, J A McBriile, John Duncan, W J
Fisher, H J Farwe 1,
Brownsville. Frank Hyde, Jos Hume,
J F Templeton, W M Roberts, A B Oar- ;
ender, WO Cooley, F H Webber, N
Warmoth, W O Smilli, 4 Horner, K pi
mif in make the Camelries secure in
their hold upon the throats of the pub
lie, obtained by means of the protective
tariff. vhleh that Daner now calls "an
instrument ol colossal robbery." And
this instrument of colossal robbery has
nntnnlv lwn in the hands of the Car-
tmaiet, but also in the hands ol neaily
all the tnut onranls ttions in the coun
try. The steel and iron trusti, the
woolen mill trusts, the knit goods trusts
hf trnntn and the hundreds of
others too numerous to mention ere all
IK a nutomntli nl that "instrument of
colossal robbery" more particularly
called the "protective tariff". And the
Orexonian contributed a mighty large
hira nf thn influence that placed me
Fletcher.Geo McKinney, Geo Moiler-I proteclive tariff i.we upon the books o,
sue, C E btanard, E A tvans, UtiMt-;' , . u,..i in tl.
v.r .nl. W T (Tc-hran. W A Temnleton. I the country and tlius placed In the
N H Batemsn, A P Blackburn. j hands of these trusts this "inetrunient of
Harrishurg Geo Allord, M Cunning, colossal robbery". Ill does the Ore
ha, WF Cunningham, Sam May, Wm a iula o( klM
Curtis, W W Briggs, Dan McClain. , . . . ... , ur,. ..,
Lebanon -A P Blackburn, Frank "J awkwaid attitude before the
Sultz, C D Stein, W C Peterson, M A . pubhe. It will not bo a sumcieuS ana
Miller, N S Dil&leieli, J M Settle, F C ' wer t0 this charge of wtokod inconsist-
W 2 HaoVjo H.'. " A P' 01 ' T thCw t
Plainiiew-M Snvder, VP Anderson, : the editor ol this paper or to throw mud
F M Kiier, Jesse K Parker, Paul Belts, ' as it baa frequently done before, because
W O Acdiews. the public nenerally knows that when
n i 1 1 . I .. 1' . I I . I 11 '
nOWiailU guile I ' 1 1 1 km vi uci,a, .11 j
The administration has qulta rightly
put a atop to reoruiling lot the B rs on
Americau soil. But tbe purchase of war
material over heie by the British gov
eni'uent (.oea right along.
Wbils beastlogof tua boom In the
steel trade, why omit all teferenee to
that in coffins. A single Pennsylvania
corporation has shipped 2,000 of these 10
the Pbilippiuea.
New List.
Hickory Nut.s
Home made Mince Ueat, .
Blank Figs,
White Figs,
Beet Pickles, '
Bulk Olives,
Silver Prunes,
Fresh Hominy,
8 wer Kraut,
A 0, E Ukownkll e.
Kiluraro Vnur How Wim B.oart.
Oamtv Oatharilc. enra .mttlnation forever.
Uki, Ufio. Ir O. O. C, tall. arnLinT irnoU money.
Will the Fourth Assistant Postrxutetsr
General kindly step forward and explain
why Obto has beeu given more rural free
detiveiy routes than any other state in
Hie country ?
Uanna will meet in Philidelphht, will
propose McKiu!e and Root, second them
oomiuate them and adjourn . The con
vention will than applaud.
l want every body to know (in our
midst) that I mn aiithoriied agent for
aV n tariff Is t"l Woolen MHU Co. worlds lar
gest tailors Chicago, ill. Bo people pleaeo
it me have your orders. Suits to meas
ure 6 00 and upwards, pants to meas
ure Ki.OO anil upwarii", v.. ..-.
'atere to measure ?o.w ami uuwarua.
It is about time these transport hot-: Also I am agent for the Dundee Rubber
r should cease. Whatever might Corporation, JW Jk?,'"
have been necessary In the stress of war, ' macklntnahee from $3.00 up-
there is no excuse for poUoniug our men ; .,,(. Ladles mackintoshes from 1
with decaved beef now a days. lutiwards. If any one wsnts to jee my
Very tlnneand Choice pauenm uuui
Tua last man to realise prosperity and just simply make is known by postal
the first to lose It lathe laboring man. j c""'" . , ,,IMr hundred
ettohearthemaiiufacturets talk, one n.Mi Btvlea lor you to select
would suppose tuat every rise iu wages jrom &ni guarantee sat isfaution or.yotir
,a . f.. oiir, .,,,1 ii ! mo,r ntill lie refunded to you. A word
Special Sale,
Call and get prices before buying else
Speciaitlen and Eye Glass from ioc up.
uoggies, luo,
J. A. Cummings.
the umleriunti( has becu dill v hd-
PMiitcil by the Count v Court of Linn
County, Oregon, adniinialiutiou nf the en
into of J C I'ovoll, ilweumd. All ptrions
having cluims aguinst suid ee'utu are
hereby notiHfd to present 11k m, duly ver
ilied by law required, lo the under
signni at ( Ibany, Orison, within six
monllis from ih date hereof.
Dated Hub ltlth day of OcUiber, 1898.
M. Senders & Co.
Hay and Oat Warehouses
Seventh and ttallroad Streets.
We are prepa-ed to take nr storagt
haled ha', wi I buy your o-.- in. an
qnanlty at top market pro .
Oute houglit In car lots at any ship
ping point.
M. SENUtRa & tu.
Insurai.ce, Hay, Grain and Wocl.D
to the wise iasumcient.
' Alvin J. Caiiotiikbs,
Lacomb W R Swank,
E L Plummer,
this great
I WOOD. For salcsonie big ftr, dry, oak
" I ,i wmwlh tir. Cull on J. fc.
Toe city did well last year. The bal- )ridgelonl or leave order at Fred Daw
t.nrT ! was ra sed bv i H" up son
the Dicmocrat again and
and we will come out all right.
Delivered in city.
J W Ha'sev, M A Fitzgerald, j A Oown- again charged the Oregonian with sup- i
porting a "robber tariff." while that pa- I
per supported this sell-tame tariff with a j
ssal and ability woitby a much better '
cause and declared in so doing that no
legislation could be more beneficial to I
the country at large . j
The ablest editorial articles in 'avor ol 1
Iree trade that ever appared in an Ore
eon newtDaner weie!published in the
Gates E N Cha'.field, T Hennee.
Hollev G B Sprawl, J D Irvine, A F
Hamilton, P McQueen, C O Bice, D W
King, J R Sprenger.
Larwood V P Ilaesler, Jas H easier.
Haleey L M Allen, S SLeeper, J S
Ramsey, W C Nicholson, A A Porter,
Clark Long, W H McMahan, Jas Mor
gan, G V Kump.
ebeiourn uugiesny, or litus.
."SJSZTS iJEr"' Orewuian in 1883. Then all of a sudden
E A Russell, F M Barr, John Orchard.
Almto J I Koberteon.
8cio W F Yoon, M M Perry, J A
Bilyen, L L Callovan, J D Griffin, Aliert
ttandall, U K Holt, u u trainee.
s"ne silent infinence unknown to the
1 public cused it to veer around and take
the strongest possible grounds in lavor of
what it now calls "an instrament of coloe-
Waterloo W Bishoc. Grant Bellimrer. sal robbery" Such is a brief ontline ol
Rowland W C Riggs. j the course of the Oregonian on tbe tariff
Price E M Bnrkbart, CP Glover, que3tion. it8 COUrte on man other
XriEbKeeme?.P- ,i-'-nS is similarly serpentine. It
Foster J W Pickens. (was the original anti-expansionist in
Oakville R A Bamford, W F Hamlin. ' Oregon, declaring when Dewey captmed
Ciawlordsville- John Chance, G B Maail, that the Unitjd States ihould
tay, joqd .ocueti,aB nauu, x, xw,
F Kobinett.
Kingston- J T Hillis, N M Malone.
Jefferson- H 11 l'ruax.
Tallman W W Crawford, Geo Mc
Knigbt.TL Dogger.
Rock Crtek Thoa Barnes.
Tangent M L Forester, G S Eleyins.
M ankers G M DeVaney.
Crabtree Henry Cyrus, Alex Sump
ter. Peoria Geo Clingman, G F Bayne, J
K Fislev.
Jorcan Geo Bender, Peter Bilyeu, W ' revereuce.
It uay, narmou nueiiuo, r i iuajer, i English
AMV. cat
The Future of
A child's life may be
blighted by the diseases of
youth, such as Rickets,
which b characterized by
weak bones or crooked
spine, and inability to stand
or walk steadily, or Maras
mus, that wasting disease
characterized by paleness
and emaciation, or scrofula,
a constitutional disease of
the glands and neck. cT
Scott's Emulsion
of pure Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo
phosphite of Lane and Soda wili
prevent and cure these diseases.
It supplies ut the material needed
to form strong bontt, rich red
blood and solid flesh. It will also
reach the infant through the moth
er's milk, and be of the greatest
benefit to both.
At all dntsTuts ; 5oc. and f i oo
SCOTT & BOW N E. Chcnunts, New York.
; not hold tbe Philippine Islands. Now it
, ia the great mogul of imperialism in tbe
j North West. Once it denounced demo.
crais unmercuuiiy ior opposing rou
ber tariff" "an instrument of eolossial
roobery' declaring they were working
for British interests, and declaring that
British Gold was behind the Democrats.
Now.'no Englishman is to poor and hum
ble that tbe Oregonian will not do him
With that paper everything
you know" ia righteous alto-
gather. Tiie DkMocbat regrets that the
Oregonian which is so model a paper in
many other respects shou'd be to sadly
hampered with thiaxig zsg rsroid.
Ibe imperialists are advocating recon
crnirations and executions In the Philip
pines. Clearly we were wrong to inter
fere with Spain's methods in Cuba
A sure indication of Albany's continu
ed growth is the growth of the receipts
ol the post office. Last quarter they
were the largest in the history of the
post office. Albany is all right.
It is peculiar fact, as suggested by
au exchange, that the men returning
fiom the Klondike leave rich claims be
hind, but reach home with empty
Fciii tie Fonre.
There comes a time to most women
when they must face tbe future of wife
hood and motherhood. What that future
has in store for them depends largely
upon themselves. To a healthy woman
ins ODiigauona
and consequences
of marriage are a
tasting napptnesB.
to a woman am
rering from irreg
ularity or other
ailments of she,
sex, marriage may
prove a mockery
and motherhood
a misery. Where
such irregularity
exists Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescrip
tion can be used
with the assurance
that health will
speedily be re
stored. It is the
most reliable med
icine known to
medical science
for the cure of
diseases which af
fect the delicate
womanly organs.
"Favorite Pre
scription" is a non-alcoholic medicine
and is also free from opium cocaine and
other narcotics.
A HORSE to let out until the first of May
for board and care. Call on B. A.
Landis, Albany, Ore.
FOR PALE. Some Al oat bay at
Su.50 loose on the larm ol W. 8. loole.
aiso some good potatoes
M If - .
f-jl l'v k
fit I "A i
ONLY S2.75
of liiclien stitiu.Ht body
nd Birk. strut ho will a Una
CO nulijeft In Pin til I tint loo.
YoiiCeu.txmlii ml try it on
jr. wi' niwrti-tentirfi or
floss anil tf ftimiil prrtrUf
Mlalarlnry, e-iiHly as rru
rrwnfcil amrl thn Wont
AtmdrrfMl tain uti
vri- M" or hrsritnf,
sinnt our iit'ffnl,
Md sipnm ebart-fo.
v it a r it f H
' tl tt!
Ill I
lor i
1,whi niitoK, THIS
WINTER. tiMttsi
from sit i tm asb
basy all wool'
ernular ltarils lira.
wrsiiaths tr iBckM loDaT, Ttrr (mi ). 'bnyvrr
rapo, extra full. Kpprrttpt aast larr' atorsji !, .. Ueantl
fuliy trtiniRftl wttli blaaa llalUt wtl hn rpiivr oap
trimmml with ttuwa rowt and rolltir wttfl twu"waof
asaaalr bralsli ("luth IrUtton iat-nainnta. Tbw mf t
IM later sastihtaartsml antl tual tt eat'wt tttal Ua
aor than doubln tli price- Wrlla rncfr'th t'alalatao,
, iftaaB, tfca4 A tj. at umaatal rrtHMw Maltatsj
TRY MORMON BISHOI"B PILLS for all diseases arising from
til u -.(,,,. amea or ciirarette smoking. In use
over 50 years. Brings back your Manhood, enrea depleted worn
out menf makes rich blood and tissue. Cures westings and all
Htops all
oises makes you lastitingly strong, cures impotenov, lost power.
'm! of memo v. bad dreams, shrunken onrans, despondency, sle,
,iato and constipation, aiids lustre to the eys. slope nervous
iVanoceeie ami w" i . ,. . . i, mniinir nr old.
, I ins ,"--- ,, .,,.. ., ..ak nrirana.
BWHUP'B t'li - J"". ' w- .. -1 h n the reach ol all
eirtocureTpr .. lam 'or Mm by mail. Send lor Ireo circular
leeutocure. Mr ri ,. P, . Uan fiVmuiaco.Oal.
Bloriur tfx.'A " .
For sale by Fos-
! hay & Mason, Albany.
J.Joseph. Proprietor,
Stockholders Meeting.
The stockholders of the Albany Cream
er Association will hold their annual meet
ing at One o'clock p. m., Thursday, Jan.
11th. 1900, for the purpose of electing five
directors and the transaction of any other
business which may be brought before tbe
This and That
Cures Im potency, Night Emissions and
wasting diseases, all effects of self-
i abuse, or excess and Indis
cretion. A nerve tonic and
1 blood builder. Brings the
. . 1 , . 1 1 1 - - A
I'li'ssr pinK glow w paie tun dim
Mjiyjf, restores the fire of youth.
y man otrc per nox; o ouxes
for 2.30; with a written euaran-
tee to cure or refund tbe money.
Clbtton Jackson Bttk, CHICAGO, ILL.
IcFre d Dawson
Bmiley's Clean Printing.
In novelties Will & SUrk lead.
Open till 12 o'clock p.m.atStetter's.
Sr. J. H. Erakine is now in the Foster
Block, 2nd story.
Oysters cooked any way you wish at
Leave roar orders for Fresh Oysters
at u tetter's.
Oysters opened esh every day at the
Leading Restaurant.
French tbe Jeweler makes a specialty
of engagement and wedding rings.
Fresh Bodaville soda-water a healthful
summer drink, at Burkhart & Lee's.
For sale, good carpeting, 33 cents per
yard, by T. 8. Alexander, east end otstn
A large and fine stock of cigars and to
bacco at Conn & Huston's. Bee the die
olv. . -it
When yon want a choiee steak a nice
roast or meat of any -kind. call on Henry
3roders. lie seen toe beat.
The best meats of all kinds and good
treatment at tbe Albany Dressed Beef
Company's market, lust djwn Second
treat., ttnod weight and prompt attend
ion .
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Tale Laxattvb) Br oho Quikihk Tb-
un, All oreggists refunl the money if
it fails to cure. E. W. Quote's signature
ia on each box. 25c.
The Modern Mother
Has fousd that br little oses are im
proved more by the pleasant Syrup of Fig
when in need of tbe laxative effect nf a
gentle remedy, than by any other. Child s
ten enjoy it and it benefits (hem. Tbe
true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is manufact
ured by tbe California Fi SyrnpCo. on I y
. At an early Miee of married Hfc,- writes Mm.
Flora Am. or Dallas, Jackson Co.. Mo., "I waa
greatly bothered with jwinful period., aUo a
troublcMraie drain which rendered me nry wtalc
mvaa nam lor worjc Ol any Kino.
mM ami trrit
me a bottle of 'Favorite Preacription.1 After
S. FnoMAN.
I. Sfelby,
thin there waa nothing leic of me but akin and
My nusband became alarmed and
The Real Test
r the wonderful eflecta of that one he cot
me two mor. and f!-r I naed Ihoie an there ()l mod flour is shown by Hie ilemanu lor
77.Z2?: ".Xf'Jr. it-Vnd there is a demand lor
very rapidly. I owe all prauc to Dr. Fierce and
u mmucniu curative meoKtaea.
Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser sent free
on receipt of stamps to pay cost of mail
ing only. Send at one-cent stamps for
book in paper covers, or 3t stamps in
cloth to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Letter List.
Following is th list of letters remaining
in tbe Postofh'ce at Albany, Linn county
Oregon, J an
for these letters must give
advertised :
Albany Dye Works Butler, Cbss A
Benton, L Boles, Miss Linda
Brsddon, N G Brattoo, Mr Grant
Carter, Mrs John Carter, Mr William
Cochran, Oreo Dodge, Ben
Hadley, A K Mcradden, J A
Nitsel, Ed Shilds, U H
Wblte, Li l r atterson, leace
On n is Commercial & Collection Agency
8. S.Tbaih. V M.
Magnolia Flour
For twice the capacity ol the mil', at
pricesconsiderably aboveordinary valley
flours. It ia always made Irom
The Best
In Albany by the
Long Photo Co..
In Froman Brick.
The leading gallery of AlDany.
The only-up-tcKlate tirst class
studio in town.
All work to nleaso.
10, 1900, Persons calling SJq Old W I16ELX
must give the date on which J '
Every Sack Guaranteed
NOTICE is hereby given to all arsons
interested that tie undersigned has been
duly appointed administratrix of tbe
I&ofiEB. PeKg- late of Linn Coun
,o Oreeon, deceased, by the "UBJ
.motiTnd Quired to
How's This ?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh
cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props.,
Toledo, O
We. tbe undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney lor tbe last 16 years, and be
lieve turn perlectly honorable in all bus
iness transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by tbeir
Wxst & Thcax, Wholesale Drngsists.
Toledo, O.
sale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's catarru uure is taken intern
ally, acting directly upon tbe blood and
muc7us surtacea oi tne system
For Bargains
In Farm Lands, Timber Lands and
City Property, call on or write
Albany, Oregon
In the C.'iin y Curt nf the suite or uro-
goii for Uumtiru comity.
In the uiatier of Hie rsUtef AiiiInw J
Itioliards, d,ceas.d.
To F M Hictiaadann, A MOrnan nwuar'i-
on, William u Kicnaruson, im
toriutrly hulh Kiclianison) r-ua tray
r,,...,.i mu tic inn son) O lve .ngiin
(fcriuerl Olive K chnrdson) Oeo H Kich
ardson, Klv.i Daniels (toruierl Elv
H'chardfon) Hjron Daniels und Norman
Duii'c l, minor heirs of Amy Daniels, now
deceated, and to all olimrs Interested in
said estate, Greeting:
1 Oregon, you are htrehy oited and re
quired to appear in the County Court of
the suite of Oregon, for the county of Uin
iitilin. at the cturt room thereof, in I on
dleton, on Momlny, the 12th day of rec
ruarv. A. I)., 1900, at ten o clock in the
forenoon of mid duy, and then ani' thore
ro s o cnu.e, if any of ou or eitlim of
you have, why an order of suit shou'd not
00 made ns is prayed for In the oetition of
hVb'cca E tlullaglier, the administratrix
wlih the will unnmxidof theestatoof
Andrew J Hutiiriison, deceased, and now
on file with the clerk ot t!ie above, entitled
..,,i i,.roin nt the Inllowing t'eionlitd
real entnte lielcnging to the said estate, t -
" lieuinninK at the Northwest corner of
ihe II L 0, of 1-wbella Clnypool, and the
heirs at law of Kuben Clnspool, ler.eil,
the tame being Not. No. 21115, tin. Claini
No. 48, in Towmhlp 111, Houth ot UumoH
West of Ihe Willamette Meriilinn.Oregoni
and running thence Soutti 20 ueffses.
West (M0 chains, thence South 7UA! de
irees East 62.10 chains, llience Pouth 29
degrees, 45 minutes, West i.ou cna ns to
the South boundary line of said claim,
thence South 71 denrees, East 17 .SO clinlns
lo an Interior corner on tne eoutnern
boundary lino ol euld cieim tuence Houth
10 ojKrees West SO 60 chains, thence
South 64 degree" 30 minutes east B0. 18
ckuin. in the Hf.nilieast corner of Mid
claim, thence North 1 degr es 30 minutes
east on the Eastern boundary line of said
claim 4i. 10 chains more or less, to the
center of a coiuty roail, ttience in a
NorlhwMlerlv direction along the center
of said county road 40 ,7fl chains, more or
in thn Nnrilie-n houndarv line nf said
claim, thence North 76 degrees, West W 87
oliuina (n 'll,u nf U'L I II IlilJ 8. COn-
Ulninir 4HL50 acres, more or Isss, in Linn
county, Oregon .
Exceptug from the uliove described
premises so much thereof as is inclu.leu
in Ihe graveyard on said premises.
Witness. Itho Hon. I. E.
II 'an, Judge of the County
Court of Ihe HUlla of Oregon;
L. 8.) for tbe County rl Umatilla,
with the Seal of said Court
affixed, this 2Hth day of Dec
ember. A. 1)., 18911.
It S. Bunuoutin,
tC.'r" "" i -int the same to me at the taw
Utmir HUUUli U !., ii rj'i U All
n , a. wiijswu au
proper Touchers
the dale hereof .
ST'KtaAtaf Oregon with the
proper vouchers withtosix months irom
ci tt Von a a Adm.uUtrS-
DAHAU a. s.w, - , ,
tiiiof O.E Peggs,decead.
IJated this 12th day of January, 1WH.
0c. per bottle. Sold by a1! Oruggisis
estimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the bett.
Notiee is beby given test funds are
on hand to pay 7 warrants 1 to
87 Inciu.ive oi iue muo ,ou.
est on said warrants win ceaae wuu iue
Price ' date of this notice.
K. A. Pabker, City Treasurer.'
H. F. rierrill
t ollectlons promplly attended to, cor
respondence solicited. Office in Dsho
bat building.
Stanley Stewart,
OffioH, Bank of Oregon tiuildinff.
Only tet ot Abstracts of Linn Coanty.
Compete set maps and plate.
with too wbitliair vna eoaUoo bs)
torf U artsaolietxi,
"atfV I If aV
IB Biov-aon .i m jtM";t9
r i -m law
la b aa-lt I
14, O0.0Ut
i cured. Ituj
HAD from
III vniioh for nr Tskli It With
, pU ntlr. pwralateritl j- ln
ira.ntsjritocHr(, or werffuod ntonar,
aasjiasy., siasiisTmsMs mm mm
and order of sale isu d nut ol the
Circuit Court of the state ol Oregon for
the county of Linn, to me directed, de'iv
ered and dated on the 14th of December,
IHtHUn a certain suit in said court where
in T. T Oeer, liovernor. t I. Dunbar,
Secretary of Htate, and Charles 8. Moore
Treasurer of the Htate of Oregon, consti
tution tne brru of commissioners for the
sail ol school and University lands and
for the investment of the lunda arising
tberetrom were plaintiffs and Lavina
Cliegman, Frank Clingman and Oscar
Dehaven were defendants In which suid
suit tbe said plaintiffs recovered a judg
ment on the lUtb day of November, 181)9,
against (be said delendunt tavin Cling
man for tbe sum of SlhHij.M together with
tbe further sum of $166.00 attorneys fees,
and costs and disoursements taxed at
'-'3.00 with interest thereon at the rate of
H per cent far annum from dateol said
judgment, sad, wherein the said defend
ant Oscar Dehaven recovered a judgment
on said date against the said defendant
Lavina Clingham for the sura of 11047 10
lomther with the sum of 170.00 attornvse
fees, aud interest thereon at Ihe rntn of 8
per cent per p-onum from date of suid judg
ment, ordering and decreeing that Ihe
real property drscrilied in plaintiffs mort
gage and complaint to wit : lleing a por
tion ol lion ttion laud Claim No. 62 and
being parts ol the claim ol Jesse Davis,
commencing at the Northeast corner cf
said land claim, thence running South 40
chains; thence West 45 3tt chains; thence
North 40 chains; thence East 4r 14 chains
tn nlartenf I'eninninir. all in Township 1:1
South Range 4 West of the Willamette
Meridian in Linn County, Oregon, and
containing 180 96 acres, be sold to mi,fy
said judgments ana costs ana nourn is
herahv uiven that I will on Baturdai
2111 h dav of Januarv. 1U00, at tbe hour nf
One o'clock p. m, of said da at tbe fr.',it
door of tbe court bouse in the citv of All -anv.
l inn Countv. Oreeon. sell at Pnhl...
auction lo tbe highest bidder for cask jD
band subject to redemption accorde
law, tbe above descnuea rem prop
sat isfy said judgments and all coats
Sated this 18th day of December,.
1. A. Munkbbh
Sheriff ot Linn county, Ortiron.
LIVERY STABLE for sale at a bargain
or will trade for sheep or other stock
or land. Inquire at tbe Dkmocbat of
fice. Your Liver
Will be roused to Its natiim. duties
and your blUoiisnejM, hcarinrtie (U'd
constipation bo cured tf yea Uie
Hood' PZft's
Bold by all (lrmrnlii i r cents.