The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 12, 1900, Image 5

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College Notes.
The following new students entered
" ' WBBI" Clarence Cameron
Richard May berry, Mr Brandeburv. Al.
MnyjH H Snow, F8lnrlowf Olavton
Speer Warn. Springs j Miai Bslchee,
Morn; Misses Munkers.Scic ;V McKeeh
nle, Crabtree; W F Coulter and Mr hunk.
Prof. I E Richardson, who lately
medirom the East, has been added to
the faculty Besides assisting Inthe
vum,.....u., iinparimnt lie w teaoli
Uhe chapel wallsare now adorned with
rtnnP!!nr8'ie 0( flve '"" Polenta
Warren, rinmpaon .! Lee. President
11"h"'1,t Bne"'"'tt0 secure por
traite ot all tie pre.idt.nt.. 1
MiaaHInn l.aa been obliged to itop
toao. ingon account of her eyes The
aha i can no longer be with lie? A new
" M ,00n ""
The gymnast
organised tide terrr. They are doing
Endeavor Convention.
At a meeting of the 1(K)0 Convention
committee held Inat Monday evening to
prepare for the State Christian Endeav
or Convention to be hold in Albany next
may, ine lollowing chairmen of sub-
uuiiiniiuci-s were appointed :
Jlecoration Velle 11. Irving.
Kntortainniont Ada Morris.
Music Prof. J. A. Wirt?..
V inance General enmmittuo.
Kecoption Janice Thompson.
Press Geo. T. Prntt.
I'riuting J. G. Swan.
Pulpit supplyRev. 0. Ii. Stevenson
miKinruuon Myrtle Worley.
Ushor Lvle S nenr.
Those Bub coniniitccs will bo filled up
at a later date, but the announcement of
the appointment of the chairmen is made
now n order that the work may be thor.
uugmy organised as Boon us possible, it
IB the desire of the 1900 committee to
umu uia coming convention tho licet
I'vur iiu u in mo stute and to that end
they invite the co-operation of every cit-
.' V """"'y- uri'mr announcements
n.ii uo uinuu later.
Death of Mrs. Judge Powell.
Mrs. Kate, wife of the late Judge J, C.
Powell died at 8 o'clock this morning
alter an illness of noarly twenty-five
years, during which she had been a auf.
forer from hemorrhages of the lungs.
She was a pioneer resident of this
county, a womuu of splendid intellect
ami oi many unristian graces.
She leaves two children Mm. F.l
Itlumbergand Mr. Jas. F, Powell, who
wuii many outers mourn tne lose ol an
excellent citizen.
The funeral service will lie held at the
reaidonce tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock.
From the Criterion ;
Frank Winkler, who recently
will aid the
cook as
no other
agent will
to make
The dainty cake,
The white and flaky tea biscuit,
The sweet and tender hot griddle cake,
The light and delicate crust,
The finely flavored waffle and muffin,
The crisp and delicious doughnut,
The white, sweet, nutritious bread and roll,
Delightful to the taste and always wholesome.
Royal Baking Powder is made
i absolutely free
from lime, alum and ammonia.
There arc many imitation baking powders,
made from alum, mostly sold cheap. Avoid
them, as they make Uie food unwholesome.
Bala 01 land ol Christian Bleiah for
taxes, orauereu cancelled.
Warrant in favor of I, F. Hyde for $10
uruervu vauutmey.
The conrt will probably be two weeks
arranging the new voting districts, ap
pointing supervisors to i-ervu um i the
June election and preparing the jury list
for the year beBide other businuss.
Bills allowed :
Lincoln Overton, road sup $ 45 00
L L Buckner, road sup ', 00
M L Foster, road sup 93 00
W E Chandler, roads and bridges' 14 67
Aid E 0 Bron g qo
Albany Fire Co. C H si n
Electric Light I n ' 1335
ho Wallace, sup 26 6o
P P Crabtree, sup. . . . 28 88
R B Mineague. roaJa and bribes! 3 00
WmNesly, CF 41 00
weicn Droe, j 11 75 25
nooKins oros.. 1 11 wt nn
A r. . WJV W
1 11 narton, v 11 1 25
W B Haynee, u H . . . . . . . 3 00
benders Sternberg, roads. . .. . 6 10
Recorder's nffi..
Deeds :
F"KT,ci,.et,lt0 E Hender
r. '"'' acres 1 m
P.Da,vl" ' Jtherine Oraiford
'ot 7 and 8, bl 10, Albany . 1
E E Davis to M He 32o'acre8, 14
WMn' J" i'eFh'eV''1 My
Uin'Hgdbt''a,m ViU"- andc-
A Printer's Forgery.
A traveling printer, who had been
wonting tor r. j . Smiley two or three
weeks, flniefied his work Wednesday
evening and was paid off. Yesterday he
disposed ol hie money easily. Last night
about IU o ciock be bad F. L. Reis cash
a check on P. J. Bmiley for $12. He was
seen this morning and then disappeared.
mr. jvoi iJiooBiiiea t-ie cneck at the
First National Bank for navment. an,!
was surprised to Jearn that it wax
forgery. Ht is beavv ant m,ih .
large muslachc. and wean. la.o. u
age is about fifty. I be man gave his
name as xnompson. He was a bright
man and claimed that he was at. . 1 ,m
assessor of Sr. Paul. Minn, and nnii
Lateb : Thorn
Jefferson this ahernoon. nrf hsl i fn.
Sheriff Mnnkers, who went after him.
He will be brought to Albany and ex
amined before justice Freerksen.
6 00
3 90
8 00
23 30
3 00
2 60
17 50
41 65
" H titewartand wife...
Magnolia Mill, poor farm. .
Fred Dawson. " " ..
F'oshav 4 Mason " " ..
ODilley, " " ..
Geo Hollich. " " . .
Ohling&Hulburt" " ..
II Ohhng, " '
A G Shei)herd. " "
P Cohen 12 00
F E Allen & Co. noor farm 1 7 2(1
Indigentaoldiers 12 70
ted JJawaan 6 60
M Riley 4 40
W Morgan 8 (IK
C J liummell 8 25
Bach A tin 1,1 in r..i
ilia imui iui auiim miiu iiour rurHHC I l.iifav Qa OT
tirove.will movo to that place next 1 Lee HiiL'hea". ". (inn
E Q Cox 1 50
Bills allowed: T
J C Bilyeu, deputy sheriff 22 00
county ofkickuh. Brownsville Times inn
Judge Barton $100 00 J C Davis, sheep inspector 25 00
Oountv Clerk Crabtree lflfl Dt)E:0 Hester, sect sheriff 2 00
Sheriff Munkers 166 OOmiley, the printer 13 35
Recorder Neal 150 00 John Kruse. C H 7n0
H A Stafford 17B no G D Montague, acct clerk 40 OO
nooeriutendent Mciinnm
Treasurer Jack
1'epntv Olerk Montairiia fin no
Deputy Sheriff Lewelling 60 00
Aid I Coleman and wife 4 00
K.oker minors 4 00
Jas Lareu 4 00
60 00 1 Fred Dawson, stationary 2 90
83 S3 Frank Crabtree 2 00
Uol. C. Jl. Montague returned to this
place yesterday mormntt, after an ab
sence of suvorul weeks, spent at Albany
and Vancouver.
Mrs. F. M. Miller writes from south
ern California that they are comfortably
located, and that both she and Mies
Kathryn are enjoying improved hoiilth.
Danker Carty has secured a promise
from Ex-Gov. "Bob" Taylor, of Tennes
see, to doliver one of his popular lectures
hore when he nrakea ins tour of the
West next spring. "Bob" Taylor, as he
ia familiarly culled, ia one of the, if not
the greatest, of platform speakers
Mrs. Wm Odell, while asiijting in
trimming the Christmas tree for the M.
E. church, South, was severely poison
ed with "poison oat," and has been
iUitesick for the past week as a result.
W. T. linker wonT to" Salem Wednes
day for medical treatment.
I'oug. Hamilton was in the city yes
terday prepared to take the second de
gree in the Else, but the boya were not
reuoy lor turn
A number of the Ladv Maccabse
menus 01 Mrs. Moon rave her an iin
promptu surpiise last evening at her new
dome, ice cream and cake was served
and a pleasant social time was enjoyed
Mr. Frank Hodgkin, apeolul agent for
the German American Ins. Co., has been
in tuo city tdiiay on Dualnees lor his
company. Mr. Hodgkin for a good
many years lieiu a seat In the capitol a
The Tlalnviuw football team dofeated
ahead laot Saturday
The death ol Hon. Robert Clow, of
junction is momentarily expected.
Salam wants a h'gh school. By all
menus. Albany ma had a good one for
several years.
No pissougora can the aimed on
frelgli. tiain now except those having
miloarfo tickets, an order in the interest
of tin drummers.
The Telegram has inaugurated a con
test to determine which is the most dod
ular lodge in Oregon and Washington,
thnt If the individual lodge. Of courxe
tne meiubor ol every lodge will vote for
Ins own lodge.
Brace up fur a prosperous business year
iu niuny. xempus iugit aiacritouBly
eganlleis of what century we are in, a
act mat roaiiy is 01 little or no lmpnrt
ajce, and we must tak advantage of
vorv iiiiug inai comes along.
The Dkmocrat has roceivod a state
ment from F. B. French and N. Lundo,
ti.e two mon wMo assisted in nursing B.
I.. Perkins at Mra. Moons, in which
they say that they not oulv helped place
the bwiyof Mr. Perkins In the cotliu,
but also to bury him by authority of
the then marshal, Mr. Lee.
I' W Spinks
Geo Sellers, sup . .
A C Millet, eup...
I D Isoni.sun
J M Kice, eup. .
16 61
28 00
48 00
24 00
29 00
Evans and Hume, 1 50
J M Waters, sup 52 00
TJ Munkera. " 54 00
T C Isom, " 24 00
J G WeiBnor, " 52 00
J It Moist 7 50
H O Hnrdman 8 21
T M Hoit, sup 42 00
K Groshong, " 29 00
H 0 DaviB " 28 00
D D Hacklaman, sup 60 00
iv n noroertson, sup 28 20
B F Simons 2 00
R Uutchins, sup 30 00
imvis s uailavan 4 50
Davis A Miller 2 00
J D Griffin, sup 60 00
H F'roerksen, aup 48 00
H P Conser, aup 56 00
F C Aldrich, aup 63 00
G V Standiab, sup 17 80
f) F Kob'nett, sup 30 00
J II Reblin,8up 40 00
8 M Brain well, aup 28 00
TH Moranda, sup 41 00
J Q Swink, sup 29 00
J T Splawn, sup 6 00
F M Smith, sup 32 00
Frank Tritos, sup 66 00
A A Waddle, sup 66 00
Geo McKnight, Bup 64 00
J CheBhir, sup 2100
E B Smith, sup 46 90
Chaa Richardson, sup 18 00
Banner Mill Co 4 80
H Katnder 13 68
P H Russell, sup 46 75
M A . Fitisgurald, sup 46 92
J W Halsey, sup 68 00
J W Archa, t, sun S8 60
Geo Burkhait 2 15
E Dow, sup 41 10
A M Keevt s 15 75
C H Bogart, sup 40 00
Under a sensational picture of a worn'
an falling directly in front of an ap-
pioaching train the San Francisco Ex
aminer has tbe following about two
former Albany people :
Oakiand, Decern Der 31. The splin-
uirea, neglected condition of the nil. nf
i.he Southern Pacific tracks at the Ai
med mole almost cost the life of Mrs. j.
A. Gross last evening.
After stepping from the 5 :30Lna Gains
train at tbe mole, Mrs. Gross, who is
sixty-eight years of age, started across
the net-work of tracks to board the
local train lor Oakland. She was accom.
pained by ber busband.J. A. Gross, pro-
uiiBuirui His iHjpni nniei at Asliland.
Oregon. When nearina- the ticket ytn
Mrs. uross felt a sharp pain in her left
iu 1 ai me same instant he m
thrown to the grown between the tracks.
A splinter of steel, projecting from one of
the snlit rails, hud .ntm-H l,cr
snoe and tripped her.
mr. urroiB. WHO is seventv-five voura
of age, attempted to assist his wife to her
eet, out tailed to do so. He redoubled
tis efforts as he heard the rumble of the
incoming tram, then but a few hundred
yards away, and on the track on which
Mra. Gross was lying. He called loudly
for assiBtance.and several men who were
near the Oakland tracks, seeing the dan
ger of the woman and realizing that her
life would b crushed out if assistance
was not immediately rendered her,
ruBhed through the gates, despite the ob
jections of the ticket collctor, and
dragged the suffering woman off the
track. When Mrs. Gross was rescued,
the train was 100 feet from where she
bad been lying.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Gross were
almost prostrated through nervous
ness, but assistance by kindly disposed
passengers they were placed on the train
and then taken to the Albany hotel. Dr.
Mausy was summoned, and upon exam
ination found that Mrs. Gross bad sua-,
tained severe lacerations of the scalp, a '
badly spraineu and bruised ankle, con
tusions of the bins and knees, hrnioaa
about tbe breast and abdomen and prob
ably internal ininriaa I
ably internal injuries,
flir. tjross, in speaking of tbe affair to
day, said :
".Since the accident mi wife has been
confined to her bed. She euffe's severely
ana is auie 10 eat very little. The rurht
arm is so badly strained she is not able to X blame the sulinterea condition
of the rails for the accident. None of
the railroad people haveclled to learn
the extent of my wife's injuries-"
More Century Questions.
By Whom Performed.
The one hundred-sixty weddings in
Linn county during 1899 were perform
ed b-7 sixty-seven different ministers
and justicjs, an average j! about 2J-3.
Following is as ebown by the record :
bov. wire 8, Rev. Reed and Jus'ice
Freerksen each 7, Rev. Stevenson, Jus-
uceoueiron, Kev. renton, Kev. Arnold
and Jnuge Barton 6. Ray. Rn.rt0ont r
Rev. C. O. Sperry, Rev. LongbottomI
iD. iju.iM ana aartaaan 4, Revs,
Smith, Horner, Elmore. Streyffeller,
Bagley, Metayer, Cane. Hornscbuck, F.
W. Parker and Justice Lovelee S, Res.
Lane, John Sperry,Jss. Thompson, Lee,
Allen, Moore, Robe, Osborn, Anderson
and Holmes snd Justices Riggs, Isham
and Nutting 2, Revs. Belknap, Rufua
Thompson, Moueer, EilBworthy, Hum
bert, Wood, Beck, Phillips, Thomas,
Kay Palmer. Conelmrf. rsiimnx p..
ker, Pnrcel:, Williams, weddle, Gould,
Roth, Dollarhide, Jonee, Hendereon,
Rose. Calder. Shanele. l.aiir V. wi.ti.
and Justice Bailey 1.
Ceremonies mrformeJ nn lir-n..
Msoed from counties are ntrt
LswjerO. E. Hawkins, of To'edo, is
in the city on business.
Clyde Hill is in the city on a vieit
guest of his father Dr. Hill. '
Miss Ella Chambarlai
ed lady dean ol the O. A. O.
Dr.T. B. Ford wll. oreach at 7-sn hi.
evening at the M. E. church. All are
invited. 1
AV. A. ICOSR. NiA.van.Q i.1
, . .- . ' .-.iKiir,, 1 0 LU
ucaiu seriea 01 meetinva at .TcfTa.nn
next Sunday.
There will be a meeting nf tho pii,.
8 o'clock tonight at their hall. Business
of importance.
Miss Crane arrived from TiBimi lot
night to attend the fu r Bun.
Mrs. Judge Powell.
George Geieendorfer return. l.t
night from a trip to The Dalles, where
hie brother Dr. Geiaendorfer, enjoya one
of the best practices there.
A dispatch was received last PVPnino
aiiuouneiijfi: the death in Kopti
gon of Mrs. Peckenlmnirh a fr,r...u,
dent of Albany, daughter ol Jas. Shahan,
now of Mill City.
It. ia nnn.ii,.l
ltu ram several prominent
t. , ? 7V al?P'y for Positions in
v...Cmui uompany.
Tl) lnl,-... IT .
UJ, narper s weekly is
3 the. S06- 11 believes in the
riBl.f. Y.i u'nB"sn "Wrdless of the
0 8i rLi' ,eJ?0er8- U ia considerable
01 a tory sheet yet.
An Albany man has figured out eight
"r D,gns mat we are to have an open
winter in the Willamette valley, but it
has been demonstrated again and again
that all signs fail here. 8
Of all things don't waste your sub-
7uu: namonng. uf all atrange things
the strangest is that a buUnesa man
T evB'Ttning to loose should
. 1 6 ,n the business and have roth-
ttu IIMBH. JMHr ia an n II A
ouctZees!'Wear0fffr0mthe infam-
We have often heard of up-to-date
newspapers, but for being up-to-date the
moany l-kmocsat is aurely an easy prize
ing the Democrat in the 20th century
wnilo most other nn.n n.l 1..
year of the 19th century before them.
Lebanon Cr tenon '
A man back in Connecticut is building
an ark on a high hill in view of an ap-
H'ui;uiiig noou that ia to
world. Foolish man.
drown the
Jasper Minto is a candidate for night
watch of Salem. The Mintos are bom
i?iLV,mJ!'' "nd U iB f rare dy "
s not after some police office, which by
tbe way ihey generally nil well.
Bullar baa retreated aSain. When the
English admit it that means a good deal.
A. little one horse victory recently was
heralded into something big in order to
; r nmung jiiignen spiri
s very doubtful ii it was not a Boe
.UI jr.
int. it
oer vie
Cheerful Liars." no Dersonal ref.
erance, aie in the city and will appear at
the armory tonight in one of their most
muguauie programs. Fun from start 10
Astoria is a live city. The receipts of
the police court during 1899 were $6,
188.60. Few other cities of the size in
the United States
v ' 1 ouvjU s ICv
ord. It sounds fishv. ht ia o...!.j
in the fact that fishermen have the
money to linuidata with anH ...n
eaBily caught when on a spree.
Hon Peter Fordeny.of Wallowa county,
has a scheme for starting an elk ranch
nu raising these annnals tor the
juri-i. 101s orght to give Mr. Mc
Bride an opportunity to secure a inh nn
Mtin. nnt aI.Iia .f it r.
vtuw ui u. a. senator.
ueruiug eia ia nearer his a ze.
Under the bead "Great Precinitatmn
of Rain" the Katement is made that at
renctieton last year the total fall 1
10 QO lnkAn mt;.
-. ".un, iuis more correctly is a
great lack of precipitation, tbe fall being
so email as to create a continual fear of
auruugui, ana every year there Is a
pretty close call. In this 19.92 inches it
is probable the snow melted is not in
cluded . Albany's 46 inches is the gold
en mean between Astoria's 101 inohes
uu reuuieion e zu inches.
ESZZSS -tsbaUre 3
Gettfng Mad.
with the o
which is to D.diinSWTn"r.CMl
rab:y aggravafwl i ."era lla!! consid-
APnn.ville Tragedy.
curred r h. .mSi, t Triopi
Indians. tbt u. " " "fr. ?'. 1 1
death rf "rreuiied in
two irnnion if- - """ ana
In the Senate.
figure out a majority in th . ,pt
amendment similar to tnat offered bv
Chandler yesterday, thir. l,el.
three votes lacking te1 oe
To Htlpthe Boers.
denendin 7h " " UI Jone
,:,i , 0 114 "ciceniiBted.
will lon
, Su,riuiuent now
here, arrives.
of tha
on his
A Drirm Escap;.
in our town dariog
B F Simmons, sup. 50 00
H KCamnbell.OU 5 12
Water Co.. C H fiO no
E L Lemons, C H 100 00
fosliay a Mason, C H 2 70
John Catlin, C H 2160
Ben Koisell, u H 3 7.1
S E Young & Son 60 00
CO Hoguo, Morris case 8 00
k, Li uuaick, 2 21)
Fred Dawson, stationary 20 SA
Glass & Purdhomme, stationaiy, 98 84
roshay . Mason 72 96
Hacry Gee, redemption
It U Utiamtierlin, C 11 ,
A Jack, CH
8 S Train, postage
D C Smith, V ti
T A Riggs, surveyor..
KxprcHB-Ad vance
Chaa Burggraff , U f 1 . .
land. .
9 60
700 00
4 90
75 03
83 0
1 6
3 5
Question : What was the last day of
the first year?
Answer : December 31st of the year 1.
Q : What was the last day of the first
A: December 31st of the year 10.
Q : What was the lust day of the first
century r
A : December Slat of the year 100.
U: What was (orwi'lbe) the last
day of the nineteenth century?
A : December slst ol the year 1900.
I respectfully submit the self-evident
proposition that each one of the above
answers must be correct or else each one
must be incorrect. If Oec Slst of the
year 1900 ia not the last day of the nine-
teentn century, then jUec. 31st ot the
year 100 could not have been the last
day of the tint century, and Dec. Slst of
the year 10 could not have been the last
day of the first decade, and Dec, 31st of
the year 1 could not have Deen the last
day of the Brat year. Respectfully,
Au athletic club ia hein?
Dr. Winnardand twenty or thirty other
young men. Rooms will probably be
mieu up in tne Baltimore block with
suitable apparatus for common work.
A pleasant surprise party was tender
ed Mr. ana Mrs. W. H. Parker last even
ing. There were games, dancing and
sociability. It is not true that there
was nothing but pii for lunch. A live
crowd was present.
The Modern Travele-s will meet to
morrow afternoon at lbs regular hour at
the home of Miss Marguerite Hopkins,
with Mrs. Thomas Hopkins. All mem
bers are requested to be prtseot.
Thomas J. Wh'te. a resident of Marion
county since tbe eaily '60's. died at
Vhiteaker last night. He was about 80
years old. Deceased was an honorary
memberofSantiam lodge, No. 25, A F
a. m., auu win ds uuritu oy that or
t oate lit
Call in and see our
Airtight Heaters.
Ouurfa A UlILBl'KT.
Salem Statesman : Circuit Judge and
Mrs. George H. Burnett leave tonight
for Los Angles, California, for a month's
visit. They will be joined at Eugene bv
lr. and Mrs. P. A. Paine, and together
will 611 iov rest and rrratmn in tl.o
land of perpetual sunshine and flowers.
The New Woman's Social at tha Pm,
gregational chur.-h tonight given by the
Gentlemen's Industrial Society. This is
to represent woman's final vu tory over
man, and his complete subjugation.
Musical program consistlmr of aniiviinna
, irom Susa's and Siimore'a band. Acl-
I aresara, recitation, e c. Admission 10
cents, l.nnch to be served after the!
program. Everybody invited! Comei
j out and see what the men can do
Silence reigntd
Kind friends come to our aid during
the week and we will not starve for eime
time. Many thanks I
Mr. Will Morgan and bride spoke to a
as they passed ihrough visiting thei
many IriendB.
Mr. Frank Patton, of Minneapolis,
luiuu., its visiting witn mr. and Mrs. R,
A. Bamiord.
Miss Ethel Barton, of Albany, is visit
ing friends here.
Mi. ti. M. Stone has a new bouse
ready for ins drier, which he will put up
uuMug me summer, 11 mere is a prospect
01 a prune rop.
Mr. C. 8. binitb, of Tacoma, made a
few days visit witn bis aged parents. Tbe
ageu coupie ate getting very Iran. Mr.
Smith is almost 88 years old. be cast his
first vote for Andrew Jackson.
Mr. John Allen, of Missouri, is visit
ing friends here.
We heard a man sar that "times are
good now I never saw work plentier and
everything demands a good price.-' We
asked if 40 cents was a good price for
wheat. "No, wheat is the only thing that
ia low. Port and beef and sheep are all
high." We then asked if be was nro-
ducing those articles which demanded a
uiga price, his reply was "No 1 raise
wheat and work out by days work."
And times are lota better when the only
thing a man has to sell must be pro.
duced for less than 25 cents a day. Well
it don't look like times were any better
for the fa-iuer.
Little Rosk Bid. i
Hoofd Laager, Ladysmitb Jan 9
Six horsemen made a dJh lL r
, . . umujcBUJ,
Oh, Ye-.
O.EVELAXI1 Tnn 1 o
declared today that. aTtni," Zd
been ureed tn aianH f- u8 naa
Ti. . " would not do so
There are other men," he said h
are more ambitious than I aad L 1
tie that honor more than -f " whr L T
give way to them." ' wl"
Against the Boa. Railway.
Washington. .Tan s tu. .
atThei'80" asdDsl toaT railway
the dispauhes two weeks 7T "Kl
The senators dn nnt . J , . .
to see GiffeFor Turh'oLr
py prominent Dlacea in tho
turbed. """B' U1-
Kimberley, Dec. 26.-The Boera last
Z r'DCe1 """derable interest "a
the Premier mine, using their seamh.
iiguiB. inis morning they actiyol
rite n f.rtM The o.vlayrtiHe
plied. Our shells were well placed and
dropped amid the enemy's guns.
Big Loss of Life
St. Petersburg, Jan.3. The latest re
ports from Achalkaled, in the govern
mentof Til s. slimy ti,,f nn i Tr
lost during the earthquakes which visit
ed Uat district Monday. 1
The BoerWnr.
London. Jan. 4 Tho !.:.,... t,
learns from an authoritative source that
Colonel Pitcher's occnnaiinn f
is regarded as merely the first steJ5 of
General Methuen's carefully matured
plsns to outflank the Boers.
The report of the Boer attack upon
Moltenoisnot vet n.mi .irr"
ently General French holds' nnthin.
m. llve,ni'le8 of. Colesburg Junction.
His request for reinforcen,nta 1
any present hoDe that he will u .hi.
seize onv of the crossings oi the Orange
vcr, '
Hrisk Fieht.
NaAITWPOORT. Cane f!nlnni. To i
There was brisk fighting today in the
bills around Colesburg. The Boers stub
bornly resisted the British at every point
butgradually retreated. The British
lieu uid extreme position to the south
and east, overlooking the town. Hills
around Col-sburg are numerous, not in
r,a5.ge8,' but in 8rouP9. making it very
difhcult to hunt the Boers out. Sixteen
wounded have arrived at Arundel.
Letter List.
Following is tht list of letters remaining
in the Poftom'ce t Albany, Linn county.
Oregon, Jan. 4. 1905, Persons calling
for these letters must give the date on which
advertised :
Bailev, Mrs C B
Brown. Masti Jesan
Davis, Bin
Grases, Mies Kate
aicKey, (Jharlie
McDaniel, Mrs Viva
Bloom, Chandler
Davis, Mrs Johnnie
Eib, Mfss Kate
Johnson, John U
l'almer, Arthur
Walis. Mr Wm
8. S. Train. P. M.
Mrs. EJward Failimr was badly
eaed yesterday by being knocked down
oy tne sireet-car at Thirteenth and
Washington streets. She had not nh.
served the car until it was almost upon
her, and the niotorman could not stop
n time to prevent a collision, Mrs. Fail.
ng was injured only slightly.- Telegram.
A man named D. Hedges got on ooard
tbe train at She'burn last night and pro
ceeded at once to have trouble with
Conductor McErlane. Hostilities were
stopped until Albany was reached, when
Hedges renewed the war and proceeded
to attack the conductor, but got plenty
and was alto arrested and placed in jail.
His trial was postponed until tomorrow
Tin and Granite ware at & U iri.ncaT's.
Ex Governor Wm. P. Lord, the near
United States minister to the Republic
of Argentina, who has been in Washing
ton for some weeks past, sailed from New
York City for Southampton, England,
yesterday, from which place he will take
the Royal Mail Company's steamer di
rect for Buenos Aj res, the trip from the
last named port lasiina for about 30
days. The ex-governor is accompanied
by Mrs. Lord, their eon William and
daughter Bessie,
-ro Cure Coultpatlon vurever.
Take Cngi'urets Candv Cathartic. 10c orSSa
If C. C. C. tutl to cur, rutrg'' 's rcfunu moues;