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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1900)
From Mr. Slnuson. Washinoton, Jan. 1. The nation! cemeWry at Arliugton was covered with a beautiful mantle of whit the other day whtn the martyred dead ot the bat tle aliip Maine were laid iio Ibeir final rett. In tbe cold gray dawn ol tbe early morning, with the tan vainly endtavor iog to breac through a enow-filled olood in the east, and the pinea and cedars ou the hillside bowed like weeping willowa with the toft enow that bad fallen dur tbe night, the caskets taken from the funeral train ware placed gently upon truseee npon tbe open graves . An im pressive ceremony, participated in by the Praetdent and otbei a, followed. And then, were laid at rest, the martyrs of the Maine who, history will aay, died that Spanish oppression and cruelty in the fair island, known as the Pearl of of the Antilles, might forever cease. Former Sinator Qiay is still confident that he will be aeated upon tbe certifi cate iesned by Governor Stone of Penn sylvania. He has given out this .Intcr view : "All unfavorable reports that state I am short so many votes emanate from the 'insurgent' bureau, which has open ed a branch office in Washington. I discovered that aonte time ago, and my friends ia Washington are postsd as to tbe source of all there disconcerting re ports. "There has been no canvass against me as 1 am aware of, and I know of no organized opposition. When the Senate committee makes its report end tbe Sen ate as aibodr is ready to act npon the subject, IJpresume the gentlemen pros ent will vote as.they see fit. I expect they will seat me, bat one cannot al ways tell what they will do beforehand." N svertheleee the fact remains that the committee on privileges and elections of the Senate stands five to four against Mr. Quay and several republican sena tors who said last spring they would vote t seat Quay under any circumstances aie now very careful to say that it wil take a great deal of evidence and argu ment to make them vote against Senate precedents, which a-e all against Quay. What appears to be most reliable soorcee ot information indicate that the ex-Senator under the most favorable es timate falls abort ot a majority neces sary to give him the seat. This estimate is said to include the ten or more sena tors whose personal friendship for Quay has impelled them to pledge themselves or their votes w he u necessary. If he cannot figure a majority with their as sistance he cannot count ther votes . Over in Pennsylvania tbe politicians and tbe papers are discussing the proba bility of Quay's rejection.and asking tbe question "who will be his successor?" It is reported that Senator Don Cameron has beep negotiating with tbe "iosar genls' as IheSBtKJ-isrnmn ot hm Ear- stone state are called, in the hope that some friend ot the Senator may be efttMed upon. It is generally expected among Pennsylvania politicians that an extra session of the leKitiatnre will bo called Both fae'ions recognize the present leg islature would not elect Quay. It he could count npon a majority an extra session would have been called long ago. At preieat the two factions are iust as far apart M they were when the legislature was deadlocked. The awn'd q Wwn'w 111 h'h .. ii h.olno ad udlcated a toe otuiib'wm ..- him, the onty further formality necer . . . -u.ll KA the ftettin tary tniore pnjmeu. cation of tbe award to the secretary of the Treasury, or wheater the commission sba!l simply report its findings and leave Congress to mate separate appropriation In each instance. Although the Republicans have not talked about taking any such steps, Ben ator E. Oockrell, of the Senate commit tee on military affairs, statei lhat - un derstands it is the program to increase the ramilar army to 600,000 men. The Missouri senator declares that lie win op- nrM anv increase and says: . . i n.Mu mail, I nrnviu -LASl SSBS.OU VyUUgieoo iu-v - , or 100,000 men until June 80, 1901, year and a halt yet, a?d there ia no neea of legislation at tbe present session, in arrangement was intended to be merely temporary, covering tbe period of the Philippine outbreak, when that Is settled I think that 26.000 men with some in crease of the artillery army to care for coast fortifications, will be all the army the country needs, lam in favor of In crese of the artillery force as suggested, but do not think that In tbe near futuie there will be anyneeeesity ol increasing the regular forte of infantry or cavalry. " The History of Appendicitis Halloa, of AtBUtlm ml W. K. Lrr- APPLICATION NO. . , A com minion to adjudicate Cuban claims, growing oat ot the late war with Spain, will undoubtedly be created by tie present congress. A bill baa already been introduced for this purpose which is to carry intoexecmion artfe'e',7 of the treaty of peace. Tbe points are liable to give Congress some trouble when the bill comes up for debate. The first is wheth er the bill aball fix specifically the total amount of relief to be made by the com mission. The bill in its pretest ebss lperifies no'amount, and, if Congress had a rom- mirsionin all respects ideal, this unqnalL. tied discretion would be both wise and just It woo'd astnre the full ratisfsr tionof all vaiidilaims, and itwoold st able the court to dispose absolutely of one ease at a time, or of three or four or a dozen kindred eases at ouce, instead of holding all back until the total could be loolei up and a pro-rata distribution made among the claimants. SEND US OWE DOLLAR ""Cat IU.ri.Mlu. to a. -11 t J BO. - wUi .... Un SKW ntrarn ruun au satus, i Mtw c o. a., aw h nn. V cuBdJM U taar hmm frctekt Sanet, MS If y .ae..? mm . p, u.K.M, m ti.aii.i .. jam mnr nm mmm far Mtw Uta mrtmm aa...u.. , Mean ml mmn bmnm, ar la. Irmimkt mmt OUR PRICE S13.SO, UMt-.SLM tmmiU m SS4.M lal THE PARLOR CESS ml ta. M KIUIU The entire literature of appendicitis own to the year 1S99 nin.luHut ro than 2,500 articles, books, etc., and In a recent number of The Medical Kecord Dr. George Edebohls, A M . , M. D has amat interesting review on the "History and Literature of Appendicitis." He say its early history caunot be traced owiuf to the fact that it waeeoofused with oth er diseases. Probably the first refe'ence to It dates from 1842. As lateas 1S3S tbe knowledge! the existencecf appendicitis was by no means general. In 16 cases began to be reported. The inauguration of modern surgical treatment of the ap pendicular adscesses did not came until. 1907, and tbe first recorded operation on the appendix was planned aod executed on August 24,1883. The early oppf ration. commonly ended in failure. The first successful removal of the appendix was performed on May S, 1886. Since that time the number of successtul operations has greatly increased until, wbil now it is regarded as a serious, it by no means a fatal operation. There is much popular misconception as to the origin of appendicitis. aurt Dr. EJeboIila gives interesting accounts of soms things wbicb have been found in the vermiform appendix, from which it will be seen thst the grape seed is by no means t' e com monest form of injury. Uoproliths have ku.u..Jk.M.kiUi. h. h.a tadlK. 11.7 feet. Thence S. SS des- 2 mln "7 ym.jwj E variation deg. E.. 1428.2 feet to cor- muan loao wiia dt.ii mortem inveatiK- tions or'with operations on the appen dix. ,. Kxt to Hem pine have been the for s'gn bodiee lwn.inlf..-jint ollb. Other things found are grape seeds, mel on seeds, a chocolate nut, a grain of cat, j blazed and -i Ira del.'. 4rt n cnerry stones, raspuerry sreos. prui.e ,jo inches tn diameter. United State. lAnd Oflto, Owitoa city, or., Nov. 4, tm. NotlcTo la htjrtjby given thvt In puinu ance or chapter tlx of tiilu UHrty-two ot thy Revised 8talutss of the United States, V. 11. Iiiwlt)r, whuatt Doa addrviiii 1h Alltany. Or., clufmlng lim linear toot on each or thtt folio wlnn;-named vlntt lodtta or mineral aeposua, wtarinv guia, to wit: Ktil Hull, Uold itack, Uold liutf, Gold Flnet., Ked Uaiv, iloldin Jb.utfl, Golden urown, uout i-iui, uoiu uuicu, ana uoia Cannon, each with surface ground WW feet In wtdth. all lying and being uliuated wunm in wuariavuie mining uisinci, iso, tlutte. county of JUlnn. and state of Or- moii, has made application to tuff United tit h tot for a patent for the taid mintnff c lal in a, the said claims being known and uesiHiuuua an me juawier uonsonuaieu Urtup of IrOde Mining Claims, and being more fully dnsvrlned as to motes and hounds by the oinclul Dlat herewith DoaU ed and by the Held notes of survey there of, now hied In the ottico of the register or tne untieu mates lami omce at ure Kon City, Oregou, which held notes of sur vey describe the boundaries and extent ot each or said claims on tne surrace, with nniKiietlc variations at 19 deg. 35 mtn. to 20 dt'g. H ndu. east, as follows, to-wit; Red Hull Lode. l.iafn,. AHU. XT,. 1 l.lanlU.l corner No. 3, Gold Hack lode, this survey, U. H. M. M No. 1. beara 8. & dev. 43 mln. 30. 1127.4 feet. A corner of the location, which Is a cedar tree, Hi inches In dlame er marked thus (A) on two sides, bears m. w cieg. mm. w. ti.s reec utataiit; thence B. &3 deg. W mln. V., variation ft) neg. io mm. k.. xx.y$ reet to corner wo, 3, Identical with corner No. a of Gold riacK lodo. this survey, nna corner iso. if tT S Kin 97 Whita Dull t.wto thence S. 81 deg. 5t mln. W variation a6 ueg. nt mm. tii., 3 jeei to corner wo, s and discovery point of lode on summit of nuge running norinwesteriy anu somn easterly on lino 46 of U. 8. lot No. 37, White Bull lode, a hewed Or post, 4 Inches by 4x4 feet long, set 18 Inches tn the ground, with mounn or stones scrtneo a- ;i26. The Dost stands aralnst the south easterly side of a hemlock tree lit Inches in ammeter, wnicn ih n corner or tne loca tion hoinK marked thus (X) on the south easterly side, and Is also marked 325 HT, A rlr tT IS Inches in diameter, biased and scribed 3 11, T. bears 8. 16 deg. SO mln.. V. 2 feet, The center of the Red Hull shaft beam N. 44 dev. fttf mln. w. 70.7 feet dlalant. Thence . K tteg. mm. vv. vflriation ueg. to mm., K. S0i.ilS feet to corner No. 4, on line 84 Ked Ittiir lode, this survey, a hewed hem lock post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long, set W Inches In the ground, with mound of stones, scribed 41325. A fir tree 4 feet In diameter, blasted and scribed 4 1 32f BT. bears N. 2 deg. Bit mln, K. 13 feet, and a rlr tre 30 Inches In dlnmeter. biased and scribed 41-425 BT. bears 8. 23 deir. 45 mln. W. 43.4 feet. A hemlock tree 24 Inches in diameter, marked on two sidea thus (XXX. which Is a corner or the location, bears 8. 30 deg. &) mtn. K. 6.2 feet. Thence n. ss deg. 2 mln. vv. van atlon 2D deg, 10 mln.. E. 1468. S feet, to corner No. 5. A hewed hemlock post set IS Inches In the around, with mound of earth and stones, scribed 54 32!. A hem lock tree 21) inches in diameter, biased and scribed 54325 BT. bears 8. 6 deg. 3 mln. W. 14.3 feet, and a hemlock tree 20 Inches In diameter, biased and crfbert R 4 325 BT, bears N. 63 deg. 3ft mln. w. 10 feet, a hemlock tree 12 Inches In diameter, marked on two sides thus (XXX), which Is n corner of the location, bears N. Bl deg. mi mln- W. 131 feet. Thence N. 56 dtg. Sfi mln. K,. variation 19 deg. 35 mtn. h;., fjoi.w reet to corner wo. e. a sawen rlr post 6xS Inches by 4 feet long, set 1ft Inches In the around, with mound of stones scribed S 325. A hemlock stump, which was identified to me as the stump of a tree, which marktd a location cor ner, bennt N. IS deg. 20 min. V,'. 68 feet. The easterly corner of a 90-stimp mill bears S. 28 deg. S2 mln. K. 4TA feet. The motith of tunnel No. 1 bears 8. 19 deg. 10 l mln. K. 6S4.2 feet. The month of tunnel !No. 2 bears 8. 27 deg. E. 840.5 feet. The mouth or tunnel No. 3 bears 8. m deg. 1 min. E. ItSl feet. A flr stumn 24 Inches In diameter and 4 feet high, blazed nnd scribed 6335 B9. bears N. 25 deg. 40 mln. W. 13.5 feet, and a fir stump 12 Inches In dlnmeter and 3 feet high, blasted and scribed 6325 BR bears N. 74 deg. 60 min. ..,.... v.....u ' eter, blttied and sorlbed 4336 HT, bears et u Inches In the ground with mound u. ueg. m min. JKi. iti.a iwet, aud un- m of volume 4,of Mining iiocovdli of said ot stones scribed &ti wnettoe a m other hemlock treo lti Inohus in diumotui, county; 'ltvio llubtir t-tl Is chilnicd along tree 1W incnea in uiaineder, itarovi, uitc, aim iuiubu i u vx, uaum a. me vein, wnion i wen utnineu, amj I he Hi; u stU Miiiiiml ar..ittrul niitiraus nr illreotloil of MM Id lo lb le:t, and a Ur tree ltt inches In dlain- dug. 64 nil u. W., variation 10 Ueg. 60 mln. vein Is parallel with the side line of said ,7t'v blamed and scrltoed H&it UT, beurs k., i& teet. UutcU ruuuiug lutsi claim, as shown upon the plat posted m m de W mm. W. U6 feet; thence n. lent to-corner No. 6, a hewed pino post herewith, and Is about northwusturly to mi' rilir ub mln. W.. variation U0 deg. ., 4x4 lnohew by 4 feut long, set iw luohei southeasterly. About 1U6 feet la ululated on . M.i i. u luiwttd in DOot in the ,uiound. wltti mound ot Mttmn jii iniihmt bv 4 feet lung set IK Inches In scribed u 2 whence a ptnu true 1 Thl li round with mound of stones sunoeu inches In diuinetur. Uinacd uud scribed StST whence a Urtrje HJSSfifo k S.. W. ft, tt1! ' 7 Ueg. lb mtn. W. 13.4 teet. " blmeit una scribed BT, lm- N. Mrs n. ""'',;, .,,..,,ar HUaed nl u ,t ;'r. mi,, a iu 9 r....f n,un... isr m a SkLi ji S36 UT. beuva 8. la. Uu. Es mln. K., varlntloii 19 don. M mtn. iKfd Hnlr loUo ululnm, and ou the norili a Wlfeet: thenca N. 83 ilea. K., a.0.6 feet. Discovery point o lodolpnst by Iho Uold J1UK lode clnlin. There witvrti Creek feet wlue nown wuih.'.j norinetieieriy ott.t reel 10 cornur ino. t, ,Li foot corner No. 1 uoiu huji Wtt pmco or. wkiuiuui. 'S?rt HUir aaaw - - iM(iir I Mill " f I D V i "-" jfiier No. 1. Iho l'lllt"8 "f l"lnlu' 'with corner No. a ot Hl Hatr lode, thla ' (laid KmU l.l. , mvuy, 0 i,10 ut of Uold Klneti lodi, nexlimtnB at corner No. ,uR,"rK P0.,: thla ,unvoy. u. B. M. M. No. 1, bmire iv. , inches by 4 t' " ,Vii.d 83 dia. 44 mm. m. ii..8 reot; nieiiua o thJ eround. Vrtth mound of. stones so rlbed varlntlon 19 dg. at intereeotlon ot line 4-1, ot f'"'":,,,!,,. K m.i fept. Corner, No. 0 ' n.t..a ,.t .,,ll...lkt The Hrnl Hnlr olHlm le of record In the olli of thi county clerk of wild county of J.Iiiii, atute of Oroyoil. lit tmge 337 of vnlinnu 4. of .Milium KeeonlH of enld county: WW linear fi'et I" chilmed nlong the vein, which l well aenned. rue pro tuimcd Ki'lioml course or dlrcitton of said vein l parnllel with the aide llni'e of IINiild clntm, He Hhown upon um piiu ikihicii i w, " ,9 nf lied Mini , ...:::,, ....i.. u i,,.,.. ,.,i :inTCWlin. nod in hooih iHirviiwi.'i ij iw hoih of thla survey; wneiico .i. i.'lr;0.i.Uold Cannon lode, both of tin P?u,.Li. N. 11 de. mill. ..'":. ii in.! ft. Ul.LOvery noli r. 1 r tlr tree 18 inch?? in o"V ":i no 4,4 feet ,u ,.,. fc. 8, bolli of this survey, on mnimeanicriy; jwki i-i i n,m ; in.,uvarv nolni ut lodu oil soutnettsieriy rrom rne noun 01 010- ,T. 1 i.i,!,i.. Icovury. The euld chilm l bnundnt on the tflt joA and scribed 1' l., tUrnr tree : with corner No" 2 of Uold Cannon lodo, rl!A'e,,l!, ,,,,1,. .;,, . '.Hhw.i hi ... r oil A tPt'l. mum -- ,. .. . iim, .., sni lim l M .if riiiiiiin I'rttwil !. n ........r-, Sfche, n diameter, biased iV .K, v? I lole, this survey; thence N. 4a deK. 611 W Inches in d ib mm. . w vrlull. 19 dca. W mln. K.. aw irr , The discovery . !" fMi. feet. Bummlt of main ridite rminma : H 80 deg. Si mln. ".ition; southwesterly and northeasterly Sin feci Sf' 8 83 dK. in- fcer Creek, to corner Nof . Meiitlral with corner No. S"?? rS'mln K.. W. feet- B ,iii to II. Oolden Crown lode, tide survey; thence 19 dc. N min. mi .outhl,ry l iN. , llra. M m. w.. variation 111 den. Vl'l uua o'lc, this dM. K-.'erly 9911.9 feet to corner No. 4, on fine 4, ""Id re' varlntlon ?e. h(( ,urvey B n, B8 le. ,!!"; creek, 2 feet wide, no hemlook 5st ixi ,,K,h,., by 4 I Utilch riitiidnir north IB . 1 howed " 2 ICl Yf'v,, , ,.,.,l, tu.dl ivl l,,..h. hv 4 tt lllllU. m '': S ,eet to corner No. 3, a no ct h projeotlnit base of a tlr tree, outherly ", ' nv 4 feet '"""Jj,".,. m, monml nt i,m,. 4-a20: whence n r P' f.. the around, wn Ji"Vree 4a tlr tree 42 Inches In dlnmeter, bliiscd find ,8 men v-J-jl325: wncnv lh,d .nrlhed 42326 HT. beam B. .1 dear, w atotiea ecriofw j. i,i,,,cd ".:..' a frt. m,H immlnpk tree 80 lni'hee In " . in ,iinnii",pi. - . ... ii. mill. -. .. - ., ...... --- ... -- M" 1 ut hmni N. 4 "'"t,: m tttam- Ut nmeter. biased and ecrioen i-wa in, 3--?,2ri II tree 0 '"-,?,?"lJS. beare beam B. 8 deK. 15 mln. H. S feet; thence 5S dea. mln. K.. variation ai aeir. 0 feet. UUlcn ronnillK minnwiy ,w or riuKe riiniuiiK nuiiu- a..i.tlt..t.lnFlw 1Kll.ll fMt tl) ms' w inches W 4 feft ,0"K, of iionee comer No. 6, Identical with corner No. OOBi ' I will! 1""."". . . 1. IncncM 3. lieu tmir loin.', inn. b.ii.v. ,, In the rVu.,,,;,. whence a nr i" atj( 1-2 of Uold Uulch Inde. thla survey; ' and serlJH-rihsnee N. ,N. i dea. 15 nn,., vnrletloii i dea - t tno'rnev.No. ,4. ".Xlnohea westerly and , wd 4-8-S2.1 V.i...,l and thence B. to doit. 3S mln. K,. vnriiiuoii ii .lir. W '" . .. i.led dir. K.. 12.70 feet. Bumnitt of rldire run- v ' .tt. i.v ii.ii,.n.r,.riv itml iiutliweeterlv tne place oi 1VT. toe N- , ''""''N.'Ba ileK. nlni northeast' nd "Slid 1,T',1S N W den. -1434.1 feet to CO ,i ecrlhed TV..t. thence J?- ... v. . i i...uittii,ir. w m,!!'-w : viirtatlon 19 , , ,",'L" ju, iui 1 , rt.riur r" IS int"i,rn rcmniiiun in 4iii ...rineo lode. Inclicj and corner No. 1, I.n,l.. comer No. 1. Id.'iltlwit with tw,l Hull lodH. inn survey. iJj i n,t llulp imle. this eur- S M M. Nn. 1. Hears rl. w iws. reel; inciice ,i"i IU.11-8S5. 0,1 n nine treo .y yey. n. c.; .h. eiirvey; nd aerin,u m in. ,? , in mln.K f.e I" 'u;!r, N. M 'W, ! Ill f.vt.' tlulch runnlna northerly JW.J ; 1,T'.i i nine tree, i"5 nT, ni-overy point of lode In nn s j tlfirf' -V. or, J..r.eWfee 1,!:$ lnV in. b-nra ,X HlWi hi i. . ,,n0 til feet anu . t diameter. N 5S & i feet. "corn l,9,,,! Ill mnnlnK northwesteriy and sonlhensterly to mln. ,", Gold lltll '0,.Vn' ' feet kh feet, (lulch runnli.R northerly 6. feet - ..vj.rti s vt i ..,.. on ui" . v.. li Tnldh of , of begmnioe- "er, V."d" on line 4-1, Onld-n corner N. 1; JK,,V Lode. - flr i "t tod., both of this survey; thence nches in.-VJiSra; ecrlneo,,1 , 41 min. Identical with corner No. 10 er No....?.I".ct W S Btallmln. W. M1.7 feet to corner ....ihio tn j loin- v.v,.i., tiiiM Riirvny. Po,sr,"4i4 lnrBrSud- ' tjTSli' E?t to" eorn N, hjjjj inches In , J f In. V &8 l-mloelt post 4x4 Inches I v 4 feet Jona; stones iret."- v. (icK. j' o int. No. ...t is inonea in '.v""i ", "j :;.... jo 1 bears .lrSWji, i 12S5 .rtrfSTOanJeV. Wd ""The moiitti d.-a. , nd crlhcd.-S55 FT V'',TZuX, Vee n. . Snmn;?YV tr- ' , m 4 Mini i" 1-t,. Ineh in dlnmeter. maTO m nun. im. BT, bnrs "'1, ij, W deft. ' in dlrtWrt", m tlirlrttim, SO deir E.. SNi feet, flub-b ninnimr VU S.WSS.S., - ri.-xrlniitnir at corner no. i. i "'"","' ... ia nf Ool thin H1U ner No. 1, the place of beginning. uoia hs)k ioue. Beginning1 at corner No. l on line 13 Gold Kuflr lode, this survey. A hewed flr post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long set 18 Inches in trie arrounil, with mound of stones, Hcrlbed 135 U. B. M. M. No. 1. ttearfl N. 71 deg. 51 mln. W. ml feet distant. The discovery shaft bears N. 8 deg. 7 mtn. . t.8 reet biased and; scribed Mdi;oros6 eeda. date feeds, tomato 1-326 B. T.. bears 8. 25 deg. so min, w. 5i.i " ' ' I filar ' lhnnd tv K.-. gtair A'JL m n W ' vnrlii seeds, frnitlstones; buckleberry seeds, blackberry seeds, bszelnnt shell, s piece ol chestnut, peanuts, hair, bristle, a gla iter's point of zinc, t globule of solder, a gelatine capenle, a piece ot bone, a piece of screw nail, a rifle cartridge and the fin of a flab. This paper also shows that four per cant of all women have append! citis, and they are a very iltllu more lia ble to tbe d.seaea tban men. Engineering Notes. There are 10,000 miles of railway now in operation or nader construction in Africa. According to Tbe Eugineor, ai ready 1,000 miles of line northwest from Cape Colony and 1,100 miles southwest from Cairo are complete, tbe intermed iate distance being about 3.000 tuiies. One of the old Stockton & Darlington engine drivers has j tut retired from act ive service. . tie baa bssn an engine driver since 1853, and in tbe 46 years has traveled neaily 2.000,000 miles nn the footplate of his engine. Metal never rnsts in Ibe waters of Lsks Titicaea. A chain or an anchor can be left in it two weeks, and will be a clean and bright as when it came from tbefoandrr. which is probably owing to the action of sime of tbe chemical sails i tithe wa er. A SWOTSST TOSUB rrom the Ulaunuan tbown. vhldil. airr.Ted direct f ram uhotoirrmpa Toucan form mwlteot la bMMU.1 .ppMrme.. MaS fr.e41a- in MweS mmM mm weiaat mm a.rireS. inSwi M... fwi pu.1 Mr, w. I.. M.ktMtl U. mi LAtBSfBTTLL THEPAHIilU SBSUIimI Bih,.s Ineaa. looe.n lncliM wJdeMd wttura. au .,. Clwl,. C mi. ImiImmc. TwM, UmIm 14MSfealMl,lbl.N-MMnllMrtlMMM)riN SuUr SMk 1 mHmt SI twn Swm. BslMtt. S... ImHmT . -f II iii'r r-l.,-1'itTii- - ifi I -ri urn m,. a.ll.ii -- J Si.imm Kn. I Mrf fWMtot mm B,I..I,M rrtMll J I f tHAMu,MwstM Dolffr.lti, ltiuwn.ele., bellow. I -f to. bMkrnbler eloth, S .Ir b.::... gtnc, nd nit 1 IRLDICEMHIIinUiMI Imu. . rlun binding &rrflMMN, 07 ttM tom.Md condition, oiwhlcfi Ou, JMl .1tm Ml RM, It fcM mt Shm. Try it M mmBUk ud V. ol remnayoiu-nwD.711 Ton mrm not psruetur HMmnd, (UMtaonsnnawDl be eold at S33.50. OUiiKat AT SJCt leJ'T tKUV. OUB RELIABILITY 18 ESTABLISHED r daalt with taa mmk jotiriieijrhtxjr tcat a, writ the pnblUbrr ef (hi paper or MeUopolllau. jiauontu muiav, or i.xrTi vi. wu. oi tikietfa) or Ocrnun ExebMice fink, Veer York ; or taar rsUiroskd or ezprorti porapanr li Chicago. to Fiof qsjw, oompj ntiro oa of tbe Im-km tmrinoM klocka In Chicago, twid ctnpLor BMri; f ooo peopf in onr own B SJCLL MtfiUS AT SfLSS ad mt riAJOS, 1 IkSS Mel ftiso OTSjrrltein la omclaWl fa fmvfUSsj If - i 21 '' Is f 1 II laaillta ls a satrfua Wa. SEARS, ROBlfCK OO. (Hit), Fsviee, OsssUtess sa4 Wsyam f ts., CHICAGO, ILL. tlon 19 dee:. 60 mln. K.. 2M feet. Bummlt of main rldire running southwesterly and northeasterly 1470.3 feet to corneri No. 2. Identical with corner No. 4 of TJ.l 8. lot No. 37, White Bull lode. A hewed hem lock post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long- set 18 Inches In the ground, with monmi of stones, scribed 2-326, whence a double hemlock tree 4t Inches In diameter, biased and scribed 325 B. T., bears N. 7 deg. R 6.7 feet, and a hemlock tree 11 tftchee In diameter, blazed and scribed 3 3a XT. bears N. 4!1 dcir. 10 mln. W. 29.3 feet: thence N. S3 deg. 66 mln. K.. variation 20 deg. 10 mln. E 234.88 feet to corner No. 3. A hewed hemlock post 4x4 Inches hv 4 feet long set 18 inches tn the ground, wth mound of stones, scribed 311 325; whence a tlr tree 36 inches In diameter, biased and scribed 31-326 BT. beara N. 40 deg. 40 mln. W. 9 feet, and a hemlock tree 24 Inches tn diameter, blazed and scribed 2-r 1 3i5 BT, bears B. 16 deg. W. 14.6 feeU thence N. 68 deg. 23 mln. K . variation 20 deg. 10 mln. E.. 180 feet. Uulch running northwesterly 330,8 feet to corner No. 4. A hewed hemlock post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long set 18 Inches in the ground, with mound of stones, scribed 4325, whence a hemlock tree 10 Inches In diameter, blazed and scribed fi m, Dears in. it deg. w. 4 feet, and a hemlock tree 18 Inches In diameter, blazed and scribed 4325 U. T., bears 8. 41 deg. 60 mln. W. lt.l feet dis tant: thence 8. 6tS deg. 3 mln. E.. varia tion 20 deg. E., 268 feet. Summit of rlillte running northwesterly and southeasterly 672 feet. Gulch running northerly 75 feet. Kidga running northerly and southerly 885 feet. Gulch running northerly 1475 feet. Main ridite running easterly and westerly 1500 feet to corner No. 6. A hewed nr post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long set 18 inches In the ground, with mound of stones. scribed 6325, whence a flr tree 24 Inchee In diameter, blazed and scribed 6 S25 B. T.. bears N. 68 deg. E. J8.4 feet, and an other br tree 24 Inches in diameter, blazed and scribed 6325 BT. bears 8. 79 deg. 15 mln. E. 109 feet: thence 8. 58 dee. 25 mln. vv., variation 19 aeg. w min. c, -urn feet. Corner No. t Gold Bug lode, this eurvey, on line 696.3 feet to corner No. 1, th. nl9cA of hs:inrilnff. Uold HutT Lode. Beginning at corner No. 1, a hewed Mr post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long set 18 Inches In the ground, with mound of stones, scribed 1326, whence a flr tree 18 inches In diameter, blazed and scribed 1325 BT beam 8. 72 deg. W. 28.9 feet distant, and a flr tree 10 inches In diameter, blazed and scribed 1326 BT. bears 8. 54 deg. 5 mln. W. 42.5 feet. The discovery point of this location bears N. 72 deg. ai mln. K 309.7 feet The mouth of art old tunnel running northwesterly bar N. 69 deg. 15 mln. E. 292 feet. IT. 8. M. M. No. 1 bears N. 10 deg. 23 mln. W. 262 feet. Corner No. 8 of U. 8. lot No. 37, White Bull l-jrle. as re-established from Its bearing objects, beam N. 73 deg. 4 min. E. 105 3 feet: thence N. 68 deg. 25 mln. E.. variation 19 deg. 60 mln. E.. 136.6 feet Intersect line 78 of U. a. lot 1NO. Si, wnire uuu looe, nf K. 69 24 mln. W. 49.15 fet from cor ner No. 8. 140.4 feet. Intersect line 41, Red Bnlr lode, tnls survey. 251.8 feet. Intersect line 81 of U. 8. lot 37. Whits Bull lode, at N. 33 deg. 12 mln. B. 102.1 feet from cor ner No. R, 301.7 feet, corner tio. 1 of flold Back lode. thl survey. !n H ie feet to corner No. 2 on line f 1 r.f Gold Back lode, this survey. A hewpd fir post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long set 18 Inches In the arround. with mound of stones, scribed 2 325. whence a flr tr.e 24 Inches in diam eter, b'nzed and senrted tf-azo ut, bears N. 35 deg. 30 mln. E. 19 feet, and a flr tree 18 ineh. tr. diameter. Ivazen and norlbed -325 BT, bears N. 88 dec 6 mln. K. 28. feet tnence b. si ng. mi min. E.. variation 19 der. no mln. E-. 195 fet. rltilch runs southerly 403 f"nt. Bum mlt of rids-e running northeasterly end annthwMtertv 710 fet. Oillch runs snuth- wesfnrlv 140S, feet to corner No. 3. A 1" 'YrV;,,! lode, iifiirtHlt fl.'.,v Si feet : fmFlnch' nofl l""' "ontd r...n, l.d- ner N. 1 .B.,,.Ve(-t line -J.',nvery pn'nl Tlegtnil ng nt corner n ollne'V'iV'eJ''-.NoTn No. 5 "t ''"J'1 .""Sen feet to eon... , .rye. 'irvey. ann n .... y . . ,, 1,' ot oom !"" w n 'w .ie. ii.m.a. k. w feet, w mln. ""...".u utterly nn IW" '.TJ 2 i ti i . urn.- - -.-.--,,7. , dinmnter 21 4x4 tnene" wMtt " un ,. B.. variation is jesi. ""5rn.ter,. bl"" "gmln. vv- , flr t.o 4x incne- y . iir N. -!, in oianj- p, ,s men 'i ;":..,,. . n ..T and 1 thenco tree t iror.."- ... a,;, a.-s - ai Hsir, a"fc ln E nr rrer, i."" ; r'V"jws y shaft bears N. 8 deg. 7 mln. E. IrTT end "r.iSi s-R ' . A flr tree 18 Inches In diameter,;!.. i.ized ano -', s, feet. B.t 1 1 1 BT nd scribed 1-325 B. T.. tware N. 1 dee. .JB,5i variation .'iV;UTy i"," ami a flr tre i i .inj-n" 5 f-.ffi rich running ""V, ,,te and j diameter. Waaed "i.SnlfeiT: ie: l,r NO. " uulo. WIS "'iBT. henrs r.. rliitlon W OTt to corner .tj.encc B . - ';n No. JS.'Sr. corner No. er No. 1 ,eet T feet I h..r.Vche; 1" 1J- r,crlbedir; "flrr 44 inches bv 4 f-t ioni-. et 18 inches In .tne je.i. w,n"'A aSd Serb'" '"rand a .'.Vd "."""w T 5 ft and a flr tree .20 i-cn-. SST 60 nlni,' . blazed am . y", biased and .! ; . m KM .lair, zv mm. " - Wbl'e J"1" m enmer -n,nK south- , ,llrVey: I K. 5M f",' mJuJ ridge, ,r,u1n,J , feet. In- variation 20 sommtt THheasterly I'M ' , ,ur- N. j, ,he pi -esteriy ;. nolo , the p" Tne trne um ft to corner o??,0' vry --. ,rr . . a sis. . . i , kAr?innilr'. 0aal iJaIiril Ol V ' 7 fet to corner lace of tKRlnnlng. , Rd liull Claim k. Of roor m u " -,v ... est IllllTA no. r . . a-wo.sM,, ui unire ' ...eriani ,,1.1 Hill v til . M-.M .'.f thence, 8. M ZST vaTwiior : -firss ta mln. y' v oolnt oi Z ! 302.2 ,V of main rmg. orn(r "trown toile. l!;a"r,ntlon flgc" ror- lock Cf' lock P081' in the grounil. wt . whence a. !m,,Hbed "-nd a cedar tr arf rff tys- Ns-v34 vst is; ies in ind si k tre 2-a?-J" n' Si "Sit to izfeet; then; N B. & t 4x variation "S' h-,ed nT'S Inches in corner No- : eet long. e'lon,s scrlbejl 4 inches iM mod.n'Jl",lcn 19" the to'na',!. 2-3 of 'lnru- tree S25. Whence d serin" thin survey. "v:ie7 hiazcu "-, teei, r.nother hem.-- -rlni .-Slh'Sl Vhe "M. Kock placer ,. Vim ami on the northeast y cer claims. Tlwre 8 teev. .upnee o- h mooml ot whence U . dlam- ... fill. 1. t BeglnnlnK lJ;"by 4 feet "-oorid ""l- in til" whence M. J. ln Ttree 'Jjjfi BT feet; r.h'hfnS sctlbed l-1 f e,t and n 4fl deft- 5? ! darneter. bmze.. - free; 8 mes " i,T, bears fir and deg, B.. deg. "' rtSlon "tf "r'un'nlns; Mill Mo. 2. Identic". w" ,henee OoM Csnno -V. variation i B. 38, deg. yS1Tiet. vTfcet long, m mln. -4,4 inches , by A "f sf .SreSSr. 1",S.V B- hew set 1 nf stnnen .vl.meter. :: i R. 21.3 '0 '" 'Sears N. l-515'oirneter. J-S20.-Vel flr tree nears H- 'r-.a,nA.aL Jerlbed ,.S,V fS des. Mas-;. - k 14 reei n. ri fleg. 10 ! . XVlntlon 1" . mn- S.:it of ride-e. r......."- . '-a ir.VherW. .Wl ''"''-I Inches by r1. "vr;w;d hern'oe"?:' aronnd. hvwed flr t.t 4x4 inches by feet long .V-eet op. rrf aJone-w m dlain; whence Hock and . l-nwier niuin. , v;""k,lowi,due urn no uoniuciinaT ' of app leant. . . record In .B ",U.,,U.,. eVmniV Clerk f Sl.ld "unty of Unn-atateM Oregon a. mm mJ?"'vM linear "e"cmlme,r along LIS,wnh,.pon tlPbit post- ed herewith, and is V'" m,.d lo soiltneasieriy. .h. nolnt o? tocovey andeH ... 'la fee Vorth nnsurvevedKOvernrnt lan ; J,, lam!. There are no conflicting claims to the knowledge of applicant. The Gold Bug claim Is of record In .the fflce of the county ciera ot "" ', volume" of Mining Record, of ; ty: ln linear feet , a claimed w'med gene'ra Icouisi ordlreetlon of said vemls parallel with the side lines i of In d claim, as shown upon the plat posted herewith and is about nortnweatcriy t" mutnea"terly" About 1400 feet is claimed on he lode southeasterly from the point o7 discovery and about W 'ec nortlt weaterly from the point of rtlse-very. The said claim Is bounded nn the north east and southwest by "n''"yf2 "v: ernment land: on the southwest by -the Clold Finch lode claim, and on the north west by the ned Hair, White Tltill and OoM Back lode mining claims: 0 M acre of said claim Is In conflict with the i Red Balr clnlm, being Included In the apn.l cntlon for patent of which this I. notice White Bull lode claim having heretofore hecYi patented, and being now owned bv. applicant. There are none other conflict ing claims to tne a nuw . '"The Gold Finch claim I""' word In the offlce nf the county clerk of s.-.l-i count of l inn, state nf Oregon, at page tin. (lal, I Mill lodo claim: on the north west by the Gold Gulch and Red Bull lode claims, nnd on tbe northeast by tlio White Bull lode elulm. 0.112 ncr of said claim la In conflict with the White Unit Inde claim, the siild While Bull claim hav ing heretofore been patented, and being now owned by applicant. There nre no other einillletlnir claims to the knowledge of applicant. . M , The Golden Engle claim Is nf record In flu, nlllrtn nf the COUIltV Clerk Of Sllld county of I.lnn. stntn of Oregon, nt pngn H4. volume 4, of Mining Records of enlil county. 1500 linear feet Is clHliiii'd tilling the vein, which Is well denned. Tne, pre sumed general coureo or direction of sum vein Is parnllel with tho sldo lines of said clnlm, as shown upon tho pint post ed herewith, nnd Is nhmit northwesterly to southeasterly. 1600 feet Is claimed on the Inilo northwesterly from the point of iliscoverv. The snld clntm is noiinueii mi ho snuthenst tiy the uuinen t.rown i.i.m ctntm: on rne sniiinweni .... n. west bv iinsurveyed government land, and on the northenst by the Gold Gulch ,,ii, i.... .iMinn. ,.l,,ln,N Then, are no i-oiillletliig clulms to the knowledge of "'V,,V,... c...-,., etnlm 1. of record In the ottico nf tho county clerk of sold cotintv of Mini, stnte nf rtregnn. nt piiKy 85. volume 4. of Mining Record" of "'"Id countv. 1HHI linear feet In el aimed along he ve n, wmcn is wen """"!,"; umed general course or direction of sn .1 I S niinillel with tho sldo lines of snld . . "m as shown upon the plat posted .rewlttV nnd l nhout northwesterly to sonlliensterly. IMtl feet Is el'"'' ndn snttthensteriv iri.m i t..r nT.oiillu.a.t and on the'Vn.hwesi bv unsurveved overiimn in . on .n. "''h'WJ ''hv tie Gold Illll ,, Gold rannon lode clnllns. There ore n cotilllellng claims to the knowledge of the nnnllennt , , th. The Gout ,i nt ennui .e " -,,,,, o?'l"lt.n Vmtro'rorego,?. at page t. of .WVlhtln? Reconl. of ..M rntm- viin.'wnirHdned-Tn general course or direction i ' snld v I. narnllel with IH' ,r," ." ,?, lode northwesterly ir. m ,, tVe-.oens'tXv'.he r?Zi rannon Imle .claims: on rne ,,.. - (lie Golden i rnwo " V' . it.. Gold elolms: on the nor nweei . Glll.h lode elilim .an" --.fc-.-.n.n Joc.Km'r.he knowledge nf an- 1i ..llanl it., .ma. nr tut riiim illf linn ' ' t neannn rninrv nr i.inn ' r.U of mnA rlirk nf sntil VP"! -'" V. till -,!(.! riSim. n nni .w. . . ' rt,,a,-0srv It ruriXidhinst h- the Red Tt""- ti.i tun irtriA ftftlms rtn nnnn th imstil VlOINItVlth so.itnwest hv ,he Golden Tnele lode elnlrn nun i . . "."rveved rnvemment land- on J noeth weThV theBed Rock "jee-r C In re end "" 'he e"''neni oT ,. Int., There, ere on " .Ve knowledtr. ennl ennt. The einlrt Cannon clnlm Is of reeo rn n S vnlnree 4 , of Mining n';.",;'.! .. will deaned The nee- . sinllAn nf fill" T""erl herewith d I- "W . "7u lirf lan.i. ..r,,-,.-- snmed genernl col.e or o.reci.on v"rn Is parallel with the Mo b--clnlm is sc.n.n ""on the rdnl herewith nd I- "h""!..,'"r,h,'.2" .o,,rbea.ier,v ...e n:,r, rifenv-rv n"d ahout IW feet no . nt .tl.eoverv i n" l"l we.ler'v from the tin." .Id cimm the .nuthwest innflteme.,"'!, rtnrt hv -veved roverement l;nd, """ I" nnlrten Crown ld- e nlm Jhe a... S V. e. nnUl H'M - .,,1 n m rr-nfiS nv i-- hr mln." rrn n 1 crinnifTmp ennH"int R- B(1VI"''H, i,1. . r,rm',', ,-.trTln''n 'fVevi ti'fi'trH "id n "fl ),.- n-iv TTlt,1 P"tfi l"fl rf" ,et..r1 I" Vjft rrlART.FS rt. V-- m, railroad rumors n the 0 & E being extended Into UrooK .i.i. ...r In v nw ol tne rnr i be ni mado bv the Colnmbi. fkth Jrn this is certainly timely and abotiM materialise. French's great victory over the Boer . ... -i ... t,.i, an eetnal wae a ceneorstnp viun'i j- defeat. , , , KMI Dn;'Kor o! Iuuopenuonce is in tno city. (i. W.Sinv ion went down stream tins morning on the boat. . .. . tn r the, Oregon fitinreme t V UUIW if" , . Court reports liae jnst been Issuetl. i i.. divorce in Folk county A 1111 ,HI,H" " " T . ., Iif is that of lira. NolHe. Mttalon agt. I.. W Mnaton. ... J. W. llontloy lias moved ln st'f hop to opposite W. . " " where he will continue to serve iueP.. -lie faithfully in his line of work, net., r. m- Poultry Association v. i . I make an effort to gat tho show at that city in 1H00. This wil rem it. n nattired contest to retain it at Albany, which made it auch a success last ytar. At the stale Insane asylum, Silera, the following changes have be"1. . " I). Allen succeeds J. W. Rowland as book keeper; commissionary. in which Ftank Post succeeds H . W. Smith, and eward. John . Wrigui o. , Handsaker. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT . m.mmmr nlltt'lT rTt f fTI iv I uilCr. IS HJSttc.Bi ut r. l thn nnriaraioneil Administrator of theestutoof J. C, Lyons, deceased, has Alec" with the countv clerk of Linn count. Or., bis final account as such administra tor in said estate and the court nus nxtti, Saturday. January o, IH00, at 10 o' n. m., to bear objections to said acctunt ami for llin settlement thereof TnrB. Iko, Admr'. I. J. WlliTNKY, attornej or adm'r.