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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1900)
Handkerchiefs Kid Gloves il.h.Bh?i!",,!"M Uve lot or H.ndker- ."S.'?" 'or2-00 " "d 80o eeoh"VVt.?uH,BJdL,,ro!,,!e''' " 25o and at SLKi'id ' S"7 fl""roidrd,oemi.titoheci lace trim . i..V H.nolMwehlel. of sheer linen wl'h hSLS ..'Jfft'tt'-"?."" ?"t ".ore. With " T'.TOi fl.iu BUU (Z.UUeRltl, fr.da t0W- iT'i th" l.l,ne ' Dd we ' 'or i 8 h".yre ne,r'y ne hundred doaen ol In. new o aDg!ovM. them at $1.00, a. il.25 and at $1.60 per palr. Almost any .t..,le, an I. Then we S. E. Youn&Son, THE liAZAAR. 1900 JANUARY SPECIALS 1900 What's more welcome than a timely bargain UtHcrinus!ln safes are just now bidding sway In larger centers of trade. And we make a timely offering of these goods to the ladies of Albany. Just placed on our counters is an assortment of Night Reims, "Oimaisis, Cohsrt Covmkh, Ihawhrs and Skihth received direct from manufacturer. . Each artlc'e is choice, a bargain, and selections made now loave you time and money free for later purchases Art Goods Much fine needle work Is done at this season. All interested should take advantage of the tut price on Btahpw) Linens, Battknhuro I'atieumb anu all Abt Goods. Winter Waists AND OOTINQ FLANNIX GoWNH at prices that will aurely please these wanting these seasonable articles. L E. & H. J. HAMILTON. WEDNESDAY. COUNTY BUSINESS. PrAhftln rannrtl Flliftt rni'fUil.tal Alarf In Mini. IT . Fuller. In ftaUtM nt Jnhn Aim , . --vwnw -it.uuunon to Jn eHtata of David PuU t. ed. Valuel728. 7 In ..lata nt c.:i. t .iuu. duiiiu ujuiiey or dered paid into court. In estate of P I. w.n... i.,, ..... . o ed. Value nrorertv .lfiii In estate nf D V. Piw.. ..,.,... m.j Value property $1)59. In estate of George Morris will admit ted to tirnhntn In estate of Kate Powell will admitted ... weaves tut) to Mrs F W Biumtierg all rest of property to Jas F Powell. yuiiit... n.:.i.'. t. ' .. . ... nuiiuui ujnue jus Kenisternd! P W Rnink. i i aged 70, native ol New York ; B F ltamo merchant, mulja ii;...itii . ... . Cox, brick mason, aged 62, native 'of New . " "y. o uriorasvnie, car- ,." "Kea nl nave ol Kentucky; T a Miranda, of Lebanon, farmer, aged 5b. native of Ind.; T fl Rboades, lather, aged 38, native of UI. ' To-NlOHT. Tlmi-tt ...ill l. . basket hall itt ii.... i the college clubs of young ladies, the Orange and the Black, l'he admission lee Will lie Ifi nnntii A li... : iwcted preparatory to the Friday game Game will imf I i D . Oft clock. " ' o;JU - KEBtKAHIi ATTKNTIOH. All ir.mU are requested to meet at their hall i iiursaay evening Jan. 11th, at 7:30. Business of Imnnrlanm 1... : ,l 1 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Taeedav evftnintr Jan o kwa Prewnt Myw Dvm. Recorder V If 1 1 I Mr , . ninaie. rairfiit Uutm sirui o. . intendent Westfall and Oonncilmen wmtney, Danoala, Pfeiffer. Ralston. mcDaras ana Heeley. 'rt. .. i i ill. iitiiifwmo nnm mi ... noinrt- "ere ap- al .,on, uannaia, Accounts and Current Expenses Dan ale, Seeley, Ralston. Ralato,;. "-oee.ey, Whitney, Oinances-Wbitney. Tfeiffer, Rich- A rnmniHiini, -. . . . : ,.T" """" th. different .i.r.i;. . Jear" io in- lt.a 18B7. 1898 ; 1899 ib $ V00 added eachyear for inst! urer for the year J899 showed the follow- Received Amonnt in tieasurv .r.n i Taxeoounty roiiv::;:;;.';;:. km U CltV rol . . . . CO. on Saloon T'S?i ?f (jenerallicenee::::-.:;::;:;;; "'M fhfes : sundries::::::::; Jv? a I HO .$ 9,766 13 . U.4C8 95 .. 8,610 74 . 10,8(18 24 8,684 39 Paid out $16,595 47 ACCOUnt a'afront. Bonaa,.rr:v:.v::::::S SOCIAL AND PERSONAL is visiting tn treasury '18.2'0 63 Warrams itsued in 1899.' .' .' .' 14 S86 10 XS"ftreL? :. i;ioS Bonds due Oct. 1 ion r . OutstarrlinX ' J JM1 2.0 00 uutstanding warrants i0,346 90 Tninl ;r,,t..i....i Less7a.hTn . !".n.ff.B W05.16 9J oaoi ry Wtrrant. n ir lows: ln 1899 " fo1" S y, "n1 l,"ncil t 390 1)0 Sss?" ::. X Kecorder.-:::::::::; 15? S Sunt. .,r. 697 40 Trun. 540 00 Fire 300 00 r.Wh..r 1987 Lights.. oewers RtrnAla Attorneys lies 1649 07 99 25 9X5 29 124 65 499 27 fol- Our Specials. Good for stock on hand. We have a Hneuiai High Grade Coffee that cups as well aa many lOj grades. Our Bpecial price 26c lb. Try it. Our Vinegar cannot be equaled, and we still hold the price 15c gallon ' We will give you 8 pks. Extra Choice Musb for only 25c. We have a full line of Groceries and Provisions at reasonable prices. Call and examine our goods. Albany Trading Co. Vance Building, Second St. Try Parker Bros. For the best Groceries, Baked Goods, and Fresh Produce and Fruits. Anrtlinatinna . . lowing- "n ,B8J trom W:N:SBBn"Bi!m.n. f'- ti. Uak'ins' "' "'. K U. Davidson, for ponndmaeter. ' A luf fa. a i. il TtoT.T..."" i ??Dty. tated W,oio. vuptny oi Albany u The aal.rv nl ii.. . fixed at i4fini r ", l"'ctn,.w euperintenden, of 7,re" ,ty $ ! eiiL'ineers at aid . 01 t,le B.ld l.ttii.!??' 5 bAW.t,. V'BUlwatcnn and was I ".ivu CIDUIiOU, F. M. Westfall received 5 lor street sn. penntend.nt and F. B. HauMns i O. f!. PU1.. .. J T . . . eleced e0ei VcclamaK" "W mtadeKr.Td tJ1,t e office of pound masted be declared ri l. j The ..... t 8 mil,, ind the S wTrecd ton, ,fy thecouiity clerk thereof .t"ncet Turner of Alrl.-.'-5- ?d 0. Hon.i L tuei own team at no addi nc. to other teams.""" HZier P""0'" Mr. Blewart nnu..j , iuit the n. r . "iSureesHow- Aitianv mithl- u nre :'m nysiem in t. l10???,1" be1696 to $2045 $i60wh.Jr-T 5. ,LIonw 00188 nJ Stewart .."""2 lo "ola n""e- Mr. emnlaii - ","."rB ora were com- aLriac-hor tiforrbrdr, ?o7r "orized to adver. nd 8 Conn foVs w'S'1 U f9 ows. Kelerred Tr. " and noli -ui.- wu ueaitu - r - n,.u ,uwer to act. F. B . "ked ti; t .7:, u,lde . Hi BiSlingiD-'borvinM. S..VylQ .or ?' No ati ... " 1 lowed Mr. Joshn. Hmii. r ci. , . ..11 yf, K7I..CU1 Albany friends. htrio0 &.n.i ha".rftu':ned ..ftof , ;. wiicre ue struck torn, of the white element. Mr. Pat Foley, of J o tW, a f.,rmer "" "i inisciti,vtiiter loo aud Brownsville, is in the city. Mr. am UM Mr r -... , . 11.!: m!'?." thec'iY the guests of """":r M. Jack. They were pioneer residents of Albany. Henrv and Vmll r- . . the best v, ". ""rfv rao am0"f: I, Air.6"""11 "ave goneout store In Roffin.r48 openea Jewelry The ladies of the GAR will give an- .hIhJ,hSi!a,latlon of the new office of i .W!le S,Bter" wae the occaaion S?!i"lht0, very enjoyable and live TheiiiGmhpifl n u. ij . . ! any will meet each other tonight at the vouna: lad es hoobt k.h. ri . B i, - . , buio, m, uie aumiseion .10 cents. Bailey chapter A F & A M ai d the Eastern Star. iot .- TV . s 7 Ti cvciiuig; tumoinea.iu tbfflr Ins a almn -j 1. VbanQ.uet that conferred great marrge of Mr. Bert Veal and Miss Marie Parrmh . i r. : ... i.i. i ,, menus will Wish them nil iln ha... .;., , perity possible. ' pro6 Ohanr'cNnr nm. j. r, t. ond iVh.rrr..".;u.r:v -."ePo. fhi r.' ' Ander?cn went to Lebanon 77. . ', - uiu two new onicers ui iuo iuanon jk.. ol f. lodge. All membera nf t iin...i 11 "iu" vrmoiio vwV, oa wen astnose who wish to be. u,uiuera, are requested to meet blllD GVfl f (7 or t no nirAni n .On . . . B"'"i- wiiLoto; It IS necessary to order our new book tonight. B v"6 viwfluuu, .i,fAJe,f Moir.f Salem.paseed through the city this noon for Albuquerque, xlw Mexico hoping a change oi clmme will 2"S Sra! ualy Jailing health, in Which many Albany friends will join. tl.i. f ,',"ef and wife ""turned .id S TOm Kock IsIand- ' here they had. been to attend a meeting of the ex ecutive committee of the Modern Wood men of America. They weie also at Chicago and other prominent points. ,.T.wAlb-ny school girls celebrated their birthdays last evening with parties. Miss Addie Keed at the home of her sis ter Mis. James entertained her young friends in a nice manner with games and feireahments. And Miss Jessie Cox at the home of her father gave a very live party that was greatly onjoyed by a live crowd of young people, several hours being spent in games, refreshments, etc. Anion? thfl : .. ...E. icuinii ui auiueg ui out lives are tbe birthday parties of our The Weather Tonitrht and Ti... 1 "tationarv iZZ ocf"onal rain . , r.,u,c. mver 6.3 fet f. M. French Diaplavman Stop at Win & Stark's ror Jewelry Th jewelr'v. .i""'?' lne o many novelties, ' c,oc" aDd 8ee their souvenir spoons. See tbeirdiamonds. Bee their heintir,,! S9 he!r n"y "ilver novelties. See their pretty chains. Hee their cut glass. Htl eiT 0,d ,nd "ilver watches, oee their canes. 0f?imanyot,herchoiceliDe o' "foods of superior quality at reasonable prices I !Buy your Hardware anil Tinware harden m Grass Seeds OF lOhling & Hulburt. Thomas Brink Go to Vfirinlt'a i fJVl0, ioT first class work. uuiwi ( nan ...... I. .. mer. cnt- Hot' every! Has the oldest established Furniture House in the city. He keeps the finest stock of Furniture in the val ley. Otve him a call and look over in. une goods and uet h a miu. v.. Mis. Long make. p.,0-date picture- yU bU'' graphy. - - - P-0.0 .uoungTes. Couchec. T svT- 1! . P''n miiiea and ranch mixed candies at the Sugar Bowl nd street. Fresh nitlod ., 1 mpc, icKieu pigs ieei, olives and manyother delicacies at Par ker Bros. Bedroom suits, coarse and fine Kockers, Baby Carriages, Uo carts, Bsdding, Spring mattresses. Matting, bide boards, fine extension tables. etc. sale. profits. THE FAIR Are you having trouble with Lamn Chimneys? Better try THE FAIR next time. Resoectfullv. J. A. WEAVER. Bee Frenrh tin. i-.i. :r . -mtici 11 yuu armu need of a first class clock. We have bar. gains. LOST -3 black Lang-ban bene with leg iiuuiutrdo, sano wu. Anyone returning them will receive tl.OfJ each for same. A. W. Bluckbien. FOR RENT. Houa o 7th siteet. B roomifc apj ly to. H. C. Watson, 1st. at., Bank Building. HOLIDAY GOODS To Please Everyone. Wehave just received a nice selected line of Holiday boods, that we consider strictly up-to-date, and should please almost everyone. Our line n composed of Albums Toilets Cases, Collar and Cuff Boxf s, Necktie Cases, Hand kerchief and Ulove Boxes, Comb, BruBh and Tray 8ets Medallions, Bonbon Boxes, Jewel Cafes, a fine line of La dies Purees anrf the most complete line of new Perfumery ever brought to Albany. We guarantee every thing we sell. Call and loots onr line over, jen den't have to buy We want jou to see the goods. Burkhart & Lee. FOUND. Two fine canarv birds, for which please call at the residenceKnf Airs. Dana Burruester. Salesmen. High rated factory appoints on uncovered ground. Free (.nuiples Several earn lo $25 weeklv. Seine with us twenty years. Corporation p o 1371 New York. GIRL WANTED (iererat hui-eework, wages $i0 per month. AddieFS, Box 293, STALLS FOE RENT at Sendee barn 1 1 of M . Sen What is Home wiifionr a Cooi: ; oraOook " aSiofa or a Stove " Uten3i!s or Utensils " Groceries or Groceries ' Dishes or Dishes " Spoons or Spoons ' Knives and Forks Let a. supply all except the Cook, any good Ki htler can get a co k. F. E. Allen & Co. New Goods in AH Lines. SEND WO MOmz ;'' " KAfttMOP eAIWlT lUftoIcn S5INif MAC i....v-"V.'V?.; st. Yuu tv MiMiiiiiH- It at your i irtt h.-n'iif f-ip ,i u. , n ( t MblhM fiO-OW.and TlllE mihAl-KhT ..A YOU rnt -t--'wU1fcStJC-MrfrlRiitaeliTur UWf Price io.&U "...tvo.. .iS :r V Hr fraktrait Mi auxl fraliTtil obavrtrM. Mitohlim well 'rmu-a 76 oerilHioraith MM) uillex. y yjrnwft bontn.antl wo will rtui-n y,.tiri, uttifled. We utl Of ran I M.k,ul (cru-kur io.m, mU.m, is,oo.d :, n ft,iiv .if r MUkt.(iiBUttfsw, uuiit.Mirirtntsi thfi .trentesl t1u vr iTtrti hv an PEWARE OF IMITATE THE BURP I CK S;j.rrJ5fa v, Hunn. ... .1. '"""'"Itl'ftfi-. tirltt will ti.v:i month: '-u "t n-lj JI.U JlfO 11 -v-- - Slii-H BaC V.-l- .,Mt Ihl. , - - ,J I TiS V R ATI III 1 TKK1 NOTIOH..-TIrtni Tl. .,..; iT '"iinson, the exDeri Vririk.: T. : ",n,,ov his ,tand to where 12 ir Z f" 0Ta 2nd street ers who wUh 'I. ronend "1 "th Swwt n ui iv. This Paper One Year. Farm Journal 5 Years. sSS SOUP yuAKTFR SAWTD OAK m DESK CABIHET,pi .. ... ? : :.'.?;. r?i,I,'1 ?nl8 "l'Uw fr-. carved, mm niauihln Ultle. iiusl 7 . carvea, Mnsioa, m- t; 2inl itnfuratid ouliiuetflnlsh. flm?t ui,- mi.iti.Miii. mi.urof.i,Vt nifr;: .; v'".""'.'"'vi'.''''i wttmiln-nauont n-.-l I. k.,.,i......i. a ' V.'" j"?' e"'""'""'.?r. 5 ii l i '. u . i . " ""' tloiilth.rpl.lii oruij MI.I'i. l..nO ...UK. a',ttliinll.liF;i,1..iflotwith.TeYym.CblD. ITC0STS Y0I' HOiillf.!", '-"" . iiwiih .n,l than ir martaRin thrT:.,TTP.TSJrCr7r.,X' " """yW . "' ft "' BOM'X JBMU4Y. (Soat, K... !..lcl 1:0. Ih..r.mi-I:lv Mil,l'. "hw! """"I. OHIIa 10.01, Aaaress, stAK&;OEaJCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago, III. Pay up and no", hnlh n,... t . r r-F" fiira ui Wo .ml ,. ... Mr r. . "ew uoscrioer8 to our Weekly; we therefore conttnue our ar- funoamanf iik .1.. ... . . .,u mo rarm Journal by whicn we can send the Democrat and the . .muw u years, ootn tor fl .25. An we mHk. lh.B.m.Aff...i. .11 .1, , .. . 7 .r,-""" "J an oia suuscrib- ZlM) Pr " Jge. and one YOU trnntff mlit n . ... i ,. " "f vuim ih una ine a c.fHD, honeat. useful paper-full of gumption, full of sunshinef witii an im- -.. yU nujuu iUe nesc peon f everywhere. You ought to take it. P Daily subscnoers piying in advance an also secure is. , Farm ressive THB LABtL OF THf FAMOUS JF- " 'aaa. . OWARANTCSB CLO 'HiH CDouDtful Careful clothing buyers never consider quality alone, or price alone. Its the happy union so fully met with right here that strikes home to our consciousness like a Bullet from a rifle. You know this make I At the BLAIN CLOTHING Company's