The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 12, 1900, Image 2

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    la older to kill the trusts, it ntces
.arytosuuehthe Urlff bet protect,
them and makes tbem possible.
was to be expected, the President
baviug exploited General Wheeler, let
U be was worth, ie n"w Teeuy
.tidal bin).
How many Ohio commissioners who
....mtofaiobwlU tbe President
appoint on the new "Cnban Claims
The French in Canada ate almost In
open revolt against Brilih w4r ln
South Africa. Another call for tioops
will strain their loyalty to the i.reakmg
And now the Niagara Electric Com
.' .ifi. ..iTii. ol twenty per cent
iwuj " - .
imnlnn eleetrici'v manufactured m
rnHa and sent across the border by
Tl President McKinley wishei the
American people to believe tbat be u
tiostlle to trusts, it would be wen tor mm
tocboote another campaign manager
than Mark Uanna.
It is rather singular tbat only Ameri
can goods are stopped by the British at
Delagoa bay. Ru-wien, French and
German shipments are unmolested. Is
it possible that we will not object?
It might be as well to own at once
that Messrs. Alger, Foraker, Kohlsaat
and others wrote the Constitution ol the
United States and the Declaration of In.
depsndence. as well aa the St. Lonie
gol-J plana.
It would be hard lines If President
McKinley snoold retire First Assistant
Postmaster General Heath at. an offensive
partisan, for accepting a berth on the Re
publican National Committee, during
the next campaign.
J Austrian Admiral bas been ast
ng the "British victouee in Booth Alrica
amid great apolanse inm the British
naval officers. HedHn't specify whether
. . 0.,1 Inn Ihs
t was Methnen, Gatacre or
thst he wished to honor.
.-. .1.- niavaUnil Recorder: The
0TB v.w.
. : it:nn .hnilt 45 CuntS
wfc-heaL andit Jj'K lDree timM
mneh lor bia nails as he was belor
rk-inlv.jime into office. Brt he gets
good dollars for his wheat. Strange, isn't
it, that those dollars do not buy . more
. New Rejtfstratiou Law.
The following synopsis of the law i
given by an exchange:
The time lor registration, commences
on be first Monday in January, ends at
5 o'clock p. m . on May lotr.
Tne vou r may register with tbe eoun-
.... :k nr.taic nnblic or ius
ly cier r r -
nf th neace. and he has no le to
This taw is intended to put a stop to
colooiaition and illegal voting of all
kinds. Each voter may cast hie ba lot
in the precinct iu which he is registered
nd in no other. Bat in case an electo,
changes his residence after registrating
be may have his registration changed
at any time before reparation closes on
the 15th day of May.
II the elector be not registered in tn
nrn-inet in whub be applies to vote, be
--may ewear his vote in upon a blank, giv
ing all the particulars which woold be
required iu case of registration, and with
tbe signatures of six freeholders of the
connty, who must take oath tbat they
are acquainted with the elector aad bis
residence and believe bis other itate
menie to be true.
Tfce record comprise one large blank
book to be aept in the clerk's office, and
smaller blank book for use in each pre
cinct, on election day. In each of these
books the voter registers name, age, oc
eopafon and place of residence. In the
last particular if tbe voter lives in tbe
country it is necessary ior mm i
specify the township, section and range
in which his home is located. If he
lives in town the number of bis block,
lot, and the name of hie street mutt be
given. II he has no borne of bis own, he
must specify the room be occupies in the
house in whwh be lodges. The large
register is kept as a record in tbe clerk
office at the court bouss. The precinct
register is furnished tbe judges with
other election supplies shortly before
the election aid is in their bands for use
on election day.
Heavy penalties are fixed for the vio
lation of any of tbe provisions of tbis act
or for false swearing on the part of the
perton registering or voting, or of bis
That Tooth
needs attention
Bemember it can be filled
or extracted without oaiu
Toe insurgents teem ro be about
near Manila as tbey ever have been.
Two more eblldren bat east hate died
that failed to be eared by Christian
science. What fooliahness,
T ere ere many long faeeslu London
ready to be shortened at the shadow sf
rumor that bas eome only through he
There is now mo longer ny doubt that
the Boeia will fight to the last even if
ths EoglUn secure few victories.
Tbey are in the Bght to the finish, end j
may tbey corkscrew the cngusu
the right jaw.
Iu disposing of Mr. Quay Congress has
done very couimsndabU. thing. But it
could not do otherwise, with tbe many
precedents It bad. Mr. Wannamaker
is not tte only one who will rejoice.
The Eugene young man who describes
the'Filifnios is tbf lousiatTlowest peo
ple on earth, makes It very plain that it
is very poor policy to annex such a peo
ple to the United States. TJntortuoate
,y though we are in for It now. and must
make the best of It.
If you want to know what encourage
ment to American seamen the Mark Ban
na ship subsidy bill promises, ask any
American seaman in New Yorkhow
much the subsidy granted to tbe Amer
ican line owned by tbe Standard Oil
company bas helped the men who fol
low his calling.
The increa-ing price of meat is going
to induce many to go into the stock bus
iness, until it is liable to be overdone.
ad the result will, of course, be low
prices again. At tie present time
though U ie tbe proper .thing. Diversi
fied larmiog must be tbe war cry of tre
Oregon farmer. Even thtogj up or
raising both stock and wheat.
Brother Abner McKinley recently
made a business trip to Cuba to look aft-
. I ! T -.... .
er tome valuable irancoieee. diuiubi
Abner threugb bis brother's influence Is
decidedly in tbe swim, and is maxing
money band over hand. This aina oi
business is one of the rottenest leatures oi
Dolitics, and it is to be regretted that we
haven't a president who is above such
The New i'ork World calls attention
to the fact that the comptroller ol the
rnrrency lor the lest three adminiatra-
uonfcbas stepped directly from me treas
ury bnildirg into the presidency of a nat
ional bank. It may ne mere coincidence
but when one bears iD mind the fact that
tbe business of the comptroller oi the cur
rency is to supeiviee the methods of nat
ional banks, and that any time he holds
tbe power to greatly aid or totally dentroy
any bank which has adopted irregular
methods, the coincidence seems at least
ather suggestive
The House that Mac Built.
The following which is appearing in
tbe Eaat originating in the New York
World has special reference to the man
ner in which the KtandarJ Oil Co.t
reaches and dictates to tbe governmen
at Washington :
John D. Rockefeller is tbe man who
ran the Trust, tbat owns the Earth,
tbat taps the oil, tbat lives in the house
tbat Mac built.
H. H Sogers is tbe man who carries
the orders of this man who runs the
Trust, tbat owns tbe Eirib. that taps
tbe Oil, tbat lives in the house that Mac
Mara Hanna it the man who gets the
orders Irom tbe man who carries them
rom the mau who runs tbe Trust, thst
wns the trth, that tap s tbe Oil, tbat
lives in 'tbe house tbat Mac built.
Lyman Gage is the man who enforces
tbe orders given by tbe man who carries
tbem from him who runs tbe Trust, that
owns the Eirth, thai tans the Oil, tba
lives in tbe house tbat Mac built.
William McKinley is the man who
Site on tba throne, who backs np tbe
man who enforces the orders given by
tbe man who carries tbem Irom him
who runs tbe Trust, tbat owns the Earth
tbat taps the Oil, tbat lives in tbe house
tbat Mac built.
Mits .Susan . Anthony is not yet too
old to have an opinion ol ber own. She
ays she thinks Roberts with two wives
is no worse than any otter man with a
Wlte and a mistress, ana tnere are pieuiy
ofthemjall around us. Mr. kobert
though should b set down on just tbe
same, and alto several other congress
men who are just as bad who are of tbe
ttrlpe mentioned by Miss Aathony. We
have them this side of Washington, and
young man who baa been looking
around says there are several in the
Willamette valley.
A National Scandal.
St. Paul. Jan 9. The feature of the
opening day of the annual session of the
rstate Agricultural society was tne aii
dress of J J Hill on "Enlarged Markets"
Mr. Hut was particularly outspoken in
hia nnnnaitinn tn ht in known u,
Hanna-Payne subside bill now pending
IU wiiki w ivi sue uwvuu aaiaia
"I cUim it would be a national scan
dal and disgrace," said Mr. Hili.
Thl is the birthday of Andrew"'Jaok-
on.hose reputation for good sense and
ahrewWes increases as the years go by.
EJThere will be the cacklliigeat lime ever
in Albany at tbe coming poultry
show. The display will be nmoli bigger
than last year.
' A Pendleton man sold eighteen, head
of beol cattle for .48 a head. The;'
averaged 1200 pounds. There is money
in meat and the niirket promises to
keep up.
The London war office ie mighty glm
when the news is anti-English. V u
miirlit as well trv to aet music out oi a
clam as the correct news out of thiit of
fice, through winch all news gee.
According to tho Portland Telegram
Congressman Tongue will not have his
own way for renomination. Bpeakerj
Carter and Senator Uiownell are both
in Ihe tield lor office. The Dkmocrat
continues its prediction that Congress
man Tongue ie slated for renomination.
A paper in Missouri is appealing to
other puusre to rise against .the trust iu
creaw of the price of white paper, de
claring that a tariff on white paper is a
tax on intelligence. That it now pay8
more than fifty per cent more foi paper
than a; ear ago, and that instead of
making profit, it will now lose money.
It declares that the trust must be busted
or the small papers. It is striking hard.
We are all getting it in the neck from
tho trusts.
The telephone company will be still
more up-to-date by the intrnductbn o.
the express system. Under this yon
simply take up the receiver without
ringing and te.l central your wants.
This will be a complete preventive of
eavesdropping on party lines and is a
fine thing generally. If it keeps on the
telephone company will do the talking
fcr its subscribers.
The new city council will meet tonight
and begin hntiness. They will have
their bauds tul! at the start.
The DiitocsAT hae been informed hy
the Census efflceat Washington, that
the cranberry intimity will reciive a
special Investigation by tbe government.
Let tbe good work go on.
Baiem is scraping her streets with a
road scraper and finishing up with hoes,
and calls it a new way. Albany did this
several weeks ago, with excellent result,
without any thought ol boaaiing ol any
thing uew, simply rejoicing that we
could get rid ol eiine ol the mud.
DThere should be several cotttges
erected in Albany lor renting purposes.
The demand is increasing and is bound
to be permanent. Tbe Okmocbat knows
ol one small house being vacated, lor
which there are Ij'ir or five applicalions
. ..,.,. '
Eugene Guard : A Yaquijuj1 Bay send
collector bas presented tbegtlaud tree,
museum a collection ol twenty seven
kinds ol sand handsomely inclosed in a
glass lube. The sand pusseeeed by the
keepers of the summer resort hotel of
Yaquina is not included in the lot. Borne
ol that sand, together wills, a sample
bill, would add grea'iy to tba interest of
tbe collection. . .
From Tne Dallas Chronicle:
The terrible tragedy which occurred
near Prineville may bear evidence of the
fact that Indians are becoming as "civ
ilized" as some of their white brothers;
but it more forcibly emphasises the
truth that the white man who sold him
the liquo' should have been One of bis
vic'.ims; also tbat the state ol Oregon is
reepoosib.e for the crime, since it refuses
to prosecute tnose who tout ueiy us
Tbis would he lap year but for the
following reason:
According to the Gregorian system, on
which our c fiendar is based, the closing
year ol a century is never a leap year un
less Itis exactly divisible hy 100. The
next leap year will be 1904, tbe last hav
ing been lS'M. Ever since 1600 tbe leap
years at the end of a century have been
separated by a gap of eight years, but
the year 2000 will interrupt the series.
"One feature of this country," sys a
Dawson man, "is the entire lack of price
basis, fluctuation being its greatest char
acteristic For example : A perton goes
to a restaurant an J esta a meal for which
be pays 1 50 Fivt or six boors lsler
be goej lo the same restaurant, duplicat
es tbe meal, and is cbsrged 12 or 12.60.
If he inquires tbe reason lor tbe raise in
prices, be is told that meat bas gone np
or tbat the Cuok struck for higher wages,
or some other Uimsy excuse."
From the E. A :
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Flory, of SodavilU,
left yesterday lor tbe Silets Indian
agency, where Mr. Flory will work aa a
. carpenter.
Miss Frances Hughes ariived here
Friday from Hollitter, Cal., to pay a
visit to ber father and friends.
J. Sherman Wallaee, the talented
Cmg preacher living below town, bas
n engaged to fill the pa'pit of the
Baptist church io this city. He preach
ed Sabbath morning and evening.
"Uncle Jacky" Scanland, father of J.
W. Scanland, will be placed in tbe coun
ty hospital on tbe poor farm this week.
The old gentleman is nearly one hundred
years old and almost belplest. He will
receive good care in the county hospital.
Prof. L. H. Baker, of this city, is being
mentioned as the nominee ol the Repub
licans lor county school superintendent.
If nominated, ne wouia make a good
! run. and it elected wouhi make a BOO.)
oiucihi. owBiu-B fin, iuug experience aa
a teacher, he terved several years
connty superintendent ol Yamhill coun
Nothing New. ' ,
Losio, Jan. 10.-The war offlee
not contributed the least irtatar n lo
n'f,? N,a ? 1 "the - sit
.i t ....i. r (), nubile nonre Itself
into a discussion of the conduct of tl
Fcutureof the Dny.
Washington, Janr 9. -The feature lot
,i i i. MimtH was the speech of
Beveridgo, of Indiana, on the Philippine
question. ;noar (rop. .
briefly to Berwridge. Although he did
not enter fully into B he merits of the
question undor discussion. He declared
that not the American opposition to the
war, but :the president's proclamation
to the Filipinos was responsible! for the
AFust Sni-H Man.
New York, Jan. 9. Terry MoClovern
tonight wreted the featherweight cham
pionship ol the world from George ;ilix
on, whs had defended it for nearly nine
years. To save Dixon Irom a knockout,
Tom O'Kourke. his manager, threw nr.
the sponge iu ihe eight round, when th
negro was ataggwring helplessly, bleed
ing and weak, but as game as a dying
Foolhth Student.
Cobvau.18, Jim. 0. It nas just leaked
out that rSnimiel Thurston, the well
known tackle in the agricultural college
football team, left Corvallis Monday
morning for South Africa to tight the
Boers. He went to Portland by boat,
and but two or three of ids most trusted
friends were aware of hie departure or
intentions. His friend say that he irj
to join a regiment now being recruited
in Canada.
White Hold Out.
London, General White still
holds out, or dul ' l0 hours ngo, when
the Boeis, onsleil in-m their foothold in
side the works, sue,,. -.l.--l their assault
at nightfall. England : t iken heart.
The situation, howovcr, ir True. The
beleaguered for must have iiH'mled
large amounts of ammunition i.i.-'i cau
not be replenished, and must have i it a
numoer of otlicers and men.
Our I'lttht.
Manila, Jan. 8. Bates ie pursuing tho
enemy in the south with vigor.
bchwan's column, moving along the
shore of Lagima de Bay, struck 800 in
surrec os under General Noriel at Binon
ihe Bth inat., and drove them westward
on Silan. Ha captured the place, Irom
which the cavalry pushed through to
Indian. Schwan captured three of Nor
tel's six pieces of artillery and will take
ihe remainder.
Railroad Vtclo-y.
Washington, Jan. 8. In an opinion
handed duwn in tiie United States su
preme court today by Justice Harlan,
the title of the Oregon & California lfail
road Company to large tracts of land in
the state of Oregon was confirmed. The
lands were granted to the railroad coin
pany years ago ; but its claims were con
tested by the government,
TruMtua Salisbury.
New Yobk, Jan. 8. A special tc tto
Herald from Washington :
It is the expectation oi the adminis
tration that Great Britain In hor answer
to Ambassador Choate'e representations
relative to the seizure of American car
goes, will indicate her general policy
with respect to neutral trade with f-outh
Africa. Having faith in Lord Salisbury
to act justly, ueil her the president nor
Secretary Hay intends to act in an un
friendly manner toward the London gov
ernment. For Alaska.
Washington, Jan. 8. The president
has created a military department, con
sisting of the territory of Alaska, and as
signed Colonel Geerge 11 liandall, Eight
United States infan ry, to its command.
'cube, snd will report here
I Alaska January io.
liandall is on duty Willi lus regimont in
en route so
Getting Whipped.
LoNiioN. Jan, 4:50 A. M. The British
public is at last lace to face with a criti
cal moment in Ihe campaign. It may
safely be said tat at no previous time
susDeuse aa will be passed through until
the arrival of further news regarding the
lae ol Ladysmiln.
The week opens with only fresh addi
ditions to the disasters that have befal
len British arms.
A rim nd LadysmitU.
London, Jnn 8. The Daily Mail has
the following, ...ited January 6.-
At 3 o'clock this morning very heavy
firing began at Ladysmllh. It lasted
fully four hours, and must have meant
either a sortie by the British or a deter
mined attack on the garrison by the Bo
ers. Uur shells cou'd be seen ailing ion
Umbtirwhna hill and the enemy were
GiUniorj All Right.
Manila. Jan. 7. Lieutenant J. C.
t Gillmore, of the United S ates gunboat
I Yorktnwn. who was captured by the in
surgents last April near Baler, on the
coast of Luzon, and rescu'd a few days
ago by Uolonel LutUer 11. Hare, .01 me
Thirty-third volunteer infantry, sat to
day in the apartment of his sitter, Mrs.
Major Price, at the Hotel Orients in Ma
nila, and told a remarkable atory of his
eight months in captivity, ending with
bis dramatic deliverance irom a death
that seemed inevitable.
The Kimucky Contest.
F'bankvobt, Jan. 7. Republican lead
ers, who are on confidential terms with
Governor Taylor intimated tonight tiiat
the republican contestees may not quit
tuff ugill iu me even iiv ivKisintufc "u
state contest board vote to seat Gocbel
as governor and the other democratic
Cold Weather
Pout Towshs.nd, Jan. 7 The steamer
Cottage City, from Lynn canal, tonight,
reports severe weather all through Alas
ka. The weather in the vicinity of Sk rig
way is exceedingly cold, and the mail
steamer A.ocking Bird, while trying to
force her way through the Ice between
live and Skagwav, stove a hole in I er
bow. She is a total wreck on the bead
Our War.
Manila, Jan. 7, 1 1 :30 P. M. Hein
iiioissance out of luius, Cavite Province,
this morning resulted In Ihe loss of three
1 Americans killed and 20 wounded. The
enemy's loss is estimated a t X) kille I and
80 wovnded.
Linn Co. Council P. of B.
The year 1900 opens auspiciously for
he g'ango Interests in unn county nu
Tangent grange hall was well filled with
leading grangers Saturday, Jan. 6.
Granges represented were Falrmount,
Grand Prairie, Harmony, Helsey, Ouk-
plaln, Sand Hldge aim langeui.
President Scott presided.
Minutes were read by the secretary,
H. C. Powell, and being approved the
council proceeded to the oleotion of olll
cora as followB :
President, O. L. Shaw.
Vice president, A.JBIovlns.
Secretary, C. W. Wallace.
Chaplain, O. H. Walker. .
Treasurer, Perry Parker.
Gate keeper, J. Clem.
Trustees, J. W. Swank and J. h. Owen-
b3Tho noon tide hour was very pleasant
ly spout in feasting and exchange of Ira
ternnl greeting. Tangent provided one
of its best dinners.
The following were selected for discus
sion at the next meeting which will be
with Halsoy grange.
1st. Kesolved. that in the inltintlvo
reforndum and the imperative mandate,
l; i, !,, nf th liilKirinir classes ol our
country, in securing needed reforms and
thelniliiiBtraiion ol justice. Leaders,
H. M. Palnisr, J. Clem ami J. n. boom.
2nd. Is corporal punishment neces
sary in the training oi cniiumu .-
era. Mrs. M.J. Morris, M
Holmes and
Clara Swank.
Some important business ma Iters wore
brought before the council, bu decided
action was postponed until the next
meeting. ,
State Master Hllleiuy was.present and
gave a very interesting account ol his
trip eait to attend the National Grange
that meat at Springfield, Ohio, Nov. 15.
T.... nn,raa, hutaMii r the nroflts per
acre from the wheat Holds of Oregnn.and
the corn fielus of JSebraaua anu io,
put Oregon in the lead ol at least Iowa
this year.
Owing to the lateness tl the hour the
subject given out at tho previous meet
ing wore not taken up in regular Mm
(or discussion.
C W. Wa'laco was chosen as press
correspondent, and so after more than
two years ol pleasant service, and that
we trust has been holnlul towards the
tuibuiling ol the grange intoresls, we bid
adieu lo all, bespetking lor our successor
a cordiul recuptiou Irom a gem-rous pub
lic. w G
-en Cur Coirttlpntlon omv.
Tulto marnreln Cnmlv Cathartic llta orSSa
II C C. U lull lo cur" ruu''-t roruml mono.
The registration ol voters has begun
Iwlore the county clerk. It is quite a
red tape act. One ha- to sign ones nnuic
twice and swear to several important
W. W.Crawfurd was the first man
who registered. .
The loliowing, who have registered so
far. gives a simple of what a man gives
awav when he reiiatera :
Tallman W W Urawioru, lariner,
ago! 42, native ol Oregon.
West Albany 8 A Landis, agent, aged
51, native ol Indiana ; EE Montague,
bookkeeper, aged 3H, nouve oi uregon ;
N UnmiH Nownort. attorney, aged 86,
native ol Missouri; Lee Wallace, teach
es, aged 3H, native ol New York ; G W
Wright, attorney, aged mi, native oi mw-
eourij John (Jatlin, laoorer, ngeu ui., na
tive ol Oregon ; V P Nutting, editor, aged
43, native ol Hew 1 one.
East Albany A S Mc Donald, school
suiierintendont, aged 311, native ol 111 ; J
A Finch, lawyer, aged 20, native ol
Iowa; T Zininu rinan, student, aged 21,
native ol Penn.
liesides the above, ones street location
is given.
Faber & Neis Beatem.
One of the decisions handed down
by the supreme court yesterday was the
following as stated bv the Statesman:
Faber & Noie, respondent, vt. K
llougham, appellant ; ap eul (row Ma
Hon. Georue tl. Burnett,
judge; reversed and remanded lor a new
trial. Opinion by Associate Justice K.
S. Bean.
This was an action to recover damages
lur the hreaeh of a written contract
made on September 9, 189U, whereby the
defendant agreed lo sell anu deliver to
the plaintiffs.alier they were picneo anu
h.L.l 1 4 noo njunde of lions then grow
ing on hie farm, lor which plaintiffs
agreed to pay 6 cents pr pound, $1 of
which was paid when the contract was
signed ;S!4 cents a pound were to be
paid at the time ol picking Ihe hops, or
about September loth, and the balance
on delivery and acceptance The plain-
lifls allege that alter me romrrici w
made, a mutual agreement was enlered
into, that Ihe 3! cerls a pound ihoolil
be paid at the rtani ol Woodhurn, ami
aver full erforuiancr ol t a contract as
modified hut the defendant icfueed tc
deliver the hops as agreed, lo the alleied
damage. 10 plaintifl, in ll eatim ol $1200.
Kor the plaintiffs 10 recover it is neces
sary for tbem to allege and prove per
formance or its equivalent on I heir pari,
and a failure ol Ihe defendant lo return
tbe amount rect ived i no excuee tor the
non-performance, whalever mav be the
plaintiffs' right in rome other form of
action. The case is, therefore, reversed
and remandeJ lor a new trial
m . - fcsi
ID.WiO llluatraUonr,
' (iis u sli Saiifi u i nfMt
U.a, Cl.
IMh !..
'Tr'L'- 'h iiiS 31 ntmd.rr.,lpiorrk.--V.-.,hln.ln
.AU.t.oMl.l ,...l.-o,,,.IMnK III""-"'"'
Weoi.ulrtituou, thnuaml'irhntlrntrw-t..
In tbe oiunty court bills were allowed
at follows.
Geo Henthaw. railroads and
Hopkins Hros, OH
" " fV
EL Lewis, OH
F MiFrench, freight
John Oatlin, jahitor
U A Vul. atminaranher. . . .
2 00
4 96
8 39
60 00
47 50
6 00
40 15
John MoKeroher, roads and
bridges J2 8!
Mrs S A Hughes, roads Z
Petition lor bridge at Mlnio was con
Recorder's court.
Deed, U W Fisher to L Foley, 40
acres . . . ; -J 1B0
Deed, E W l.aogilon, trustee, lo 0
K Loveall, 21.14 acres, 12 w 2... 200
Deed, H J Downing to O A Smith,
16 acre. 225
Deed, Bbermsn Stroup to M V
Spreugtr. '& acres, 14 w 2 . 02
Pateat, 0 S to Irene Clinton.doted
. ...... . r. l I.. 4
Jan si, 1HBU ion oores, w . .
Mortgage for
In circuit court:
Paine Knliloaeer ant Kin II V Deeiner.
Judge Boise rendered decree In Invor of
he plalulltr ordering cioun on trie iu ue
New names in the register stiw that
Gnle Hill is a law student 2H years of
sge, native ol Oregon ; Fred Dawson a
a druggie', ,12 years of age, native of Eng-; Henry A (.emenger, a uentist, 04
years ol age, native ol Illl iole; Jerome
Williams, egU V, a oar tenner, uauve
ol Oregon; John Kustell Wyatt, an at
torney, HI years out, UAiive 01 uregon;
tl. r Morrill, insurance anu nn agont,
age 45, tint I ve of New Yora; Geo liete
endorlor, hotel man. aged 41, native ol
Washington ; U SOX, attorney, sgeu
25, naiive ol Oregon.
It makes no difference now hart th
wound if you use He Witt's Witoh Hase
Salve; it will quickly heal and leave no
scar. Foshay H Mnenn.
G. W. hunt, who came up from Port
land today, is of the opinion that the
wheat price will Improve, Without go
ing into the vaiiouseleirenlsupon which
he builds his hone, and good reason for
its existence, lie believes developments
in Iha immediate in I lire will nrove the
correctness of his opinion. Pendleton
E. O. Mr. limit is a lormer u. r. con
Arrangements are beiug made for a
hiir excursion party to Corvallis next
Fiidav nulla, when the Indoor Usee Ball
team and liie College Basket Hall club
will iro ihere to nl.iv the indoor bate ball
club anil the basket nail club of tho O.
A.C. st the college. A special tram
will leave Albany at 11:30 o'clock, and
return immediately after the games are
finished, liutind trip 50 cents.
Twontv-two railwav mail clorks now
run Into Ashland and the postal depart
ment is arranging (or an olhce and gen
eral headquarters tor the hoya In this
city, to lie outfitted and equipped and
supplied with a jiultor, ill at the ex
pense of the department. The nisil
clerks sre lookilig around for ronvenlent
ly located rooms. The department will
soon put a mall car on the night trains
between Grants Pass and Jlunainuir,
which will increase (lie number of mail
clerks in Ashland to SO. Valley Record.
Statistical exhibit of the atrentb of the
volunteer forced called Into service dur
ing the war with Spain, with hates, Irom
II : The volunteer force consist
ed of 1017 1. (lice s and 2111,218 enlisted
man, a total ol 223,2.15 who were engaged
in the war. The deaths numbered MH
otlicers and 435(1 men. During the war
1 1 volunteer otlicers and lour officers of
t oe regnlar army holding volunteor com
missions were killed in action; three
died Irom wounds, 119 Irom disease and
enrbt Irom other causes Of the enlist
ed, 19 were killed in action, 78 others
died from wounds received and 3729
Irom disease.
London, Jan. lo, There is rumor of a
j big battle in the Transval. The repot Is
have n alnrially affected stocks, demor
alising the market.
Washington, Jan. 10. Hoar In a tpec
Inl advises that Deaey control the Phil
ippines, organ King a guvernnientand
the 1 giv the Filipinos lull control.
Lotion, Jan. 9. The Biitish Buttle"
hip Vesta find on Dutch cruiser near
DelagoBay killing one officer. It is be
lieved may result in trouble.
Wasiunuton, Jan. 9. Gen, SbUter
mints $1000 to Corh:n lor the Lawton
fund Irom Pacific coast douatinn.
London, Jim, 8. There is a runio
here that lluller has succeeded iu cross
ing the Tagula and is marching to the
relief of Lidysinltli.
Wasiunuton, Jan. 8. Senator Petti
rrevt to.iay offered a resolvtion authoriz
ing the government ol the United States
to medhitn in the war between the Boers
and Briiiih with a view to securing
Poktlani), Jan. 8. The transport
Lennox is reported on the way to this
city with another load of horses for the
government service.
CAiaiOUUC ,!," nuiHover iOO.000 quoulli
Mtt THt tewiiTwasauiiesioaas fjfiiiijps
tuaki, Ur.... Bt.ud Mm, "uki'"WJ5?'
uS iurtwltriuriUrAlrt hum"
to Lus. nl will pr.vl Sim from or.rchr w jw "
ST..U"?it? srsrlrs 'uuiu.S"Tuti.,l w-ncitoun
yUtt FHfcc Jrrc.rt. .m, i& mu ".,u"'C,I'k
t.i.; u.v n... a, Mint. ,H t.u,i .mi ib. si iuk win i ...1 1 wf
you wiiil, o ky lo (hi, lowo.1 wlit.ll lrl" ol ruuul, "
o inl -IU l.ll.lj nlu IMr IS p ATAimil'Ki
WHAT TIIK I'llKHM .AIM AHOI T Till" ATA1 ""i.;-' ,
1. mo lumiut oi bualiua. mlomiUoB."-Mlii'"'.io"" Mlii.l
'i'.lYrit 4 V." " I. liert.i il.-" -p... "'"'V
1 ' , J?Llin Ann II LINOI8. U. & At
(Inc.), CHICAGO, IkklNOId, u. a. ru