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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1899)
Clu Miva IUT8n.-Vfw.kly " i)w.ocit (nd Examiner 2.60 adThrlca-week World 12.00; ana tepuu v V" , " ,i!n.2.25 and San fesc icj . w Call 2.00;aud Salem W-UJ Jurtl SQ0 . -. ., ivt;i. nrvrt ' L.BD .tr. N H. stys. "On? Mtoa Oough Csre it the be.t remedy for croup i ever . -.. t ..j.., imIUivm and cures ' Mtl. lulluwa" -- COUgbS. COlde, croup, Mthn. MMMOUI, . i .1 ihMkt and limn brononi'ia, n'lft" -.. n - ."...i,,., If nramnta consumption, For salt by Foshay Mason. - "Iliad dyspepsia fiftyevea years anu never found permanent J K.edo4 Dyspepsia Cure. No l am well nd . like a new man," writes S J pfl.l- Murray. Neb. It if th bast . SCitTat io. Cun a.l form, ot - . !.,.:.-...." .AWta. annually I illnnm who in " ' . destroys thousands of peop icy cored by One Minute Cough Cure, Foshay & Mason. Ha tamed with disgust from. ,H. ffiri -itn an offensive bieath. SteoTCPf FtTaale by Foshay Mason. - .... .., fanderaessorrullness Tbit ar poop ..I wouldn't'bewDeW iHU Jgk for pile. cuts, burnt no bf ks. B9 wmo of counterfeits, tor sale ty o. hay Mason. - CASTOR I A ... . II. lime RlffiflM I ina Kiaa lea mh -" A - Bears the r V ! m i f T-Co(U4 - eiga&tuxe of ' SOUTH and EAST -vu- SOUTHERN PACIFIC rwland-Soath Bound , VnrtUni r i leaves 10:43 p m Arrives Albany i0 ur0 p m Leaves Albany...."- 8:15 pn Arrives San Francisco........ V North Bonnd Leaves San Francisco Arrives Albany Eeavea Albany 84)5 pn , 6 38 a m , 5:43 a en 9:15 am Arrives rorv ... c-.r.-a South Bound. vfcmorui 8-0a Leaves Tortlana 12 :10 m Arrives A. bany... "i230 p m Oregon Expre-NorthBound. Uaves San Francisco. p m Arrives Albany ....., Leaves Albany.. 7 :00 p m Arrives Portland r ' . r .77 ... 8:10 am - - a A imnT IUI . a rtrt . irriva at Albauy d m ' Ttructing the eihansted digestive or- rvallhany SS'gnM- ltisthelattdisoovereddigMV alranv ;biDa' P'nt ckeund rates eall on For through tickew an of or address -SligV&Co's office, (5 B. W inn at Wells, t argo w Aiba-y.Or. ch.MaRKHAM, t.W&. G-or5.PndV QRTHERtl ill 3 PAC!FIGBJi Pullman Sleeping Oars, FlRsrantDiniag Oars, Minneapolis Dulntb Fargo, Brand Forks Crookston Winnipeg Helens and to Bntte TtrO'JGH TICKE's 1 TO Chicago KiUadefpbi iewHork Roeton and a.. P wsrkdts to Japan an! Oh na, vis American . F'F1? K'ir witf 0G BorSbart Pass as TERMS. aAUV Disk v at, 5 o nts per month 3.00 per yea. .in ad vane. S0o permonth not in advanoe. By carrier, 10oji week. 10 per cent added it allowed to ranoTer months. Biugi copies oo. Wuilt, II. SO in ad? anoej ei.ou at $5.00. Change of Tint t.i n.. ut. the O. R. A S UIKluiiiui . will run their SPOKAMS W.llal. and he 8. R. V. R. t Tratn No. . will leave P0"1?,!1 1:45?:ra1n arriving at Spokane at T:IU. Train aud arrrve ai rrM-- ; Inconnecuon wuu "v" IhA f ri.- K . W," I rt t XT .li nut nn k DlinL" gsrUaiOeavioiD walla waua anw p. w 4 fmm ran una nauuim wiiu r . o .,n . .rrisincr at Walla Walla at 1 :20 a. m. ana fy . Young Mothers. -t ttmnunda of andlrenUyl.UU bhiloh J Scinch of K h r knownto fail. The worst cases re- T:"i t Prices 20 CIS,, ana 60 ctt. and $1.00. . Fee sale by Foahay A Mason. the corse of overworked womanWnd.are quickly and surely curea ot " ; Root Tea, the great blood purifier and satiafactorv. Price, 2a eta. and 60 eta. For sale by Foshay A Mason. TICKETS "'. ' Toallpoirts East via Gret-t Northern Railway. For rates, ft tdera and full infotmaUon eall or address H. r. suunx, Agent Albanv Beawtr ! Bloo Deep. Clean blood means a clean akin. No beauty without it. CaeeareU, Candy tathar tic clean your blood and keep rt clean, oy stirring up the laiy .liver and driving all urn purities from the body. Begin today to bauish pimplea, boila, blotche, blackbeada, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascareta, beouty for ten cents. All drug guU, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, SUC. Geo Nolan, Rockland, O , aayt. My DeWitfs It is the ;Wife nad pim forty years. Wifyh Haiel Salve cored ber. j;K .alvA in America It hals every- thing and cures all diseases tor sale ty Foshay & Mason. An Important Difference. To make it apparent to thousands, who think themselves ill. that they are not af flicted with any aiseaae, out wi mo ik nAm iaanflincp. il to DTI Off i comfort home to their hearts, as a costive cTnditionii easily cored by using Syrup i of Fig. Mannfactared by the UaUtornia ! Fig 8rop Co. only, and sold by all drug 'giste. Albany Market. Wheat 42 nt. Oats 27. Eggs 27 fwnta. Better 1& to 17 eents. Potatoes 30 cents. Hams 15 oati. Sides 10 cents. ShonWer8 cents. P 1 V. Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Ii artificially digests the food ana ldi F 1LU1D IU DUIVUftvuvviMfe - can approach it in efficiency, as in stantly relieves and permanently cures rtwanonai TnAtrestion. Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Btomacn, Uauseal SickHeadache,Gastialglfc,Cramps,ano all other results of iroperfectdlgestioa. rpared bv E- C DWI-: A Co. Coleaao. For sale by Fotihay ft Mason. OREGON YIAVI COMPANY Cor. Morrison A Park Sta. LEWIS BUILDING. Fort land - Oregou i '.V V I r C", Second St naar La street, Albany. Hells Chi , rt.l,iiu. Jii!4S rica, Chinese Hail I n ,t rtil- K.O.T.M. very Siturdny erening at K. O. T. H til Visitin KniirhU invited. tJ W (K)FFOommander. 00R CAPACITY la Unequaled In the Valley. OUKWORK Is Unaurpai In Oregon. tH have tlie best stock rt years 11.15 for teoond years 2.W for Uiird and preoaediag years, when not paw in advance. Club of five " subscribers select from and our price To always the lowest, quality considered SMILEY, AiiMny. ThePr;.tter CATARRH OF THE STOMACH Is a chronic dtnase. Thsra Is as taflaasta ttonol the lBMreoatlng el the stomach, A thick, ropy aueaa terns sad this cauMt ths mors preaounosd (rmpiomL it ismalns la ths stomach and dsoomMMS. Thin. ot Muns. dlgasttea eta- not as propwly psrform. d. The irsat wgoUbls rsnsdy MVDTAH uiw tails to affKl a curs. BUDYAI oaa be had at all drat gists tor 60c pi .nk.a. Sftnrfv Mil . CJtnpt mhi crtully trom UU chart. Eaohanm. her rvprsMntt a symptom or a group et symp toms. Tou have ths tymptema. Vis Bl'n- TA N and thsy wilt dluppaar. THE SYMPTOMS ARE: 1. BILIOrrs HSADAOHB. This Is mors pronoancsd la ths morning HUD- TAN wlU rallsvs ths hMdachs. nun awti wiTrnv HUDYAN will eaust ths rsdnsas to dUss- sppaar ana mass tas syss sssuma tasir Br mai, Bsaitay appcaranes. 4. OOATKS TONOtTB AHD VOB. TID B HI ATS AND BAD TASTX IN TBI MOUTH. HUDYAN wlU etow ths tongue, make ths bnath purs and swsst and eauss th bad tatts to disappear, g. FAXir AND TEKDEHNKSS IN THS STOMACH. This Is due to ladtftfr vbyan will canM the reoa to m- eoas ptrtsctly dtseaud and ths pala sad teadaraMt will dlsappaar. . KHLABOKMBNT OF TBI t trr-m s, unnvAH will Imh Uumuim. Hon and reduce ths snlarged Uvw to lis nor- isl sua. VDViN will rllT von et ths above symptoms and make yon wau. So not delay. Oe to your dratftal at ones and procure a ... .1.. - urnvlM tfi Utat a S Amv I4U It yoar druggist does not kssp It, ssnd dlrsct to ths BFOYAM BMEDf COIfAKT, But mnclsoo, Cal and thsy will sand It to yon. You can coniult tbs great BVDYAN DOCTORS) raSK. . Do not lorgvt thai. Call and sea them If you wUh. Yon may eall and see thsm, or writ, sa yon desire, Address HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, Car. tlMlrtM, MarhM sad Ellis Sis, In Ffwliii, Cel. foshay k mm Wholesale A Retail DRTJ33IST3 4HD BOOKSSUPb 4LBASTV. OBEOON Pnr Drags and th finest and Largest 8to-.k of Stationary and Books n the Market. CIX PERCENT LOAN8. I have a if monev to lost, on Olimited amount ot firxL-rladM farm aMttrlt or Imnraved business property in Albany. Interest six per cent for particulars call ou or uui crsyo H. F. MaftBtu., Democrat building. Aioaoy, vregoo ADMIKISTRUOH NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned has been duly ap nninfed br the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, as the administrator of the estate ot u A uavis, oecewea.- aw and a!l persons hav off claims axainst said estate are hereby notified to present the ma dnl verifigj as bv Isw reauired. to the undersigned at Harrisburg, Oregon, within hi montns from ue uate oereoi . Datel this Bin day or novemoer, icw . EE Davis. Gcs Akk Davis, Administrators. Wkatbi efocd A Wtatt, Atty' f r Adinr's. iTREcT RAILWAY NOTICE. ra.. AM tV.a. A IKanr RrP( Raii X Ut3 UIUIUI VU a-W ; will connect prompty with all trains to from lte depot, oar ana :-i .1.. Ill lu. narla at tlaV-i rates. ' .... K. MOCBK,. 1 fi mi 1Tf BIGGIE BOOKS I Af-rJVy .1 yfgjf y (OU, No. 4 BIOOLE COW BOOK are Having c.ii. CBick'en. .. 1,1 Any ONE of the BIGGLB a YEARS (rIbff,,9M' " wul " fo UARM JOUaI circular deriblnf BIOOLE BOOK free, WTLMSB ATKTtTSOW. ckas. w. laaaufs. I ALBANY m -OFFERS A High-Grade College Education To every boy lbs ambition The course is complete, and embraces the LANGUAGES, SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS, HISTORY ENGLISH AND ELECTIVE83 i 0 Th Normal Court leads op to a STATE DIPLOMA, and tbs Commercial Course has now become a Business College Kmisl toanvthlnfflutbeStat. Now illustrated catalogue. Board at tbs Students Club at actual cost Albany, Oregon. a. W. H, COLLEGE f. H. mm, Mai. Doo Wrectop. AiMMtata Plan. Litest Methols. Full IsMosio'rian, Organ. Volo. Italian Slngint, Violin. Hand Instruments, Harmony, Counterpoint, Fugo and higher Mualoal Composition, sto. u.i.i.. i. ii. .. ,! rvinntarnnlnt elvan bv (JorresDondenca . New Method of Normal Training in teaching In Klnln a MTilal.tal KJuflatlOn. A wtdaw slxty-alfrbt yaars old flTia i ii iimi nil r ImublMl with u d, llrtnt to ! iMlntfiB bar ltvar. Up lo laat Joaa L bid bava traataii ha bad ralarrb ot tha atomanlii aoniW ' SI fs ! mil pMmUii !?';! P if t . i it j jp- a . r At? w a .r r i. uii ivi aooiks wtUwul swd raaulla. At Uaxim tha paina a-ara ao aurara that byaaiinto toto'"ai af morphtoa acrr reanrtad to. Tha wttlvnt aratglwd 10 poauUj as eeraS'lrtai roa aVrara, aod had ary liula acpatita. Karty lo Jnoa a Mtvhbur to1acad bar to ary Ulpaaa Tahal. Atxt uateg thai soavks tha pnloa and bawling of tba wawianh aa4 aolM aaaaad aa4 aaaaaantlralii liv?paarad. ThapaHaat bad araatlcaJly lauevawd by l)iiba ttta. Sua Ba4 aalaad alavaw pauada, and could eat ballad baaaa, assent Mhai Saibaa, wiUaaai IB assMbaa w9imlaa,(WIUkaaminrlMlMll SaSSaaaaatSaa attea.itt. m,m ijaaiwaanM MMllaartaMta m mm, mmw h hrf a tnnWi mm mtm afllbia ft mil ft iH MUa at a .mi aaMaTialaatoajSB,, ta.BaairHa.aa laat HAIR SWITCH 65 CENTS. Ml UU Ht. uu limiit MaaHb aar tairu (na OSO SS.tS, tM aiMltf iMaMiaftwliM(.Iawa.aa. minngFFR' Cat ml a4 aad tvaS amul of Ut. MM. AM wuiUhI. a4 u It Mlu hu tha root u poMlbl,lMioia asr ftpMtei ftM . u4 S na Mm M par lona, ait4 UI a MMa M muTm? M, .Ml mm to roa by, postpaid. and If roa a fa aol paffactla aaiat-tad. ratorti uaadwa wlli Immartuuty Aw la. Is. lono. luna atam. Mol abort atam. MM aoa.ftt.ln.loBC. bortaaam. SI. SSI Ivoa. It-la, lotin. abort .tarn, S!.SO . fM-la. k)n,ahnrtata, aa.SSI at-la. ' " iloM.abort.tam, aS.SS. aSSta . , i -a ota WORK th hUhaaS grail Li I f "g a i a. I DnWMianiMlM taaal pi ? '-uZ artaaa. laar Bjaaa? rauwaa If aa oa tha m aa,aat ,.' " 1 Staaaa. rrl llalrtlo vy s?rs. Will. t Vim Cataioatia off uoooA. Aodraaa. aa aaeDllpa a. aft rlaa t(tHljaHA. - m o an. RVKOwvn ai w"'-ww (Baan, BaaLsa Ji la. ana laaraaratr lill.n. HBaM A Farm Library of unequalled jalue-PracMcal. ijD-to-date, ConclM and Comprehensive-Hand-somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated. By JACOB DIOOLB No. l-BIOOLE MORSE BOOK All about Horata-a Common-Strnae Treatise, with over UluUaUon; a standard work. 1-rlut, s CenW. N0.3-BI00LE BERRY BOOK atiahnot arowiaa Small Frulta read and learn bow; t4fTd li1ik. reprodoctionaof all .dmg arietica aud loo other lllualrationa. rilea, joCcala. .. n,nni B rvTVI II TDV RiVtK AlUbout Foultry i the beat Poultry Book to iilaeW-thitia wlthjt colored lie ltkerfjroducttoos of SflS. CiiSpaT breVd.; with loj oUitr IhuatrstivBS. All aoout i.owt am toe iai t Zi ZZZr.H mlc; contain. S eolorrl Hfe-1 k "P"'r'ci breed, with I j other IlluaUatkma. frtce, jo Cenia. No. 6-BKWLB SWINE B0OK Tint out. All aoout noga "".,.r !,;. cry, Diaeax. etc Contains orer 4o beautiful balf- cvKiiaaoiiici ti.iu. i- V Tie BIOOLE BOOKS are unlque.orlo1nl,tieful-yu never V ..wanrthtag liktbemml.' They an enormou ai.i". , .h. keen a Horae. Cow, Hog or or grow. Small Fruits, might to send right ,ha HIUCH.P. BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL Is roar paper, mad for yoo and not a mlaEt. nn oldTtt U the grt boiledKlown. hlMhallbeead, quilafterouiaveaidt. Farm and H",br?i1tid,Ilea fh iwavUlhs .b imeper Ot aAIIaOKwaawlAlgJ vvta sa iuuiivu - BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL Address, aTAaua tnruncil. fHII.ADBI.raiA COLLEGE THOROUGH and girl that hag to attain one. price. Far particulars writ WALLACE HOWE LEE, President OF MUSIC AND ART. MRS. J. H. BROWN Principal or Art Oours given in th Prinolpal Branch! of PUoe. Young Teachers gWen work to Yark Olty.had hM daaSM kw ati rlahi aMa. wulrh imait to sa aaaaai by a aambar of pajnartoaa, aoa a taas atalad that It was orttlnarr drapanaa, Corralli. Bailroai. TIME CARD. No,2ForYiolnt Tram leaves aicaur - k Da Carval1 his. . . 1 :M p. m. 7;2o p. m. arrive Y equina. No. 1 Returning s a.A . . Lesve Ysquioa - Corvslli lltdOa. m. Arrival AlbsDV 12:15 P- m' vi. a vr natroitt w. --------- a.Aft an leaves Albany - ArrlM WetrO t HidO . tOt ?. A U.tnrnlnfft a a.-.---7- 10.0A r m. v . . . a a w.rrniE ............aai a. -- ajwaaoa- w. -------- - - alhan OI49P. 01. ami" .... , . . .nnnant at Albany and s in as atni l a, s u ,w mmmmww - SRSr dlmt serVlti "in aud from N.w- P0" 'i0" f uj:riu" nT.Tn. arrive at Do- trolt at noon, giving amp. tim o reach camping grounos on!Bt J. Tdi Ajent, Albany. WORLD NEW Thrlce-a-Week Kdlllon 18 Page a Week . . .' . , . 186 Paper a Yeai For One Dollar bllsbede vary HerwatoBay sxeepl TheTbrice-a-Week Edition of Tbi Nw Yoke Woo ijBrst among papers in size. "!"."nJ-;.rlflt, and the Hesnt-w., .. & Eastern itscor.tents. it nay an . do,i. . h. nrina Ot a noua ST lUpoliticalnew. is prompt PATEtlTSrSar ADVICE At TO PATENTABILTI l It, NoUce In " Inrentlva Age " El 1 1 1" 1 Book'Uow to obtain PaumU" 1 1 ia i OMrjaa modaroto. No fti .till patent ll isaro" littoraitrictlyoonfldentlal. Addreaa. E 07I6GERS. Patant tstqsr, WssWngteB, P. ssawassssanaasssaiawawawwasai"aB"w K;,t hitWgiJ Mall Mail Worth, Ot i B 9 Obloago and KasU 8pok.n Wall W., g; lsl0Dm VaU.0hUr. East. OOBAN BTBAM8UIPB For Ban Franclsco Sall very fly 8pm VnT WILLimRI; W0B a WILLAMmKAND StSOp Montis aesday, YAMt -w . Thnrs.. - IIILV. aRI w vr v ' B1l Hal and Bat. and Wyi.euua. ... nlV. 4 -.flO D e a m , j a Oorvalli res.Uy Tuesday Portland to Uorvm Tbnr., ma w.y-- udba . f Anlato Lv Riparla niVEK r & RT;." t W.H.UURLBURT. usn. i a. bawunos l'Oria A gnt Albany. 1KB 800 PACIFIC UHE. pninis sno r.'" - , A fcjTSCENKRV to America. Ti.M..ahflrtcla.lel, n1 WJn" cats from co al to PAUL Without Change. Boyal Mail SttiJ Uw CBIII. JWAHimiiDSMlU pat fall information retarding rains etc apply to. btkELE. II. Ha ABBOTT. ' Albany, Or. " a.cnt Portland, Or. E.J.OOYLB. i O. A.u. r. . " ----1 LEGIOIREj Albany W R miyaUiFpabar A Mason btecti U BryanuP O block. . Anderson Cannon, PO block, JN Duncan. PO bloek. T P Hackleman, Pearr Dloca . i Jrt.. H 11 Hwltt. P 0 blck. WL HTtfontanv. Pearc blockf J C Powell, ry ui. ffgEBoa.PObUxk. , I IL U bwann, p .,- 1 'ho Watson, bank building. . Weatherford A Wyatt. Bauk nltdiuf Whitney & Nwport,Culck block. G W Wright, PO block. l.cbanon. PM Garland. . Brownsville A A Tossing. SclO. TJ Wilson flltMT PaATlssaa. t ...... LrXI!i TOUNO ffaaldaat. ,, fie rraawaat A, W. LAMBOH aatuti.- i Vrw iCTa fSii I RALbIokia,lbaaSi ahMr...- ACCOUNTS "Whjatna.---OUT10BANOa ""''Xlo aadlflas Wa' . a a. ..Ba Haw iq"B aaa . - -, H0TI0SI tkD9'"U' .of. ru. a arfaiw "'" "' , -,i.. ol JCatnatsandTraile rVolUnM and all Pat laat bn.luco?uucv Miwvi..-. " - r "V"-- ... .v. iLii b tiUU iUlSaA WW-"" " :. a As 8NOY & CO. Oa. PaTtarr Orrio ' wf "V ' ajaar.-.fra. ; ttcffiSS.' Gen Uacd